Choice Trackz

It's time to pick a number from the top 100 charts and this time around it's all smooth sailing! 

What is Choice Trackz?

The Ultimate playlist podcast full of Choice Trackz. Side A is the weekly theme of the episode and Side B is a full album review.

Taj Williams (00:44.461)
Welcome back to the Ultimate Playlist podcast for Troye's Tracks. I'm Taj.

Damon (00:50.479)
I'm Damon.

DW (00:51.932)
And I'm Dietrich.

Taj Williams (00:54.321)

Damon (00:54.501)
the South's a sad eater.

DW (01:00.419)
I don't know. I'm just out there today. Yeah, I'm in a somber mood. I feel like I'm seasick.

Taj Williams (01:03.951)
You're just out there. We'll see land again. I promise. You're seasick.

Damon (01:13.103)
I'm right there with you, We're there together. We are, but we're not. We're virtually together.

Taj Williams (01:16.302)

DW (01:16.914)

Are you gonna love me like a sailor? shucks.

Taj Williams (01:22.137)

Damon (01:22.705)
Probably not, man. Probably not.

Taj Williams (01:28.85)
So you're probably wondering what we're doing here today, folks. This is our fourth type of episode where what we're going to do pretty much once a month when we get to the fourth episode is we're going to use some of those classic bones, some dice and determine a random song to pick to listen to. So we're going to pull it off of the Billboard chart 100.

DW (01:29.159)

Taj Williams (01:54.823)
So this time around, we actually rolled the dice and we're going deep into the ocean and we landed on number 98. And so the song that is on number 98 at this time of the recording is by Gigi Perez and it's called Sailor Song.

Taj Williams (02:26.609)
So that's Gigi Perez. So it reminds me of kind of like a 2000s song, real simple, you know, guitar, vocals, not a lot of production on it. And so the music video is interesting. The other thing is on YouTube, there's a lot of videos on like how to play the song on the guitar or a lot of like different YouTube artists, like trying to sing the song.

And I think it just speaks to the, you know, good lyrics and the simple melody of the guitar that, and I think that's why it landed on the charts, but near the bottom. So I think it has enough legs to get on the charts, but I'm not sure if it will climb higher. But what did you guys think? it, do you think it was worthy of being there? Did you enjoy it somewhat?

DW (03:24.146)
So I actually thought it was a great song. Haven't been on the charts very long. You know, as far as moving up the ladder, I could see it going up a little bit more. It is pretty much like a summer ballad, so to speak, right? You're talking about love, however you view love, it's love within its own nature. She definitely has one of those candid sounds, like you said, from like early 2000s.

So really that's the studio production in it, which doesn't seem like it's a lot, but it does add layers to what's there, almost like a beach house sound, you know? And that for me is like, that's all I need, really, truly. You don't need a whole big production in order for a song to really capture you in a certain way or tone. And...

the melodic tones that are kicking off here is just one good reason why we need songs like this in the world. Not everything has to have a $500 ,000 budget to it. You know what saying? So it's definitely one of those you can sit down and listen to at a campfire. You can play in the background while you're at a music festival. You can go to see her play in a lawn. I could see her playing and stuff.

Taj Williams (04:29.487)

DW (04:46.954)
and like everybody would just be in a chill vibe and it would just be like the best time ever type shit you know so for me this is definitely one of those songs that almost marks like the end of summer for me in that situation and i hate to say that but you know that's that's just the way the cookie crumbles and for us in texas it doesn't get any colder i mean literally we're gonna be in 90s when it comes to christmas but you know right now

Taj Williams (05:00.625)

Taj Williams (05:11.611)

DW (05:15.774)
You it does mark the end of that term and fall starts to kick in and you you start to think about the love that you had. of like the last, you know, session where we talking about Ben & Blanco and talking about certain songs that kind of put you in the mood with things. This is one of those songs that puts you in the mood of like a love in a hostile area.

So to speak and especially in references to the sailors because you're you're always out on sea But you make sure that the chance you get you come home to kiss the one that you love and and explore that love in that type of situation and like they long yearning for somebody and That's what I got about it a song. So then what you think about it

Damon (06:00.605)
Go ahead, Sarge.

Taj Williams (06:01.861)
No, I was going to say as far as the end of summer, I kind of agree with that because the imagery on the music videos is like a lot of sunsets, but everything else is in silhouette, like all the trees, the people, like they're in silhouettes. You can't see detail. So it very I think that music pulls it out very much. So go ahead, David. Just want to throw in that artistic tidbit.

DW (06:12.518)

DW (06:18.686)

Damon (06:29.559)
Well, that's good. Yeah, I think that she's a pretty good artist. She sounds like other artists. I had never heard of her before. don't think I her. I don't remember hearing it like on the radio, but like I like the vibe for it. And yeah, Beach House. Dietrich, that was a good...

you know, representation of what this could be like for sure.

DW (07:02.268)

Damon (07:05.019)
Yeah, it's like the...

Took a love song. It's whatever, whatever you want to make it. But yeah, I think, I think Gigi's singing about like relationships and situations and yeah, it does kind of sound like summer. So.

Damon (07:23.845)
We all agree. just, we dis -randomized the, the pick. like, yeah, hopefully like all of our picks from the chart will come out like, you know, good. But the thing I like about that too is like, I had never heard the SARS before. And so it's showing me new music. You know, the, I think the last time I would have, like the, you remember the Casey Kasem, top

Taj Williams (07:25.799)

Taj Williams (07:32.71)

DW (07:48.648)
Mm -hmm.

Damon (07:49.415)
40 or whatever they I used to listen to that all the time when I was a kid or in high school on the radio and stuff and didn't have like all this internet going on. So this is kind of fun to be able to just randomize and then pick stuff from that. We don't have a case case anymore. So I know there's a lot of top 40s, top 100s. Yeah. Yeah.

Taj Williams (08:02.801)

DW (08:03.016)

DW (08:12.478)
The countdown.

Taj Williams (08:17.125)
Yeah, so and we're picking this like right when it's new on the chart. So this was its first landing on the Billboard charts. The song right above it was New Woman, which that one was interesting. It was a little bit of English and Spanish on it. And then the song below it was Evergreen, which I think's been on the charts for a while. So it was just interesting that like

on its first week it was able to land here. And I think, like you said, the adrique, it scratches and it isn't filled by anything else, you know, for sure.

DW (08:55.294)
Yeah, I actually heard Gigi back in 21, 22 from a friend of mine. had a single out called Sometimes. Like sometimes backwards. So I got a taste of what her sound was like then. I definitely see a growth and a change in the lyrics and how it's presented now from then until now. So anytime that you can follow an artist around and

and hear certain things or certain pieces that you could tell that there's actual like style changes in there and it's growth within their own within their own skin like that's always a plus in my book so the fact that you know she's able to pull this out this is able to hit the charts you know it's definitely overseas it's hitting blowing up charts as well so for the fact that she's getting her shine i really do appreciate you know the music that she's putting out now

Especially in comparison to...

Taj Williams (09:53.767)
For sure. okay. Well, was there anything else, gentlemen?

Damon (10:04.807)
Yeah, well, I think, you know, like as far as like the top 100 charts go, it's not just, you know, United States, it's all over the world. They have their own version and different artists will be on multiple charts or some they'll be doing better than others. But yeah, we definitely like we'll definitely have to do a little trip around the world to see what we can find throughout our journey of this new style here of episodes that we have going on.

Taj Williams (10:32.933)

Damon (10:34.439)
But yeah, definitely. Yeah, definitely like, you know, finding the music. think I think it's interesting because I wouldn't have picked Gigi Perez, but I'm glad that that's where it landed being 98 out of 100. I think that's kind of like, I don't know if that says it's a bad song. I don't really know who rates that. Is that like rated on just how often it's played and how well they do and.

in clubs and stuff like that, or is it like, you know, who was promoting you? I don't know. I think that's kind of weird.

DW (11:07.878)
It's kind of a dull and sore. It's from public view. It's rated off of views. It's rated off of sale. I'm sales is rated off of radio play and that type of mix and actuality from behind the scenes is rated off of where the labels are putting a push behind it. You know, if there are they pushing it on radios to get played out on a regular basis. Are they pushing it on?

The new radio, which is Playlist, you know, is popping up on people's Playlist and getting streams from there. Those are, and what's being promoted behind it, money -wise, those are the real factors of the top Billboard 100.

Taj Williams (11:48.775)
Yeah, and like I've never really followed it, but I was like preparing for this episode. And so like like back two or three weeks ago, when like Eminem's new album came out, like pretty much almost all the tracks on that new album were on the Billboard 100 on like that first week. So you can tell like when the new album releases, sometimes they push it so hard that like every single track is on the Billboard 100. You're like, really? It's like and then

you know, most of them will drop off the next week. So, but yeah, you can kind of see that ebb and flow on there of like, there's probably a new album that came out. yeah, it is interesting.

DW (12:24.317)

DW (12:32.196)
Mm -hmm, or there's other songs that have been out for months now and you're tired of hearing it But somebody over in Denmark just make the number one on their charts So they got to keep it up over here and stuff in order to stay on the charts and stay number one within the mix. So

Taj Williams (12:48.582)

DW (12:48.678)
It's a different time frame how music is being judged. It was simpler back then because all you had was album sales or the single sales, so to speak, in order to go off of now the streams involved and that gets broken down in a whole different situation. Plus your actual crew that you have promoting your stuff, like your actual like marketing and production team. As long as you know the big labels, if you're still working with the big label.

The big labels are kicking you out and they're gonna promote you. You're gonna stay on the chart.

Damon (13:19.574)
Did we talk about Interscope already? Did you already mention them? Because that's that's the backing for Gigi. So like in 2021, that's where she got her startup with like Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey. I guess they they're running that. So that makes sense, right? You have somebody that sounds really good, but like, got, I guess, I don't know she got lucky or, I don't know how that works.

Taj Williams (13:29.299)

Damon (13:47.927)
But that's like a huge backing right there. You're if you're good And you can then you can do the hard work. Yeah, and then you guys like a backing like that. That's that's phenomenal. So But like I noticed there's a lot of what's that?

Taj Williams (13:49.959)
Hard work. Always hard.

DW (13:59.986)
Yes, some of that is nepotism too. Some of that is nepotism as well. She can be like somebody's nacer or the daughter of somebody who's got some kind of pool and then next thing you know, hey, let's get him a record deal. Like, okay, cool.

Damon (14:05.712)

Taj Williams (14:07.811)

Damon (14:17.031)
Well, yeah, more power to whoever it is. But yeah, no, I think that's pretty cool. I found it interesting. Like a lot of the stuff you find on Gigi is like TikTok. People trying to replicate the guitar and all that. you know, there's a lot of like it's like the modern version of music in some ways. And she's pretty pretty near the same thing. So. But that's that's that's interesting how that works.

DW (14:19.602)

Damon (14:46.503)
But yeah, I look forward to future randomizing of this chart, the 100 chart, and taking different charts from around the world. That might be a thing. But yeah, so hopefully you'll stick with us, and we'll definitely find other new artists that are new to us and hopefully new to you. I'd love to hear what you all think as well.

Taj Williams (15:15.279)
Okay. Well, this has been a short episode, but we want to thank you very much. This has been Trace Tracks. You can find this on our website at TraceTracks .com or email us at TraceTracks at gmail .com. We ask that you please subscribe and listen to all past and future episodes. Let's go and sign out. I've been Tarj.

Damon (15:36.931)
I'm Damon.

DW (15:40.024)
And I'm staring away from the water just because Taj did that voice. I'm Dukcik and we're going to pick up the needle. Yaqui's Fidendos, choice tracks.

Taj Williams (15:43.104)

Damon (15:46.631)
fucking baby shirt.

Taj Williams (15:48.357)

Damon (15:51.185)
You're going to be like Baby Shark coming out of the water.

DW (15:53.916)
hell no.

Taj Williams (15:54.823)

Damon (15:56.987)
I don't know if that's a thing. Is that a thing?