The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.
Here we go. The Viktor Wilt Show. Morning. Where's my headphones? Okay.
One of the things I was doing was fixing my chair. That's one of the reasons I was delayed. In starting this break, I was, for the final time, tightening up the footrest on my chair. Peaches, don't touch it. No putting your feet on it.
You scroll or you, you bring around one of these other chairs. There we go. Oh, wow. Haven't, had the footrest in place for a while. I can sit nice and tall.
There we go. I'll be able to see lieutenant Crane today. Fantastic. Okay. Now that the seat has been corrected, let's get into the day.
What's been going on? I don't know because I've been asleep since, like, 4 or 5 yesterday. Nothing like, getting a little bit of extra rest on a Friday so I can stay up way too late tonight and repeat the cycle of, being tired tomorrow. No. It should be a pretty nice relaxing evening tonight, I hope.
I hope. Now I got the the house to myself again. I think I've just been getting a little bit overwhelmed. I think that's what happened yesterday. I just reached a point of being overwhelmed.
You know? The holiday season, even though it was a mellow holiday season, still a lot to do. You know, multiple times, like, oh, I gotta get my house clean because there's gonna be people here. And then, in the last few days, my daughter had her new boyfriend visiting. So anytime somebody that you've never met is gonna be staying at your house, that's that throws you a little bit off, especially if you're me.
I've gotten very used to just having my house to myself, me and the cats. And so it throws you a little bit off when there's, other people around. Not too big a deal when the kids are around, but strangers. Even if they're cool and I like them. Yeah.
He seems like a good dude. I don't know. I just think the combination of everything, it just hit me yesterday. During the morning show yesterday, I was feeling like dozy. I could have probably just, you know, taken a nap in the studio.
So I should've known should've known at that point if I sat in the recliner at home, I was going out, but, I mean, I don't know. It was just a weird day yesterday. Glad it's Friday today and not Tuesday because yesterday certainly felt like Monday. So, anyway, if you're feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a little break. You know?
I think everybody, can use a break from time to time. Would have been nice to have a 2 day break, but all I would have done this morning is kept sleeping. When the alarm went off, I still hit snooze a bunch of times, and I could've kept going. How long could I have slept if I would've just kept going? It was weird.
It was weird. Anyway, I guess I'm feeling pretty rested. I think I got too much sleep. I I've kinda got a headache going on. So, yeah.
Whatever. Whatever. We're gonna get through the show today. We got a lot of fun. We've got lieutenant Crane coming in for traffic school.
We've got, a social media person, dash cam driver, local dash cam driver named Carolina. She's gonna come in, talk with lieutenant Crane and I about, some of the things she sees on the road. Should be a little bit different of a show. Should be fun. You know, shout out to Peaches for finding a local content person doing something that would tie in nicely to traffic school so we can mix it up a bit.
Anyway, now I'm gonna try to find content. Now that I got my chair fixed, I can turn these bright annoying lights off and get my studio vibes set back how they need to be. It's, oh, it's just so bright in here. It's like school. Wonder why they don't have more subdued lighting in school.
Okay. Anyway, you just hang on. I'll be right back. Good morning. Happy Friday.
Let's party. So last break, I talked about my excessive sleep last night, you know, and I I believe I just got a little bit overwhelmed, and I just needed to crash just needed to crash hard. While I was looking through this thread on Reddit, what's just as bad as smoking that's often overlooked? And, of course, lack of sleep? One of the top answers.
I don't know how many times I've read about how you need to get proper sleep, and it's tough in the position I'm in because I have to get up super early every day, and it's just not natural to me to wake up at, like, 4:45. Don't think it's natural for anybody, but, there are a lot of things people don't think of that could be having a little bit of impact on your health. Now I'm not a doctor. You should talk to your doctor when it comes to specific advice for you. But some of these things, if you're dealing with them, you might wanna take a look at them and perhaps reach out to somebody to get some assistance on it.
Right at the top of the list, excessive physically lousy. And it seems like more prone to sickness, things like that. So, seems like more prone to sickness, things like that. So, you know, I'm not gonna tell you what you need to do if you're dealing with excessive stress. You know, there are a variety of options.
You gotta figure out what works best for you, but talk to your doc about it. Maybe they'd recommend, you know, some counseling or vitamins or, you know, some type of a medication, but get get some help. You know? In the modern day and age, lots of stressors, And, it can be overwhelming at times, and it can mess you up pretty bad. Alright.
There we go. Not enough sleep. I don't know what I need to do to be able to get to bed at, like, 8:30 at night. It's impossible. It's impossible.
Unless I just straight up fall asleep in the recliner like I did yesterday. Happens about once every, 6 months that I can rack up, you know, 8 plus hours. Okay. What else do we have here? Grief.
You know, if you're dealing with extreme grief, it's kind of the same boat as stress. Gotta get in and talk to somebody about that. You know, there there's help out there. There's help out there. And, yeah, that that can crush you.
That can crush you, make you, you know, very ill. So, you know, get get the help. Okay. Living in a heavily polluted city or near a very busy road. Now a very busy road, is that due to the pollution?
Due to the racket? Because you can't get enough sleep? Because of the constant and horns and all I I don't know. But I know that sitting in traffic is not good for you Far as that old health goes, if you don't have the, you know, air circulation going on inside of your vehicle, you have it sucking air in from outside and you're in traffic. Yeah.
You you notice it. Imagine being stuck for an hour stopped in traffic in LA with, you know, tens of thousands of vehicles around you. It couldn't be good for you. Alright. What else?
Sleep apnea. I've talked a lot about sleep apnea. I have sleep apnea. If you snore, you should just get it checked out. Go to a doc.
Be like, hey. I snore. I I could be having some problems. They give you a sleep study, and, you know, maybe you could get a better night's rest with the help of, you know, a machine or a mouthpiece or something. Again, you gotta talk to your doc to get you all covered.
A CPAP changed my life. It's the only bad part about falling asleep in the recliner. I can feel it in my throat that I was just chainsawing away. Alright. What else do we have here?
Things that are as bad as smoking according to the Internet. Anger. Oh, jeez. Yeah. I'll tell you what.
If you're just angry all the time, I remember being young and angry. Wasn't very good for me. You know, that leads to stress, anxiety. I mean, that that can compound a lot of different things if you're dealing with anger. Again, there are people you can get in and talk to.
Alright. What else do we have here? Loneliness? Yeah. Gotta have somebody to talk to.
Loneliness is, it's a tough one. You know, especially if you don't have, like, some hobbies or something or any cats around. You know, having a pet helps with loneliness. At least you can talk to them. But I think, interaction with people, with actual people is good.
Scrolling the phone all day. Stagnant lifestyle. Festering hatred in your heart. Alright. That's one way to put that anger.
Yeah. Anyway, I just wanna remind you if you're not feeling well, you know, you could be trying to live, the healthiest lifestyle you can, but if you got some mental stuff going on, that could be worse than mowing down a cheeseburger every day. So, yeah, talk to somebody. Alright. Our our logs here are all screwed up.
So let me let me fix something here. Well, we'll we'll play this song and and actually, I think it's time to go to break. Let me delete a bunch of things here. It it's gonna be a a slight mess of a show. Slight mess, but, you know, we'll get through it.
Okay. Just stumbled across a thread. What phrase often comes out of annoying people's mouths? Now, I haven't read through this, but I'm hoping that when I start looking at these phrases, I don't find any that I say. I'm sure I can be annoying sometimes.
Alright. I I'll admit it. Sometimes, I'm deliberately annoying. You know, on this radio show, sometimes I'll do things that I know will antagonize a portion of the audience because it's fun. But in general, I hope I'm not an annoying person.
I hope I'm fun to be around and people aren't just trying to scatter as quickly as possible. Let's check it out. Phrases that often come out of annoying people's mouths. And if I don't say them, I'll pass my judgment on whether or not these are annoying things to say. Alright.
Why are you so quiet? I have not ever had anybody say that to me, so I can't really judge that one. If somebody is quiet though, as a loudmouth, I don't think I'd ask somebody why are you so quiet. So this one, I I can't really judge. It it sounds like an annoying question, but I don't know if I've ever seen anybody ask that.
I have quiet friends, and I've never asked them. Like, what's your deal? Hey, Steve. Why are you so quiet? You know?
Alright. So let's pass on that one. What else we got? Well, that's never happened to me. Okay.
That would be annoying depending on how you say it. Right? It could be, well, that's never happened to me, or if it's like, well, that's never happened to me. So that's about tone. You know?
Because people are going to have experiences you don't have. Alright? I do think it's okay to question things people say. So borderline on that one. Do you know who I am?
Okay. I've said that, but totally jokingly. I I could never imagine saying that with all seriousness. Get pulled over. Excuse me, officer.
I know I was speeding and talking on my phone, and I'm not wearing a seat belt, driving erratically, but do you know who I am? Yeah. That'd be pretty cringe. Now I I would say it jokingly, you know, like, to peaches or something. But if somebody said that in all seriousness, if I saw somebody say that in all seriousness right in front of me, they they'd have to get a verbal smashing.
They'd just be in in desperate need of that. Kinda like, yeah, you ain't from around here. I thought that was only in movies. Tell somebody said it to me in lava hot springs, and I'm like, out of my head out of my face hillbilly. You get I am from around here.
Okay. Well, that's the way I am. Okay. That would that could be annoying. Alright.
Trying to point out somebody's, issues or something they need to work on. That's just the way I am. Well, yeah. But everybody hates that, but that's the way I am. Well, maybe you should change.
Maybe that's the way you shouldn't be work on it. I've heard people say that one or some version of it. That's just how I am. Yeah. I can't help it.
No, you can't help it. You can change. You can totally reinvent yourself if you want. Maybe you're stuck in a rut. All right.
What else do we have here? It's just a joke. K. But jokes are supposed to be funny, you know? That's the key to a joke.
People laugh, you know? It's kinda like the the modern not all of them, but a a portion of modern comedians are like, I can't joke about anything anymore. It's like, no. You just need to make it funny. You know, you you you think that's a joke, and maybe does some You might make a handful of people laugh with it, but no.
The overall joke's not funny. Alright. So it's just a joke to you don't mean it's a good joke. Alright. Yeah.
I've heard that one before. I'm just being honest. Funny enough. I've had this discussion with my children. Just because something pops into your head doesn't mean it needs to come out of your mouth.
Alright. Little bit of self control and sometimes your honesty. You just need to keep it to yourself. There will be times when you need to tell people things, but there are other times you need to just shut up. You know?
Just be quiet. You're gonna make the situation first or worse. Excuse me. 1st, what am I talking about? I tell it like it is.
Same kind of thing there. No. You tell it how you think it is, but it doesn't mean you're right nor does it mean everyone agrees with you. Alright? Another example of times, maybe you need to just keep your mouth shut.
K? Because I get it. There are some times that I think, you know, okay. This person is insane, and I need to tell them the reality of the world. And then I just don't because telling it like it is sometimes it it's just not gonna do any good.
Alright. This is a pretty good list. These are annoying phrases for sure. Things that if I hear people say I'm Oh. Then the things start building up inside of me that I wanna spew out at them.
No offense, but, yeah, we all know where that goes. It's always something offensive. I could care less. That's only annoying because the proper phrase is I couldn't care less. Because if you could care less, that means you could care less.
There's you know? Right? Right? Analyze the usage of words. I'm an alpha.
If I heard a guy say that I mean, I don't think I'd actually do anything. I would pass severe judgment inside of my head but dudes, that's about as cringe as it gets. Alright? I'm an alpha. Does being an alpha dude actually help any guys with the ladies?
I don't think it does. I think it just makes you look like an idiot. Dude, culture has gotten really weird in recent years. Like, I'm I'm telling you. I've I've pointed it out many a time.
These, manfluencers, guys, don't look up to those kind of dudes. You are not gonna have a very happy existence if manfluencers are who who your heroes are. K? You're gonna be lonely. And yeah.
You're you're gonna be alone. Alone and angry. And, there there's just better ways to live life. Oh, and the final annoying phrase. Do you know why I pulled you over?
Traffic school powered by the advocates in about an hour and 45 minutes. Get those questions ready. Alright. Oh, the next song had an annoying singer, so I'm going to change it to someone who is nice. Alright.
Here we go. You know, right now is one of those moments where, you know, I wish perhaps I had an uncensored FCC free podcast that I could just go wild with what I'm saying? Because I found the funniest thread on Reddit. I won't say who showed it to me. It's a coworker.
They're like, you gotta check this out. It's hilarious. Can't use it on air. But it's hilarious. The thread is called what is the weirdest fetish one of your exes had.
I wish I could dive into this on air. I know that I can't get into this content but it is so funny. So funny. So instead, I guess we'll talk about I don't know what people miss about the old Internet. I am curious what people will say because the old Internet, that could vary depending on how old you are.
Old Internet could be, you know, 5 years ago to the average person. I don't know. When I think of the old Internet, I mean, that was like back in the dial up days, GeoCities, websites, and it was all nerds online. I do miss the old Internet. There are things I like about the newer Internet, but, social media has made society stupider.
So I'm I'm not a big fan of that. Once you were able to use the Internet on your phone, it was the end. It was the end. Once any idiot could use the Internet, the stupidity level just increased like 50 fold. Alright.
Well, let's see what, what Reddit thinks as far as things they miss about the old Internet when it felt like a cozy chaotic neighborhood instead of a corporate shopping mall. Well, if you wanna hang out in a, cozy chaotic neighborhood, you just hang out where I read this. Read it. I'd say it's cozy and chaotic. It's much cozier as far as social media goes than the other options.
I wouldn't call Facebook cozy. No. No. Facebook I I don't know. If your grandparents' house is cozy, Facebook could be cozy, I guess.
You know? You know what you're gonna get? It's like, alright. You know? We're hanging out at grandma's.
I'm gonna hear some things said that I don't wanna hear, but Twitter? Yeah. Not cozy. Alright? Alright.
Let's see. What else do we got here for things people miss about the old Internet? People making content for the fun of it and not for profit. I think online content got better once people started doing it for profit. Yeah.
You have the incentive of money. A lot of people are gonna try harder. I'm trying to think back to great online content prior to it being monetized. And what? When Trey Parker and Matt Stone put out the original, episode of South Park, that little 5 minute thing.
I don't know. I I think the newer episodes of South Park are better. Yeah. I don't I don't know about that. I think the content might be better better now than back in the day.
Just my opinion. Back when Google genuinely helped you find what you were looking for without having to wade through a sea of ads and irreverent sponsored links. Yeah. You know, search engines perhaps may have been better back in the I I don't know though. There's more content out now for these search engines to have to filter through.
I do think the sponsored links at the top are annoying because no who clicks them? Old people? Maybe old people. I always scroll down. You know, once it stops saying sponsored, I'm like, alright.
Now we're getting somewhere. The popularity of forums. The forums were kinda cool. There's still forums out there. You know?
Because it it it's essentially what Reddit is, a collection of forums. It sort of. You know, to a degree. I I don't know. I mean, I enjoyed forums.
My favorite forum was jade's bands death in December cause I would just go in there and troll his fans. And talk crap about his band. I did enjoy that. Forums were pretty good actually. I do kinda miss the, popularity of forums.
I think that's a pretty good response. Alright. Back in the day, basic Okay. I better not say that word. Couldn't figure out that whole modem computer Internet thing, so it was a sea of people who are at least smart enough to follow some basic directions.
It was glorious. This I've talked about many times on air. Actually, I already mentioned it. Once it went to cell phones and anyone could use it, that was the downfall. That's when the internet started to be way less fun.
Yeah. Back when you had to know how to use a computer to use the internet, it was great. It was all nerds. When influencers weren't a thing. I don't have a problem with influencers.
Because that's sorta sorta what I am. I mean, I I'm not an Internet influencer. I wouldn't call myself that because I don't have a big enough online following. I'd say I'm more of an East Idaho influencer to certain demographics. But clearly not much of an influencer because you know how I feel about a lot of things, and I saw how you people voted.
My influence is not strong enough. Not near strong enough. Websites. Well, there are still websites, but I think they're talking about, the weird websites from back in the day. They're you know, because I mentioned, GeoCities.
Any old nerd could throw together a website for whatever they were passionate about, and you'd find some strange content. I think it made digging through conspiratorial content way funner too. Maybe that's why I I don't enjoy reading through conspiracy theories anymore because I see the the people posting them. You know, they're on Facebook. You don't have a faceless author.
You're like, oh, I know that idiot. This has gotta be a bunch of garbage. Yeah. Yeah. Social media ruined conspiracy theories.
You don't wanna be lumped in with certain people. You're like, oh, jeez. Yeah. No. And you had to dig for conspiracy theories back in the day.
They they weren't just every other Facebook post. I mean, seriously. You could pull up almost any news article on Look at the comments, and there will be conspiracy theories in the comments. People have lost their minds since COVID.
Man, click bait on the Internet is so annoying. Just scroll in Facebook, I see Primus announces new drummer and fans are happy. I'm like, oh, that was fast. Primus, you know, throwing out the open call for auditions worldwide. You know, I know a few local drummers have uploaded videos to YouTube and things like that.
And they only recently threw out the announcement that Tim Alexander had left the band and that they needed a new drummer. So I was really surprised to see, wow, they've already picked somebody? And I hadn't heard about this? Get into the article. It doesn't say anything about him picking a new drummer.
It's just another repeat article about the fact that Danny Carey from Tools gonna fill in on a few shows. And then, they are hunting for a new drummer. The headline was literally, they found a new drummer and fans are pumped. Or it said happy anyway. I shouldn't say literally when I'm not reading the headline.
But, yeah, They haven't picked a drummer. Nothing in the article whatsoever about that. And they got me. They got me. I'm sure they're getting ad revenue from something that was on the page.
Thanks to my click. Don't do that. Alright? Don't draw people in with false promises because I was curious. I'm like, who do they get?
If fans are excited, fans are happy. It's gotta be someone pretty awesome to know one. So if you haven't submitted your video, you can still go ahead and do so, and I'm wishing you lots of luck. It's good in east Idaho local. In on Primus.
I vote Steve McMichael. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change? Alright. Should we talk about natural disasters or unnatural disasters? Jeez.
2025 looking a little bit sketchy. You know? I just keep getting all of these news articles about things that went down on new year's. Could society calm down? So, you know, yesterday, when I started the show, I hadn't really caught up on the New Year's news.
I think I briefly mentioned, you know, Cybertruck blowing up at the Trump Casino in Vegas. And I I just thought the car caught on fire. I hadn't read the news. You know, just kinda casually scrolling headlines. Apparently, that was domestic terrorism.
Yeah. Vehicle was loaded up with all kinds of stuff, fireworks, gas cans, and it was set off by the, driver himself. You had the incident in New Orleans, somebody just mowing into a crowd of people. And then, apparently, in New York, there was another incident that they're investigating as terrorism. Somebody with a bunch of gas cans in their vehicle, driving into or attempting to drive into a crowd of people.
People, stop. Jeez. That is not what I wanna see on the 1st day of the year. Oh, man. And it's just sad.
There was actually, a radio account executive. 1 of the people killed in New Orleans. So I just hope society one of these days can get it together anyway. Let's talk about natural disasters. Yeah.
So we got a couple volcanoes that are set to go off. There's one off the coast of Oregon, and they're saying that the US Coast needs to prepare for tsunami as if this volcano that is swelling underneath of the ocean off the Oregon Coast erupts as predicted in 2025 that, yeah, should have, some pretty good tsunami action from that eruption. I was actually just talking to my daughter who lives on the Washington Coast, Northern Washington. I'm like, did you get a kit together for your vehicle, like an escape kit? I don't know if you've ever read up on the Cascadia subduction zone, but, people could be facing some serious problems if that thing goes off.
So if you have family on the West Coast, make sure they're prepared for these type of natural disasters. What up, peaches? Good morning. Just talking about natural and unnatural disasters. I heard I heard your intro there.
Yeah. I was driving slow outside. It's extra slick. Yes. It was, there was black ice everywhere.
On my way in today, it was, super slick. So I was hoping you wouldn't barge in and be like, Richard, you're not gonna help me. I should've. I should've. I was waiting for it.
I hit the 2nd snow pile. Yes, everybody. Very slick out there today, so please be cautious. Don't wanna hear of anybody getting any kinda wrecks or anything like that. Also, if you're out on the roads, stay focused.
Don't do things like play video games. There was a guy busted doing a 107 Jeez. In Missouri while playing video games. And I wanna know what game. The article doesn't say.
But say stories like this pop up from these types of southern states. Right? Nobody ever says, man, those Missouri drivers suck. Ever. That's because people just don't wanna think about Missouri at all.
Mississippi has the worst drivers on the planet. Nobody ever says, oh, there's a Mississippi driver. It's always the California drivers. Well, let's see. Let's Google worst drivers in America.
Well, I think we just found out in another survey, because before it was Mississippi. Now, all of a sudden, I think WalletHub did another survey where they're like, people in Massachusetts are the worst drivers. I thought it was they were the best drivers, Massachusetts. I thought it was the worst. Let's see.
According to this article, this graph is not very clear. Okay. Worst drivers, New Mexico and, Mississippi. I'm looking at Jay across across the hallway over there. Yeah.
That's right. He was born and raised in Mexico. Jay Miller, terrible. And he's the one out trying to regulate the parking lot. Right.
Tell us about the block. Whatever it's called. Yeah. You know, and they they kinda go all over the place. You know, you go You said Mississippi second.
Right? Mississippi See? Wyoming, Louisiana, South Carolina, Montana, Arizona, Arkansas, and so on. This article says the best drivers are New York drivers. So I'm I'm throwing this out.
Right. Yeah. The worst driver I've seen in the last year was in New York City. The best drivers are in New York because they don't move. I guess the guy didn't wreck.
You know, he didn't cause an accident. He was driving like a psychopath. Well, you have to in that city. He he didn't need to drive like this. This was weaving in and out of traffic at high speed.
You're not gonna get anywhere that much quicker. Utah supposedly has pretty good drivers. New Jersey. See, New York and New Jersey. I'm thinking But Utah too?
Come on. Those drivers stink. Yeah. We all know Utah drivers are are terrible. Right.
And Hawaii? Come on. There's nowhere to go. Right. Yeah.
Yeah. You're stuck out there. Golf carts? What are they? Alright.
But I'm sure if we went to a different article, we'd get completely yeah. Here's another one that says, Massachusetts, the worst. That's the one that I saw. Yeah. Yeah.
So what would you think how how many cars do you think are in the ocean that have land That are in the ocean? That are in the ocean because they drove off the island in Hawaii. Like, they drove off any one of the islands. That's a good question, Peaches. I don't know.
I've I've I've got a friend who lives in Hawaii, and, all he really says is, you know, he doesn't drive too much because it's, like, 5 minutes to the other side of the thing. House specifically burned down because of Oprah? No. He thankfully, his neighborhood, it, it missed his road. Remember that whole conspiracy theory?
I do. It's hard to keep track of all the stupid conspiracy theories in the, modern age, but I do remember people trying to blame wildfires on celebrities And then and, the Oprah and The Rock Band worse by by asking for money. Yeah. Trying to, help those people in need. Clearly, it's a conspiracy.
Well, they also have tons of money they can donate themselves to. And they probably did. Right? I don't know. I I'm guessing they probably did.
If they were calling for funds, like, you know, hey, donate. I would assume they did as well. Though alright. I'm not gonna get political. Yeah.
Let's, because there was a recent call for GoFundMe, from a politician. And you're like, aren't you a billionaire? Why don't you donate some money? Why are you asking people to donate to a GoFundMe? Kick down some cash.
I don't know. Maybe you don't get the same write offs anymore for charitable contributions. I don't know. Maybe not. We'll have to ask a billionaire.
I don't know any peaches. I know a bunch of poor bums. That's what I know. It's Victor Wilt. Hello.
Alright. Well, I talked about how fun the New Year has started off being. Lots of horrible tragedies and things like that. I don't know. Maybe everybody needs to read this article from the BBC, 8 ways to stay happier this year according to science.
Alright. Well, I've been kinda cranky. Let's check it out. Let's see what I need to do. Maybe you need to do these things.
Alright. Embrace friendship. Don't most people have less friends as they get older? Are they trying to tell you to keep those people around who are garbage friends you need to get rid of? Take it from me.
You don't need to keep around all your friends. K? I've had some friends that you know, they were habitual line steppers, And you just gotta eventually cast them out because they were just bringing you down. You know? You don't need that kind of negativity and drama in your life.
Oh, they're saying you should look for new friends. Be open to the idea and possibility of new friendships. Okay. Alright. I guess I need to get out of the house more.
My cats make such good friends, though. Well, Alright. Practice confelicity. Alright. What does that mean?
Let me put on full display my lack of knowledge for you. Never heard of that word. Alright. It means shared happiness, an undervalued facet of good relationships. Let's see.
Enthusiastically supporting a friend's good news and asking questions about it. It's a basis of being a good friend. Peaches. Hey. I was just talking about 8 things you need to do to stay happier in 2025.
Yeah. I heard you. So I I need to be happy too. Come on. Let's do this.
That's right. So the first one was, find some new friends. Not like, you know, you need to just get rid of all your old friends. I did encourage people to get rid of trashy friends, you know. Oh, I did?
People who, you know, bringing a bunch of drama into your life and this and that, but be open to new friendships. But this one was a word called confelicity. That's too many letters. Which means, supporting a friend's good news, asking questions about it, you know, letting friends know you care about what's going on with them. So Which is what I do pretty much every day.
Peaches is a guy who will ask a lot of questions about how you're doing. That's for sure. Peaches is a questioner. Let's see here. Do some volunteering, Peaches.
What what could a big guy like you do to get out and help the community and make yourself feel good? Go walk the dogs at the animal shelter. I don't know. Yeah. I was thinking you wander the grocery store and when people need something off the shelf That's happened a few times.
You you yeah. You know, you head into somewhere like, Walmart or Costco where they have stuff really high up, and you just wander and look for short people, then you help them. You know, I was gonna make a joke about that saying I would I would get the product off the top shelf and just walk away holding it Oh. And not even tell them. Just I don't know, Pete.
Base mine now? I I don't think that's gonna help you be happier this year because you're gonna feel a little bit of a jerk on the inside. A little bit? Deep deep down inside. Little bit of a little bit of a jerk floating around in there.
Well, you can't reach this shorty? You can walk away. Let's see. They say you should connect with your ancestors. What?
Yeah. I don't know you grab the Ouija board? What do I do? Well, they don't seem to say that. I guess it's just learning more about your, your family history.
I was wondering about the other tall freaks that gave me bad genetics. Well, see, because your parents aren't tall. Right? I mean My mom's 58. My dad's 61.
Yeah. And you're a monster. So somewhere in your past Few things. There's some kind of viking warlord. You're gonna trash friends.
Alright? No morning show host. We need a replacement. Hey. Being your friend isn't in my job description.
I need to get paid more for that. Yeah. Have you done one of those ancestry things? Yeah. And my my parents have done that on,
Yeah. I think my sister's sending me one. I've never done one, because to me, it seems kind of, kind of frightening to put my DNA in a database somewhere. You're that you're that conspiracy theorist now. Hold on.
Let me turn on the conspiracy meter. They're taking our DNA. You shouldn't spit in that cup. Well, there's which there was one of those companies that recently, like, went bankrupt or something. I think it was 23 and Me.
That's the one I did before. And I so I think they were saying that everyone's DNA information was, like, up for grabs. You know, whatever. You know, Google wants to buy it or mister beast or whoever. Mister beast starts cloning people.
Speaking of mister beast, there were so many jokes. Hilarious jokes about him and his wife's engagement. It was you gotta read the comments. So, I mean, I thought it wasn't really news worthy but what were the jokes? Talking about, like, alright.
She has to spend a 100 days living with me. Okay. Okay. Okay. Did you see mister Beast is running the pyramids?
Yeah. Yeah. Some people got too much money. Some people got too much money. There's a lot of people, you know, upset that he's doing.
So he's gonna he's gonna America fy it or something like that. Well, I'm sure it'll be kinda cringey because, I mean, you watch any mister beast video, him and his friends wander around being goofy. Well, he could, somehow spark an international war by putting, like, the American flag on top of the some of the pyramid. Or, you know, one of his friends decides to chisel into some wall. They're gonna find a hidden chamber.
1 of his friends is dancing with a mummy. Yeah. Next thing you know, some type of ancient curse is unleashed upon the world. Mist mister beast destroys humanity. That's a great movie.
But there there you go. Wouldn't surprise me if any anyone's gonna bring about the down downfall of mankind. I think it mister beast, he's gotta be up there with, like, Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. Yeah. You think he's going down that path?
He's going down the dark path. That's what I think. Mister Beast is gonna go dark soon. Soon enough, he'll be doing real life squid game, but he'll actually be killing all the contestants. Which is what he should have done the first time around.
I mean, come on. What else should we do aside from connect? Oh, write a list, peaches. We like a good list. You just wrote a 28 item list.
Did you upload it to Radio Peeps? No. Because I'm afraid that if I get, like, let go from here and then I I need to go find another radio job, then everybody who's in that group is not one of going to wanna hire me because they they just listed everything they do and made fun of them. Oh, yeah. I'm great with networking because everyone in that group hates me.
But you have tons of people that you already know too in the industry. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the the people who are smart like me. But see, you know what?
I'm making a podcast out of my networking, you know? Yeah. That's true. Trying to get these guests on this new podcast that I'm doing. I know.
What have you, uploaded the first episode yet? I think I need to start with a series of episodes. My my next guest is actually Ryan Mano of Coast over in LA. What you need to do is set a, weekly, you know, thing. Okay.
Every Monday, you get a new episode. Yeah. I would love to. But I have to rely on other people to get that content out there. I know.
You need to get them people lined on up. I messaged Ravey on Instagram. She said she wanted nothing to do with the radio industry anymore. Yeah. You probably shouldn't go after people who just got fired.
They probably I mean, that would have been the juiciest episode though. You gotta go you gotta be like Nightcrawler with, you know, Jake Gyllenhaal. Yeah. You gotta go directly to the source, you know. Somehow they leak something or they say something on the podcast and then I put it out there and, you know, all, like, the cult followers of that show are gonna start, you know, sharing it everywhere.
More views for us. That's true. And there's not very many radio people with a with a cult following. No? So I mean, like, I would love to show you Bobby Bones on, and I was actually gonna hit you up last night, but I figured you were asleep because it was, like, 8:30.
That's Talking about, Jose Mangan and Vinny on the show. Yeah. I mean, I I can get you in touch with Vinny, and, I have contact for Bobby Bones' people. So Cool. Yeah.
That'd be great to get to talk to both of them. Because radio people love to talk about themselves. That's right. And that's the whole point of the podcast. Yeah.
Look at me. Listen to me. Alright. Anyway That was a great list. It was a nice list.
We didn't even finish the list. We got sidetracked, but you know what? We got a fun program coming up. Traffic School powered by the advocates, and I think the guests are walking in right now. Alright.
Cool. Well, we'll get a I guess it's time to turn on the AC. It feels like it's getting hot in here again. So, anyway Sorry. It's me.
Peaches with all that hot air coming out of his head. Alright, Peaches. I don't know what's going on with the Internet today, but I have been just being hammered with clickbait, like, really stupid clickbait. There was the story I talked about earlier where an article was like, Primus announces new drummer and fans are stoked. And you get into it, and it was just an article about Primus searching for a new drummer.
But the headline clearly said, Primus announces new drummer. Fans are stoked. This one. Billie Eilish loses 100,000 followers in an hour for posting an x rated photo. Woah.
A 100,000 to her what? Like, 30,000,000 followers? Yeah. And what's funny is I scrolled through this article, and this article is from back in 2021. 2021 So what happens when you don't have the radio prep?
They changed the date on it. Well, I didn't even look at radio prep. This is just something that popped up on, I think it was on Reddit, linked. It's dated today, but to read the article and they're talking about something that happened in 2020, she, posted a picture of a sketchbook, just some little drawing she had made. And, yeah, there were some naked people in it.
You know, they were, drawings. I hate to break it too, but artists like to, draw naked people. It does happen from time to time. The famous David statue. Everyone touches the you know what.
So Peaches, her social media account at that time went from 73,000,000 followers to 72,900,000. Dude. What's she gonna do? She can't face that kind of social media laws. That's why she made that song.
What was I made for? She was so distraught by this whole thing. She was like, I'm just gonna do this. Poured all her emotion into it. I've picked the perfect song for this moment in the Barbie movie.
I called upon my feelings. Yeah, dude. I I don't know if, because it's the new year that these media sites are just really hard up for news or what, but, yeah, usually, I see obvious clickbait. These stories are, you know, ridiculous. I do love it.
Ridiculous. Life in Idaho Falls drama. I had 2 plumbers at my place yesterday. And first of all, they're like, Mario and Luigi. Oh, sorry.
No. No. Luigi in my place, please. Mario only. But these guys were like, we noticed you have, you have k bear stuff all over the apartment.
Are you peaches? Yeah. Yeah. That's me. And he's like, I don't want to dox you but I I was like, well, I mean, you're helping me fix the water pressure and you're seeing my horrifying looking bathroom.
I mean, to dock you, he'd have to give out your real name and and address. Right. Yeah. So if anybody wants to know, here You're not too far from me. That's true.
K Bear, you are live on the show. Please keep that in mind. Who's this? Patrick. Patrick again.
What's up? I thought Billy Idol was a dude. I said Billy Eilish, didn't I? Yeah. Yeah.
Not Billie Eilish. He cries more, more, more or something, but, no. Billie Eilish. Okay. Alright.
But you're talking about Pat Benatar. Pat Benatar? No. We're talking about Billie Eilish. You know, she did that song, I'm the bad guy.
You you remember that, Patrick? I I remember a lot of music from the eighties. I just can't remember who sang it because they all look the same. Billie Eilish is a young woman, who makes music in the current age. You know?
I I always wonder, do listeners actually listen? And sometimes So she made it big with the song she recorded with her brother at at home called bad guy. And it's this that you're hearing right now, Patrick. White shirt. Now wear my blood thing.
I'm asleep. I can barely hear her. Yeah. You can barely hear it? I'm sorry.
I'm a little bit Oh, sorry. Like, no. So So that that's Billie Eilish, Patrick. We don't play her on Kay Bear, so that may be why you haven't heard of her. In Patrick's defense, there are a lot of Billie's.
Billie Corgan, Billie Eilish, Billie Joel, Billie Idol. Too many. That is a lot of Billie's. Chili Billie. Billy Madison.
Billy Madison. Billy Mays. We went the same place. Billy Madison, not the penguin. Alright, Patrick, you have a good afternoon, man.
It's it's 9:30. You too. Peace. Well, it's afternoon for me. True.
Time I wake up. You have been up. Yeah. I'm Victor Wilton. The show flew by today.
You know, it was a good one. It was pretty fun. I do feel somewhat rested as well. When I first got rolling for the day, I kinda had a bit of a headache going on from, you know, the rough life I had yesterday getting 12 hours of sleep. I don't know what happened to me.
It was weird. I mean, it does happen from time to time sitting in a recliner. I'm old. You know, I'm so old. One of these days, you kids will you'll hit 42.
Yeah. So I sit in the recliner. I fall asleep, wake up 9 PM, which is past my bedtime, straight back to bed. But now I'm feeling pretty good. You know, hopefully, I can keep up the, the energy for the rest of the day.
I got a lot to do so I can get to enjoying my weekend like I hope you get to as well. Thank you to all the guests today. Lieutenant Crane, as always, Caroline Roslyn and her sister, Kota, Peaches. We had Star in here. We had Maddie.
We had a packed house. It was a good time. So I hope everybody had fun listening to the show, and, I hope you have a good weekend as well. Peaches and I will be back for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's. In the meantime, I guess I gotta pick a task.
Gotta pick a task to work on, so wish me luck on that. Alright. I'm gonna leave. Thank you for listening as always and all of your support. You're the best.
Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt Show. This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at