Respect the Grind Podcast

Unlock the secret to transcending those pesky feelings of unreadiness and grasp the transformative power of belief systems that can set you on a path to success. We're peeling back the layers on why shifting from 'I'm not ready' to 'I'm getting ready' is a game-changer for digital entrepreneurs. With a blend of personal anecdotes and practical wisdom, we navigate the landscape of preparation and skill-building. Breaking through the myth, I reveal that you don't need a massive audience to make an impact—instead, it's the depth of your connections that counts. It's an eye-opening discussion that will challenge the way you think about readiness and audience engagement.

Step into a world where changing your internal narrative is the key to unlocking personal growth and success. This episode is a deep dive into the mindset shifts essential for transformation, illustrating that it's not just about setting intentions but revolutionizing your beliefs and perceptions. Join us as we explore how to reshape your thought patterns to make the most of life's opportunities. 

And for those seeking even more support, I extend an invitation to our Patreon community, where you'll gain exclusive access to workshops and training materials—your toolkit for continued growth and change.

What is Respect the Grind Podcast?

Welcome to Respect the Grind, the podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneur-parents build thriving lives for their families. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and guidance to create a balanced, fulfilling life centered around entrepreneurship.

In each episode, we explore the core pillars of success: entrepreneurship, serious relationships, personal finance, and personal growth. Whether you're launching a startup, managing a growing business, or balancing your professional journey with family life, we've got you covered.

Discover expert insights on entrepreneurship strategies, delve into the dynamics of nurturing meaningful relationships, gain valuable tips on managing personal finances, and embark on a journey of personal growth. We believe that a harmonious life where you can respect the grind of both business and family is not only possible but essential.

Join us as we navigate the entrepreneurial landscape while creating a life that empowers your family and fuels your personal and professional growth. Your journey to entrepreneurial success, meaningful relationships, financial well-being, and personal growth starts here.

Tune in to Respect the Grind and embark on the path to building a life where both your entrepreneurial dreams and family thrive.

00:01 - Speaker 1
One of the biggest parts of changing your life is changing what you believe. Whatever you actually think and believe in here, or you feel in here, is going to impact what you do out in the world, and I think it's kind of counterproductive how we make to-do lists and set goals and we do all of these things without addressing that stuff first, because I could give you the process or give you whatever course or whatever program, coaching, whatever it is that you need. I could give you the job that you think is going to change your life. But if you still think the same way, you probably are going to mess it up. Like if we look at a lot of lottery winners, they get millions, billions of dollars and go right back to being broke. That's because they still think the exact same way. So let's talk about how you can change the way you think. All right, let's just jump right into it.

I think one of the biggest beliefs that I kind of see from people when I talk to them specifically digital entrepreneurs is I'm not ready. I'm not ready to build this landing page. I'm not ready to put this product out. I'm not ready to write this book. It's never being ready. One honest truth is you probably will never be ready. That's the truth. You probably will never feel 100% ready, because part of being ready and feeling ready is you've done the work right. So part of the way that I like to kind of combat the not readiness is to focus on the skills I need. So part of the belief I tell myself, as soon as I kind of have that thought of I'm not ready to do this, I think, well, I'm building the skills to do that Right. So I kind of go to the complete opposite. As soon as that thought pops in my head, I go to the complete opposite and it helps me a lot, right? Because if you keep telling yourself you're not ready, you will never actually get ready. You won't even do the things that it takes to get ready.

It's kind of like when you're becoming a parent, right, when you find out that she pregnant, you think, oh man, I'm not ready to be a parent. I mean, no, you're probably not ready now, but there are things you can start doing to become more ready and prepare yourself. It's literally like that with everything else in life. I'm trying to write this book. I'm not a writer, I don't know how to write shit. I can't put this many words together. I don't know how to design a book. It's a million things you probably don't know how to do right now, and that's all true.

But you repeating that in your head over and over again is not going to help you learn how to do those things. So the way you have to look at it is I'm getting ready, I'm building the skills, I'm getting better. And I think that this kind of thinking actually helps you be more productive too. Because if you wake up and the first thought in your mind is well, I'm not ready to go to work today, I don't feel like going to work today, I don't feel like going to class, you're immediately telling yourself that whatever responsibilities you have that day are going to be bad. Like you've already made that up in your mind as soon as you open your eyes, where instead you should be saying well, I'm getting ready, I'm preparing myself, even if it's a job you don't like.

When I worked my jobs, I did not like I would tell myself I'm getting ready to do this, I'm preparing myself to do this, because after I do this job, I get to do this thing. That was kind of my perception of it. It's a really weird thing that you can kind of do to your mind when you start telling yourself these things and I know it sounds like an affirmation thing, but I don't like the affirmation part because the affirmation is just like a small phrase or a sentence or a couple of words that you're using. I think it starts with that but it continues right. So after I tell myself I'm getting ready for a work day at this job, I don't like. I start thinking about everything differently, I start moving differently, I make different. Everything is different. After I said it to myself when I feel like a lot of times we use I think a lot of times we use affirmations in a way that is just kind of self-soothing, right, like we feel bad or we're in a bad mood or whatever it is, and instead of addressing whatever that thing is, we kind of run from it by giving ourselves this affirmation We'll say it and rub a little ball or something and then go cuddle up in the corner and cry and that's cool sometimes.

But if you actually want to improve your life, you kind of have to take the action right. You can't just turn it off and shut down when your things aren't working. So changing that belief of not being ready to I'm getting ready or I'm prepared, or I'm building the skills. That's going to help you progress faster, because you're not wasting as much time on thinking about not being ready. You immediately shift to getting ready, preparing, building skills, relationships, whatever it is, and improving your situation. I think that that type of action is way better than no action.

Another big one for entrepreneurs is I don't have an audience, which, again, I think that that's true to a certain extent. For most people it's not true. It's not. And also kind of what ties into this is the belief that you need a big audience to do pretty much anything. Honestly, you don't. Are things easier with an audience? Yes, but you don't need to have an audience to be successful at pretty much anything. I tell people this all the time. Man, I don't have one social platform where I have more than 10,000 followers. I don't. It's not something I take pride in, I just don't really rely on it that much.

My perception has always been I want to have a business that can survive without social media, because any day this app could shut down it can, you know, delete my account. All kinds of stuff could happen, and we see that happen with people all the time. It's not like it's not normal. This is a normal thing with Instagram, twitter, facebook, linkedin, anything you could think of. I've seen people get their accounts deleted for no reason. So my perception is well, I want to have a business that isn't relying on that. It doesn't matter if I have these followers or not. I'm still going to be successful in closed deals. That's kind of my viewpoint. If I can't do that and have to rely on social media, then I don't feel good at business. I feel like I'm kind of limiting myself.

Honestly, and the way you combat this thought that I don't have a big audience is to focus on the actual prospects. Because, let's be real, most people that have big audiences, most of those people in their audience, are not their ideal customer. I think about this with female rappers a lot. They'll have millions and millions and millions of followers, but then they can't sell more than 20,000 in a week. It's like, why do you have all of these followers then? Most of those people that are following you the men and the women are really there to see what you look like and what you're up to. They're not there to actually support you and pay for that product or service. That's what you gotta understand is is the more followers and a bigger audience doesn't equally mean revenue. Like the big email list, I know some people with millions of email subscribers and they can't really make any money from it. It's the craziest thing.

I personally I have this debate with my business partner, tony, all the time. I would rather have a smaller list that's more engaged, actually buys from me like 500 people than to have a massive list of 25,000 people and not even 1% buys. That's just stupid, because now I'm paying all this money to keep y'all on this list and ain't nobody buying nothing. It's just, it's a waste. Now, if you want to sponsor it out and like sell that list or whatever, then yeah, you could profit from that, but that's like a one-time thing. Once you pay a sponsor to come in there and run ads on your email list with 25,000 subscribers in it and not buying anything, you'll lose that sponsor. It's a waste.

I just rather take my small group, because this is the thing 500 people paying you 50 bucks a month is $25,000 a month. Think about that. Think about it. Just take a step back and breathe it in. You don't need to have millions and millions of people. You don't even need a ton 500 is enough to make over a quarter million dollars. Right. Over a quarter million dollars can come to you very easily by having the right people instead of more people. So my perspective is always I'm attracting the right prospects, I don't want to have a ton of people. If I have a bunch of people listen to the podcast, subscribe to the YouTube channel, that's great, but is this something that I'm relying on? Not really. I don't think that that would be even smart for my business. That would be kind of stupid, to be honest.

I think a lot of issues with these beliefs comes from not showing up and doing the work. Some of the other ones we hear all the time is the imposter syndrome and all of that stuff. It really only comes from you not doing what you know you should be doing. That's all it is. You know you should be working out more, so now you don't feel good when you put on that bikini or whatever, or it's time to take your shirt off in the summertime because you have not been working out. Simple, that's all it is. A lot of our insecurities only come from us not doing the work and the worst part is it's the work we know we should be doing. We know we should be doing that and we just aren't doing it. Once you take this step to start doing that work, that's when you close the gap between where you are and the success that you want. It'll close because you're actually showing up and doing the work. Now.

I think one of the best things to do is to kind of practice these beliefs on a daily routine. Right Again, not affirmations. Don't just look in the mirror repeating stuff and feel good for five minutes and be done. I mean literally changing your habits. When you say you're not ready to email market, you're not ready to run ads, you're not ready to make content, then you have to combat that with the action of getting ready to make content. Because if you start telling yourself that you're getting ready to make content but trying to actually get ready now, that's just become a lie. You're lying to yourself and honestly I'll say this I think that's what a lot of I look good and I feel amazing and I deserve the world, knowing you don't look good. You don't even think you look good and you know you don't deserve the world. You're just going to tell yourself that because it feels good to say. But when you step outside into the world and you're reminded that you're not where you want to be, that's going to hurt more. That's the thing.

I think the failure of making that progress will hurt more than actually doing the work. Like, if you want to look better for summer, right, you got to do the work for that. The work, the pain of going to the gym and eating right and getting sleep that's basic level pain. The pain of looking sloppy all summer. You won't forget that. Like, you won't forget that. And we have gone through things like this too much in our lives to continuously repeat this process. It's really weird to me, you know.

I think if you want to take that success leap and actually like change where you are, this is like the first thing because, again, the stuff that feels good is going to be paying this coach or paying this consultant or going to this event. You know, know, events are a big one. You go there and you get in a room around a bunch of people and everybody's hyped and excited and you feel good for that short period of time while you're there. As soon as you're at the airport, that feeling is gone. It's gone. So you have to have more of a leg to stand on in terms of your discipline.

Now I don't want to get too deep into discipline, because I got another video for that, but I just think we have to change and not just say we're going to change, right, we have to actually make that move, because that's the only way to really change your beliefs. And all of this stuff comes before all the other investing that you want to do into yourself. If you still believe the same thing, I could show you a million dollars, I could show you how to make a million dollars, but if you still think and believe everything that you did in the beginning, you're not going to make that money and even if you do, you're going to lose it just as fast. I think if you want to change, it starts in the mind first, and then everything else will follow and it'll be a lot easier. It'll be a lot easier to make any other changes you need to make, because you kind of change the way you think and perceive the world first. I think that's like the starting point to a better life is changing the way you think and not just with the look in the mirror, feel good affirmations. It's so much more than that. So, if you like this episode thank you so much for tuning in, I appreciate that Make sure you join the Patreon.

I got a link down in the description down below. I'm putting a lot of my workshops, my trainings and stuff in there. I have them scheduled to go out over a week. Well, each week, over the next, like nine months, like I'm scheduling content every day. So make sure you go and join the community. Man, I'm super excited we have a free tier, the paid tier, all of that good stuff. It would be linked down below. Go and check it out.