Primordial Path

There are two main types of meditation, ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Passive is the kind that most people do through mindfulness and general meditation. ACTIVE is the ultimate goal, being able to exist in a constant state of meditation whiles performing day to day activities in the modern world.

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There are two main types of meditation,  ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Passive is the kind that most people do through mindfulness and general meditation. ACTIVE is the ultimate goal, being able to exist in a constant state of meditation whiles performing day to day activities in the modern world.

If we can master the passive meditation we can achieve active meditation which will ultimately lead us to a higher state of vibration.

What is Primordial Path?

Traditional, energetic practises, for anyone, anywhere.

Passive and Active Meditation

There are two types of meditation, Active and Passive.
ACTIVE is when we perform regular day to day activities, such as walking, talking, eating etc. This is the aim of Meditation. To be able to meditate whole being involve in worldly activities. This allows the activities to be performed with more efficiency and more energy.

PASSIVE meditation is the aim of sitting in one pose and performing a meditation practise, such as the ones we cover here. The ain is to still the restless and wandering mind, so that a meditational experience will automatically follow.

To become proficient in passive meditation there are 4 main stages to move through.
Fixing the mind on a practise such as an object, sound, breath, picture etc, This is designed to calm the mind.
When we have achieved success at stage 1, this will automatically lead to the free flow of thoughts, complex visions and memories. These come from the lower mind, the unconscious realms of the mind. Here we must begin to renounce the undesirable contents.
After the lower mind has been fully explored, we can now start to explore the superconscious realms of the higher mind. This is where the real meditation begins. Here is where we find a limitless storehouse of knowledge and energy within us. It will start to show itself spontaneously and eventually we can start to tune in with everything around us.
When w reach the forth stage, the mind has transcended. It is here that we can attain oneness with the supreme consciousness. We have achieved self realisation, and enlightenment.
Success in passive meditation will automatically leas to active meditation. For the deeper we go into the mind in passive meditation, the more likely we are to be able to live in a perpetual state. Van while performing the most mundane activities. The deeper we go during passive meditation, the more powerful the surface expressions of external activities become. Everything becomes amplified. We start tp be able to accomplish things that may have been impossible before.

Soon enough, passive meditation becomes superfluous, this is when self-realisation is achieved. Here we begin to live according to our deepest inner and spiritual values, while at the same time, being able to express ourselves naturally in the world around us, day to day.

Here we can live both a spiritual and material life, without conflict. This is a state of continuous and spontaneous active meditation.

This can be a tricky place to get to. We are continually in a state of tension because we top not know ourselves, our inner nature. We strive to do things because we feel we are meant to, even if it goes against our nature. There is a constant conflict here.

When we meditate we can begin to kink the higher regions of the mind with the expanded consciousness, the super consciousness and awareness - the waking consciousness. This link allows higher mental vibrations which are higher forms of consciousness, and begin to show us the underlying causes or truths behind what we see and experience in our everyday lives.

The deeper we go, the more we see.