Morgan and Dane sit down with Gab and Thad, co-owners of Yo! Coffee, the brand new drive-through coffee shop in Media, PA.  The couple recently leased and renovated an old Swiss Farms store to pursue their dream of starting a business and brought a West-Coast themed drive thru concept, that is currently dominated by Starbucks and McDonalds.

We deep dive on the origins of the idea, coming up with the brand's namesake, the fun branding and merch, and all of the trials and tribulations of starting a business.  Thad and Gab are world- travelers and make it a point when they are in another country or city to explore the local coffee scene.

This was a fun episode, and everything the couple does is infused with humor and joy, and getting to know these two and learning about their journey into entrepreneurship was an inspiring and unforgettable experience.


The official podcast of Shoemaker Films. Every week we share content related to digital marketing, video production, and brand building; and frequently meet with local creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners for in-depth conversations. Get to know local heavy hitters and influencers in the Greater Philadelphia region while picking up some tactical advice and tips on starting and running a business, being productive, creating content, and everything in between.

Dane Shoemaker:

Thank you so much for for coming on our show. This is the Shoemaker Films podcast, and we're here with Thaddeus and Gabrielle of Yo Coffee Drive Thru in Media, PA. So thanks for coming on, guys.


Absolutely. Happy to be here. Yeah.


We're in

Dane Shoemaker:

this beautiful space here. We're, at the time of this drop in, might be a couple of days out when you guys are opening. You know, tell us a little bit about, you know, the the the dream here that you guys are building and and your vision for for Yocoffee drive thru.


Yeah. Thanks. So, so we we kinda got the original idea by visiting out west. We, you know, had had been around to the Pacific Northwest especially, and out there it's pretty prevalent to have drive through coffee kiosks, and they're, like, on every block. And there's although there's a lot of coffee drinkers in this area, there's no there's no real, you know, convenient drive through besides if you wanna go to one of the corporate chains or something like that.


And we really don't like their coffee. So, we figured that with being able to bring some great coffee and the convenience into the area, but we also wanted to have a little bit of, you know, funky atmosphere and, kind of like a a more West Coast good vibe than maybe some of the, you know, some of the other stuff that that that's around. So, we wanted to have something that wasn't just a cut and dry, you know, standard subway tile white coffee shop. So, Gabrielle kinda took over for that, and we Right. We renovated from there.


And I think, you know, we want it to be an experience. The whole brand is an experience, and it's not just about getting coffee, you know, to get the coffee because you have to. You wanna go to YoCoffee every morning because you're, like, excited about it, and it feels good, and the people are friendly. And, there's great music playing, so why not? Yeah.


Yeah. Awesome. Unless I'm picking the playlist. Right? Yeah.


Yeah. It's a good, like, who's in charge of the music, but we'll figure that out. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's so cool. So has this been like a, you know, dream of yours, open up a coffee place for a long time, or what's


what's Yeah. I'd say for probably about a decade, we've we've been thinking about it, but we kind of weren't in the position to be able to do so. Yeah. And so kind of think everything aligned and we we were in the process of searching for a location that would that would fit and to be honest, we had a lot of trouble getting, you know, anybody to even respond to our our requests. And so, I was just happy driving by this old, Swiss Farms one day and, it it had been off the market for a while, and it was back on the market.


And so I was I immediately called Gabrielle and was like, oh my god. I think this was like this it's back on. Like, it's the one I I I called, and they're like, well, the realtor's out of the office. And so I was like, well, I'm just gonna drive to your office. So I drove to the office in Newtown Square.


I was like, I need the brochure of this. Like, I like, here's my name. Here's my number. Here's my email. Like, I'm very interested in, like, oh, that's crazy because no one else is.


So Go take care. But for us, it was the perfect location because And we

Dane Shoemaker:

were so


afraid someone else Yeah.


I don't know. Oh, once we stinks for us, we're like, yeah. Yeah. There's not been a lot of action action on this one. And so, we but it was perfectly set up already for the drive through.


So rather than having to build from scratch, we we also love the idea of taking something that's a little bit older and renovating it and bringing it back to life. And so this has been, like, a a kind of a pillar in the community. So we have people stopping by all the time who are very excited for us to open, not as excited as we are to open, but, they're very excited to kind of bring this back to life and, kinda create a new environment and a new little area for people to hang out and, and, you know, they can walk up and grab a cup of coffee on the one side, or if they wanna others wanna drive through on the other side, we're kinda creating both a hybrid of kind of best of both worlds, we hope. So that's the the intent.


Yeah. And I think before this, Thad was literally calling, like, the Granite Run Mall and local, like, Springfield Mall. Like, hey. You have a lot of area out there. How do you feel about talking to me about developing, like, a kiosk?


Well, built from the ground up, nobody was interested. They were like, no way. That'll never work. We there's no way we would ever do that. And so I think the mentality here is way different than it is on the West Coast.


They just don't get the drive through coffee kiosk idea with, like, the independent ownership. And I think that's really important for us. And hopefully with this, people will, like, understand it.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


And we have some friends who, who own a couple kiosks down in Florida, and they originally started at Dutch Brothers Out West. Okay. And so, we actually got the espresso machine from them as they had kind of moved to a more automated machine.

Morgan Shoemaker:



And, they're like some old family friends, and so we've been talking with them. We said, you know, they're they're doing great down there and they said they had the exact same kind of growing pains where they they took them a year and a half to even get a location that would allow them to build their first one. And And now that they've moved and they started franchising, the people are begging them to put them in because nobody was used to the idea yet of having the kind of drive through concept where, you would take, like, just a, like, a part of a parking lot, and you'd put in something small. And it's just, you know, it's a it's an easy, quick, you know, grab the coffee, but they have got it there again similar to what we're doing here, they try to create a great environment and bring people back with with a good attitude and and, you know, like, they we're gonna brighten people's day, and that's kind of the the whole gist of what we're going for.

Morgan Shoemaker:

That's awesome. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about the coffee itself.


Yeah. So, we're working with the local roaster, Burlap and Bean, based in media, and, and, they've been great, and they've been very patient with us for our long build up. And, they've really, like, helped us. We we kinda went through some different blends to see what we like, what we don't like. And, you know, while they're all good, there were some, you know, just some tasting notes we liked with better as Gabrielle had well, this one had the best mouth feel.


So but it Yeah.


And it turned out they had put together a Yo coffee blend for us.

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, nice.


And so we sat with that for a little while, and we've been drinking burlap and bean for as long as we've lived in the area. So over 10 years, basically. And, their heritage blend is like their house blend. It's what they serve every day at the shop, and that's just our favorite. And so at the end of the day, I was kinda like, you know what?


We really just wanna serve your heritage blend. So we kinda like said no to the YoCoffee blend for now, and we're just gonna run with that because it's it's the best. It's

Dane Shoemaker:

the best. Yeah.


Yeah. And so we're gonna get their espresso beans as well and then also the decaf. So, a little bit of everything.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Nice. Yeah. That's awesome. So, Gab, the vibe in here is phenomenal, I have to say. So can you tell me a little bit about, like, your inspiration

Dane Shoemaker:

there? Sure.


Yeah. So, we go to New Orleans a lot. We we love it just for, like, a quick weekend because any more than, like, weekend because any more than, like, 2 or 3 days, we'll just die from eating and drinking, like,

Dane Shoemaker:

so much.


You know? Like, if you beignets. If you've been to New Orleans, it is, like, really indulgent. Right?

Morgan Shoemaker:

So it's


all about that. Anyway, one of our favorite coffee shops is in New Orleans, and it's called IU Bakehouse. And their interior is just, like, breathtaking. And it's kind of like an Adobe style stucco countertop wall vibe with exposed, like, pine beams that are really ornate ornate. And so that was really the inspiration for the interior.


IU Bakehouse, look it up. Their food and coffee is, like, the bomb. And they don't do they don't do the chicory coffee, which is like a Yes. The New Orleans thing. I'm not into that.

Morgan Shoemaker:



And so, the colors I mean, I basically stole these sort of, like, Adobe peachy pinks from IU Bakehouse. And then just thought about, you know, where coffee beans come from. Right? And so these are banana leaves, but I think I wanted it to be, you know, feel really, like, funky in that way. So Yeah.


Yeah. And I just kind of, like, found one thing and then threw a bunch of other stuff with it, and I think this is what what happened.

Morgan Shoemaker:

I love it. I mean, it came together perfectly. It's like yeah. Thank you. It feels, like, really warm, but super cold at same time.

Morgan Shoemaker:



And we really wanted to like, the old Swiss Farm store was just all red and white. Like, red and white everything. And the outside of the building still reflects that, but we're cool with that. It's just the inside had to be very different. Yeah.


Yeah. One of our old, older neighbors described the inside of this as, mid century rainforest.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. That's it. I thought that that was really good. Yeah.


That's really good. Yeah. And the building, you know, it opened in 1958, the original Swiss Farms. And so I was also, you know, you know, paying an homage to that, to the mid century vibe. Right?


And so I wanted to stick with the design aesthetic that would speak to the exterior and the whole, you know, origin Yeah. Of the building, if you will. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Which is super cool. I mean, like Yeah. Yeah. Born and raised in this area. Like, Swiss Farms is, like, you know, a staple here.

Morgan Shoemaker:

So, like, the nostalgia of that is super cool, but it's, like, so fun being in I mean Yeah. Because you can never go into the Swiss farms


No. Before. Right. Right.

Morgan Shoemaker:

So that's


and I think it was so utilitarian. Right? And so that's part of why I think we wanted to change it. You know? We wanna welcome people.


And even when you're driving through, I want you to look in and be like, oh man, I want to go in there. Right. And you can, you know, you can go to the other side and walk up another day. Right?

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. I have,

Dane Shoemaker:

like, a little patio going on out of here.


That's right. Some outdoor seating.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's right.


And so it's really small. Also, as you can see, there isn't a whole lot of room. So, unfortunately, we can't invite customers to stay inside, but they're more than welcome to hang out under the the awning over there. Yeah. Yeah.



Morgan Shoemaker:

That's pretty cool. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Cool. Are you guys planning to paint the outside at at all? I think you mentioned you're gonna keep it for now.


We're gonna we're gonna keep everything as we can, and as you saw when you're in the silo, which is incredible. Because everyone says, what's

Morgan Shoemaker:

in the silo? Yeah.


Yeah. It turns out nothing's in

Dane Shoemaker:

the silo. But they well,


I mean, there's no, you know, like, again, I


Extension ladders.


People have all these ideas.


Ladders are in the silo. It's like Really tall ladders are in the silo.


This this property has, like, a like, a lure around it, like, the or, like, like, the Jersey Devil or something. Right? Like like like where they're like, well, you know, the silo used to be where they stored all the the like, it used to be a freezer. I'm like, no. It didn't.


They're like, yes. It was. I'm like, it definitely was not a freezer. Like, they stored chips in there. Like, there's signs that say where to load all the chips in.


And then yesterday, somebody was arguing

Dane Shoemaker:

with me about that when I was waiting to get


a cheese steak across the street. And, like, we have a giant walk in. So they they that might be what you're thinking of is they have a giant refrigerator


Yeah. There.


And he's like, no. No. No. There's definitely the silo, but I can assure you there's no infrastructure in silo to do any kind of freezing or chilling of anything. But we use it right now for storage, and so hopefully in the future, we can maybe come up with something interesting to do with it.


Yeah. But it's totally hollow inside, and it's really neat because you can see all the way to the top. And it's just it's really it's really a cool, thing. And people, when we first, you know, moved into this space, they're like, what are you gonna do with it? Are you gonna knock it down?


We're like, no. That's a Yeah. That's a beacon. Yeah. Yeah.


That's like free advertising. Right. Totally. So we've got some large signs that, Swiss Farms had the original sign here. We actually got from a a building next door they found in the back, and it's a huge metal sign that was made for the silo.


Yeah. And so we were able to to replicate that with a a friend who's a fabricator in Philadelphia make us 2 additional signs that we're going to use for branding for your coffee, but we have all the dimensions because I don't like going up on very high ladders. So I didn't have to go up and measure anything, so it was perfect. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Nice. Yeah. That's awesome. Nice. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. I think you could probably figure out something fun to do with it.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


One of my friends actually suggested so I have a full time job. This isn't we both have full time jobs, I should say that. I run an art gallery at a college in the city, and one of my friends was like, oh my god. You gotta turn this into a mini art gallery. And I'm like, okay.


Interesting. It's really small, but we could do, like, small works in there. I don't know. Yeah. Like, have an open door and just do a little round.



Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. That would be awesome. So just

Dane Shoemaker:

throw it,


we would just have to, you know, slap some sheet rock up and then Right? You have a gallery.

Morgan Shoemaker:

I don't know. Right?


Yeah. I thought all the projects were done. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Play right back in. Yeah.


Yeah. It never stops. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Cool. So, you know, what's been the the journey like, you know, as you're starting to renovate this place? Any, you know, hiccups along the way or any challenges?


Yeah. It's a lot. So, you know, having not gone into a full scale renovation like this. So I've I've renovated, some houses and and build out, an Airbnb that that we have, just a small unit. But that was that was from new construction, so it was way different than coming into something that's been built on since the sixties and improved and unimproved and sat and, you know, you used for a totally different purpose.


So, we didn't even know what we were getting into when we first started it. So, I mean, to an extent, you know, but, when when we realized that there was no water lines or drain or anything, So we had to literally pull all the floor up, jackhammer, a trench all the way from here, all the way through to the main sewer line. We had you know, there was lots of permits and and, all kinds of of inspections and that kind of stuff that we've had to go through, and then, you know, dealing with and all of our contractors have been great, but, it's just the timing of everyone else, not our timing. Yeah. So when we're ready to go and chomping at the bit, and everyone else is going, well, yeah.


I'll be there, like, big in 3 weeks. They're they're in 4 weeks, you know, and then Yeah. You know, and then you're waiting for for everybody, and you can't move to one step until the this step's done. And then sometimes you need to go back and redo a step. Right?


Where, you know, something might not have been right, and so you gotta pull somebody back. And then, you know, it's also kind of, like, phased in that, we you know, some of the some of the stuff we brought in, and then we weren't ready to pull the water lines over because the cabinets weren't done. And then we weren't ready to bring the espresso machine up because we didn't have the water lines run. And then, you know, it's it's been a a learning curve for sure. And then we also had this giant walk in, and we were like, what are we gonna do with this?


And so we were able to reuse a we have this retro, mystic cooler, from the old drink from the nineties. And so we're gonna that's gonna be kind of a little grab and go for, for for teas and kombucha and stuff like that. Nice. And so but, like, even that, like, we we we got that and repurposed it. But, of course, one of the glass heels was was busted.


So that's out for repair right now. And so it's like everything it's it's every time you're like, alright. We're we got ahead. And he's like, no. No.


No. You didn't. Like, you're all back. So, but it's been really fun and and, you know, it's just it's it's trying to learn patience and, you know, setting the expectation that, you know, we're we're doing the best we can and you can't really get mad and you just gotta, you know, keep going forward and just keep, you know, going going as fast as you can, but, you know, temper it with, you know, we'll we'll get there when we get there.

Dane Shoemaker:



Yeah. Like, when we got the property in October, we were like, oh, we're definitely open in the

Dane Shoemaker:

new year. Like, January. Oh my god.


We'll be open in January. And then we were like, February. They were like, maybe March. Now we're like, we're definitely opening in April. It's gonna be


the next couple of weeks. Definitely. We are opening. We're opening.


But to dad's point, all of that stuff just piles up and you don't have control over it. And so a lot of the unknowns or the hiccups, I think just, and being ready and prepared to just be patient with the fact that you don't have control. You just don't have control over so many things. Right?


Yeah. And then you and it's all the other stuff that you don't have everything. I would never even have thought of just, like, alright. Well, how are we gonna set up our payroll? How are we gonna do that?


You know, like like, oh, the the insurances and then all these other you know, just so many different

Dane Shoemaker:



Like like, paperwork nightmares and then, you know, like, dealing with the state for tax and all this different stuff and setting it up for for everything. So that's been, like, a pretty interesting stuff. We've got, like, some great friends helping us in different facets of that with accounting and stuff like that. So that's been really great, but, you know, it's just it's also just a a 1000000 people asking you for money and things. Right?


Yeah. So, like, it's just you you're like, well, how much what? Everything I have to pay for everything? Like Yeah. We didn't get we haven't even

Dane Shoemaker:

sold anything yet. So yeah.


But that's, it's it's overall, it's been it's been really fun, and so we're we're hopeful that everybody's gonna really enjoy it.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's, like, the like, a coffee shop is such a community Mhmm. Thing. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:

And I think, you know, we're talking about a little bit, like Yeah. You know, in the city, you know, it's, it's, on the corner, people can walk in, but in the suburbs, a little bit different. So having a drive through, I think, is is awesome. Mhmm. And we have 2 kids, so I feel like we're you know, we have, like, Starbucks and McDonald's.

Dane Shoemaker:

So Right. That we can go to.


Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Maybe Chick Fil A, but, like, you know, you gotta try for that. You know? So Yeah.


So we're trying to, right, have a little a better coffee. Yes. Yeah.


Yeah. And then Yeah. We're gonna roll out some stuff that the kids will like too. So yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Some some of the Right.


We're hopefully gonna get


Dog friendly.


Bring your dogs. Pups and all that. Oh,

Dane Shoemaker:

man. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

If you


have a cat and they, like, whipped cream out of a pup cup


We got you covered too.

Dane Shoemaker:

They can come. Yeah. Come on in. Oh my god.


Yeah. That's amazing.


Birds? I don't know. Yeah. It's worse. Pet friendly.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Doobie. I can do. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Oh, totally.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. So is it so the plan is to have really great coffee. And then what's the plan for food too?


So the the food is gonna be rolled out a little bit later. We're working on that. And I think, we have a couple of local vendors who have their own, like, little scratch kitchens out of their, like, homes. And so, one of which is called Jenny's Buns here in media, and she does, fresh cinnamon buns. And she'll hopefully supply us on the weekends.


And then we're working with somebody else who has a place called Spike Curiosities, and he does a lot of, like, sourdough based pretzels, scones, cookies, and and a lot of really great sweets. And so, he again wouldn't be able to supply us every day. It would be, like, a couple of days out of the week. And then as filler, we're working with a French bakery in Narberth who will, do danishes and croissants. So we're trying to keep it really it's gotta be fast.


Right? You know, you're coming through the drive through. We don't have time to do food prep. We also don't have space to do much food prep. So, it'll be kinda grab and go stuff.


And down the line, we have a really, our our plan is to be able to do breakfast burritos. Yeah. A heartier sort of, you know, a different thing than anybody else is doing. We don't wanna be like everybody else. Right?


But to start, I think we don't really have the capacity. We're we're talking to people, and it's gonna be

Dane Shoemaker:

maybe a couple of


months before we get the couple of months before we get the the burrito thing rolling. But, we're working on it.

Morgan Shoemaker:

That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I could totally see our little guys getting all those baked goods.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. For sure. Burrito.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. They will.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Who doesn't love a burrito? Right? Yeah. Yeah.


And, yeah, they're they're despite yeah. They they do a great job, and they they, you know, they he just works out of his he converted his garage into a, like inspected food prep. So he he made his garage into a


It's a commercial kitchen. Kitchen. So it's really good. That's great.


Out of, yeah, out of his house. And so he does a really, really good job, and he's a great guy. And, so but he does some really funky lot of


really good stuff.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that's, like, the community aspect of, like, a coffee shop. It's, like, super cool that you're working with, like, all local vendors too. You know?


It's all really cool. I think that's a big part of it, you know, is the really, like you said, the community is really important, and we want everybody to feel like they're a part of Yo Koffee. Right. Get back to that brand experience. So that's really important.


Yeah. And I think for the kombucha, I mean, we're gonna try to find somebody local to to work with us on that. So, like, any opportunity we have to do that, we will.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. That's super cool. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Where did Yo Koffi come from? How'd you come up with that?


That was all bad. Yeah.


So we were we were, coming back from, actually, from Missoula, Montana visiting a friend, and we had this we had the property, and we were we were on it was, like, Labor Day or was it Labor Day?


Yeah. It was


Labor Day. Yeah. I mean, we might not sign the contract yet, but we were we were already in talks. And we're going, well, what can we call? We're, like, racking our brains.


And I was cripplingly hungover on a plane going home for a vacation, and we're sitting there. And I was, like, what? Like, what can we do? It's like a simple like, you know, just like a, but it's like Philly centric, but does not necessarily just tied to Philadelphia. But it could, you know, has a lot of different variation in it.


I was like, yo. I was like, wait. What? I was like, oh my god. I'm like, look.


And I I, like, leaned over the aisle because we always sit across the aisle of the lake. Like I knew that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. You'll be close

Dane Shoemaker:

to each other.


We don't have to be right next to each other. Right? And, you know, that this is, like, I was, like, oh my god. How about yo? And she's, like


Also hungover.


Well, she's, well, we'll we'll think about that. I think by the end of the flight, she's, like, that's pretty good. Yeah. That's perfect. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. That's it.


That's it. Yeah. We're we're we're


That was it. That

Dane Shoemaker:

flight. That was it. Yeah. Amazing.


And that is, you know, and then on, like, the Uber ride home, we I was like, you know, like, Yo MTV raps, and then we started to spitballing, like, oh,

Dane Shoemaker:

yeah. Yeah.


Oh my gosh. How many riffs we can do on Yo? And so then that's kind of where, like, the identity came out of Yo MTV wraps. I'm gonna be honest with you. Yeah.


Like, the

Dane Shoemaker:

whole, like oops. Sorry. The whole, like, Starburst thing, like That is amazing.


It came out of that. I'll be honest. Yeah. That's awesome.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. I think it's it is Philly, but it's also kinda Delco.


Yeah. You're right. Yeah. It's

Dane Shoemaker:

and it's catchy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cold coffee.

Dane Shoemaker:


Morgan Shoemaker:

And the logo is awesome. Thanks.


Yeah. Yeah. And so we're trying to do a lot of different variations.


Yeah. You get the


We have, yeah. Yeah. We have, like, an eagle shirt. I got a nice gritty. I've done a gritty.


We have some stickers. I'll I'll give you some. Yeah. That's sweet. Oh, yeah.


So and, like, having fun with it, you know, just, like, keep keep changing it so that people come back. Like, what's the next shirt gonna be? What's the next sticker

Dane Shoemaker:

gonna be? Like We're gonna be like we're gonna


be like Yeah. Yeah. The style

Dane Shoemaker:

of the like that. The beads. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Did you guys design the logos, or do you work with the


I do it I do it all. So I have an art degree. Yeah. My BFA is in sculpture and printmaking, and so I do all of that. And I do a lot of that for my real job too.


So I think Yeah. I'm just, like, always working in Adobe. That's awesome. All kinds of crazy stuff. So Nice.


Yeah. Yeah. And, we're really excited about the letterboard out front, the old Swiss Farms letterboard.




So I found a company that still makes, like, the plexiglass letters because we couldn't find any on-site. I guess they got rid of them or they cracked or they broke or something. And so they just came yesterday. So we're, like, really excited to put messages out there and be able to, like, welcome people with Yeah. Exciting, fun, little jokes.


I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, it it's

Dane Shoemaker:

I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

So Just like, you know, mood boosting for everybody around. Yeah. That's great.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's super cool.


And we're still repairing the sign because, like, there was, you know, missing the top part of the the marquee. Right. And so we're working with a local


Another a local glass company. So another, like, extension of what we thought we could do like that.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Right. Yeah.


So there's a

Dane Shoemaker:

lot of


5 months later,

Dane Shoemaker:

we're Yeah.


That was that was our delay though. Yeah. And so


even though, you know, we're gonna open, there are gonna be things that are still happening just to, you know, get us where we wanna be eventually. Right? And so that's just gonna take some time. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. I mean, nothing's ever gonna be perfect. Right? Sometimes you just gotta jump in and Yes. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Let's get let's get rolling


and then we'll figure out the kinks


as we go.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Right.

Morgan Shoemaker:

I feel like there's a beauty in that though. Like, there's a beauty in kind of, like, the initial, like, imperfections. You know? It feels like more real, more authentic, you know. Still blow us up online with

Dane Shoemaker:

that. Yeah.


Yeah. We're working on it. Yeah. Yeah. We are working on it.


Yeah. That's our motto. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


New coffee. We're working on it. Yeah. That's great.


That'll be our next shirt.

Dane Shoemaker:

I can

Morgan Shoemaker:

do that.

Dane Shoemaker:

I think that one, actually. Yeah. Working prior. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Right. Right.


The loading screen. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

I feel like with, like, a Yo coffee, no one can really come in here expecting, like, you know Yeah. Yeah. To be be, like, too serious. Right. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. So you're gonna have a good time here.


You had a great cup

Morgan Shoemaker:

of coffee. That's right.


It's cool. Right. And you keep saying the yo Adrian. It's all my peeping.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yes. Right.


So it has a there's a lot. Nope.

Morgan Shoemaker:

There's a lot


going on there. Spanish, I am coffee?


Yeah. Yo. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's what I am. Yeah. Yeah.


Right. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. So a lot of coffee.


It's gonna sell my coffee. It's your coffee. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. You know, like, there's, like,


we're workshopping a few things. Yeah. I like it.

Dane Shoemaker:

I like it.



Dane Shoemaker:

So are you guys local? Or are we


Yeah. Yeah. We live, we live about 3 miles away. So, we're we're pretty local. It's been really nice being convenient for just less than 10 minutes to the shop.


So we can zoom in and out, whatever, and so it turns out multiple times a day is pretty frequent. So it's it's nice. We love the area. We've been in Delco for about 10 years, and, we just love media. We love all the people, and it's just really convenient to the city, to the airport, and then, you know, we've got roots out in in, out in Chester County and get rails out in Harrisburg area.


So, it's been nice to you know, we're kind of able to get to everybody and see everybody and and still, you know, be local to where we live and love.

Morgan Shoemaker:

So yeah. I guess Yeah. Tell us, like, a little bit about some of, like, the drinks you're gonna serve. Like, you talked about kind of, like, where the beans are coming from and, you know, all of that. But tell us, like, a little bit about, like, some of the flavors of the coffee.

Morgan Shoemaker:



Sure. I mean, I think we're we're working on the menu. That's a work in progress. So I think we're gonna be discovering a lot of things as we, you know, teach ourselves how to use the espresso machine. You know, we're new to this.


And thankfully, burlap and bean is gonna help us get started and understand sort of the the science a little bit better. And so, you know, your base we're gonna have your basic chalk, your mocha, your vanilla, your car you know, salted caramel. We have a toasted marshmallow that we're working with that I think is really good, So that's exciting. And then your typical seasonal stuff. Right?


People like their pumpkin spice, and I think we're just you know, we don't have it all laid out yet, but I think we're gonna work through it. And, you know, we're not making our own syrups to start, but I think that that's something we wanna do is do, house made syrups for all of those different flavors. And so Yeah. You know, your your lattes, your cappuccinos, your macchiatos, cortados, you know, anything I hate to say it. You would see, like, on Starbucks menu.


Yeah. It's kind of I mean, you have you have to say it.

Dane Shoemaker:

But you have all the favorite to read here. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:



That's right. Right.

Morgan Shoemaker:

It's true. Yeah. How did you guys get into coffee?


We've always been lovers of coffee, and and, I mean, one of our greatest, you know, thrills going every time we go on vacation, every morning, we go to a different almost always to a

Dane Shoemaker:

different coffee


shop, but, like, when we go to New Orleans, we go to I see. I see. I see. I see. House.


Yeah. Yeah. But,


we we, like, love just

Dane Shoemaker:

going to different coffee shops and and just having a nice coffee


and either you know, even if we just get it to go because we're gonna go somewhere, like, we're we're gonna go for a walk or a hike or go. Mhmm. You know, we we try to find what has, like, a great coffee shop and and look around online and see what's got great reviews and then check out look at the pictures of the inside. Oh, this looks cool. So

Dane Shoemaker:



For us, it's I think, like, it's really important, just to start our day off with a kind of that that positive vibe and, like, you know, that just, like, alright. Now we can go do what we're gonna do, but, you know, I I just it's too life's too short to drink, like, a crappy cup of coffee. It's true. With that. It's true.


It is so true. And we like every morning grind the beans, do the whole thing. And we have, you know, like a nice Chemex maker. So we the ritual and the process is important too, when we're at home. But I, you know, will probably just have coffee here every morning now because it is so close to home.


Like, my ritual and process, I can just throw it out the window probably. But, yeah, I think it's always just been a part of our partnership, you know, just the morning process. Yeah. The coffee. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. I would say we're big fans of coffee.

Morgan Shoemaker:

We are.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. We drink a lot of coffee. Yeah.


Yeah. And, yeah. And a lot of the people are, are, you know, we're doing stuff like the matcha lattes and chai lattes like that because Right. Nice.

Dane Shoemaker:

A lot


of people

Dane Shoemaker:

go, why


don't drink coffee? Like, where else gonna have this too? Yeah. We're gonna do some some, like, Italian sodas and stuff. So kids can get involved.


No caffeine. You know? Yeah. Like, I eat blue raspberry. They love it because the tongue turns blue.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Exactly. Yeah.


Yeah. It's like a water ice, but



Dane Shoemaker:



The water ice texture. You know? It's just like the flavor and the club soda over ice. Yeah. That's awesome.


You know, whipped cream or


And, of course, we'll have, like, you know, decaf and non caffeinated drinks. So a little bit of everything for everyone, but, obviously, the focus is on, like, the caffeine and the coffee. Right? Yeah. Yeah.


Exactly. I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't. That's awesome. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

So kind of a personal question, but I feel like as we've been chatting, like you guys travel a lot. You know? Is that yeah. Tell me like tell me a little bit about that.


Anymore. Yeah. That's that's what yeah. That's one of the things that's it's been the most, you know, trying to get the realization, like, okay. Well, our I mean, we would we would almost travel once a month via plane somewhere.


So we spend a lot of time in in Charleston, South Carolina visiting family, but we, you know, go on go on international trips and and visit a lot of friends out west and just all over, you know. And so, yeah, that's gonna be one of the things we have to reel back in a little bit, but but also some of the travel has inspired, like, what what we're doing here.


Of course.


Yeah. Yeah. Just the the design and the aesthetic and and and all of that. And, you know, we


For sure.


We love the ability to to kinda go places. So, hopefully, once we get everything running, we'll be back kind of to at least some extent.

Dane Shoemaker:



We don't have any children, so we have a lot of flexibility. And I think the travel for us has been it's just a lifestyle, you know, for so long.

Dane Shoemaker:



And, you know, we try to do 2 international trips a year if we can, but that hasn't been happening recently because of this, obviously. But, yeah, even getting away, like I said, to New Orleans for a couple of days is really great and, like like, a nice reset for us, you know, just to step away from work. And, yeah, it it's been a lot of fun.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. And it feels so cool, like, you've been able to pick up different things from all the different places you've been.

Dane Shoemaker:

You know? It was really weird.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're trying to hopefully go away in early June for his birthday, but we'll see. You know, we're kind of like, it's so uncertain.


We're you know, we just When's your birthday? Plan anything.


June 3rd.

Dane Shoemaker:

Alright. I'm June 8th.


Okay. Yes. Alright. Nice.

Dane Shoemaker:



Yeah. It's, it's do you have

Dane Shoemaker:

a couple places in mind? Or


Well, we might just go to Charleston to visit his family because I Yeah. You know, again, we can't really plan anything, and that's just an easy we have a place to stay. We know where we're going. It's easy to get in and out of.


But our next big trip that we're I've told Gabrielle that when we are have this able to step away a little bit, is our next trip is gonna be southern Spain and Morocco. So that's, like,

Morgan Shoemaker:

the high water.

Dane Shoemaker:

Sweet. Yeah.


So Spain is, like, one of my favorite places. I love Portugal too. We had a really great time in Lisbon, but, we did Barcelona and San Sebastian a while back, and I'm like, I just gotta go back to Spain. It's so gorgeous. Yeah.



Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. So Yeah. I'm excited. Actually actually my sister, who went to high school


with us. I just figured


that out. Hi, Annie.

Dane Shoemaker:

She studied abroad in, I'm trying to think of the city now. It's in southern Spain, but we went over and visited her. I was in high school at the time. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

It's beautiful over there.


I just can't

Dane Shoemaker:

wait. Malaga and, like, the rock of Gibraltar and stuff. Yeah.


Yeah. It's pretty sweet. I wanna do Madrid. Yeah. A lot of the TV shows that I watch are, like, span Spanish soap.


So I'm, like, live it. I wanna live it. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Nice. That's cool. Yeah. Where are some of the other places?


On the list well, so, yeah, we we got we we were scheduled to go to or where have we been or where are we going?

Morgan Shoemaker:

Or Both. Yeah.


Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, so we've we've been all around France. We loved that. Like, Nice was really neat because it's, you know, on the East Coast and, just, like, tropical I mean, just really, really cool.


Just, and then we loved Ireland. We had a great


Ireland was great. We did, like, a road trip around Ireland, and that was awesome.

Dane Shoemaker:



were driving on the right hand side stick manual, which was like it took a few minutes, but, you know, we got the hang of it. That was a lot of fun. Yep. But Italy is high on the list. We just, you know, maybe next year.


I don't know.


If we


can swing it.

Dane Shoemaker:



And, we we went down to Argentina and Chile, which was a great one too. So we got to, like we we went, from Buenos Aires to, Mendoza. Mendoza. And that's, like, their their napa. So we're going


to Mendoza.

Dane Shoemaker:

East side


of the Andes, and so it's just beautiful. And, you know, you'd be there and you're eating in, like, a vineyard and it's, like, like, $75 US for, like, a 7 course lunch, right, with, like, filet and whatever. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:



And they're like, do you want the upgraded wine pairing? And I'm like, oh, like, you know, was this years ago too? Or, like, how much is that? They're like Right. Like, it's, like, $8 US.


You're like, yes.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm


like, oh, big. It would've $600


in Napa.

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, right? Only we were,


like, 200, and it was one of


the best


meals, like,


we've ever had. Oh, my god. Yeah. I feel like that's, like, my dream. Yeah.


Mendoza is beautiful for sure. And then we flew over to, Valparaiso, Chile, which is kind of like a little bit like they're a San Francisco.

Dane Shoemaker:



A little bit. A lot of dogs everywhere. All the street dogs have names and neighborhoods. Yeah. There's signs everywhere.


In this block.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Like, no. Yeah. No way.


You have to watch where you're


walking, obviously.


Yeah. Yeah. It was a cool yeah. That was a cool experience. Very different,

Dane Shoemaker:

You know?


Just, yeah. But, we tried to go to Hungary and Poland, the motherland. Mhmm. And, that got canceled for the

Morgan Shoemaker:

2020. 2020. Yeah.


Couldn't do that. So that sucked. But so that got bumped down a little bit. We were kinda, like, savage.


That was my pick, and her pick was Southern Spain. So obviously, we're


gonna be Southern Spain.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Right? I feel like that's somewhere.


Yeah. We had it all planned out, and I was kinda like, well, I can't revisit that so soon. So it got dropped down and we'll cycle it through, but not for a little while.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. We just went last year to Sedona, which was our that was our trip weekend.


Nice. Yeah. Yeah.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Like, right when COVID happened. Oh, yeah. Got canceled. But, yeah. It was fun.

Morgan Shoemaker:

It was awesome.

Dane Shoemaker:

Doing some hiking and Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. It's


beautiful over there.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. It was so nice. It was, like, so calm. Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

What's it like working together? Husband you guys are married?


Yes. Yes.


We are. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

I don't think we confirmed that. Okay. Yeah.


No. We we got married in 20 I

Dane Shoemaker:

guess we we are. Yeah. When did we get married? 2 I don't remember. Yeah.


I I don't know. 2014.

Dane Shoemaker:

Okay. We bought


the house in 2013, got married a year later.

Dane Shoemaker:

Got it. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. So we are married. It'll be 10 years this October, I guess. Yeah.


We don't even pay attention.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, what's it like starting a business together, husband and wife? I mean


Yeah. It's it's, great. There's no It's good. There's no issues at all.

Dane Shoemaker:

Do it. Just do it. Yeah. Especially if you're yeah.


If your marriage is shaky at all, definitely get into it because it'll be you'll you'll have a great time. But, no, we're like best friends. So it's, you know, we could kind of vent at each other at times, but it's, like, not you know, it not you know, just it's frustration when

Dane Shoemaker:



That, you know but you you just go, alright. Well, let's get back to work. You know? Yeah. Yeah.



Dane Shoemaker:

You're not


gonna sit here to mope around, like, but you know? So there's a lot of yeah. But it's it's it's a lot of fun too. But there you know, definitely, it's it's difficult to do either way, but it's great having a partner with you that, like, you can be like, okay. Well, I would think this.


Well, I think that. And then you're like, alright. Let's talk about it. You come okay. Well, maybe this makes more sense so that makes more sense.


And then just also just having somebody to help bear the burden of of everything. Right? Yeah.


And we're doing it all the time together, which I think, like, is helpful. It would be different with a business partner. Right? Because you're not, like, with them all the time. You can't just have these moments and call them in the middle of the night.


Yeah. But I think that's, like, a benefit to us is that we have that, like, always together, always doing this Yeah. You know,


with the


Always. To the same thing. Always. But I think, know, in a way, that's a


good thing every single day. Stops. Yeah. Yeah.


I know. I think that, you know, that's a good thing in a way. So, that's been helpful. And, you know, we have the same end in sight or, right, the same vision and the same goals. And so I I think that makes it a little bit easier.



Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. I feel like we can totally relate to that, and I do I mean, I, like, totally appreciate what you're saying because it is, like, those times where you're, like, making dinner, like, emptying the dishwasher, and you're, like, you know we should do? And, like, the moments and then it turns into, like, a full fledged conversation, like, strategy session, and then you're, like, yeah. This is it's that spontaneity that

Dane Shoemaker:

you need to lean into. Have, like, date nights every once in a while, and then we get into a whole conversation about, alright. This is what we're gonna this is what we're gonna do next.


Let's try

Dane Shoemaker:

to be

Morgan Shoemaker:

good about it. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Let's do that. Yeah. Definitely. It's in a lot of it's exactly the same with us. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

You don't get that, like


I said, with somebody you're not


with all the time. Right. You know? Right. So Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yep. Yeah. And then


you sit here googling, how do I start a podcast? Yeah. I'm like I'm like, how do how do I cry

Dane Shoemaker:

Sometimes you gotta build a flame


the flame as you know. Right? That's right. Yeah.


Yeah. Exactly. You're trying. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Well, your, your story is really inspiring. This place is awesome. We're we're really looking forward to it, You know? Getting opened up, and I'm sure Yeah. Neighborhood is as well.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Yeah. Great.

Dane Shoemaker:

You know? Just really appreciate you guys taking the time here today.


Thank you for having us. We're really excited, and it's great to be here, and I hope you all come and get some coffee.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Awesome.

Morgan Shoemaker:

Thanks, guys. Us.

Dane Shoemaker:

Appreciate it. Thanks, guys. Cheers.


Yo, coffee.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yo, coffee. Yo, coffee. Cheers. Awesome. Great.

Dane Shoemaker:

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