Growing Pains

This episode we talk all about dating apps and the best things men have said to kylie! “GIRL how am i stalking you 🙄your account is public 💅”

What is Growing Pains?

"Growing Pains" is a podcast about growing up and trying not to break down. Tune in weekly with Ginger, Kylie, Gianna, and Ashlee as they survive college life, relationships, and the chaos of adulthood during their first year at UNLV. There will be crying, ranting, potential punching, and lots of laughter. Growing pains - when it hurts, the best thing you can do is laugh!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:17
Welcome to Growing Pains I'm your host ginger join me and my best friend as we talked about growing up we try not to break down changement

Unknown Speaker 0:30
everybody Hey, we're

Unknown Speaker 0:33
back my bad my phone just went wow

Unknown Speaker 0:34
screen slave screens. This generation are cooked let's talk to tell you. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 0:44
gee, because we realized we didn't see money on the track. Gee money on the track. Yeah, that's the auto right there.

Unknown Speaker 0:49
This bleep just stole my whole thing. This is Kylie Kay jam

Unknown Speaker 0:54
track. When we were doing mic checks, oh, this is ginger. When we were doing my checks. It was like this is Chi. This is Kylie on the track. It's currently on the mic. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:01
went to my like, alter ego like my whole like, persona. Like once, once on microphones in front of me. I just lose all thought. My brain goes blank. I just zoom right in.

Unknown Speaker 1:10
I walk into the mind. It's just us today guys.

Unknown Speaker 1:13
It is it's just us three. Very quiet podcast. She

Unknown Speaker 1:17
has a new job. She's out right? Oh, yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 1:19
her second date isn't working girl. She's

Unknown Speaker 1:21
a working girl. I'm so proud of her. I need to get a new job. I hate my job.

Unknown Speaker 1:26
I didn't go to work. I literally woke up and I couldn't breathe and my eyes were bulging out my face. puffy. And I was like I cannot make it

Unknown Speaker 1:32
but you pulled through for the strength to get the podcast

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Growing Pains

Unknown Speaker 1:38
I just totally loyal 52

Unknown Speaker 1:39
visitor. But I know who you are. I

Unknown Speaker 1:44
know who you are. Cutie pie

Unknown Speaker 1:47
if we don't know who you are. If you ever see us as well a lot of people don't know what we look like following Instagram so you see, but if you see us on the street, please go and paint gram Growing

Unknown Speaker 1:55
Pains gram let's put that please start tagging our thing guys growing pains gram go follow you have to follow the Tick Tock Growing Pains TT

Unknown Speaker 2:03
the outro actually has the wrong at four. Tick tock because I had originally made the first tick tock for growing pains but tick tock won't let me log back in. And we all tried and I lost it so

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Growing Pains T T.

Unknown Speaker 2:19
Yeah. Thank you follow it. Yeah. So what guys want to start out with song of the week? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:23
Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh, I can start easy sweet life by Frank Ocean. The sun is out. It's getting warmer. I'm sure we're driving with the windows down the wind in my hair. I haven't actually walking around campus with like my little tank tops and like surely are in your stomach. And I'm like freezing but it's like no, it's like a minute. A little warm. And the minute it got like above 60 degrees. I'm like I'm free.

Unknown Speaker 2:47
Sorry. I also have no voice right now. My song of the week is can't take my eyes off you by Lauryn Hill. Good one. Heck, yeah. Anyone want to know why? I would like to know she's cheeseand. I can't tell you about it. Is that like, here's

Unknown Speaker 3:01
a podcast launch too much. You'll meet

Unknown Speaker 3:06
the whole person on the podcast. I mentioned

Unknown Speaker 3:11
Paramore. I have a bow. I have a bow. And he's very cute. It was she's Russia. Be honest.

Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yeah. Which is so nice to hear. Because like I think after everything she went through last season on the podcast. Yeah, we were put through the wringer. He's very nice and cool. Will we ever have him on the pod? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 3:33
actually want him to be on the pod when he makes it a fish.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Yeah. Was he? Well,

Unknown Speaker 3:37
I knew Yeah, they're actually like, kind of like cute. And it's really just I need to tell him to get a poster.

Unknown Speaker 3:41
Yeah, he made me he like actually told me to post the I had like pictures of us from eating fall last night. And he was like, posted on me and I genuinely like can't believe it would mean means you actually talked about this when the guy is more into the girl. That is the secret formula for success. Well, this

Unknown Speaker 3:58
is what my dad was saying. Okay, and this is coming from a little lesbian. This is my father who has been with Mama for like 30 something years now. He said, because men are so weird about commitment. Okay, and we're talking about straight men and we're talking about like, basic, I think it's

Unknown Speaker 4:12
just men, maybe men in general. But he was saying

Unknown Speaker 4:15
with commitment. If men aren't like head over heels super in love and love, they will always look for someone else or they will always be keep talking to other people, even if they're in a relationship. And he says the only way a relationship will really like like a long lasting one is if the man is so down for this woman like he's like, this is my dream woman like this is my wife. I want to marry her. Because the minute the man thinks to himself, like oh, I can find someone like better Baba Baba fits this more. He will leave that's my father's. And so I'm a lesbian. So I think because he had that conversation with me when I was a little little lady who did not know she was a lesbian and so that like instilled in me I was like, oh my god, I'm never gonna fall. Never gonna find love and then I love what I

Unknown Speaker 4:58
actually think the dynamic we have I have here is really interesting. It's actually I feel like I'm like on like death row right now to people lovely people and like a great like stage of like relationship and dating in their life. Yeah. And I feel like I've never had the lowest like driest point of my life. Oh my gosh, that's how I've just like recently come to terms. I was like, I don't think that is in the cards for me, at least not anytime soon. And I think I've become very cynical, but I don't mean this to like, in a way that's like negative. I just like I just don't see that happening. For me. I see the way for your people. your guys's significant others just are with you. It was like, I just can't imagine that. But I definitely think

Unknown Speaker 5:35
like, I don't know if you feel the same G but like the minute like I've really found Morgan like the minute I was able to have a relationship. I was not looking for one. I literally was just

Unknown Speaker 5:47
gonna say, Yeah, the thing about him is I had like an Kiley like you can both attest to this right before I met him. I had been looking for a relationship for like three years, I've been looking for a relationship basically my whole life. I'm very like a lovey dovey person. And I was looking for it so hard, like, especially the past three years when I started, like getting older. And it just wasn't like, nothing was clicking with me. Like everything I do, I just, like, get way more like into them than they are into me. And at the end of last year, I was kind of like, Yeah, I'm just like, I don't really care anymore. I'm just gonna, like, have fun with guys. And like, I'm not gonna get attached. And like, if I happen to like, see someone I like I can, like, have fun with them. But like, I'm not really looking for anything like that.

Unknown Speaker 6:27
I also don't want to, like instill that, like, way of thinking into how I'm like going to move on with my life. Because I think if I just like keep, like, I don't want to keep on to the hope of that. If I really, I don't wanna get my hopes up and keep getting disappointed. I think I need to get over like, oh, once I start forgetting like it'll happen. Like, no, that's Yeah, and that's how I felt too is I was like, because ever you know, everyone's always like, when you're not looking. That's when you find Yeah, I hate

Unknown Speaker 6:55
I hate like, I genuinely hate when people say like, because I'm like, Oh my gosh, but like it Loki was true for me, but I don't like it just kind of happens. Like, you don't really know when it's gonna happen. And you don't you just have to be like ready for it. And it just depends on like, your mindset of it. Yeah. Because even just even after, like, the first couple of times we came out I was like, I'm just like going to do like whatever he wants. And he was the one who was like, Yeah, I want to like, I want this to go further.

Unknown Speaker 7:23
I mean, I know we don't want to talk too much about him. But basically I only quit school Morgan knew him from high school so fun back to Vicki. Morgan was was in love with him freshman year of high school and I make fun of her. Know

Unknown Speaker 7:43
that. Yes. The night we met him. We had been like we're gonna go somewhere that he was at in ginger was like freaking out. She's like Morgan used to be in love with him. Look at this comment. She left on his post. And it was like her big like, what

Unknown Speaker 7:56
did she say? It was in 2020. This post was in 2020. And Morgan was like too good. Too good. Too hard. Oh, geez. And three five like she won't because it's crazy. So Morgan. It's just funny. This guy like, he was like, I don't know, another invisible string moment where like, I think it is very,

Unknown Speaker 8:12
it's so invisible the way the connections are just, like speeder majors we were also did you guys know we're supposed to be at the same Father John Misty concert. Me and him and Gingy and we're gonna be in the same row because we got upgraded to the seat right next to his but we didn't go to that concert. Yeah, we like at the last second. Yeah, he went and he was was it right by us. But me and did you get the last deck? And we're like, Nah, like, we're not gonna go with

Unknown Speaker 8:35
him in a weird way. He was like you were meant to meet him somewhere. Somehow that truly but like, it was funny because mo knew him. And I was like, when you and hemisphere started talking. I was like, No, I don't know. Because I was so cynical because I hate seeing you guys like heartbroken or sad. And so I think when a man comes into the picture, and I know what men can do, okay, and we know

Unknown Speaker 8:57
the last like you were around just like scarred us way too much. Like all like even just watching like each other's legs

Unknown Speaker 9:03
and why I've like, the reason why mine hurt is bad as it did wasn't because I was like, so head over heels for him. It's because it was the first time I like really like felt like I could like be I could like let go and just like this could go further. I've never I think I'm like so weird. I don't understand how my brain works. But I just don't let myself I don't ever touch feelings ever. And like this is the first time it happened not like so like or get not organically but it happens so quickly. And like talking to him was so easy. Yeah, but due to the circumstances, it just obviously didn't work out. I was wanting to cut it off and it's like it was like wow, like I really like I still like miss it. I don't miss him but I miss that. Feeling the feet it's because it's very like that feeling is something that like every I think that's the thing that everyone chases it's not just like another person because like you could talk to like any I did that before like I tried to go As in the thing is like, if you don't feel that initially, it's never gonna we're never gonna try to force things like you cannot

Unknown Speaker 10:07
if it's not easy, you just can't

Unknown Speaker 10:09
we all use data gaps. Oh, this is kind of we should talk about that, like our dating app experience. Oh, yeah, we all use dating apps. And I would just talk to a lot of people I talk to girls like I would I went on a couple of dates here and there. And like, I felt I didn't have that spark. And like, What's bad is sometimes I confuse like having a spark and then being obsessed. Oh, see? Yeah, that is literally me to ation feeling like, I think you guys know about the LinkedIn story. And if you don't listen to last season, there was like, I think he was literally,

Unknown Speaker 10:41
like, early, I

Unknown Speaker 10:43
needed to use PI. Episodes last season, I thought, like, Oh, I like someone what I'm crazy obsessed with them. And so it was hard, because I will admit, I was a little evil. I wasn't evil in a way of like, I did anything with anybody. But like, I would just talk to a lot of people and then like, Ginger

Unknown Speaker 10:58
would just make it. Like, it was very, like intense. And I'd

Unknown Speaker 11:01
like to recognize just from observing you, ginger, you would like treat these people really sweet. But it was normal for you to treat these people really sweet because I don't I wouldn't have experienced that either. They were like fresh the dating pool, or they just didn't have good experiences in the past. And here comes along ginger, sweetest person on earth. And it's like normal for you to be like, let me like, buy you this. Let me like treat you nice, like blah, blah, even if it's just like, very like beginning stages. And if you don't feel it, that's not really on

Unknown Speaker 11:31
my car. We have like very, like, we had a deep conversation with like Ashley about this. Like, if someone is just like really nice to you. This is kind of like not related. But like if someone is nice to you, you don't have to like them just because they're nice to you. instill in like everyone, just everyone in general. You don't have to like keep pursuing someone or keep being with someone just because they're nice. But you shouldn't have to feel bad. Especially if you're like I feel bad because like there's so nice. That's bad for both the bad for both people. Because you're not only hurting, you're like them, you're hurting yourself. It's just it's like a hard situation in general. But yeah, you will like no, there's always going to be someone like even if you don't have hope. I have the hope that everyone out there is going to have that at least like once or twice in their life just like that crazy. I think it's like being in two sons. I

Unknown Speaker 12:22
do believe in soulmates I think

Unknown Speaker 12:25
I really think about that invisible string. Yeah, I think that was so real. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 12:30
People that much that's me and Moe, because you were talking to you and him. But me and Moe, we realized that we are multiple points. We're in the same room and did not like we just did not cross paths. But we were in the same room at the same time. That's very, like you

Unknown Speaker 12:44
were meant to excel. I agree. I like and you guys met at a point in your life where you guys are both very ready for that?

Unknown Speaker 12:50
Well to talk about our dating queue as well talk about dating app experiences.

Unknown Speaker 12:53
I do want to talk about that. Because that's funny.

Unknown Speaker 12:55
I'll start because so me and Moe technically met through Hinch. Well, you

Unknown Speaker 13:01
did yeah. What do you

Unknown Speaker 13:03
like only better I

Unknown Speaker 13:06
remember the day you matched with her

Unknown Speaker 13:08
because I think I met her before and we just didn't remember because so I don't know, can I say the high school they went to and we might have already talked about it. But basically, we used to they went to LVA mo went to LVA. And I used to have a best friend who went to LVA. And I would go and shadow days where you know how like in middle school you could like visit a high school you wanted to see like, especially if you're gonna do that for magnets. Oh, yeah, special programs. So I would shadow with my best friend. And like mo would be there fully. Like, I definitely think she was in the same like room that like I would shadow and watch everyone in. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:46
I feel like I met him also at a point in my life where I think also he was at a point in his life where it was like, alright, like he wasn't really looking for he told me he wasn't like really looking for a he was kind of focused on himself. Yeah, yeah. I was very focused on myself. And yeah, which

Unknown Speaker 14:00
is good. I think that's the right mindset, but MIMO so as you guys know, from last season, so what was weird about this with my ex girlfriend? We broke up early around last year, but we had still been talking every single day.

Unknown Speaker 14:16
Really? Yeah, it wasn't real. Like we I remind you every day

Unknown Speaker 14:22
it was the stereotypical like lesbian thing of like, oh, you're friends with your ex like and like it was so weird. They weren't friends.

Unknown Speaker 14:28
They weren't friends. They were like they were literally dating.

Unknown Speaker 14:31
Yeah, and so like, but I then I started exploring like dating apps. Like I started exploring like, hinge and Tinder we all did around the same time. Yeah, we all deletable because we all turned 80 Yeah, and it was like summertime. Yeah, I wish I had been on hinge and like that was my favorite one because like I've only used

Unknown Speaker 14:49
him. I refuse to use other ones

Unknown Speaker 14:51
and there's really bad Tinder like at work Arey.

Unknown Speaker 14:55
is also insane.

Unknown Speaker 14:56
Yeah. That's like a crazy like app itself.

Unknown Speaker 14:59
It's funny because I I hate seeing people I know while I'm on Tinder because I'm like oh my god they're gonna oh I have

Unknown Speaker 15:04
a story about someone actually I'm not gonna say that story because you know it ties into someone saw me on hinge and it was the most oh

Unknown Speaker 15:11
yeah basically so hinge was my favorite and had been using hinge for a while but nothing super serious came from it I think the most like everyone was like I went on a date with someone like I just didn't feel it but then I think one random day and Mo argues with me all the time. She's like, I think you messaged me first but I swear mo hearted me first because enhance there's this thing where you can hurt a person and then you start talking. Well, yeah, so I

Unknown Speaker 15:37
think I think how every day Oh my bad guys.

Unknown Speaker 15:40
The difference between like Tinder and hinge is like you don't see your likes and then like it from there. You just can see them on the thing. And then if you guys both then you match but hinge you can like look through who likes you and then match.

Unknown Speaker 15:53
You know, it's fun. I don't know if I told my parents I met her through hinge. I think I just said I don't want to find out now. Yeah, my mom and Papa Jean. Well, I saw Mo and most profile was so like, cute, and it was so funny. And what are the main things she had? Because all my hinge prompts had something to do Phoebe Bridgers or just like, I think there was like, an audio. You know how there's an audio feature and like, I don't remember what the prompt was, but like my audio feature was booya Oh, that's

Unknown Speaker 16:19
all I remember that. And I was like, That's so stupid. And ginger. No one's gonna like that.

Unknown Speaker 16:23
Ginger pool.

Unknown Speaker 16:23
She like Rosie like she pulled crazy women with like her bleah

Unknown Speaker 16:29
on her leg. I don't so it was a funny and charming lady. Oh, brother and I say I think I'm very himbo I think that's what people have told me. That's what the hinge girls are. Tell me. So Moe had this thing of like, my favorite cry in the car song is I know the end by Phoebe Bridgers. Immediately, I hit that like button and I'm like, Yep, you're on your next target. Yes, target victim. And so like I remember Harding it and then like she like, messaged me back and we talked about Phoebe for a second. And immediately I hate messaging on hinge or any dating app. So either ask for Insta or their number, but I usually go in silver. So I was like, Hey, what's your Insta? So she gives me her Insta? Um, I may or may not have because I recognize Morgan. I looked at her. I looked up her Insta before she gave me I do that all the time. Because I was like, No, this person looks so familiar. And I realized I was like, Oh my gosh, this person was LBA. So I'm like stalking her. instancing everything and I'm recognizing people that I knew. I'm like, holy crap, like I might have mentally moly.

Unknown Speaker 17:29
Holy moly. Okay, well, well, Tom

Unknown Speaker 17:32
on Instagram. And then you guys know, I like during kind of right before or maybe during the time. But we talked on Insta and I'm such a bad responder there. We were looking back at our own messages. I think there was a time where I left mo on delivered for five days that responded. But I remember

Unknown Speaker 17:57
Morgan I never let that slide if I were you.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
Oh, and then just to mention because I mentioned it before. I had completely caught off contact with this my ex. So I'm not talking about Alex I did have like a down moment. But then like, you know, I'm starting with that moment like broadcasted

Unknown Speaker 18:09
So yeah, that's that moment. Like when she was talking to Morgan was I was like, the thing about gender is She's always talking like gingers never not talking to someone. So like when she was like, Yeah, I'm talking to this girl. I was like, Okay, time I thought it was way too soon. And I had been like ginger, I think you need to just like be alone for a minute. Well, I mean to express to you and this is not worked out. But I think it's like a good situation because Morgan like she couldn't she didn't have a chance to be like completely codependent on Morgan because Morgan doesn't live here.

Unknown Speaker 18:41
Yeah. And more than that, too, I think with my ex because we how I explained that we broke up and then we were in a weird thing for a long time. I think romantically because I had seen other people I've been with other people. So I romantically been, like, disconnecting from my ex, which sounds so bad, because it's like, yeah, we broke up, we had slowly been coming apart. And then we had that big moment where we just like stop talking to each other, and we needed that it was gonna, like break down eventually. Anyway, we started talking and then we get each other's number and then we start FaceTiming every day and like, from there,

Unknown Speaker 19:14
I take back what I said about the codependence. We

Unknown Speaker 19:17
started FaceTiming and our modern technology took that away. Well, so she lives in California. And but her family lives here so she came down for Thanksgiving. First day we met each other we're like okay, can we be girlfriends and then

Unknown Speaker 19:30
we started So in saying that

Unknown Speaker 19:31
it like worked out that my experience with dating apps is not nearly that successful there is my all so like it was like during summer and I talked about this during like an episode last season where I was like oh, I talked to like a bunch of these guys and actually regret saying that because I think it makes me sound like like shallow and like weird, but like how everyone is on I really did just like go through something during the summer. It's like I bleached my hair and like I lost all self control. I went crazy. I went nuts. But like

Unknown Speaker 19:57
you did I think you were just like being like a teenage girl. Like you had just graduated yeah it's like yeah

Unknown Speaker 20:02
it seems like that but for me who would like I would like I really still think I am extremely like unexperienced in that like type of just that like dating anything I think I'm unexperienced a lot of stuff. So like during the summer I was like over it and I downloaded hinge and then I talked to a bunch of guys and I end up going on only like one day. And there was this one guy who I met on hinge I'd already found him on Instagram beforehand but never followed Him out a few Mutual's with him, and then I found him on hinge and we started talking that way. And then we talked for like a little bit on hinge got each other's Instagrams. And we talked about Instagram from like, the end of June to like the beginning of August. So like, Yeah, so like, I like, and he lived here, he was going away for school, like once the semester started. Yeah. And then I was like, talking to him for a while. And like, that was like the moment like you talked about earlier, like obsession and like like, I think that's a very like, thin like line for me. I like get them mixed up. So I like was borderline not like obsessed and like a weird way. But like, I had latched on to this person. And I was like getting obsessed. Like with him. Like talking to him. I wanted him to respond back to me. And like he would blow me off so many times weird

Unknown Speaker 21:19
though, because then he'd be like, have really good conversations here and there. And then he would be like, Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:25
and that was like the moment we're talking the most he was away on vacation for like, a few weeks. Like he was gone for a minute. So we couldn't hang out. And then like once he came back, he would blow me off. And then one night. He was like throwing like a party with all my friends.

Unknown Speaker 21:40
Oh, wait, can I say something really profound about him? What? Girl How am I stalking you guys?

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Like really? I

Unknown Speaker 21:48
have a list of how many times he was a guy. I have a list of how many women have said girl to Kylie in

Unknown Speaker 21:56
text and it's when it's dirty.

Unknown Speaker 21:59
It's my favorite list on my phone for like calling like types out girl to Kylie like Girl How am I stalking you? First one? No. And then the second immediately after girl How am I stalking you girl your accounts public? And then much later? I miss her girl hell no. I hate work. Girl. It's 2pm and then my my personal favorite, my personal favorites. Girl if you go react but not saying nothing that don't even text me.

Unknown Speaker 22:23
That's not my that one isn't mine who says it? That's Ashley's? No, it's yours. Well, that one night he like posted on a story. He was like we're throwing a party like this weekend's blah, blah, blah. And I had texted him I was like, Hey, is it cool? If I like show up with a few of my friends? He's like, Yeah, of course. Just like, let me know. And then I like I think I just RSVP with him. I think it was like a Google form some lame show like that. Oh

Unknown Speaker 22:47
my gosh, but Google form if you're doing a party

Unknown Speaker 22:49
is crazy. Yeah. But he like he was like, Oh, your RSVP like you verbally RSVP with me. You're all good. And then night comes to go to the party. We didn't immediately go there. Because there was another place that art we wanted to go real quick. It was like maybe 1030 where I'm like, Hey, like can be my friend shopping. He's like, Girl, it's full. Go go rock fast. And I was like, You're kidding me. So you blew me off for months. You are he also managed to like, he was the one that was like, What am I going to see you like what's gonna happen when I see you? Oh, wow. Like, what am I gonna do? I was like, just like, pick, like, hang out with me whenever like you. Why are you doing this? Like it's not. It doesn't have to be a game like, Let's just hang out. But then the night I'm like, Okay, let's like head over there. He's like, girl, right? Capacity. I'm like, okay, goes at him never talked to him again. He left the state. So I'm at peace of mind. The whole point of that was that like, really? I was just using dating apps because I like needed a little Yeah, I was like insecure and I needed attention. I didn't know I never I never thought I was the type of person who had attention going up for like my looks. And I think during the summer I really just like looked different and like maybe I don't say glow up but I think I like was like feeling more confident. So I wanted to like take advantage of that. And because I've had such a lack of it like my previous years because like I said, I feel like I'm going a little bit unexperienced with all that. Because I never used to care until recently. And now like now that I did, it was driving me crazy. So like, I really use the like, dating apps to like, gain something out of it, but it really didn't give me anything that's so

Unknown Speaker 24:27
like, that's like such a deep like, oh, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:31
I like to look back and realize it now.

Unknown Speaker 24:32
Yeah, that's like a nice like, deep like, look at what dating apps like. It is just for like attention. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:39
But I don't really see when it comes to like, Guys, anyone a guy who's looking for relationship if there's

Unknown Speaker 24:44
no one Yeah, I'm seven. Probably what like what twice? Because like older people, like I know they do use dating apps like Oh, yeah. 100 I'm not saying that. If you use a dating, like right now. You know what it's for? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:58
I'm not saying if you use a dating app and you are young or old that like you're using it for the wrong reasons because like, we know people, you know a lot of people, I've met people on the trail Yeah. And it went really well. Like we're never old. Yeah. In our experience,

Unknown Speaker 25:12
like with our I use dating apps as a little mobile game on my phone I don't find never taken a dating app seriously in my life. Oh, my God, they were just, they were just little people in my phone. I'd send them like the most ridiculous messages ever.

Unknown Speaker 25:27
I thought that until one night, someone that one of our friends were like, had a little bit of a thing with sent the screenshot the guy I had no connection with this guy sent screenshots. One of our friends was like, Isn't this your friend? It was my hinge account, and I'd match with his friend. And it was just like a whole thing. And I was like, oh my god, like people actually perceive me. Like, like, people on this app are real. Yeah. And they're not just like a little like dating sim like games. Like it's all episode. My

Unknown Speaker 25:54
favorite thing is when we all gather in a little circle, we would just like, like, she'd be like, Why don't we respond to this

Unknown Speaker 26:00
guy? Yeah, there was a moment where we say like, like, where you sit

Unknown Speaker 26:02
in a circle and just be like, What can we say to those? Like, it was just kind of ridiculous for me. I never like took it ever seriously, because my whole thing is I don't think I would ever I didn't really care that much like to get attention. I just like, like, I thought it was funny to like, Gianna would say crazy things. She'd be like, I'm gonna he was my car. And they would be into it. Yeah, it was just like silly to me. But I never taken anything like that seriously, because my whole thing is I don't think I would ever meet someone or that I was going on like a date with or like being in a relationship with like, on a dating app. I think I would only ever meet them organically. Like I think the person I'm gonna marry Yeah, that's I need to meet them like in person, like from some circumstance. And you've met this person. Like organically by my guy. I met him organically. Yeah, we got a little Yeah, it was sweet at his birthday party. Just so funny.

Unknown Speaker 26:50
It was a lame birthday party. I'm

Unknown Speaker 26:51
sorry, his birthday. His birthday party air quotes with five guys.

Unknown Speaker 26:55
Already the only girls but it was funny. Well, I'm curious. Because Didn't you say you both are on dating apps? Do you think if you saw because I know you just said you wouldn't. But if you saw him on a dating app, and you guys started talking, do you think it's

Unknown Speaker 27:07
probably not because they're like ideas? Oh, yeah, not he's a horrible texter. But when I did start talking to him, he wasn't that great of a texter. And I'm, like, once we started texting each other, but I think the big part of him is he's very charismatic, like in person. Like if you ever talked to him, he's just he has like a very nice smile. And he's like, yeah, he's very easy to talk to who like keep a conversation with you. But I don't know. I just don't. Yeah, I saw him on a dating app, I probably would have just like sent two messages and stopped talking to him because that's how I talked to everyone else. You

Unknown Speaker 27:40
think that idea while you're on a dating app? I don't know if this is like for everyone, but like meeting someone on a dating app, you already know their intentions and I think it could easily go like good or bad I think that could set you up for failure. Because if you meet someone through dating apps like Oh, you already know what they want. Like

Unknown Speaker 27:56
it kind of just like it's kind of ruins the mystery exactly like I always thought profile that's like setup that like sets everything for you. Like you could talk to someone in person.

Unknown Speaker 28:08
Like honestly like it's always like like I always want it to like be friends with a guy for Yeah, but like

Unknown Speaker 28:15
yeah, and the thing about him too also is I'm telling you guys like all the guys on there have like identical profiles. Not in like the pictures but my most irrational fears. Women all fall for you if you trip me Yeah. If your ex is dead one time we'll never agree on this. I'm fine apple on pizza. Pizza like Oh, my batteries please shut up. Oh

Unknown Speaker 28:39
my god what's embarrassing is my physical my love language physical touch.

Unknown Speaker 28:45
Physical Touch, you just want to Yeah, you know

Unknown Speaker 28:50
What's so embarrassing is like you know that they're writing this and they really do think it's gonna go

Unknown Speaker 28:55
oh, this was gonna get them on. Oh, this is so funny. This is

Unknown Speaker 28:58
literally in there. I can't pay if I'm saving the city and the exact same and they have the nerve men have the nerve to go out here and be like, women or girls. It's like, oh my gosh, I wish you guys would look at a beard. Look how you all look either the same micro bang bokeh or mullet, greasy mullet, perms, Parnes, all your perm curls all the curl patterns look the exact same. I'm begging you

Unknown Speaker 29:25
please that please get rid of your pardon at all like barbershops. Like salons everywhere across America. I

Unknown Speaker 29:32
need them to read to stop to stop.

Unknown Speaker 29:35
It needs to become illegal chemicals in their head because its debt genuinely get into their brains.

Unknown Speaker 29:42
Well that is a great place to end. Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock Growing Pains talk. hope you tune in next week.

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