The Power Life Coach

This podcast episode challenges the negative stereotypes associated with midlife, proposing a rebranding of this phase as "Your Powerlife." Sabine highlights the common struggles of this period, such as health issues, changing family dynamics, and existential questions, acknowledging the real pain and struggle that come with these changes. However, the narrative shifts to emphasize the potential for growth, transformation, and newfound freedom during midlife. Sabine shares personal experiences of overcoming a midlife crisis by changing perspectives and embracing the opportunities this life stage offers. The episode advocates for seeing midlife as a chance for self-discovery and living authentically, inspired by positive shifts in mindset and the benefits they bring. It's a call to action for listeners to reevaluate their own views on aging and to start living a fulfilling second half of life.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

I realized last week that a formal introduction of ‘’Midlife’’ is way overdue. Just saying it makes me cringe. Midlife!! It sounds sad, old, over the hill. It reminds me of when I was younger and I felt sorry for the old people. And I remember when I set up my social media accounts, my editor advised me against using the word ‘’Midlife’’. It has such a negative connotation. Really…it has a horrible rep. I think for that reason alone, we feel shitty about it. So,…, because I know better, I know that Midlife deserves better, I’ve decided to make it my life’s mission and purpose to dive deep into the heart and soul of the so unfortunately misunderstood and underappreciated midlife, and uncover the beautiful transformative power it holds. So basically "Turning Midlife into Your Powerlife." Cool what I did there, right? It’s a tall order, but I am ready to face the challenge. Because I know, from personal experience, that Midlife is the hidden gem, when it comes to the life chapters that we get to live.
The Midlife years used to be 40 to 65. But recently, midlife has grown longer. Due to AI and staying at work longer, as well as the fact that we live longer, it is now defined to 35 to 75 years old. Yippiii, an even longer crisis, you might think.
Because, in midlife, things fall apart. Parents are passing away, Children are leaving the nest, hormones change again, there is this lovely thing called menopause, health is failing, changing jobs, changing spouses, and often a growing curiosity for the meaning of life.
And because we naturally cling to those pieces that we lose. There is struggle, there is pain, and we grieve.
We also start to worry that life isn’t turning out the way we had expected. There is a sense of, lost opportunity. Often, we feel that we sold out and we are living somebody else’s life. I for sure can relate to that.
And we suddenly feel like, we have less time left to correct our course. We realize that the years are slipping away from us like sand through an hourglass.
And it does not help that society does not understand or let alone appreciate the upside of this era. The first thing that comes to my mind is Kevin Spacey in “American Beauty”, with the Firebird car and how he is lusting after his teenage daughters’ friends.
All of this leads us to feeling anxious, unattractive, disappointed, stuck, bored, unsatisfied, and it allows the excuse of irrational selfish behavior. Which then is the epitome of midlife crisis.
According to a number of studies, suicide is a growing cause of death in middle-aged adults. There is no other era in life like this. A phase filled with serious danger. And again, I can totally relate to that. At the beginning of my Midlife crisis I did not care to wake up anymore. My kids were about to leave the nest and I was so tired of the hustle and the struggle. I saw no point in going on with this thing called life. I had reached all my goals only to ask myself: What for? What was the end goal of all of this? Many nights I would go to bed hoping I would just not wake up anymore. I know it sounds awful, but maybe somebody who is listening can relate to this right now, and so I have no problem honestly sharing with you guys. Because what comes next is sharing how I turned things around from what seemed like a hopeless dead end.
The key is to realize that we have agency in our lives. We need to shift our perspective from something that is happening to us, but a life stage that happens for us. This mindset shift unlocks a whole new set of choices and with it, new opportunities for an amazing life that is worth living.
After experiencing the dark side of my early midlife, I started to see the light. I realized that my suicidal ideations were simply based on my own limiting beliefs and identities.
Also, in case you need more convincing that you need to change your mindset, there is a study by Yale’s Becka Levy that really blew my mind and that I wanna share with you: Shifting our mindset of aging from negative to positive, grants us on average an additional 7.5 years of life. And that’s because our health outcomes improve: there’s more balance, more openness to new experiences, better cognitive functioning, and even a better sex life. That’s more longevity than when we stop smoking or start exercising at age 50. Now my question is: How come nobody points out the benefits of shifting our mindset on aging?
Except maybe David Bowie, who said: “Aging is an extraordinary process, where by you become the person you should have always been. “ See, he got it!!
From my own experience, hitting rock bottom, wanting to fall into eternal sleep, to living seriously my best life, I can tell you that despite the challenges that we face, I totally agree with David Bowie, it is an amazing opportunity for profound transformation and a life chapter that blows any other part of our lives out of the water. I just had a conversation with a friend who is also in her 50s and we both agreed that we would never want to go back to our 20s, 30s, or 40s. And this is just how good it can get.
So let me guide you in shifting your view from feeling like everything is crumbling and you've hit a dead end, to seeing this as the most incredible chapter of your life.
Let's start with the reality so many of us face: a sense of disillusionment, fearing that life hasn’t unfolded as planned. This period, isn’t the end but the pivotal moment of growth. It's like a pitstop in our lives, to refuel and reevaluate. It gives us more freedom than any other chapter in our lives to unapologetically shift our perspective from a life happening to us, to a life that we have total control over. You choose what it is going to be. You don’t need permission or validation from anybody anymore. You are free to be and live exactly the way YOU want to live. Like my daughter so wisely and lovingly told me when she was about to leave for college overseas: “Mom, you are free now. The world is your oyster.” Her words were the greatest give she could have ever given me. They set me free.
Because once we settle into this freedom and the opportunity of transformation that happens at midlife, life doesn’t just get better with age, but it really becomes amazing.
Picture midlife as a chrysalis—a period of transformation rather than a crisis. What emerges on the other side is a beautiful butterfly with stunning wings. It's about letting go of mindsets, habits, beliefs, identities, and choices that no longer mirror our true selves or who we are destined to become and to get back our wings.
This period, is a second adolescence of sorts. It’s a transitional stage between adulthood and elderhood. Like an adulthood puberty. Life really does unfold in chapters. It’s a seemingly seamless flow of transitions.
"Life begins at 50," some say, suggesting that everything before is merely preparation or a dress rehearsal. It’s in these years we have the chance to become who we were always meant to be. This phase leads to unexpected joys—wisdom, generosity, peace, and a happiness that only grows with age.
For me, Midlife is less of an age than it is a feeling. A feeling of total freedom, of childlike play and curiosity, of exploring my gifts and new hobbies, of discovering the joy in living more consciously, of living a less reactive, more peaceful life. It’s a returning home to my core self.
Time can rule over us, yet it also has the power to set us free. Consciously choose to embrace the journey from adulthood into elderhood, celebrate this transition, venture into the uncharted with curiosity, inner reflection, self-love and redefine the possibilities of life. Your journey through life is yours to define.
We've hit the jackpot with extended lifespans, yet we're still navigating how to best utilize this gift of more time. We find ourselves at an intersection brimming with thrilling opportunities and daunting uncertainties.
It’s not easy. But nothing in life is. It takes courage, patience, and lots of self-love. But once we really realize this, we set the stage for a meaningful life filled with joy and love. It paves the way for a chapter in our lives that surpasses all others, one that embodies the essence of our initial fifty years. Make those years count.
There is so much more I would like to add to this, but I will keep it for another episode. Otherwise, this one will be hours long.
I want to thank you for joining me today. Do me a favor, if this resonated with you, spread the word and help me change Midlife’s reputation. It really deserves so much better. Don’t you think?? Now, let this be the beginning of a journey where you rediscover yourself, exploring the vast landscapes of possibility and joy that midlife offers. Until next time, keep embracing your power life.