5 Tips To Start Leveling Up Your Fitness
Five things in order to level up your mental gain, your fitness, and your nutrition all in one take. Ready? Here we go,
Hey everybody! What's up? Sagi here and today I want to talk to you about a specific question that was sent to me by one of my followers, actually, a pretty cool dude. I appreciate this guy. He is a badass, but he is asking me the following question:
“Hey Sagi, I've been following you for years and it seems that in recent years you made a significant change in the way that you approach life and health and your fitness and I wonder how I can level up my fitness and teach myself to be persistent. Persistent in trainings and in nutrition, and basically get to new higher grounds. How can I do that? Can you give me some tips? Even if they involve paying someone or something like that? I would love to know.”
So I answer him the following five things. These are five things in order to level up your fitness, and when I say fitness, I mean basically like physical health, but it applies to anything in life, whether we talk about business, whether we talk about mental fitness, which is also a very important thing that I'm really taking care of myself and it all goes together, right?
And whether it's being your family game or anything that you would like to excel at, these are like five things that you need to do. All right, let's begin.
Number one, get coaches for whatever you wanna excel at. It's not one quote for everything, and a lot of people are not even investing in themselves in hiring a proper coach.
So check this out. Look at what Jake Paul did recently in recent years. Now, you can love or hate Jake Paul, but if you look at what he has done and his recent fight against Anderson Silva and you've seen this guy surrounded himself by the most amazing coaches, even a spiritual coach.
I worked with him on breathing techniques, his name is Lukis Mac. He's like one of the GOATs when it comes to spirituality and breath works and visualization and stuff like that. So he surrounded himself with this “A-team”, like a dream team of coaches that are on his corner and are helping him, and they helped him throughout recent years to get to where he is at.
If you looked at Conor McGregor in one of his fights, he brought Tony Robbins with him as a coach to help him with his mental game. But all these athletes also bring the physical trainers and the nutritionist, the proper people that will really, really help them to be the most professional in what they do in every level.
So for me, I have a coach when it comes to my gym practice. I have a personal trainer. We meet once a week. And he builds the plans for me to build mass and attain goals that I would like to achieve at the gym. When I started working with him, I didn't even know the difference between building mass and getting what's called shredded, which basically I was like, “Hey, just make me look like this”, and I showed him a picture of someone on Instagram.
You know our ignorance sometimes, it's like preventing us from actually knowing what we need in order to have clarity of vision and actually have a vision in the first place. And so when we get a coach, they help us understand first, like what do we need to aim for? What do we wanna aim for? What is the difference between the goals that we can strive for?
Then we can get to choose and pick, and they will help us get there, right? Hopefully. Therefore, I have a personal trainer. He's the one that also helps me when he builds the plans, he makes sure I keep progressing. But in a way that I don't get injured, and that's a very important thing as well. When people go to the gym a lot of the time, they just try out new things. They look at some videos on YouTube.
Well, good luck with that. If you're my age, I'm 39, I don't want to be injured at the gym. Like, I am putting a lot of weight on myself and when I do that, this is dangerous stuff if you don't do it right. Even if you do it right, the thing is, it will make you stronger and healthier.
I feel healthier and fittest than I've ever been in my life. And that's a lot due to my personal trainer who helped me get here. And I think, like I've been in the gym for a year and a half. Now, I also have a nutritionist who helps me build the meal plan and the diet that I need to follow. Now, I also told him what I wanted to actually do.
Now, nutritionists, a lot of gym coaches or personal trainers see themselves also as your nutritionist. That's actually completely wrong. I mean, they can maybe help you to just eat healthier. Maybe they can provide you with some meals to eat healthier. But you know what? When I went to a sports nutritionist, for the first time he had me do blood work and I came to him with a blood work and then he could tell me, okay, seems like you're missing this and this and this and that.
Now let me know what you want. And now he asked me, am a vegetarian, do I wanna do intermittent fasting? Like do I have anything I want to do? Or can he just provide me with what he thinks is right for me? And obviously he asked me about my gym goals, my fitness goals, where do I want to get to with my body because I am in the pursuit of attaining mass, but also getting leaner.
So basically that's kind of a struggle because those are two kinds, like opposite things, right? Building mass means you build body weight and gain fat as well, right? Like with the muscle, but like getting leaner and shredded means you lose body fat percentage. And how do you do that? That's a complex process and he gave me the right diet to do so, right?
And so if you work with the right professionals in every field, then you get to where you need to go. Tip number one, like I said, hire a coach and hire multiple coaches and coach for everything you need. The right professionals that will be there on your team. Imagine yourself as the boxer, the professional athlete, and on your ring side, that's where you need to form the team that will give you the proper guidance. And also help you throughout the camp to get to where you need to go and win the fight. So this is exactly what I'm imagining for me. Also in my business, I'm building like the dream team, like my corner, this means partners, this means coaches, mentors, like the right team in place to help me out with all my weaknesses. I'm bringing in very strong people to help me out with that.
So onto the second tip, become a student and practitioner of persistence. Now, in order to become a student and practitioner of persistence, let's understand what persistence is. So the meaning and the definition of persistence is to continue to do something in a determined way, even when facing challenges and opposition.
Now, this is exactly it. You have to keep doing something which is not fun. For instance, going to the gym is not fun, you're not gonna want to do it every single day. In order to do it, you have to wake up and take the time off in the middle of a very busy work day and go to a place where you're gonna do exercises that make your body ache.
You're uncomfortable, especially when you're starting out. You come there and you don't look as fit and all these fit guys are walking around you and they're like just, you know, checking out the machine. You don't even know how to operate all these machines. It's awkward, it's not fun, and it's hard. It's freaking hard. Your muscles ache.
But when you do that, that's when you grow, right? The muscle, you have to put it under a lot of pressure, and that's how the muscle grows and so this is the exercise. You do something over a long period of time, and then you face difficulties. You face challenges.
You wake up one day very tired or I don't know, your baby didn't sleep at night or a lot of things could happen that would prevent you from going to the gym, but you're gonna do it anyway, day after day after day. Same with nutrition, it's the same thing, right? One day you're gonna be very tempted to eat some kind of meal that you shouldn't eat.
Maybe you would do it, but then you'd say, okay, tomorrow's another day. But then you have to do it anyway, right? And tomorrow the challenge will be even greater because yesterday you ate that cheeseburger or whatever you shouldn't eat maybe. Or you drank that drink or you had that snack and you're like, now I really want it and I had it yesterday, nothing really bad happened. Nobody's holding me accountable except myself. You really have to do that.
You have to do the hard thing and be persistent at it. The more you do it, the more wins you have, with persistence, the easier it gets. That goes for anything in life, right? You have to also cultivate what's called a growth mindset.
I'm talking about that at the Commit First podcast and episode 67 with Dr. Ryan Gottfredson. You have to check out, this is an amazing episode about the four types of mindsets. Growth mindset is one of them, and that's fixed versus growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset would get to a point where they try to go to the gym or muscles hurt, or even maybe they got really, really strained or injured like slightly at the gym the first time, whatever, they will quit because they would say, maybe it's not for me.
The people with the growth mindset would say, oh, I'm feeling my muscles are aching. Yes, that means I'm making progress. Those are the growth minded people. Most of us are not growth minded by default. That has a lot to do with our DNA and also like the way we were raised, but anyhow, it doesn't matter.
You have to cultivate a growth mindset because it's gonna hurt and you're gonna face difficulties with your diet, with your nutrition, with your fitness game, with your trainings, you're gonna hit some kind of block, and then you're gonna have to tell yourself, okay, well no matter what, I'm getting back and I'm getting back stronger. This challenge is actually a good thing and it makes me grow.
So episode number 67 is about the four types of mindset and there's also episode number 51 with Dr. Ryan Gottfredson, which is an amazing episode. And there's a new episode, it's episode number 120. Episode number 120 is amazing, also with Dr. Ryan Gottfredson. Each of them is just gold, so enjoy these episodes and let me know how you find them.
One last thing about persistence. You have to understand what procrastination is because a lot of the times we procrastinate on doing something we know we need to do, that we even committed to, but then we don't do it. Why don't we do it?
Well, we don't do it because we procrastinate on it, but then we need to understand what procrastination is. Procrastination is basically the avoidance of doing something that you know is difficult, but you need to do.
So any task that you have whatsoever, imagine yourself at work and you need to do this task, but you don't really wanna do it. So you're like, oh, let's go make another cup of coffee. That procrastination, micro procrastination, but macro procrastination can come with a lot of things in our lives.
So we need to understand what procrastination is. If we can understand it, then we can stop it. We can just go towards the uncomfortable thing, the difficult thing that we need to do because that's another win for persistence, right? And yeah, I mean, you just built grit and hard work, work ethic, like persistence. This, these are the things that you need to build, and these are habits that are formed. That's why I think the word persistence is the key word here. All the things will come with it. Sounds good? All right, let's move on to number three.
Number three is, you actually gotta make time for it. Now, before I talk about making time for it, this brings me to number four, and then we'll come back to number three. We have to make time for it, but the only way I'll make time for it is with number four, which is realign your values.
What are your values? What do you value? So for me, for instance, in 2019, I committed to upping the level of the value of my personal well-being, mental and physical fitness. I actually did not put it at the top of my priority. A lot of parents put their families and children at the top of the priorities. That's what I did and then, so for me, it's like family, business and whatever is left.
And then I heard Hal Elrod talk about it and Hal Elrod is like an amazing leader. He has the Miracle Morning book, which is an amazing book, but he also has another very interesting thing, he had cancer. And when he had cancer, he understood that the number one thing that's most important is taking care of our own health, of our own health.
Our families don't have us if we, don't have us, our family won't have us. So the value of family completely is just gone if we don't take care of ourself, if we don't put ourselves first. And so check yourself, check your values. What are your values? Now, if you value your mental and physical health, make time for it.
So not really gonna make time in the calendar. And if you don't, that means you don't prioritize your values right. Your calendar basically shows your values. Your calendar is a reflection of your values. Check your calendar. Do you have time for your family? Do you have time for your fitness? Make sure you do, because your calendar reflects your values.
That's where you get to choose, right? I mean, for us entrepreneurs, at least, like I'm an entrepreneur and for me, like when Yuli was born, my third child, she's two years old now, but she's still not sleeping well and I haven't slept right in the past two years. So I did what I call the 9 to 12 club where I slept until like 7:00 AM when needed to wake up and get the kids ready for school and everything instead of waking up early for a morning routine, which is the preferred way of an entrepreneur to kind of like wake up before the whole world wakes up and wants you on their agenda and you need to serve your kids and your family.
But I preferred waking up at 7:00 AM to the mayhem of the house, like getting the kids ready for school and everything, because when I came back, I did my 9 to 12 club. And my 9 to 12 club was basically time for me for physical and mental health and or I would say physical and mental fitness and working on that from nine to 12. I had no meeting whatsoever.
Now, up until this day, I still don't have anything in the calendar, and if I do put something in my calendar, it's probably really important and therefore I can take my time. For instance, yesterday I had breakfast with my wife and today I had a training session with my wife. My personal trainer, by the way, trains me and my wife together, we do it as you know, a couple’s morning together, and so we do the training, we go get our protein shakes together, and then when we come back home, we get ready each for our day. And so you get to choose, right? But make time for it. That's so important. Don't forget to make time for it in your calendar.
If you're a busy entrepreneur or you're an employee, still find the time in the calendar and put it on the calendar so no one would be able to book any meetings with you at those times, and you communicate it to everybody in your family and in your workplace to know that at those times, you're not available.
You can set your iPhone, probably your Android as well, if you have an android. For what's called a work mode or your morning mode or whatever that nobody can interrupt you except the people on your favorite list or whatever. Do that. Just utilize the tech that you have around you in order to reflect your values and make time for what you see as important because you know it's already hard.
Finally, number five, the last and final thing. It's on you to start. So just start. I mean, it's so easy not to start, that's procrastination like we talked about before. But the start thing is so important.
So when I was designing, I remember someone gave me a tip. He said, Sagi, you know what? The hardest thing about any project is starting the project is actually like opening Photoshop and starting to design things in Photoshop.
Here's a tip. When you start a new project, just make sure to do the simple thing like opening Photoshop. In a new document. That's it. Just make sure you open Photoshop with a new document. That's pretty much it. And that's what I teach my designers as well. Just open Figma, nowadays it's figma. Tomorrow it's gonna be something new, whatever. But you know, open Figma, have a blank document. Now you can start. That's what we procrastinate on.
So what is it for you? Maybe it's like putting even your fitness shoes on. Maybe it's getting out the door. Like do it step by step. Don't procrastinate on small steps. It's very easy to procrastinate on a large thing, but when it comes to the little thing, it's so easy. Drive to the gym. Go to the gym. Okay. We'll do it step by step.
So it's on you to start and it's on you to see the step by step process. Just that would lead you there. One more training, one more training, one more training, one more and have patience please. Have patience. Maybe that's the sixth thing, I guess. But it's kinda like when you start, don't let people expect immediate results for anything that they do. Persistence is not about just mental and physical fitness, nutrition, getting leaner or gaining mass, like it's a process and it's a process of years.
You see all these like shredded people, like if they don't take steroids, which I hope you don't, then at least you know that means they were persistent and consistent at going to the gym training, taking care of their nutrition over a long period of time. Same with business, same with marriages, same with anything they see someone successful at. They took the time, they put the time in their calendar and they were persistent and they got coaches for it.
That's what you see on the outside, you see the external results, but you don't know the progress that they made over there, and the progress is very easy. Broken onto these five tips that you can start with right now.
These are the five tips for you to get started and keep persistent with your physical fitness and nutrition and to level up your physique, I would say. Hope that helps and that applies to anything in life.
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Guys, thank you so much for being here. I hope you enjoy this episode and see you on the next episode of The Commit First Show.
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