In this episode, we are joined by Matt Ralph, franchise owner of Snapology and member of the Newtown Square Business Association. Matt talks about his journey of discovering Snapology and its innovative approach. Snapology uses hands-on activities to educate children in science, technology, engineering, art, math, and literacy, all while building social skills and teamwork. Matt discusses how the programs of Snapology encourages creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork among children, preparing them for real-world challenges. 

Listen in as Matt shares how Snapology's approach teaches kids problem-solving and resilience, setting them up for success.

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The official podcast of Shoemaker Films. Every week we share content related to digital marketing, video production, and brand building; and frequently meet with local creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners for in-depth conversations. Get to know local heavy hitters and influencers in the Greater Philadelphia region while picking up some tactical advice and tips on starting and running a business, being productive, creating content, and everything in between.

Dane Shoemaker:

Hi. This is Dane Schumacher with the Schumacher Lab. I'm here with Matt Ralph today of Snapology Newtown Square. How are you doing today, Matt?

Matt Ralph:

Doing great. Thanks for, thanks for coming and doing this.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah, absolutely. Matt, Matt and his company is, they're a member of Newtown Square Business Association. And, you know, your business is is really cool. I'm a lifelong fan of Legos and, you know, I think it's great what you're doing with, you know, STEM and education for kids and stuff. So, I'm really interested to hear, you know, learn a little bit more about what you do, what your business does, and, kinda go from there.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. So we started out it's a franchise. The company was started in out near Pittsburgh by a mom who was looking for something for her son to do that Okay. Was a little bit different, know, that he had a kind of an interest in tinkering with things and building, and and so she couldn't find it. So her and her sister started it.

Matt Ralph:

We bought this franchise in October 2022. My wife was the one who who, kind of, you know, was was found out about it, asked if I'd heard of Snapologer. I said, No. I wish that existed when I was a kid. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

And just the idea of what, you know, what we really are passionate about is, and we have franchises all over the country and some international as well. It's really just providing an outlet for kids who love to be creative and build and tinker and try things out and just really, you know, we do a lot with Lego, with connects, with with different toys, and we really focus on, like, the younger age groups. I would say my kids are 6 and 8, and they're, like, very much in the wheelhouse of what we're trying to do. And so it's really about introducing kind of some different concepts in a way that's I always say it's not school. You know, it's fun.

Matt Ralph:

It's, they get to be creative. They get to, work in part with with partners. They get to, share about what they built. Like, one of my favorite questions I ask is, oh, what did you build? Tell me about it.

Matt Ralph:

Right? And so, there's definitely, like, a storytelling aspect to that of, Hey, this is my interpretation of what we're working on, whether it's something thematic like a Pokemon or Star Wars or Minecraft or something like that, or or just, hey, I came up with this totally out of, you know, my head. And, so it's really about really encouraging kids and encouraging them to work together to be creative, but then also sometimes just to, like, to to kind of carve their, you know, their own path. Like, this is this is how I wanna do it. And I always say, like, you're not getting graded.

Matt Ralph:

This isn't school. So you want your dinosaur to be purple? It can be purple. Right? It doesn't.

Matt Ralph:

It doesn't. It really doesn't. You know, we're not we're really just about creating a fun and safe environment for the kids to to explore whatever different kind of direction they go in.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

And, obviously, a lot of kids are into Lego. Like, that's a big, like, draw for us. Yeah. But it it it kinda goes beyond just getting a set and building in it or or dumping a bunch of pieces on the floor. Right.

Matt Ralph:

Right. It it's it's a little more intentional in that respect.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. And I I feel like parents and institutions and and, I guess, businesses and stuff can can bring you in. They like it because it's a structured activity. There there's learning around it. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:


Matt Ralph:

There's a

Dane Shoemaker:

lot of education. Yeah. I mean, it's it sounds like a great business. Tell me about like some like what does a program look like when, you know, how do you actually offer your service? Like we're in your, your facility here today, but you go out to private parties, schools Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Religious institutions.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. So we do we do run some smaller classes in this space. This is, I started running this space because there's no room in my house for all this stuff that

Dane Shoemaker:

I have.

Matt Ralph:

We have lots of lots of Lego and lots of, you know, power functions and robotics kits and things like that. So, my wife was like, this can't stay in our house. There's a space in the building where I am. My wife owns a counseling practice. And, so she found the spot for me and here we are.

Matt Ralph:

But, you know, in terms of Yeah, we're very much a mobile business. We serve Newtown Square and some surrounding areas.

Dane Shoemaker:

We have

Matt Ralph:

another there's a franchise in King of Prussia and also a new one in Downingtown. So we kinda each have our little our areas, like, so we're in Media. We're in Newtown Square. We're in Bryn Mawr. We're, Villanova and out to Malvern.

Dane Shoemaker:


Matt Ralph:

And, Broomall and Newtown Square as well and in Halbertown. So we tend to kind of, you know, I'm always sort of looking at, you know, where people are and where the where there's interest in programs. And so we'll do, we'll run, like, a program, you know, over spring break. We ran a really awesome program at, the Kelly Center in Havertown. And they've been awesome to work with.

Matt Ralph:

And we've done some stuff on Game On State and media. We've done, we we do a lot of birthday parties where we go out. We go to schools. We go to pretty much I always say it's like, if there's kids and they need something to do, we can figure something out. We can do more of that.

Matt Ralph:

Like, we're gonna be at, you know, a strawberry festival coming up. Right? So, we'll just provide a spot for them. I've been out to school, PVO, PTO events where I just you know, bring a bunch of Lego, and they build a kit. You know, we're big on minifigs.

Matt Ralph:

Kids love putting the minifigs together and getting swords or getting Yeah. Cameras or something on there. And so we just kinda provide a platform for them to just to have fun and to explore and to, to do that. We have a wall. I call it the blue wall because it's a blue felt it's just basically a blue felt presentation board.

Matt Ralph:

And we put Velcro on the plates, and they can stick up what they built. So

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, nice.

Matt Ralph:

That's something we love to do when we go out to kinda get that visual of, here's all the different things that the kids were able to you know, you give them a sorted bucket of LEGO, and they can really kinda come up with some awesome creations and things. Rarely like this rarely do you see the same thing. It's always very much a variety.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's good, as it should be. Right? It's it's always it's always something different, I'm sure. Yeah. I mean, there's something so satisfying even as an adult now just like building with LEGOs and, you know, as you when you're a kid, just being able to play with it and build it.

Dane Shoemaker:

I mean, I I had tons of LEGOs and and my boys are 35 now, so they're just they're really getting into it right now, and I'm I'm pretty excited about that.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. I do a lot of sorting. Yeah. I spend a lot of my time, and and and, you know, It's one of those things where when you talk about building a business and we talk a lot to other owners about it, what are the things that as you grow your business that you don't want to be doing? I actually enjoy sorting.

Matt Ralph:

It's very therapeutic. It's very, you know, you're looking for the, you know, to put because we like to keep colors together, types of things types of blocks together just so we can kinda kids can just go. Right? It's not like, oh, I need this piece. I need this piece.

Matt Ralph:

It's just here's here's what it is, and you can quickly build something. Yep. So it's actually I I enjoy that part of it. It's just like because I am that kid, you know, I still feel like I'm that kid getting my first you know, I think it was a police station set in like 1984 or something was my first my first, Lego set. And, you know, just, you know, I still kind of feel that like as a kid.

Matt Ralph:

I don't get as much time to just build, like, big creations like I used to, but, when I was young. But it is something that, you know, and it's been really fun. The pandemic was huge in Lego for us. I, You know, really kind of that's when I rediscovered kind of my passion for it.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Ralph:

You know, what do we do? What do we do? I don't even remember. We went to a lot of parks, and we built a lot of Lego. And that's really kind of out of that was where it really kind of started to say, Hey, you know, I have a job where I'm not interacting with people a lot.

Matt Ralph:

You know, my background's in, like, writing, website management, editing, that kind of thing, and worked in higher education but didn't get to interact with students. And so this was really, for me, a place like, Hey, I can, you know, I can work with young instructors and helpers and work with kids when I run programs and just be out in the community. And it's it's been awesome. Great to kinda see and, you know, see myself in so many of these kids. Right?

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. Yeah. It's like they have an interest in, you know, different although I never went into a STEM field, I was always, like, really into STEM things, I should say. Like, Bridge I was I kind of obsessed with Bridges when I was a kid, and so now I would tell all the kids when we do we do, you know, bridge builds obviously in any kind of setup like this. And and I, you know, always tell kids, you know, I I when I was in 2nd grade, I made my own Bridges documentary.

Matt Ralph:

And, you know, this was something that I was just Lego, bridges, buildings, any of that kind of stuff was something I was always passionate about. So, you know, you kind of see in your life how things kinda come back around in an interesting way. So it's been fun.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Do you do any like competitions, like who can build the best bridge, the strongest bridge, stuff like that?

Matt Ralph:

Yeah, we do that. So, sometimes when we'll like I was out at some schools and we had some real fun with some of the some of the kids, like, building the tallest tower. Of course, you have to then add all sorts of caveats to that, and then they get super competitive about, well, mine mine has this or that. It's like, no. If we'll measure it or if it's taller.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. Or, you know, they'll find other ways to make their bridge maybe not, not the intention of what a bridge is. So, yeah, we do that. The competition's always really fun where kids are trying to kind of compete, but also just really challenges. I think challenging is so important because I think resiliency is a trait that maybe, because I think generally our generation of parents is, you know, we've kind of and part of that is because we spent time inside just very, like, kind of nurturing.

Matt Ralph:

And I think Yeah. Yeah. You know, we've tried really hard as a generation of parents to to just to to really kind of make sure our kids are okay. Right. Right.

Matt Ralph:

But then where is the resiliency in that? Right? It's like where and I don't necessarily say like, Oh, yeah. Let's let our kids just go off and and be free. I have concerns about that.

Matt Ralph:

My community doesn't have a lot of sidewalks. But, like, you know, how do we then build that resiliency and, like, and push kids to do things that are a little bit out of their comfort zone to mess up, to make mistakes. And I always say, I love when kids make mistakes. I love when kids, like, build something that spectacularly fails because it shows, like, hey. You push you push this.

Matt Ralph:

Your bridge fell apart, but that's that's how you learn how to make it better. Right? So, like, you you build something and, you know and I'll always add I'll build stuff and I'll say, oh, what do you think of this? I'll be like, oh, it's terrible. I'm like, okay.

Matt Ralph:

Well, how can I make it better? Like, how can I okay? I will hear that feedback, but then how can I then improve it? Like, what do you think and I'll do this on purpose. Right?

Matt Ralph:

Like, just subtly, like, so what do you think I can do to make it better? Like, how can I improve this? How can I make this something more than what it is now? Because clearly you don't like it. I think it's fine, but

Dane Shoemaker:

you Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. Yeah. So it's really about that kinda, like, building those resiliency muscles. And a lot of times with robotic stuff can be really challenging. And I'll see kids who'll be like, Oh, I can't do it.

Matt Ralph:

It's like, No, you can. Here's a video. You can do it. It works, right? And sometimes it doesn't work.

Matt Ralph:

And things like, you know, you gotta figure out, okay, well, what could be wrong with this? Is the light on? Is the battery working? The light's on, but is the battery working? Like, maybe the battery needs to be replaced.

Matt Ralph:

Right? So, like, working through, like, problem solving skills as well, which I think is really important. I think problem solving is just a huge, huge thing in general. Yeah. And not you know, that's where I do kinda we tend to try to push a little bit.

Matt Ralph:

Like, we're not gonna, again, we're not we're not grading kids or or giving, you know, giving that kinda, like, that kind of instruction. But it's also like, hey. Why don't why don't we try this? Right? Let's that's great.

Matt Ralph:

You know, you did it. That's cool. But, like, why don't you try to do this? Like, let's twist. Let's do a little twist, Figure out how maybe we can improve it or do it in a different way that, you know, then opens up discovery.

Matt Ralph:

And and I've found that the kids that just have inspired me. And then I'm saying, oh, you know what? I had a kid the other day. You know what he did? He did this.

Matt Ralph:

And I'm like, oh. And I'm like, that's not me. Like, that's that's that's something from you know, so that's where it's fun too to kind of then incorporate things that, our students who come through the programs do, and then sort of pass that knowledge on to other kids as well. So Yeah. And then I'm, like, finding myself doing, like, oh, yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Why didn't I think of that?

Dane Shoemaker:

So there's a little bit of reciprocation there. Absolutely.

Matt Ralph:

That's one of the things too. Like, one of the things I love that. I love kids trying things that are maybe a little bit uncomfortable. And sometimes maybe that's sharing, You know, speaking in front of other kids can be really difficult. You know, I have a daughter who's not able to speak, a lot of times in school and everything.

Matt Ralph:

So, you know, we're we're sensitive to that. But, like, sometimes just being able to to some kids will, like, open up because they're passionate about it. It's like, hey, I built this thing and it's awesome, and I'm gonna tell everybody.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

And that can build that confidence as well. So it's that. It's the resiliency. But it's also then helping other kids. Right?

Matt Ralph:

So one of the things, if I see I see this I see this happen, and I always tell our instructors, like, if you see a kid who's sort of showing, you know, a little bit of, like, mastery in something, bring them in and say, hey, you know who figured this out? Who you who could who could help you is is him or him. You know? And so then also bringing the kids together and saying, hey. You know and and I'll do this.

Matt Ralph:

I'll say, hey. You know, you think you could, you know, you think you could help him? Because, like, I like how you did it. That's not how I would do it. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

But maybe you can help her do it the way you did it because I don't know what you did. Right? Or or and then it's also then and I say this to parents a lot. I say I feel like I'm training them to take my take my job. Right?

Matt Ralph:

So it's like I see so many kids it's like, Oh, when do you turn 16? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I will hire you once you graduate because you do an amazing job of of just, you know, making making it a a program. So much there's only so much you can control when you're running any kind of business. But like when you're an instructor or facilitator, as I like to say, we really are facilitators more than teachers.

Matt Ralph:

But, you know, you can't necessarily control the dynamics of a classroom. You can't enforce certain, you know, respect and, you know, language and things like that.

Dane Shoemaker:

Reward good behavior or something like that.

Matt Ralph:

But but the the the the programs I think that ultimately are the best are the ones where you find where these kids feel empowered to then work with each other. Like, I had a I had a boy who's I mean, I just love this kid. He he was he had a week where he was, you know, struggling a little bit, and I got him to kinda lead something.

Dane Shoemaker:


Matt Ralph:

And it's like I mean, I'm, like, watching him, and I'm just, like, I'm, like, practically in tears because I was, like, this kid just took off with a little bit of a nudge. Right? And I told him, I was like, I'm just so blown away. Like, that was so cool just to see him. You know, there were some different things where there you know, kids can put each other down, or they'll get there's a little, like tension can build, right, with stuff.

Matt Ralph:

And to see that, Hey that was and everyone has bad days too. I mean, I have bad days. You have bad days. Like, sometimes we're just like, oh, this feels hard. This feels like a grind.

Matt Ralph:

And then other days where you see that and you're like and and I feel like I've yet to meet a kid or an instructor or someone I've worked with, where you don't see something, right? You don't see something that you're like, That is gonna take that person somewhere. Right? And sometimes it's

Dane Shoemaker:


Matt Ralph:

You know, it's not even maybe they're not even interested in the program. Right? They're like, that's the last one I'm doing. Awesome. It's not for everybody.

Matt Ralph:

Right? And maybe maybe it was, you know, there's a spark there that then that person's gonna go into, you know, you know, to kind of pursue and to build those skills, right, that they that they've discovered through Yeah. Yeah. I mean, through plastic, building little pieces of plastic.

Dane Shoemaker:

It's just plastic, but it's a it's a whole lot more, you know, what they're what they're learning. And, yeah, it's amazing.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. And there was just there's like I said too, there is there are such like, therapeutic qualities to it. I heard a I heard a story recently about a guy who was yeah. He was in college, and he was far away from home. And he was struggling, and he said that a friend of his came over to his house and brought a LEGO set to build.

Matt Ralph:

And I was like, that that's really interesting. And he said, so we sat there, the 2 of us, and we built, and we just we just talked. I was like, wow, that's really cool. You know, because it can also and I think too there's something about, like, using your hands to do something. And, you know, I, you know, big fan of makers, makerspace, you know, just creating.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. Though I'm not necessarily that's not necessarily a a talent area for me. I'm just I I love that, that kind of thing. I I love meeting people who do that, people who work with their hands. My father-in-law has a 3 d printer, and I just love the stuff that he's done with that.

Matt Ralph:

And he's very much a, you know, a person who works with his hands. My dad is really does a lot of stuff with restoration of stadium seats. And and so, you know, I I love that kind of stuff. And it's something there's something about when you're you're using your hands and you're doing something, like, that's that that that can kinda not a vest keep your take your mind off things, but that you're focused on something else. And it has has a lot of really beneficial and therapeutic qualities.

Matt Ralph:

Centers you. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Put your focus on on something productive, you know. You know, even if it's just a Lego set. Yeah. But it's you're building something, you're seeing something that come to life.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yep. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

And I mean the adult fan of Lego is is a huge community, and I've gotten so much joy from again, I don't have a lot of time to dedicate. I wouldn't I'm not necessarily that, I'm not like a full member of that community, but I follow all the social media groups, and I see the builds that people do. And I'm just

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. The mocks and stuff. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

That's amazing. Also, I, you know, download mocks. I built my daughter. She loves, the Grinch, and so I built the Grinch for her that I downloaded online.

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, nice. Nice.

Matt Ralph:

You know, ran around finding all the parts and all that. But, you know, it's just such a cool thing to see, you know, an activity that can be a lifelong activity and can be really therapeutic. I mean, the whole flowers line of Lego has been incredible because my brother buys his wife flowers, Lego flowers all the time. And, you know, that's been, like, kinda neat to see just the different directions they the company has taken it. And then Right.

Matt Ralph:

You know, I'm not not not necessarily, only Lego. I mean, there's other brick companies that that do some cool stuff too. You know, the whole Pokemon line with, Mega Blocks is cool as well. And, you know, it's just it's just great to kinda see just the different avenues that it opens up. And, I mean, I have a Sesame Street set and the Allego ideas, and, there's a little bit of that nostalgia in that too.

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, absolutely. Yeah. They have such a strong brand. Like, we're just talking about Lego itself. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. And just between, like, the Lego you know, they've been around. Nothing has changed since, I don't know, what, the forties or fifties when they came first came out. You know? And, you know, there's Lego, what is it, Discovery Center over in Norristown or KOP or whatever.

Matt Ralph:

In Philippines. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

We were there a lot. Yeah. Yeah. We went, my son had his birthday there back in December. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

His birthday. So it was awesome. Yeah. And I mean, even yeah. Like you said, lifelong lifelong fans.

Dane Shoemaker:

I mean, I'm I I buy I I have I have my kids.

Matt Ralph:

They have

Dane Shoemaker:

they like Legos. They're starting to get into it. And I have my own sets that I like to buy once in a while. Like, I'm really into the Star Wars ones because they didn't have those, you know, in the nineties when I was, you know, Kit. Right?

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. I would say, like, I'm actually more of a Star Wars Lego fan than an actual Star Wars fan because I I'm I haven't I haven't, you know, I I kinda lost touch with the brand a little bit. Yeah. And, like, now I'm so behind, but I'm like, but I can build a Leica. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Absolutely. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Trying to catch up. There's just so many more. The property has just exploded. Right? Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

And so trying to keep up with all the different series is now. And, so I'm like, yeah. I'm I'm more of a Star Wars LEGO fan, but I love a Star Wars LEGO. I mean, the whole, like, we have one over here. You know?

Matt Ralph:

It's it's just I'm not

Dane Shoemaker:

ready to invest in the $1,000 Millennium Falcon yet just yet, but maybe someday. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Well, and that's the I think that's the other part of it too is that it's it's really a way to bring to life, you know, some of the intellectual property that's everywhere. Right? Like, you know, okay, that's great. You watched the Star Wars movie. Now you can go build it.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. Or get in sometimes even just having the minifigs and the the lightsabers and choo choo, you know, making the noises. And I my kids were in here yesterday after school playing with the Star Wars Lego, and it's just so fun to see them kinda recreate. I mean, my son's never actually seen a Star Wars movie, so he doesn't Yeah. Neither Mike is.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. He doesn't really

Matt Ralph:

even know, but it's fun to watch him try to figure it out, like who's the good guy, who's the bad guy, and creating these scenes. And Yeah. He's done some stop motion animation with him as well. So it's really kinda fun that, like, it brings it to life. Like, it's an extension of the things that, you know, they're they're all over.

Matt Ralph:

And they're you know, they see it, and they take them to Disney. They experience it. But the Lego really kinda brings it to a whole new, you know, new way for them to then play. Because that's the other part too is I think, you know, there's there's there's a little more it feels like there's a lot of pressure on kids. Right?

Matt Ralph:

Academically, just to kinda, you know, programming wise, like, they just need to be doing all these things. I realize that we do another thing. But it's also just sometimes it's, like, just letting them play and letting them use their imagination and be creative and, you know, create stories or, then also do that with other kids and connect with them, I think, is really awesome. Like that's what childhood is about. Absolutely.

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. It's about experiencing those things and exploring. You know, they're like, you know, someone always said, You're not raising kids. You're raising adults. And part of that is, like, raising an adult is, like, giving them these opportunities where they can build these skills, and they can, you know, learn about how to interact with the world and to, you know, in a way that they're a good citizen, and they're, you know, they're kind, and they're they're connected into their communities.

Matt Ralph:

And I think, you know, like, Lego City, man, is awesome because it's like they learn all about, like, Oh, let's build a fire. Let's build the fire set. Let's build the the police set. Like, they're learning about the community.

Dane Shoemaker:

You know? It's like a There's like a a garbage truck. Like like, that was, like, one of my kids' favorite sets. It's just a garbage truck. And, like, you learn about yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Hey. You know, you gotta you can't just throw out trash. It's gotta get recycled. You know?

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. It's like a specific education. Yeah. It really is. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Amazing. Yeah. So there's just so many applications that I see in it and I feel inspired by. And I'm I'm I'm I'm excited as a dad at the opportunities that that, you know, that that has opened up. Like, going to LEGOLAND, going to the Discovery Center, doing Snapology, just, you know, my son is definitely more of a give me a bunch of Lego, and I'll build it.

Matt Ralph:

Some kids are more like I need the set. My daughter's probably more like I like to follow

Dane Shoemaker:

my directions. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Ralph:

Which is strange because they're not like that otherwise, but with the way that they seem to be. And and you just or here's a here's an iPad and a stop motion. Just, you know, go for it. Go you know, there's something really, just really cool to kinda see them get to explore the different different pathways and different avenues of of things through that.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's great. That's great. Well, I mean, this was great learning about Snapology and what you do. I mean, Matt, how can how can people get in touch with you? You know, what kind of that you have packages or, you know, do they just need to reach out?

Matt Ralph:

Yeah. So we do, one of the things we always say is we have we have 80 hours of curriculum and that we can tailor that curriculum in any way. So and then sometimes it's just maybe it's a promo thing. Like, hey. We're doing an event.

Matt Ralph:

You know, we have kids that that wanna do things, and, you know, we can sort of fit in with that. And we can, do, you know, an hour program. We can do 12 week program. We can we can really tailor, the the curriculum in any way we that makes sense and that works for different age groups. So, it's really I think too, it's, you know, play dates.

Matt Ralph:

I mean, the space is, you know, is available, you know, as a classroom for a play date, and then we do, parties. We do a lot in, you know, with different partners, with, spaces for parties. And Yeah. And then really just, you know, we we we're trying to do other things like building competitions and just like, we're we're really kinda looking into doing 1st LEGO League and starting some teams. So we're also interested in people who are interested in being coaches or being instructors or facilitators.

Matt Ralph:

So it's really, you know, I think for for us, you know, in building this business, it's really, you know, kind of the goals right now are just to really be more active in the community. You know, big fan of Delco Gives, and the nonprofits that are in the community. We're not a nonprofit, but love to support nonprofit, nonprofits and the work they're doing. Love you know, like, Kelly Center is a great space. Like, we love to support them in any way we can.

Matt Ralph:

And, you know, just partnering with different people who, you know, have, you know, we're at was that an art Delco Arts meeting yesterday? Just different things to be active and be in the community because that was the other part of this for me personally is like, I wanna be more part of my community. I wanna and maybe that if that's just like buying an ad in the parade program or whatever it is that I can sort of be in be in the community more, interacting with the community, and support the different things that are happening. It's for me, it's not just about me and my business. It's about how can my business, like, you know, support the community around me, support obviously, support my children, but support, you know, just the the, just the different things that are happening, you know, the PTOs and being involved in any way that I can for, just to, you know, kinda out of that coming out of that passion for for kids and education and, you know, non formal education, I like to say, but, like, just being being in any way part of the community is is something that I'm very passionate

Dane Shoemaker:

about. Yeah. That's great. That's that's wonderful. Matt, thank you so much.

Dane Shoemaker:

It was great great getting to know you and your business a lot a lot better today, and, thanks for being on the podcast.

Matt Ralph:

Oh, thanks for having me. This is great.

Dane Shoemaker:

Thanks for listening today. Shoemaker Lab is an original production by Shoemaker Films LLC. If you enjoyed today's content, please consider subscribing on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and

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Dane Shoemaker:

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