Pickleball Therapy

This episode focuses on our Pickleball System course. Is it right for you? If you’re on the fence, this episode will help with the decision as to whether it's the right time to join.

The Pickleball System course is a big deal from our end because we only do this two times per year. This is the spring opening of our course. 

If you would like to join us here are two questions to ask yourself in making the decision:

1. Are you genuinely interested in making real improvement in your play? 

We're talking about paradigm shift, transformational changes to your game, not gimmicks or quick fixes but real meaningful change in your game? If you answer yes to that, then we're halfway there. 

2. Are you willing to put in some work? 

If you answered yes to both those questions, then The Pickleball System is right for you and I would recommend that you enroll in our March class, or at least give real serious consideration to enrolling in our March class.

Here's what you can expect in the one year course:
  • A top-down approach to pickleball. It's what we call FOS - Framework, Objective, Strategies and Shots. It's a very well thought out, well-designed and very effective approach that gets you results. 
  • A complete curriculum, giving you the most solid foundation you can to playing amazing pickleball
  • Live class coaching calls with me and C. J. Johnson to work you through this process including milestone calls along the way to help you continue to work on your improvement journey. 
  • Additional resources 

If for whatever reason you decide The Pickleball System is not for you, we offer an unconditional 90 day money back guarantee.  

Sign up today! 

The Pickleball System Class: http://thepickleballsystem.com/

As always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

What is Pickleball Therapy?

The podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. We are here to help you achieve your pickleball goals, with a focus on the mental part of your game. Our mission is to share with you a positive and more healthy way of engaging with pickleball. Together let’s forge a stronger relationship with the sport we all love. With the added benefit of playing better pickleball too. No matter what you are trying to accomplish in your pickleball journey, Pickleball Therapy is here to encourage and support you.

Hello and welcome to Pickleball Therapy, the podcast dedicated to your Pickleball improvement. We are in the middle of our, our Pickleball System course opening for March of 2024. It's a big deal from our end because we only do this two times per year. This is the spring opening of our course, and so this special episode is dedicated to talking about that and helping players who may be on the fence about joining us inside this,

the Pickleball System course to make a decision as to whether it's the time for them to do so. If you're among that group of players, then highly recommend you check out this episode. We're gonna go through a series of questions. I'll explain to you a little bit more about the course, and then help you make a decision as you know, as to whether the system is right for you right now.

If you're not in that group of players, then I would skip this episode and come back on Friday for one of our regular episodes. Alright, as we jump into the episode, let, let me start off by asking you two questions. If you answer yes to both these questions, I'm gonna submit to you that it is time for you to join the Pickleball system.

There are some logistics, some other things that, you know, some other things we'll have to do, but those are just details, just logistics. There's really only two questions that, that, that matter in terms of deciding to join our March class of the Pickleball system. The first question is, are you genuinely interested in making real improvement in your play?

We're talking about paradigm shift, transformational changes to your game, not gimmicks, not quick fixes. There are no such thing as if there were, we'd be happy to share 'em with you, but you know, real meaningful change in your game. If you answer yes to that, then the, then, then we're halfway there. And then there's only one more question,

which is, are you willing to put in some work? Now, this isn't to say you gotta spend 40 hours a week working at this, but it does mean that you will have to put in some work. Again, there are no quick fixes here. There's no, you know, I can't send you like a potion in the mail. You drink it and all of a sudden you're playing better Pickleball.

So you're going to, you know, there requires some study, requires some work to put in the steps that are, that are inside the system in order to advance your game. If you answer yes to both those questions, right? So you generally want improvement and you're willing to put in some work, then I would submit to you that the Pickleball system is right for you,

and I would recommend that you enroll in our March class, or at least give real serious consideration to enrolling in our March class. I think by the end, you'll see how there's no reason not to, but, but in any event, you know, you, you are definitely a player who's ready to be a part of our Pickleball system course, and to take that significant next step in your journey,

lemme describe a little bit of what inside the Pickleball system so that you get an idea of what's in there and know what's coming your way. First thing you're gonna get is you're gonna get a top down approach to Pickleball. It's what we call foss, which is Framework Objective Strategies and Shots. It's a very well thought out, very well designed and very effective because of the effectiveness is There,

there, and if, if, you know, for players who are inside the Pickleball system, they've gotten results, you'll get that inside the Pickleball system. You'll get a complete curriculum giving you the most solid foundation you can to playing amazing Pickleball. The series of videos and resources that are in there are organized and, and, and put together in a step-by-step fashion,

that'll get you to where you want to go as a player. You also get live, live class coaching calls with me and CJ Johnson, right? The, the board Jesus process. We don't just throw you out there and go, okay, wish you well, we wa we're coaching you. So we coach you through the rollout of the process. And then you have milestone calls along the way to help you continue to work on your improvement journey.

And there's additional resources that are also part of this part of the program. Now, the Pickleball system is a one year course, it's a one year, let's get this done in Pickleball, right? This is not, you know, like buying a video set that you just put up on the shelf and maybe you look at it someday or another. This is a one year course.

Think of it like college enrollment. I'll hit that again in a minute, but it's like going to college, right? You sign up for a class, the class is X amount of time and you go to it and that's how you improve. That's what's gonna happen here. Now, if you're still not sure, you're like, oh man, I don't know,

does it really work? Does not work, is it? Two things I'm gonna recommend here. One, check out our testimonials. I'm gonna give you a link that you can check out more about the program. You'll get more detail in the number of videos, things like that. All of that's in the, in the, in the details that I'll give you.

It's basically the Pickleball system.com. So you can go there and I'll put a link down below, but the, there's some, there's a lot of testimonials in there. Not all of the testimonials. There's, we have hundreds of testimonials from players who have participated in the Pickleball system and have seen real improvement in their game. Again, not gimmicky stuff, not I was better for a week,

but the kind of thing that, you know what, this is getting better and better every time. I, every time, every time I dive into the system. Again, it works more and more for me. We also have a, a large number of players who come back for a second year and even a third year inside the Pickleball system because there's always something in there for you to learn and to grow with.

So if you're not sure, check out the testimonials, check out the stories of players just like you have improved in their play. And then the last, I'm gonna tell you in terms of, you know, making a decision, we offer an unconditional 90 day money back guarantee. That's better than anything else out there in any, in the industry, right?

Most if, if someone offers a money back guarantee, usually it's like 30 days, 10 days, 30 days, something like that. We give you 90 days to figure out, you know, whether this is right for you. If you come into the system and for whatever reason you say, you know what, not for me, no problem at all.

You send us an email, we'll send your money back right away. So, you know, send your, your enrollment feedback right away so you basically have a, you know, there's no risk to to, to trying it out. I can tell you historically are the number of players who ask us for a refund outside of some, you know, concern.

Like, you know, there's something that happened in their life. Like, you know, death of a loved one or an injury or something like that is very minimal. And so we know that this program works and we know that once you come in, you're gonna really like the program and it's gonna really work for you. But again, if you have inkling of doubt,

then that might be a guarantee you to help you with that. Now, as I mentioned, there is an enrollment fee, okay? This is, you know, just like going to college, right? There's a cost to providing these services, you know, internet fees, hosting, editing, all sorts of costs that we have to incur. So there is a cost associated with doing this.

That said, if you go to the Better Pick bus, if you go to the Pickleball system.com, I should say, and, and just I can't really swing that right now, or the monthly payment plan doesn't work for me, things like that, then send us an email and we will do what we can we have to do to get you inside the program.

We are adamant that even though we expect that if a player can you, if a player's able to pay the value of the system, this, the value of the system well exceeds the enrollment fee, then that fee should be paid. But if the player is in a position that that is not doable for them, we do not want finances to be an obstacle to improvement for a Pickleball player who is,

as I asked earlier, genuinely interested in making advances in their play and is willing to put in the work. So, you know, we will get you inside the system no matter what, as long as we can, as long as you answer those two questions. Yes. So as I mentioned earlier, if those two questions are yes, the rest of it is just logistics,

right? The rest of it is just details that we have to work out to get you from point A to point B and get you started inside the Pickleball system course. As I mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, we only roll out the Pickleball system. Courses are only open enrollment, I should say, two times a year in terms of the,

the big program that we have, the Pickleball system. So if you're, if you're thinking about, you know, it's time for me to do something significant with my game, I really want to get going. Highly recommend you join us for this March, 2024 class. You will not be disappointed and you will make significant advancements in your understanding and your playing Pickleball.

So if you, if you, if it's time for you, if you answer those questions yes, and you're ready to go, I'll see you inside your Pickleball system course and no matter what, I will see you at next week's episode or this week's episode, I should say regular episode on Friday of Pickleball Therapy. Have a great week and I'll see you in the class in OR,

and our next episode.