ENKI: Tales from the Past

Season 2 | Episode 26
Family reunites in dire moments right before it begins...
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 - Writing, production, voicing, art, editing and distribution by Mário Portela. A one man team for a whole community! 

What is ENKI: Tales from the Past?

🚀🌟 A Narrated/Dramatized sci-fi podcast series. 💫 Meticulously Researched: Dive deep into the Ancient Aliens theory and Sumerian narratives. ENKI brings ancient myths and cosmic history to life with mind-blowing revelations and heart-pounding action. 🌍💥 Immersive Audio Experience: Each episode crafts a soundscape that will transport you through time and space. Feel every moment with a sensory-rich atmosphere that makes you part of the story. 💫 Breaking Boundaries: Season 4 unlocks untold stories and shocking twists. Get ready to uncover the mysteries of the past and shape the future. Join the ENKI community for an unforgettable journey into the unknown.
🎙 Created by Mário Portela – Writing, production, art, editing, and distribution, all by one dedicated creator for a passionate community. Voices and sound effects generated using cutting-edge AI and AI-assisted tools.

The rooms are packed with those we managed to evacuate - humans and Anunnaki huddled together, the masses we gathered from Earth's pocket cities. As I step into the great hall, I am greeted by my old friend RH5, leader of the Igiggi.

RH5: Our part in the plan we accomplished, ENKI, savior of the Igiggi. We present again, our thanks.

Enki: You need not bow old friend. To see your kind caring for the refugees touches my heart deeply. I am the one that needs to apologize and thank you.

Her bow and kind nature was always something that bothered me. It is true that we helped them survive in this planet giving them a new home, but the Anunna people were the chaos that made them need one in the first place.

I search the crowds for my son's face or my daughter's smile, longing for the comfort of family. I really need to see them safe and feel them again.
As I walked through the densely packed crowds, I felt the weight of worry and sorrow pressing down on me. So many frightened souls, uprooted from their homes and lives with barely a moment's notice. My mind was burdened by the enormity of it all.
And then, suddenly, my heart leapt - there, across the sea of faces, were two so dear to me. Marduk, my firstborn son. And Inanna, my beloved daughter. For a moment the bustling masses seemed to melt away, and all I could see were their faces.

Even from a distance I saw the cracks in their stony exteriors, revealing the emotional turmoil beneath. I quickened my pace, compelled by an overwhelming need to hold them close. They must have seen the raw urgency on my face. Before I could reach them they were rushing to meet me, heedless of onlookers.
We collided in a fierce embrace, the dam holding back our emotions bursting wide open. I felt their tears on my cheeks...or perhaps they were my own. The firm composure expected of gods and kings vanished, leaving simply a heartbroken father and his children, reunited by calamity.
For untold minutes we clung together wordlessly, laid bare by grief, fear, and relief in equal measure.

At last we loosened our grip long enough to find a small private chamber, away from prying eyes. Only then did we allow the floodwaters of words to come pouring out - questions, insights, hopes and despairs swirling together.
I saw the burden of leadership weighing on them both, but heavier on Inanna's shoulders. Her eyes, so like her mother's, flashed with anger at Enlil's callous violence. But beneath the outrage lay a well of sadness, mixed with self-doubt. I took her face in my hands, speaking gently but firmly - she was born for this role, and I had faith in her strength and vision. Her tears flowed anew, but this time tempered by renewed resolve.

Enki: "Inanna...my dear daughter."
Inanna: "Father!"
Enki: "I can scarcely believe we are together again in this moment."
Inanna: "When the evacuation orders came, I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. I was trying to be strong for the others, but inside I was so scared."
Enki: "I know...but you were strong, brave beyond measure. I'm here now."
Inanna: "Why is this happening? How could Uncle Enlil forsake us all and bring such destruction?"
Enki: "I wish I knew, my child. Madness and power are a venomous mix. But do not despair - whatever comes, we will face it together."
Inanna: "I want to make him pay for what he's done! He killed Dumuzi...my love..."
Enki: "Grief fuels rage, this is true. But you have always been one to build rather than destroy. Do not let darkness dim your light - it is needed now more than ever."
Inanna: "You're right, Father. I just...I miss him so much."
Enki: "I know, dear one, I know. Let it out...I'm here."
Inanna: "We have to be strong, for our people. I will make Enlil answer for his crimes one day. But for now, we must endure."
Enki: "Endure we shall. And more - hope, dream, live! We are still breathing, still able to find slivers of joy and beauty even now. Never surrender who you are."
Inanna: "You're right. We will get through this. As long as we stand together, there is always hope."
Enki: "That's my girl."

With Marduk, my concerns were more for his spirit - his sensitive heart was not made for burdens like these, a soldier learns to cage his heart and then discovers the heart bleeding at every corner of the road. But I sensed new depths of courage in him I had not seen before. He stood tall, eyes clear and steady. However long this darkness lasted, he would not falter… I'm sure he did it for his sister.

Enki: "Marduk, my son...let me look at you."
Marduk: "Father. I've missed you."
Enki: "I know you're trying to be strong for your sister, but I see the turmoil in your eyes."
Marduk:"Forgive me, I don't mean to worry you. Military command requires emotional distance."
Enki: "No distance between family, my son. Not at times like these. Let down your walls with me."
Marduk:"You're right. I just...I feel so powerless, Father! How can Enlil justify such destruction?"
Enki: "I wish I knew. But we cannot control his choices - only our own."
Marduk: "Anger and sadness rage war within me. I want to rage against him! But compassion and prudence stay my hand."
Enki: "That compassion is your strength, my son. Do not abandon it, even in darkness."
Marduk: "I'm trying, Father. For you, for our people. But it's hard."
Enki: "I know. But remember, light remains if you tend the flame. We will get through this together."
Marduk: "You're right. With Inanna safe, I can face anything. We will lead our people from these shadows."
Enki: "That's my boy. I have faith in you both."
Marduk: "Thank you, Father. Your wisdom lifts my spirit."
Enki: "And your courage lifts mine. Onward, my son."
Marduk: "Onward. Together."

Our talk stretched late into the night, providing the comfort only family can share. At times we wept, at others found brief moments of laughter when reminiscing about better days. Ninki was present in our conversation and it pained us all not knowing where she went and why.
My spirit feels replenished and ready for the challenges ahead. With Inanna's fire, Marduk's courage, and my own enduring love to guide them, I know my children will lead our people through this crisis. We shall overcome.

Inanna: "Father, is this the beginning of open war against Enlil? What is there to be done?"
Enki: "The future has never felt so uncertain. I fear Enlil may have enacted a secret war order called Tiamat - a clandestine group tasked with annihilating any evidence of our presence here."
Inanna: (Shocked) "What? To wipe out all traces...but why?"
Enki: "He believes us weakened by integrating with humanity. He wants to scour the Earth clean and start fresh. And likely, keep our intervention hidden from other spacefaring races so as not to seem hostile."
Inanna: "But the loss of life would be catastrophic! He can't possibly justify this."
Enki: "I know. But absolute power corrupts absolutely. He has come to see humans as a threat to Anunnaki purity and control."
Inanna: "No. I won't let him do this. We have to stop him!"
Enki: "Inanna, engaging him directly may only make things worse. We must protect and guide as many as we can. Have faith."
Inanna: "I do have faith...in us, our human allies, and the future we will build together. We will endure this storm. And we will never let the Anunnaki make Earth their domain again."
Enki: "The path is unclear, but we will walk it together whichever way we discover to do it... They may be Tiamat, but we will be rising from the underworld… rising from the Abzu!
Marduk: For the Abzu… May father, son and daughter rise again!
Inanna: "Yes, for the Abzu! Whatever comes, we will face it as one."

Enki: It has begun!