After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

In this conversation, Dr. Sam Sigoloff and Robert Carrillo discuss the importance of alternative and integrative cancer treatments, emphasizing the need for patients to consider these options as their first choice rather than a last resort. They explore various adjunctive therapies, the significance of second opinions, and the alarming statistics surrounding cancer diagnoses in the U.S. The discussion also touches on the impact of COVID-19 on cancer rates, the role of faith and mental health in healing, and the importance of lifestyle changes for better health outcomes. Carrillo shares insights on fundraising efforts to support cancer patients seeking alternative care.

Alternative cancer treatments should be considered first.
One out of two men will be diagnosed with cancer.
Staying out of hospitals is crucial for health.
Vitamin C infusions can help kill cancer cells.
Strength training can benefit cancer patients.
Fasting promotes autophagy and healing.
Leisure can negatively impact health.
Prayer can have a positive effect on healing.
Lifestyle changes can prevent and reverse diseases.
Fundraising efforts can support cancer patients in need.
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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

137. Cancer

Robert Carrillo: [00:00:00] But here is the thing that's not said to you. Chemotherapy is a carcinogen. It causes a cancer. It has the potential to cause a secondary cancer. And I think everybody that's listening to this knows somebody where the cancer came back. It came back in three years, four years, six years. Why does it come back?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Doesn't dinner sound great as it's cooking? This dinner is from Riverbend Ranch, which always provides prime or high choice, has never been given hormones, never been given antibiotics, never been given anything. MRNA vaccines. It's raised in the USA. It's processed in the USA. In fact, it's fully vertically integrated, which means that they own the cow that gives birth to the calf.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's raised on their fields and then taken to their butcher and then shipped to you. And if we compare it to What we can buy from Riverbend Ranch to four other major state companies that sell bundles that have ribeyes and other [00:01:00] meat in it, it can be as much as 184 to 59 less expensive. It's a great price value and it's a delicious piece of meat.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Check out That's,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you've noticed, I've been wearing this t shirt for a few episodes now. I have them available on eBay. Check out the links below to get your size.

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question everything.

Nurse Kelly: And to have the courage to stand for the truth.[00:02:00]

Nurse Kelly: And now, to your host, Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Alright, I want to thank you again for joining me. I first want to give a shout out to all of my Patreon subscribers. We've got 2Tough giving 30 a month. We have an anonymous family donor giving 20. 20 a month. We have the Plandemic Reprimando tier at 17. 76 a month with Ty, Charles, Stanley, Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, Brantley, Gary, and Janine. Uh, we have Kevin Alanos and Pat and Bev giving 10 a month. We have the Refined, Not Burned, tier at 5 a month with Linda, Emmy, Joe, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Don, Ken, Rick, Mary, and Amanda. Addison Mulder is giving 3 a month and Frank is giving 1. 50. And then we have the Courage is Contagious tier at 1 a month with Jay, SpessNasty, Darrell, Susan, BB King, Caleb, and Sharon.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I want to thank you all for, uh, continually, [00:03:00] uh, supporting me, helping me get all this information out. My next guest, I want to invite Robert Carrillo on. Now, he is the safety officer at CancerDoctor. com. He evaluates the integrative and alternative cancer treatment centers. Sir, it's a wonderful, wonderful pleasure to have you on.

Robert Carrillo: Hey, thanks Dr. Sam. I, I'm, I'm happy to be here and to be able to speak with your audience members.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So tell me what you do, uh, what your organization does and, you know, we'll, we'll kind of get into, uh, um, what alternative cancer treatments are out there and where we can find, uh, your expertise. Your, I guess your website is obviously a cancer doctor.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: com, but where are your locations are?

Robert Carrillo: Yeah. Yeah. By way of introduction, as you mentioned, the website is cancer doctor. com. And by default, the first thing that people think about is, Oh, these individuals must be cancer doctors or doctors that are treating cancer. We're not. I'm not a medical [00:04:00] doctor. I'm a safety officer as you mentioned.

Robert Carrillo: All of our staff members have been touched by cancer. What ended up happening many years ago is that a website was developed in order to house the integrative and alternative physicians that were providing care to cancer patients, but they were not doing it in the conventional way. Way when we talk about conventional cancer treatment.

Robert Carrillo: We're talking about surgeries full dose chemotherapies or Radiation, so we're actually here to educate the patients why? Integrative or alternative cancer care should be their first choice not their last choice or even their second choice It should be their first choice. We don't charge the patient a dime for any of this We have nothing to sell and any cancer patient anywhere.

Robert Carrillo: When they contact cancerdoctor. com, there's a directory there with about well over 1, 500 doctors or treatment centers combined on the web pages, and they can query a facility or a [00:05:00] doctor per their personal location. However, if they have a cancer diagnosis and they're in need of immediate help, intervention care today.

Robert Carrillo: Uh, we would recommend that they visit the partner centers. Partner is the key word. These are centers that have actually passed our highest criteria. They are centers that are dedicated to treating cancer. That's all they do. They've been doing it for well over 10 years. They've seen thousands of patients.

Robert Carrillo: I have personally been on their site. to inspect them on an annual basis. They've passed a 200 plus point safety audit in order to ensure to the patient that they're not going to some facility that is lost their mind or is practicing some type of witchcraft, right? That's what ends up, what people end up thinking when they think of alternative care.

Robert Carrillo: They think that it's just people that are out to lunch. That's not the case. I've been to these facilities. I toured them, I've spoken to their [00:06:00] current patients, to their past patients, patients that were there over five years ago about the level of care that they received. So these facilities are out there in different parts of the world, but they do exist in the United States and also in Mexico.

Robert Carrillo: And I will add that, uh, because we do work with a center out in Tijuana, Mexico, that That some individuals, um, have a concern about crossing the U. S. Mexican border for health care. You need to know that there are over 800, 000 Americans that leave the United States every year to go receive some form of health care in the country of Mexico.

Robert Carrillo: If it was that dangerous of a place to receive healthcare, you wouldn't have nearly a million Americans going there every year. It's a big part of the Mexican economy. And going to Mexico for healthcare, uh, you simply need to, uh, uh, use common sense like you would in any major city, uh, in the United States, such as Chicago, New York.

Robert Carrillo: Los Angeles, New Orleans, et cetera, right? Use your thinking cap when you're in a big [00:07:00] city. However, we do work with Immunity Therapy Center in Tijuana, Mexico. We also work with an Oasis of Healing, which is in Mesa, Arizona. We work with Utopia Wellness. It is out in Tampa, the Tampa, Florida area. These are, I'm just giving an example of a few.

Robert Carrillo: Uh, centers that are dedicated to serving patients with cancer, and they've been doing it for well over 10 years, and we've evaluated these facilities also on cancer. Doctor, you're going to find many, if not the wide, wide majority of the health care professionals that are offering treatment. Some form of adjunctive therapy that a patient with cancer would benefit from these individuals are not treating cancer per se.

Robert Carrillo: They're not dedicated to the disease that condition itself, but they're offering something that patients are looking for that have been diagnosed with cancer. An example, vitamin C infusions. There are, um, a lot of, uh, how would I label them? Um, IV nutrition type [00:08:00] facilities, uh, where a patient can go in the country so they could get, um, Uh, a vitamin C infusion or something called a Myers cocktail, which is made up of a variety of good things that are going to get infused into a patient to boost their immune system.

Robert Carrillo: There are a variety of facilities on CancerDoctor. com that you will find that will do things of that nature. They themselves wouldn't state that they're treating cancer because legally they're not. They're providing some type of, of, uh, healthcare that, uh, A patient with cancer benefits from, and I do want to make sure that all the audience understands some of the terminology and the jargon, uh, when it comes to cancer, when you use the word treatment, or I am receiving a cancer treatment, the only things that fall under that umbrella in the United States are.

Robert Carrillo: chemotherapy, radiation, or possibly a surgery. That's it. Once you go outside of that box, you are not receiving [00:09:00] cancer treatment. You're getting some therapy. You're getting something else now, whether or not you've researched it. And even if you found out, well, wait, it kills cancer cells. That's all great.

Robert Carrillo: That's fine and dandy. But oncologists. Those that have been trained to treat cancer patients have to follow some very strict guidelines and those guidelines get updated every three months. They cannot go outside of that box. They could lose their medical license. A complaint could be filed against them.

Robert Carrillo: Their hands are tied in essence. If you go outside of that box and you meet with a healthcare professional that is providing a therapy, An adjunctive therapy that benefits a patient with cancer. That's fine and well, and you're free to do that. However, you're not receiving cancer treatment. And so I hope I explained that in such a way to help guide the patient through some of the nuance, because if you pick up the phone and you call one of these facilities and say, I have cancer and I want to get [00:10:00] treated for cancer at your facility, they may say, we don't treat cancer.

Robert Carrillo: I want you to understand why that statement is being made to you at that point in time. It's probably because they're not. They're specializing in oncology. They do not do full dose chemotherapy or radiation or surgeries there, right? So, again, just laying it out there in layman terms to make sure that you understand so when you contact one of these facilities.

Robert Carrillo: And, uh, on Cancer. com, by the way, if you go to one of the partner centers and you click on that, you can read about them. And you can also fill out a contact form that's there with your name and information. It'll get sent to them. We'll get a copy of it and they're gonna call you back, uh, to schedule a consultation.

Robert Carrillo: In some cases, they offer free consultations or paid consultations. Uh, but in any event, regardless of what you decide to do, do, do, make sure to get a second or a third, third opinion. When you've been diagnosed with cancer, uh, in a conventional setting, I like to say that a choice of one is a choice of none.

Robert Carrillo: If you had one diagnosis and one set of [00:11:00] recommendations, go get a second or a third. Evaluate it. Do your gut check time, then make your decision about what you're going to do by way of treatment or therapies.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wonderful. I think that's great advice is, um, always get a second opinion if you feel you need it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: With cancer, it's probably great to always get a second opinion no matter what. And I think any, um, doctor that is confident in the diagnosis they give you will welcome a second opinion. Uh, because What that should do, one of two things, it should either confirm what they've already diagnosed, or it should help them learn new things and maybe learn something that they didn't know previously.

Robert Carrillo: For sure. Absolutely. You know, cancer is a, a big deal. It's, it's, it's a, it's an epidemic already. It is the second leading cause of death in the United States. It's it's followed. It follows heart disease, which is the number one killer in the U S number two is cancer. This year in 2024, we're slated to receive 2 million new cases in [00:12:00] the United States of cancer.

Robert Carrillo: 2 million, uh, one out of two men are going to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. One out of three women are going to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We're getting really close now where it's going to be one out of two Americans that will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Robert Carrillo: That's a Trump. I mean, think about it. If you were just gathered around with some friends or some family members and looking around the room, saying to yourself, Oh, one out of two of us is going to get diagnosed with cancer. That's terrible. That's just, that's not acceptable. Um, the third leading cause of death in this country is medical malpractice, some form of error that happens in medicine.

Robert Carrillo: There's a lot that falls under that umbrella. But with the three that I just mentioned, heart disease, cancer, some medical error that takes place, 1. 5 million Americans are dying every year. That's 1. 5 million Americans. While the world was losing its mind over COVID, uh, in individuals that were passing away, and granted, I don't want to hear about anyone passing away to any particular disease, but [00:13:00] we've been losing 1.

Robert Carrillo: 5 million Americans every year for years now to these top three. Heart disease is completely reversible. Much of cancer is preventable. And then obviously the medical malpractice, that type of thing. Take care of your health. And you see, you don't have to be on prescription drugs or having surgeries, right?

Robert Carrillo: Medicine is great. If you have an emergency, you get in a car accident, God forbid, and your body is broken in more than one place and you need to have some type of surgery. I want to, I want a doctor to someone that specializes in that sort of thing. Go get it. But. Staying out of a hospital, staying off of prescription medications is the number one way to go, and there are things that you can do in order to achieve that in your life so that you can have a better quality of life.

Robert Carrillo: Life is not just about living a long time to 80, 90, or 100 years of age. It's the quality in those years. I would far rather live a short life. And have an excellent quality of life in a long life and be miserable with a poor [00:14:00] quality of life. And so that's something that I would urge all your viewers watching this to take to heart.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Are you able to get into any of the different types of adjunctive or alternative therapies available at some of your sites?

Robert Carrillo: Yeah, absolutely. You know, we did talk about one already, uh, vitamin C, for example. Uh, and I'll just break down vitamin C just for a moment. Many of us are familiar with taking oral vitamin C.

Robert Carrillo: And we take it because it's an antioxidant, um, helps kill, you know, free radicals in our body. Does a lot of good stuff for us. We might be taking a gram of that, maybe a little bit more. I happen to take four grams of vitamin C every single day. However, this is not what's taking place in these centers.

Robert Carrillo: These centers are infusing into the patient high volumes of vitamin C, generally a 50 grams or more. This is not a volume that you're going to take orally. If you do, it'll be a mistake. You're going to have an onset. of stomach [00:15:00] cramps, diarrhea. I wouldn't try to medicate your own cancer diagnosis. That's not what we're recommending here.

Robert Carrillo: We do think you should work with a healthcare professional. Now, when you get an infusion of 50 grams or more of vitamin C, um, what happens in the body is something called oxidative stress through the ascorbic acid, which is the vitamin C that's being used. And that oxidative stress, uh, causes the cancer cell to be weakened.

Robert Carrillo: Chemotherapy is doing the exact same thing. It causes oxidative stress on a cancer cell. The challenge with, uh, with chemotherapy is that it's a real harsh toxin. Not only does it kill the cancer cells, but it kills the healthy cells too. Which is why most individuals that have a cancer diagnosis fear the treatment of cancer more than the disease.

Robert Carrillo: Matter of fact, I've spoken to many patients over the last 10 years that say, I feel fine. I don't feel sick. I don't feel like I have cancer. That's right. They don't [00:16:00] feel anything. Generally speaking, they may have some type of, you know, side effect that they've been experiencing, which drove them to the doctor, but many of them feel perfectly fine.

Robert Carrillo: And they dread getting the conventional treatment because everybody has a family member or a friend that they've seen gradually, slowly beginning to suffer into the point that they pass on. That's a side effect from a harsh toxin called chemotherapy. Now, it's causing oxidative stress. It destroys the body.

Robert Carrillo: Vitamin C causes oxidative stress to the cancer cells, but it leaves the healthy cells alone. And if anything, it enhances the immune system. It's a wonderful adjunctive therapy. Is it going to kill cancer cells at the level that chemotherapy does? No. Is it going to kill cancer cells? Yes, getting, getting in touch with a professional that administers it and is treating patients with cancer for 10 years or more, I think is the way to go.

Robert Carrillo: That's one adjunctive therapy. [00:17:00] Another adjunctive therapy would be hyperthermia, hyperthermia. There are centers out there that specialize in taking a patient's body to 104, 5, 6, Seven degrees, 107 degrees. This is a procedure that takes about six hours in some of these settings. They are slowly taking a patient.

Robert Carrillo: Over the course of two hours to the threshold, all right, and there is a doctor or a nurse. It's monitoring you keeping your temperature and then they hold you at that temperature for two hours, and then they slowly bring you down over a period of two hours. So it's about a six hour treatment. Some of these facilities are providing this once a week.

Robert Carrillo: Over the course of the protocol for the time period that the patient is there. Why is this done? It's an artificial fever. And here's what we know there are published studies showing that hyperthermia in Conjunction with chemotherapy because this is how these studies have been done [00:18:00] But that the cancer cell becomes very vulnerable in those high temperatures In some cases, those cancer cells are dying.

Robert Carrillo: So these integrative or alternative physicians are also utilizing hyperthermia to create an artificial fever. One of the things that our human body uniquely does when we get sick is we get fevers. We start to cook. We get high temperatures. It may be some of you have been told, I know I've been told, don't take anything for the fever.

Robert Carrillo: Write it out if you can, unless you start getting into the 103, 104, you know, degree temperature range. But if you can tolerate the high fever for as long as you can, It's better because it is killing infections, bacterias, et cetera. It's part of your body's healing process. So that's what happens with hyperthermia.

Robert Carrillo: Another thing that's done in some of these facilities is, um, hyperbaric oxygen chambers where they're artificially, um, putting in oxygen into the body because, uh, cancer cells. do not have [00:19:00] the same levels of oxygen that your healthy cells do. And so what they are attempting to do is oxygenate the body to make those cancer cells vulnerable to cell death in these treatment centers, you are typically getting somewhere between 15 to 21 treatments or adjunctive therapies a day.

Robert Carrillo: And what's happening is they're working diligently to create a very difficult environment for the cancer cells to live in as their treating you. And so this way they can successfully kill more cancer cells while protecting the patient's immune system. That's really the goal in these centers without the patient having the harsh side effects.

Robert Carrillo: 95 percent of the patients I've met in these facilities have already had conventional chemotherapy. And when I speak to them about what's the treatment like here, what's the [00:20:00] therapy, how do you feel when you're done? You experiencing side effects? I hear things like this. This is a walk in the park compared to that conventional treatment that was killing me.

Robert Carrillo: It was killing me. I felt awful, just awful. What I'm experiencing now, I feel better. I feel like I'm actually getting healthier. Those are the kind of comments that patients are making to me, and I'm seeing them face to face. Right? Or I'm speaking to them five years later after they've been to the facility and these are the things that they remember.

Robert Carrillo: So this is really important to note that if you go get integrative or alternative care, you're not going to feel the harsh side effects that you do in conventional care. And that's priceless. Let me tell you that that is worth a lot being able to feel good while you're going through the healing process.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Do you have any other examples of alternative or adjunctive [00:21:00] therapies?

Robert Carrillo: Yeah, absolutely. So another particular adjunctive therapy would be amygdalin, also known as laetrile. Some listeners may hear this and know it to be the apricot seed. There are facilities that infuse, uh, this type of, uh, of, uh, therapy into the patient because many years ago we found out that, Oh, Laetrile again, or amygdalin were really, these are somewhat synonymous terms are effective in killing cancer cells.

Robert Carrillo: So there are facilities out there that also administer these types of things. In addition to this, there are, um, a lot of different treatment centers that are also infusing other natural substances to protect the immune system. Like Myers cocktail, you can look Myers cocktail up on a search engine and find out what are the ingredients, but it's a mixture of different healthy substances that.

Robert Carrillo: have an effect on the body [00:22:00] to enhance the immune system while the patient's getting treated as well. So that would be an example. Um, also curcumin curcumin is also another natural substance. You may know it as something that comes from turmeric. And so there are particular dosages that patients receive in combination with other types of therapies.

Robert Carrillo: Once again, to make the cancer cell weak or to destroy it. So these are some other examples of these type of things that are taking place. I know of a facility that I've inspected in the past, and they incorporate exercise into their regimens with their cancer patients on site. The patients are having to do strength training, and somebody might hear this and go, Are you kidding me?

Robert Carrillo: A cancer patient doing strength training? Yeah, I've seen it. And the results are positive. Because exercise strength training in particular, uh, makes it very difficult for cancer to spread and grow inside of the body. So there's, uh, there's a wide range of adjunctive therapies. There's a lot, [00:23:00] there's a big list that takes place.

Robert Carrillo: Light therapies are another thing that takes place, uh, inside of these facilities. Also, um, saunas are another thing that happens in these facilities. So there's, there's a lot of different things that happens in these facilities. They're being done safely. The therapies that are out there, there have been studies on it.

Robert Carrillo: That's why they're incorporating it into their protocols with the patient. Patients that go to such facilities are generally staying there for 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6, 8, sometimes 12 weeks for this type of care. This care looks different than conventional therapy where somebody goes to receive a chemotherapy, maybe once every three weeks, as an example, unless you're taking radiation where they may be scheduled for 15 radiation treatments, and they're receiving a Monday through Friday for three, you know, three weeks right in a row.

Robert Carrillo: So these are some of the differences. Um, for sure, you're going to feel differently going to an integrative or an alternative center, and I do also want to mention, [00:24:00] uh, for the benefit of, uh, the listener here, the terminology I'm using, integrative or alternative, when I talk about alternative, um, practitioners, these are Healthcare professionals that are generally not using any conventional medicine at all.

Robert Carrillo: In other words, they're not using any chemo radiation. It's all natural substances. They may even call themselves holistic in nature. So this would be alternative type, uh, practitioners. The integrative ones. Are those that are going to combine the best of the conventional world and the best of the alternative world.

Robert Carrillo: So let's say you're somebody that does want to use chemotherapy, but maybe use it differently. There are integrative practitioners that are using low dose chemotherapies that even provide chemo sensitivity testing in order to identify what your cancer cell will be. Most susceptible to by way of a chemotherapy and administer the chemotherapy in a far lower dose I mean, isn't that like an incredible thought?

Robert Carrillo: Why isn't conventional [00:25:00] medicine doing that on a regular basis conducting some type of chemosensitivity? Testing because these tests are available out there and they would allow the patient to have a greater level of success if they were receiving even fewer Full doses of chemotherapy, not that I'm recommending personally full doses of chemotherapy because it is a harsh toxin, but if you're going to do chemotherapy, I think you should do it in a lower dose.

Robert Carrillo: There are doctors that advocate that they do chemosensitivity testing to find out which is the right chemotherapy. For you. That's going to have the best success. Okay. And some of those chemosensitivity tests that exists are there's one called Signatara. That's one company that does chemosensitivity testing.

Robert Carrillo: There's also the RGCC, which is a different type of chemosensitivity testing. RGCC also specializing specializes in testing which natural substances will be effective against your cancer cells. And then there's the Nagorny Cancer Institute that actually. Uh, takes, [00:26:00] uh, samples of tumor sample, and they will test the sample of tumor itself against chemotherapies and other medications to find out what successfully kills your cancer cells that they find inside of that tumor.

Robert Carrillo: This is not done in conventional medicine. Alright, it should be. I do not understand why it is not, but it isn't. The integrative physicians may incorporate this type of chemosensitivity testing, administer the appropriate type of chemotherapy or the appropriate type of natural substance. When it comes to the chemotherapy, they may be administering 5 percent of what a full dose is or 10 or 15 or 20 percent of what a full dose of chemotherapy is.

Robert Carrillo: And they're using it in conjunction with natural substances so that you don't have to experience those horrible side effects. So that's an example. There are also, uh, integrated physicians that incorporate radiation in a different way, a different model. Dr. [00:27:00] William, uh, Maccas, uh, he's an oncology, uh, he's a, he specializes in oncology radiology.

Robert Carrillo: He's out of Canada. Let's talk about that. And he's been doing radiology completely different for many years now, with a great level of success without the patient having to suffer the terrible side effects. And he also will incorporate natural substances for the, for the patient themselves. But you could look them up.

Robert Carrillo: This is really important that we pay attention because ever since we released the, the cancer, uh, the, the, excuse me, the covid, the Covid vaccine or the Covid shot, or the covid jab, whatever you wanna label that thing. When it came out, we began to have higher rates of cancer diagnosis, diagnoses, uh, over that three year period of time.

Robert Carrillo: It's, it is 2024 now. Right? So it was released, what, I think it was the end of 2020, uh, is when this was released. But there, there are cancer registries worldwide. These registry hold the names of patients that [00:28:00] have been diagnosed with cancer. The names in those registries at this time are higher than ever before.

Robert Carrillo: And they run parallel to the COVID, uh, shot, you know, vaccination that people have received. Why do those registries have more names in them now? During the same period of time now in science, people are apt to say correlation does not equal causation. That's a nice way of saying just because we see a pattern here doesn't mean it's the cause.

Robert Carrillo: And I'm with you. I get it. We have to do some science experiments to find out if this is the cause of something. However, when we see a pattern, we should pay attention. Patterns mean something. If you get sick tonight and you start vomiting or you get a bad case of diarrhea, I bet you the first thing you're going to ask yourself is what did I eat?

Robert Carrillo: What, what have I eaten maybe in the last 24 hours that could have upset my stomach? Or have I been around anybody that was sick? And [00:29:00] maybe you're not able to prove the cause, but you see a pattern of something, right? This is how we think. It's just kind of common sense. And we do have higher rates of cancer taking place right now.

Robert Carrillo: It's terrible. And here's the scary thing. They're being now labeled as turbo cancers. These are cancers that young people are even getting between the ages of 20 to mid thirties without symptoms. And here's what's scary. They go to the doctor because they start to not feel well and they're diagnosed with a stage four cancer that's rapidly spreading.

Robert Carrillo: And these cancers are not responding to conventional treatment at all. Right. And there, and so when I say not at all, when you administer a high dose of chemotherapy to a patient, you're going to kill cancer cells. It's going to happen. You may even get pushed into remission. But here is the thing that's not said to you.

Robert Carrillo: Chemotherapy is a carcinogen. [00:30:00] It causes a cancer. It has the potential to cause a secondary cancer. And I think everybody that's listening to this knows somebody where the cancer came back. It came back in three years, four years, six years. Why does it come back? Now, for sure, we need to address the root cause of your cancer.

Robert Carrillo: It should get addressed because there is a root cause. But also, we cannot rule out that you received a, uh, an agent, a chemotherapy agent that is a toxin that causes cancers. So that could be the reason. So when I talk about a turbo cancer that's not responding to a full dose of chemotherapy, it's not killing the cancer cells.

Robert Carrillo: And these are fast spreading cancers. They're being labeled as turbo cancers, and they're associated during the same time frame that we started administering COVID shots to people. And we know that Pfizer, which is responsible for the distribution of much of these, uh, COVID, uh, vaccinations, [00:31:00] they never did any carcinogenic studies on their MN, their MN RNA, um, drug, right?

Robert Carrillo: They didn't do those type of studies. So whether they decided they didn't want to know. Um, they just needed to push out a drug. I don't know, but I'm somebody that looks at patterns. And if I see a pattern that results in something negative, I don't want any part of it. If I notice there's a pattern that results in something positive in my health, I want to follow that particular pattern.

Robert Carrillo: That's just called common sense.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's interesting that you mentioned about the lipid nanoparticle and the messenger RNA in Pfizer and Moderna and, you know, the DNA in J& J, and it's interesting if you, if you take the time, and I encourage the listener to go do this, but you take the time, you go to the CDC website, you look up every single vaccination, and every single vaccination, you look at the, um, the package insert, it's item 13.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: 1, and it talks about does it cause [00:32:00] CART? Cancer, does it mutate your genes or does it impair fertility and every single vaccine and alleged vaccines that are on the CDC website, all of the package inserts will say one of two things. They'll say we didn't study it in humans to see if it causes cancer, mutates your genes or affects your fertility.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All of them, including the, the MMR, all of the ones that have been around for 30, 40 years, all of them, they have not studied it or it'll say we studied it in humans. Rats, or we studied it in, um, rabbits, and it doesn't say anything about humans. And so, the concern there is, if you didn't study it in humans, and let's say you did study it in rats, but you don't say if it caused problems or not, well, humans are still different than rats.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Humans are still different than rabbits. And, and there is a huge problem there. And so if anyone is looking for a reason to, a legitimate medical reason to not get any vaccination. There it is right there. 13. 1 on every package insert of any vaccine that's on the CDC website. [00:33:00]

Robert Carrillo: Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for mentioning that.

Robert Carrillo: Um, there, um, it's disheartening, you know, to know the reality of this, right? That the vaccines were not tested for such, for such a thing. And, uh, you have to ask yourself why. Why? I've been working with cancer patients for, for, for 10 years now and working with doctors that are providing care to patients.

Robert Carrillo: I'm convinced it's just about the money. It's just, it's just money at the end of the day. Um, and that's, that's terrible because human beings are more important than money, but it seems that healthcare has gone off the rails and there isn't a medication that you can take. And so I'm not talking about just vaccines here, but I'm just talking prescription drugs.

Robert Carrillo: There isn't anything that you're taking that doesn't have some type of side effect, not one, but lifestyle changes that you make that are natural in nature. They're going to have side effects. They're all positive. [00:34:00] They're positive side effects and there's a, there's a stack of literature of studies on such things such as what happens to your body when you radically change your diet to a whole food plant based diet, for example.

Robert Carrillo: But when you basically stopped eating anything that's coming out of a box, it's ultra processed in nature with ingredients you can't even pronounce. Exercise is phenomenal for changing your body. 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week, getting outside in the sun and breathing fresh air. Imagine that. Doesn't cost you anything.

Robert Carrillo: Getting exercise is going to change your body for the better. How about just fasting going without food, a water fast? I'm not saying you have to do a deep dive radically, uh, from one day to the next, but just incorporating, I'm going to skip this meal today and I'm going to drink water instead. And you begin the process of training your body to fast.

Robert Carrillo: Fasting causes something called autophagy in the body. You start fasting on water for about 24 hours. [00:35:00] Your body will naturally begin to clean up debris. In layman terms, it's going to get rid of the trash that's in your body, and it's going to attempt to reverse anything that's trying to take over that's negative, right?

Robert Carrillo: Infections, free radicals, etc. You get into 48 hours of water fasting, your bones start to release stem cells out of them, and those stem cells go on a search to look for damaged tissue, damaged organs to heal them. It's a wonderful gift from God. I think it doesn't cost you anything. It does cost you some sacrifice.

Robert Carrillo: It is going to cause you the discomfort, but I think probably the number one thing that we have working against us today as a society is we have fallen in love to something called leisure leisure. We don't want to put in the work and effort. We don't want to get off the couch. We want to eat out of a microwave.

Robert Carrillo: We don't want to cook. There's over, I think, uh, it's about last time I checked about 80, 85 million Americans every day that eat fast food. [00:36:00] That's an incredible number over 80 million Americans a day that are going and depend on fast food. That's not food. That's junk. It is not good for your health at all.

Robert Carrillo: So leisure, I think is the number one thing that is going to put you into a health predicament. Changing your lifestyle by way of what you eat, how you move your body, or maybe go without eating and eliminate the stress. Do your best to get rid of stress out of your life because that's causing inflammation in your body, which they tell us is a precursor to all of our diseases.

Robert Carrillo: Changing those things can radically influence your quality of life. Of health in a positive way, and it doesn't have to cost you tons of money to do it, and you can naturally get off of your prescription drugs. I've had I've had friends that have reduced or eliminated prescription drugs because of lifestyle changes.

Robert Carrillo: Imagine that you need [00:37:00] to flip a switch in the way you think of every time you feel a pain or something is wrong, going to the doctor and getting on a new prescription drug. That's just not the way to get to the root cause. You're not sick because you lack taking a prescription drug. That's not the cause of your illness.

Robert Carrillo: There's something else that's a root cause. Maybe it's the food you eat. Maybe it's a fact that you don't get any movement, you don't get outside and you're just walking around with a ton of stress in your life, right? Make those changes. I say, and you could prevent a wide variety of diseases and even reverse some of the diseases that you presently are carrying in your body.

Robert Carrillo: That's definitely going to be a topic with any facility that's providing integrative or alternative care to cancer patients. They are definitely going to touch on what you're eating, how you're moving, and your stress levels. That's a part of it. These facilities are normally addressing the patient from head to toe, even psychologically and emotionally, [00:38:00] because they do not see the patient as just a disease walking in the door.

Robert Carrillo: They see a human being, and they're trying to identify what are some of the root causes that have put the patient in this particular predicament that they find themselves in today.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I agree with you. I am going to push back on you, just gently push back on you a little bit about the diet. Um, I agree, most people in America are eating garbage.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I completely agree with you on that. And the processed foods and the microwave and, you know, the fast, gotta have it now. Um, but I am going to do a gentle little plug that I think animal based eating is the best. And if any listeners listening to anything I have here, please go back and check out the episode I did with Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anthony Chafee. We talk about glioblastoma in particular and how he was speaking to a patient, um, recently that was 10 years past diagnosis. Because he went on to carnivore. Because we know in medicine that cancer loves sugar. And so if we cut off the sugar, we cut off the [00:39:00] fuel for the cancer, then we starve it to death.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We also boost the immune system at the same time. Because we get all the benefits of fasting when we're on a ketogenic diet.

Robert Carrillo: Yeah, absolutely. Sugar is, uh, definitely a terrible thing, right? Uh, and it's in so much of the processed food. And it causes inflammation, uh, in the body. It's been many years now that a study was done at UCLA and they, uh, they equated sugar to cocaine in the body.

Robert Carrillo: The dopamine, um, the hits. It was incredible. It's like, wow. It's no wonder we get addicted to sugar. And it is addicting. So yeah, anything that you could do to get off of the sugar, get off of sugar of all processed sugar. It's just not good for you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and also, you know, addressing, you mentioned addressing the body and the mind, but the spirit is a critical important as well.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so, you know, if someone doesn't have a relationship with God, whatever religion or faith that is for you, I encourage everyone to always wrestle with that.

Robert Carrillo: Absolutely. [00:40:00] Yeah, that is, uh, that is something that is very unique to the integrative and the alternative centers. The fact that they actually will address people's belief, uh, their religious beliefs, um, how they use their mind.

Robert Carrillo: Really? A doctor once said to me, when you think a thought, uh, All the cells in your body are listening, right? And I thought that was a cool way of putting it. But how we're thinking about things causes stress or alleviates us. It gives us a sense of peace, right? Tranquility, if you will. Uh, and, and, uh, we know that there's also studies that have been published about people's religious beliefs, things such as just praying.

Robert Carrillo: We know that. Patients do better that are praying actually. Now, whether you want to attribute that to the fact that God is actually answering their prayers or healing them or guiding their, their decision making [00:41:00] process in order to get better, I can't speak to any of it specifically, but definitely people that, that pray and people that hold a positive outlook.

Robert Carrillo: do far better with their health care overall. This would even include patients that are in the conventional, uh, route, right? For cancer itself. So you cannot overemphasize that enough. I think taking care of how you think is, is really important. And I, you know, personally, I mean, I'm a, I'm a Christian and my, my belief in Jesus Christ and My relationship and my pursuit of him definitely influences the way I think about life, right?

Robert Carrillo: But, uh, I don't I don't think of myself as somebody that's carrying around a lot of stress on a day to day basis. And I do work in an industry where I'm surrounded with individuals that. Or getting diagnosed right, with cancer. But I also have to take care of myself or I'm not gonna be able to help anybody else.

Robert Carrillo: And so how I think about this and how I approach it is, is, is deeply [00:42:00] important to me.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. I'm, I'm Christian as well, and that's one thing that I close almost every episode with is, um, that the arm, that the, the uniform of the day is the armor of God. And be sure to put your uniform on . That's good. And what you were talking about, prayer reminded me of this.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I have this, it's Ger and Fowler, it's a. procedure manual for family medicine docs. It's about that thick. And if you look in the index and you look at prayer, it relates you to another page that talks about a study that was done. I believe it was done in the United States. Uh, they were looking at the fertility rates of a fertility clinic in South Korea.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The fertility clinic had no idea that they were part of the study, but they prayed for one group of people and they did not pray for the other group of people. And the group of people that had no idea they were being prayed for had higher fertility rates.

Robert Carrillo: Yeah. I believe that. Yeah. I've seen, I've seen studies like this.

Robert Carrillo: It just blows my mind. I just, I just go, there it is. You know? Um, I, I often, [00:43:00] I've spoken to atheists before and those individuals, they don't, they don't believe that God exists. Right. And I'll challenge them. I said, I'll challenge you to something. Pray to this God that doesn't exist for 40 days every day, every morning when you wake up and pray every night and ask him to demonstrate that he exists for 40 days.

Robert Carrillo: Just call out to the one true God and come back and see me in 40 days and tell me if you still think that There isn't a God that exists. Prayer is actually I think The silver bullet if you will when it comes to the existence of God I've spoken to many people over the years that they'd had no religious belief and didn't really believe in God but started praying And they said positive things started happening because I don't know how this works, but it seems like someone's listening to me There's all these chain of positive events started to happen, right?

Robert Carrillo: And I find it is a is a great way obviously to discuss um the life and [00:44:00] the death of jesus and The topic of scripture etc. So I always challenge people. Hey, go pray do it for 40 days morning night time See what happens.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I encourage everyone here to if you don't have the faith in god, um Struggle with it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So there, there's a story from the Old Testament about Jacob, and he was running, um, from his brother, and, because he caused a lot of problems, his name meant deceiver, and he caused a lot of problems in his life. And at one point, he comes across the angel of the Lord, and he wrestles with him. Instead of walking away, he stays and wrestles.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And let this be, uh, an analogy to our life, to stay and wrestle rather than to walk away. Which, wrestling is not an easy thing to do. So much, in fact, that Jacob got his hip dislocated and limped the rest of the days of his life. That was his blessing, because now he could no longer run from his problems.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so through that struggle, you become stronger in your faith, and you learn and know God better.

Robert Carrillo: Yeah, it's funny that you bring up that [00:45:00] story, because it runs parallel to so many of the biblical stories. You will find that difficulty, suffering, seems to be part and parcel with those that have the best relationship with the God of the Bible.

Robert Carrillo: And this is the opposite of leisure. Right? And nobody wants to sign up for difficulty, uh, and yet, it seems that in the difficulty of life and the struggle of doing what is best for ourselves, that only positive things end up coming out the other side of it. Right? And I like to tell people, listen, everybody faces a challenge.

Robert Carrillo: It's a level of difficulty in their life. There seems to be no escape from suffering, right? We live in a fallen world. However, my experience has been in my life and in the lives of other people that those that are struggling in their pursuit of God, those that are making sacrifice to make the best decisions in life and their difficult decisions, the [00:46:00] sacrifices that they're making, they're bringing on a level of suffering into their life.

Robert Carrillo: What ends up coming out the other side is something beautiful. There's just. It's a real good garden that ends up growing in their life, right? It's got their own better roses, if you will. Like any garden, there's going to be weeds that need to be maintained and pulled out, right? But you still have a beautiful garden and that beats the suffering that comes from a leisurely life that ends up overtaking you with thorns and thistles and ends up causing a disease, for example, right?

Robert Carrillo: So I think that what you're saying is, is really important and you see it from cover to cover in the pages of scripture.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Absolutely. Boy. Thank you. Is there anything else that you want to cover before we say goodbye today?

Robert Carrillo: Yeah, there's something really important, uh, Dr. Sam. On CancerDoctor. com, if you go to the resource tab, you will find a drop down menu and you'll see some podcasts that I've conducted with some doctors.

Robert Carrillo: They're free of charge. [00:47:00] Anybody that has a diagnosis or has a loved one that received a diagnosis, you want to hear from some of these doctors, go there and check it out. The second thing that I'm going to let you know is a cancer cancer doctor is putting on their second annual fundraiser. We call it 100, 000 for one cancer patient.

Robert Carrillo: We did this last year. I ran in a 100 mile ultra run to raise money that we ultimately gave away to one randomly selected cancer patient. And we're doing another endurance event this year. I'm co leading a team of 10 individuals on a 77 mile hike. It begins in North Carolina and it ends in South Carolina.

Robert Carrillo: There's no sleeping, there's no resting, there's no camping. We do it this way to identify what the patient has been diagnosed with cancer because they also go with sleepless nights, no rest as they're trying to get their treatment and overcome this particular cancer. The, um, the page for that where [00:48:00] you can find out more about this fundraiser is located at cancerguide.

Robert Carrillo: org. dot foundation. That's cancer guide dot foundation. And at the top of the page, you'll see the fundraiser. If you click on there and you've been diagnosed with cancer, just click on it, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name into the drawing. We're going to select one patient and we're going to give 100 percent of the money away to that patient that is seeking to have integrative or alternative care.

Robert Carrillo: I personally will accompany them to the center of their choice that they want to receive care at. If you're somebody that goes to that page and you would like to donate, every donation counts. As little as a dollar, five dollars, you multiply that times hundreds of thousands of people, it's really easy to raise a hundred thousand dollars.

Robert Carrillo: So this fundraiser is currently live and taking place. We are doing our, our hike at the end of October [00:49:00] and we will be releasing the winter. So yeah, please, if you can, if you're listening to this and you can give, uh, any amount, a dollar, 5, we would greatly appreciate it. The website again is cancerguide.

Robert Carrillo: foundation. All the deductions, or all the donations, excuse me, are fully tax deductible. And I appreciate that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us. Tell us the website one more time.

Robert Carrillo: It is cancerguide. foundation. Cancerguide. foundation. Dot foundation, kind of a, uh, a funky little, uh, URL, but, uh, at the very top of that page, you are going to see, uh, the topic of the, the, um, the fundraiser that we're doing again. It's our second annual one. Yep. And then you'll see my name on there that, that I'm heading it up and we have a team of 10 individuals and we're all excited about it.

Robert Carrillo: We've been training for it, right? For weeks now. So we're getting ready to get it done.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's awesome. Robert, thank [00:50:00] you so much. And thanks for, for all the hard work you're doing and. You know, following God's mission and helping his people. I want to thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Robert Carrillo: Well, thank you, Dr. Sam. I appreciate coming on here and we welcome the opportunity and we're happy to do it anytime.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. God bless. Thank you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there and do the uniform of the day, the full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.[00:51:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Doesn't dinner sound great as it's cooking. This dinner is from river bend ranch, which always provides prime or high choice been given hormones, never been given antibiotics, never been given mRNA vaccines. It's raised in the USA. It's processed in the USA. In fact, it's fully vertically integrated, which means that they own the cow, it gives birth to the calf, it's raised on their fields, and then taken to their butcher, and then shipped to you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if we compare, What we can buy from Riverbend Ranch to four other major state companies that sell bundles that have ribeyes and other meat in it. It can be as much as 184 to 59 less expensive. It's a great price value and it's a delicious piece of meat. Check out [00:52:00] That's,