12 Gauge Uncut with The GA Legend!

The 12 Gauge Uncut presents a special episode with The GA Legend Rocky Shaw and Professor Bear Herman Cade as they dive into the creation of a revolutionary pro wrestling app. Explore the behind-the-scenes journey, from concept to execution, as they discuss the impact on the wrestling community and its future in the digital age. Don't miss this exclusive peek into the world of wrestling innovation and technology!
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What is 12 Gauge Uncut with The GA Legend!?

"Hey wrestling fans! Ready to level up your fandom? Join me on my YouTube channel for all things wrestling! From match highlights to in-depth analysis and exclusive interviews, I'm bringing you the ultimate ringside experience. Hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications—you won't want to miss a minute of the action. Let's dive into the world of wrestling together and share the thrill of the ring. See you there!"

Thank you,
The neXt GA Legend

all right ladies and

gentlemen welcome to

another episode of twelve

gauge uncut today or

tonight I should say I have

a special guest in here I

am honored by the wsn

co-ceo herman the professor

bear cade herman what's

going on man not much just

uh another day in the office and

Trying to keep up with

everything wrestling as best I can.

I hear you, man.

It's a hard business because

there's so much always going on.

Oh, yeah.

So, dude, I have to compliment you.

I didn't even tell you when

I first logged in here.

My eyes automatically shot

to your background,

and I've noticed several

things there that actually

are kind of cool,

and it's going to date myself.

I see a Dreamcast back there.

Yes, sir.

I see a PlayStation One, a PS Two,

and I see the old GameCube back there.

And I think I can catch the

glimpse of a...

what would be a super

Nintendo cartridge or so back there,

something in the right corner of the door,

but, uh, so very, very cool.

Very cool.

Uh, thank you.

Uh, yeah, I got all five playstations, um,

got all the X boxes.

Um, I got an, uh, Sega Saturn also.

Um, I got the original, um, master system,

I got the Genesis, Super Nintendo,


I'm just a big gamer nerd, I guess.



I have a drawer full of, I got them from,

I don't remember how I wound up with them,

but I think a guy was

getting rid of them.

I've got like a, a bunch of game boys,

game boy advances and stuff like that.

Most of them were,

there was something missing

out of them or, you know,

they're broken or whatever.

And I'd pick them up on next.

I was like,

I'll fix some of the different

spare parts, you know,

from the other ones to them.

And unfortunately they've

been in my desk ever since I,

even though I thought about doing that,

I never quite had time to

actually do that.


I definitely understand that problem.

but, uh, well, Herman, there's, uh,

I hear that you are,

you have developed this app

or pro wrestling right now.

And so I'm intrigued.

And I think everyone here is

intrigued to go down that path.

But just before we get there,

I want you to kind of tell

me a little bit about yourself and then,

you know,

what got you into being a pro

wrestling fan?

Um, just kind of give me your history.

Well, um,


the reason that I'm a wrestling fan is

because of my father, um,

Herman K senior.

And, um, he was a big wrestling fan.

So that meant everybody in

our house was going to wrestling.

And, uh,

we used to go every week or every

two weeks or whenever it, uh, had it live,

we would go there and just enjoy it.

And, um,

I'm from Knoxville, Tennessee,

and I'm about to date myself.

At six oh five on Saturdays,

you better not make any

noise in that house.

It was so bad that the

neighbor's kids knew not to

come and try to get us to

come out and play around

that time because it disturbed that.

Everybody was getting it.

so I um I have two brothers

and a sister and two half

sisters so everybody knows

the wrestling but I'm I'm

the one that kept the bug

of wrestling now I usually say so

People don't get that these days that, uh,

cause I,

I am well aware of what it's like

to be whooped by somebody else's parents.

You showed up at the wrong

time or did something wrong.

Like now nobody can even

imagine that happening.

I was like, man, I got,

I've got my butt whooped by

plenty of my parents' parents, you know?

That's the way it was.

We were a community.

And you were probably

guaranteed to at least get two whippings.

The parent that found you doing something,

then they call your parents so they know.

So then you got whooped when you got home.

So definitely.

Yes, absolutely.

So I just stayed into wrestling.

Luckily enough, too.

I always say I'm very

blessed to grow up when I

did because for me,

it's like that was the real

bulk of wrestling.

You can learn the psychology.

You can see when they wrestle,

it wasn't just wrestling.

It was an art form.

It was a reason for everything.

So I was super glad to learn

and pay attention

And then luckily enough, my oldest brother,

him and my sister and my

other brother actually moved to Atlanta.

So I always loved going to

Atlanta and hanging out with them because,

oh, man, they got wrestling.

Like they had a channel that

showed eight hours of

different wrestling every Saturday.

So I was there in front of the TV.

Oh, I knew him.

Oh, that's why he ain't there.

Man, I was just a big fan of it.

And then my oldest brother also,

he worked at a car rental place.

And Lord forbid,

he got to meet a lot of

wrestlers and become friends.

So I would get autographs

and they would come by to see him.

And I'm freaking out like, oh, my God.

Oh, man.

It's like, brother, like, man, calm down.

He just, he's a jerk.

Don't worry about it.

But yeah, for me,

it's to be where I'm at

right now is just such a

dream that I never imagined could happen.

Well, that's awesome.

That's awesome.

So have you ever actually

been in the ring before yourself?



I had some offers to go in training,

but it wasn't my thing

because I knew what you had to give up.

To be a good wrestler,

you really have to put in

the time and dedication.

At the time,

I had my son and we were

expecting another child.

I was like, no,

there ain't no way in the world

I had to be home for them.




you're still giving back in a whole

different way.

That's kind of like me at this point,

you know, I'm, I'm out of the ring,

but you know, I'm,

I'm doing a whole different thing outside,

which is there's, there's no,

I tell the people this all the time.

And I truly believe that

there's no smart part in wrestling.

I mean, even, I mean,

people think the referee

even makes a huge

contribution to a match.

You can't,

you can't have a good wrestling

match without a referee.


And that's why we just

started the secondary

personality of the week.

And that's to give love to the referees,

the valets, to the managers,

to the announcers.

People for, I guess,

if you're not a wrestling fan,

you don't understand what

the roles everybody plays.

Hulk Hogan is big,

but Hulk Hogan wouldn't be nothing

without that referee, without the managers,

without the valets.

There's so much into

wrestling that people don't realize.

And especially when you're

an independent wrestler.


you barely get any... If you get TV time,

you're blessed.

If people know you, you're blessed.

And then you making...

twenty thirty dollars and

then you have to drive

yourself make the bookings

yourself it's so much that

people give up and still on

top of all that still

working a full-time job

trying to take care of your

family so we at the

wrestling society we really

just want to give that love

and let them let

independent people know

your contributions don't go

doesn't go unappreciative

and we're trying to give

back the best we can

awesome awesome that's

absolutely awesome and

you're right you're a

hundred percent there

there's there's so much and

even even I haven't done um

kevin ron chris cronk uh if

you're familiar with those

names they you know they do

a lot of forever pro and those guys

Two of the guys are in the, you know, uh,

Bradenton, uh, Jameson ship.

They're always in the

vehicle going from one venue to the next.

And I respect that grind.

That grind wasn't for me.

I was like,

I got a family and I couldn't tell you,

I didn't have that much

time to chase that,

but those guys are

constantly pouring out.

I know they would,

they would love to hear the fact that,

you know, that people are noticing.

Oh yeah.

And, and that's what, and on top of that.

We let the fans vote.

We try to reach everybody

and it's not a certain

region or just a certain promotion.

It's up to the fans to vote

and make your voice heard

to let us know some of

these guys we hadn't heard

of and what they're doing

because as much as I love

wrestling and I keep

a lot of wrestling on and

keep my own things.

I can't cover everything.

Our team can't cover everything.

That's why we ask for the fans,

which honestly is what I am,

but we're asking for your

opinions and to get out

there and give these indie

people love and support and let them know

What they're doing does not

go unrecognized.


And I appreciate you.

And you're absolutely right.

When you said that you're a fan,

we're all fans.

We wouldn't actually have

got into this business

because you'd be crazy to

get in this business if you

weren't a fan.

I mean,

you know if you've done anything

between the drama, the heartache,

the pain that you go

through on a basis of taking bumps,

things like that,

and just dealing with people in general.

It's a lot.

So you've got to love the

business and you've got to be a fan.

You've got to love it.

It's gotta be something inside of you.

That's a passion.

I always laugh because when

we go in the back,

someone says something about, they'll say,

oh, I have issues.

And I was like, well, it was a baby.

All of us have issues.

You wouldn't be a pro

wrestler if you didn't have issues.

It's so, so true.

And I'm, I'm just happy again.



you're going to hear me say bless so

much because I take this

sport very seriously.

And I want to be respectful

because there is a lot of

people out who are not respectful.

I respect the business.

I respect the grind.

I try to make sure what I do

is good and knowledgeable.

And just again, just give back.

And that, too, is why my partner,

Brady Owens, this is his concept.

He started back, oh,

I think it was twenty seventeen,

twenty eighteen,

trying to do it by himself.

He quickly realized he could not do it.

So then a couple of years go

by and he puts out an ad

saying he needed people to do a podcast.

And I saw it and I thought about it.

I'm like, nah.

So I go sit down next to my

wife and I told her what I saw.

And she's like, are you sitting here?

Go fill it out.

I'm like, man,

nobody ain't going to want

to hear me talk about wrestling.

She's like, please,

you debate against anybody.

If God came down,

you would probably say to him, Lord,

I mean no disrespect in no way,

but I think you're a little

wrong about that.

So I went back in, did my little promo,

sent it to him, and within an hour

We had a conversation,

and he put me a part of the team,

and we're here now.

And honestly, I never imagined it, never.

And he told me right off the bat,

after we did our first podcast together,

he told all of us, he said, look,

we're going to have to grind.

And one day, something's going to happen,

and it's going to pop.

And the numbers are going to go crazy.

Just be ready for that.

I'm telling you.

So, of course, you know, I'm like, okay.

Yes, sir, boss.


Yeah, whatever.

Next thing I knew, it was like, oh, man,

we started doing numbers.

People are actually looking

for our next podcast.

What is going on?

Then we, um,

We decided to do a two K promotion.


That's just fun.

We get to be the bookers and

cause we always hollering.

I know more than the wrestling.

I could do this.

We did a two K one before we knew it.

It popped again.

We're getting views like a

thousand people or episode.

So we're just blown away by that.

Then we turn around.

We do pay-per-view.

We had over ten thousand across the world.

So we're just amazed.

So then Brady, in his infinite wisdom,

came up with another idea.

He's like, hey, you know what?

We need to do an app.

Because when I was a kid,

I always wanted wrestling in one place.

I'd go one place and have

all the different wrestling there.

So we start working on that.

And on top of that, he's like, man,

we got to have a website.

We got to have a website.

So we working on all this.

We get the app out March, came out March,

late March this year.

And the website, we launched it in July.

And all of them,

both of them are doing very well.



So while we're doing one shout out,

I saw Zach Dye, you know,

awesome performer, by the way.

So this is my this is

actually my Zach Dye disguise right now.

I rolled my hat back.

So that's why I'm honoring

old Zach Dye right now.

But but Herman,

that's such an awesome story, man.


the fact that we're,

we're going to have to

shout out to Brady's why he

didn't get on this podcast with us too,

though, you know, but, uh,

maybe next time we will, cause we will,

I've got a feeling we're going to,

I'm going to talk to you again.

This has been so fun and

interesting already.


we don't have to drag him in here one

time too.

So, so an app, man, that's, that's cool.

So all of the,

so I can get all of my

wrestling information in one place.

Well, it's different shows and movies.

So the app is on Roku, on Amazon,

and Firestick, and Apple TV.

And we have plenty of

different wrestling content.

We have other podcasters on there.

We have movie starring wrestlers.

We have independent promotions.

We're just being blessed to

let us use their footage

and get them more views.

Matter of fact, just today, we

just started a partnership

with the School of Morton

where we're going to start

showing some of their shows.

What else?

We got bios.

We got documentaries.

We have game shows.

We got cartoons.

We just have so much different, again,

content that

Not everybody,

not everything is for everybody,

but it should be something

on there that you enjoy.

And things you may not even knew.

Like the bios are really,

really interesting.

And you can find out about a

lot of favorite wrestlers.

And then on top of that,

we have so much still in

the vault that we hadn't

even put on the app.


We definitely have the

content and we love for

people to really just go

and get immersed in it.

A lot of people I've talked to who's

Got on there like, man, I'll be on there.

And then I have to realize I

got to get off, go to work.

I'm looking at this.

I seen stuff that I hadn't

seen since I was a kid.

So, you know, again, just to have that.

People enjoy their self and

be so passionate about

wrestling is such a joy for me.

That's awesome.

So I'm definitely hearing us, you know,

being the CEO of Twelve Gauge Promotions,

you know,

I've got to talk to you about

getting Twelve Gauge uncut.

And, you know,

we may need to get some of

that content of mine and my

YouTube out there with you guys, too.

That's something we

definitely need to talk about.


we can definitely talk about it all





But, um, well, that's, that's awesome.

So I like the fact that when you said,

and that reminds me of, you know,

being when we used to go and then again,

we're going to date,

I'm going to date myself again.

We had a movie world here, which was, uh,

had video game rentals and stuff.

and so I remember going when

the new wrestling game

would come out on genesis

or whatever we'd go grab it

and me and my buddy would

start playing I'm here so

y'all gotta go to bed and

then the next thing we know

it's three a.m in the

morning we've been you know

going at it on that on that

super nintendo or genesis

at that time either one and

uh then it was already tied

it was the time to get up

in the morning at that

point so uh I can

definitely I know that

feeling that's the cool thing about

if we can bring that

experience on to everyone

else and even still relive

it I you know I still have

those times where I get

excited and I stay up way

too late now I'm old so I

really regret it the next

day oh yeah oh oh I know um

there's certain things I

want out I'm like

Just like look at watch like, oh, Jesus,

it's almost three.


just give us thirty more minutes to try

to wrap this up.

Four o'clock.

Oh, my God.

Five o'clock.

My wife getting up ready for it.

She's like, you couldn't sleep.

I was like, yeah, that's it.

I couldn't sleep.

So I'm going to try to go to sleep.

Yes, I have.

I am one of those people, I guess,

before they ever called ADHD, you know,

we just we just called it, you know,

I would get hyper fixated on something,

whatever I was thinking of.

If I wake the bad part is if

I start at ten o'clock at

night and I start a project.

and I've already saw it in my head,

then I have to finish it,

or I'm not going to go to sleep.

Even if I lay down,

I'm going to sit there and

think about it all night.

Oh, yeah.

So it's one of those things

that I try to control

myself where I don't get

too excited about something until,

you know,

if I can't finish it in a

certain time frame,

because then I'll just be

stuck doing it anyway until

I get it where I want it to be.

Oh, yeah.

And so I know I want to step

back a little bit.

When you said that y'all

started a podcast,

this is uh and I know you'll

agree with me at this point

in time everyone thinks

that making a podcast is

just a bunch of guys

sitting around talking and

it's easy there's not a

bunch of guys and you're

just goofing off and it's

easy podcasting's hard yeah

it definitely is you got to

put the time in and I mean

and then on top of it

What sets yours apart from

the other hundred of podcasters talking?


And you sit there like you.

I get focused and I'm like, OK,

how can I do this different?

How can I say how can I?

So, yeah.

So like you said,

some nights my mind is just racing.

yeah yeah so well as far as

uh so what what promotions

are y'all currently working

with as far as wsn right

now um city championship

wrestling they're out of uh michigan um

Like my mind is just running.

Somebody calls you on the spot.

It's always that happens.

Coastal Championship

Wrestling out of Florida.

Oh, Zach.


We have Southern Illinois

Championship Wrestling out of Illinois.

Oh, man.

They're floating in my head,

and I see them.

And that's no disrespect to them.

It's just my memory.

And you would think after

all the interviews I do,

I would be prepared for that question.

And I never am.


Yeah, well,

it's always when someone calls me,

that's when I'll blink out too.

I can even see them usually

in my head and then won't

be able to say that.


But yeah, so me and Zach Mosley,

me and Zach spent on many

cards together and worked

in Pepper Bottom.

Strangely enough, you would think that

exotic youth and where they

go that I would know bryce

but I have never me and

bryce have never met really

and and I bet I've worked

I've trained with me and

pepper bottom and uh zach

trained together uh with

jimmy wang yang and and

jazzy uh so we had training

together and I still never met bryce

And so it makes no sense whatsoever that,

you know,

that they three run together all

the time and we just never actually,

the two of us never actually connected.

That's crazy.

but uh but that's cool that

you're working with that

zach has a great mind and

it looks like he's doing

great things down there in

coastal so so that's that's

awesome uh hats off to him

and peps and bryce as well

um so yeah and uh you know

one quick shot we got and

I'd love for you to come at

some point in time forever

pro wrestling is what we're

doing we have a show

calhoun uh in calhoun georgia on friday

So I know that's the last

minute thing to let someone

know that's a Knoxville.

Cause that's a drive for you.

And unfortunately I just

came off of back surgery,

so I'm not going anywhere in no time.

I hear you.

I hear you.

Surgery is not fun,

especially the aftermath of it.


So, well, yeah,

Now that you, so WSNN, as far as the,

you were talking about the

numbers as far as content,

everything like that.

So Professor Bear, now is that app,

is it on the cell phone as well?

Yes, you can actually put,

you can pull it up if you

go on our website.

We have a link in there so

you can pull it up.

We're definitely,

right now we're working on the

mobile device.

That's another thing we're

currently working on.

What else?

I'm trying to think it was how to get it.

Like I said,

we're kind of working on a

bunch of different things.

One of the cool things that, again,

the mind of my partner

Brady is just something else.

We have music now is all

original music based on wrestling.


And, uh, I think, uh, we're, um,

supposed to be, or we have, um,

the launching a radio station.

So, um, we are working on a magazine.

doing hard copies and the digital.


I'm starting to work on our

merchandise and I have my

shirt on working on some of that.

We're just trying, again,

we're just trying to, we think about it,

why can't we do it?

That's pretty much our motto.

If you come up with it, why not?

And one thing I forgot that

is on the app and I can't believe it,

but you actually helped me

remind me is video games

where they have different reviews on, um,

wrestling games, which is pretty cool.

And with me, um, myself,

I'm trying to collect wrestling games.

Like I've gotten three from Japan.

Hopefully within the next month or two,

I could get another seven to eight.

That's just Japan.

I can get over here.

I want my collection to have

every single wrestling game ever made.

So fire, bro.

Oh, got it.



I was about to say,

when you said Japanese wrestling,

I was like, that's got to fire pros.

One of the legends there.



So what is the pinnacle?

What in yours,

what is the greatest of all

time video game that was from wrestling?



Uh, for me, uh, the Nintendo, uh,

I guess I got to say WCW.

WCW may not make him revenge.


That's it.

I mean, I was pretty,

I was figuring that it would come down.

Most people tell me either

revenge or no mercy.


And, and,

and actually that's what I have

in the system right now is no mercy.


So usually that's,

and then if they're a

little later generation, I'd probably say,

I hear SmackDown, here comes the pain.


You know, it falls into that.

So, yeah, I mean, for me, I think it was,

I think I was between

Revenge and No Mercy, too,

because that was kind of

the pinnacle of my playing.

So, all right, well,

who is your favorite wrestler?

Oh, yeah.

I don't think I can name my favorite.

I have generational

wrestlers that stick out to

me just because of generation.

Like, of course, Dusty Rhodes.

I'm, of course, a Flyer fan.

Like, currently, Samoa Joe is my guy.



I got a quick funny story about Roman.


So, again,

I was telling you that my

brother's sister lived in Atlanta,

and my brother worked for a

rental car place,

and a lot of wrestlers

rented their cars from him.

So my brother got back home,

and I was there,

and we were just sitting there,

and he was talking.

He's like, man.

Boy, these Samoans, boy, they are no joke.

And he said, man,

they got their house full.

The one thing about it, though,

they got these bad A kids

who are just bad.

He said it's these two twins

and their cousin.

They're just bad.

He was talking about Roman and the Usos.


And now that when I see them now,

it's like, holy crap,

my brother saw them.

And it just was one of those wow moments.

Yeah, yeah.

That's awesome.

You know,

and I gave Roman hell for most of

his career.

And it wasn't really his fault,

because I know, but as a fan,

I was like...

would they stop making him a baby face?

I was like, I, me and my wife have,

I was a, let him be a heel.

And I,

and I'd said this multiple times and

I was like, put him with Paul Heyman.

And then when it happened, she was like,

Oh my.

And then we just watched him flower.

You know,

he just blossomed into something

that now is, I mean, you, it's hard to,

you're looking later on

that he's going to be in

the subject of the greatest of all time.

I mean, he's there.

And if he would have stayed

on the career of them

keeping him that baby face,

it would have never happened.

But... But, yeah,

so... And you mentioned...

I will tell you something.

I don't know if you've ever saw it,

but you said you were a big Dusty fan.

If you will... Big Andy, six-oh-five.

I don't know if you've ever

gotten to see Big Andy.

But he is...

He is as close to the

independent spirit of Dusty

Rhodes that you're ever going to find.

We also call him the Angry Irishman.

But look up Big Andy's stuff.

Some of it's on my YouTube.

And I think you will find

that you're a fan of

someone because Big Andy is, I mean,

I think part of Dusty's

spirit slipped into him at

some point in time.


uh so so he's he's got the

strut the body build of big

big dusty and uh he is so

big shout out to big andy

love the guy to death and

uh y'all check him out uh

so so you said that so for

mine I have no problem I I

have generationals and what

does I respect and love but

I'm a sean michaels

You know, that is my guy,

Mr. WrestleMania.

And if it wasn't for him,

that probably influenced me

actually getting in the

ring over anything else was

Shawn Michaels.

I definitely understand that, Shawn.

And I guess, too,

the way I looked at wrestling,

I saw something in Shawn, but it was like,

okay, yeah, this is it.

Then he just let it naturally come out.

And I think one of the best

things that happened to him,

which is crazy to say,

anytime someone gets hurt

was the best thing that he

was able to take time away

from the business and get

his personal life in order.

And you can tell when he

came back and had that next level run,

it was just like nobody, it was barely,

anyone that could touch him beforehand.

But when he got his mind right, like you,

we were talking about Roman.


Yes, absolutely.



So, yeah.


Well, Herman, it's been awesome.

We've had a great time,

but I guess we're about

thirty five minutes in.

So I know some of these

people's attention spans

are not near that long.

So what what I want to do is

give you this time to.

uh, kind of promo for, you know,

the app and, and tell,

tell everybody why they

need to get into that,

get ahold of that app.

And I will make it easier.

I, he, he has said, excuse me,

got myself tongue tied that, um,

that's going to be

available multiple ways

after this is run in my

comments and so forth.

Herman can take some time

and put all that in there

for you guys so that you can easily, uh,

locate the app,

the website and everything like that.

Cause that'll be posted.

We'll make it really easy

for you guys to find this, um,

and go and support, support him here.

I mean, you know, the way we do this,

even if there's giving feedback,

there's something about the

app that you don't like,

you want some improved, you feed it,

feed it back to him.

The way we grow and make a

product for our fans is

listening to you guys.

So I know, um,

I'm going to pass it on to

him and let him, uh,

tell you about it and then

I'll close it out.

Well, you can find us on Facebook,

the Wrestling Society Network.

We have over three thousand

members and we want to grow.

We want you to we don't care

if you're a wrestler, promoter,

just a wrestling fan.

Get on and promote wrestling.

We love it.

We're not asking for anything.

We just want to

promote wrestling in your area,

give other people a way to understand it,

see it, and just show love.

If you want to look at our app,

our app is WSN.

And again, it is located on Roku, Amazon,

Firestick, and Apple TV.

And then if you want to, oh, please,

please, please check out our website.

The website is therasslingsociety.com.

And we have so much good things.

We can do lives.

We can do chats.

One of the best things

besides the personality of

the week and the wrestler of the week,

we have a podcast from.

And that's where we take

different podcasts that we like,

that we think are good.

And you can go click on

their logo and it will take

you directly to them.

We love to promote for other people.

We are just trying to be sure,

sure in this world of

professional wrestling to

keep it growing and keep it going.

So as I always say,

thank you for listening to me.

Thank you for giving me the

time because without y'all,

there is no me.

And I am truly, truly,

truly blessed that I can

add something into the world of wrestling,

something I've loved for fifty one years.

Thank you.

And Herman, thank you very much.

I appreciate you.

And it's been a pleasure for

me to actually meet you and

let's have this thing.

So, uh,

I'm going to be looking forward to

getting updates from you in the future.

I think, uh,

me and you're going to be with

good friends online and you know,

I'm going to have to come

up and see you sometime in Knoxville.

Cause I'm not that far away.

Yeah, and I'll be coming down that way.

I still got family in Atlanta.

It's just a matter of me

getting my back together,

and I'm going to be

actually probably be doing

pop-ups at different wrestling events.

awesome awesome so we will

and I'll give you an open

invitation to forever pro

so you know so you you're

welcome to come join us any

point in time of that so

ladies and gentlemen for

herman professor barricade

I want to thank you and I

want you to come out this

friday and support us at

forever pro if you're in

there and you want to meet

the georgia legend the

twelve gauge rocky shaw

I will guarantee you this,

when no matter if you're in North Georgia,

don't sleep on us, baby,

because this is the

promotion that you want to be in.

You close your eyes and sleep on us,

and we'll be putting your lights out.

So come down and see us.

Kevin Ryan, Chris Kronk, Jameson Shook.

Man, we've got so many.

Joe Black.

If you want stars, baby, we got them.

We got Zach Dye.

Zach Dye is Mr. Never Dye.

So for the twelve-gauge Rocky Shaw,

the Georgia legend, and Herman,

Professor Bear Cage, till next time,

beware the twelve-gauge.