The Traffic Hackers

In this episode of the Traffic Hackers, Brent and Glenn discuss the importance of targeting the right people on LinkedIn and share tactics for finding ideal clients in online events. They highlight the common messaging mistakes people make on LinkedIn and emphasize the need to approach the platform as a business media rather than a social media. The conversation concludes with a step-by-step guide on how to search for and connect with potential clients in LinkedIn events.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for finding ideal clients, but many people struggle because they don't know how to search effectively.
Messaging mistakes on LinkedIn include sending generic messages and overwhelming prospects with lengthy pitches.
To find ideal clients in online events, use the search bar on LinkedIn and select the 'events' option. Join relevant events and connect with other participants to start meaningful conversations.
Approach LinkedIn as a business media platform and focus on building relationships and providing value to potential clients.

Introduction and Overview
The Value of Targeting the Right People on LinkedIn
Messaging Mistakes on LinkedIn
Targeting Ideal Clients in Online Events
How to Find Ideal Clients in LinkedIn Events

Dive into the world of effective lead generation with Brent and Glenn in this dynamic episode of The Traffic Hackers Podcast. In this episode, they unravel the secrets of harnessing the power of LinkedIn to find your ideal clients, especially in the context of online events. They begin by addressing a common challenge: many people struggle with LinkedIn due to ineffective search strategies and poor messaging techniques. Brent and Glenn offer their expertise on how to navigate this powerful platform, emphasizing that LinkedIn should be approached as a business media rather than a mere social media platform.
Discover the key to targeting the right people on LinkedIn as the hosts delve into the mistakes most users make, such as sending generic messages or overwhelming prospects with lengthy pitches. They provide actionable advice on creating meaningful and relatable messages that resonate with your target audience. This approach is crucial in transforming your LinkedIn presence into a valuable business tool, enabling you to cut through the noise and make impactful connections.
The conversation culminates with a step-by-step guide on leveraging LinkedIn events to connect with potential clients. Brent and Glenn walk you through using the search bar effectively to find events relevant to your niche and how to join these events to access and engage with participants. This strategy is essential for starting meaningful conversations and building relationships with ideal clients in your industry.
Throughout the episode, The Traffic Hackers share their insights and strategies for maximizing LinkedIn's potential for business growth. They highlight the importance of focusing on building relationships and providing value to your network, ensuring that your efforts translate into successful lead generation. This episode is a treasure trove of practical tips and tactics for anyone looking to master LinkedIn for business success and take their lead generation to the next level.
Tune in to this insightful episode of The Traffic Hackers Podcast and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to transform your LinkedIn strategy, generate high-quality leads, and grow your business effectively.

Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

What is The Traffic Hackers?

Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

Join us as we explore innovative methods to increase lead sources and reveal the tools and tactics for automating your lead generation process. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, "The Traffic Hackers" is your guide to putting revenue growth on autopilot. Tune in to unlock the potential of hot leads and learn how to turn clicks into customers, driving your business forward in today's competitive market.

Subscribe now and embark on a journey to elevate your business with "The Traffic Hackers" – where every listener gets equipped to conquer the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

#LeadGeneration #DemandGeneration #BusinessGrowth #IncreaseSales #IncreaseRevenue

Brent Stone (00:00.438)
Hey, welcome to the Traffic Hackers. Brent and Glenn here with you today. Hey, stay around to the end. We're going to give you some free tactic, specific tactic on targeting your ideal client on online events. So if you don't know how to find your like thousands of your preferred clients, your ideal clients in online events, stay around to the end. We're gonna teach you exactly how to do it. So here we go.

Brent Stone (00:33.642)
All right, here we are. We're excited for another episode of the Traffic Hackers. I'm Brent.

Glen (00:40.392)
What's up guys. My name is Glenn Martin, as you guys know, and I'm super pumped to be back on another episode of the traffic hackers.

Brent Stone (00:49.166)
It's gonna be good. We've got some really cool stuff today. And we're just getting everything kicked off. Glenn and I were talking about some of the value of just targeting the right people because certain platforms like LinkedIn, most of the people that we speak to when we're talking to them about our specific automation software, most people tell us they don't have good results on LinkedIn. And it's sad because that particular platform is designed to be able to be searched.

thoroughly for your exact clients. And that's pretty much, I mean, Glenn, correct me if I'm wrong, that's pretty much the only reason why people don't get good results is because they don't know how to search. Is that right?

Glen (01:31.228)
Yeah, well, there's two reasons, but that's the first one. The first one is they don't know how to search. The second one is they're terrible at messaging. And so, you know, I think searching is what, obviously the first start to that, because if you are bad at messaging, but you have a good audience, you can sometimes still break through the noise and have some clients so you can have some success. And so then maybe you think it's yourself, but it's two part, but definitely searching is the beginning. And yeah, LinkedIn is incredibly powerful.

And if you're still listening, if you're listening to this and you're like, man, I thought LinkedIn was like this place for online resumes and where I went to update my work history and stuff like that. You're right. But you're also terribly wrong because it is so much more than that. And it is a very, very robust social media platform, but it's targeted with high level entrepreneurs and business owners. And so.

That's why we are always so excited about talking about LinkedIn because outside of the local clients that we have, LinkedIn is where we get 99% of all of our clients. And so we absolutely nerd out on this stuff and you guys get a chance to hear how we think and some of our go-tos. But yeah, Brent quick answer is definitely one of the main reasons for sure.

Brent Stone (02:52.718)
So one of the things that I really liked that you said was messaging. So if we're looking at messaging and proper messaging, how are people making mistakes in their messaging on a day-to-day basis when they utilize LinkedIn? Because before you answer, I do know that people waste a lot of time on social media in general, but when they go onto LinkedIn, they probably have the intention of going on there to do business because it's a business forward platform.

social media platform, but people get caught up in their feed. And then all of a sudden it's like, they start treating their, their inbox like it's an Instagram inbox. I'm assuming, I mean, at least I did that for a long time now, because we've been in the training and then the trenches of doing this for, for quite a while now and having good results. It's just, uh, maybe we can help shine the light, shed some light on, uh, what, what the mistakes are. So people stop making those mistakes.

Glen (03:53.696)
There's a lot of mistakes. I mean, it would probably take us like the next three hours to dig into all the mistakes, but I think the first thing with messaging is, well, there's several parts to this, which makes it complicated for many people where they think that, and I should be able to send a message to a connection and say, hey, great to be connected. How's business or how's life in your part of the world or whatever. The problem with that is because it's a business,

platforms. See, most of you are looking at social media as exactly that social, you know, you go in there and you share your cupcakes and you share all these things. And it's just like, ah, well, you should look at it. If you're a business owner, it's business media to you now. So stop. If you want to actually grow your business in the social media platform, start remembering that this is business media. You're using this for business. It doesn't mean you can't.

socialize on your Instagram and Facebook and, or LinkedIn, but what's the purpose of your outreach? Typically it's not to just, you know, Shake hands with some random person, just to make you feel good. It's because you're trying to get into a conversation, which can lead to collaboration and or business. So that's the first thing that I would give you. And now when you send that generic message, because this is a business platform specifically, these people are kind of like,

Oh, wow. I've had the same message from like 700 other people in the last two months. I just as soon not even reply. It's not because they're mad at you. It's not because they don't like you or that you're not credible. It's because they simply don't have the bandwidth to just, you know, swap stories with someone that they have no clue who it is. And that's the number one thing that people make as a mistake. And so I can kind of, you know, one of the first things that I would do is find a way to relate.

to that individual even though you don't know them in person, right? Maybe it's because of a mutual connection and you're like, hey, Brent, super excited to check out your profile. I'm super glad we're connected. I am always pumped to talk about X, Y, and Z. I saw that you made a post two weeks ago about that. Tell me a little bit more about that. How did you get involved with random subjects? And now...

Glen (06:16.548)
If they don't reply, typically it's because they get a lot of messages in their inbox and they might not have seen it. And so then it requires some follow-up, which is secondary. We don't need to go into that now, but the first thing is find a way to relate. To cut through the noise of everybody. That's just, you know, kicking tires and trying to get someone into a random conversation about how their cat is or how their day is.

Brent Stone (06:37.35)
Hey, so glad you connected with me. Um, I hope we can benefit each other soon, which I've, I've sent out a million times, you know.

Glen (06:46.304)
Sure. Yeah. And that's where people swing the opposite direction and they go directly for the cut, for, for the, for the throat. And it's like, this is what I do. I can help you. And they send like 17 paragraphs and you see that and you're just like, Oh, wow. I didn't slot out half hour of my day to read LinkedIn messages today. I'll get back to it when I have a moment and you never have another moment. And then you get ignored and you're just like LinkedIn sucks. I have no clue how to use this platform. That's the dichotomy of.

Brent Stone (07:14.487)

Glen (07:16.148)
probably 90% of people that are listening to this. And here's what's crazy. There is nearly a billion users of LinkedIn and it's growing every single day. Literally, I looked like a week ago and it was like 970 million. And within four days, it was up another 2 million users. And I haven't looked today, but I would guess that it's probably up another, yeah, wild. That's how powerful this platform is.

Brent Stone (07:39.022)

Brent Stone (07:44.938)
Wow. Yeah. And with that volume of people on there, when people realize that an actual search query of their exact customers that they're looking for, if they could just understand the power of having like an audience of 2,500 people or an audience of a thousand people or even 500, like you could work those leads for a year and have business continuously flowing in if you do it right. And

Obviously we're excited about automating that for people because that's what we do. But if people want to manually do that stuff, there's so much you can do with just a proper search. So Glenn, here's, let's give them some value. So we started off this whole episode with telling people how they can go into events and search their ideal client. Can you tell people a little bit about how to do that?

Glen (08:34.792)
Absolutely. So if you're not aware, LinkedIn has a ton of different search options that are just given in the free version. So you don't need to have premium. You don't need to be paying $90 a month for sales Navigator, anything like that. We're talking the free version of LinkedIn that you have an account for right this very second. And so what you're going to do is you're going to go into your search bar and type in whatever niche that you're in. So maybe you are in IT consulting. Maybe you are just trying to learn more about.

cat grooming or whatever it might be. I mean, who doesn't want to know that? It's important stuff, right? It doesn't matter. Whatever you're interested in or whatever your business is associated with, you're like, man, where do my ideal clients hang out? I'm a funnel builder. I sell e-commerce products or whatever the case may be, type that into your search bar. Now.

What that's going to do is it's going to bring up a bunch of options that LinkedIn has. And it's going to say people, there's going to be services, there's going to be events, there's going to be groups. Here's what we want you to do. Go to events, type that search and click on events. And it's going to give you a list of hundreds of events. Now, if you're very, very specific niche where you, you know, where you're, you're in like the dog grooming industry for like.

cockapoos or something like that. Maybe not hundreds of events, but you get my point. Hundreds of events that now are in that search query. Well, what does that help me, Glenn? Well, here's the deal. All these people that are in those events are potential prospects for you. So type in very specific, go to those events, and then click join. When you click join, now you can view all the other participants inside this event.

which then allows you to start connecting with them and you know exactly where their interests are and so you can have a very specific conversation, not pitching, but very specific. That's the thing that I would do right out of the gate, go in there, search, go into your events and that's going to be your highest level of audience because you can even search in events who's in the United States, who's in the UK, who's in Zimbabwe or wherever you wanna connect with people. That is...

Glen (10:48.616)
where the power comes inside of just these types of events. So, Brent, let me know if I missed anything. I think that's gonna help a ton of people.

Brent Stone (10:56.862)
That's going to help a ton of people. You didn't miss anything. I think that that's wonderful. We're wrapping up this episode here. Thank you all for tuning in to Glenn and myself with the traffic hackers until next time have fun and keep the traffic going.

Glen (11:11.956)
Peace out!