The Viktor Wilt Show

Acid Bath is back! There's nothing wrong with living in a mobile home, there's nothing wrong with being in a cover band, reminder that it is illegal to steal or vandalize political signs, National Bosses Day, Maxwell the cat on TikTok is a real jerk, break dancing will turn you into a conehead, the mayor of Prague wants to ban pub crawls, King Charles was mindblown the first time he saw cling wrap, best vampire stories, arguing with Peaches about who is lazier, the Riverbend Awareness Project podcast talks breast cancer awareness, collecting and freezing novelty Burger King Whoppers

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Yo. Wednesday, October 16th. What up? It's the Viktor Wilt show. Welcome.

Let's talk about acid bath. It's a band I've talked about a lot over the years. One of my all time favorite bands, depending on the day, they could be my favorite band of all time. And right now, I am definitely as hyped as I've ever been as an acid bath fan. You know, we talked a lot about Dax Riggs in the last couple weeks.

Had a new song drop few days ago called deceiver, and that was exciting because Dax hasn't put out any new music for about 14 years, vocalist of acid bath. So that was that was all the Dax Riggs related news I needed and certainly expected. I mean, it was great. Alright. New music from my favorite vocalist.

Then yesterday, you know, I'm sitting there scrolling away, looking for stuff to talk about on the noon hour show. And I see in the acid bath subreddit, somebody has posted a flyer of the sick new world festival, which happens every year in Vegas. And on that flyer, you've got up toward the top acid bath, a band that has not played any shows since 1997. So I figure it's one of these, you know, dream lineup things that people throw together and post online. And I'm like, alright.

That's neat. But I mean all the comments and excitement I'm like nah this couldn't be real you know there's just no way that's a band that said they would never ever play together again and it's been 27 years or something It's been a long time. So I decided to go check out the sick new world Facebook page. And there before my very eyes is the same flyer. Same flyer with acid bath up toward the top.

It was real. They're back. Went to their Facebook page and they're like, oh, our heads are exploding. We're so excited. Like, what?

And it's, you know, basically the original lineup minus, their bass player who obviously could not join in since, that was why the band broke up. He, passed away, was, killed by a drunk driver. Don't drink and drive, people. But, yeah, one of my all time favorite bands, a band that I thought there would never be any opportunity to see him live. You know, I've seen members of the band perform live.

They're they're back at least for one show. I hope it's more than one show because well, I don't have a lot of money and tickets to sick new world at minimum $400. But what if that was the only acid bath show that they ever play again? What if I didn't go? I mean, imagine your very favorite band if they had not played in that long and he had one opportunity to see him.

Would you drop $400 just for the ticket? Not to mention travel, hotel, blah blah blah. I mean, if I was rolling in the dough, sure. Sure. I'd do it in a second, but that's a lot of dough.

That's a lot of money. So I don't know. I'm I'm holding out hope that they're gonna play additional shows. If I can somehow work the show as a media guy, maybe I can get myself in there. But I don't know if that'll happen.

So, anyway, I I'm just overjoyed and excited. Unexpected news. You know how it is to be a a really big fan of something and just totally made my day yesterday. So I got fingers crossed. Maybe they'll do some additional shows.

If I could get myself a $50 ticket to see them and do a headlining show, it might be more worth it than the travel to Vegas for a festival show. Even though the the lineup for sick new world is incredible. You've got Metallica, Linkin Park, Gojira, Mastodon, tons of my favorite bands. Yeah. I don't know.

Gonna have to knock that one around for a bit, but it's been fun reading through the comments on the various posts going around about this. Because all of the metal news sites, the headline for the sick world announcement is, you know, acid bath reunited. And you have lots of people going like me. What? What?

And then you have younger people like, who's that? What? Why is this such a big deal? Well, get in the know. Listen to their discography.

It's only 2 albums. Yeah. Pretty easy to knock down their legendary discography, and it is legendary in the metal world. And both albums, 10 out of 10. You know?

That's one thing about a band that, broke up that quick. You know, they they went out on a high with 2 seriously, flawless albums for for sludgy metal. So good. Anyway, I'm excited. Hopefully ow.

I just hit my thumb on the desk in excitement, and, there must be a sweet spot there. That hurt like crap. Limp Bizkit and my way. There you go. My way or the highway.

Sometimes, that's a pretty good motto to have for yourself. I was just reading a post on Reddit from a guy who posted, I'm 31 and bought a double wide mobile home 3 years ago. I was 28 when I bought my 2,000 square foot double wide on 5 acres here in North rural Florida. Paid 200 k. Property also had 2 large sheds.

Since I bought the home, my family, my fiance's family, and friends have and continue to call our house a trailer and that we need to buy a real house. This is causing us both to be very depressed. We don't have family or friends anymore because of this. Alright. Sound like you got some really lousy family and friends.

And, I mean, you can't change your family, but you can certainly change your friends. Alright. They said the Florida market was and still is crazy when we were looking for a home. Now I regret buying the double wide because we've been called trailer trash by our own families. We keep the home immaculate, and it's cleaner than a lot of our family's houses they consider real houses.

Sorry for the rant. Just very tired of this and don't know what to do. House has a new metal roof and has survived both hurricane Helene and Milton. There ain't nothing wrong with living it living in a mobile home. I've talked about this before if I ended up needing to move and I was looking at having to move into something like an apartment.

You know, I would much rather live in a mobile home than live in an apartment because at least it's my own confined space with nobody on the other side of the wall making a bunch of bracket. Yeah. You got your own little yard. This guy has 5 acres. 5 acres.

I mean, I don't know what he's supposed to do aside from, you know, tell his friends where to go and then maybe ignore the family for a while, but, again, there's nothing wrong with living in a mobile home. K? I've had plenty of family and friends that lived in a mobile home. My daughter lived in one for, quite a while before she moved to Phoenix. And, when she moved to Phoenix, I'd go down to Pokey and hang out at her place.

And, yeah, it was a great time. It's nice and quiet, conveniently located. And, again, there's just nothing wrong with it. So, you know, if anybody's given you grief because of where you live, I don't know. You need to tell them where where where to go, apparently, because you've you've got a place to live.

That's great. You know? This guy's family should be celebrating him. It's very difficult for younger people to purchase homes nowadays. And a mobile home, it has the word home in it.

It is a home. It's it's a real home. An apartment is a real home. Don't shame people because of the decisions they make on where they wanna live or, like, how they decorate or or whatever. Nothing wrong with you being you.

What's most important is your own happiness. So, yeah, try to not judge other people. Okay? Anyway, that that just kind of frustrated me. I I'm so lucky that I had such great family members.

You know, my parents were awesome and supportive. My brother and sister are great. All of the extended family. I don't have to put up with this kind of crap. It's it's just sad what some people have to deal with when it comes to their own friends and family.

Yeah. Get rid of the friends. I'm sure there's some good people to hang out with in your neighborhood or, I don't know, get out to a show and meet some people. That's where I find friends. Shows.

Hey. Just a note. If you're in a local band, don't be a smug turd. Reading a post online asking if people in bands that only play original music normally look down on cover bands or are my friends just jerks. Alright.

They said, I started an acoustic duo with my girlfriend. It has started to take off, and her and I play at local wine bars and breweries in the area 3 to 5 times a month. I feel like when I talk about the project with other musician friends who are in original projects, they kinda blow it off or seem to not take it seriously. For example, there's a buddy of mine whom I've come out to see his project multiple times but hasn't bothered to come see us play. Is this normal or do my friends just suck?

LOL. Alright. As a guy who's been in original bands since I was 15 and has had friends in cover bands the same amount of time. I've always hung out with people in both type of bands. I think I would have to say most people in bands are not that way.

Now I might have given some of my friends grief. Like, why don't you write some originals? You know? But I'd go see cover bands play. I'm totally cool with that.

And, I mean, if you are so proud of yourself for your original tunes that you wouldn't go see a friend play in a cover band, again, you're a smug turd. Knock it off. I, as a person who writes my own music, will openly admit I don't have the talent to be in a cover band. I don't have the talent. I've tried to learn cover tunes over the years.

There are very very few songs that I can play that aren't my own start to finish. Now perhaps if I really buckled down and put the effort in, you know, I could get somewhere with learning other band songs, but it's just not something I got the knack for. And I've seen cover bands play that are just mind blowingly good. So, yeah, I could jump in here and tell this person now your friends are turds. Tell them to come to your show and shut up.

But they might also just be kinda joking around. Like I said, what I would do with friends and cover bands, like, oh, yeah? Well, have you ever wrote a riff like this? Yeah. I mean, it's what you do with your friends, so they might just be playing.

So settle down here, buddy. Do your thing. You be you. Like we talked about earlier with the the guy whose family and friends were being awful to him because they live in a mobile home. Don't worry about what other people think.

Just do what you need to do to make yourself happy. And if doing an acoustic cover project with your lady brings you joy? Well, screw everybody else. They're probably jealous because you're probably actually getting paid to do your gigs and most original bands. You know, they get that, hey.

We'll give you some exposure. Yeah. Why don't you come out and play? People are gonna hear you. We're we're giving you the opportunity to get your music in front of people.

Where cover bands yeah. Come out and play tonight. Here you go. Here's a here's a nice wage to cover your work this evening. So I think cover bands are ultimately winning.

From my experience, every cover band I know locally makes a lot more money than all of the original bands. So I think there might be some jealousy original music community if people are really, trashing on cover bands because, yeah, they're they're just mad. They're not making any dough. Breaking Benjamin with a brand new track, awaken. Alright.

My review of that one sounds like breaking Benjamin. I think it's a fair review. Not too bad though. Not too bad. I'm glad they put out a heavier song.

I think it seems like the last song they released few years ago was kind of, kind of weak, but don't quote me on that because you know how good my memory is. One thing I'm good at mem or remembering not how to talk apparently. A thing I'm good at remembering is stuff we talk about on traffic school powered by the advocates. Happens every Friday at 8:45. Me and lieutenant Crane of the Idaho state police getting together to answer your questions about the law.

I do fairly well remember all of the Maybe not all, but most of the answers to our questions that have been posed over the years. And as I've been driving around the last few days, I guess some people either don't listen to traffic school or don't care because we got people out there breaking the law. We talked about this just last Friday. Stealing political signs. I don't know why, but, you know, in my to and from work and around town travels, I'll notice the political signs.

You know, I think that's kind of the point of them for people to see them and, you know, be influenced by them and such. But I have noticed a variety of signs that, suddenly disappear and then are replaced by something else in certain areas of town. I just wanna let you all know if you're still in political signs, you're breaking the law. It would be so embarrassing to be criminally charged for, like, chucking a political sign into a ditch. There's cameras everywhere nowadays.

You know? Everywhere. I think, people are pretty brave if they're out doing any kind of crime in public nowadays. Chances are you're on camera anywhere you go. So I don't know.

I just wanna save you the embarrassment if you end up, oh, you'd be on East Idaho news. Half the people in the comments, hey. Not all heroes wear capes. And the other half, yes. Stick it to them.

Put them in jail. I wonder if you'd go to jail. I think it's just a fine. See? I lied.

I can't remember. I cannot remember everything we talk about on traffic school because I don't remember what the, consequence would be if you got caught vandalizing or stealing or destroying political signs, but try to be patient with they're only gonna be up for, like, 3 more weeks, and then they'll go away. So try to not let them bother you. They're gonna be all over the place. Guaranteed.

I'm seeing more and more pop up every day, but as annoying as some of them are to me, and you ain't gonna see me pulled over on the side of the road, like, kicking them or something. They're just signs. They'll go away. Just gotta wait patiently. And, I hope it goes by quickly.

I think we're all tired of the election at this point. Just wanna get it over with. Whatever happens, alright. Let's just get it done and move along so we can get back to normal. That's funny to say.

But, yeah, so we can get back to somewhat normal and not have to think about this anymore. Anyway, just wanted to warn you because I somebody's out there monkeying around with signs. I've I I see the evidence. Alright. We'll be back.

Oh, it's global cat day? How many pet related holidays are there in a year? There's, like, national puppy day, national dog day, international cat day, global cat day. Alright. You know, just celebrate your pets every day.

Oh, it's national bosses day. Alright. Does that mean I have to be, like, nice to Jade? I well, I didn't I didn't get him anything for national bosses day. What about, the big boss?

I don't know. Well, those of you who haven't made it to work yet, this is a tip for you. It's national bosses day. Sucking up to the boss is not a bad thing sometimes. Alright?

Bring him a candy bar or something. Be like, hey. It's national bosses' day. I'd bring Jade a candy bar, but far as I know, he doesn't like candy. I don't know what I'd hook him up with.

Here, Jay, here's a slice of pizza, dude. Happy National Bosses Day. I'm lucky. I got great bosses. Like, I got a lot of friends in radio, and they have terrible management.

I've I've got great management here. I'm so lucky. If it wasn't for my management, Kay Bear would not sound like it does. Most management would have some kind of consultant going, this guy's a maniac. You can't play these heavy songs during the day.

You're gonna scare people. So grateful for my bosses. I will just look at this. On my program, wish them a happy National Bosses Day. That's just as good as a gift, isn't it?

I'm throwing it out there to the public. Might as well be a happy birthday. Yeah. Get your boss something if you know something they like. You know, show us some appreciation.

I didn't know before I got here. I don't I can't keep track of all the stupid holidays. It's also national dictionary day. What does that mean? I don't know.

What? Do you wanna pick it up and read it? So, anyway, just wanna give you that tip on your way to work. I'm telling you, might work out in your favor. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change.

Alright. I have gotta get my cat Koopa a collar with a camera on it. I was just reading an article about Maxwell the cat on TikTok. This cat's owner put a camera on the cat's collar and decided to see what it gets up to when it goes goes roaming around. Well, apparently, Maxwell's a bully.

Now these videos are kinda controversial because people are like, well, maybe you shouldn't let your cat out, dude. Max, he's a jerk. Because it's all videos of Matt Max roaming around the neighborhood, find another cats, and start in fights with him. I haven't watched any of these videos, but I'm gonna have to go check them out. Now I know Koopa occasionally gets in fights because, for example, a few weeks ago, I come home and the side of his head's all swollen up.

I'm like, what hap did you get stung by a bee or something? Go into the vet. You know, rush him over there. Make sure he's alright. You know, he had an abscess in his face from getting in a fight.

And I've, you know, pulled claws out of him before. Like, dude, just stay in the yard and you'd be fine. Well, except for when Yuri comes by. I don't know. I got a few neighborhood cats that stop by the house.

I don't know what their real names are. Only named one of them Yuri or my lady actually named it. But, seemed like Koopa and Yuri are friends, and Koopa very defensive of Yuri as well. I thought Yuri was gone. Hadn't seen that cat for, like, 6 months.

Showed up the other day. And my little kitten well, she's a big kitten now. She was at the back door and I'm wanting wanting her brother to come in, Koopa. So I opened the door and I don't know if Koopa thought Lucy was gonna attack Yuri or what but jeez thought Koopa was gonna rip Lucy to pieces it was the craziest thing I'd ever had seen happen between the 2 of them they were all mad So, anyway, I gotta get a get a collar, see if Koopa's out behaving like Maxwell, the bad kitty. Sorry.

It's global cat day. I had to do at least one cat story. If you wanna check out Maxwell, it's max20499 on TikTok. Max20499. After this break, I'm gonna watch some Max videos.

Alright. If you're into break dancing, be aware you may get a head spin hole on top of your head. They call it a break dance bulge as well. It's a unique head injury among break dancers. Yeah.

If you spin on your head, you're going to have a lump form on your head. And then doctors are gonna have to go in, and they're gonna have to remove the lump, and then you're just, you know, gonna have this bald spot on top of your head. You're gonna look like a weirdo. I mean, I'm not trying to ruin your hobbies here. I just wanna let you know.

You're gonna be a cone head if you break dance for too long. So, you know, just be aware. You can look at the, the x rays of a man who developed head spin hole after just too much breakdancing. Alright. That's a new one.

What else do we got here? Prague banning nighttime pub crawls in a bid to attract more cultured and wealthier tourists. Yeah. I guess the mayor in Prague in the Czech Republic says he doesn't want visitors coming for a short time just to get hammered. Alright.

How do you know that the people out doing the pub crawls aren't cultured or wealthy? I mean, I've seen some pretty wealthy people get pretty hammered before. So, you know, if you're able to vacation to Prague, fly to the other side of the planet, you probably have a little bit of dough. I mean, I'm trying to figure out how to have a little bit of money to go to Vegas next month just for, like, 2 days. I'm like, oh, this is gonna cost me too much money.

I can't afford this. What am I doing? I mean, I know I need a trip out of town, hang with a homie, see a good show, but the financial end of things, Vegas, you know, like everything else, gotten to be very expensive. It's very aggravating. So, anyway, go to Czech Czech Republic.

Take part in a pub crawl. Make the mayor mad Well, you still can since they're gonna get is pub crawl just, like, the thing to do in Prague? Well, I guess not no more. Not no more. I bet it doesn't get what?

Do you think the owners of these pubs who've been making lots of money for years years from people wanting to come and get hammered in Prague are gonna suddenly just go, yeah. Sure. Go ahead and shut down our events. No. They're not gonna stand for it.

So you should be able to continue doing this. Never been to Prague. Looks like it would be a pretty interesting place to visit but, I'd probably have to avoid the pub crawl. Yeah. Too old for that.

Too old. Oh, they are so good. So good. Talking about acid bath right there, Venus Blue. If you've ever wondered if there's a band that I like as much as Tool, there's a few of them.

That's one of them. What else rounds out the list? Probably the Beatles, Pink Floyd. I'd have to think of one more to come up with the top five. It gets kinda tricky after that.

Lots of other bands that I really, really, really like. Opeth maybe? Opeth up there? Anyway, if you missed the announcement yesterday for Sick New World, Great lineup. Great lineup announced for Sick New World 2025.

Going down in Las Vegas, April 12th. It's a sick lineup for sure with something for everybody. Alright? You've got Metallica, Lincoln Park, Queens of the Stone Age, Evanescence, AFI, Ministry 311, Gojira, the Sisters of Mercy, and then right up at the top, acid bath. I thought the flyer was fake when I saw it yesterday.

This is one of my all time favorite bands since I was a teenager. Nobody even knew who they were when I was in high school. We talked about this on the noon hour of madness of man yesterday. My friend, Sean, shout out to Sean Putnam in Pocatello. Because I was always raving to everybody about how they need to check out acid bath, people just started calling me the acid bath guy or acid bath in high school.

So I'm a fanatic for this band. And again, they broke up in the late nineties. Never thought there was any chance of them ever doing anything. No new music. No shows.

So I was bouncing off the walls with excitement yesterday. Now the only problem is tickets for Sick New World begin at $400. Jeez. And like I talked about with going to Vegas next month, the hotel situation down there, it's gotten to be very steep. Very steep and expensive.

Oh, happy national bosses day. Get out of my face. Bow down me, Barbie. I've got a present for you. I've got a ticket for you to the, the lost souls attractions, buddy.

I I picked this out just for you for national bosses day. What's going on? I wanna give you more work. Probably. That's all you do.

That's what bosses do. That's right. Yeah. You know, I'd say on national bosses day, bosses should get us some pizza. That's right.

Nope. Just like the I prevail song. Bow down. Bow down. Yeah.

That's that's not what I wanna do. I I wanna, you know, talk back and Nope. You know, create some mayhem. Be, you know, I don't know what word I'm looking for. But it's all about me.

Me. And there's And the other big guy. Yeah. I was gonna say, there's bosses above you. Yeah.

They don't count, though. You're low tier boss. It's pretty much. Alright. Well, I gotta find out what work, Jake.

So gotta give me here, so I'll see you later. You know, it definitely amazes I've talked about I've talked about the royal family before, how they literally don't do anything. They just sit back and collect riches, and people idolize them. These are folks who have no idea what life is like for the average person. I was reading an article about King Charles the 3rd.

Now this is just alleged, but this author, Tom Bower, interviewed a 120 people for his biography of Charles entitled Rebel Prince. And in the book, talks about King Charles' He walked He walked into the dining room and shrieked. So his wife ran in and was like, what's going on? And he's like, what is this? She's like, that's cling film.

That sounds so unbelievable that you'd think it's made up. But do you think King Charles deals with much, leftovers? I'm I'm doubting it. Just so funny that, these people can be so out of touch yet, basically worshiped by everybody in the country they live in. Can you picture king Charles went out mowing the lawn, something like that, changing a tire?

No. He's never done that. I'm fairly confident he's never been out mowing the lawn. Never been, you know, stuck in the kitchen doing the dishes. Probably has no idea what a dishwasher is.

Anyway, I I just shouldn't be surprised, but imagine if you showed this guy press and seal. Press and seal. The alien technology. What do we got going? This is wild.

Rich people. I was reading a bit about this Washington DC ghost tour that is apparently so scary that the original tour guide quit. Couldn't take it anymore. Too frightening. Sounds pretty cool to me.

I would love to go check out a haunted tour that legitimately scared the crap out of me. We got any haunted tours going on around here? I know they do them this time of year in Pocatello and Idaho Falls. Gonna have to try to dig up some info on that. Apparently, it's not hitting my Facebook feed.

Instead, I'm being pummeled with politics. Would much rather know about fun events happening around here. Well, if you're looking for something fun to do, there's always haunted attractions. We got the haunted meetup going down tomorrow at the Lost Souls attractions in Shelley. And if you wanna go for free, all you gotta do is go see Peaches in Pocatello today, 4 to 6 PM at Greasemonkey on Quinn Road.

Get yourself a spot on the list, and you and a guest can join us for the haunted meetup in Shelley tomorrow night. 1st come, 1st serve, so get there to see Peaches early. But I would love to see all you folks from Pokey out at the Lost Souls attractions tomorrow night. I will be there. So, yeah, get yourself signed up this afternoon, 4 to 6 PM at Greasemonkey on Quinn Road.

It's a haunted meetup thanks to our friends at Wackerley Subaru, Wackerley Auto Center, and Greasemonkey. And it's our final haunted meetup. So if you haven't come out to any of the other ones, well, getting your final chance, and it's fun. So hope to see you out tomorrow night. Hope to see you in Pocatello this evening, 4 to 6 PM.

Saying hi to Peach is getting yourself a spot on the guest list for the haunted meetup. Good luck. It's the Victor World Show. Have you watched the new version of Salem's lot? It's on Max.

It's okay. Now it's been many years since I read the book. I have read it a number of times. And when I think back to my reading experience of Salem's Lot, I find it to be just an awesome book from what I recall as far as my enjoyment goes while reading it. And I did not feel that same level of enjoyment watching this movie.

I'm like, wish I could remember the book better because what are they leaving out of this movie? Reviews don't seem to be that great for it. I mean, maybe it's worth a watch. But this is why you should always read the book version. Alright?

Because I would imagine if you just watch the movie on Max, you'd probably be thinking, like, why is this story held in such high regard as one of the best vampire stories ever? I didn't think it was very good. It the movie just was subpar. So if you're looking for a good vampire read for the Halloween season, give Salem's Lot a whirl. There's a lot of great vampire stories out there.

You know? And I was looking at a list of people's favorites online and some of these I've read, some I have not. But one stuck out that this was one of the last books I read. Let the Right One in. This is another example of there is a movie or a variety of movie options available.

If you're going to watch the movie, watch the I think it's a Swedish movie and watch it with the subtitles. It's a great horror movie. Like, fantastic. Very well done. The other versions, nah.

It's so much. But, let the right one in. Definitely one of the best vampire books I've ever read. It was cool to see that pop up on this list. Really good.

Yeah. When I think of my favorite vampire stories, I think I'd have to go with that and Salem's Lot. But, you know, people are mentioning, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. I read those when I was really young, and it's been so long. I don't really remember them.

I mean, I know I like the movie interview with a vampire or the vampire. It's pretty good. What other vampire stories do we got in here? George r r Martin of Game of Thrones fame. Guess he has a book called Fever Dream.

I have to check that out. Always down for a good vampire story, but they're they're hard to find. People tend to get hooked on things like, what, twilight? I am legend by Richard Matheson. Another example of garbage movie.

Great book. And the movie's probably fine if you never read the book, but the book is so much better. So much better. And I am legend, I think, as a movie's held in fairly high regard. But sometimes if you've read the book, it can just ruin a movie.

The worst example, Stephen King's the dark tower. Now I hate to think how many people were turned off from reading the books because of that movie. That movie that I mean, it was such a baffling movie to watch because you take 1,000 and thousands of pages of story and condense it into an hour and a half, and it didn't even really make sense, the movie. And the only people who could potentially understand that movie would be people who have read the dark tower just could be like, okay. I see this little thing they threw in there.

It was so weird. I know we talked a lot about books yesterday, but I'm always trying to encourage people to read because it's good for the mind. I have been reading the past few nights. And even though it makes me tired really fast, which, you know, is good because I needed to get to bed, It just feels good. Been reading The Black House by Stephen King, Peter Straub.

I should be able to hopefully wrap that up and then start a new book. I don't know. I started Black House many, many months ago and then just fell off. Luckily, I didn't wait too long, and I was I was able to pick up where I left off, but, yeah, I kinda wanna watch let the right one in, the Swedish version again. It was so good.

That book was excellent. I loaned it to Joey the Hulk Lobato recently because it was it was just so good. I'm like, dude, you gotta check this out. So I think that's my my top recommendation for a vampire book during the month of October. Let the right one in.

If not, I mean, Salem's lot is just classic and fun, and don't let the movie sway you from reading that story. Alright? It it's excellent. Trust me. Peach has just walked in here and is accusing me, mister perfection, of screwing up.

Mister perfection, what are you talking about? No one's ever called you that besides yourself. Everybody calls me that. I am flawless. Mister Lib, mister Flake, those are more appropriate.

Flawless without any flaw. What did I mess up? In your own head. In everyone's head, but what did I screw up? Well, I'm just I was watching the Whitechapel music video and I was like, man, you know, Victor really screwed up missing out on that concert now and tomorrow.

Well, it it's just how it had to be, Peaches. How it had to be. You're always over. Like, Peaches, you do you should do everything by yourself. You you had your friend flake out, and then now you're like, oh, I don't wanna go Yeah.

By myself. I but, see, here's the difference between you and me. You throw a tantrum when your friend is unable to go to a show. No. I say strike 1.

You're out. You're deleted. Me, I'm like, oh, okay. Because I don't really care that much. If I really, really was like, I've gotta be there, I would've gone.

Right? You didn't put in any effort. Lazy Lib. Not a lazy Lib. Lazy Lib.

I'm a Lib. That's all that you are. I'm a Lib, and I am not lazy. Look at your Halloween decorations. You didn't put any effort into them.

You just said put inflatables on front lawn. What are you talking about? I've I've got little skeletons hanging up all over the place out for us. It takes 2 seconds to sand something up. Good.

Yeah. But what why would I wanna put a bunch of effort into that? Then I have to take it back down and to, like, the dollar store and buying one of those fake ones that they have to carve a pumpkin? Yeah. See, I don't I don't wanna do it.

I'm lazy. No. I don't have kids at my house anymore. You still do it. My neighbors are lucky I put up any halloween decorations.

I almost didn't do that. I'm thinking for Christmas, no no decorations. I'm not gonna put a tree. Lazy Lib. Why?

Lazy Lib. No one's gonna see it. It's just me there. What? I I put my tree up.

Why? Because I I want to. Alright. My parents tell me every year, you're not gonna have any presents if you don't put that tree up. My parents are dead.

I had no parents telling me what to do. I do what I want. And if I wanna go no decorations, like, last year, I put up a bunch of Halloween decorations inside of the house. Not this year. No.

I put the inflatables up and I still think, overall, missing out on Whitechapel, missing out on Lorna Shore, one of the most stacked tours out there. It is. But, you know, I thought it was more important that I get out and hang out with the listeners if they wanna do them to the States. Stop it. I don't know.

You made me the first guy. Let's get out of here. It's 8:30. Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go. What do you I am always the one telling you guys to settle down and wait till 8:30. Give the listeners the final chance to get there. I don't throw a fit about wanting to leave. All of you lazy kids.

No. It's you, the lazy lib. I I might be a lib, but I ain't lazy. Oh, come on now. All I do is go no go.

Say that the lazy lib, Victor Wilt, and his morning show. Oh, that person hung up. I was gonna put him on the air. I mentioned lib, and now they're wanting to talk politics in your show most likely. No.

But I I don't talk politics on the show. But it it's funny because Lib is not an insult. That's a, like, a general political belief system, which, you know, doesn't fully cover me. But it's funny when people throw it out as an insult because it's just a descriptor. I got another insult for you.

You're woke. Oh. What does that mean? That's insane. Oh, no.

I wanna see people treated equally. How what an idiot. What are you talking about? We got a pyramid system, Victor. We'll keep it that way.

Yeah. Give me a definition of woke that is negative. I'm just making jokes about that. Because that's the thing. People throw all these words around, but they don't think about, okay, what does that word really mean?

Like, if somebody called me woke from my understanding of the definition of woke, what it means, I'd be like, okay. Well, that doesn't sound bad. You care about other people? What a piece of garbage. I don't know.

Yeah. There are terms if he called me, I'd be, insulted. Right. But it's not those. Woke live?

Woke live. I'm telling you, one of these days, I'll change my morning show's name to Get Woke with Victor Welch. That would be pretty cool. I wouldn't mind that. It's a funny name for a morning show.

It it would get attention. It would get attention. And, it would I think it's funny because for some reason, that word makes some people really crazy. What if I jumped on airs, like, I woke up today and go, dude, what did you say? No.

Like, it's so, anyway, yeah. No. I'm, going to the haunted meetup tonight to hang out with all oh, yeah. Tomorrow night. Tomorrow.

For all the people you sign up tonight Yeah. Who's the person doing all the work for that? It's me putting together those lists, putting printing typing up the slips, printing them out, cutting them out. Oh, it's so hard. Sure they making sure the listeners get to where they need to go when.

Wow. That's so hard. Show up and then judge what I do. You're like, look at these lists. Basic.

Generic lists and you're the guy showing up late purposely because you're like, I show up when I want to. I created the haunted meeting. No. You did it yourself. Yes, I did.

Stop it. No. You didn't. Created the haunted meetup. The lazy lib, Victor.

I developed that promotion. What are you talking about? Well, now we're changing it up next year. Well, you know, change is fine. I'm I'm cool with that.

You know, we've done the haunted meetup, for many years. So something new is not a bad thing. There's a lot of things we do year after year that I'm like, yeah, we could do something different. But, yeah, I, I earned my place as the king. Now, you know, you peasants do the dirty work that I did for years years.

Liberal mind wanting them, what's that word? Oligarchy? No. All you kids are the oligarchy. It's the, what's the thing I'm looking what's the word I'm looking for?

All you You're wanting the king here? Yeah. All you kids around here have it so easy. No. We don't.

So easy. Stop it. And you're right now. Katie and Justin that right now to their face. I will.

Go tell them that right now. I will. You guys all rolled in after all the work's already been done. Please. You know, you weren't here when Kay Bear was like a nothing station.

You know, we in the morning, it still is. Oh, I'm not kidding. Whatever. You know, I've I walked so you kids could run. You you and then still, it's so rough.

I gotta fill out a slip of paper. I'm gonna feel like that. A whiny. You're the one who sounded like a a lazy libs to me. Woah.

Now I'm insulted. But guess what? You're bald? Gen z at the oh, you're calling me bald? Look in the mirror.

Hey. I read online yesterday that that calling people bald is considered harassment. Is it? Okay. Yeah.

Call me it. It's okay. I'm going to HR. That's right. I'm gonna go report people called me bald.

It's terrible. He said I was bald. And he called me woke and called me a lib. Just endlessly picking on me. Well, this is recorded now, so we're fine here.

This is perfect evidence you can bring to HR. Exactly. I'll just play it back. Be like, listen listen to all the insulting things he said to me. Peaches came into the studio and said, I screwed up.

I don't know how I'm gonna handle it. So anyway, go see this piece of garbage tonight. Oh, well, I know you liberals just cry, so you probably just cry here for the rest of the, morning show. How much time do you have left? Hey, I got a full commercial break that I can cry.

I'll be done crying by the time that the, commercials are over. Play hurt from 9 Inch Nails afterwards? Yes. And I'll play the even sadder Johnny Cash version. Oh, no.

I thought you liked 9 Inch Nails more than Johnny Cash. I do like 9 Inch Nails more than Johnny Cash. Because you wanna know why Johnny Cash more Republican. You know, that's why you're like, get him off the air. Alright.

I'm just messing up. I don't think it was. Johnny Cash was a Republican. No. I don't think so.

Yeah. I'm not sure. I'm not gonna dive into it. Country music and I was like, let's go for that. No.

There's a lot of libs in country music for sure. Darren Morris? Well, aside from the ones who are, like, blatantly I mean, Willie Nelson Willie Nelson is, like, the most revered country artist there is. Go find any recent pictures of him. He's always rocking a Harris t shirt.

Woah. You know? Willie Nelson's woke. I'm throwing it out there right now. To be fair, I don't think he knows where he's at most of the time.

He's in his nineties. Well, I think most people that I see in the news who are, you know, over 70, they seem to be a little bit out there. Sorry to any of our listeners who are over 70. He looks great compared to Jimmy Carter, but Jimmy Carter's a 100. So He's a 100.

He's a 100. But Willie Nelson's not too far off. He's in his nineties. Is he in his nineties? Wow.

I'm looking that up Willie Nelson age. He's gotta be pretty old. I mean, he's definitely a woke lib. 91, April 29, 1933. Do you think if I jumped on air on the hawk and started going Willie Nelson's a woke lib?

Do you think listeners would get mad even though it's 100% true? Justin would turn beat red. Like, because it's it's a fact, you know, that you can't deny, but they all love Willie Nelson. Please hop on the air of the hawk and just start listing off liberal country artists. I would love to because there's lots of them.

Full of lists. There's tons of them. And then then there's the others who pretend to be, you know, on on the other side, but they're just lying, you know, and then it comes out later on. Yeah. There there's a lot of fakery in the country world.

A lot of, you know, fake names What if Aaron Lewis was faking it? Voices. I don't think Aaron Lewis is faking it. What if he was? What if he's like, this is the major cover up?

Uh-oh. We got people calling now. How dare you call the what are you saying? Woke lib. K Bear, please keep in mind that you're live on the show, and please turn your radio down.

Hello? Can you turn your radio down, please? Hey. Sorry. That's alright.

Who's this? Hey, Gabriel. This is Jack Oliver calling. Hey, Jack Oliver. A song a song request going for you guys.

Me and my buddy are at work right now and wanna hear something. Alright. I get the point. Shut up and play more music. What do you wanna hear?

Can we put on Evolution by Korn? Evolution? Yep. I'll check and see if I've got it in the system. And if I do, I will play it next.

How many Google searches Jonathan Davis to live? You very much. Alright. Thanks, man. Peace.

Yeah. Have a good day. Most metal musicians are nerdy libs, peaches. I hate to break it to you, buddy. Probably is.

Somebody asked this question long time ago. Is John Davis a libertarian? Why or why not? Not a libertarian. I know but I know.

Is John Davis a part of Conservative Incorporated? What is this? People get curious about their favorite Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Metal injection.

Corn's Jonathan Davis continues political activism against dictator Obama. What? He's on the right side. Dictator Obama. My fellow Americans.

I love political news articles sometimes. They're so silly. I wanna I wanna see him lead a revolt and just yell, are you ready? I don't remember Jonathan Davis tirading, you know, or on a tirade against Obama. That's pretty funny.

That's a legitimate article for metal injection. I didn't bring that I didn't make that up. I gotta look this up. I need more information. What Jonathan Davis Obama.

Obama middle injection. See, you you're the one who always ends up getting this show in a political realm, peaches. Alright. Jonathan Davis responds to Barack Obama's shout out. So Barack Obama was like, corn's awesome.

And Jonathan Davis said, screw you. Get out of my face. It just said he was shocked and taken aback. Oh, and it's a Rolling oh, and it's a Rolling Stone article, and they won't let me read the whole thing. Well, here.

There's the other article right there. He said, I am not the lead singer from Korn against dictator Obama. Great stuff to write about these past few days. Let's see. So he was talking to TMZ and, says Obama's using the media to focus on pop culture figures to distract the country from his dictator like laws.

Well, a year later, he was all happy that Obama gave him a shout out because he turned the page. Acknowledged me. Yeah. That's all it takes. What did he say?

He was going blind. Well, it's kinda like, anytime I've met bands. Like, there could be a band that I didn't like and then I met them and they're really nice. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, these guys are pretty cool.

Right. TX too. A lot of people hate those guys. I like those super nice people. Super nice guys.

Alright. Hold on. Let's see. Jonathan Davis calling in to talk about dictator Obama. Let's see.

Who would have thought we'd be talking about Obama today? K Bear, you're live on the show. Please keep that in mind. Who's this? Hey, Neil.

This is Tyson. I was wondering if you could talk to her. How dare you? Well, you guys talk to Paul. Call me that.

You can't call me that name. Very insulting. Now p I told Peaches there's words you can call me that I'd be very insulted by, and you've done it, sir. Don't you ever call me Neil. You've gotta you've got your show confused.

I hear politics. I don't hear music. That's a step worse than Robert. Come on. We're having fun here.

Are you mad that we called Jonathan Davis, both a woke lib and MAGA? No. I just wanna hear from corn like the last caller. Well, I've said I might, but, I keep getting distracted. Well, Victor's now saying you know if if he's saying Obama's a dictator he's gonna take corn out of the playlist.

Now wait a minute. I didn't say any of that. Alright. I'm I'm placing corn in a minute. Alright, buddy?

Alright. Let's do it. Alright. See you, man. Peace.

Call me Neil. Dare they. That's pretty bad. That's not how you get your your request played, sir. Who's Korn's, nemesis?

Is there a band that Oh, let me look this up. Yeah. Who who is the biggest nemesis of the band Korn? Woodstock 99? I don't know.

Who's the biggest name? Limb Bizkit? I don't know. Biggest nemesis of Korn. Yeah.

Who said some bad things about Korn before? I'm getting things about like, bands that ripped off Korn sound. We could go there. A million of those. But, alright.

Anyway, we'll be back in a minute. It's a band called Love and Death. Love and Death? Yeah. I think that's the guitarist band.

It's the guy on red the sky on red, it says it's basically a direct rip off. If it if it's the band I'm thinking of, it's heads band from Korn, but I I might be wrong. Hey. If you haven't yet subscribed to the podcast version of my show, you should. You can find it everywhere podcasts can be found.

Maybe you only get to listen right now every day when by the end of the show, I'm running out of steam and running out of stories. Well, you can find out what I said at the beginning by checking out the on demand version everywhere. Again, the podcast can be found. YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, Give it a follow and, rate it as well.

Give it, whatever rating you think it deserves. Another podcast we've released that you should check out is the Riverbend Awareness Project. You can find that everywhere podcasts can be found as well. This month, we are talking about breast cancer awareness. So you should tune in, give it a listen.

Knowing your family's health history, listening to your body, getting early screenings, all important parts of taking care of your health, especially when it comes to breast cancer. My mother passed away from breast breast cancer. So it's something that everyone should certainly pay attention to. Get all of your regular screenings. And the current episode of the Riverbend Awareness Project for the month of October, very informative.

Let me know about the local resources, for getting checked up or if you were going through treatment. So I highly recommend you check it out. Again, the Riverbend Awareness Project. Also, of course, check out the Victor Will Chill. And, let your friends know they can check it out as well.

I just saw a bizarre post on Facebook. I almost talked about collecting earlier because I saw a Reddit post where they were asking, hey. What do you collect? And I didn't do so because I had already talked about books today and yesterday. I think most of you know I collect books.

So I didn't have a lot of interesting things to say about it, but this guy collects whoppers. I can't even say collects. Anyhow, you know how I posted a video the other day of me and Josh eating a, purple whopper? This guy has a collection going back to 2015. He's got the black whopper.

He's got the red one. There's an orange one. There's a yellow one. I don't even remember that. And then the new purple whopper, and he just keeps them frozen.

Alright, buddy. You know, to each their own. Collect whatever you wanna collect. I ain't gonna judge. He got a lot of likes out of his post, so it paid off in likes.

Alright. Anyway, I'm out of here. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Welt Show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river.

Why can't I say that? God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at