The Jonathan Kogan Show

Join us for a riveting, real-time exploration of the Second GOP Presidential Debate as it unfolds live! In 'Debate Night: Unmasking the GOP Showdown Live,' we bring you front-row seats to the high-stakes clash of ideas, strategies, and personalities in the race for the White House. Our expert panel dissects the candidates' performances, disentangles the key issues, and offers insightful commentary on the moments that could shape the future of American politics.

Tune in for a rollercoaster ride through the world of politics, as we dissect, analyze, and unravel the drama as it happens, right before your ears!
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan (00:00.454)
one and we should live everywhere for the second GOP debate. We're going to cover it here live on The Jonathan Kogan Show. Thanks for tuning in. If you're listening to this not live, you could skip ahead about three minutes if you want to get straight into the debate, straight into the juice because it's starting in about two to three minutes. We're going to pull it up here shortly, actually two minutes and four seconds to be exact.

So, um, listen, I appreciate you being with The Jonathan Kogan Show. Please subscribe to the Jonathan Cogan show wherever you get your podcasts, uh, or YouTube rumble, uh, Twitter at KOGZ. All right, let's get right into it. So for the first debate, we nailed it on this podcast, nailed it. We, I guess the gift that we bring to everybody with this show is we have the uncanny ability to assess what. Human behavior.

is going what humans are going to think based on a performance in a debate. So what do I mean by that? Well, we predicted that the average person who is in the corporate media realm is going to say Nikki Haley won that debate. We were correct. That's exactly what happened. And then we thought people that are already on the right are going to love the vague. That happened. But just the average person is going to love Nikki Haley on that. Now tonight is going to be different.

Tonight is going to be different. Trump's still not there. Trump is crushing the polls. So I mean, listen, why are we even doing this? Let's be honest. Trump is just killing the game right now. But we're going to cover this. We're going to assess it. We're going to be unbiased. We're going to be truthful. We're going to do what we always do here. We're going to look at this political show, this political theater, whatever you want to call it, with an honest, apolitical lens. Okay? We have no biases.

We have no ties to any candidate because we don't believe in any candidate because we don't believe in any politician on this podcast. So we assess it for what it is. We call it like it is and nine times out of 10, mostly 10 times out of 10, we are 100% accurate in our assessment. So it's starting in about 10 seconds. We could watch this either on Fox News or Rumble. Let's try Rumble first. If there's some glitches, we will switch from it, but it's starting in 10 seconds. We want to give Rumble the credit because we need to stand together for free speech.

Jonathan Kogan (02:24.054)
So please support Rumble. They're fighting hard for us. And so we just need to be there for them when they need us and they need us right now. So let's put on this sound and let's see what happens here.

Jonathan Kogan (04:11.662)
That intro just wants me to say America.

super American start to the debate. Very American.

Jonathan Kogan (04:28.398)
Let's make sure the audio is working.

Jonathan Kogan (04:55.147)
Rough start.

Jonathan Kogan (05:21.514)
Is this like a new thing for like the illegal immigrants? Is that what's going on now?

Jonathan Kogan (05:29.558)
No disrespect.

Jonathan Kogan (05:44.514)
definitely has an interesting smile.

Jonathan Kogan (05:49.838)
It's for vague, but OK.

Jonathan Kogan (05:53.995)
as predicted.

Jonathan Kogan (06:04.014)
Oh, yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoy yoyoyoyoyoy

Jonathan Kogan (06:09.2)
Is he on there so crazy?

Jonathan Kogan (11:48.63)
I see Tim Draper, venture capitalist in the back there, Casey DeSantis.

Jonathan Kogan (13:46.667)
He just rubs me off as a phony.

Jonathan Kogan (19:43.327)
He did that smile again

Jonathan Kogan (22:32.424)
They're not calling on Doug.

Jonathan Kogan (22:46.466)
This is so awkward.

Jonathan Kogan (23:41.602)
They're not calling a dog. Feel bad.

Jonathan Kogan (25:17.998)
All right.

Jonathan Kogan (29:01.91)
Tim Scott has interrupted like three times.

Jonathan Kogan (30:36.822)
He's very good with words, very articulate.

Jonathan Kogan (31:35.49)
Here we go.

Jonathan Kogan (32:00.982)
Oh, what happened?

Jonathan Kogan (33:06.782)
Seems like he's not letting me answer on purpose.

Jonathan Kogan (34:03.63)
Wow, they're all going after him. Interesting.

Jonathan Kogan (35:40.994)
didn't he work for Trump who's running? It's such a weird dynamic.

Jonathan Kogan (35:49.294)
The guy his record was with is running again. So bizarre.

Jonathan Kogan (35:59.938)
They aren't calling a dog. All right.

Jonathan Kogan (36:08.398)
All right. That whole thing was just ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. It does seem like there were talking points given to a few of the candidates, Tim Scott, Pence, even DeSantis perhaps to go after Vivek. I got to know where Tim Scott went after. I'm

Jonathan Kogan (36:38.026)
He was told to target him with this China thing. And then when he did have a vague, tried to answer, he kept going, you know, like when you're trying to talk and someone's like, and they won't let you speak. It was almost like, you know, what, what politicians do, what Pelosi describes as you slander someone in the media and then, you know, you don't let them respond basically, it seemed like they try to do that in real time. It really felt like that. They, they slandered him, even if it's true. And then he tried to respond to that.

They didn't let him respond. So it seemed like they tried to get a national TV hit piece going Don't let him respond and just move on and that's what people remember Clearly there was motivation to take him down on the global stage. That definitely seems to be true Now as far as the people they're calling on and how they're doing this structure, um It's weird. It is very weird Uh, very strange um


Oh, okay. We tried to share, we tried to do this live on Facebook, but, uh, didn't, uh, it got taken down. I guess it's a copyright infringement, which is cool. That's cool. Um, so it seems like there was a intentional attack for sure. Uh, Doug Bergham on the side is not being called on. He's getting very frustrated. Tim Scott's being called on a lot for whatever reason to Santa's. Hasn't even been really called on how they're calling on the people are. It's very weird. Like I don't understand what order they're going in, but.

Whatever. So, uh, Doug's basically been allowed to say nothing. Uh, the vague definitely was attacked. And it seemed like it was, it seemed like a donor gave Tim Scott a script to read that, uh, Chris Christie's there to bash Trump and, uh, he's successfully doing that, but we all know that's why he's there. I don't know why he's there. Uh, Pence comes off as most ridiculous person. And when he says, oh, like, you know, not on the job training, I'm going to do it again, I'm going to do it. Well,

Jonathan Kogan (38:38.518)
Everything you did is for the guy who's also running again. So if people loved what you did, why wouldn't they vote for your boss? I don't understand that. I really don't get that. You're, you're, you're saying you have this great record and it's fantastic, all this stuff. Well, the guy you worked for to get that record is literally in the race as well. So why would they vote for you? Wouldn't they vote for the guy who was really in charge of it? It's just weird, weird dynamic. Um, and, uh,

And the way DeSantis like was sly saying, yeah, we all know about, you know, if a vague China deal is we just want to move on and try to do a little, a little jab and just move on. They clearly try to just hit them and then not let them respond and move on. And they did a pretty decent job. And, you know, if you don't listen to this podcast or this show, and you're really just watching that, maybe it worked. Maybe it worked. That's what the corporate press is there for. It's to take off anyone who may have a populist voice, which is why they asked that question as well.

is the problem populism, meaning the peasants, meaning you and I, just the average people, they want to blame it on the peasants. And they tried to do that and say, is it the populist fault? Populism is just a way to say the people who should be running the country, not the elites who are trying to dictate who gets elected through the corporate press. Now we're back live. Let's go back.

Jonathan Kogan (40:38.894)
They're calling on Christie a lot.

Jonathan Kogan (42:11.787)
What? So cheesy!

Jonathan Kogan (43:21.122)
This clip is gonna be used on MSNBC and stuff if he's gonna weaponize the DOJ. Mark my words.

Jonathan Kogan (44:50.274)
But why is it always big pharma companies? It's always big pharma.

Jonathan Kogan (45:22.902)
They asked him a question, it has nothing to do with his platform.

Jonathan Kogan (48:39.49)
He loves that. Stone Cold Dead.

Jonathan Kogan (49:25.362)
Scott's always interrupting.

Jonathan Kogan (50:29.966)

Jonathan Kogan (50:52.097)
So off topic.

It's so off topic, so weird.

Jonathan Kogan (55:25.538)
She's definitely been good in the debates. I mean, that's a good response for sure. For the average person, they'll love that.

Jonathan Kogan (55:45.846)

Jonathan Kogan (56:15.074)
So he's talking about Epic, which Bill Gurley just did a speech on, which we played a couple episodes ago on the All In Summit. Wait.

Jonathan Kogan (56:27.458)
So that's actually crazy. I bet you a lot of people are watching that who watched the All In Summit. Well, Bill Gurley is a top venture capitalist, if not the top venture capitalist of all time, did this great speech, it's called like 2069 miles or something, basically how far San Fran is from DC. And he did a whole thing about regulatory capture and his one of the two main examples was Epic, the healthcare software that basically the CEO was hired by the Obama administration, the government forced,

doctors to use the software and they got paid to use it. It was total corruption, didn't help anything. And that was one of his examples of regulatory capture. I don't know if Doug saw that or watched that, but he was referencing exactly that. And this Bill Gurley speech went viral just recently. And so I think a lot of people who are watching this, it clicked right away. They're like, wow, he's talking about the same exact thing. We do know about this corruption. And it was, he's a hundred percent right. He, you should look into what he was just talking about. So that was actually a really, really good example.

That was only the second time he was allowed to talk by the way. So listen, we feel bad for the guy, but he's only gotten two chances to talk. He's just itching to talk. Um, it's been sloppy. It's been weird. Um, I don't know. It just seems like a show. It is a show. Again, you don't even have the guy who's really leading, you know, their, uh, you know, present, uh, Pence is a weirdo. I don't know why he's there. I don't know who's watching this. Like, oh my God, I love that guy. I can't wait for him to be president.

Or Chris Christie like, oh, every other sentence is Trump, Trump. My God, he should just be on social media. He would crush it on X. I mean, that's all he needs to do. Trump this, Trump that. Okay, we got it. We got it, buddy. Uh, DeSantis more, a little bit more focused on policy. Ramaswamy more focused on policy, you know, uh, and Nikki Haley is, is more focused on policy. And I think the average voter is impressed by Nikki Haley. I do think that she has performed well for the average person in both of these debates, you got to give it to her.

I don't care if you agree or disagree, we don't assess like, oh, you know, like, you know, you know, her policy here, like I can just tell the way she's talking, articulating her vision, the average person, the average voter that's watching this is like, it's pretty solid. Very good. I trust her. She's very eloquent. She's very well-spoken. There's no question people are thinking that. So these have really boosted her. I can see you're getting another boost actually, uh, from this debate for sure. I could definitely see that. I wouldn't be surprised. Let's just say that. Um, uh,

Jonathan Kogan (58:52.874)
Vivek, when he gets the answer, has been pretty solid for sure. Definitely been pretty solid. He gets, you know, he's really trying to emphasize the vision of meaning. And that's the core of all the issues, but he's very articulate. They attacked him early. I think he's been pretty good. I think DeSantis has been pretty good. Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Chris Christie got to go. Doug Burgum, got to give the guy a couple more times to speak. But, you know, I'd like to see him speak a little bit more before I decide.

But Nikki Haley could stay up there. DeSantis stay up there. Ramaswami stay up there. Um, would really love to see more of a focused debate and get, get tense is weird. I don't know. It's weird. And everything he says is just bizarre because the guy who worked for is also running, so you would just, if you love the policy so much, you might want to vote for the boss, not the vice president. Weird. Okay. It is, it is weird. Um.

You know, they try to get spicy and attack each other, but overall, it's just kind of a blah type debate. I'm sure you're not too impressed. We're not too impressed. Um, they're saying pretty stereotypical stuff, everything that we expect them to say, um, but, uh, I think as of right now, as it stands, the average person watching this will say, I think they're actually going to say Nikki Haley's doing the best. Then DeSantis.

then Ramaswamy, then Chris Christie, then Mike Pence, and then Doug Burgum. That's my guess as people see it right now. Now based on what I think, not me thinking for the average person, but just on me.

Jonathan Kogan (01:00:37.446)
I think the vakes done the best. I think to Santa's a second. I think Nikki is third Um, oh I forgot tim scott tim scott was like last on the previous one. I think uh, wow He had tim scott hasn't spoken for quite a while actually. I haven't heard him speak in like the last 20 minutes It feels like totally forgot about him Uh, so wait, wait a vague desantis nicki


Jonathan Kogan (01:01:08.234)
Doug, Christie, no, Doug, Tim Scott, Christie, Mike Pence. But that's not me saying what the average person thinking. That's just my view. All right. I think we're back live. So let's, let's go back. Let's shoot back to the debate.

Jonathan Kogan (01:01:54.446)
Good topic, actually.

Great topic.

Jonathan Kogan (01:03:36.846)
Tim Draper loved that.

Jonathan Kogan (01:04:32.206)
from Spont.

Jonathan Kogan (01:05:12.29)
Who's sleeping with who?

Jonathan Kogan (01:05:26.313)
Oh boy.

Jonathan Kogan (01:11:37.771)
I wish they referenced the study.

Jonathan Kogan (01:11:44.493)
Oh boy.

Jonathan Kogan (01:16:32.674)

Jonathan Kogan (01:18:14.026)
They're going after the vague.

Jonathan Kogan (01:19:36.059)
He's not allowed to talk about business. This is whole classroom. Wild.

Jonathan Kogan (01:20:59.478)
That was a good answer. That was a clear answer on the topic.

Jonathan Kogan (01:23:06.446)
They love war.

Jonathan Kogan (01:24:48.11)
When did he say that? I have never found him saying he wants the Soviet Union back together.

Jonathan Kogan (01:26:55.438)
That was his first solid answer.

Jonathan Kogan (01:31:28.732)

Jonathan Kogan (01:31:31.97)
I don't know. This debate is definitely not as enjoyable as the first one. There's clearly some sort of agenda behind the scenes. Attack of Avake, they all got the script, get him out. He loves China, China. Get him out of here. That was clearly handed down from the top. Pence is so boring. Chris Christie, you know the next word out of his mouth is Trump.

Doug Burgum, you just feel bad for the guy. You feel really bad for the guy. She even felt, you could tell the host felt bad. The moderator when she's like, I got a question for you, Doug, like finally, and you're really going to like it. Cause it's like about the economy. Cause all he talks, his whole platform, his business and the economy, you're going to really like this one, Doug, this is for you. She felt terrible because he's never got a chance to speak. And it was about the farmers. He was really excited about that. He did a good job answering it, but they're not giving him the time. That's where charisma matters.

So it's a perfect example of someone that could have perfect policies, fantastic policies, yet if they don't have the charisma and they don't have that charm, it doesn't matter how great their policies are, how perfect they are, how much they help everybody. It doesn't matter. It's the storytelling. It's the energy. It's the way you present something, not what you present. He is the perfect prime example of that. But really the energy in the room is off. It's just

It's like watching ridiculousness, just watching it's like what is going on? It's awful. Uh, not enjoyable, such average stuff, you know, and the only attacks seem like they were playing and calculated attacks, particularly at Vivek. I mean, if you're watching this unbiased and apolitically like we are, clearly that was an agenda. Get Vivek, you know, uh, on this stage tonight. That was a huge thing, but there's no way this is going to have as many viewers as the other one. Um.

Which is ridiculous. I also saw, I was looking up GOPdebate on X and the hashtag GOPdebate. And what else is Vivek's trending, Pence's trending, North Dakota's trending, Porky Pig's trending and Valuetainment had this great video. Let's see if it, Kyle Kalinske is like saying a bunch of stuff, but he's ridiculous. Valuetainment, look at this. If you're watching this on Rumble or YouTube.

Jonathan Kogan (01:33:54.806)
They got a picture, a picture or a video in between a commercial breaks. Florida man expose his secret behind that sun kiss glow. The GOP debate. It's Nikki Haley just standing there and Ron DeSantis getting his makeup done right next to her. Like she's not even looking. She's just looking at the crowd doing her thing and he gets a nice little touch up of his face. He sticks his head out, his neck out. It's so weird. It's like weird. He puts his neck forward. It's just so awkward. The whole thing's awkward.

Hardship is not a choice, but victimhood is. Oh, the whole thing's ridiculous. I don't know. I don't think the reviews off the, there are a lot of things are said that could be cut. I've already mentioned one of them. One of the things that, uh, DeSantis said will be used on MSNBC and CNN tomorrow for sure, but overall, I don't know, pretty average stuff. Not really that enjoyable. Not going to lie. Uh, we'll go another segment. We'll see how it is. And then we're going to wrap this thing up because listen, it's just not.

It's not as spicy. It's not that informative. I mean, I hope you're enjoying it. And I'm just not impressed. Not impressed. Democracy. This is to save democracy. Oh, they're all getting back to their spot. I mean, really, what is there to take away from this? I think they're all underperforming. I think every single one of them is underperforming. They all stink tonight. Stink. I think that

how this is going is a win for Trump. That's how bad this is. Just by him not being there, if you're not present at this thing, you win. And so he's winning this debate. I think it's awful. I don't think it's that good. Let's get back to it.

Jonathan Kogan (01:38:34.353)
Why is Pence here?

Jonathan Kogan (01:46:42.219)
Perkins Caning Steam.

Jonathan Kogan (01:47:38.466)
Doug is now the winner of the debate as of right now. Everyone will be talking about him. The All In Podcast will be talking about Doug. I guarantee it.

Jonathan Kogan (01:47:53.427)
Democracy's on the ballot.

Jonathan Kogan (01:50:52.482)
That was his first good answer in any debate. So good job.

Jonathan Kogan (01:53:51.678)
This is so stupid. This is so staged.

Jonathan Kogan (01:54:00.558)
This is so awful.

Jonathan Kogan (01:54:19.822)
Awful so staged does that not seem staged to you? It just doesn't feel authentic It's like okay. They look down at their papers Tim Scott Nikki Haley like alright. This is where we argue We battle it out here. We go you and I you Come on, there's no authenticity we can sniff it from a mile away. We know what's real and not real We're not dumb sure we're peasants, but we're not stupid all right. They think we're idiots

They really think we're just dumb. Like we have no awareness of anything. We're just robots just droning through life, doing nothing except doing what we're told. I mean, this is awful. You know, they talk about saving democracy, saving democracy. Maybe we should get rid of it. Maybe we should just have a dictator. Maybe it'll be easier. Okay. We don't have to watch this shenanigans. Okay. When you have a dictator, maybe, you know, maybe think it'll be a lot smoother. You know, maybe we get a better show because democracy isn't bringing us a very good show right now. Very bad show.

Um, yeah, just doesn't seem, it's not sitting with me. Like this is real. This is authentic. This is for the people, by the people, the people, the people, the people. This is like the elites are playing a game. They're running around us. They're pulling the little tricks. They're going to get into the white house. They're going to be in power and then it's going to do it again and again, till we're all broke to all the currencies debased. Okay. Till we're in 25 wars at once. If we're not already in 25 wars.

we spread democracy worldwide, meaning we just invade every country we don't like, take all their natural resources, and then still the people of America don't have anything. It all goes to the elites. All of it. 100% of it. I want to know how much of the Ukraine money is going to the elites. I'm just saying. I just want to know. I'm just curious. Yeah, this is just, uh...

Very average, very average, very average debate. Uh, I gotta say if you're a, if you believe in this whole Republican Democrat thing and you're a Democrat and you talk about news tomorrow, you're going to have a heyday. You got a lot to talk about because this stinks. All right. Just call it what it is. If it stinks, it stinks. And this stinks. Absolutely stinks. Okay. It is what it is. Um.

Jonathan Kogan (01:56:37.05)
Ron's getting his, uh, his little makeup on again. Uh, Vivek hasn't been called up in a while. Doug Burgum kind of got momentum. So we got to say Doug took a big leap. He's talking common sense, but people don't vote on common sense. People don't vote on who has the best policies. That's not what people vote on. They vote on comedy. They vote on swag. They vote on who makes them laugh, who looks cool, who sounds cool. And.

That's Trump out of this bunch. People are voting for Trump. You could just tell the biggest winner night is Trump. These people just don't have it, whatever the hell that is. I mean, I don't know how else to say it. They don't vote based on the quality of the policies. You can have perfect policies that make everybody flourish. And if the person saying it is Doug Burgum and not have the swag of swag, he's not going to get elected. And it's a shame because Doug's speaking a lot of sense. He's a business guy. He built a multi-billion dollar software business from North Dakota.

All right. He's probably running that state. Great. But when you think about all the states in America, which ones you want to replicate, how many times people said we want everything to be like North Dakota? Nobody ever. Nobody in the history of the United States was like, we want North Dakota to be America. OK, people think North Dakota doesn't have buildings. They have ranches and farms and taverns. OK, and cowboy boots and cougar handguns. That's all they have there.

They have banks that you could still rob. All right. No cars, horse and buggy. That's it. But a lot of energy. Okay. A lot of, a lot of, a lot of energy, a lot of oil, a lot of natural gas. It's crazy, man. So he definitely took a big step. I think people will talk about his little tidbit there, uh, because it was a very good response. Uh, but everyone else, this is just blah, blah. We'll see how the vague ends this session. It's going to be interesting to see. We'll see how DeSantis ends this session.

Uh, again, we don't care about Pence, Christie. I will say on Nikki, Nikki's clearly a perfect representation of the establishment, but she does a very good job of represent representing the establishment. There's no doubt about that. So we'll see how these people end here or we'll play this last segment. We'll analyze and we will move on back to the normal rendezvous for the Jonathan Cogan show right back at the Ronald Reagan library, the second Republican primary.

Jonathan Kogan (01:59:09.462)
Yeah, I can't.

Jonathan Kogan (02:01:00.348)

Jonathan Kogan (02:01:07.147)
He's gonna say Trump.

Jonathan Kogan (02:01:15.03)

Jonathan Kogan (02:02:59.981)
sloppy ending.

Jonathan Kogan (02:03:14.766)
That was sloppy.

Jonathan Kogan (02:03:19.606)
That was sloppy.

Jonathan Kogan (02:03:23.598)
All right, we're stopping that here. That was so sloppy. You guys know the take. Final verdict winner is Trump. Second is. Burgum three is.

Jonathan Kogan (02:03:39.286)
DeSantis, four is Vivek, five is Nikki, six is Tim Scott, seven is Chris Christie, and eight is Mike Pence. That's it, we're leaving it there. We'll be back tomorrow with the regular Jonathan Cogan show. Thanks for joining us tonight. Take care, bye bye.