Record Store Society

In this episode, Adam Darby, aka dj Black Sunshine, stops by to chat Top 5 Goth Covers with Natalie and Tara. Learn more about Record Store Society, your new favorite music podcast. 

Creators & Guests

Video Game Composer. Other creative stuff.
Tara Davies
dance floor therapist | @rsspod host | resident dj @mjqofficial | singer in Neutral Palette

What is Record Store Society?

It's time to visit your favorite local record store; a place where music fans spend countless hours flipping through records, discuss the minutia of favorite b-sides, best live albums, and anything else music-related. If you have any questions, you can always find Tara and Natalie behind the counter ready to give a recommendation or tell you about a recent discovery. Join Record Store Society, a music podcast, biweekly to see what’s new or just to hang around for some music talk.

0:00:08 - Tara
Hi Natalie.

0:00:21 - Natalie
Hey Tara, what's up?

0:00:23 - Tara
How are you?

0:00:24 - Natalie
I'm doing alright.

0:00:25 - Tara
Good. Yeah, and you Exciting news for me I just started watching season 12 of the Amazing Race.

0:00:37 - Natalie
Are you kidding? That's still on.

0:00:39 - Tara
Well, it's still on, but season 12 is like, way, like in the early 2000s still.

So this is like one of their first Good Lord, yeah, yeah, oh. Hi, how are you? I'm Tara. Hi, I'm Natalie. I'm going to be back here behind the counter, but yeah, on this particular season, there's this goth couple from Kentucky and I'm really rooting for them. They wear like so much makeup. The girl it's a girl and a guy and she has pink hair, and the episode I watched most recently was in Burkina Faso in Africa. Oh wow, that's crazy. Yeah, they like so out of place, but the children love them. We're running after them following. Of course, if you see a woman with pink hair and you're like pasty white and your partner is wearing mesh arm bands and glitter, I mean I feel like you're like a superhero at that point.

0:01:41 - Natalie
Okay, so wait, but these are like they're doing timed challenges. It's a race, yeah, yeah. Around the world, and yet they find time to get the whole goth shindig going yeah.

0:01:51 - Tara
Okay, I haven't actually seen them applying their makeup, so I'm hoping that will be something that is included in the, in the scenery, or like the real shots of the race. Oh, I love it. That's so cool, yeah, oh, hey, look who it is. Hi, it's Adam Darby, aka DJ Black Sunshine.

0:02:12 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Hey, hey, how's it going? Going well.

0:02:15 - Natalie
Welcome to the record store.

0:02:17 - Tara
Yeah, I was actually just telling Natalie about this episode of the amazing race that I started last night.

0:02:23 - Natalie
That's so awesome. Yeah, crazy, huh. I said the same thing.

0:02:27 - Tara
It's still on, but this is an old episode and it has these two goth characters from Kentucky. But the episode I watched recently was in Africa, in Burkina Faso.

0:02:40 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, my neck of the woods.

0:02:42 - Tara
Yeah, so this is formerly from Atlanta. Well, he's from Atlanta but has moved to Africa and is a goth, I would say himself.

0:02:53 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
There's some who consider me goth. There are also those who call me well, not Tim, but yeah I. I, uh a devil. I am a goth Goth. It's weird to say those kind of things Amongst other things. Yeah.

0:03:06 - Tara
You, you are, you are knowledgeable in many things. A DJ who is knowledgeable about drum and bass and hip hop and indie and, yeah, so many genres. But I know you truly love your goth music.

0:03:25 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, it's especially uh, I guess, since living here, uh, you know the scene. You take it for things for granted when they're, when they're all around you, and then living here, it's like man, where is the seed? There are some artists here actually, but uh, you gotta plant the seed. You know it's it's much plant the seed and it's much more of a search, but there are definitely some, some good artists that are here. Yeah, just a lot more searching.

0:03:48 - Natalie
I'm curious Um what. What took you to Africa?

0:03:50 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, Uh, so my partner works for the CDC and so her job brought her here and by default, I came here the last thing I thought I'd ever do, but it's been amazing, like really just tremendous yeah.

0:04:05 - Tara
Yeah, that's super cool, and you still DJ on Twitch as well and you have a golf stream my Wednesday.

0:04:14 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Uh, it's called Gotham city, which I was amazed once I'd done that one yet. But yeah, the Gotham city every Wednesday, uh, 12 AM GMT. Uh, I do that. Um, then my Tuesdays are like just random whatever, usually eighties or nineties or some other decade. I did a whole metal one last time, which is a lot of fun. But yeah, gotham city is my goth twitch and it's just a lot of fun. The twitch community is just so great.

0:04:38 - Tara
Yeah, yeah, actually, not to bring down the room or anything, but RIP doll baby. Tina wax tracks, a friend in fame. If anyone was around Twitch in the goth community as well know that Tina has sadly passed, but yes, so we could catch you at what twitchtv slash DJ black sunshine.

0:05:02 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
underscore official black sunshine, all one word Nice.

0:05:07 - Tara
There's a lot of new goth music out these days, but I feel like I oftentimes reach for the eighties goth specifically. I don't know why that is.

0:05:16 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I, yeah, yeah, I uh typically try to have a big, a pretty good arsenal of the newer stuff. Oh, there are times when I just play all old things that there was a. There was a conversation that I encountered on Reddit actually recently. So one was saying that they're tired of all the new goth stuff and someone else came along and was like, well, you're echoing the same thing. That happened when they're like oh, everybody sounds like blah, blah, blah.

I was like, yeah, back to the date, everybody sounded like this was a mercy. Everyone sounded like XIMOX, everyone sounded like you know whoever ministry. It's just a cycle that I think all music goes through. And I saw that chat. I was like that's Jane, you could probably go to like slash R slash, hip hop, and everybody sounds like this slash R slash, whatever. Like it's. Yeah, it's a, it's a. It's a thing that happens in music and just in everything. So I have never felt that way about it. I was like, yes, bring more, more, more. I don't care if it's cheesy, if it sounds the same as everything else, I just love it.

0:06:10 - Tara
That's true, but I have yet to find anyone that sounds like the B 52s.

0:06:14 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, okay.

0:06:15 - Tara
I keep waiting for it. Where? Where's our 2000s, b 52s who is that?

0:06:21 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I'm sure it's someone out there. It's like you don't know about that. What about that? Um yeah, who are the? Who are the 2000s or the? We're past the odds and past the 10s, whatever those are called teams, 2000 teams, the 20, we're in the roaring twenties right now. Who are the roaring twenties? Yeah?

0:06:38 - Natalie
The roaring twenties, b 50s. I'm curious, though, in modern goth music, like where's where's the epicenter of that movement, like where's goth really hot these days?

0:06:47 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So right now, I feel like there's a lot of, a lot of like more on the electronic side. The popular, you know like boy harsher, uh, uh, like Nuvo, testament, but like, like electronic or like synth, wave, dark synth, more of the electronic influences is the bands that are more popular. That being said, I mean I could say that, but then there's other bands that are still, you know, like the, you know more like traditional rock, sounds Like, uh, I'll say, I'll say newer bands and some of that.

0:07:16 - Tara
They came out for years ago.

0:07:17 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I'm like yes it's their bands that I found out about. They're new to me, so, like Nox, and Vakula is one of my new favorite bands that I just got started getting into and they, you know, they've been around for quite a while but I don't know I feel like. And there's also, you know, bands that do both. I know I, I personally, have been leading towards for those synth pop, synth wave, like in more harder kind of things too. Also, uh, Rue Oberkopf oh God, I listened to Rue Oberkopf way too much. Like they. They are just every song just amazing. You know, uh, oh, uh, uh, Softkill, just came out with a new song.

Yeah, there's just so many and there's so many like good resources that you can do. There's podcasts, there's YouTube channels, there's switch channels, like you know. You go listen to, like Patricia official, and you're like, okay, there's 500 new bands to listen to, yeah.

0:08:04 - Tara
Some like goth Latin band or something Like. That's cool.

0:08:07 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, oh man, yeah, it's all. Yeah, that's cool.

0:08:12 - Tara
Well, every time we have friends in the store, we like to play this thing called the high fidelity game, where we choose like a top five of something and rank them, kind of give our top five of the of that topic. Um, would you want to play with us today?

0:08:28 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, awesome, I got nothing better to do.

0:08:31 - Natalie
You came all the way from Africa. We have to entertain you, yeah.

0:08:34 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, and boy, my arms tired.

0:08:36 - Tara
Yeah, well, we should do something, goth for sure. What do you think we should do?

0:08:42 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Top goth uh, top goth. Music related. Yes, Of course you know I am very into finding things out and I think that I'm always surprised when I hear songs and they actually end up that they're not an original song by the artists, that they're like a cover.

0:08:59 - Tara

0:09:00 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That is something that I love. I love when that happens. Covers and samples are like give me joy.

0:09:04 - Tara
Yeah, I agree.

0:09:06 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So top five goth covers yeah, I think that sounds great.

0:09:10 - Tara
Let's do it. Yeah, let's do it. Okay, I'm going to kick it off because I think it's my turn to start and, weirdly enough, mr Adam Darby, you are wearing the shirt of the first band on my list today.

0:09:22 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
You stole one of mine already.

0:09:25 - Tara
No spoilers.

0:09:26 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine

0:09:27 - Tara
Okay, this the song is no Rain. The band is Dread Majesty. So, yeah, this is a cover of Blind Melons song no Rain Originally came out in 1992, but Dread Majesty put this version out in 2019 from their third album called Modern Mirror. Deb Demure and Mona D are this synth pop band Dread Majesty, and, yeah, quite unexpected as a cover, and when I heard it, I was just like holy moly, what the heck this works Somehow. I don't get it, but I like it and so, yeah, I had to put it on the list, which, I'll say my list is kind of a blend of, like, new and old. So this is one of the newer ones and, yeah, it's just such a like unexpected one for me that I had to put it on the list. So, obviously, you've heard that one. Oh, you're going to have to switch it. It's fun to have overlap too. By the way, have you heard this one yet, natalie?

0:10:45 - Natalie
I actually have. I don't know how, I don't know in what context, but I am familiar with this song.

0:10:50 - Tara
What are your thoughts on this song?

0:10:52 - Natalie
No, I think it's fun. I loved the original. Yeah, me too. So I think it's just kind of like when you hear stuff you love completely flipped on its head. It's always kind of intriguing.

0:11:01 - Tara
So, yeah, I'm into it, yeah yeah, it is totally flipped on its head. I would love to see a goth version of the 90s music video with the B-girl. Yeah.

0:11:13 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
But like all in like goth and stuff, yeah, like crying black mascara everywhere.

0:11:18 - Tara
Yeah, yeah, that would be really good, it would be amazing.

0:11:22 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I feel like every like, every like couple of years, I'm like I do that search, like what happened to the B-girl oh you know what, actually, I haven't told Natalie about you Is that, adam, you often will come in for DragonCon and DJ these massive parties.

0:11:39 - Tara
Oh, that's cool. So you're like an official DragonCon DJ.

0:11:43 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, it started with like one. Actually, it was started sporadically. I actually did a couple. I did like a parade DJ for Joystick Game Bar and then, like that, spawned into DJing for like the Venture Brothers party and then did some spotty. And then one year my friend Christina was like hey, do you want to DJ this Dr who ball? I'm like yes, and that just kicked it off. And now, yeah, now I'm booked for every night of con. Wow, and it's just so much fun.

0:12:12 - Tara

0:12:13 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
We do a stranger things party on Thursday, the goth parties on Friday. The last year was open casket with me and the guys from vision video Cool, Amazing goth band. If you aren't into them then you should be Check them out. People get tattoos of them on their bodies. Yeah, and goth dad is just a part of that band. Just great people. And then, yeah, this Saturday at the aquarium and Sunday nights Dr who ball.

0:12:38 - Tara
So cool. But yeah, I was thinking it would be great if you went as the B girl in goth form for dragging con.

0:12:46 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I am planning on, on, on, on doing a bit more than just wearing like my goth t-shirt and stuff here. But, friends, I totally agree with that. One Great thing about the new question, good thing electronics dude. My Spotify iPad is great. So there are a coupleió. I'm gonna get someone to give me some full, full-walled treatment.

0:12:57 - Tara
What, like Edward's, is your hands, or something?

0:13:00 - Natalie
Seems like it'd be hard to DJ in that cosplay. That's true, probably.

0:13:05 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh yeah.

0:13:06 - Tara
All right, yeah, oh, one time Adam was little John Snow, like little John that's hysterical Little John Snow.

0:13:13 - Natalie
No, yeah, that's a good one.

0:13:17 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That one got retired, but I might bring it back, like if any game of thrones stuff becomes your prevalent again.

0:13:24 - Tara
Yeah, yeah, yeah, true, okay, okay, moving on to my number four, susie, and the Banshees covering the Passenger. I am the passenger and I ride and I ride.

0:13:41 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
All right through the city's backstop.

0:13:46 - Tara
So, yeah, I had to put this on my list because I just saw Susie in the well, not Susie and the Banshees. I just saw Susie Sue from Susie and the Banshees at Cruel World and I saw Iggy Pop who does the original the Passenger. I am the passenger and I ride and I ride. He did his original 1977. They covered the Passenger 1987, but Iggy Pop and Susie Sue were both our cruel world back to back and I was thinking, my God, if they don't do the Passenger, they should do the Passenger together. Please come on. This is an obvious thing. Please did they. They did not. I don't know why. I don't understand. I know I knew as soon as Iggy Pop started I was like, okay, she's going to come out, but then why would she come out before her debut on her set, after not touring for so long and not being in the United States? So I was like, yeah, that's not going to happen.

0:14:40 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I feel bad. I have mixed emotions about all those like, oh man, it's like they didn't play it and I'm like, haha, I wasn't there, so maybe.

0:14:51 - Tara
Yeah, it was still really wonderful to see both of them, but yeah. But yeah, susie and the Banshees covered the Passenger for their all cover version album called Through the Looking Glass, and they added some brass arrangements to it. It was really good and it even made the charts in the UK top I think, like 41, it made it to the charts at number 41. Even Iggy Pop said that they did a good job and that he really liked the horns, so very cool. But yeah, I love this and it was hard to choose which Susie covered to put on my list actually, but I had to go with this one because of the Iggy and Susie thing. Yeah.

0:15:30 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, good one.

0:15:30 - Tara
Yeah, all right, number three, another new one, and this one is also local.

0:15:38 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, oh.

0:15:39 - Tara
Yes, number three is from 2019. The band is Twins and the song is Wicked Game. So Twins is the alter ego of Matthew Weiner in Atlanta, georgia, and he covers Chris Isaac's 1989 hit Wicked Game. Removes the whole like slide guitar, turns it into like a whole new wave 80s gothy vibe Still has like an 80s vibe to it, though, I must say, also sped up maybe like 10 beats per minute. So yeah, it's totally different than the original but it's wonderful.

0:16:39 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I just heard that song for the first time today.

0:16:41 - Tara
Shut the front door, really.

0:16:42 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Literally just listen to it today. Yeah, no way that cover. Yes, yes, it was on one of my YouTube subscriber channels. That's so good, yeah.

0:16:52 - Tara
Matt says Wicked Game has been one of my favorite songs since I first saw the Steamy Music video in MTV as a young child. I haven't recorded any covers as Twins but after doing a bunch of karaoke with friends over the past year or two I've started to think about certain songs in a way. That inspired me to filter them through my own imagination. And I think he just nails it. He has kind of a nice baritone voice and, yeah, he's like Wicked good.

0:17:17 - Natalie
Yeah, it was really good, so good. You said this was 2019? I liked it, yeah, okay, that's interesting. I have not heard this. I should check this out. I feel like the song Wicked Game, though, absolutely lends itself to a cool like goth recreation. I can see how that would totally work, totally, oh yeah.

0:17:33 - Tara
Yeah, yeah, it really works All right.

0:17:36 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine

0:17:37 - Tara
We are flying through this list, all right, number two. Number two is by this Mortal Coil and it is a song to the siren, 1983. Originally written by Tim Buckley as a poem to his writing partner Larry Beckett, and it was released in 1970 on his album Star Sailor originally, but then, I think, also part of anthology from a live performance from the final episode of the Monkees, which I was just like, wait what? I didn't know that he played that on the Monkees, let alone the final episode of the Monkees. But yeah, this Mortal Coil covers it in 1983. This Mortal Coil is collective of musicians on a 4AD label Elizabeth Frazier, the queen herself of ethereal music, and guitarist Robin Guthrie of cocktail twins under the leadership of Ivo Watson, ivo Watts Russell Okay, yes, ivo Watts Russell and also I didn't know this. I don't think I've heard this. Maybe I haven't, I've just forgotten, but Elizabeth Frazier also recorded a duet with Jeff Buckley, who is Tim's son after developing All Tower.

Yeah, a personal relationship with him.

0:19:23 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
All flowers in time turn towards the sun.

0:19:26 - Tara
Oh, so sad RIP.

0:19:28 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
It's so sad.

0:19:29 - Tara
Both of them, tim and Jeff. Tragic Both of them.

0:19:33 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah. So she, yeah, she was a little, she did not want that that song to even get out. And it got out inevitably, as things do, because internet and whatever. But yeah, that's, yeah, that's just so that song just and also famously well, not famously also famous to me, there's a song by an artist called the Messiah. They're like the nineties, like a rave. You know some, you know the song the Messiah, yeah. That samples songs to the siren. Do you dream? You dream about me? They sample it.

0:20:09 - Tara
I read about it. I don't remember that one. Yeah, I read about that.

0:20:15 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I used to watch. I used to watch my parents' car to that song. Really that's, it's blasted, and the neighbors like, who's this kid? I'll be like a rave. I do rave dances while I'm watching the car, so I heard that sample before I even heard any of this moral coil I was. I was a rave, or so.

0:20:30 - Tara
Oh man, awesome, yeah, oh yeah and yeah, I just think Elizabeth Frazier's voice it's yeah, it's like hauntingly beautiful, and this song that was, you know, very folky and she made it just with her voice alone, this a true siren song, I would say.

0:20:49 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
She is my favorite voice vocalist of all time.

0:20:52 - Tara
Yes, I, I 100% agree. Same Ooh, I have chili willies just thinking of it. Okay, here we are. Number one drum roll, nine inch nails, dead souls, nice, oh, good one From the 1994.

0:21:14 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Crow soundtrack. Uh huh.

0:21:25 - Tara
But yet Dead Souls, originally done by Joy Division In 1979 and released on their compilation album Still of course RIP, and Curtis, a year later died of suicide. But the song Dead Souls is this is interesting to me because I didn't know this but it's considered to be about a schizophrenic man, as evidenced by the lyric, a duel of personalities. And then they also say they keep calling me. Did you know that? Like it makes sense, but I had no idea.

0:22:06 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, I was just reading about the whole history and yeah, that came up. Yeah, cool fact, cool story bro.

0:22:14 - Tara
Of course Joy Division. Other members of Joy Division went on to form New Order. But yeah, I just this song, especially for the movie and especially for when it played in the movie, is so perfect because they play it in the first revenge scene and it's called Dead Souls. So you just you know, if anyone knows the Crow I don't think it's a spoiler that- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

0:22:38 - Natalie
I'm going to plug my ears because I actually haven't seen it. I was going to make a confession. I know it's crazy. I've never seen the Crow. Okay, At the front, I'm going to plug my ears.

0:22:48 - Tara
But like it's in the plot line I don't want to say it, then If you think it's like in the whole basis of the movie is this guy. Oh man okay, I should watch it.

0:22:59 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, I won't even say what I was about to say about the movie.

0:23:02 - Natalie
Oh no, I can go to the break room and like come back.

0:23:05 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine

0:23:06 - Tara
No, it's okay. No, no, no, it's fine, it's fine.

0:23:09 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
My track from that soundtrack is Burn always, oh God.

0:23:13 - Tara
Yeah, but it's not a cover.

0:23:15 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I know, but I like it. It's so good.

0:23:18 - Tara
Yes, but also the soundtrack itself, for the crow has so many covers on it, not just Dead Souls by Nine Nails, there's also the Rawlins Band covers Ghost Rider by Suicide, and Pantera covers the Badge by Poison Idea, and I think there's another one on there.

0:23:41 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Time Baby is on there too, and that's not really a cover. It's like a sequel or something. Right, it's medicine, yeah.

0:23:47 - Tara
Not a cover, but a sequel.

0:23:49 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
A sequel to another song Time Baby, 2. Time.

0:23:51 - Tara
Baby 3, yeah.

0:23:53 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Time Baby 3, yeah, but it's like there's something about it. It's not like.

0:23:55 - Tara
It's a version. It's a different version.

0:23:57 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, kind of Different version.

0:24:00 - Tara
And then also last fun fact of just the crow in general is that Nine Nails were actually supposed to perform in the movie, instead of my Life with a Thrill Kill Colt.

0:24:10 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine

0:24:10 - Tara
Which they're also on the soundtrack yeah, okay, yeah, that's my list.

0:24:16 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Nice, awesome Thrill Kill, cool. Yeah, a little overlap but it's okay.

0:24:21 - Tara
Yeah, I mean Great minds to go like.

0:24:24 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That just means I mean great minds. It's as long as I've known you. That's always been like that's gonna happen.

0:24:30 - Natalie

0:24:31 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
And you know, I was like Sarah, do you know this? Yeah, I know this.

0:24:34 - Tara
Yeah yeah yeah, adam and I have been tight friendships for a long time, so I, yeah, I assume there's going to be some overlap, of course. Yeah, and also we'll do a short list at the end so we can maybe cover even more bases there. But I'm excited to hear what you both have to share for your lists Cool, Go for it.

0:24:56 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Adam. All right, my turn. Yeah, show us what you got I'm gonna start off with. This is a live cover. It's on session David Ken Jensen sessions. It's this is a mercy. Jolene Jolene, jolene, jolene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man. Ooh, covering Jolene by Dolly Parton Jolene Jolene, jolene, jolene. And it's just the first time I heard it. I was just like, wait, what is this? Is this what I'm thinking? So I was like I'll see you, how are the covers? And you're like, oh yeah, but this is like one of those that's kind of. Well, I don't know, goth and country music, both similar kind of themes, I don't know whatever. But it's just Andrew Eldridge, just like Jolene Jolene. You know he gives his voice just singing this song. Like I don't know. It really caught me off guard and, yeah, I heard that. I was like I got to put this on the list. Yeah, it was between that one. And then also, you know, strawberry Switchblade also covered that.

0:26:06 - Tara

0:26:06 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Covered the song, although it's a lot of covers, but yeah, that was the other goth new wave kind of cover that I was going to consider. But just sisters like yeah.

0:26:15 - Tara
Yeah, they were on my shortlist the Strawberry Switchblade, jolene cover.

0:26:19 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, so I've heard from several. Have you seen them live before, because I keep hearing that they're not pretty live. Do they tour?

0:26:26 - Tara
Wait, who? Sisters of Mercy or Strawberry Switchblade? Yeah, yeah, yeah oh no, I haven't.

0:26:29 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
No, not Strawberry Switchblade, I have not seen.

0:26:32 - Tara
Sisters of Mercy live.

0:26:33 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
No, you heard, they're not great, though I think that the last I heard they're not great live, but then I think that the last time I heard someone saw them live that they actually were good. Traditionally not good. I hear that a lot about a lot of goth bands, but then you know what do they?

0:26:46 - Tara
do I mean? I hear that about Evan Dando and the Lemonheads all the time, but every time I see them I think that they're great. It could just be the people or two judgy or something.

0:26:56 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, evan Dando.

0:26:58 - Tara

0:26:59 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, he was at the Highland End and my friend Jeff Birdman, classic Atlanta DJ, was working there and he had some story about hanging out with Evan Dando. He tells it better than anybody, so I won't. Ah cool, my next song is a Led Zeppelin song.

0:27:18 - Tara
Oh, oh, oh oh.

0:27:24 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh. Trent Resner and Atticus Ross and Karen oh.

0:27:32 - Tara
Whoa oh, oh, oh.

0:27:39 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh yeah.

0:27:45 - Tara
That's a good one when did that come out?

0:27:48 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That came out in? Let's see, Is that?

0:27:51 - Tara
the one that goes ah, yes, yeah.

0:27:56 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Ah, ah, ah, ah. Yeah, that came out in 2011. It was on the Girl To Do I Can Touch you. Sound channel.

0:28:04 - Tara

0:28:04 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah. So you probably heard it and were like yeah.

0:28:06 - Tara
I've never seen the movie Karen oh. I've read the book but I haven't seen the movie.

0:28:10 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
This is one of those. This is an entire entire talk about spoilers, then I will not spoil you on that movie, that's okay.

0:28:17 - Tara
I guess you've read the book. I read the book. Yeah, Spoiler, but I know the story.

0:28:20 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
But it's just so good, like if anyone was gonna cover this Karen oh, again one of my favorite vocalists and just entirely suited to this. And then Trent Reznor and Atticus came in, coming in like this, it's like a perfect cover to me. There's covers that I hear and I'm like, oh, this is good. Yeah, this is like perfect. It just totally like fits every single part of what you would want. Yeah, if you were gonna hear a cover of the song Cool.

0:28:51 - Tara
It's really good. Yeah, I need to listen to it.

0:28:55 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I've never. I still haven't gotten to see Nine Inch Nails lives.

0:28:59 - Tara
I have.

0:28:59 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, it's hard out here.

0:29:02 - Tara
Natalie, have you seen Nine Inch Nails?

0:29:04 - Natalie
Working on it I have seen Nine Inch Nails. I saw them right before I saw New Order like back to back.

0:29:10 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
It was a pretty kick-ass show.

0:29:12 - Tara
Oh my gosh, yeah, wow, gosh, it's a good one, yeah, dang Moving on.

0:29:20 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
This is number three. Strange Fruit, originally by Billy Holiday. Strange fruit hanging from the purple trees, the cover of the Isle of it. I mean the original is the original one. It's, oh, written by someone else. But there's you, done by Billy Holiday. But Carto twins, strange fruit. Strange fruit, blood on the east, blood down the road. Just again, elizabeth, you know she goes with. You would talk about earlier how she took the song to the siren and put her voice in it. And this is, she takes this song and like I don't know, like if I had heard her before, I heard her and then like just someone told me, oh, she does Strange Fruit, it kind of lives outside of her. I don't know why I'm put saying that she has like a realm or like a bailiouc or whatever, but like it kind of lives outside of the rest of stuff that she's done. I mean she does like what Frosty the snowman, and like Freetopia, you know like commercials and ever but still like that.

But that this is like it just lives on its own in her catalog to me like all on its own and it's just so good, so just very powerful. I've never heard a non-powerful version of the song.

0:30:45 - Tara
It's already so haunting with the lyrics.

0:30:48 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, but yeah, started out as a poem, but yeah, yeah it's a good one.

0:30:53 - Tara
It's a good choice. Wow, oh, elizabeth Frazier.

0:30:57 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So that was was yeah, one, two, three, Was that number?

0:31:01 - Tara
four. Yeah, that was three.

0:31:02 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That's three. Does that have two more? Yeah, okay, uh, my next song, ziggy Stardust, sung by Bauhaus.

0:31:10 - Tara
Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with and gilly and the spiders from Mars.

0:31:19 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
He played it left hand, originally sung by David Bowie.

0:31:25 - Tara
He played guitar, jamming good with and gilly and the spiders from Mars.

0:31:35 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yes, the song is one of my go-to. It is. I've done it at karaoke probably more. It's catching up more than like a lot of other songs.

0:31:43 - Tara
Love shack.

0:31:46 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yes, it's catching up with love shack. It's catching up with the lion sleeps tonight.

Oh my gosh, um, yeah, I think I have actually started singing like Daniel ash, like on, like everything and any karyoke I do, so, you know. But yeah, man, like uh, just I don't know. Let's love this version of it. So far, it's what I want, as far as to make sure that I had that version in my karaoke files, you know, so that I could sing it whenever I want to. It's just so good. You know. You can immediately tell when you hear it that this is not like the bowie version. But you know that the bowie version is not, you know, iconic and amazing. This, you know song. But yeah, I love it so much.

0:32:26 - Tara
I think Beavis and butthead Reviewed a video of that song of that cover.

0:32:33 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
They did.

0:32:34 - Tara

0:32:35 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
What do you know? How they do?

0:32:36 - Tara
the music video reviews thing Beavis and butthead, I think they know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:32:41 - Natalie
I'm trying to trying to conjure it up in my head.

0:32:44 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Sorry, I meant I was saying like like Peter Murphy, not.

0:32:47 - Tara
The main lash. Okay, I was about to say who's doing a lash. I love Daniel.

0:32:49 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Ash too much. I love he's the guitarist, but I love him so much that insert him into anything related.

0:32:55 - Tara
Oh yeah no, it's okay, yeah, but yeah, I'm pretty sure Beavis and butthead do a music video review of bow house, ziggie stardust.

0:33:10 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, oh, my gosh. Okay, I'll have to find that because I play the video. Much wit stream too. Yeah so maybe I'll just, instead of playing that, I'll like play the music butthead, like review of it.

0:33:21 - Tara
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll put it on the store website also.

0:33:25 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, I'm sure they, they really they seize upon the on the, uh, god given ass Blind.

0:33:33 - Tara
I mean Peter Murphy's voice is he had some nads.

0:33:38 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh my god, I'm just really told that.

0:33:44 - Tara
No, I have to watch it again immediately. But no, peter Murphy's voice is so good, it is very close to Bowie's. I mean, I it feels weird to say that like. I feel like you can't like be careful, don't talk about David Bowie, like that. But yeah, he's got such a good voice.

0:34:04 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, I've started. Yeah, like I said, everything I do, I was like oh, peter Murphy, how would he do this?

0:34:09 - Tara
undead, undead, undead.

0:34:12 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
And bring your jukebox money.

0:34:17 - Natalie
I love it oh okay, uh, I have a question for you before you go any further. So this is more like a goth culture question. So you have people who are, like, interested in the music and things like that, but at what point are you like a certified goth, people who call themselves a goth? What's the criteria?

0:34:36 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I mean, the criteria, really honestly, is just listening to the music and being having interested in the music. It's a music based subculture, music based culture. So you know you could be, you could like wear, like, you know, button downs and and it's high and all the time, or it's all the time and and like, just, if you love the music, that's because the music, just it's a musical genre, not that others don't, but it's a musical genre that like a feeling and an emotion and you know, and like a, just say, a way of being, even if it's not overt, is is just intrinsic to it. And so I think that if you're into the music, then you can, you can say that you're a goth. I don't think there's any kind of like Dialyne's really, but like, to me, listening to music is the most important part. You'll hear this debate all over, like whatever, but like, yeah, I think that that is the number one and all you know the style of dress and all that.

Actually, I read there was actually another Another thread on reddit that I read recently. That was like what do you call someone who dresses goth but doesn't listen to the music? A poser? And people are saying, oh, they're just spooky. You know you know, spooky, or like alt or whatever, um, you know interested in in gothic fashion. You can, that's totally possible. You know, I guess you know they probably would face some people like oh, to see them wearing, like you know, the outfit, like, oh, there's, you know, uh, you know Sister's mercy you're playing next week. Are you gonna like who? You talking about? Your poser? Yeah, yeah, I mean there's, there's, there's a whole. I mean just like gothic lelita, like in japan, that like I'm sure I don't, I'm not sure if they, if that's like, if they are like into the culture.

0:36:15 - Tara
I don't know. Yeah, maybe they listen to metal.

0:36:18 - Natalie
Exclusively like baby metal, yeah, or what's it baby pink, Wait yeah baby metal.

0:36:23 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Okay, baby, yeah, sorry.

0:36:25 - Tara
I was like wait, it's not baby metal, that's too obvious.

0:36:29 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I've seen them, but, yeah, I think that listening to the music is just key. Listening to music, supporting artists, that's that's all you need. There's people that I like, uh, or on my twitch stream or that I or in other twitch streams that I've been to, and like you know they they straight up identify. Like they they're like yeah, I don't. If you looked at me and you saw me, I don't sign. Like you see me at work and see me out and like, oh, here's your goth outfit. Like they are Every day, like just themselves and not, you know, they don't go wearing band t-shirts, whatever, but they just love and enjoy the music and feel it and that's what makes you go, yeah right on.

0:37:02 - Natalie
I like that answer and it seems like it seems like a really inclusive community too. I think a lot of people have this, this misguided notion that you know goth culture is really closed off and like or whatever. But the interactions I've had it just seemed really open, you know.

0:37:19 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Like some of the nicest people I know are like goth. Like you know I, you know I'll go out to clubs in Atlanta and like I've had people come and like you know I've had some parties and like, oh, should I come to the party? Like I'm not like goth, I'm like, oh, it's come. There's most friendly people, you know, and it's speech, at least in our scene in Atlanta, like with as with any scene. Just, you know, there's people who will be dramatic or people who will whatever, but like, for the most part, I've never. It's like you go, the people who, if you have a problem, they will look out for you. If you and if, if, if anybody ever doesn't find that way, then talk to me and I'll point you to the right people. Uh, yeah, I mean, I think it's really like that. You know varies from scene to scene, of course, you know funny.

I actually was asked that about the nerd community once. The people I said an interview with someone and they're like, oh, nerds, third community. I was like, yeah, you know you're the outcast, so you are accepting to people. Not always the case. A lot of nerds are really shitty.

0:38:16 - Tara
A lot of gatekeeping going on.

0:38:18 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
There is a lot of yeah, gatekeeping. Yeah.

0:38:20 - Natalie
Yeah, for sure.

0:38:21 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Well, yeah, I think that the scene is also yeah, it is. It is a really inclusive has grown more. So there are Definitely challenges for people Of not traditional and goth I don't like you know, people of color or, like you know, disabled Disabilities. There's like definitely, like the challenges with any subculture or any like thing you're into, there's going to be people who are crappy, you know, yeah, um, definitely, but I think that that's opening up. I actually did a whole quick stream. It's a part of a shoe gaze raid I did. Half of my set was like all poc shoe gaze bands, yeah.

0:39:01 - Tara
What's your number two?

0:39:02 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Uh, but was that my number?

0:39:03 - Tara
Was that your number?

0:39:04 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
two more or one more. I think that was my number two. I got one more. Okay, yeah, so sorry, sorry, I think you're a number one, yeah when I started thinking about songs to this list, when I started thinking about it, I was like man, there's so many songs that I've. I was like this is a cover. There's a lot of god songs.

This is a cover. One of the number ones that got me, though, is um lay, lady lay, and sung by ministry oh, but originally by bob dillon, right, and I was like this is a bob dillon song. I had never heard the dillon song before. I like bob dillon but I'm not yeah, I'm not like it's knowledgeable about it, about him and his songs, um, but yeah, I had heard the ministry song a million times. I play it, I love it, it's awesome. So, yeah, bob dillon originally wrote it. Um, I think it was supposed to be on the soundtrack for a midnight cowboy, but then it didn't make it on to there. Yeah, this awesome song both versions, so that's the ministry version is like the ministry back when, you know, they first started and they were more like synthy and more 80s and more kind of like.

Yes and then it like flipped someone was talking about this earlier. They were like what if ministry went back and re-reported all their early songs in their current kind of sound and then did all their current songs and back into the 80s sound? That'll make a cool album.

0:40:37 - Tara
Would it? Would it, though? Would it be cool?

0:40:41 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Man, I, I, I love that kind of stuff.

0:40:46 - Tara
I guess I'm at work for love is the jam. Work for love, that's all is so. That's a good list.

0:40:56 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, yeah, I had a lot of fun thinking about it. It was really cool. There's a lot that I left off. There's a cover of uh kai minou can't get you out of my head by clannis zymox.

0:41:05 - Tara
It's really, it's really wait, save your short list. Save your short list items.

0:41:11 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Okay, natalie, yeah.

0:41:13 - Tara
Natalie's turn Okay.

0:41:15 - Natalie
Yeah, that was a great list. I'm really shocked, though, that we haven't had any more overlap, and with my list there is not. There's no overlap at all, really, wow.

0:41:26 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That's crazy. I'm excited to hear it.

0:41:28 - Tara
I know.

0:41:28 - Natalie
Yeah. First, before we start, though, can I share with you both A tragic goth story from my youth. Please, oh, yes, please. I just like conjured this memory. I'm like, oh my god, this is a repressed memory from high school. So I've kind of I've had like an interesting goth.

My interest in, in goth music was kind of it's more on the fringe, like in the industrial rock or or like dancey or techno kind of Area. Yeah, I always love that kind of music, right, and I guess, in high school, for a hot minute, I got really into the culture, and I say like a super hot minute because I was, uh, abruptly, I had to abruptly stop it when I was clowned by a group of jocks in the hallway. It was like straight out of a 90s teen drama. Oh no, but um, I just have this memory of coming to school, and I think I knew that I looked crazy like the. The elements weren't Meshing, I wasn't doing it right for whatever reason.

I had on my Doc Martens. I had on like some dark shiny pants. I had on this Crazy psychedelic button-down shirt. I had this dog collar on that I freaking loved I was really obsessed with wearing dog collars for a while. And the makeup thing, the dark lipstick, everything but the, the element that really Set it off that week, my sister, who's a stylist. She gave me a roller set. I don't know if any people know what that is, but they just, it's just a bunch of rollers in your hair right.

So you just have, like this, this poof of curls, and my hair had been dyed kind of a dark red at the time, so I looked straight up like a goth Ronald McDonald. It was not a good look.

0:43:09 - Tara

0:43:09 - Natalie
I remember walking down the hall so uncomfortable, like you can't really hide because you're just, you've got like every color in the rainbow on your body and I'm just like walking down and there was a group of dudes standing at a locker, all in their letterman jackets, and they just stopped what they were doing and fell out laughing at me the most intense gaffa. No, it's all good, because I looked crazy and I'm today. I'm happy that I gave them such a good laugh.

They probably had a great day of classes because I saw that crazy girl walking around looking like Ronald McDonald, but then I was like, okay, maybe, maybe the fashion isn't for me, maybe I should just stick to the music.

0:43:46 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I wonder if I still have that dog collar somewhere. Okay, nothing to be a good ever comes in Pete dudes and love it, oh they're so cruel man.

0:43:52 - Natalie
They're so cruel, it's okay. I think they all peaked in high school.

0:43:58 - Tara
That's, yes, usually always the case with jocks. I feel like we all have had moments like that. Right, like I bought this like All green poly, like pea green, like pea, like the vegetable green, cooked pea green Polyester suit and it had flared pants, just like lightly flared, cuz you know the 90s were about that In some ways, and I, even to go with it, had this like sheer Button-down shirt that just would peek through the top of the jacket, cuz, like I said, green jacket, green pants. I wore the full look to the movies once and I was in line To get a ticket and I think my friends were inside or something, or maybe they hadn't gotten there yet, but these girls behind me were laughing and saying stuff about me and I could hear everything and I was so mortified and I felt so silly that it was total, just like a green skinny bean green bean, I mean, I was, I've always been tall, skinny and I was, I'm sure, looked like a vintage green bean and oh please, I bet you look fabulous.

Let me just say, you know what's so funny is that I Still can wear that shit and I love it now I was about to say, like dancing you were that probably at heartbeats or something. I have worn this outfit like still to this day I can wear this outfit. It's a little time.

0:45:26 - Natalie
What you were just ahead of your time.

0:45:28 - Tara
I was so ready. Yeah, so are you.

0:45:30 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Thank you, yeah all right, so I think I've always played it pretty safe, oh well as as a young person wait. I've seen pictures of you wearing like stove jeans and that was cool, though that was like jinko's man, that's true, I.

0:45:48 - Natalie
Well, thank you for letting me get that off my chest I love that deep in the folds of my brain matter. I had to get it out All right. So here's my list. Number five Exorcist smells like teen spirit, oh.

0:46:12 - Tara
I don't know this one.

0:46:14 - Natalie
Yeah, I don't know how I came across this one. It's probably just a random playlist, some mixes, that's how I came across most of the most of these, really, to be honest. Um, it smells like teen spirit. Of course, nirvana's biggest hit From never mind, so exorcist, is a one-man project from peter stone, aka dj bat, and he's been in the game and releasing music since 1990, and this cover appears on the 1993 ep called bitches. Yeah, so there's, I mean there's nothing like really super notable about it. It's pretty straightforward as a cover, but it is in that Industrial electro dark wavelength that I've, you know, been more drawn to in the goth world.

0:46:59 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So I enjoy it Nice, nice cool.

0:47:02 - Tara
Check that one out.

0:47:03 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, me too I remember when, like, kurt Cobain passed away and my parents, like called me at like three Are you okay? Are you okay? I'm fine, they listen to that rock music, don't you? I was like. I know I like them, I'm good.

0:47:15 - Tara
My parents just were like, uh, stupid guy, why did he do that? You know kind of thing. That's a little insensitive. And then, yeah, but they did call me when michael jackson died.

0:47:27 - Natalie
Oh, you too, that's, interesting. Yeah, my parents called me and then I had a friend call me when, uh, chris cornell passed away. That was another big one.

0:47:34 - Tara
Man yeah.

0:47:37 - Natalie
Yeah, okay, totally, totally All right. Number four faith in the muse running up that hill. Yes, I love this one. Yeah, so we all know we're running up that hill from kate bush, one of her biggest hits of all time. Uh, faith in the muse is the duo monica richards and william faith, who joined forces in 1993, and their flavor of goth rock is cool. It kind of incorporates Folk elements and Celtic mythology and, even more recently, some japanese mythology.

So I just I just like their whole Mystical vibe. It's really cool. This cover appears on veracaza, a two disc collection of demos, live and rare tracks that came out in 2001. Again, it's a pretty faithful cover. You know. They just have, like, the rock guitar in place of the original Since. So I think it definitely tries to preserve the vibe of the original and it's just a really solid version and the vocals are really pretty and I like it.

0:48:50 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
They are awesome. They also used to play dragon con, I think a fair amount. I don't know if they have recently, but they they did before. They're a love faith in the muse, oh that's cool.

0:49:00 - Natalie
Uh, what time like around. What time were they in Atlanta for dragon con?

0:49:05 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Um, it's probably, let's see, I'm sure the last time I saw them on a lineup this is 2023. It's probably in the in the mid 2010, if I remember correctly. Yeah, because I'm the first time I saw. I went to see them. They played and then crew shadows have been playing dragon con forever, so I think it was like they were both playing. Is when I was my nascent like really getting into like the goth culture like time?

0:49:30 - Tara
so baby gav.

0:49:32 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, maybe baby that. Yeah, but an old baby bat.

0:49:38 - Natalie
All right. Number three is christian death. Gloomy sunday.

0:49:54 - Tara
So I don't know any of these you're throwing out here. I mean, I know the originals, but not the actual.

0:50:00 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah so this one's this one's pretty heavy.

0:50:02 - Natalie
Um. So the song, of course. Well, the original song comes from like 1933, during the great depression, but for me personally, I grew up with the 1941 version from billy holiday, that in bjerg's version, of course. So I just I love this song, just in general. It has some of my favorite lyrics of all time, which is pretty dark, I'll admit, um, but I just think it's beautifully written and very poetic. And christian death was formed in la in 1979, and they are considered one of the pioneers of gothic death rock. This cover appears on atrocities, their 1986 concept album About the effects of world war two on the european psyche. What a concept. All right, that's awesome, it's heavy. What?

0:50:53 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Um, that's a while. Christian death are awesome too. They they had, they have, they have new tracks that they've been putting off.

0:50:59 - Natalie
They're really good yeah they've been going for a long, long time. Yeah, tariff, you haven't heard, heard this before? Well, it's, it's just a beautiful cover. The singer and keyboardist, jattan de moan, really, really beautiful vocals on this track and the music is very minimal and brooding. There's no percussion. You just got the bass kind of carrying it forward, some light piano, some really sad droning guitars in the background. It's just so Haunting and evocative.

0:51:26 - Tara
You know it's it's a good cover. It sounds like uh would really enjoy it yeah.

0:51:31 - Natalie
Yeah, okay, my number two is susie and the banshee's helter skelter. So I know susie and the banshees have they've done lots and they've done lots of covers, but I was always partial to the Beatles ones. Like this one in dear prudence. Yeah, um, yeah, yeah, this is the song from the white album, of course from the Beatles, susie and the banshees. They were almost the first band to record this cover. They were definitely the first to release a cover of the song in 1978 on their debut album, the scream. But aero smith had already recorded a version During their sessions for toys in the attic in 75, but that cover didn't see the light of day. It wasn't released until 91.

0:52:28 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So oh man, now I have a just immediately in my head. I was thinking about susie covering.

0:52:33 - Natalie
Dream on, yeah that would be dope. Actually pretty awesome. Yeah, I like that. We can. We can do it with AI. Now let's just type it in.

0:52:43 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh gosh, oh, I use AI like, I use it every day. But like the singing, there's like a line and that's yeah, it feels real.

0:52:56 - Tara
It's freaky, but I love her dear Prudence cover hers. I mean, there's their cover of Dear Prudence. Yeah, so wonderful.

0:53:05 - Natalie
Yeah, I think for me this cover is a really good example of how to make a cover that finds a good balance between like the original and respecting the source material while adding clear elements of your own style. You know They've got like that slow buildup at the front, the slight changes in melody. You know they just do some cool stuff. It's just super post-punk and very cool.

0:53:26 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, that's awesome.

0:53:28 - Natalie
Yeah. Susie all day Yep for sure, my number one pick is Bauhaus Third Uncle, third Uncle, third Uncle, third Uncle, third Uncle, third Uncle, third Uncle. Yes, that is my ultimate favorite. So wow. Third Uncle from Brian Eno.

0:53:52 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That was you. That was you.

0:53:56 - Natalie
It's the opening track on his album Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy from 1974, which is insane, like that song was so ahead of the curve and like to this day does not sound at all dated. I don't know how the man does it Incredible so.

0:54:10 - Tara

0:54:10 - Natalie
He's always ahead of the curve. Yeah for sure. Bauhaus covered this on their 1982 album the Sky's Gone Out, and it's actually the opening track of the album, which is quite a way to start. It makes quite a statement and I think they really managed to capture that driving energy of the song. For me it's not as raw and manic as Eno's I think I still prefer the original but it's definitely got that fun in your face intensity.

0:54:32 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, it's such a good song.

0:54:33 - Natalie

0:54:36 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I have the Sky's Gone Out shirt, and so my daughter goes to a German school here in Nairobi to spirit, and I wear my Bauhaus shirt, like just hoping some parents would go, oh, bauhaus, but it never happens.

0:54:53 - Tara
Some people. They were like. This guy is wearing his Bauhaus shirt literally every time I see him.

0:54:58 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Apparently. I'm known at the school. We were at some party and her teacher is like oh yeah, they know when you come, oh, here comes that papa Baba is Swahili for her dad, for father papa.

0:55:10 - Natalie
Oh, that baba here comes that baba.

0:55:12 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I guess I'm like known because I have like tattoos and I wear goth shit to my child's school.

0:55:19 - Tara
You're like cool baba.

0:55:20 - Natalie
Right, have either of you seen Bauhaus Live?

0:55:24 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, ok, I have only seen Pop Tone, which is part of the members of Bauhaus, have not seen the Bauhaus themselves.

0:55:32 - Tara
When I tell the story of Bauhaus at cruel world. Everyone's going to get mad at me, but it was like a full day of all amazing bands and of course I was going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and so by the time Bauhaus came on I was like I have to get food before Blondie. So I got food during Bauhaus, but I can't take it.

0:55:57 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
You bowed out on Bauhaus.

0:55:59 - Tara
I bowed out on Bauhaus. But here's the deal I could still hear them and they sounded great. I just couldn't see them.

0:56:07 - Natalie
You've got to make sacrifices at these shows. I totally get it.

0:56:11 - Tara
It was for my health. Yes, I needed to. That's how I was at.

0:56:14 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Soundgarden. I heard Soundgarden from like hour far away. They're super loud. I was at La Luzza whenever they played and I was like, oh, I can hear Soundgarden from anywhere in this entire park.

0:56:25 - Tara
I can't Well, so I thought that they would also be playing in Atlanta soon, but then I think they sold out or something.

0:56:34 - Natalie
Yeah, and they had that three night reunion show in LA in 2019. And there they actually played third uncle for the first time in like 21 years. What so, oh my gosh, some pretty lucky people at the Hollywood Palladium. That's crazy, oh my gosh.

0:56:50 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That's yeah, one day. Well, one day we will move somewhere where their shows. I keep looking when I go back to Atlanta Like, are there shows happening? It was two weeks. I was there for two months and no one played. And then the night that I leave, blushing comes in plays and then the Petch Mill came through and Duran Duran came through. Yeah, but luckily I do have very good friends that do such sweet things for me as get records for me and shirts from the shows.

0:57:16 - Natalie
You know what I?

0:57:17 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
found out. You know what I found out? There is a record store here that does record store day.

0:57:22 - Tara
Oh, really An Irobee.

0:57:24 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
They're not on the record store day website, but there's a store here called the Real Final Guru. That's where I got these records from, so they'll shop this in the middle of a market of stalls of meat and fruit.

0:57:36 - Natalie
Well, that's my list.

0:57:37 - Tara
Yeah, that's a great list. I don't know. I literally know it. I knew one of them.

0:57:42 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I think One of what.

0:57:44 - Tara
One of her covers. I didn't know, and I knew most of them, though.

0:57:48 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I knew the Running Up the Hill and I had heard the Christian death when I realized that was a cover.

0:57:54 - Tara
Oh, yeah, yeah, I only knew the Hector Skelter and.

0:57:56 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Third Uncle? Of course Third Uncle. I didn't knew that. I knew that one, yeah, yeah.

0:58:00 - Tara
Well, let's go over our short list Because I got to tell you it was really hard. There are so many goth covers out there in the world and, yeah, it felt bad to leave some of them out. Honestly, yeah. Should I go down my list quickly? Yeah yeah, OK. So yeah, Susie, dear Prudence, but I went with Passenger Typo negative cinnamon girl. Neil Young cover Nice.

Oh yeah, the Cure, Purple Hayes. Jimi Hendrix cover. Echo and the Bunnyman People are strange for the Lost Boys soundtrack. Yes, what, yes, Strawberry Switchblade. Jolene. The Smiths covering James. What's the World song. Crosses covering Goodbye Horses by Q Lazarus. And lastly and this one is why I didn't put this one on, because I don't think it's really goth. But today's version of Smashing Pumpkins is goth. But 90s version of Smashing Pumpkins was not goth. They covered Never Let Me Down again by Depeche Mode.

0:59:01 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine

0:59:01 - Tara
Yeah, it's a good one.

0:59:02 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I think that for a movie too?

0:59:03 - Tara
I'm not sure, but yeah, what's your list, what's your short list?

0:59:07 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So I had about House Long on Mine too. They do a lot of good covers, but Spirit in the Sky. Oh yeah, they do Really good. Nice yeah, norman.

0:59:18 - Tara
Green bomb.

0:59:19 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Green bomb, yes, green bomb. So that was on there. Also, a band called Collide does a cover of White Rabbit. Oh, the Jefferson Airplane, and it's so good. And then I guess there was another cure version, a cure cover of Do you Want to Touch? Oh wait, I've only found it on YouTube, but it's good.

0:59:41 - Tara
A cure. Version of Do you Want to Touch? By Joan Jett.

0:59:44 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, what? Yeah, it's really good if you listen to it. I think it's only live on YouTube.

0:59:51 - Tara
OK, I'm going to find that one. I was like what that's crazy. Yeah Is that it.

0:59:59 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I mean I have a whole bunch, but those are the main ones that I had. I mean there was like, oh, I mentioned earlier, there's a cover of Can't Get you Out of my Head by Klan and Zymus. Oh yeah, and another band called Invisible. Oh, and, real quick, I did play an industrial version of Let it Go from the Frozen soundtrack.

1:00:20 - Tara
Oh my goodness, Seriously.

1:00:22 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
I ate by and One oh my gosh my listeners were like OK, we're suffering through this. We're laughing but suffering at the same time.

1:00:29 - Tara
That's awesome. Oh my gosh, that's for goth dads for sure. There's a new festival happening in California called Darker Wave. This is the wave, Darker Wave and Klan and Zymus is on the lineup, but also the Cardigans, which is really why I would like to go, but I can't decide if I should go because it's expensive.

1:00:49 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
But yeah, it's all in one day too. So if you thought you were messing up, missing Bad House, you're going to miss everybody, I mean, I feel like I've seen everybody, because they just played Cruel World like two years in a row, those 80s bands.

1:01:03 - Tara
But the. Cardigans haven't toured since like the early 2000s. I feel like, what's your shortlist, Natalie? Natalie's shortlist.

1:01:10 - Natalie
My shortlist. Well, it's basically been already shared, because it's just things that I've been mentioned already. I had Strange Fruit, I had Jolene. I can't get you out of my head. There was also a version of Get Into the Groove that I have, but I don't recall the band for that.

1:01:24 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Oh, oh. I think I know what you're talking about.

1:01:27 - Tara
Is it Chaconi Youth? I should just Google it. Is it Chaconi Youth?

1:01:31 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Chaconi Youth yes, I know that one.

1:01:32 - Tara
Sonic Youth side project.

1:01:35 - Natalie
Yeah, so that was my list.

1:01:38 - Tara
That's that record right there, oh you got it.

1:01:41 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
That's crazy, oh awesome.

1:01:44 - Tara
Well, this was really fun. Oh wait, was there more Natalie?

1:01:47 - Natalie
Oh, no, no, that's it, that's it All repeats.

1:01:50 - Tara
Those are all excellent. What a good list of goth covers. And there's so many more. There's so many. It was really hard to choose. Typo Negative has a bunch of really just like wow. You would never expect Typo Negative to ever cover anything like that, but they do.

1:02:05 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, anyways, typo does a lot Deftones.

1:02:09 - Tara
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, this was really exciting and fun. Dark.

1:02:14 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, I want to hear more of Natalie. I want to hear more of what you're listening to and, tara, I can always hear what you're listening to, but I'm always open to hear. I love hearing more of what I've been the way you describe the industrial stuff that you're into. All right, cool, we got to trade some. Oh, yes, please.

1:02:29 - Tara
Yeah, thanks for coming all the way from Nairobi, africa to talk to us in the record store You're welcome.

1:02:35 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
You're welcome. I didn't let anybody else know that I was coming into town.

1:02:38 - Tara
Oh yeah, we won't, we won't, we'll sneak you out, yeah.

1:02:40 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, yeah yeah, I'll be back for DragonCon. We'll hide you in our, so cast me there.

1:02:45 - Tara
Our vampire capes.

1:02:48 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Thanks, see you on my Twitch stream. Oh yeah, absolutely.

1:02:52 - Tara
Which is, say it again, your schedule and your link, which will include Well, they GMT, which is sadly 1 AM Eastern time.

1:03:01 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
So if you happen to be up late or if you're on the West Coast, that works out pretty decently, and it's twitchtv slash. Blacksunshine underscore official.

1:03:11 - Tara
And that's on Tuesdays, did you say Sorry?

1:03:13 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
On Wednesdays.

1:03:15 - Tara
That's the Goth stream.

1:03:16 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Yeah, and then Tuesdays is my random music stream 80s, 90s, whatever. I think next, actually next Tuesday I'm doing Britpop. Oh cool, what Tune in for that?

1:03:28 - Tara
Yes, ok, we'll see everyone later and thanks for shopping and happy trails.

1:03:35 - Adam Darby Dj Blacksunshine
Thanks for having me in the shop. Thank you, I'll see you guys, bye, bye, bye. Record Store Society is hosted by Natalie White and Tara Davies.

1:03:46 - Tara
If you'd like to contact the show, visit our website at recordsdoressocietycom, or you can find us on all your favorite social media sites with the handle at recordsdoressocietycom.

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