Super Human Fathers

Welcome back to the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In today’s episode, we have an incredible guest joining us: the amazing Brad Corbett. Brad takes us on his personal journey of transformation, showcasing his unwavering commitment, growth mindset, and incredible family connections. Not only that, but he also won Teacher of the Year.

From his first steps into the program to his current state of physical and mental strength, Brad shares the highs and lows, the challenges and triumphs, and the lessons he has learned along the way. Join us as we delve into Brad's story, his dedication to personal growth, and his powerful impact on those around him. Get ready for an inspiring episode filled with motivation, self-development, and heartfelt transformations. Let's dive in!

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Brad Corbett: I didn't do
it for my family at all.

In fact, back in those days.

You know, if it was 10 a.


on a Sunday, I'm like, it's
time for dad to go to the gym.

I don't care what you
guys are doing at home.

I don't care whatever activities,
kids you have at home.

I don't care whatever plans,
wife you made at home.

That's when daddy's going to the gym.

You know, and so, you know, and even Wes,
you know, he, you know, he promoted the

same, the same message that Superhuman
Fathers does of doing it for your people.

But I didn't live that.

I did it for myself.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: Take us back and,
uh, what is it, a year and, I don't

know, three months, a year and two

Brad Corbett: months?

More than that, bro.

It's 18 months.


Later this month.

Ryan Carnohan: 18 months, dude.

Look at that 18 months, but you're there.

What are we thinking?

What are we doing?

Why are you joined the program and
you can even talk about how you

know, you had done some other stuff,
too Yeah, you have a great story.

Mm hmm.


Brad Corbett: let's go.

Yeah, so uh like in 2018 I mean, I
was just a fucking mess Slob, selfish,

completely self centered, short with
my wife, short with my kids, just low

level human, you know, and, um, and,
you know, I went to high school with

Wes Watson and went to high school with
Kyle, Handsome Rob, if he's in here too,

went to high school with those guys.

Um, you know, I got into, um, some
bad things with, with Wes, uh, in my

early 20s, you know, like drugs and
things like that, um, and then when

he went away, you know, obviously I
didn't hear from him, and then he had,

he started an Instagram all black and
white when he was still in prison, like

his last few months, uh, in prison.

And it started talking about a
program he was gonna start when he

got out and it was obvious that he
was ripped off hardly any nutrients

that he would give him in prison.

Um, you know, there's, there's
videos of him doing curls with

like a laundry bag full of books.

He's doing squats with
other inmates on his back.

I'm like, this guy's a fucking maniac
and anything that he's selling, I'm in.

And so when he got out, he's like,
I'm, you know, I'm starting a program.

Um, you know, I'm looking
for guys who want to make a

transformation in their life.

Um, so I signed up and I want to say
I was probably one of, probably one

of the first 10 guys that signed up.

Um, it was really cheap
back then, you know, Wes was

sleeping on his grandma's couch.

Um, wearing the same, he always talks
about the same pair of Chuck Taylors that

he, that he bought with his gate money.

He bought, uh, he said Chuck Taylors and
a gym pass was the first thing he bought

when he got out with his 200 bucks.

And so, you know, I followed him.

Um, again, it was, there's so, there's so
little guys in the program at the time.

Like, he was calling me every day,
uh, yelling at me, which I needed.

Uh, you know, one time he, You,
I was like, uh, I was like,

man, I'm itching for a pizza.

He's like, you know what?

I want you to order the biggest fucking
pizza you, you can find and eat.

I want you to eat the whole fucking thing.

I'm like, really?

He said, yeah, scratch that itch.

And I want you to feel
like shit when you do it.

And I'm like, all right,
let's fucking see how I feel.

Cause I, I'm really,
I'm really craving this.

I don't think I'll feel like shit.

I ate that whole fucking
large pizza, all the fucking

toppings on it, all the cheese.

I felt like.

Literally dog shit.

Like, I couldn't look at pizza for a year.

Like, I was like, this is
the worst food on the planet.

And he's like, I taught you a lesson, bro.

You just fucked your macros up
majorly, and you scratched that

itch, and now you feel like shit.

I'm glad.

You know?

It's like, in the typical Wes Watson
style, you know, I needed that.

And so, you know, um, you know, his
evolution was obviously, uh, massive.

You know, over the last five years.

Um, and I'll tell you when I, when
I signed up with Wes, I did it for

completely selfish reasons, you know, I
did it for, um, all the, all the shallow

reasons of, of, of, you know, physically
looking good, you know, feeling good,

feeling more confident, but I didn't
do, I didn't do it for my family at all.

In fact, back in those days.

You know, if it was 10 a.


on a Sunday, I'm like, it's
time for dad to go to the gym.

I don't care what you
guys are doing at home.

I don't care whatever activities,
kids you have at home.

I don't care whatever plans,
wife you made at home.

That's when daddy's going to the gym.

You know, and so, you know, and even Wes,
you know, he, you know, he promoted the

same, the same message that Superhuman
Fathers does of doing it for your people.

But I didn't live that.

I did it for myself.

You know, and, um, and it's
funny, uh, uh, what's his name?


He sent me a picture on Instagram.

He's like, is this you?

Let's see if you can pull this up here.

He's like, is that you
on Wes Watson's program?

And so that's me getting posted.

on West Watson program, and I look
10 times as better as I did with

the day I got posted on his program.

Um, and so, and I was in his
program for like a year and a

half too, just like I was here.

And the same up and downs I had
then, I have now, uh, but with

a completely different angle.

So, you know, the up and downs I
had then was, same thing, macros.

You know, uh, not, and again, they
didn't have, at the early days,

they didn't have the same kind of
brotherhood that this place had.

So I wasn't like connected to a
group like, uh, of men like you guys.

Uh, so that was definitely something
that it lacked, uh, at the time.

Um, but again, when I, when I signed up
with Superhuman Fathers, You know, looking

at, looking at Kyle, because Kyle was a
follower of Wes at that time, and I saw,

you know, Kyle being a savage with a
broken arm, doing these fucking like, row

exercises, and then saying With his hook?

Yeah, with a fucking hook, like attached
to some fucking cable, like a maniac,

and so it's funny, but when I, when
I was in my sling, I, I thought about

Kyle in those days, like, here's a
guy, it's like, you just don't stop.

You know, you just don't stop, you know,
he had a big, you know, fireman mustache

back then and all that stuff, and then,
uh, and then when I saw his message

about superhuman fathers, it spoke to
me on a completely different level.

Um, then, then the selfish brada was, you
know, five years ago, um, when I signed

up for just the completely wrong reasons.

And so, you know, I started following
Kyle, I started mess private messaging

him, like, man, your, your message is
just fire, like, it's really speaking to

me until I finally pulled the trigger.

Um, and I called him and I was like,
I was like, man, I need a coach.

And he's like, yeah, well, I got like,
there's no, there's no shame in that.

I got like eight coaches.

And so I'm like, shit, dude, like,
let's do this because I really need

someone to hold me accountable,
hold my feet to the fire.

Um, and you guys did, you know,
and this, this, this group was, was

quite small at that time and, you
know, definitely under 100 guys.

Um, and so, you know, it's, it's
definitely exploded since then.

It's, it's, it's cool to be, you
know, kind of in the early days

and to see the evolution of this
program, but, um, it's, it's.

Like the, the transformation, um, just
in general is, it's been like just so

just places I'd never imagined I would
go like in my, in my mind, you know, I'm

not even talking about my physical form.

I'm talking about my mind.

Like, I am a completely different
human that people that I work with that

I've worked with for years are like.

What happened?

Like, but in a good way,
they're like, what, like you,

you just seem to be tapped in.

You just seem to be like be in
flow states when you're talking.

You just seem to command
a room when you walk in.

When you when you hold a meeting,
it's like, this is like, here's

the message, like, you know, it's
just it's just it's just different.

And it feels different.

And I don't even realize it.

So when I look at that, that posted
picture, and I see the first guy

in there, like, I don't even I
don't even recognize that guy.

But it's funny because that guy shows up
every day and more now than ever because

I, you know, when people would talk about
day one, I was like, yeah, yeah, day one.

Yeah, okay, I get that.

No, this shit is for real, bro.

I've never been more attacked
by that old self and that demon

inside since I got posted more.

I mean, he's screaming at me every day,
every day, like, you fucking made it.

Go fucking eat that shit, treat your
people like shit, like, go fucking

do it man, you earned this shit, you
deserve this, like, he's screaming in

my ear, and so it's so crazy, like,
like, you know, that, that day one is,

it's, it really hits home, and so, uh,

Ryan Carnohan: I don't know.

I, I wanna dig, this is so beautiful,
I wanna dig into that moment where

you walk into a room of people, okay?

The old you versus the new
you, maybe some adjectives.

You are a fifth grade teacher.

Yeah, so I don't know I want you to
describe in a few words the difference

a Description of how you felt or
what energy it was when you walked

into a room with your family or your
peers Versus when you walk in now,

Brad Corbett: yeah, so I mean Yeah,
I've been you know, I've been teaching

19 years So I'm pretty experienced at
this point and for the last year the

year by the way, let's go And again,
just, just a fitness program, right?

I mean, again, I tribute all of that to
this too, you know, so, you know, it,

I've been a, I, I consider myself a pretty
good teacher prior to this program, but

I took it to the next level last year,
like, completely, like, I'm, I'm pretty

big on, on relationships with kids, and
I ate lunch with kids every day, I wanted

to know more about their lives, I really
connected with them on a personal level,

I mean, it came down to where kids were,
if kids were acting up, I'm like, if

you're not gonna do it for yourself, do
it for me, and they're like, I got you.

And I'm like, fuck dude.

Like that never happened before, you know?

And so, you know, and I do this thing,
it's kind of funny too, where Like, you

know, I teach math, and so, if the kids
all pass a test, I put these targets

on the wall, and I put these balloons
on there, and I throw real darts at the

balloons, and if I miss the balloons,
then I gotta do push ups, you know?

And so the kids love it
when I miss the balloons.

And one time I missed eight balloons,
and I was doing ten push ups a pop,

and so I had to do eighty push ups.

And they're like, you can't
do eighty push ups, Mr.

Corbin, there's no way!

And I was like, watch me, motherfuckers.


And so these kids are like, is shocked.

They're like, holy shit.

My teacher's a fucking savage, dude.

It was fucking awesome.

And then, you know, again, connection
with parents too, uh, really blew up.

And then with my peers, they just,
they just saw me in a different light.

You know, I was always
well liked in my school.

I'm, I'm, I'm literally one of two
other male teachers in my entire school.

It's all females, you know?

So I was kind of like the token guy,
which, uh, which had some downfalls

too, because Anytime, I mean every
single day it is a woman's getting

married, she's having a baby, it's
her birthday, and every single time

there's cake, there's cookies, there's
donuts, there's all this shit, and

it's always, well Brad'll eat that.

I'd come back to my desk and be a
piece of fucking cake on my desk.

There'd be a piece of pizza on my desk.

There'd be a whole
like, just trailing off.

Yeah, I mean, so.

Ryan Carnohan: I don't eat squares.

Like, oh,

Brad Corbett: he'll eat that.

He's the, he's the guy.


And so I had to like,
literally tell him to stop.

And even my, you know, my last birthday,
um, my team like buys each other a cake

and it's like, sometimes really you're
buying the cake for the rest of the

team to eat, you know, you buy it for
the guy's birthday, sure, but really

everyone else wants to eat the cake.

And I was like, please, you know,
my favorite cakes, cheesecake.

And I'm like, please don't
buy me a cheesecake, please.

And they're like, well.

Okay, but like, you're no fun, you know,
but I'm like, I'm sorry, you know, like,

and they, and they're, they're super proud
of me and super supportive and, you know,

they follow me on Instagram too, and they
saw my transformation, they know how hard

I'm grinding, so they respect that kind
of stuff, but it's just interesting that,

you know, that, like, the people's view
of me, my peers that saw me day in and day

out, they had to change their perspective
about me, um, because they just know

that, that I'm, that I'm just different.

I'm also more reliable, um, where, you
know, if they, if they need something

to get done, they know they can
count on me to get it done, you know?

Um, and so, yeah, I think just a
complete perspective shift from them.

Um, I mean, I can talk about my family
too, which is completely different to

like, I mean, I could be brought to
tears for certain stuff that's just

been happening recently, like, uh, you
know, uh, this summer I went on a lot

of just hikes and walks with my kids,
you know, and, uh, really tried to

incorporate them, like, with my workouts,
and, uh, and, uh, damn it to you guys.

Let's go!

Yeah, um, on...

On Sunday, this last Sunday, you know, I
woke up, I like to wake up super early,

I like to go on a little walk before I
go to the gym, and my son Tristan, he's

eight years old, he is an early riser,
man, he's always been an early bird, and

so I wake up, he's already watching TV,
it's like 5am, and I'm like, and whisper

to him, because the rest of the house is
asleep, and I'm like, and he's like, I

think I'm with you, and I was like, oh
dude, right in the fucking heart, dude,

right in the heart, I was like, absolutely
man, let's go, and he goes, uh, There's

two, there's two, like, walks that we
do, and they're both about, about, about

three miles, and, um, my, my neighbor's
all hills, and so, like, there's one

that's, that's, like, a really steep,
like, the backwards way, and there's one

that's, like, less hard, you know, and he
goes, I want to do the hard one, daddy,

and I was like, dude, let's fucking go.

You know, and those walks like, I mean,
talk about like deep conversations too,

like he's asking me questions that he
wouldn't normally ask, um, we're just

having like really strong connection, you
know, um, it's just, it's just fucking

cool, you know, my daughter, you know,
she's, he's 11 going on 16, man, you know,

so she could care less about, about me
or transformations or things I'm doing,

but she's still watching, you know, and
when I take her on walks, she complains

and she cries, and then we finally
start walking, she starts to calm down.

And I'm like, why are we going on walks?

And she's like, well, you keep telling
me the more hard things we do, the

more hard things we can handle.

I'm like, that's right.

And it was fucking the
hottest fucking summer ever.

And I'm like, it's hot, it's hard, but if
you can do this and you can do other hard

things, that's when other hard things come
up, like you'll be able to handle that.

So that's my key.

I mean, I'm long winded.

That's my kids, my wife.

Um, there's a, there's an analogy
that Ox shared a while ago that,

I mean, it rang true with me.

And I think about it every day.

Three times a night, uh.

Yeah, he talked about a wall that,
that our wife, that, that our

wives build around, um, themselves,
but we give them the bricks.

And every time we fuck up and every
time we, we dishonor them, we give

them the bricks to build them their own
walls to protect themselves from us.

And so, I, I mean, that analogy was
like real life for me, you know, because

I don't care how much progress I made
in this program, my wife was like,

You still didn't do the dishwasher,
you know, you still snapped at the

kids, you know, that kind of stuff.

So, and you know, and when I would talk
about like using because it's the same

kind of vernacular that this program
uses, she's like, that's not you.

You don't talk like that.

You know, give me the real you, you know,
I'm like, fuck, maybe I'm this, maybe this

is the new me and they're like, nah, she's
like, nah, nah, it's not, it's not, you

know, so, however, there's been, there's
been moments in this program where, um,

where she saw, I would normally react
emotionally because I'm quick to react,

uh, when she would do something to annoy
me or frustrate me, and she saw me hold

back, uh, but when I would hold back,
my body language would speak otherwise,

you know, and so, She'd see me fucking
tense up and not say a word, you know,

but she's like, you don't understand that
your energy is worse than your words.

Your body language speaks
volumes, and that's worse.

And so I'm like, fuck.

So like, how am I gonna now, not only
like, watch my words, but I want like,

actually, like, look at myself from a
bird's eye view, and like, figure out

like, how I'm looking to her when I'm,
when I'm feeling a certain way inside.

And so I really had to like, turn off my
part of my brain to feel that way, and so

that my body would not show those things,
and be cognizant of my face, my hands.

Uh, my posture, all those things when
she would frustrate me, and so as

she saw me to do this, again, going
back to that wall analogy, I think

I've removed enough bricks and done
enough, like, good deeds or, or things

that she saw that was positive in me
to just see her eyes, you know, to

remove enough bricks that she sees me.

She's not fully exposed.

She's not fully vulnerable,
but she sees me.

And sometimes I add a brick and
sometimes it covers it, and sometimes

it lowers it, but I think it's pretty
stagnant right here for now, you know?

You just came out of nowhere.

Ryan Carnohan: That's
such a good analogy, bro.

That's beautiful.

Brad Corbett: Keep going.

It just feels so real, and then, um,
you know, and somebody said early in

the program too, it's like, You know, if
you've been married 15 years, you've been

an asshole for 15 years, maybe it'll take
another 15 years for you to prove to her

that you're not an asshole, you know, so
I've only been in the program, yeah, I've

been in the program a year and a half,
which is longer than a lot of you guys,

but shit, I've only been a, I've only been
a next level human for a year, maybe half

that time, you know, because it took me,
to get to this point, a year and a half,

so maybe it'll take me another year and a
half, maybe it'll take me another decade

for her to remove that wall completely.

You know, she's become more vulnerable
with me, more exposed, but again,

sometimes it's here, sometimes it's
here, sometimes it's here, but it's

never here, you know, um, and so
yeah, that analogy really rang true.

So those are, that's probably pretty
much a rundown of all the different

perspectives that I'm getting from,
from all the people in my life.

Ryan Carnohan: Um, incredible.

Let's talk about this time period, right?

The amount of time that
we're in this program.

And so, you guys, you said 18 months.

18 months.

You're looking at one of the most savage
men in this group because he has come

several times, never asking to be posted.

But had a pretty magnificent
transformation, and yet, it was

like, you know, hold it, we'd pull
it back from him a little bit, and

so, how, what'd you learn from that?

I don't know, like, you've been in here
a long time, I, like, you're still here.

And you, you had this transformation.

You had this here and you've
had a transformation here and

yet you weren't getting posted.

How'd you,

Brad Corbett: how'd you handle that?

Well, you know, again, for the
longest time, I'm like, yeah,

I can't wait to get posted.

Can't wait to get posted.

That's just the wrong outlook.

That is the wrong outlook because
that's, that's the finish line at

that point if you look at it that way.

That's not day one,
that's the finish line.

And you know, and I wanted to bring
that up too because there are so

many guys that got posted that I
just don't know where they are.

Where are those guys?

Let's go!

I mean, I, I'm gonna call, I don't, I'm
gonna call, I'm not gonna call people out

by name but there are some names I could
drop right now that I know are still in

the program but where the fuck are they?

You know, it's like those guys were
dropping bombs in their, in their,

in their transformation interview.

I've listened to all those zooms.

Um, I've listened to all those podcasts.

They dropped bombs
prior to getting posted.

Where are they?

And so I don't want to
be one of those guys.

I'm still here, I'm still gonna be
here, I'm still gonna me Squad 4, man.

Squad 4 is the fuckin most savage
group in this fuckin organization.

And they all showed up here for me today.

Because I love those
fuckin brothers, dude.

Those guys are fuckin man.

And so I support those guys, I love
mentoring those guys, I love chatting

to those guys, are the fuckin man.

And I'm not gonna LET'S GO!

Exactly, fuckin Aaron, I'm shit.

I mean, if I just had
Aaron, that would be enough.

Surge dude, he's fuckin man.

Tim, Tim's about to get posted.

Dude, my squad is fucking shit, dude.

And so that was, I was very disappointed
when the squads got cancelled, and

Ryan's like, Well, unfortunately, your
squad's the only one doing it right.

And I'm like, Well, okay, well
I guess it's a compliment then,

because we are doing it right.

And so we actually already managed
to, to find another, uh, little kind

of squadron that we made on our own.

Within Mighty Networks, with two text
chains, like, we're already doing

it, so we're just gonna continue it.

Um, my point is, I got posted,
I'm not, it's not over.

It's not over.

I'm still going to, I'm still going
to, I'm still going to contribute

with these guys, you know, and so I'm
not going to go away just because I

got posted like so many of these guys
have, you know, um, I don't know.

It's just, it's just interesting because
it, you know, if, again, if those guys

went away, to me, it seems like a lot
of those guys saw it as a, as a, as an

end goal and not a day one, you know,
and that's, that's unfortunate, I think.

Ryan Carnohan: So you had a few
obstacles through this process.

You keep showing up, right?

What are some of these obstacles that
you encountered, and maybe still do,

but maybe the massive obstacles you
encountered through this process,

and how did you overcome them?

Brad Corbett: Well, and some of them
are not even overcome, you know,

some of them will always be there,
you know, and number one is sugar.

I'm a fucking sugar addict and
like a freaking maniac and you

know and I've dealt with like
major substance in the past.

I was majorly into into
blow in my early 20s.

So I understand that kind
of addictive personality.

I understand what that feeling is
like to like, like, Like a, like a

demon crave, like a, like a, like
an inner, like, ooh, like craving.

And so, like, I feel that
same way about sugar, bro.

And that, that craving will never go away.

Now, I'm hoping just like drugs, you
know, the craving will get less and less

as, as the more, the more I deny myself.

But it's interesting because one,
obviously, is unhealthy for your body.

The other one is so socially
acceptable that it's like,

it's in your face constantly.

Like, I can stay away from a few
people and never see blow again.

I can't stay away from sugar.

It's in my face every day, you
know, so there are times and again,

like, you know, the mantra of what,
you know, the percentage you put

in, the percentage you get out.

I mean, that rang true for me for a year.

You know, yeah, sure, I had shoulder
surgery during that time, but it's

like, you know, shit, I went to Mexican
food, yeah, my macros are dialed in,

but hell yeah, I ate the chips and salsa
at the Mexican restaurant, or, shit,

you know, I had a taste of a cake, I
had a piece of a cookie, I had a morsel

here, a little nugget here, a bite
here, and all these little bites added

the fuck up, and I never even thought
about it, I'm like, man, I'm fucking

crushing it, why am I not progressing,
why am I not breaking through, you know.

It's like, fuck dude, like, you're,
you're taking little morsels, you know,

and then sometimes, again, that, that
addictive personality, just like I would

do when I went, when I was into drugs,
it's like, already fucked up, might as

well fucking go hard, you know, I was the
person in my, in my friend's group, they

were like, you know what I love about you,
Brad, you're always down to get fucked

up, you know, and I feel the same way
about sugar, because, you know, I'm like,

already fucked up, might as well eat that
whole, oh, I brought a friend, I forgot

to tell you, I brought a friend with me.

Oh, he's so good.

I love him so much.

This fucking bastard, right?

And so, you know, that's one of those
things I would go to town on, and

I felt like, uh, I felt like, like,
Schmeagle, like, in the Lord of the

Rings, like, my precious, like, a little
goblin in the fucking pantry, like,

just, like, the same way I would do
if I was smoking meth in the garage.

I felt the same, exactly the same, like
I'm fucking hiding, like, ooh, uh, so

it feels so great to be hidden, not
known, and not be exposed, like a fucking

little bitch, you know, and so, still to
this day, like I have the same fucking

cravings, still to this day, I still
stumble, you know, day one was like,

fucking slap in the face, you know, I had
one big giant meal in and out, I was like,

I deserve this, I deserve this cheat meal,
ooh, that was dangerous, I deserve this.

That was a slippery slope, man.

That was a slippery slope,
dude, because if you do that,

you can do anything after that.

You might as well fucking, you might
as well go do blow in the bathroom.

It's the same, it's the same
thing as far as I'm concerned.

You know, there was a point in the program
too, one of the obstacles was I was

drinking heavily every day this summer.

And I don't, I've never
been a big drinker.

You know, I would drink maybe on the
weekends, maybe even once a month.

But this summer I drank every day.

I had at least a drink every day
and I'm like, it's summer, I'm

a teacher, I'm on vacation, and
I went on a long ass vacation.

I went to Europe for three weeks,
I came back for two days, then

went to California for ten days.

You know, I drank every day.

You know, whiskey, with a, with a,
and soda, just had one every day.

And I'm like, shit, why
am I not breaking through?

Just like, fuck, it's the little morsels.

Like, you're not breaking through
because you're not living the life, bro.

You know, and so I cut that out, you
know, and wait, what do you know?

And there was a couple times I slipped.

You know, and, and, and unfortunately
my squad, Ryan, you guys were, you

know, obviously supportive and you
get back on the, on the fucking horse.

It's like, I think I fucked
up after like, like 11 days.

And then everyone's like, or even
Ryan's like, well, you know what,

next time you're going to do 12 days.

I'm like, okay, well, I guess it's
a different way of looking at it.

Because when you put something on the
altar, yeah, you say it's forever,

but shit, I mean, there are gonna
be times that you might slip up.

I put this Nutella on the altar.

I'd be damned if I didn't
touch that Nutella one time.

There was one time after it got posted,
I put a spoonful in that bitch, right

in front of my son, and he's heard me
say to him, I will never eat this again.

And that was fucking hurtful,
man, to myself, that I was

not a man of my word to him.

And he said, I thought you weren't
going to eat that again, daddy.

I'm like, oh, fuck, you know, so that's,
that's, those are the, those are the kind

of stumbling blocks, you know, when it
comes to food, that's the biggest one,

my shoulder, you know, um, you know,
one month into the program, I signed

up, uh, on March, I know the exact date.

It wasn't even one month.

It was three weeks.

I signed up March 30th,
2022 and April 20th, 2022.

I was benching.

I already had a tear on my shoulder.

I could already feel it.

And fuckin snap.

Just rubber band and fuckin snap.

Instant pain, instant loss of strength.

I was like, that's, and, and, you
know, I went down a downward spiral

of depression of like, What are you,
what are you trying to prove, man?

You're fuckin too old, dude.

You got too many injuries, like,
what, you're not gonna make it.

Like all that fucking self that
negative self talk like who the fuck

who the fuck do you think you are man?

Like you don't you don't have it.

You're not the guy you don't have it
And those are the kind of thoughts I

had And then I came to like a massive
conclusion and I I shared it with this

on the zoom one day It's like what again
if i'm i'm here for a different reason

than it was with west's program or I
was in the past I'm not here for the

results I'm here for the mental change.

I'm here for the the PMA every day.

That's why I wake up as early
as possible because I need to

conquer the day early, man.

If I don't conquer the day early,
those demons creep the fuck out.

So I showed up with that big ass
sling with a fucking pillow under

here, and I'm doing, you know,
squat on a fucking Smith machine.

And people were like, what the fuck, dude?

Like, I think you might
have . I think you should leave.

Like you're, you're, you're,
you're endangering yourself.

And I'm like, no man, you don't get it.

Like, I'm not here for the results.

I don't give a fuck.

And my left arm gets fucking huge.

And it did.

My left arm was very lopsided,
but it's funny now because

my right arm really cut up.

My right arm feels like
fucking Robocop now, dude.

It's like strong as fuck.

It's crazy.

But still, six months.

That took me six months to not touch it.

And I went back to the ortho and
he's like, he's like, are you,

are you staying in the sling?

I'm like, oh, I take it
off at night when I sleep.

He's like, bad move, dude.

Sleep with it.


He's like, well, you're not
lifting any weights with it.

Not my, well, I'll do like triceps,
like really light, like people pulls.

He's like, you're a fucking dumbass, dude.

You're gonna fuck it up.

Don't do that.

And so I just stopped, you
know, I just didn't do anything.

I had the sling on, crushed
everything in my left arm.

I did, you know, I did cable pulls.

I did, uh, you know, lat pulldown
with the, with the cable, with the

one, the one, you know, the handle.

All the shit, all the
shit I could possibly do.

I did, you know, one arm dumbbell
presses and for, for bench.

All that shit.

I couldn't do a one arm pushup though.

I still couldn't do that.

Um, so again, so like, you know, say I
took six months of, uh, physical therapy

and wearing the sling until, you know,
um, it took me another six months after

that to get, for my right arm to catch
up with my left arm, and then my left arm

was giving me trouble, and so like, you
know, I'm fucking, I'm a mess, dude, I've

broken so many bones over the years, I
get, you know, I broke two vertebraes in

my back, uh, like 25 years ago, that's
always giving me back problems, you know,

it's like, it doesn't, it doesn't matter.

If I'm fucking lifting the bar,
I'm still showing up at 3am.

You know, I still got my
PMA in the early morning.

I still did so much more in the
day than anyone else around me.

I still wake up early enough and crush
it early enough to get home and bake

my kids breakfast before they wake up.

On Sunday, that is my favorite thing, is
they, they wake up to the smell of bacon.

It's like, fuck, that's a dream, you
know, but it fills my heart so much

to be able to serve them that way.

So, I don't know, that was
a long winded response to my

obstacles during the process.

Ryan Carnohan: Fired, dude.

Um, you mentioned something, and we're
gonna go into this because you are such

a giver, and you do care so much, and
you do reach out so much to people,

but in the perspective of your level
up, the why behind it is different.

Even for, even if it was for the personal
level up of Mental, and here, but what,

what's different about your desire for
your, for personal development versus

before that allows you to, to keep
pushing when you hear shoulders gone?

Brad Corbett: Yeah, I mean, I guess for
me, for me, like the early morning, uh,

you know, workout is really for my mind.

It's just to get my mind
right every single day.

And so I realized if I get my mind right,
I can serve everyone else, you know,

and so, um, you know, I'll say that

Ryan Carnohan: again.

If I get my, I can serve
everyone else, that's it.

Oh, you get my right, you
can serve everyone else.

Brad Corbett: Yeah.

Um, I started, um, you know, we
talk about like base hits, you know,

like how many base hits you got.

Like, as soon as my feet hit
the floor, it's a base hit.

You know, as soon as I get
my shoes on, it's a base hit.

I mean, you can take it
down to a minuscule level.

As soon as I put my keys
ignition to go to the gym early,

that's a, that's a base hit.

And so I'm trying to teach, instill
those base hits in my kids too.

I'm like, every single day,
kids, you're gonna make your bed.

And they're like, why?

Like, because you're starting
a day with a base hit, you're

already starting with a win.

If you already start with a win, the
rest of the day is gonna be cake.

You might have a couple of losses,
you might have a couple of strikeouts,

but shit, you already started the
day with a base hit, you know, so I'm

trying to instill that in them too.

Um, and so, I, I just, again, now, now
the, the level's totally changed, like,

I, I think I've reached a, um, uh, like
a comfort in terms of, like, my physical

growth, and still, I want my body to
change, I've never been in, in, in,

in a proc, in a process or a, a pro, a
fitness program long enough to, to bulk,

like, I don't even know what that's like.

So I want to try that at some point.

I don't think I'm really at, even
at the bottom of my cut, you know,

so I want to lose a little bit more,
get to like the single, single digit

body fat percentage and then see what
that's like to just, just for fun.


But to be honest, like my, my, my
level up still come with my family.

Am I serving them right?

Am I serving my wife?

Am I going to lower more bricks?

You know, that's still,
still my number one focus.

So, at the end of the day, it's
like, if I don't hit my macros, if

I don't, if I don't wake up early
to get my mind right, I know that

I'm not going to be able to do that.

I'm not going to serve
them in the correct way.

And so, um, because again, if I don't
hit my macros, I'm not going to feel

confident, I'm going to feel fucking low
level, like all those things, you know?

I gotta, I gotta hit all those, all those
base hits in order for me to serve them.


Ryan Carnohan: Okay.

In this selfless mindset.

You're the guy that, and we all aren't
really, right, but this is a really great

example of I'm gonna do this and then I
don't do it, or I don't do it perfectly.

What's your self talk in that moment?

Because you've had quite a few of those,
I would say, in your 18 months, you're

still here, and then Nutella's still
there, and your finger still happens to

just, you know, just pops in there, right?

So what separates you from maybe
the old you when that happens?

Or what do you see differently in men in
this group or around you when they put

their hand in the Nutella symbolically?

Brad Corbett: Mm hmm.

What's different about you?

You know, so I mean I try to live it I try
to preach the the comebacks more important

than the setback, you know and so that
recovery between you know that setback

and me before where I would Wallow and
go deep in that fucking hole of already

fucked up might as well fuck up for the
next seven days Might as well treat my, my

family like shit for a week, might as well
not hit my early morning wake ups, like

not hit my gym, my workout, my workouts,
like, again, slippery slope, right?

And so now it's like, no, stop being
a bitch, get back on track right away.

And that, and that's really
the difference, right?

And I think that's what experience
in this program brings you.

It's like, you're, you're, I mean,
the longer you're in the program,

the more you're going to fuck up.

It's just, it's just a numbers
game, you know, like 18 months,

that's a lot of fuck ups.

You know, and so, I think I'm at the
level now, like, I still, I still talk

negatively to myself, I call myself
a bitch, but that's fine, like, that,

that works for me, as far as self talk
goes, like, stop being a bitch, get

the fuck up, put that fucking jar away.

You know, like, you don't need that.

Stay hungry, you know, because
again, stay hungry is physically,

but it's also symbolic.

If I'm hungry, then
I'm, I'm fucking driven.

You know, if I'm satisfied,
then I'm content.

And when I'm too content,
I get comfortable.

And if I get comfortable, then I get lazy.

You know, so I'm trying to stay hungry,
symbolically, physically, you know,

because I know that that suffering is
good for me, it's good for my mind, if

I'm, if I'm selflessly staying hungry,
metaphorically, physically, then I know

that it's going to be about everyone else,
I can serve them, you know, and it's also

like, when I was physically hungry in the
past, I mean, I was a cranky motherfucker,

you know, you get hangry, right?

So that's, that's gone.

That's, that's the difference too.

It's like, when I'm hungry,
like, it's like progress.




And so, if you put it on that positive
spin, then all of a sudden it's like,

my, my hunger doesn't affect anyone else.

Because before, when I was hungry,
everyone else was affected.

It's like, just eat something you bastard,
because then you won't be such an asshole.

Now it's like, well, if he's
hungry, he must be hungry, because

he's actually treating us better.

So it's like, completely different,
it's the opposite now, it's insane.

So, I'm trying to stay hungry.

And that's the one thing that
day one is teaching me too.

It's like, you know,
don't stop being hungry.

If you stop being hungry,
you're going to go away.

Just like those other guys.

You got posted.

I'm content now.

I'm comfortable.

I'm good to go.

I'll see you guys later.

Ryan Carnohan: This is a perfect
example of what we say in here.

How what once was the trigger
that made you selfish.

The trigger of your selfishness becomes
the trigger of your selflessness.

Yeah, it's

Brad Corbett: magical.

It really is.

It's a, it's a, it's a, yeah, your
biggest demon is that's your biggest

asset now, you know, it's just crazy.

And so like, and so, and you know, I
really connect with, um, uh, shit, uh, Oh,

well, really anyone, you talk about your,
your, your other self, right, and actually

embracing that other self as opposed to
fighting him, you know, because I fought

him for most of, most of my time in this
program, like, you want to fucking go

toe to toe, let's fucking go, you know,
and sometimes I still want to, you know,

curb stomp his ass, but you know what,
to be honest, like, he's still inside

of me, you know, and if I go, you know,
Come on, come on this ride with me, you

motherfucker, you know, I still talk shit
to him, but come on this ride with me,

right, and you're gonna see me crush you,
but I'm not gonna crush you physically,

I'm just gonna crush you with my actions,
you know, and like, yeah, you're, you're,

you're my, you're my evil best friend,
but you're still gonna be with me this

whole way, you know, so I try to, I try
to, again, the whole concept of, you

know, your biggest devil is your biggest
asset, it's like, you know, he's my devil.

But you know what, he, he drives
me, sometimes in a positive way.

Um, I'm

Ryan Carnohan: looking at Kyle's
face this whole thing and now

he's got up and moving, so he's
probably gotta go somewhere.

But he can barely keep
together, it sounds like.

So I just want, I want to open Kyle up
a little bit, and I want to hear your

thoughts, Kyle, if you have a moment.

I know you just got moving,
you were sitting there for a

second, but I feel like there's
something that needs to be said.


Kyle Carnohan: Marley's got swim
lessons, it's really loud in there, so.

Ryan Carnohan: I started moving, he
escaped, he knew, he knew I was coming

for you, he knew I was coming for you.


Kyle Carnohan: Yeah, so uh, just like,
especially those of you that are newer,

just realize you just got two years of
superhuman father zoom calls in one,

like Brad just put on a fucking clinic
at a level which Thanks so much wisdom

and understanding that, and so much
self development and so much intuition,

um, and then being awake while life
is happening, like that's what, that's

what's required to sit here and be
able to spout knowledge like this.

Most of the world is asleep, and
uh, Brad's been awake, even though

he's had his struggles, he's been
awake this whole time, and uh,

it's easy to wake a man up for a moment.

It's, it's near impossible to keep
him awake, and um, Brad only lets

himself fall asleep for a moment, and
he's back, and um, there's something

real special there, you can see now,
what happens to you, over the course

of years, when you play this game.

A lot of you came here for a quick fix.

Doesn't exist.

Sure, guys come in here, 90 days, ripped.

But like he said, that was the body.

The mind and the heart get left behind.

You're fucked.

You'll go right back to where you started.

Which is why it's so important
to have the intent in this game.

Because there's a bunch of
ripped assholes out there.

It's not what we create here.

We just We just put the hook out there.

Yeah, bro.

You want to get ribbed, don't you?

Yeah, come join our fitness program.

And then we see what happens.

But yeah, I mean, I'm, I, I'm just elated.

I'm elated.

This whole thing, you
know, uh, I'm no different.

I got my fucking struggles.

Shit ain't easy for me.

Today's day one for me too, every day.

And so when I hear Brad speak those
words in his language, all these

lessons that we've been talking
about for years, it wakes me up.

It's like smelling salt.

You know, I have all kinds of thoughts
in my head of what I need to do better

and how I can show up with more power
and how I can adjust my systems.

So, I mean, thank you, Brad.

I couldn't be more proud.

Um, and um, I mean, it just, it
just, doesn't just make my day, it

makes all the struggles of the last
two years of building this shit

Ryan Carnohan: worth it.

If it was just Brad.

Brad Corbett: Fuck, man.

That's, that's fucking heavy, bro.

I really appreciate that.

Yeah, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: Um, and you notice
Kyle said something about being

awake, and those like Brad who
can stay awake, they're aware.

And they wake others up.

And that's what Brad does, man.

Like, that's why his squad killed it.

You should have heard the
messages he was sending me.

They were actually pretty kind.

But he's like, What the fuck, man?

There's my squad!


Aaron: know?

It's like,

Ryan Carnohan: You guys are
really screwing things up in here!

You don't

Brad Corbett: get it, man!

Our squad is crushing it!

We'll fucking dominate this

Ryan Carnohan: whole thing!

He goes, I say, Make it
Superhuman Fathers Squad.

But, But, um, I know
you guys have felt him.

And so anybody in here that has a
question, if you're new, because it's a

journey that never ends, it doesn't matter
where you are in the process or if you

just want to tell Brad how awesome he is.

Um, one thing I will say, Brad shows
up to the Dallas event, Kyle's speaking

for the first time, and all the energy
was self, all of it was selfless.

There was zero about me.

Look at me, I'm here.

Hey, come talk to me.

It was everything about the moment for
everybody else, and that just goes to

show the type of person he is, and I
know you guys felt that, so, let's go.

I think it was BJ, then Aaron.

Take it away.

Aaron: What's up, Brad?

What's up, buddy?

Congratulations, of course, you're
Savage, leader of our squad of

four, you know, we crushed the deal.

Ryan Carnohan: Just saying.


Aaron: but for real though,
man, I remember when I first

joined this deal, and I was like
looking for all my Texas boys.

I'm like, where are my Texas boys?

Where are my Texas boys?

And, uh, you actually reached out to me.

We ended up meeting at the
gym when I first met you.

We worked out.

I was like, damn, this
dude's fucking savage.

Like I'd be big as shit.

I'm like, I can't do
that much weight, bro.

I can't do that much.

But you're like, y'all,
you know, you pushed me.

I remember that and showed me
some new workouts and stuff.

And like, I had, I just felt like
you're like a friend I've known forever.

You know, like you just made me
feel right at home, you know, when

I was like vulnerable and going
through my shit, you know, and.

And then you've just been there this
whole time, man, got to see you again

in Dallas, looking forward to seeing you
again and, you know, and I can relate

with you in so many things with, you
know, and that, you know, the comeback,

you know, that's, that's my thing.

And you've.

Help me with that, you know, because, uh,
you know me, I fall, man, I fall fat on my

face, and I'm like, fuck, but, you know, I
gotta get back up, and I think of you when

I do, you know, do shit like that, like,
fuck, you know, I gotta get back, like, I

Ryan Carnohan: can't keep
staying in this little

Aaron: bullshit, you know, like,
I gotta bounce back, you know,

like you said, comebacks better
than the falldown or whatever.

And, uh, I'm just stoked for you bro,
like, I'm just, I'm hyped up, you got

me hyped up man, like, your story is
awesome and I'm, I'm so glad to be

running this with you man and can't
wait to see where it brings us and

can't wait to see you here soon man,
cause I gotta get my ass down there.

But, congratulations bro, I love you bro.


Brad Corbett: you, love you too buddy.

Aaron: Let's go squad

Brad Corbett: four baby!

Yeah, for life!

Ryan Carnohan: Ha ha ha!

We'll take Isaias, then Tim, then BJ.

Brad Corbett: What up Rod!

What up dude!

How you doing, man?


I'm great.


Isaias Coppiano: so happy to be
here in your transformation soon.

I just want to say how bad as you are.

I just want to say how I
appreciate, I love you, man.

I remember one time that, uh,
I was actually struggling with,

uh, my temper and my keto.

Uh, that's my, uh...

That's my Achilles tendon.

I don't know if you call
it like that in English.

That's my weakness.

And I saw you treating your kid
and talking with him and you were

in a Zoom and I just said, Dude,
I want to be like that guy, man.

And you inspired the hell out of me, man.

It's been crazy days for me.

It's getting better, so much better.

And you put a spark on my heart, man.

I saw you and I think it told you
like, Dude, thank you so much for that.

I also remember you putting
alcohol in the altar.

And I, and, and...

I know you're going to be able
to inspire so many and help so

many people in that sense, man.

I just want to tell you
that you're a savage, you're

appreciated, God bless you, man.

And it really makes me happy the
way you say that after getting

posted, you want to be here.

Because I've seen quite a few guys and
homies of mine, they're not here anymore.

Uh, you know what?

Because of your comment, I'm
going to start calling them out,

I'm going to give them a call.

And, uh, dude, fucking grateful
to know you, God bless you,

and thank you for every nugget

Brad Corbett: that you've given us.

Thank you, man.

And what's up with your fucking abs, bro?

Like, Jesus Christ, dude.

We got Zoolander in the
fucking house, dude.

This guy's fucking model status, dude.

It's crazy.

It's called youth.

Yeah, I guess so, man.

43 is not gonna, not gonna
happen for me, I guess.

Isaias Coppiano: I'm gonna have
to challenge that, boys, because

I've seen quite a few savages here.

They're like 45, 50.

They got like, they're
fucking shredded, man.

Corey Gollub.

You see this transformation,
this, the guy's a savage.

Brad Corbett: Actually, Brian's
fucking abs are off washboards, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: Dude,
Brian's abs are psycho.

Aw, dude.

Fucking gnarly, dude.

I'm gonna go do some sit ups right now.


Brad Corbett: What's up,

Aaron: guys?


Hey, it's AJ.

Oh, who's that?


Brad Corbett: AJ, I'm new.

What's up, buddy?

Hey, how's it going?

Just want to thank you guys all for
letting, I'm a little late to this

meeting, but I'm trying to catch
up with all you, you young guys.

And, uh, I'm, I'm struggling getting
started with, uh, with, with work and,

and finding time and, and all that stuff.

But whenever I, I, I talked to you
guys last time, I got really pumped up.

So, really new, haven't done any of the
exercises, haven't been doing anything.

But Ryan still, still sends me
these, uh, love notes all the time,

whichever pumps me up all the time.

So, I need, I need everybody's help so
I can get started on this journey and,

and be, uh, jacked up like you guys.

Well, you know what the hardest
part about going to the gym is?

The front door.

Yeah, going to the gym.


Ryan Carnohan: know, so.

Let's go.

Hey, Squad 4?

Hey, Squad 4?

Squad 4?

Put them in.

Yeah, well, well, well, well,
hey, um, I'll give you their info.

They're gonna mob you, okay?


Brad Corbett: great.

Alright, AJ?

Are you ready, bro?

Let's go.

You gotta get fucking serious, dude.

Ryan Carnohan: They love you, bro.

Let's go, dude.

Let's go.

All right, go ahead, Tim.

Hit it, dude.

What's up, man?

Hey, Squad 4 representing.

Fuck yeah.

Brad, dude, I appreciate you so much, man.

Like, uh, you

Aaron: were like, uh, you know, in the
beginning when I first signed up, Ryan

was the hype man for me, you know, and
it helped, and it came a time where

I had to wean off of that, and it was
great, because at some point you gotta...

Figure it out on

Ryan Carnohan: your own.

Mm-Hmm, and the squad.


Well, he told like, I don't
need messages from you anymore.

Yeah, I, I,

Brad Corbett: because I did, you

Aaron: know, it's like I gotta, I
gotta be able to sustain myself.

I gotta figure it out.

Like, the motivation is great,
but at some point, you know, the

motivation's only gonna last for so
long, and I needed to find that for my,

Ryan Carnohan: my own self.

And so the

Aaron: squads were created at the
perfect time because Brad was you,

you know, it's like he'd send out the
messages and, and, uh, he wasn't afraid

to call you out and it just kind of

Ryan Carnohan: became, you know, we all
just took that, that, uh, example and, and

Aaron: flourished.

And so, Brad, man, you're stud.

I just appreciate you.

And your example and your
transformation is just amazing.

Thanks, Tim.

Brad Corbett: Tim's next, bro.

He's fucking next.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go.

I think it was BJ, then we'll do
Brian, Mike, and then Michael.

Did we lose?

Did we lose you, BJ?

Brad Corbett: BJ, what happened?


I just talked to him like an hour ago.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, okay, perfect.

He doesn't need to say shit then.

Brian, go.

Brian: He's, he's out counting
railroad ties or something

Brad Corbett: important right now.

Brian: Uh, hey, no, Brad, I
just, real quick, I just wanted

to say, uh, you know, you and I
connected after my transformation.

Uh, we talked about alcohol and kind of
that hard decision of giving that up.

And, uh, you know, we connected in Dallas.

Um, you know, super proud
to be here with you.

Um, super proud to know you, super
proud of your transformation.

And, um, I think, uh, I'm so glad I
talked about this in my transformation

and you obviously touched on it tonight.

I think there is so much value
for the newer guys to know that

this is not an easy journey.

And, you know, I got stuck in the
middle on my transformation until I lit

a fire under my ass and really pulled
things out and I look back on it and I

appreciate it now because my end goal
was never to get posted, which means,

you know, since I got posted, whatever.

Little over two months ago.

I haven't lost the fire
one fucking bit, man.

As a matter of fact, I've turned it up and
I'm probably burning too many calories,

but that's a problem for my coaches to
figure out my fucking macros for me.

But anyway, I just wanted to
say super proud of you, man.

I'm super stoked for you.

Uh, I know it's been a long
road between Wes and here,

but, uh, you fucking made it.

And if you got any, if you got any,
uh, problems along the way, you know,

you got some good guys to reach out
to and help keep you accountable.


Brad Corbett: Thanks, brother.

Hey, uh, I want to
correct you on one thing.

I've, I'll never make it.

Oh, that a

Aaron: boy.

Brian: There's, there's, I, I view
it like, you know, there's like

making it to certain levels and
then it's like, okay, I'm here.

Now what?

Now it's the next fucking level.

And then the next fucking level.

It's, it's Tetris, right?

It just, it's Tetris.

Those things just keep
fucking falling into place.

You never finish that

Brad Corbett: game.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.


All right.

We'll take, we'll take Uh, let's see.

Mike, then Michael, and then Serge.

Brad Corbett: Is that
is that me, as in Mike?

That's you, dude.

Okay, cool.

Ryan Carnohan: That's

Brad Corbett: you.

Get it.

Brad, I just wanted to, uh, hop
on real quick and just express

my my gratitude for you, bro.

Uh, I posted...

Like, I don't know, two, two months
ago that I was struggling with my

early morning wakeups and just out of
nowhere, like, just very quickly, you

just responded, Hey man, I got you.

And I was even looking just to hit the
5am and you're like, well, I'm in Texas,

I'm an hour behind you, I wake up at 3.

30, you're up at 4.

30 now.

And, um, the last couple days, I,
I, I'll be honest, I, I have, I've

fallen behind, but you're still there.

You just show up for me, dude,

Aaron: and

Brad Corbett: I just want to
say I appreciate you, man,

really appreciate everything.

You're, you're, you're inspiring
me, and you're just, you're very

selfless, and you, you really do,
um, live and breathe everything that

this, um, this group is all about.

Talks about

Aaron: like your exemplary dude.

Brad Corbett: I really appreciate you.

Just wanted to say that.

Thanks, Mike.

You're the best bro.

What's up, Brad?

Ryan Carnohan: I think I'm next
Hey guys, Michael McDaniel here.

I've been a part of the group for

Aaron: been here for about four
months And I think this first

time I've ever spoken on zoom.

I I live and breathe zoom every

Ryan Carnohan: day for work so

Aaron: I typically hide in the shadows
here, but Brad's impact and influence on

Ryan Carnohan: my life in
a short three or four weeks

Aaron: uh, justified me coming on

Ryan Carnohan: here to, to give him
an attaboy, um, Brad as the leader of

Aaron: our squad and a fellow Texan,
uh, is the epitome of a leader, um, a

selfless leader, at least by example.

Uh, I've been just blown
away at his discipline.

I know that every single day, as
many savages as we have on squad

four, we all miss here and there,
our wake up post or our macro post.

But Brad doesn't.

Brad Corbett: I don't know if

Ryan Carnohan: I've seen him miss yet.

Maybe once.


Aaron: Uh, but I

Brad Corbett: know every single day.

I did this once and I
was like, well fuck it.

We have a, we have a punishment.

It's 100 burpees no matter what.

And so, uh, one to bring up too is is
one thing that makes Squad 4 so strong

is that when one guy has to do 100
burpees we all gotta do 100 burpees.


Ryan Carnohan: So, uh, Yeah, I know I

Aaron: normally get up

Ryan Carnohan: around

Aaron: 5, sometimes 5.


Occasionally I get a wild
hair and I'll get up at 3.


Ryan Carnohan: I'll get up at 2 sometimes.

That dude

Aaron: is just automatic, 3.

30 every single day.

And then when he posts his macros,
I mean, he's within one or two

percentage points on every level.

I'm feeling good about

Ryan Carnohan: myself if
I'm within five or even ten.

And so he just sets the bar.

Aaron: He lives by example,
but he's a humble leader.

And he truly embraces what it is to serve

Ryan Carnohan: his people.

Aaron: He's constantly looking to give
back and help anybody that needs a hand.

And so I just want to
congratulate you, Brad.

Thank you for the leadership that you've
given me, the motivation, encouragement,

and probably more than anything, the

Ryan Carnohan: accountability.

So, uh,

Aaron: excited to continue
following your journey and

Ryan Carnohan: glad to be your brother.

Brad Corbett: Thank you, Michael.

Brother for life, dude.

Aaron: Can I jump in?

Mike, well said.

Um, guys, I've been in the
program for a long time.

I've been hiding in the
shadows for a long ass time.

And I want to thank Brad.

You pulled me out, brother.

You pulled me out of the shadows.

I've been here for quite some time.

As a matter of fact, this
is the first time I'm ever

speaking in front of the group.

You know, I've ever spoken
in front of the group.

And, uh, I was lost, brother.

And I can't thank you enough.

Squad 4 was, I mean...

It's exactly what I needed at the right
time, and, um, I'm sorry, I'm a little

emotional about it because, man, it's,
it's, it's been a short, short time since,

since Squad 4 started up, but holy shit,
is my, has my life changed, my mind has

Brad Corbett: changed.

Aaron: The body as a result is changing,
but I can't thank you enough, man.

All the credit goes to you.

You are a selfless person.

Early on in squad four, I remember like
messaging that I fucked up my macros.

You hit me with, listen, I
got a hundred burpees for you.

And I was like, what,
what the fuck is that?

Like this guy's going
to do a hundred burpees.

Am I, am I getting punked?

I'm like, what the fuck is going on here?

And that wasn't the case at all, man.

You were just, you're carrying
me till I could carry myself.

How long?

I could stand on my own two feet and I
can't thank you enough for that, brother.

I really, really appreciate it.

You do.

You lead by example.

Like Mike said, you're
there every fucking day.

Nothing but love and respect, bro.

Brad Corbett: Thank you.

Thank you, Serge.

You're the best,

Ryan Carnohan: dude.


Serge, you're awesome, by the way.

Let's go.

We'll try

Brad Corbett: this one more time.

Aaron: Can y'all hear

Brad Corbett: me?

Yeah, third time's a charm, bro.

Squad 4 is kind of like the Wish.

com version of Squad 1 before

Ryan Carnohan: we get going here.

Brad Corbett: I'm just messing with y'all.

Kyle Carnohan: I got you.

Brad Corbett: Hey, you've
always been a real one, man.

I just wanted you to know, uh, first
and foremost, ever since we connected,

I always appreciate your authenticity.

And, uh, I thank you being here so
long and having all those issues,

you know, should be championed.

And, uh, I don't have much time, but I
was gonna, I was gonna say for some of

these new guys, there's a lot of guys
that's got issues like we all probably do.

But I was just gonna ask you, you
know, for a lot of the new guys here,

Um, some of these mental hurdles that
you're going to have to go through

not just one or two days a week, but
sometimes four or five, six days a

week, you know, um, maybe a nugget or
two to get like on the mental side of

what they're going to have to overcome.

You know, so they can hang in
there and, uh, not give up after

the first couple weeks or, you
know, the first month or whatever,

Aaron: because you, you

Brad Corbett: did it brother.


I mean, I would just ask who the fuck you
want to be, you know, do you want to be a

you want to still be at this level like,
like you, and that's what that's what

it kind of bummed me out about about the
squads to is like we had probably like.

We had a pretty good, well, there's
about three or four guys that just never

connected and it's like guys, number one,
you paid all this money, that's number

one, number two, you made, you pulled
the trigger because you wanted to change

your life, you know, so what's, what's
the hang up, you know, obviously I had my

struggles and hurdles like going through
the program, but like, you just can't

give up man, keep going, keep going,
keep going, keep going, you know, and

who the fuck do you want to be, you know,
I don't want to be that person I was 18

months ago, you know, I'm a different
person now, I can't wait to see what

I'm going to be in 18 months from now.

Let's go.


Ryan Carnohan: Rob, what you got?

Brad Corbett: Hey, first of
all, congratulations, Brad.

I was looking today at the picture and
I was saying like, fucking hell, I mean,

it's like I was going to ask you what was
your, your steroids prescription, right?

No, but seriously speaking, so I want
to ask you like mentally, from when

you joined like 18 months ago, you
kind of had that envisioned already.

And I wanted to ask you whether
at any point in your younger

years, you had a body like that?

Or this is like first time that you see
all this and if it's like and also in

your mind if like this idea of getting
there is like something that you built

up with Ryan and the guys or you like
already, you know, we're going there

and yeah, I've never I've been in
the best shape of my life physically.

By far, by far.

I mean, I just showed you my
posted picture with Wes, right?

And at that point I was, uh, 159,
so I was actually less weight than

I am now, uh, but not nearly ripped,
like, my abs are barely showing,

um, yeah, best shape of my life.

I've worked out most of my adult life,
but I never really knew what I was doing.

You know, I'd go, kind of
like, uh, yeah, uh, you know?

And so, uh, and so, you know, to get
back to your question, it's like, Um,

you know, and, and I'll, and I'll, I,
I was, I was forward with Chris too.

I said, so I said, Chris, uh, to be
honest, like I don't, I don't follow your

workouts to ATI, uh, I combine a lot of
your workouts 'cause I like a push day.

I like a pull day.

I like a leg day.

And then I like to offset those with,
with like, like AM for like, you know,

some kind of like high, uh, high interval.


Uh, cardio, that kind of thing.

And so he's like, well, what
are you telling me, dude?

You do, you do the full chest workout
and the, and the shoulder workout in one?

I'm like, that's, that's
what I'm telling you.

You know?

And so, you know, it's
like a full push day.

And I, and I said, I don't, I
don't do a separate arm day too.

So I, I, I do tries too.

I do chest, shoulders, and tries.

And he goes like, well,
you do the full thing?

And I'm like, yeah.

Yes, that's what, that's what I do.

And so, one reason I wake up so
early too is I, I gotta, I gotta

spend two hours on that, on that
chest shoulder day because to do all

of them, it takes a long ass time.

You know, um, and it's just, you know,
that, you know, I add two and a half

pounds, I add a rep, I add two and a half
pounds, I add a rep, I add two and a half

pounds and that shit adds up and adds up
and adds up to the point where you're,

you know, hack squatting 710 pounds.

Holy cow.

And that's the thing.

It's like I, like, I literally can't,
I've tried so many times this program and

I used to be able to squat like pretty
heavy, but I can't put my arms back

back here with a, with a bar anymore.

And so I'm like, well, the hack
squats are activating the same

muscles, um, just in a different way.

And I'm able to push more.

And so now I'm running out of
room in that fucking bar, bro.

That's awesome.

Ryan Carnohan: That's awesome.

Yeah, I worked out a leg day with them.

It was, it was

Brad Corbett: monstrous.


And so yeah, so I'm
stronger than ever before.

I'm physically fit and ever before.

I'm more connected to my, my
emotions more than ever before.

I'm more spiritual than ever before.

Um, I, I, I can see, I can see
the big picture when it comes

to people more than ever before.

There's just so, there's just
so many different levels, man.

So many different level ups
of, of just transformations.

Like, like I'll, like I'll catch
myself, I'm like, shit, I'm really

thinking about that differently.

There must be a transformation.

You know?

There's like 15 of them, dude.

Like, I, like, I love, like, I, I, like,
I look forward to my cold showers now.

I love it.

Love it.

It kind of sucks because in Texas, it's
so damn hot, you can't, you can't get

COVID, you know, and so, but yeah, oh
my God, I get in there, it's alive.

I'm like, whoa, alive.

Ryan Carnohan: Awesome.


Thank you.

Thank you.

We're gonna have to cut that
and make it a soundbite.

That was beautiful.

Chris, go dude.

Hey man,

Aaron: I'll be, I'll be real quick.

My phone's about to die, but I
just wanted to say thanks, man,

for being a great example tonight.

I mean, hearing your story helps a

Brad Corbett: ton.

As some of you guys know, I've been,
I've been struggling on and off, you

know, overall, I've been crushing
it, honestly, the last few weeks and

Aaron: stuff and, uh, since I started, but
I've had some struggles the last, the last

Brad Corbett: couple weeks,
some definite down times.

Ryan reached out yesterday,
which was super helpful, but, uh,

Aaron: hearing someone like
you that's just obviously

Brad Corbett: crushed it, murdered
it, had massive success, talk about

your down times, uh, also make, it's
an inspiration because it lets me

Aaron: know that, You know,
those days come and just battle

through them and, and, uh,

Brad Corbett: and I just, I just
want to say thanks for sharing, man.

I appreciate it.

Thank you, Chris.

Appreciate that, dude.

So, I hope I, I hope I helped
some people and I think I have.

It's funny because, uh, Ryan in typical
Ryan fashion told me about two hours ago

and was like, Dude, I need someone to be
the fucking, on Transformation Tuesday.

And I'm like, shit!

I, uh, I thought I was going to
have time to prep, you know, but

I guess, I guess, I don't know.

I guess it came out of me regardless, so.

This is better.

Thanks for forcing

Kyle Carnohan: me to do it.

Hey, you were in, you were in Dallas, bro.

You know how we

Brad Corbett: roll . I know.

Damnit . I was like, you bastard.

Okay, I'll do, I'll do
it Too much prep time.

Kyle Carnohan: It'll fuck

Brad Corbett: everything up.

I know, exactly.

I'm surprised you didn't talk about,
uh, what, uh, say again, steroids.

Kyle Carnohan: Uh, what is it?

Chigger, Steroids, and Jesus.


Brad Corbett: That's right.

I almost went

through, bro.

Hell yeah.

Oh, thanks again.

I can't thank this program enough.

I can't thank you enough, Kyle, Ryan,
Chris, all my fucking savages of

Squad 4, you know, BJ, um, all those
guys that have reached out to me.

Um, that I, that allowed me to
talk to them, to gain some wisdom

from them, um, I, for life, bro.

You guys, you guys have
changed me forever.

There's, there's no turning back now.

It's too late.

So, thank you so much.

Yeah, and,

Aaron: and, thank you, thank you,

Kyle Carnohan: man, for, um, again,
taking the name of Superhuman

Fathers and putting it right next
to the word un fucking deniable.

Fuck yeah.

And that's where, a place where people
need to go, where they know that.

Because that's going to instill the
belief in them because all these struggles

that you've been through every man's
gonna hit these They're gonna hit these

brick walls that are insurmountable
in the current form that they're in.

There's no fucking way
they can do it Here's Brad.

He's like just keep trucking dog.

Brad Corbett: Yeah, that's
it one foot forward.

Kyle Carnohan: So that's it,
dude I'll pass off to Ryan Ryan.


Ryan Carnohan: you there?

Oh, we're done dude.

We'll end it.

That was beautiful All right.

Kyle Carnohan: Love you guys.

Absolute absolute clinic I can't wait
till that one's a podcast and I can't

wait to put that one out to the world.

Watch out.

What a, what a

Aaron: epic night.

Hey Squad 4, please reach out
man, cause 16 was uh, pretty

silent and I'd love to hear from

Brad Corbett: all you guys.

I don't know if you want this fire, bro.

Oh, I

Aaron: want it.

I want it, baby.

Let's go.

Brad Corbett: All right.

All right, guys.


Ryan Carnohan: you so much.

I'll connect you guys.



Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Justin Koeppen: I couldn't give
everything my fan to my family.

So I was like, okay, well,
let me wake up at three.

And still I was like, you know what?

I can give more.

Um, and it kind of pushed
into two 45, sometimes two 30.

Um, and what I noticed is I was, uh, I
was just as alert and awake at two 30 in

the morning, two 45 in the morning, as I
was at five, five 30 in the morning, six

o'clock in the morning, um, I felt better.

Because I was, when my head hit the
pillow at nine, ten o'clock, um, at

night, I might have only gotten four
and a half, five hours of sleep,

but, um, I was actually getting
the exact same amount of sleep.

My deep sleep, my REM cycle, my, all my,
what I wasn't doing is I'm not waking

up in the middle of the night anymore.