National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 28th of June 2024.
New figures from NHS England show the admirable level of performance being achieved in general practice, but also have health leaders concerned that they evidence the unrelenting and unsustainable pressure on GPs. NHSE’s May statistics indicate that GP teams delivered around 30.5 million appointments in the month, which is approximately 5.2 million more than the same month in 2019.
Chair at the Royal College of General Practitioners, Professor Kamila Hawthorne, said: “These latest figures are further evidence of the unsustainable pressure on general practice, with buckling GP practices delivering more and more appointments, yet with fewer doctors.” Prof Hawthorne highlights that the aforementioned appointments were delivered with 480 fewer fully qualified, full-time equivalent GPs than in the December of 2019.

Politicians have been urged to step up by the leader of the Royal College of Midwives and stamp out racism in maternity care for good. The RCM highlights the “growing body of evidence” that pregnancy outcomes for non-white women and those from marginalised groups are worse, emphasising that no person’s experience should be different and that maternity services should reflect the needs of the communities they serve and the staff therein.
The RCM’s CEO, Gill Walton, said: “We will continue our work to make maternity care better for these women and their babies, but we cannot do it alone. Politicians and policy makers need to urgently step up too. The work must be underpinned by investment for improved training and support for all those staffing maternity services.”

The next generation of NHS professionals are benefitting from world-leading facilities at Swansea University, with the higher education institute boasting the largest installation of immersive wall technology in the world across its two sites. The university’s simulation and immersive learning centre main campus site houses eight immersive wall simulation suites, which are supported by a team of simulation technologists and expert academics — an extra three suites are located at the university’s North Wales campus too.
The technology is also being used by health boards in Wales, according to Swansea University, helping to further develop the existing NHS workforce, as well as its future recruits.
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