Modeling Success

Join Rian Donatelli in the "Modeling Success" podcast as she reveals the key to excelling as a Brand Ambassador: setting clear goals for every promotion. Learn how clarity, accountability, and alignment with broader objectives form the foundation for your journey to success. Gain insights on purpose-driven goal-setting, measuring achievements, and the flexibility to adapt and grow. Don't miss this episode's invaluable tips for both brand success and personal development.

What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Modeling Success. It's me, Ryan Donatelli. And today, we are going to dive into setting clear goals for every promotion that you execute. We are going to dive into the crucial aspects of becoming a successful brand ambassador and setting clear goals for every promotion. We're going to explore why having a well defined goal is the cornerstone to success, and having a well defined goal is the foundational and an essential element that supports or leads us to success as brand ambassadors.

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So step 1 is the power of purpose. Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a promotion and unsure of what you're trying to achieve? It's the common challenge. But here's the thing, having a clear goal gives you and your efforts purpose and direction. It's like a road map that guides you towards success.

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So often we are out in the field and we never are given goals, so we need to set them for ourselves first and foremost so we can be working towards achieving something. 2nd is to consider why you are in the promotion or account that you're in. What could be the goal for the brand in the brand eyes? Or if you're in an on premise account, look around and notice if you're representing a tequila, what does the competition look like? Are you in a high tequila account?

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Are you in a low volume tequila account and could be the number one tequila in the in the building? Think about these things when you approach and look at your surroundings as to what the purpose could have been in the scenario that you have been put in, and then identify goals for yourself. It could be as simple as gaining 50 followers for the social media account or increasing sales by x amount or selling x amount of bottles in that off premise account. Set these goals for yourself, and then in the future and at the end of the event, you can showcase what the goal was that you set for yourself, what you achieved, and next time you can strive to do better and bigger things when you're at your own promotions. Step 2, the 3 p's of goal setting.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to setting goals for promotions, I like to break it down into 3 p's. Purpose, precision, and progress. Purpose defines why you're doing it. Precision ensures you set specific measurable goals and progress is all about tracking your journey towards these goals. So again, what I already said before, when you call out your own goals based off the situation you've been put in, think about yourself from the brand's eyes as to why you're in the building, what you what tools you do have.

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If you have a social media handle, if you know there's a digital marketing campaign that's happening, if there's a commercial out there with a specific hashtag that they're using, lean on these other elements that you know the brand is investing in in the marketplace with consumers and try to create that full 3 60 solution at your events. Number 3, aligning goals with objectives. Your goals should align with broader objectives of the promotion and your brand. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, capturing data, boosting sales, your goal should be a strategic part of the bigger picture. Number 4 is clarity and accountability.

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A well defined goal leaves no room for vagueness. It is crystal clear what you're working towards. Additionally, when you have a clear goal, you can hold yourself accountable, which is essential for continuous improvement. So like I said, when you reach these goals you set for yourself, you will become bigger and better with your next goals and your next objectives. So always ask the agency first and foremost what is the goal of the promotion.

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If they give you some in insight, utilize that. If you feel you can go bigger and more broad spectrum, do that as well. Then in the recap, showcase what you set for yourself and what the goals and what the tracking measurables were against those goals. Number 5, obviously, measuring success. One of the beautiful things about having a goal is that it provides a benchmark for success.

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You'll know exactly when you've achieved what you set out to do, and you can celebrate those milestones along the way. This will be a big pat on the back. It will show you that you can raise your belief lid. You can create bigger goals for yourself next time, and you will know what the environment that you're set in, what you're truly capable of reaching. Number 6, adapting and learning.

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Setting goals doesn't mean being inflexible. It's okay to adapt and learn from your experiences. If you find that your initial goal wasn't realistic or needs adjustment, do not hesitate to pivot and refine your approach. You will then be able to move forward with a clear direction and reaching those goals and then setting bigger ones that are achievable in all of your promotions. Every time you achieve your goal, you should increase the goal.

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So if you achieve selling 6 bottles, next time make it 7. Make it 8 if you're feeling ambitious. If you know you're there during a high traffic time, set it for 10. You cannot get to where you're going if you do not have a plan, so you will need a plan when you start your activation so you can achieve your goals. And number 7 are benefits for brand ambassadors.

Speaker 1:

As a brand ambassador, setting clear goals isn't just about achieving success for the brand, it's about your own growth and development. Each promotion becomes an opportunity to hone your skills and become a more effective and better brand ambassador. So remember that setting clear goals for every promotion is your secret weapon. It's not just about modeling success, Do Do you want to explore more about goal setting and to achieving success as a brand ambassador? Be sure to check out TalentBook for education on how to grow and scale in the brand ambassador business in the alcohol industry.

Speaker 1:

This can be found at w ww.tbmasterclass.comtalentbookmasterclass. And until next time, keep setting goals and modeling success in everything you do, and I will see you on the other side.