Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 / The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile mishap, our kids think Chantel is stealing their laundry, Chantel got stuck in her shirt, the biscuit basin explosion, self evaluations, we took a tour of the MFC facility at the INL, our weird google searches, and the joys of escape room games.

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It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, July 24th. On today's show, we talked about the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile mishap. My kids think I'm stealing their laundry. I got stuck in my shirt, the biscuit basin explosion, self evaluations, we took an INL tour, our weird Google searches, and playing escape room games.

Hey. Thanks for listening. You can catch the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show.

Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel. Hey there. Good morning. Hey. Today is Wednesday.

It is Wednesday. It is the 24th July. It would be pioneer day today. Oh, that's correct. Yep.

So there is a lot to say about pioneer day. If you know, you know. If you don't, you should learn a little bit. Some people went through quite the turmoil Mhmm. To move across the country.

So, there you go. Pioneer day today, it's a big a big deal for a lot of people. National Tell an Old Joke Day. Do you have an old joke? Oh, the only one I can think of is a knock knock joke that I've been saying for a while.

Mhmm. The so there's knock knocks. There's why the chicken crossed the road. That's old joke. Trying to think of some other old ones.

Hear my knock knock joke? Oh, sure. Knock knock. Who's there? Cargo.

Cargo who? Cargo vroom vroom. Yes. It do. Well done.

Well done. Hey. It's National Cousins Day. Okay. Yeah.

I got some cousins. I've got a lot of cousins. Mhmm. I've got 35 cousins. Insane.

They're a lot. I have a lot of cousins. 35 cousins? Yes. I have, like, let's see, 2.

You have, like, 6. 6. Is that it? I don't know, Josh. It's your family.

I'm mine. I don't have I don't have that many. That's for sure. Let's see. National drive thru day.

Oh. So, you know, grab a grab a meal on the go. It is National Amelia Earhart Day. Oh, I love Amelia Earhart. God, I sure wish I could know what happened to her.

I love a good mystery, but I also wanna know what happened. What what What happened? Lots of lots of theories about what might have happened around Amelia. What do you think happened? Not Bermuda Triangle.

You don't? No. I don't. That? You don't?

Why don't you think that? I don't know. I think, Lost Island. The the the island probably show. Yeah.

Okay. Not like some random lost island. It would be island. Could be a lost island. Yeah.

Maybe she was just like, I'm sick of this place. I gotta go find somewhere new. Nice. I'll land there. Yeah.

Who knows? Happily living our life. Yeah. Today is talk to us day. It's, important observance that encourages open communication and emotional expression, reminding people to connect, share your thoughts, and support one another.

Talk to us, Day. Talk to us. Talk to us. Talk to us. They talk to us.

Yeah. That's what's happening on your, Wednesday, July 24th. Good morning. The Olympics are coming? Yes.

When do when do the, Paris Olympics start? The opening ceremony is Friday. Okay. And Celine Dion is going to be be performing at the opening ceremony. Guess how much she's getting paid for what?

I don't know. One song. Which song is she singing? Do you know? No.

Okay. But she's gonna sing one song? How much is she getting paid? $2,000,000. No way.

Way. No way. Way. That's unbelievable. For one song.

But it's kind of exciting because she's been kind of out of the spotlight for a while. Well, she's been doing the Vegas residency thing. And she's been, like, ill. Right? Didn't she have an illness?

I'm sure. She's been doing a residency? Yeah. I haven't been keeping up with Celine Dion. I'm gonna be honest.

I just haven't heard anything, but I thought she had an illness. I don't remember. I'm trying to see remember remember remember remember. Okay. I just looked it up.

This is her first performance since she stepped away from the stage in 2022. So she hasn't been doing a residency. I see. Well, her res her residency ended in 2019. So it it ran for 8 years.

She had a residency in Vegas. But She's been out of the spotlight for 2 years, and then she was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome. I knew is that? I knew she had an illness. See?

I know my Celine Dion. Okay. I got it. Alright. So we've got, 2 days, 5 hours, and some minutes until the the opening ceremony, it says here.

So, what is our time zone difference? Because they're probably gonna air the opening ceremony delayed, I would imagine. What's your favorite thing to watch? In the summer games? Yeah.

Well, I'm I don't even know for sure. There's so many things. I really like the swimming. I think swimming is very interesting to There's lots of swimming. What type of swimming?

Synchronized? No. I like that. I try to I try to synchronize swim with my family when we go swimming. Nobody wants to do it.

Yeah. Not artistic swimming. No. It's not that. There's so much in here.

Like, I'm just looking through this. There's, all the gymnastics stuff is is cool. Basketball is in here. And they do a 3 on 3 basketball. So not even just like the full team thing.

Uh-huh. They do a 3 on 3, which is kinda cool. You got beach volleyball in there, plus plus, I believe, other volleyball. Yep. The triathlon, tennis is in there, Taekwondo, surfing.

Skateboarding is, is something that's in there now, which is really cool. Judo is in here. Yeah. Field hockey, handball, golf. Okay.

I'm this is all cool. You're gonna have to watch. The weightlifting stuff is always interesting because just people from all over the world lifting heavy stuff. Hey. That's cool.

Snoop Dogg is apparently going to be carrying the Olympic torch. Yeah. At some point. Yeah. That'll be happening.

He's the second to last torch bearer, but there's no word on who he's going to hand it off to. Oh. So he's not the last. He's the second to last. Wow.

So I don't know who's gonna be the last. Like I don't know. Snoop Dogg is a big name. They're gonna have to get somebody I think he's doing a comment a commentary thing. No.

Yeah. Yeah. Him and Kevin Hart do, commentary on stuff, and and it's hysterical to watch. I was gonna say I saw last night, yesterday, the, IOC, the Olympic Committee. Uh-huh.

They officially approved for the future, esports as an Olympic sport. Really? That's humongous. That's boring to watch, though. No way.

That's it it's incredible to watch. Depending on the game they're playing, it's it's really cool to watch. Have you not watched esports with our son? No. You should watch some esports.

It's very intense to watch these teams, play through these these campaigns on these games. It's wild to watch. It's wild. And now it's, officially an Olympic event, and I think that's pretty cool. I think it sounds kinda boring, honestly.

Stick around till winter, and then you can watch curling. That's a blast. Just a couple of days away, though. Cool. I did see that, the the the officials in Paris did swim in that river.

Have you heard about all that? No. Oh, if you haven't heard about the river the river swim Oh. That's quite the ordeal. But, apparently, it's clean and safe to swim in.

Oh, good. I'd rather have a pool myself. But, the the pool swimming happens, but they do these long distance swims. And when they do the triathlons and stuff, they have to swim across this river. But this river is filthy.

Ew. Like, very gross and unsafe to swim in until they cleaned it up. How do they clean it up? I don't know. I don't even know.

Oh, no. But the government officials went swimming in it to say, no. Look. It's safe. We're in it.

Don't swim in it. Now I'm nervous for all the people involved. In Illinois Uh-huh. There was a car crash. Hold on.

I gotta figure out how to say this without giving too much information away. Okay. There was a car. It rolled over a little past 11 AM on Monday after it hit a Hyundai Sedan while heading north. It lost control and then overcorrected and landed on its side.

The car that rolled over is the Wienermobile. No way. Meyer Wienermobile. No way. Way.

Did ketchup and mustard get spilled everywhere? What happened? You know, that is a 23 foot long vehicle. I know. I've seen it in person.

That's a long It's a beast. I don't know if it's it's probably top heavy too, which probably helped cause it to flip over. Yeah. I guess. I don't know.

They don't have I haven't been inside. Have you been inside it? Yeah. You have? Yeah.

What's it like inside? It's sort of it's got benches and, you know, places to, like, sit and, I don't know, do what. But Do they have hot dogs inside? No. No.

They have, Oscar Mayer merch and mini whistles and stuff. Oh, no. Where I got mine. Little whistles all over that hallway. What I'm saying.

That's Oh, man. The bad news. I've also been inside the Planter Peanut, the big peanut mobile. Look at you. I know.

Did you know, and I found this out yesterday. It's very timely. They took a Mini Cooper and turned it into a little wienermobile. Oh, no. No.

That's so cute. It's pretty cute. You gotta look it up. It's the Mini Cooper wienermobile. Mhmm.

And, and it's pretty fantastic. It's just a little tiny one, that cruises around That's awesome. Next to the big one. The highway was shut down for more than an hour while authorities investigated why the Oscar Mayer Wiener bill had flipped over. The company said solo accident.

No. He hit a Hyundai Oh, that's you said that. Hyundai. Hyundai. Hyundai.

Hyundai. Okay. It lost control, overcorrected, and then flipped over on its side. That's what happened. I see.

Everybody involved was safe. There were no injuries. The company added that it's offering its ongoing support for our hotdoggers, which are what they call the people who drive. Yep. So poor hotdoggers.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile whistles everywhere, all along the highway. What what noise did they make? How did I know you were gonna play this? Well, you gave me a reason to play the hot dog song. It is my fault.

You're right. Alright. Good morning. How did you see the peanut mobile? When did you see that?

Oh, they come to visit sometimes. No. You you don't I've got pictures of me with the peanut and me with the hot dog. A couple of times, I've seen the Wiener mobile. I know I've seen you.

I know that I know that you've seen the Wiener Mobile. What? It's early. Back off. Uh-huh.

But I didn't know you saw the peanuts. The the planter peanut peanut mobile? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know that.

Yeah. They come to town sometimes. Lucky. Lucky. What other food mobiles are there?

I better look them up. Maybe I need to go on a food mobile tour. Look them. Alright. Find out.

I gotta introduce you to 10 year old Becca Banes. Okay. She is from Iowa, and she has a special gift. She is an expert at growing flowers, trees, and produce Oh. In her greenhouse.

I need her to come help me. She's really good at it. She said, I just like to watch stuff grow. Oh, me too. Which is the best.

Right? I like that too. So she has turned this gift into a thriving business called Becca's Greenhouse and Nursery. Once a year, she organizes a big sale and allows customers to purchase and enjoy the plants that she raises. So flowers, produce, trees, you come buy them.

And each year, she chooses one place where she donates some of the profits. This time around, she donated $400 to UnityPoint Health St. Luke's Hospice Unit Oh. Which recently helped her family through some difficult times. She said we had our last sleepover with my grandpa before he passed away in there, so I decided to donate some money to that just to help people that are about to pass away.

Oh. Again, she's 10 years old. What's her name? Her name is Becca. Becca.

And her donation will help the staff at the hospital provide comfort to others just like they provided comfort to her family. Becca explained, I like to donate because I like to help people, and they have all helped my family somehow. Becca, that's amazing. Becca is doing it right. Becca's doing it.

Donated $400 of her profits to, to a great organization there, that hospice unit, in Iowa. And now she's got a whole another season of plant growing to plan. I love it. And she's ready to go. Good job, Becca.

That was nice. Becca's greenhouse and nursery in Iowa. It's a cool cause. I like it. I do too.

Good news to get you going on Classy 97. We went camping last weekend. Last week, really, we did some camping. We started talking with the kids about who got to do their laundry first when we came home because that's always that's always the kick, isn't it? You come home from vacation or you come home from camping, and then it's who gets to shower first.

And it's usually the kids shower first because you and I are still unpacking the trailer or unloading stuff. The thing. We'll get hot water. Eventually, it'll be fine. Yeah.

Yeah. So we were talking about, who got to shower first and then who gets to do their laundry first. The kids don't wash their laundry with us. They wash their laundry alone, which I'm fine with it. But I said at this time I said, well, let's just all do our laundry together.

Yeah. We'll just throw it all in. We'll just all do it at the same time. There's enough clothes that we can all just put it into one load. We can just do it together.

And both of the kids said, no. I hate washing my laundry with your guys'. And I went, why? Emery said, I never get my clothes back. Every time I wash my clothes with yours, I never get them back.

And Beck goes, yeah. I don't get my stuff back either. I always have missing socks or missing shirts. And I go, do you think I'm stealing your clothes? Right.

Like, I'm that's my job in life is to I like this shirt. I'm gonna wear a back shirt. Listen. Both he and I have black socks, but I know the socks that are his and the socks that are mine. And at one point in that conversation, he said, I think you keep giving my socks to dad.

And I and I said, no way, dude. I have my socks. I'm not like, whose socks are these? These will do. I'm gonna keep them.

No way. You're missing socks because they're probably in a pile of stuff in your room. Like, you have all your socks. Yeah. No one's taking your socks.

Everything she said that her shirts never come back. Yeah. Like, I'm sitting here, yeah, wearing her clothes. Doing what? Oh.

Squeeze into these, shirts, I guess. Yeah. Brand new shirt for me that I can't fit in. Right. What?

I don't know. I was so mad at them. No sense. I said, fine. I'll never do your laundry ever again.

Their own laundry anyway, and they have for years, which is great. But I'm never. Never again. Never. I won't even move it from the washer to the dryer now.

Sometimes if they leave it in the washer, I'll I'll nicely move it over for them. Nope. I'm not even gonna touch it. Just yell out. They think that I Don't move your laundry.

Stealing their clothes. Yeah. Get out of here. We could do like they do with the laundromat. What a Take it out.

Put it on the table. There you go. You you left it in the washer. It's done. You're gonna have to deal with it on your own time.

What a bunch of jerks. We're living with a bunch of jerks. I have a shirt that I really, really love. That green one you wore yesterday? Yeah.

Okay. What do you love about it? I just think it's cute. Okay. It's a good color.

The style is cute. I I feel good in it. It has a button that is bigger than the buttonhole. And every time I try to even a buttonhole. Let's let's be be real.

It's got a little tiny sort of, like, ribbon thing that it's a little piece of folded over fabric sewn as a loop, and the button has to go through that. And it frustrates me. I know because it's on the back, so I often have to have you do it. Time you wear the shirt. Not often.

Every time. No. That's a lie because I buttoned it myself yesterday. For the first time in No. Ever.

Not for the first time. I've done it before. But you have seen me struggle with it before, and I've just said, let me do it. And then you'll just do it, and then you'll struggle with it. And then It's you'll say, I hate this shirt.

It's awful. It's terrible. Every time I wear it, I go, oh, I gotta fix this, and then I never do because I forget. What's your remedy? My remedy for what?

How are you gonna fix it? I'm gonna take out that loop, the buttonhole loop, and then just sew my own in. I can do that. It's so much easier to put on a smaller button. I knew you were gonna try to replace the loop.

I have a smaller button too. I can do that too. Smaller button. I'm just afraid the smaller button is not gonna be it's not gonna stay latched. So, anyway, here here's what happened last night.

So last night, I needed to get out of the shirt so that I could go to bed. I was off doing other stuff, and you're, like, yelling help and sending text messages. I need I need help. I can't get out of this shirt. I need help.

You're stuck in them stuck in this shirt. I tried myself to do it, and I could not. And then I asked Emery to help. She was like, no. I'm not gonna try this.

She tried for a half a second and then went, no. Forget about it. I really kind of panicked for just a minute going, I'm gonna be stuck in this shirt forever. I'm gonna have to cut my way out of this shirt. There's no give in the neck.

None at all. So it's not like I can even pull it over my head. Did you try? Yeah. No.

You did not. I I got up to my chin and then went, that's never gonna work. You didn't, like, put your arms inside it and actually try. You just tried to lift. Yeah.

Because I know that my head's not gonna fit through the neck, though. Might. No. No way, bud. I think we should try.

No. But then I started to think about people who don't have people at home to help them. Yeah. They wouldn't wear that shirt. Wear that shirt.

They solution. They'd have to cut themself. If I was home alone and I couldn't get out of that shirt, I'd have to cut myself out of that shirt. I would have to. That was the only way to get out.

I was in a panic. And Could you could you, like, put some Crisco on your head and then slide it off? Not no. I'm not doing that. I'd rather cut myself out.

I'd rather go to the neighbor's house and say No. You would not. Can you please can you please undo my button? No. I I am not.

That would never happen. Never. You would do Crisco on your head before you went to the neighbor's house. You're right. I would cut myself out of it before I would.

Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna I'm gonna hide all the scissors and all the knives in the house, put you in that shirt, and then we're gonna see how long it takes you to get out. No. Yeah. I'm just gonna fix it.

I did, like I don't know where you were. I couldn't find you anywhere, but I did send you a text. I said, I need you to help me out of this shirt. I can't get out. Wink.

Yeah. No. It was not. I thought you'd come running. Nope.

I knew you were stuck. By now, I feel like everyone has heard that Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone. Yeah. Had a had an event. Exploded yesterday.

Yeah. It's really crazy because we were just there. We were. And I'm afraid. Why?

What are you afraid? Because I really thought that, the scientists had kind of a grasp on what was happening there. And? And that they would, be able to predict events like that. I know you can never really predict nature, but I really thought maybe scientists were like, oh, yeah.

We kinda have an idea of what's happening. Okay. So for that to happen Yeah. Just randomly out of the blue, it's a little frightening. I understand what you're saying.

Alright. Well, here's here's the the latest information, I guess. So this is it's 17 hours old, and this is shared on our Facebook page, class of 97 KLCE. But Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone is temporarily closed due to hydrothermal explosion. So what happened was, yesterday at about 10:19 in the morning, a hydrothermal explosion occurred near the Sapphire Pool in Biscuit Basin, which is north of Old Faithful.

The parking lot, the boardwalk's temporarily closed for safety reasons. The Grand Loop remains open, however. No injuries were reported, which is amazing. And there was a lot of people on that boardwalk, and there was a lot of video, which was pretty, pretty interesting to see. No injuries reported, and the extent of the damage is currently unknown at this time.

Park staff and staff from the, USGS, which is the like, they study volcanic stuff. Like, they do, I mean, so much stuff. Mhmm. They are monitoring the conditions, and they will reopen the area once it is safe, to do so. I thought they were monitor monitoring this whole time.

They are. They they continue to monitor. No other monitoring data shows changes in the Yellowstone region. Meaning the, you know, giant volcanic system that is Yellowstone remains at what they say normal background levels of activity. I don't So it isn't it isn't like blah blah blah blah.

Like, it is it's just a wild thing. And it's amazing, you know, in 2024. Like, this was caught on on film or, you know, video. Yeah. On film.

It was captured. So we got to see it, you know, hours after it had actually happened. It it made its way across the Internet, and went incredibly, viral for the for a lot of the people that were there. I got a different angle of a video, that I saw yesterday, and I haven't shown you this because I was gonna wait to to talk about it. And I'll post it as well, but check this out.

Okay. So this is from this is from further away. So you can really get a look at the height Oh my gosh. Of the explosion. It was That is terrible.

It was very, very hard. Imagine if you are standing on that boardwalk when that happened? Unbelievable. Yeah. And it's, you know, I mean, it's it's interesting to me is that it's all, like, gray, ash looking material, that was left behind.

Like, the whole boardwalk is, like, black and gray, and there's, like, rubble. Mhmm. You know? Like, Barney, Rubble. All over the place.

And, and it was this, like, beautiful sapphire blue pool of water, and now it's just a gray Gray mess. Mess. Yeah. It's so wild. Anyway, I'm glad no one was injured.

Me too. And terrified. Yeah. We didn't when we were in Yellowstone last week, we didn't go to that particular Right. Pool, that thermal pool, but we were in that general vicinity.

Yeah. Oi. What? Oi. We could've seen a thing.

No. I don't want to. You don't? No. I don't like to be in the way of danger.

I like to stay away from danger. I think it's pretty fascinating. I'm a cautious person. I like to not put my life at risk. I like the video I saw.

There was people running. Yes. And then they stopped so they could take video and pictures. I would have been gone. I would have been like, peace out.

I'm out of here. Yeah. The one the one video I saw, there was a dad and his kid and his the dad said, stay behind me. Right. Like, he was gonna protect me.

You from rocks? No. You're not gonna do anything when that thing explodes. I mean, that's at least he's trying. I know.

That's the big deal. So, anyway, that's what's happening. See. Yeah. If we hear anything else, of course, we'll share it and keep you updated, but that's what we know for now, I think.

Right? Crazy. Crazy. Hey. I have another job.

Yeah. And at my other job, we have to do, a self evaluation Oh. Which I hate. You you don't like evaluating yourself? I don't.

How you supposed to know where you are with yourself? No. I don't I don't care for it. I don't like it at all. I stewed and stewed and stewed on these questions for a very long time, days days.

And I asked you I was like, do you wanna just fill this out for me? And you said, no. I don't I don't work with you at that other job. I don't know how your performance is over there. Plus, it's also, no.

What are you supposed to say on these self evaluations about yourself? The truth? No. I don't want to. Let's do a self evaluation on our personal life.

I'm gonna ask you some of these questions. You're gonna ask me some of the self evaluation questions Yeah. That'll but how do they apply to me and you and I? To yours to yourself. Oh, okay.

What accomplishment are you most proud of in the past year, Josh? Oh, I'd have to ponder. I know. They're hard. You see?

But but that's easier in work. No. It isn't. It's not. I don't care for it at all.

And then there's a question that says, what knowledge or skills would you like to improve on? Yeah. What are you supposed to put for that? The things that you'd like to improve on. No.

I just don't know what to put. And then you have to give yourself a rating at the end. Okay. So out of how many? 5.

What'd you say? I gave myself a 3. See, I don't know. I mean, you're giving yourself a a lowball number. Okay.

But if you give yourself a high number Yes. Then that makes you I would walk in there with a 5 out of 5, and I go prove me wrong. No. You would not. You would not.

I might. Depending on who I'm meeting with, I might just throw it down there and be like, a 100%. I feel like 3 is solid because I definitely feel like I'm showing up for the job. I'm doing I'm a good valued employee. K.

But I'm also like, for sure, I could use some improvement. There are days certainly where I could use more improvement than other days to be sure. I'm definitely not a one, but I'm definitely not a 5. You know? What what are you quiet about?

I'm I'm listening. I'm learn I'm trying to understand why you don't think you're a 5 or at least a 4. What stopped you from putting 4? Because I still feel like that's too high too. I would be the same if I did it for this job.

So what but why didn't you put a 2? Oh, because I don't think I'm that bad of an employee. Yeah. I would give myself the same rating here. Like, yeah, I show up.

So what's the next step now? I be better? For sure. Could I be worse? Absolutely.

So 3 is middle ground. Yeah. I'm a 3. Could be better, could be worse. Alright.

In the middle. Here's here's some smack in the middle. Here's some things I just learned about self evaluation. Okay. What'd you learn?

I learned that your self assessment is a chance to be your own advocate, and that's why you should rate yourself higher. No. You should say, look. I think I am nailing my responsibilities. I'm punctual.

Yes. I'm I'm doing the job to the best of my ability. I don't feel like I'm dropping a bunch of stuff between the cracks. Like, I'm holding this I'm holding my my own in this job, minimum 4. Really?

Yes. I feel like even if I put a 4, that's still too high. No. It does say you can track achievements year round to make the process easier. So that's a big deal for next year.

What if what if you do a self evaluation and then you meet with your boss and she's like, a 4? Really? You think you're performing at a 4? And I go Because now once you get to walk in and go, you think you're a 3? Really?

You're a 3. Yeah. But if she's like, that's still too high. Yeah. You should have given yourself a lot.

Like, 1 and a half range. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Like Come on.

You could be doing so much better. And here are the benefits. Because I look. I I don't do I've I don't think I've done this self assessment thing. But I'm gonna give you one then.

It's to allow you to set goals more effectively, eliminate performance where you bias, improve employee confidence, increase team alignment. There are some things. But you should, you should look at your goals. And then, you know, when do you get, more feedback? Do you know?

When do you review this thing? No. We I have to make an appointment, and we haven't made that appointment yet. But, I'm gonna give you a self evaluation. I'm gonna give you a sheet, and you're gonna have to self evaluate yourself.

You just evaluate. I'm good. No. 55 out of 5. And then you're gonna give yourself a 5.

Yep. And I'm gonna say, really, Josh? Because that's that's supportive. Or, you know, we could just not do that process, and that'd be okay too. I know.

I'm gonna do it for real. Okay. Then you get one too. If you okay. That's fine.

I'll give myself a 5. Oh, really? Listen. We're gonna have to talk about that 5. As let's put ourselves in the boss's shoes, though, for once for a minute.

That would be so difficult if you had an employee that you didn't feel was performing in a 5 and they put a 5. How do you have that conversation? You. What? You need a team of people to manage.

I do have a team of people to manage. It's hard. There's a difference between personal relationships and business relationships. Yeah. I get it.

But I still don't want people to be mad at me. It's business. No. This is not personal. I take everything personally, you see.

You gotta you gotta you gotta self evaluate that one. One out of 5. Before we went on vacation last week, the Friday before that, we got to go do a very cool, kinda open house tour of the, the INL. We went to MFC, got to walk around, got to, like, ask a lot of questions, got to see some really cool stuff. It was fascinating.

It was really cool. I mean, even even just the drive from, Idaho Falls to the desert, we learned a lot of very interesting things, about snake pits and, migratory patterns of snakes and stuff. There's a there's a lot to learn out there. It it's always a mystery, the INL is. Right?

Like, you just there's so much I tell you what I do, but then I you know? Yeah. Yeah. So we had to as we got a little bit closer, our tour guide on the bus said, okay. You gotta put your phones away.

Like, if you take your phone, if you take any picture, we'll know. Yeah. Right. Believe me. We have ways of knowing.

We'll find out. We'll know. So don't do it. Your phone will get confiscated. And because I hate being in trouble, I immediately put my photo in.

I'm not even gonna touch it. I don't like to get in trouble. Yeah. But I I was fascinated by that tour. It was super interesting to hear.

Although there was a lot of smart people there. There was a lot of really intelligent conversations that were being had. I felt, as a lay layperson, I felt really dumb. And what I needed was for the smart people to dumb it down for the dumb people. Like, explain to me, like, I'm 5 kind of stuff?

Okay. Sure. I needed, like, a missus Frizzle and a magic school bus to be like, okay. Here's a really simple explanation for this. Because I felt like I was really, really excited to learn what they were taking me on the tour to see, but they treated us all like we were smart people.

And most of the people in that group, me, mostly, was not smart. What? Okay. So I needed I needed them to dumb it down for me. I got you.

Well, we got to see some really cool stuff, and I really the what they call the hot sell was probably it was the last thing we saw on the tour, and it was probably the the most fascinating part for me. Like, there was, like, we get to see different different new buildings they're working on. We get to talk a lot about kind of projects that they're they're working on and stuff like that. But the actual hot cell where where they handle the fuels and the fact that, that was sealed up. It was built and sealed up in the sixties.

Nobody's been in there since it was sealed up. What? Like, 72 or something like that. Like, no human being has been in that space. They've they've worked in that space, but you work, you know, remotely from outside the space.

I just it's fascinating. It was fascinating. Really, really fascinating. All of these different robotic tools to manipulate all of this stuff. And Right.

So we get to see them do that a little bit. That that was It was really very, very interesting. Yeah. Very cool. So I I just all in all, like, if you ever get the opportunity to go do an open house tour, at any of the facilities, you should definitely try to take advantage of that.

It was very cool to kinda learn. And it's you know, I I grew up here. I'm born and raised here. So it's always been around. The site buses have always been going through town.

Like, it's always been a part of, you know, what's been going on as long as I've been here. And so it's kinda cool to see, you know, kind of inside a little bit of what's going on out there, which is cool. A lot of research. A lot of research. A lot of smart people A lot of that.

Telling us really smart things. Yeah. And dumb people are saying, I don't understand. Dumb it. Dumb it down.

Okay. I'm gonna need you to dumb it down. It was pretty cool. Anyway, if that opportunity comes up, definitely Take it. Take it.

Yeah. It's very, very cool. And I imagine, I found it just as I was kinda scrolling around on Facebook. But I imagine if you check out, the website for the INL, they they have, all kinds of tour information that they do. And, obviously, you could go see EBR 1.

Anytime you can go out you can check out the first, the first reactor at EBR 1, that facility. They do have some facility tours, 360 facility tours online. So you can kinda look at some of that kind of stuff, including the dome, EDR 2, the dome, which is being repurposed right now. So you can take a look around some of those facilities, which is kinda cool. It's pretty neat.

So It was cool. Take the opportunity if you get it. Hey. Good morning. There is a game that we like to play when we're kind of around the campfire.

We usually have our phones put away, but there's a couple of games we like to play that involve our phones, just made up games that we made. One of them is, like, randomly scroll on your music playlist and pick a random song and then play that song for everybody. Mhmm. And then you kinda if you choose to, you can tell people why you like that song, or you can just listen to it. We do a picture one too where you scroll through your pictures on your phone, and then you randomly pick 1, and then you show everybody around the campfire.

Right. This is a picture of the time I did this before. Sunset I liked. Whatever. So we did a Google search.

So we went around the campfire and said, what are your last 5 Google searches? I have. And Beck was Beck's was funny because his was all music and cars, and Emery have, like, some YouTubers that she likes to watch, some stranger things stuff because she's really into stranger things. She had some fashion stuff on there. Go ahead.

What were you gonna say? I was just gonna say my new my newest, my latest. What's your latest? Projector mapping software. Oh.

It's pretty good. Cool. Yep. Saturday in the park lyrics. Because you think I was singing those wrong.

Well, I just hadn't heard that one part. In the Yeah. Uh-huh. I think it won't fall off. What else do you have?

Oh, me? Well, the reason I brought this up was because when we were going through at the Camp Fire, one of your Google searches was ear parts Yeah. And then swollen red what was it? Targus? Anti Targus.

Anti Targus. That's right. Which is the middle It's a part of the ear. Part of your ear. Right?

Yeah. Well, it's the it's above your earlobe next to your ear canal. Why do you have a swollen red anti target? I don't know. You Google searched it.

No. I know. What did it tell you? No. I I just wanted to see what the part of that was.

Oh. That's all. I was just trying to find out the part of the ear. It's the antitargus. I don't that's it.

That's all there is to say about it. Okay. Now I know that part of the ear. Good job. Thanks.

Thanks, Google. What did you ask? Let me look. Well, the it's changed, obviously. Yeah.

Then you've got new searches. I looked up Dermot Mulrooney. Who's that? He is an actor, and I wanted to see I hadn't seen much from him lately. So my mother this guy up to?

What's he up to? Alright. What's he up to? Not much. Okay.

And then I've got some restaurants on here because we Oh, yeah. Had a thing last night, and then it was late. And then I was trying Oh, you're trying to figure out where to eat? We're trying to figure out what to eat for dinner and what was open. Yep.

Pretty fascinating stuff. I know. Right? Great. What do you Google?

It is kind of interesting to see what people Google and why. Yeah. Anti Tardis. Yeah. Why did you decide to Google that?

Because you have a swollen one. No. I just wanted to know about it. What's what is that part of the year called? It's the anti Tardis.

Emery, our daughter, loves escape rooms. Sometimes, the escape rooms are a little bit pricey if you need to go to them or want to go to them all the time. And sometimes, there's just not a lot of options. So they have those escape room board games that you can get. It's like a card game that you can get, and it's like an escape room.

They're fun. They're just not as fun. Emery loves them. She likes a good puzzle. She likes solving things.

You 2 are alike in that way. Right. We were camping. It was hot. We were bored.

I said, let's break out that escape room that we got for Christmas, and we can do it. You were busy doing something else, but I was willing to try it with her. I was really excited when you finally decided to put down your phone and come do it with her because those games are not for me. Those are for you. And I sat back and watched you guys It was it was watch.

It was you were just sitting there. Like, I watched as you sat and were there. I was there, but, no, that's not for me. So I was happy that you came around and did it with her. It was a good one.

It's, it's a Star Wars themed one, and so we went through the tutorial and you were very engaged in the tutorial. And about halfway through, maybe even a little less than that, you kinda checked out and went, yeah. This is this is fine. You guys will figure this out. Guys don't need me.

You don't need me to solve these clues or solve these puzzles. I'm gonna see my way out. I escaped my room. I escaped my way out. What?

Of the escape game. You got it. Yeah. No. I understand.

I I get it. I get it. It's a lot of fun, though. They're pretty cool. If you like those kinds of things.

Yeah. Which I do. I do like those kinds of things. You and Emery can we've done those as a foursome, like the kids All of us. Yeah.

You and I. Me and Beck, that's those aren't for us. I sent him a text when you and Emery were playing that game, and I said, guess what dad and Emery are playing? And he went, boring. Whatever.

That's rude. You guys need to challenge your brains a little bit. We Solve some puzzles. Sure. Sure.

I it wouldn't hurt to challenge my brain. That's what I'm saying. Absolutely right, but I just The both of you could use some brain challenge. Oh, I just Do a Sudoku. I just don't feel like it.

It's not that I can't. I just don't want to. You also tried, during the during the trip, you you decided you were gonna play checkers. How'd you fare against her? I did okay.

K. Did you win your game? Yes. And then at what point was it you need to play against dad? When did that happen?

Like, immediately after your game? Yeah. And why did and then what happened? Because I had to go. No.

Because the 2 of you, I think, are pretty evenly matched. So I think it would be I that's why I wanted you guys to play against each other because I think your brains work very similarly. I thought you were like, no. You need to play against him because you've bested me, and now I need to see how you fare against him was kinda No. I just think your brains are evenly matched puzzle wise.

So I see. Well, I did, I did have a good time playing checkers. I didn't get to finish my game. So we'll never know who actually won. You'll just have to play again.

I I was I was winning a lot. I was winning I was winning a lot. Good for you. Thanks. It's your would you rather this or that question of the day.

Would you rather get stung by a bee or get 30 mosquito bites? I have 30 mosquito bites, and they're terrible. I don't think you've got Dude 30. My ankles are destroyed. Not dirty.

And and then they got up onto my kneecap area and onto my, like, that lower part of my thigh that was, like, right at my shorts. I'm telling you, I've got at least 30. Adept. It's awful, and I'll take the bee sting, and I'll tell you why. It hurts for a little bit Right.

But it's 1. That's and it goes away. Like, the pain is there temporarily, and then it's gone. Yeah. It hurts.

This mosquito itch for Last. Days days days, awful. Forget about it. Awful. I know.

And 30 of them? No way. I'll take the one bee sting. I'm with you. But I picked it be I picked it first.

I just didn't say it out loud. Is that right? For that reason, Because I feel like the pain is temporary. The mosquito bites last longer. So you ran the same logic as I did?

Is that what you're trying to tell me? Before you even said it out loud. Wow. In my Look at you go. I know.

Look at you go. Well, that's it. That's it. Would you rather this than that? It's Josh and Chantel.

It is your better today than yesterday daily challenge. A little something to make your day brighter and better than yesterday. Here it is. This sounds pretty good. It's, it's a little reminder of maybe some goals or maybe something that just makes you smile.

You gotta set your phone background, your wallpaper on your phone, to a picture that makes you smile or motivates you. Something, something to help you reach your goals or, you know, it's a subconscious thing. So every time you look at your phone, you go, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

I'm working toward that thing. Mhmm. So what I need is a big pile of money Okay. Picture. I need a picture of a big pile a picture of a big pile of money.

Mhmm. Let's get them motivated. It's your motivated goal, a big pile of money. Or or a trip to a nice tropical location. Yeah.

There you go. A tropical beach. Yeah. Tropical, beach. Mhmm.

Maybe I'll save that one for when it's the dead of winter, though. That's a good idea. Because that's that's what's gotta I gotta keep motivated during those winter months. Big fish on there. There you go.

I won't, but you could you could absolutely do that. Yeah. Alright. Anyway, that's what's, your better today than yesterday daily challenge. It's easy enough.

Set your phone background to a picture that makes you happy or motivated. Set it and forget it. It's gonna do it for us. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. We'll be back in the studio tomorrow morning.

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That's fine. You can go listen to it online Cool. At the new website Cool beans. Riverbendmediagroup.com. That is gonna do it for us.

Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday, and we'll see you tomorrow. Hang in there. Midweek, everyone. Hang in there. It's all downhill from here, they say.

Alright. See you tomorrow. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake Up Classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.