The Lucas Skrobot Show

Are you a victim to the "zeitgeist"?

Show Notes

Time Stamps
Watch your thoughts  00:00
Intro 00:01:16
Gratitude - from E166 00:04:18
Not all ideas are equal - from E202 00:11:16
What thoughts do you harbor? - from E199 00:23:43
Who is shaping the minds of the next generation? - from E206 00:32:24
Value for Value 00:52:36
How to get more... 00:53:22

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.

Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future.

As we're coming into contact with
different spiritual around different

spiritual domains in spheres of authority.

And in those they carry thoughts.

And when those faults fly over
our head, we have the authority

to either accept or reject.

We can grab onto and say, these are
mine, or we can say, Hmm, I don't know.

I don't, I don't know if that's
really my thought, but we have.

To be aware of the thoughts going through
our head, because if we're not aware, we

will begin to accept every thought that
goes rolling through our mind as our own.

And what happens when the spiritual
gates of a region or a nation is opened?

To thought systems and thought patterns
in the spirit realm have had, or are

physically being released because
remember that they have physical

substance, what happens when all of
a sudden these thoughts are and how

fine through your head that are, are.

Potentially very destructive
for your life and society.

Welcome to the Lucas Skrobot
show I'm Lucas Skrobot, and this

is where we uncover purpose pursue
truth and own the future episode 284.

It is May 26th, 2022.

And today we have a little
bit of a different episode.

I've put together a montage for you of
a number of segments and clips from the.

284 episodes.

Not all of them at one time, but
there's a lot of, lot of content

that's buried in the archives.

And we pulled out some of the best
of clips, some clips that I've

even forgotten about that as I've
looked through the content and cold

through the content, I've realized,
man, this is, this is really gold.

This is helpful.

To us today in May, 2022, to understand
where we're going to understand how to see

the world and how to own our futures in
the midst of the chaos and in the midst

of the amazing, positive things that
are happening right now in the world.

It is an oftentimes we focus.

Um, the crazy and the chaos and
the insane that is happening.

It's often quite entertaining
to focus on the insane.

Let's just be honest, but truly we live
in incredible times across the earth.

The times that we live in are so
amazing that you and I would not trade

our lives for the life of a billion.

Billionaire that lived a hundred years
ago, people who lived a hundred, 120

years ago, they would die because
they didn't have simple antibiotics.

They didn't have refrigerators life.

And the world that human time
is really getting better.

Our life, our life expectancy is
getting better and that is good

news that we should focus on.

And remember.

And celebrate and rejoice in because
one of the biggest keys to living a

fulfilled satisfied life is gratitude
because gratitude takes us off the

throne of our hearts, gratitude, strips
away, all of our entitlements, all

of our, our thoughts that we are the
ones who make our self built life.

And it brings us back
to the source, to the.

That all things come from God, all
blessings come from above gratitude.

So I hope that you enjoy this
series of clips in today's epic.

And we'll see you next
week back here on the show.

Everything we do by spend to address our
deep seated feeling of not being enough.

That's what I call the
insecurities exchange.

Let me go buy something.

Let me go take a course.

Let me go get a piece of paper
from somebody that says, oh,

You are good enough to do this.

And then all of a sudden, then
you realize, oh, wait a minute.

There's an advanced course in this.

I'm not good enough until
I get the advanced course.

And then there's another advanced course.

So this is how the world
is propped up today.

And Dr.

Seuss wrote about this.

I mean, you don't, you know, I liked
your disclaimer that you're not.

You know, a social
psychologist therapist, but Dr.

Seuss wrote about this.

I don't think he, maybe he was, I don't
know, but the stars upon stars, right?

So there's the stars, belly Sneetches
and the non-start Belize niches.

And it's this, this, creating this
cognitive dissonance to get people,

to get the stars on them, and then
you can get the stars off them.

And it's this whole.

Cycle of looking for that gatekeeper
to essentially give you the

stamp to say that you're okay.

You're ready enough.

You've arrived.

You have enough knowledge that you
can now begin to go out into the

world and, and make a difference.


All right.

So E Cummings now I am not a, I am
not a big consumer of poetry, but

I read some, and this is what I've
committed to memory, but just the line.

To be nobody but yourself in a
world that's doing its best night

and day to make you everybody.

Else's the hardest battle we ever
fight and never stop fighting coming.

Can you say that again?

And just a little slower, say that
one more time so we can let it

sink in to be nobody but yourself.

In a world that is doing its best
night and day to make you everybody

else is the hardest battle we ever
fight and never stop fighting, man.

You know?

So w w we've we have these ideas?

Of, oh gosh, if I could be more like
in fill in the blank, whoever that

is in your sphere of influence, you
know, in, in your, in your circles of

the people you respect and admire and
want to be like and whatever that is.

And I know people that, you know, that
they study people to be more like them

and learn their mannerisms or pickup and
made in sometimes it's unintentional.

But when we realize.

That you and me trying to,
I, I fall short any time.

I am trying to be any body
else, but you know what?

I really am the most
remarkable Kevin money.

There is.

And so I need to just recognize,
I don't need to try to be somebody

else what the Cummings point
and what I was talking about.

Th there are all of these
ads that just aim at us.

I heard Bernay brown.

Didn't say this.

She was quoting someone.

She said, I had a friend that,
that said this to me, that our

first thought of the morning is I
didn't get enough sleep last night.

Our last thought of the day is
I didn't get enough done today.

Our days are bookended with scarcity
thinking scarcity mentality.

That's how most of us
start and stop our days.

And then between then it's just this
mad dash trying to be somebody else.

So what if you just realize.

No I'm created to be me and
I have gifts, talents, and

abilities that the world needs.

And if I can just learn to show
up authentically, uniquely as me.

It's going to be much better than
me trying to be somebody else.

So we are a really bad
imitation of anybody else.

And when we can find the freedom to
be authentically ourselves and to get

comfortable, what, which you mentioned
a moment ago, you know, getting older,

getting more comfortable in your own
skin and that that's, that's the.

Um, Kevin, how did we get there, Kevin?

How did we get there, Kevin?

I love, I love what you said just now.

About gratitude, abundance about
how so often we, we live in this

scarcity mentality, um, just from
the first thought, the last thought

of our day to everything in between.

And then how you, how you said that that
gratefulness gratitude thankfulness is

the door that opens abundance to us.

I said, I heard it said that it is,
it is gratitude and gratefulness

that breaks the back of humanism.


So humanism in this idea that we are
self-sufficient that we need to take

care of ourselves, that, that everything
rises and falls on our shoulder.

But the moment.

And even it breaks the back of a
entitlement of entitlement to, because

I did X, Y, and Z, I deserve a, B and C,
um, this entitlement that we have, that

when we step into gratitude, it also
then breaks this back of, of entitlement.

It breaks the.

Of this idea that we deserve
something and all of a sudden

puts us into this place of wow.

Everything that I have around me is a
gift that, that I don't deserve that

this is a blessing from God on my life,
that my family, my health, my, my, my,

my job, my relationships, these are all.

Blessings that I, I didn't
do anything to deserve.

And that frees us, that frees us
from this, this striving, um, by

the sweat of our brow mentality,
that, that plagues so many of us.

As my friend, Steve Foran
puts it in his book.

And I'd love to introduce you to Steve.

He'd be a great guest on your show Lucas.

Um, when I realized that everything
in my life is a gift, my only

response is to be grateful.

When I realized everything
in my life is a gift.

Our response is gratitude because
the things that we believe, the

things that you believe, the things
that I believe will drastically.

The decisions that we make on an every day
basis, it will drastically shape the way

that we raise our kids will drastically
shape the culture of our households, the

culture of, of our friendships in the
communities, around us, the ideas that

we adopt and not all ideas are equal.

Not all ideas lead to the same place.

Not all ideas have the same re.

But the question is how can you and
I, with a simple, quick framework

discern which direction an idea
will take us, because most of what I

see out in culture today, Our ideas
that sound good, that feel good.

That make you warm and cozy they're
ideas that are promoting mankind or

ideas that are embracing our humanity
fighting for the common good of mankind.

But if you follow them just a few
steps forward and that trajectory,

that those thoughts and ideas bring us.

If you follow those, you'll
find that they actually do bad.

They feel.

But they do bad.

We are going to be speaking about the
pro human ideologies and anti-human

ideologies and how we can discern the
difference between them, because that

is a really easy litmus test that I
have found when, when taking an idea and

understanding where it comes from and
where it is going in, whether or not.

I want to let this operating
system function in my life.

Now, here is a quick shortcut.

If you want the 1 0 1, the too long,
didn't read shortcut of this episode.

It is this most ideas out in the
world today in culture that's

propagating themselves as being
pro-human or actually anti-human at.

Let me say that again, that the
too long didn't read most ideas

in culture that are being pushed
and promoted throughout culture.

That saying, this is pro-human.

This is kind, this is compassionate.

This is loving.

This is good for, for, for mankind,
for the environment for the world.

They're actually, when you play out.

The implications of these ideas are
inherently anti human at its core.

And that is the way that
we're going to there's.

There's many ways to discern there's
many ways to understand what ideas we

should object or reject or should accept.

But this is one really easy litmus
test, a framework to quickly

evaluate the quality of an idea.

Is it pro.

In actuality or anti human in actuality
now, as I said, A lot of these frameworks

that are anti-human have positioned
themselves as being pro-human why,

because if you can play with words
and that's what's happening right now

throughout society and largely due to the
postmodern movement that we are in, as

it's really striking right now, across
culture, across the globe, this idea of

postmodernism words do not have meanings.

And therefore, if we can manipulate
the meanings of words, We can push

our agenda and there is no channel
of communication outside of.

Of this thought system, because we've
changed the definition of the word.

And we see that with, with, uh,
kind of woke racism movement.

That's been happening, where, where
we went from being, we should be not.

Just moving to a positioning and
saying, we need to be anti-racist.

And what anti-racism is, it's not
saying don't be racist, but to

saying, actually you are racist
and you can't help being racist.

You must fight your racism.

And the only way to end racism is by
being racist and having reverse racist.

And it's changing the definition of
racism saying that, well, you know,

certain minorities groups can't
be racist and the more, the more

lower you are on the totem pole, the
less racist you could possibly be.

And so we've, we've changed the
terms and we actually created a

hierarchy within, within culture
to say, one form of racism is.

Those at the bottom, having racist
ideologies towards those who

supposedly are above them on the
totem pole, but the other form is bad.

One form is actually not possible.

It's not possible for
someone in the intersect of

intersectionality to be racist.

It's not possible.

So we've, we've changed the definition of
words to be able to promulgate ideology.

In the world.

Now, there is one main philosophical
idea that we sit on that enables

society to even move in a direction
of seeing one another equal.

And this idea, again, it's found
in most major religions, at least

monotheistic religions, which
that is that we were created by.

Now, this is a very important
idea that we were created.

This idea is that the core of the
declaration of independence for

the United States of America, which
says we hold these truths to be

self-evident that all men are created.

Equal that they are endowed by their
creator with certain unalienable

rights that among these are life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So this, this idea that we are created
and that we are all endowed with

equality and, and unalienable rights.

To pursue life, Liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness is really an idea throughout

Western society that has now empowered
capitalism across the world, which has

empowered millions of people to leave
poverty and enter into education and

build a better future for their families.

It's this idea that we were creating.

And that we were created equal when we
depart from one or both of these ideas,

we will fall into anti-human ideology.

Now, why can't we have
one without the other?

Why can't we say, well, we were all.

Evolved to be equal.

We, we, maybe we say, okay, we don't
have God, God's not in the picture.

Let's just take him out, wipe him out.

But we can still say we're equal.


We can't because the moment that we do
away with God, we do away with the fact

that we were created in a certain manner,
in a certain form kind and likeness.

Then we've evolved out of the swamp of
history, the swamp of billions of years.

And we were just a highly evolved animal.

If we're a highly evolved animal, we
are nothing but a sack of chemicals.

And if you're nothing but
a sack of chemicals, then

life really has no meaning.

And we can begin to make judgment calls
on well, who is actually more human.

Who is actually more positioned who
should actually give, be given more

rights than others, because if we've
evolved, that means that we're not equal.

It means that you and I may be
in different places because maybe

you are more involved than I am.

Maybe you've reached a, a higher
level of enlightenment and,

and, uh, humanity than I have.

And therefore I am now less human.

So the moment that we take away
God, from the picture we have sought

off the branch that we sit on.

And likewise, the moment that we take
away equality from the picture at the

moment that we take away, the fact
that we were all created as equal

as humans, we see we were created,
but we're going to all created.

We cut off that branch too.

So these are when I look at an
ideology or when I look at a thought

system or a pattern in a breed in,
and I judge it before adopting.

I judge it before adopting it and
say, okay, where did this come from?

Where's it going in a evaluated?

These are some of the two main indicators
that I can look at to say, wait,

this will lead me down a bad road.

This is what happened in Russia with the
Gloxmin when Russia really adopted this

idea that we were all just, uh, a sack.


And we adopted the, the ideas of, of
marks and Ingles in saying that well,

there's no such thing as morality.

There is no such thing as right and wrong.

It's only powering.

And we look at a certain segment
of society and say, well, these

people are the way they are
because of their upbringing.

They are the way they are, because
if their genetics and their, their

culture that they lived in, and we
can't change them because it's just

been determined by their environment
and by who they are, what happens.

Well, if it gets sent to the gulags
and when the reeducation camps of

the gulags don't work, what happens?

They get sent to the back of the
building, to the firing squad.

Now this is happening again in
current culture, gulags are happening

across the world, Krantz it, where
we look in with the weaker people.

In China, where there there's this
idea that they're less than human

and they're putting in concentration
camps and re-education camps.

We can see it throughout mainstream
media in America, where there are

certain people who say even the
most liberal well-intentioned white

person has a, a virus, uh, in his or
her brain that can be active with.

At an instant, when these ideas are
accepted by us and saying that a

certain group of people have been
predetermined to think and act a

certain way and it's, it's not curable.

Well, then what happens, what
happens when we decide what we

need to fix and cure these people,
because they are a danger to society.

What happens when we
need to fix and cure you?

Because you're a danger to society.

But then remember you're not
curable because you are just

an evolved sack of chemicals.

And so the thing that would be most
merciful, the most compassionate,

not only for you, but for others
would be to finish it for you.

So here we started off with.

Kind and humane idea of trying to
create and build a better society.

And in turn, we end up destroying.

The humans who live in that
society, we become anti-human

for the sake of being pro-human.

It just doesn't work.

And we're not going to be talking
so much about trans dimensional

beans or gin or a demon or angels.

We're not talking about any of that stuff.

We are going to be talking about thoughts
because our thoughts or thoughts.

Have substance in the spiritual realm
or in the aspheric plain with whatever

terminology you wish to call it.

Now, just like in the natural
realm, this microphone right here,

I can touch it and I can feel it.

It has a physical substance,
but in the spirit, in the

spiritual realm, thoughts, ideas.

Have physical substance, there is a
bigger implication of all of this besides.

You know, hyper spirituality or
something that actually comes

back into our every day life.

The way that we view the world, the way
that we walk in the world, the way that

we raise our families, the ways that we
operate art in our, and our companies

and our jobs, the way that we engage
in cultural issues, that this one idea.

This one fact that ideas have substance.

They are physical items in the spiritual
realm is actually quite important.

Now, rarely have I heard this?

Talked about when it comes
to geopolitical situations.

There's very few people that I have
listened to that have articulated how

in the spirit realm, there are angels
and demons or trans dimensional beans,

whatever you wish to call them gin
that are Shabbaton and a law fighting

for the souls and the destiny of.

Very few people talk about this.

Cause it normally falls into just
like very kind of religious overtones.

And I want to do my best to stay away
from religious overtones because that's

really not the point of this episode.

The point of this episode is to bring
up the fact that there are power.

That are affecting the way that you
and I and entire nations, entire

regions of the earth think because
they have been given authority because

someone has opened the door and
welcome specific thought systems into.

Their life or their culture.

And so there, there is, of course,
the, the practical outplay of when we

introduce legislation or an idea into
culture, into society, whether that

comes through Hollywood and movies,
or whether that comes to, um, uh, re

reforming the education system, of course,
that also happens there in culture in

very practical ways, but there's also
the spiritual aspect where there's a.

There's an opening of a spiritual realm
that affects the hearts and minds,

the thought patterns of people across
the globe who are sitting underneath

those specific domains of society.

So there are two points that
we are going to touch on today.

These two points are one, as
I've already said, thoughts have

substance in the spirit realm and.

We are going to be talking about
the domains of authority and how.

The things that we let into our domain
of authority or household or our family

or our workplace, the places that we
have a level of authority outside of

us that actually opens up those things
that we have taken, um, ownership of

thoughts that we have taken ownership of.

It affects other people around us.

The first idea here is that.

Not all thoughts are your thoughts.

I'm going to say it that again, not
all the thoughts that run through

your head, originally, your thoughts.

There's actually thoughts that
are floating around this room.

Thoughts that are floating
around the zeitgeists.

If you will, of society, there
are thoughts that are out there.

There I, when I was growing up.

It was quite the, quite the loner.

And I had way too much time to
think, but during my time to think

I began thinking of philosophical
thoughts that I had never heard

before, but were actually very common.

Throughout history that philosophers
have thought about whether, you know,

how can we even perceive the world would
offend the only person in the world.

These are things that are floating
around in the zeitgeists of culture

or the spirit realm, wherever you are.

There are other thoughts that pass
through your head that aren't yours.

And then there are thoughts, thoughts
that are yours, but what can happen is

a thought will flip through our minds.

And we'll say, oh, I never had
that thought before and we take

it and we own it as our own will.

The moment that we own a thought
as our own, we accept that thought.

We essentially have given permission
and authority for that thought

to build a, a place in our minds,
a strong hold, if you will.

It begins to form thought
patterns and, and.

And ways of operating behavioral
operations within our mind.

And that then begins to affect our aura or
the, the, the space of energy around us.

The next point under this thing,
uh, this first idea that thoughts

have substance, is that word.

Are powerful words, create realms words,
have power to affect and shape someone's.


Words are very important because
words carry ideas with them.

And those as.

They have substance and the spirit rum.

So they're so important.

So the words that we say over ourselves,
over our marriage, over our kids, over our

business, over the projects that we do,
the things that we say about ourselves,

it is reaffirming our thoughts systems.

So if we're, if we are continuing.

Talking down about ourselves, cursing
ourselves, saying Lucas, you know,

you're such an idiot, Lucas, why
can't you get yourself together?

You know, if I'm continually talking down
to myself, I'm actually agreeing with

something that's in the spirit realm,
an assignment that is against my life.

And by agreeing with that, we know from.

That our thoughts becomes our words.

Our words become our actions.

Our actions become our behaviors,
behaviors, or habits or environments,

and then our character and our destiny.

So we need to watch our thoughts.

And we talk about that
relentlessly here on the show.

We need to watch our thoughts.


Because it becomes our reality.

And so first we need to watch
our thoughts and then it's out of

our hearts that our mouth speaks.

So when we're speaking.

It's because we've already
been thinking about.

And so we need to watch our words
because when we speak those words,

that actually creates environments.

Now, there, there are, you can have
hexes, you can have vexes, you can have

word curses, you can have inner Val.

So when we vow, I'm never going
to do this, or I will never, or

I could never, we're actually
creating these vows over our life.


Strongholds and power over our lives.

That keeps us from probably doing
things that you are actually

created and designed to do.

When we speak something over
our children and over our

spouse, you're always like this.

Why can't you ever get it right?

You're so fill in some curse.

We're actually.

Speaking something physical over
their life that has power because

we have given a power who is exactly
is shaping the way that you and your

children will end up viewing the world.

Most of us would like.

That well, we self shape our world so
we can decide what we want to believe

or don't want to believe, or we think,
well, it is the education system.

It's education.

That's the problem.

If we can only advocate people, if we
can only revamp the school system, some

people believe well it's government
policy it's government that is

shaping the way that people view the
world and an operating through the.


Well, it's the parents, the parents
are having a huge influence on the

upbringing of the world, around them.

Some it's the peers, your friends are
shaping the way that you view the world.

But guess what?

There is actually data.

There is studies that have been done
that says, what are the greatest

shapers of at least Western society.

Now, this study was done
by the Barnum group.

They measured the impact.

On individuals on society, based on
the amount of time contact points that

the different industries or different
spheres had on people and the amount of

money that was spent on these things.

Because the things that we spend our time
on, the things that we spend our money on

is an indicator of where we put value and
an indicator of what is actually shaping.

The way that we view the world
or operate within the world

or value inside of the world.

So they broke it down.

This study broke down the significant
sources of influence on American culture.

So we're speaking, speaking specifically
about American culture, but I

think it can be extrapolated most
likely with exceptions, I'm sure.

To Western culture.

And then beyond that, as we looked
into the rest of the world and

Asia Africa, sub continent, we can
begin to see that a lot of the.

Trends of behavior is beginning
to happen among the youth.

And I suspect that over the coming
decades, we will see that these

sources of influence on global culture
will remain similar the same across

cultures due to globalization and.

To digitalization across the globe.

So they split it up into three
tiers, the top tier middle and

bottom tier of influence in society
in the top tier of influence.

They cited movies, television, music,
and books followed by social media and

internet as being the top five influences.

On American culture underneath
that still in the first tier was

law and public policy government.

And then below that was
the family and the parents.

So the greatest influence it is
movies, TV, media, media, media,

social media, followed by some
policy and then followed by parents.

So there were laws that are set in place,
the policies that are set in place.

By a nation important to shaping a
culture, the family and the parents,

they still have a significant impact
on the culture that is set within a

family and within the nation of America.

But above that, we see it is all media.

It is the media.

Children are consuming.

That's shaping the way
that they view the world.

When you go on to the second tier,
you'll see that it's school, then print

media and video games, friends, or
peers followed by large corporations.

Coca-Cola Disney and affinity groups.

Who's who's your friend groups
who are, you'd like your broader

circle center, media friends,
but those broader circles of.

And the bottom tier you'd
have non-nuclear family.

So your extended cousins you'd have
promotional events, uh, protest events,

live theaters, advertising literature,
and then finally your local church

or the religious sphere of society.

So what is shaping culture?

Is it school?


Is it corporations?

Is it big business?

Not really.

Is it your extended family?


Is media, as I said, your mileage
may vary culture to culture.

I suspect that here in the middle
east media still plays a large

role by a suspect that religion
still has a huge impact on culture.

I suspect that government as a larger
impact family has a larger impact, but

we still see the way that they measured.

This study was touchpoints spent.

Children on these different spheres,
w where's the most time exposure.

And we can see here in the Gulf,
in the sub-continent the time

exposure that kids have to media
across the globe now is absorbent.

For instance, by the time a child
is 14 years old, they will have

consumed on average 18,000 hours of.

It exposed to 18,000 hours of media
that is equivalent to 6.2 years

of eight hours a day on media.

By the time you're 14 6.2
years, eight hours a day.

Of media saturation that is mind boggling
by the time the normal American is 18.

That number jumps from 18,000
contact hours of consumption,

hours of media to 33,000.

That is nearly 12 years.

Of eight hours a day consuming media.

Now, as I said, this is America, but
what about the rest of the world?

Maybe other cultures are different.

Well, yes.

In 2011 in UAE, the national news
published an article saying that a

team led by booed Hameshi surveyed
638 UAE nationals from the ages of

16 to 25 at schools and universities.

They said that almost.

Of the young MRDs are addicted to the
internet and spend nearly 10 hours

a day on social and other media.

A new survey suggests they say that
young people live a highly mediated

existence spending more than 9.9 hours.

On average a day with me.

More time than they spend sleeping.

And they spend twice as much
time on the internet as watching

TV, according to researchers.

Now, when we dropped down into the lower
ages, I'm sure that number drops from

10 hours a day to something smaller,
but still, if you're at 3, 4, 5 hours

a day, when you're in your early
teen years from eight to 12, That is

going to have a significant impact.

What are you watching?

What are those kids listening to?

It doesn't take much observation to
see that parents are using screens as

babysitters from all you have to do is
go to a mall and see how many kids have

a screen clued in front of their face.

As their parents are.

Because our media consumption
is not going down.

It is increasing.

Here are some startling facts on
media consumption in the west.

Adults spend more than 11 hours a day.

This is from the Nelson report in
2018 teenagers spend an estimated

of 10 hours a day on screens tweens.

Six to seven hours a day, absorbing
media, eight to 10 year olds are spending

about five hours a day with media.

And the typical 18 year old
will have been exposed to over

32,000 hours of media content.

And it's increasing, but
what does all of this mean?

What does this mean?

What impact does this have on culture?

Well, we see that in the way.

That there is been a huge shift
from traditional values to what

I'm calling social media value.

So we have shifted in American
culture from valuing hard work,

civic duty, humility, living in
moderation, the importance of family

and faith, the rule of law obeying
the rule of law for galleries.

Living within our means
and living simple lives.

Those were the traditional American
values, but it has changed if you look in

modern American culture today, we see that
the values have drastically shifted to

values that have been promoted on social
media, on TV, on reality TV in movies.

And what is that?

It is comfort living for experiences.

For feelings, having an expression,
expressing ourselves and in a way that

makes us feel free rather than humility.

We just want to be expressive,
happiness, not moderation.

We want to be happy.

I want to do what makes
me feel good independence.

I don't want to be bound
to my family values.

I'm going to do what I want to do.

Forgive my.


I'm entitled to things.

The world owes me something control,
acceptance, and freedom, not simplicity

for Galilee or obeying the rule of law.

It's I want to be in charge.

I am king of my own world
and I will do what I want.


And we see that these are the
values that have been pushed and

pressed across media platforms.

Whether intentionally or
unintentionally, it doesn't matter.

These are the values that the new
generation, the coming generation

generation Z, and even the millennial
generation have adopted have embraced.

Now we could say, well,
what, ah, come on, Lucas.

What's so bad with that.

I mean, Every once to be
comfortable, we want want happiness.

I want you to be happy.

We should be independent.

And yeah, freedom is a good thing.

We should all be freedom and into an
independent, and we should express

our feelings, not just, you know,
bottle them all up, not to live in, in

moderation, not to harness our emotions.

And you self-control instead,
I just want to express the way

that I feel like, why is that?

Well, let's look at the effects
that this change of value has.

On society.

And majority of adults believe
that the following things are now

morally acceptable in the west.

They believe that divorce is okay.

Having a sexual relationship
when you're not in a marriage.

It's okay.


That's fine.

If you have sexual thoughts or
fantasies about people besides

your spouse, that's okay.

It's no big deal.

It's just in your mind.

Um, LGBTQ plus.

Relationships are acceptable.

Those LGBTQ T uh, relationships
should be embraced across the board.

Doctor-assisted suicides,
acceptable, LGBT identity, acceptable

cohabitation living together, uh,
outside of a married relationship.

Totally fine.

Having a child without
the parents being married.

That's fine.

And we see it in the.

We see that it's not just people
accepting these things, but people have

begun to live in this sort of lifestyle.

Now, again, to play the devil's advocate.

Well, Luke.

Why not, why, why not live
in these type lifestyles?

What's so wrong with thinking that
gambling is okay or having pure

promiscuous relationships or having
a child outside of marriage times

are changing values, changing.

We're becoming more
open-minded and more accepting.

Isn't it good that we're becoming more
tolerant and more loving to people

that are in the LGBTQ community?

Isn't this a good thing.

Why, why are you coming down
hard on those who decide not

to get married traditionally?

What's wrong with this?

Well, let's talk about that.

What effects do these
things have on society?

What is the cascading effect?

As you can see, it's like a
domino that has been pushed.

The first one was all of a sudden we had
this inundation of media immediate begins

to shape and transform the minds of a
new generation, replacing traditional

values with a new set of values, a set
of values that is exalting the self.

And rather than.

Teaching and putting on a
pedestal of value of restraint

and moderation and self control.

It is saying, let your feelings
run rampant, do what you want.

Be happy at all costs.

From that we see the next step, which
is there's a massive change in the way

that people believe other things in life.

When it comes to the traditional
family values are malleable and they're

accepting that we're seeing a spike
in kids that are born outside of.

And what is the effects of those?

Well, we talked about this
actually just a few episodes ago.

In episode 1 93, with Robert Henderson,
he came on the show and he talked about

how family values being destroyed, how
the, the uncertainty that happens in

kids' lives between the ages of zero
and five is the greatest predictor.

Of further violence in their life of
being arrested in their life of being,

putting themselves in a risky situation.

When they're in their teens,
it's further evidence.

There's evidence saying that if you do
not have a stable childhood, you will

grow up to not be a trusting person.

You won't trust your friends.

You won't trust the government.

You won't trust the relationships
that you have around.

Is this a positive thing
that we want in culture?

Do we want to sow seeds of
mistrust and doubt and culture?

Do we want to sow seeds in the
next generations life to have

a chaotic young adulthood?

That's only going to
breed more destruction.

Is this.

Here's the clip from Robert Henderson.

What are the predictors of, um, sort of
juvenile delinquency, criminal behavior,

teen pregnancy, sort of doing risky things
that could get you hurt or in trouble.

Um, and so the, the two, the two
key things that we're looking at,

one was a environmental harshness.

Would they call it environmental
harshness, which is essentially

low socioeconomic status.

How much money do you have?

How much money does your family have?

The other question or the, the
other factor they were looking at

was environmental unpredictability,
which is basically measuring.

Um, how many different kinds
of family structures you

lived in, in your childhood?

Um, you know, how many divorces, just
how many different homes, how many sort

of, uh, marriages and remarriages and
so on that you sort of go through or,

or foster homes in my case, I guess.

Um, and what they found was that the
ladder, this sort of unpredictability,

uh, that kind of disorder and chaos
and early child, Is much stronger

predictor of later criminal behavior
and getting into trouble, getting

hurt then, uh, than poverty, which
I think might surprise some people.

I think we talk a lot about poverty
and society, but we very rarely

talk about stability and care
and security for young children.

Um, and I think this is what's going on.

You know, there's a sort of broader
question of what's going on in the

us and maybe in Western society more
broadly is, um, The breakdown of the

family in a situation where you don't
have a stable two-parent family.

Um, you don't, I think it's, it's
harder to learn to trust people.

It's harder to sort of learn early
on how to, how to establish and build

relationship, have that sort of sense
of safety and emotional connection,

and that willingness to be vulnerable,
uh, that, you know, children can have

when they have a secure and stable
home environment, but you know,

fewer and fewer people have that.

And I think this is
giving rise to a lot of.

And I believe Robert is right.

This is the leading factor of the rise in
cynicism and nihilism in this generation,

the breakdown of the family unit.

So you might ask yourself,
or you might ask me, well,

why are these liberal values?

Why is.

Open-mindedness and this tolerance
towards things that directly impact the

stability of a family, especially if
you believe that the stability of the

family or a family unit is something
to be looked down on is an oppressive

function of the patriarchal society.

You can believe that.

And you can say that, but the problem
is that when these ideas are implement,

When there's a breakdown of the family
unit, does it leave the next generation

in a better place with better mental
health, with better options on the

table for employment with stronger,
more healthy relationships, more

trusting, or does it lead to more
chaos and destruction in their life?

And the studies would show the data
would show that it's the latter.

And so if we want to win the war
against nihilism, if we want to stem

the tide that is destroying this
generation of suicide, rising suicide

rates, rising depression and anxiety.

Then we must begin with the youth.

We must begin at a young age and we
must begin with media because it is.

Media that is shaping the
hearts, the minds and the

lives of the next generation.

Thanks for listening to this episode.

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So I hope you do that this week and I will
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until then go out and own your future.