National MPS Society: Our Voices

We talk with Mike Hu again about the future of newborn screening and his non-profit, Project GUARDIAN, which stands for Genomic Uniform-Screening Against Rare Diseases In All Newborns. The nonprofit looks to promote genomic sequencing as a platform to newborn screening.

Show Notes

In this episode:
  • We are back talking with Mike Hu about Project GUARDIAN.
  • Project GUARDIAN advocates for and supports sequencing based newborn screening to identify pre-symptomatic patients who can either benefit from early intervention using existing treatments or eligible for clinical trials of novel treatments, at a disease stage when treatment could be maximally efficacious.
  • We discuss what genome sequencing is and the role it can play in diagnosis of rare diseases in the future.
  • We also discussed epigenetic modifications that are specific to an individual.
  • How is genomic sequencing different than mass spectrometry and how could it transform newborn screening? Mike unpacks his vision.
  • When we talk about expansion of the newborn screening system, it is necessary to introduce new platforms that go beyond mass spectrometry, and genomic sequencing is a suitable one.
  • We discuss the challenges introducing large scale sequence based newborn screening studies in the US. 

The  National MPS Society exists to cure, support, and advocate for MPS and ML.
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What is National MPS Society: Our Voices?

We explore the unique lives and work of our community's leaders, professionals, and inspirational members--conversations about the challenges, courage, and dedication that are pillars of this community. We share new perspectives, insights, and knowledge about the rare disease that impacts our daily lives and guides our individual journeys.

The National MPS Society exists to cure, support and advocate for MPS and ML.

Stephanie: In our previous
episode, speaking with Dr.

Mike, who we discussed newborn
screening, the way it is currently.

And I would like this opportunity for us
to discuss newborn screening's future.

Now, Mike, you said you were
a founder of a nonprofit.

Would you mind telling us a
little bit more about that?

Mike: Yeah.

And thanks for having me again
and gimme the opportunity to

advertise for our little nonprofit.

So we call our.

Project guardian, which stands for
genomic uniform screening against

rare diseases in all newborns.

Thanks to a friend of
mine to, to to the name.

Stephanie: Yeah, it's
a really creative name.

I like it.

It's very thoughtful acronym

Mike: catchy

Stephanie: Uhhuh.


So what's the vision of this organization?

Mike: So in a nutshell, we want to
introduce genomic sequencing as a platform

into newborn screening, which enables
us to add a lot of diseases at the same

time to our newborn screening system.

And it enables future diseases to be
added at minimal cost onto the same.

Stephanie: Okay.

So could you tell our listeners
what genome sequencing is

Mike: every one of us have what's
called a set of genome sequences.

So all of our cells have a
set of DNA in the nuclears.

And there are about six.

Codes that made up for the genome.

Every one of our genome
codes are a little different.

But by and large, we
have a high similarity.

It's those minor differences that
determine our eye color, our skin, our

height, our accent, to some extent all of
those things are scripted in the genome.

So when a genetic disease arise, it is,
we call them genomic genetic disease.

It is because their genetic codes
gets modified in some ways, some

of them in a more simplified way we
call them monogenic genetic disease.

Some of them in a more complicated way.

Now with the newborn screening effort,
we're focusing more on the simple.

Mandela diseases where genetic
patterns are clear the ideology,

which means why the diseases
come to present is very clear.

It's linked to single genes.

And how does gene functions

Stephanie: So the Mendelian genetics
that's, taken us back to the punt

square, big, a little a cross it
with big, a little a the little A's

are the recessive trait and the.

Big a is the dominant trade and
NPS, most of them except for hunter

syndrome are the autosomal recessive.

So it's that little, a little a so we're
looking at simple things like that.

What would be some of
the more complex things?

Mike: The co complex things take
on the form of involving multiple

genes and sometimes not just genes.

When we talk about genome sequences,
there are coding sequences where those

sequences are expressed into proteins.

There are non-coding sequences
that works more as a regulator for

the coding sequences, how much.

Translated into protein,
that kind of stuff.


So complex genetic diseases.

Most of which we don't have a complete
understanding of unfortunately,

because they're complicated.

They often involve multiple genes.

Each of the genes probably have some
contribution to the presentation

of the symptoms, but it takes
the entirety of those changes to.

The syndrome that we're seeing
and a good example of that.

Certain forms of autism
has genetic traits.

But they are not decided by single genes
that are decided by a multitude of genes.

There's also, what's called
epigenetic modifications.

It's taking us a little bit beyond
the traditional genetic diseases,

but they are genetic modifications,
nonetheless, that are just modified

for that particular person.

Not to the codes, but to how the codes
are translated and trans and expressed

and translated into proteins even.

Stephanie: Okay.

So how does the genomic sequencing,
if you could explain a very simplified

version of how it is different than
mass spectrometry and then how this

would revolutionize our current methods
and standards for newborn screening.

Mike: Yeah.

So first let's give credit.

When credit is due, mass spec
has a working horse for pretty,

for most of our currently.

Newborn screening conditions it's
working fabulously as a platform.

I think it's hard to imagine
something better for screening.

So it has very high sensitivity,
which means if you have a disease.

it most likely can tell it's not
gonna give a lot of false negatives.

Remember we mentioned the last episode,
false negatives are when you have the

condition, but cannot be detected.

So it's not gonna be a lot of that.

It's also very specific in
the sense that when it says.

This sample is positive.

Most likely it is positive.

It doesn't give a lot of false positives.

And so that's the perfect kind of
combination that a public health

screening program needs, cuz you
want to screen because you want to

catch pretty much all the cases.

So you don't want the high, false
negative rate, but at the same time,

because you're screening everyone right.

Base number for that screening
is the entire population.

Which means if you have a slightly
higher, false, positive rate, it is

gonna translate into thousands and
tens of thousands of false positive

patients who needs to be followed up.

Who needs to be tested and so on and
so forth and eventually dismissed

and not just to mention the potential
stress is gonna cause them, it is

gonna be a lot of resources needed
to do the follow up and testing.

And so for a testing platform,
we really want those to

properties for the platform to.

Now, unfortunately, mass spec
is not what do we call almighty?

It depends on the blood
spot to contain some kind of

signature that it can capture.

We call them biomarkers.

So for most of the diseases that
we currently screen for a metabolic

disease will have a fingerprint.

I'd say this kind of . Amal acid
metabolism is going, or you are

gonna have either too much of.

Certain Amal acid or byproduct,
or you're gonna have too

little of it, one or another.

It's gonna cause imbalance in a
system that leads to a disease, right?

For many of the genetic diseases that
we're now talking about, there are no

such fingerprints in the blood spot.

We can get.

The only thing we can get to are the
DNA which can be accurately prepared

and sequenced for, from a block.

Stephanie: right.

Mike: When we talk about expansion of
the newborn screening system, it is

necessary to introduce new platforms.

Goes beyond mass spec and genomic
sequencing is such a suitable one.

Now it's not perfect yet.

The performance of sequencing, there
are a couple of large scale studies

that have been published lately.

And you can see the performance
head to head with MAs spec is not

as great but it comes in two forms.

The first form is I.

Attributed to not having enough data.

Our understanding of genetics
is far from sufficient, right?

So with the accumulation of more
data, a lot of those challenges,

a lot of those performance
characteristics are gonna be improved.

The second one is more complicated.

It's what we call genetic
incomplete penetrance.

So you have.

A certain variant or a
mutation we used to call it.

Now we call it variant.

In certain patients it causes
the disease in certain patients.

It does not

Have to remember we, human beings
are a complex machine that a lot of

genes, a lot of proteins interact
with each other to make us function.

So this actually gets to essentially, I.

In my opinion, in most cases, point
to our incomplete understanding of

those genes or those diseases of those
functions rather than saying this variant

doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

It's because we don't know these might
well be attributed to a polygenic disease.


Talked about, there are diseases
that many factors come into play.

Many genes come into play.

This could be one of those cases.

We just don't know those other
genes or other factors yet.

One way or another, I think a, this is
the most available platform that can go

into newborn screening and most promising.

and B with the accumulation of more
data, we can solve most of the problems

that it cannot solve right now.

And C I do think as a public health
screening program, we have a fixed mindset

as to how it should perform and how all
of those conditions or criteria must be

checked off for something to be screened.

I think we should revisit that.

I'm not saying they are absolutely
wrong at what, whatever rate I'm saying

it's worth revisiting so that we can,
for example, tolerate a little bit

of a potentially worse performance.

If there are slightly higher false
positives, do we have enough benefit to

offset whatever consequence that higher.

False positive rate is
causing as a society.

In total, I think there are things we
can tolerate and there are things that

we probably are not ready for, but I
think if we don't even consider it, we

will be missing a lot of opportunities.

Stephanie: So currently right now
in the United Kingdom, they're

piloting a genome sequencing platform
method for their newborn screening.

How would implementing something
like this in the us be different?

Mike: There will be two main differences.

The first difference is in
the UK implementing sequencing

based newborn screen.

their population makeup is a little
bit more uniform than the us, which

means the current database with those
variants a little bit more suitable

for their population compared to
the us now in the us, because we are

really a Hotpod of all kinds of people.

We don't have enough Underrepresented
population's genetic data

represented in the databases yet.

that's a big part of what the
research effort needs to capture.

Now that's one difference.

I think the bigger difference is
how the healthcare systems are

different between the us and the UK.

I'm not a politics expert, in the UK
they have more of a one healthcare system.

Whereas in the us, it's more of
a market based healthcare system.

the us, there are also more layers
of complications such as, the

federal government versus the state
government, the cross border cross

state border care with regard to
insurance coverage, all of those comes

into play when it's newborn screening.

And I think those are the challenges
that are more specific to the us.

Many other countries.

Stephanie: Yeah, just, the same
obstacles that we have currently

with our current method of newborn
screening is that each state is

going to have to independently adopt.


So when we were talking about
the variants, I think some of our

listeners are probably familiar
with, the genetic testing.

And when they come back as like
here's a pathogenic variant, here's

a variant of unknown origin, or here
is a variant with no significance.

Could you explain how.

of these results may be
interpreted through sequencing.

Mike: Yeah.

So sequencing is currently being
used in many cases as a secondary

line testing, a confirmatory testing.

If you will, when you have a
biochemical anomaly, you can do

sequencing of the corresponding
genes to confirm what is causing it.


Sometimes you will go
into these rare diseases.

You can sequence the corresponding gene.

You find a variant, but you
don't know what it means because

we haven't seen it before.

It's not captured in the database.

So we call it variants of unknown
significance when it's as a

confirmatory testing method.

it's okay to report more of those,
because what you're trying to find

are clues for someone who is already,
pretty likely affected, because he or

she was discovered by the screening
as a positive, when you move genetic.

Sequencing to first line as a screening
method, this problem needs to take

on a different approach because
we have a lot of parents that we

don't know their significance of.

And so when you are screening,
this is our approach.

We're not going to look into variants
of unknown significance from the get go.

We are going to only look at the
pathogenic and highly likely pathogenic

ones, because you want to make sure you're
not creating too many false positives.

You want to make sure the false,
the positives that you're calling

likely the effective ones.

Now that doesn't mean those variants
of unknown significance cannot be

resolved with the accumulation of
data, especially follow up data.

They can be resolved.

Eventually it just takes
time and accumulation of.

Stephanie: Cause the accuracy
of these tests is really only as

reliable as robust the database.

So the more data we collect,
the more accurate our

interpretation of the results are

Mike: Yeah, exactly.

Stephanie: something this large scale
and this kind of, new technology when.

This is a vision of yours right now.

And the organization that you
founded is looking at advocating

for this genome sequencing as
our method for newborn screening.

What is the timeframe that you
think would be realistic for such

a large scale project like this?

Mike: I think in a nutshell, what
we're looking at on the short end

is a period of five to eight years.

Our mission, in the short term is to
conduct a large scale pilot study in the

realm of, a hundred K to 200 K babies.

And so to enroll that many babies
will take a couple of years.

And then for this type of pilot
study, you need to do a lot of

follow up studies for the positives.

So that you can actually, not only to
confirm because many genetic diseases.

As a baby you just have no
way of confirming, right?

So you have to do follow
ups to confirm you have to

confirm, you have to follow up.

You have to see what the outcome is like
in some cases when it's appropriate see if

the babies are gonna respond in some type
of treatment or experimental treatment.

So collecting all of those follow up
data will take another couple of years.

If we get funded today, I would say
five to eight years, we would have

a good set of data to allow us to
nominate say a hundred to 200 diseases

for the consideration of adding to.

now that would only be the beginning, we
open the door to nominate more diseases,

but, in order for us to tackle the
supposedly more than a thousand genetic

diseases that can be screened for as a
newborn I think it's gonna take a couple

of decades to eventually get there.

Now I do want to say.

being such a large and
long time commitment.

We do have to start somewhere.

This has been a bottleneck, if
you will, to get people excited

because, it's not you can see some
tangible results in two years.

I think everyone wants to have a
short and turnaround, but this is

the kind of thing that we really.

Long term commitment to and have the
patience and commitment to make it.

Stephanie: Thanks, Mike for another
learning opportunity here, I certainly

appreciate your explanation of genome
sequencing and what that could possibly

mean for newborn screenings future.

And so I would like to wish you the
best of luck with your nonprofit

as it forges its way into the
newborn screening landscape.

And thanks again for joining our podcast.

Mike: Thank you very much for inviting me
again, F for all listeners, if you have.

Thoughts about how you might be
able to contribute to such an

effort, feel free to gimme a shout.

Stephanie: Thanks, Mike.