The Few Will Hunt Show

It’s time to write your own origin story. In this episode, Joey shares his unique perspective on the origins of Few Will Hunt. From founding the movement with his cousin Drew to building a global community grounded in the power of hard work. What began as conversations about society’s shortcut mindset and the mission to restore the dignity of hard work has grown into a community for those willing to put in the effort. Tune in to hear the inspiring journey of FWH and discover how you can take back the pen and write your own story.

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and Made in the USA apparel brand. Family-owned and operated and headquartered in Philadelphia. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Joey Bowen:

Everybody wants the win. Few want the work. Everybody wants the results. Few want what's required for the result. Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show.

Joey Bowen:

What's going on, Eagles? Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. I'm Joey, cofounder of Fuel Hunt, and today I'm joined by no one. Typically, this is the moment where I introduce Drew, my cousin and cofounder, or I introduce one of the few, a member of our community that we have on the show. Today, neither of them are here.

Joey Bowen:

It's just me and you. Drew's actually within earshot. We have our friends from Johnny slicks, another badass American made company at HQ today. So he's holding down the fort, and I'm taking the mic. I trust you won't mind.

Joey Bowen:

Today, I wanna tell you a story. But before I do, I wanna give you some context. Over the past few weeks, I've had the opportunity, the amazing opportunity to speak on a few stages, to speak about fuel hunt, our community, our counter movement, our company with everybody from entrepreneurs to those looking to build great habits in life. I spoke on the stage at BK live in front of 100 alongside Bedros Coolian, our friend and business partner. I also spoke at consequence of habits speaker series alongside 2 Green Berets, Nick Lavery and Ben Monet.

Joey Bowen:

And no matter the stage, no matter the audience, no matter the topic, I was always approached afterwards with one statement. I heard this statement over a 100 times. It came from new community members, people that joined the fuel hunt community just after hearing me speak, but it also came from existing community members, people that have been in our community for 1 or 2 years. And that statement was this. I had no idea.

Joey Bowen:

I had no idea that Fuel Hunt was a community and a counter movement before it was a clothing company. I had no idea of the origin story of fuel hunt. Now we're 50 some episodes into the show, into the fuel hunt show, over a year into the fuel hunt show. If you rewind back, episode 1 or at least one of the first five episodes is the origin story of fuel hunt. Drew and I tell it.

Joey Bowen:

Today, I'm gonna tell it in a unique way, a different way from my perspective between me and you. So whether you've heard it before or this is your first time hearing it, pay attention. And at the end of the story, I'm gonna tell you why I'm speaking with you about it today. In 2017, my cousin Drew and I spent every day on the phone, and we're still not sick of each other, every day on the phone on our commutes to and from our jobs. I'm 10 years older than Drew is, so I had crossed some bridges in life and business that he was about to set foot on.

Joey Bowen:

So on these calls, we talked about just that, life and business, any other topic. Nothing was off the table. There's a lot of passion and a lot of purpose on these calls. There were also a lot of potholes. If you've ever driven through the mean streets of Philly, you know what I'm talking about.

Joey Bowen:

The potholes have a mind of their own. You swerve to avoid them. They swerve to be right back in your path. So there's a lot of passion and a lot of purpose and a lot of potholes on these calls. I say, Fuel Hunt was born on the Philly streets.

Joey Bowen:

Now you'll understand why. There's also 2 recurring themes on these calls, unfortunately. The first theme, people were becoming more and more entitled to what they did not earn. The second theme, people were seeking more and more shortcuts on the way to their goals. Drew and I were seeing these themes pop up in our social circles, our neighborhoods, our communities, our places of business, and they enraged us.

Joey Bowen:

See, Drew and I are from blue collar, hardworking, middle class families in Philly, families that understand and respect the value of a hard day's work, and that mentality we saw disappearing from society. It left us feeling aggravated, frustrated. It left us feeling alone, alone in what we would call the microwave society, a society where people would show up with 60 seconds of hard work, expect that they could put it in a microwave for 60 more seconds, and then out would come 6 years of hard work and its results. We felt alone. We felt aggravated, and one day those frustrations hit their boiling point.

Joey Bowen:

And Drew asked me a question, because are we the only 2 that still believe in the power of hard work? I remember pausing. I remember gripping the steering wheel. I had a black on black Jeep Grand Cherokee at the time. If you've watched the show for any amount of time, you know I have a thing for black.

Joey Bowen:

I remember gripping the steering wheel, the leather on the black steering wheel, because I knew a moment was coming. Did I know it was a moment that was going to shape our lives for the next 7 years and alter the lives of 1,000 for the next 7 years? No. But I knew a moment was coming. So I paused and I responded.

Joey Bowen:

I said, it's like we say at my hunting cabin. Everybody wants to eat, but few will hunt. Boom. There it was. A statement that not only summed up our frustrations with society, but also clued in the solution.

Joey Bowen:

Everybody wants the win. Few want the work. Everybody wants the results. Few want what's required for the result. At that moment, Drew and me, we were the first 2 in the few, and we set out on a mission to find the rest of the few, to build the world's largest community of hard workers and put society back on track, to restore the dignity of hard work, to restore hard work to the rank and respect it deserved, to the rank and respect it once had that built this great nation.

Joey Bowen:

So that night, we rushed home, maybe broke a few traffic laws on the way, and we started an Instagram page. And we began to write long form content for hardworking people like us, content that educated and inspired our community, content that ultimately was about sticking it out in life on the way to your goals, on the way to building the life that you wanted to design for those that you loved and yourself. We did that for 2 straight years from 2017 to 2019. In 2019, our community was a few 1,000 strong. Then something very unexpected happened.

Joey Bowen:

Our community started to ask for our words on t shirts. Comfort is a slow death. Prefer pain. I'd wear that on a t shirt. If we risk nothing, we risk everything.

Joey Bowen:

I'd wear that on a hoodie. Luck favors hard workers. Put that on a long sleeve. Few will hunt. I'd wear that on a hat.

Joey Bowen:

When the community speaks, we listen. So Drew and I got to work. But before we did, I asked Drew a question. I returned the favor. 2 years prior, he asked me a question that set us off on this mission to build a fuel on community.

Joey Bowen:

I returned the favor, and I asked him a question. I said, because do we have a blog, or do we have a business? Turns out we had both, and we needed the business. The universe had put this opportunity in our path because we understood that in order to maximize our impact on society, in order for us to grow fuel hunt into the worldwide counter movement that we knew it could be, that we needed it to be, we would need one thing, money. People will tell you money is the root of all evil.

Joey Bowen:

It's a lie. It's a limiting belief. Money is a maximizer of meaning and impact, and we knew that if we started an apparel company and we had that gasoline to pour onto the fire that was already fuel hunt, it would spread even faster, burn even hotter in the hearts of our community members. So that's what we did. We got to work developing the best apparel in the game and then later, the best fight wear in the game.

Joey Bowen:

In 2020, we had our hockey stick year. We went from essentially $0 in sales to over $1,000,000 in sales overnight. And if you're watching on YouTube, you can see that I put overnight in air quotes. You can see the sarcasm on my face. That year, the doubters came back out of the woodwork.

Joey Bowen:

You came out of nowhere overnight. You blew up overnight. Overnight was 3 years of unparalleled sacrifice in our lives and the lives of our team members. We stopped watching sports. We ditched friend groups.

Joey Bowen:

We said no to family parties. We burned the midnight oil. We did anything we could to find time in our lives to pour into our people, the fuel economy community, and grow it into a worldwide counter movement. In 2021, we attracted the attention of our good friend and business partner, Pedro Sculian. He helped us increase our reach and spread our mission and movement.

Joey Bowen:

In 2022, we had one of our biggest years ever. The community was growing strong. But in 2023, there was a problem. See, when I asked Drew that question, do we have a blog or a business, we made a promise in that moment. If we started a business, that business would always align with the impact that we wanted to have on this world.

Joey Bowen:

And in 2023, we stepped back and we took stock, and we said we are incongruent there in one specific area. Fuel Hunt, the company, was still spending dollars in some countries around the world that did not support the 3 pillars of our community, freedom, hard work, and service to others. So we made a new promise, a new commitment to manufacture exclusively in America, to make sure that all of our apparel and all of our fight wear was made in the USA. 2024, fast forward. I'm here with you now.

Joey Bowen:

The community is stronger than ever. More than 200,000 members in 75 countries worldwide. So why am I telling you Fuel Hunt's origin story today? Because it's time for you to write your own origin story. Something in your life is holding your pen.

Joey Bowen:

Maybe you think it's your boss. Maybe you think it's the ZIP code you grew up in. Maybe you think it's the household you came from. Maybe you think it's the parent that wasn't there. Maybe it's a toxic relationship in your life.

Joey Bowen:

Whatever it is, maybe it's all the above. Whatever it is, you need to take your pen back and start writing your origin story. Everything you need for your hunt is already inside of you. You just need to make the choice to take back your pen. And as you write your origin story, I want you to always remember.

Joey Bowen:

Choose hard work over handouts. Choose effort over entitlement. No one owns you. No one owes you. You're one of the few.

Joey Bowen:

Now let's hunt.