Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast

In this episode we’re continuing our series on the Human Design centers with the Sacral center. This is such an important center for two reasons:
  1. It helps you understand how your energy works best - key for any solo or small business owner.
  2. And for some people it’s their authority - which means they can use it as a powerful resource to make decisions.
We cover how to find this center on your chart, how to know if it’s defined or undefined and what that means. We also share some practical tools for aligning with the sacral center that you can start using today.

So here it is, the Human Design Sacral center explained:

  • (00:00) - Preview: Trusting your gut
  • (01:22) - Welcome back to Well Designed
  • (03:21) - Where to find your sacral center on your Human Design chart and what it represents
  • (04:31) - What it means if your sacral center is shaded/coloured in (the defined sacral center)
  • (05:52) - What to watch out for if you have a defined sacral center
  • (09:04) - How you'll feel when you're in the wisdom of your defined sacral
  • (12:04) - Marker
  • (13:54) - The key: Learning to say no
  • (19:13) - The gift defined sacral centers can give others
  • (20:50) - How undefined and defined centers work together in teams
  • (21:59) - What does is mean to have your sacral center open or undefined
  • (24:20) - The shadow side of the open/undefined sacral center
  • (35:40) - Talking about being in your wisdom with an undefined/open sacral center
  • (38:43) - How you can use your signposts to stay in your wisdom

Links to things we mention:

At the start of the pod we mention 2 other episodes on centers that are also authorities. They are the Spleen center episode on the Emotional center episode.

We also mention a couple of other podcasts. Non-sacrals (those with an undefined or open sacral center) might enjoy fellow Projector Uma Girash’s podcast, Being Fully Me. Defined sacral beings might enjoy Jackie Murphy’s podcast, Yoga Boss.

Creators & Guests

Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
Kyle Wood
Co-Host of Well Designed

What is Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast?

A podcast that helps health and wellness professionals find more ease in their work. Each episode we'll look at challenges that you might face in running your own business and how human design can help.


[00:00:00] Preview: Trusting your gut

[00:00:00] Brandi Healy: That's like the most important tool to align with this center being defined is to be able to tap into that gut. To know, to trust that gut knowing before you say yes and really releasing the need to rationalize it. 'cause oftentimes when I work with clients that are struggling with this, it's because they see their calendar and they see an empty spot and they're like, well, I can do this, so I should,

or, this person really wants me to do this, so I should instead of. Asking themself, like, what does my gut tell me in the moment? Is it a yes? Is it a no? [00:01:00]

[00:01:22] Welcome back to Well Designed

[00:01:22] Kyle Wood: Hello and welcome back to Well-Designed. My name's Kyle Wood and with me is my co-host Brandy. Hey Brandy.

[00:01:30] Brandi Healy: Hi,

[00:01:32] Kyle Wood: So we've just had our 45 minute pre-chat and now we're ready to record the podcast.

Uh, today's. Podcast episode is we are continuing with our theme of the centers and we're looking at the sacral center today, which is an interesting one because this is like the Splenic and Emotional Center episodes we did. This also can be an authority for people, [00:02:00] so we'll be talking a bit today about if you've got this defined, how this can actually shop in your decision making too.

So I'm, I'm excited about that and I'm also excited to talk about the . The smaller percentage of people who have this undefined, uh, and what that can need for them, which Brandy and I both have this undefined, so we're very familiar with, with that. Um, and then we obviously know lots of people who have it defined.

And you're saying brandy, that you've actually been doing like working with a lot of people with the center define lately?

[00:02:35] Brandi Healy: All of my current private clients are all, all, have the center

defined and you know. It makes sense. 70% of people have the sacral center defined. So those are, anybody that's a generator or a manifesting generator will have this center defined. And you know, I think it's really important for all you generators and manifesting [00:03:00] generators to really understand, you know, how, like as Kyle mentioned, how this plays into your authority. But you know how it plays into so much of your design

is, you know, being able to identify that gut feeling and that gut knowing. So, you know, it'll be fun to, to dig into that today.

[00:03:21] Where to find your sacral center on your Human Design chart and what it represents

[00:03:21] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Well, I think let's just, let's just dive into those who have this to find. So if they have this, if you have this colored in, uh oh yeah. We usually talk about where to find this in the chart too. So this is one of the centers that's in the middle. It's a square. It's the second from the bottom square on your chart.

So the very bottom is the root center, which we've done another episode on. And then just above that, that's your sacral center. Uh, which does it have, uh. I haven't really heard it called any other names. No.

[00:03:54] Brandi Healy: Mm, no.

[00:03:56] Kyle Wood: But yeah, it's got to do

[00:03:57] Brandi Healy: So.

[00:03:57] Kyle Wood: your gut, it's got to do with uh, [00:04:00] you know, like sexuality and like reproduction and all of that stuff.

Like which if you familiar with chakras, it's like a similar sort of sort of vibe there. Um, so, uh, but

[00:04:13] Brandi Healy: yeah, It governs like Vitality, and

[00:04:16] Kyle Wood: like that. Yes.

[00:04:17] Brandi Healy: Yes, like our energy for work, it's like life force

is kind of,

[00:04:24] Kyle Wood: create, right? Yeah.

Create, yes. There's a


[00:04:27] Brandi Healy: love that.

[00:04:27] Kyle Wood: creation, um, element with it as well.

[00:04:31] What it means if your sacral center is shaded/coloured in (the defined sacral center)

[00:04:31] Brandi Healy: Yeah, so as I mentioned, for those of you that are generators and manifesting generators, this will be shaded in on your chart. And so when this is defined, it's, you know, having that

consistent creativity, vitality, and gen and uh, energy. Um, and that just really means like you have this ability to. Work very consistently [00:05:00] when you are doing things that really light you up and that you are deeply satisfied

by. And you know, I think that that's like the key here is a lot of these people that have this center, you have so much energy and it is. Magnetic, you know, that's part of, you know what these two types, like the signature of these types is this like magnetism and it comes from, you know, this sacral center and you know, you are designed to be my magnetic when you are actually lit up by what you are doing. And so sometimes what can get confused with the center is you have all of this energy and you're not using your authority, how you make a decision to really decide. Is this the next best place to put my energy? So,

[00:05:51] What to watch out for if you have a defined sacral center

[00:05:51] Kyle Wood: Mm-Hmm.

[00:05:52] Brandi Healy: one of the things that can happen for people with the center, like when they're in their shadow, they can feel burnt out [00:06:00] or they can feel depleted.

And what, how that can come about is, you know, when we overcommit to things. We don't enjoy. So really doing things that people think that they should do versus doing things that, you know, they're excited by or that feel really good to them, that you know, that are, are satisfying. So it can also show up as like just prioritizing other people's needs above their own. Um, or really not trusting their own magnetism. And, you know, for both of these types, the way that they create opportunities, their, um, their strategy is to respond to things. So if they find themselves really chasing after things, instead of having that patience address, that the right things will come to them

that can also feel, you know, super depleting.

Um. [00:07:00] And so, you know, another sign, um, can be just feeling really restless. You know, if you're not using your energy and satisfying ways throughout the days, might find yourself being that person that like, feels like you have to exercise or compulsively

clean right before you.

[00:07:21] Kyle Wood: yeah. I, I was just thinking as you're talking, like I've totally got a friend who's like this, like . He's, uh, hopefully, I'm not gonna sound super judgey saying this, but it's just my observation. We can't help it as projectors. We are always observing. He, He, not really, he's not really super fulfilled by the work he does, so he is always looking for things outside of work to fulfill him.

Which is, which is fine, but he just kind of does things for the sake of doing them. Yeah. Like, like going to the gym like a lot. Um. He just sort of setting himself these like random challenges that he's not terribly excited about. He is not getting that like, gut [00:08:00] hit. He's just like, I need to create something to do with this energy, so I

[00:08:04] Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.

[00:08:05] Kyle Wood: I may as well do this.

So, yeah. So I, I have observed, observed that in him as that sort of like restless generator energy when you're, when you're maybe a bit out of alignment with, um, with what you're doing. Um. Yeah. Yeah, definitely

[00:08:24] Brandi Healy: Yeah, so when our kids were small and they were like, you know, would get really cranky in the evenings and. You know, we're really restless when we're trying to get them to go to bed. Like my husband had the saying, he'd be like, they need to get their yaya's out. And so like, he would make sure, like throughout the day, like he would take them to the park to like wear themselves out.


like, when it was time for a nap or bedtime, they were like actually tired. So generators and manifesting generators, you need to get your yay yas out

like through throughout the day. Um, you know, to, so that [00:09:00] you can. You know, feel satisfied at the end of the day.

[00:09:04] How you'll feel when you're in the wisdom of your defined sacral

[00:09:04] Brandi Healy: And so, you know, for these two types, like when they're in their wisdom, like they oftentimes feel, they feel energized as opposed to restless.

And you know, and that's typically that comes from when they're able to really be patient and have that trust to wait to feel excited about something. Before they commit to it


[00:09:33] Kyle Wood: this is so tied into their strategy. Right, which is like

[00:09:36] Brandi Healy: mm-hmm.

[00:09:37] Kyle Wood: So if they're not responding, yeah. The center is such a big part of that. If they're not responding to the the right thing, then then they're gonna . Feel they're not gonna get that. It's almost like a energy, like a energy circle.

Reciprocation, like as they put the energy into the thing that really lights them up, they'll then get that like [00:10:00] return of energy and like satisfaction and, yeah.

[00:10:04] Brandi Healy: Yes, yes. And like I'll, I'll chat about that a little bit more. Talking about like how they can align. But you know, some other things, like in their wisdom, it's like when you end your day feeling deeply satisfied because you've spent your time doing things and spent your energy. Doing things that feel really good, that are exciting to you, or with people in places that leave you feeling really energized and lit up. You know, You even if it's been, you know, a really long day, say you've worked like a 12 hour day, but you were doing something, you absolutely def love and you get in bed at the end of the day, you're like, I am exhausted. But it's this feeling of just like. Ugh. But I feel so good

about what I accomplished or how I spent my energy, even though I'm super tired,

[00:10:54] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:10:54] Brandi Healy: which on the flip side of that, they can spend really brief periods of time [00:11:00] doing things that are really depleting and feel totally zonked and drained because they weren't honoring that gut, that gut knowing of you know, what's right for them.

[00:11:11] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. absolutely.

[00:11:15] Brandi Healy: And, you know, for those that have this authority, and one of the clients that I'm working with right now is, uh, I, she's very tapped into the into her gut knowing. And it's like, you know, these people like really trust saying no to things and setting boundaries really creates space. For, to be able to say

yes to things that are exciting


them. And you know, really, again, going back to trusting that if it doesn't feel right, like that's not where I should be spending my time.

And if I say no to this thing, that leaves an open place for [00:12:00] me to say yes to something that feels right for


Like. More, the more, these two types prioritize their own excitement and

their own joy,

the more magnetic they become

for more things like that. So, you know, in terms of your friend that's working in

a job that they don't

necessarily love.

[00:12:21] Kyle Wood: mm,

[00:12:22] Brandi Healy: What's important is that, you know, not everyone can go and quit their job tomorrow, right?

It's like we have to pay the bills, right? And so what's important is that he prioritizes other things outside of his workday and kind of insulates himself, right? So it's like we're not always going to be able to only do the things that light us up, like. I had someone

say like, you know, taking out the trash doesn't really light me up,

[00:12:48] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:12:49] Brandi Healy: but it still needs to be get done.

And so some reframes can be, even if it's something that doesn't light you up, if you, once you get it done, does it feel satisfying? And [00:13:00] they're like, yeah. actually when the trash is out of the dirty trashes out of the house, like that does feel satisfying. And even if the answer is still no, but it's like, I still have to do that, then it's like. Almost like the treat yourself right is then make sure that you're prioritizing something that you do enjoy.

So if you're gonna have to spend time doing something that you dislike but has to be done, it can't be delegated like it's a non-negotiable, can you do something also within that day or you know, soon after? That does bring you joy to kind of balance things out, because if we're thinking about, if we keep putting our energy into things that are really

depleting, then you're just going to magnetize more things like that.

[00:13:48] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah, totally.

And you just get, I think you just get stuck.

[00:13:54] The key: Learning to say no

[00:13:54] Kyle Wood: It's something I always sort of give people with a defined circle, center heads up [00:14:00] on is that like, because remember our defined centers are where we like impact others. It's like where we are putting out signals to other people.

So other people will just naturally be like, this person has energy.

This person can do shit.

They'll just start, they'll just hand you their to-Do list like they'll just start like coming over, almost say coming over and writing down on your to-Do list things they want you to do.

And so it can be, and because you know you've got this energy can be very tempting to just say yes.

Just say, you mentioned it before, like learning to say no, which is really like boundaries, isn't it?

[00:14:38] Brandi Healy: Huge. Huge. That's like the most important tool to align with this center being defined is to be able to tap into that gut. To know, to trust that gut knowing before you say yes and really releasing the need to rationalize it. 'cause oftentimes when I work with clients that are struggling with this, it's [00:15:00] because they see their calendar and they see an empty spot and they're like, well, I can do this, so I should,

[00:15:06] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:15:06] Brandi Healy: or, this person really wants me to do this, so I should instead of. Asking themself, like, what does my gut tell me in the moment? Is it a yes? Is it a no?

And you know, in terms of how does this relate to your authority? You know, generators and manifesting generators, you can only have two types of authority, how you make decisions. So you're either a, trust your gut, which means you're meant to.

Have the capacity to have instant clarity to know right away, yes or no. So helping

yourself by saying, do I wanna do this? Yes or no, or even like turning it into a this or that.

And then the other authority is wait for clarity. But it's still rooted in the gut knowing. So it's initially trusting your first gut instinct

[00:15:53] Kyle Wood: Mm.

[00:15:54] Brandi Healy: and sleeping on it, giving it time, and then checking back and saying, is that [00:16:00] gut in? is

that gut? Yes. Or gut No. Still there.

[00:16:02] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah.


[00:16:05] Brandi Healy: And you know, and just re, and I think this piece is one that's the hardest for people, is trusting that the more lit up you are, the more you prioritize your own joy, the more everyone around you benefits.

And it's like creating space. To make your own excitement important is something a lot of people struggle with.

And you know, I primarily work with women, so I think that there's a lot that goes into, you know, societal and cultural conditioning for women around. Martyrdom of sacrificing your own joy and your own comfort for the joy and comfort of others.

And like, you know, that could be a multi, that could be a whole podcast

[00:16:55] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:16:55] Brandi Healy: own. I'm sure that there are

plenty of those out there, but [00:17:00] I think, you know, with all things like being really gentle with yourself and if this feels hard, like that's not uncommon. You know, because there's so much that goes into, again, like what expectations are of us, regardless of our gender, um, that this one can be really hard and it, it can come up for people that they feel selfish or that even people say that they're being selfish, but understanding that when. You know that that saying is, is you can't pour from an empty cup.

When your cup is full. You have more to, you know, to share with others and you're, you know, and you're better for it.

[00:17:48] Kyle Wood: Yeah. I. Think. Yeah, it, it is like counterintuitive, isn't it? Because you, you think, oh, the more I actually help others, [00:18:00] more people around me be lit up. But when you think about this from like an energetic perspective and, and everyone will know a generator who is lit up. Well hope, I hope they do. I hope everyone knows the generator of manifest generals lit up.

'cause you get in their presence and you immediately feel like. I can do shit, like I can ,

[00:18:22] Brandi Healy: Yeah,

[00:18:23] Kyle Wood: I can do stuff, and this person's there, they're cheering me on. They're motivating and it's because they're taking the time

to do things that they really love. Um, and that really leaves them Yeah, with that excitement and satisfaction.

So trust that. Um,

and I know from doing readings as well, like when I've talked to generators who are way out of alignment. You know, which, it just happens like it's not, it's not their fault. Um, sometimes you've might have a lot of open centers, you just have a lot of conditioning,

but there's like this heaviness they're carrying around compared to other generators.

[00:19:00] Especially I noticed like a lot of generators as they get older and I guess you stop giving as many shits about what other people think

[00:19:07] Brandi Healy: for sure.

[00:19:08] Kyle Wood: maybe your kids have grown up a bit, so they're like, not

[00:19:11] Brandi Healy: less needy

[00:19:12] Kyle Wood: much.

[00:19:13] The gift defined sacral centers can give others

[00:19:13] Kyle Wood: Yeah, that, that you then,

they then like step into themselves and you see this like this energy and just being, you just want to be around them.

You just want to be

[00:19:22] Brandi Healy: Hmm.

[00:19:22] Kyle Wood: energy. So

that is what you have to offer other people is to be this, like this beacon, this light. Um, for them, uh, especially for like brand and I who were, is, we'll talk about in a second. We are non sacral. We have undefined sacral centers.

So for us. Having lit up generators is really important because it helps us do the things that we're like we're here to do.

It helps you know, you, you with the defined cycle center invite us in to, for our perspective, for our wisdom.

Um, but that can only happen if you are also [00:20:00] like doing the work and setting good boundaries.

[00:20:04] Brandi Healy: I, I think a great example of this is like my

business coach Jackie Murphy

is a generator,

and one of the first things that she taught me is like, when you. Were calendar planning, the first thing that goes on the calendar outside of the, you know, your

regular commitments, whether they're, you know, reoccurring meetings or things that you have

with your family,

whatever. It's like, where are you taking

care of yourself?

[00:20:26] Kyle Wood: Hmm.

[00:20:26] Brandi Healy: And it's like that is an

aligned generator right there

is like, where am I prioritizing

my joy? And then putting in my to-do list around that

and making sure that that's a


[00:20:39] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:20:40] Brandi Healy: And it's like after a session with her, like same,

I feel like I could kick a door off the hinges and I'm like, let's go.

[00:20:50] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:20:50] How undefined and defined centers work together in teams

[00:20:50] Kyle Wood: And I, I feel like

speaking to someone who's really in their wisdom with the Defiant Sacred Center as well, like, they make me feel really, really good. Too, [00:21:00] because they're really, they do tend to be like more open to like my guidance, so I can really Yeah. Show up in my fullness and help them. Um, because they've got such a, when you're tuned into this center, you've got such a, I feel like strong sense of self.

Um, that, you know, a big part of what we do as projectors is we advise and guide if someone's feeling insecure about themselves. That can come across really. Um. Like they can make people feel very defensive.

So having that strong sense of self, you can just dip in with your projector mates and be like, I need help on this, I need help on this.

And then good to go. And as projectors we can be like, this is great 'cause I don't have to do any of the work. , I can just offer you my insight and you are off. Uh, yeah. So as you can imagine, like when we didn't talk about it, about like working in teams, like people with defined sacral centers and people with undefined sacral centers work really well, can work really well together.


[00:21:59] What does is mean to have your sacral center open or undefined

[00:21:59] Brandi Healy: So [00:22:00] let's talk

a little bit more about

undefined sacral

[00:22:02] Kyle Wood: yeah. Yep.



[00:22:05] Brandi Healy: So who



[00:22:06] Kyle Wood: them?


projectors and reflectors of course, because remember, reflectors have all of their centers under find. So, um, the big thing f for people who have this undefined is that your energy is not consistent. It is going to ebb and flow. Um, so as we talk . With defined center, it's all about that satisfaction of finding the right, responding to the right things.

Um, with an undefined sacral center, it's all about like kind of managing your energy, uh, and going with that, that ebb and flow of energy rather than trying to, uh, resist that and show up as, as someone who has a DEF defined sacral center. Um, so [00:23:00] yeah, we can dive into. Um, that, oh yeah. The other, the other thing to note is that you can be influenced by other people's energy.

So ,

it's important when you've got this undefined,

you might be around other people. Like we said, we can get that buzz from, from being around people with defined sacral centers. We can feel like we can do anything, but it is important then to step back and make sure we have that time alone to like recalibrate a bit so that we're not just like pushing ourselves constantly.

Anything to add to that before I go into Shadow and wisdom?

[00:23:39] Brandi Healy: I think that that's

a a,

I'm like,


[00:23:43] Kyle Wood: Yes, you are nodding

[00:23:45] Brandi Healy: yes,

I'm like,


[00:23:47] Kyle Wood: Yes. Uh, okay. So, um,

I mean,

boundaries are very important to. The, if you've got the undefined circle center [00:24:00] as well. But I like my feeling around it is it's more about sort of, um, internal boundaries and, and understanding yourself rather than, um, external boundaries, if that makes sense. It's like more about saying like, no to yourself than saying no to

other people.

[00:24:18] Brandi Healy: I would agree with that. I would agree with that.

[00:24:20] The shadow side of the open/undefined sacral center

[00:24:20] Kyle Wood: So um. So we are, we are in our shadow with the undefined sacral center when we

try to be like overly consistent, like when we're just trying to like show up and meet, you know, think of like running a marathon race and you've got, you know, the two runners and you've got your defined sacral center just like chugging at the same pace the whole way.

Um, whereas that undefined sacral center. If they try and keep up with that pace, they're likely to burn out, whereas they need to maybe stop a few times and have a few drinks and, go with their thing. And then it's funny because, you know, with [00:25:00] an undefined sacral center, it doesn't mean you can't do things.

Um, you can still move quite, quite fast. So it's trusting. That when you're feeling the ebb, when you're feeling that energy coming down, that you take the time to, um, to really rest and recuperate. So, but that's, that's more being in your wisdom. Let's, let's stick with the shadow. So the other thing is, uh, pushing, pushing too hard, like especially like around trying to like make things happen or, um,

[00:25:29] Brandi Healy: Keeping up with

other people.

[00:25:31] Kyle Wood: again, keeping up with other people.

And it's hard because

what you say at the side, it's like . 70% defined, 30% undefined. So it's a smaller part of the population. Uh, and, and we live in a defined sacral world. Everything is geared towards being very consistent. And like we were just talking before this about like social media and how, you know, trying to run a business on social media, so much is geared towards like, you have to show up consistently even for the algorithm.

[00:26:00] To like, keep showing your stuff. And even for me, like I do more like search engine optimization stuff in my business, but it's less consi, it's less consistent. But Google still wants to make sure your website's being updated, it still wants things fresh. It still, it doesn't wanna look at old years old, um, content.

So it is looking at the dates, it's looking at things like that. So there's this element of needing to be, um, really consistent in the world. And so you're in your shadow when you just fall into that as like def as your default mode. Uh, rather than thinking about ways to work smarter, not harder, which could be like, if we're talking about business stuff, it could be like batching your content.

Like when you have that energy, make a whole bunch of different bits and then just like schedule 'em out. Um. Another way you're in your shadow. This has been one for me at the moment. It's like you're o it's being like over involved. [00:27:00] It's like putting your hand up, you know? I'm part of a volunteer organization.

It'd be like putting my hand up for every single, like, oh, we need people to do this. Yep. We need people to do this. Yep. We need, and like, that's hard, right? Because, um, but this is something I, I've known about myself, like bef, when I first joined, I remember being like,

I need to set. I was, before I even knew about human design, I was like, I need to set boundaries around this,

around how much I commit.

'cause there's gonna be a temptation that

to be a

valuable member of this volunteer organization, I need to be contributing all the time.


I've, it's crept up on me a little bit. So I've had to be like, okay, I need to

make sure


like, what am I actually gonna commit?

And, and

come back to that rather than just saying yes all the time.


[00:27:46] Brandi Healy: Um, I am also

guilty of this

one. I used to be, anytime

someone needed

a sub

for a yoga class,

I was like, oh, me,


I got it and

I'm like, over here

working a full-time job. and

then I'm like,

I'm [00:28:00] teaching like eight classes this

week. And I was like, this is wild. And so

that one was, uh, was a rude,

rude awakening. And I did it for, I did it for a long time.

and I was just like,

why am I doing this to myself? I'm really, really, put a cap on, you know?

If I'm going to do it,

it's only

gonna be for these

certain time slots or these

certain days.

And You know, and now I find myself like very rarely ever really doing it because I am leaning more into honoring that,

you know, I need to, I need to trust that depending on what else is on my plate that. I don't need to add more. 'cause if I add more things then I'm not resting. But it's like if I have a pretty open schedule and it's like, Hey, I would love to help this

person out. They have some, some of my classes for me. Like it works for me. [00:29:00] Like this feels like

a right. Yes. For me.

But it can, like you said, it comes, it can come to

creep up on you.

'cause then

people know


as a person that

always volunteers.

[00:29:10] Kyle Wood: Yes, You can end up filling this sort of gen, this like defined sacral role. Yeah.

[00:29:16] Brandi Healy: Yeah.

[00:29:16] Kyle Wood: Um, I do just wanna apologize for my coughing as well. I had covid last week, so I, I have not taken up smoking

just to still have this like, annoying, uh, wheezy cough left. Um, so yeah, the last thing I think about about the shadow is what comes with that.

The feeling that we tend to get when we are overcommitting is like

feeling always on. Like it's kind of like tired wired. Adrenal system, like, just like carrying us. And I had a projector, client recently did a reading for mother of five, like, uh, work, you know, lives and then obviously works on a farm. And then [00:30:00] is also trying to like start a separate career as a trainer and like that's just so much.

I was

[00:30:06] Brandi Healy: I'm tired


[00:30:07] Kyle Wood: I was like, how much sleep do you get?

This is the second projector trainer who said this to me. She's like, I get about four or five hours sleep a night. So like that is from a health perspective, a path to adrenal burnout. Maybe if you had a sacral defiant sacral, you could get away with it where you still, people still need rest.

[00:30:28] Brandi Healy: Transcendental meditation.

[00:30:30] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. . But, um, . Very unsustainable. And obviously like if you've got like five kids that you're limited by what you can do. But one of the things that I saw her do, which I was like super proud of, was, um, she was getting a babysitter at least while she was working, so at least she could be focused on the thing she's doing.

So, um, and I hope sometimes she gets the babysitter and is working on doing like apostrophes. [00:31:00]

[00:31:00] Brandi Healy: Yeah.

[00:31:00] Kyle Wood: the best things for non sacral types is to . Work, which is set, it can be a really, like good loophole if you have trouble with this, is to set yourself time that you're working, but then don't actually work like , just like sky off.

Um, and, and just, yeah. I remember one time when I had a full-time job going, like shopping for like a few hours during the middle of the day I went to, I, like, I had enough of this going shopping. Um, I may have been trying to get myself fired, but um. It didn't, and which, um, um, it didn't work. Uh, so yeah, but definitely like give yourself time working for yourself.

You know, your boss isn't only gonna know if you tell them. So , it's like, what is it? The right hand doesn't talk to the left hand, so it just be like, yeah, I'm working. And, uh, take time. And that was, that was an important thing actually after having kids, because I felt so much pressure around the time I had to work at home because my wife was then watching the kids.

[00:32:00] Um. Now she's running her own business as well, that there was like a lot of pressure that I had to be like super productive during those times. So

I, when I realized that I had the conversation with her and I was like, look, I need

permission from you

and I mean, I need to give myself permission to, but I need permission from you that sometimes I'll be working,

but I'll be like, out

for a walk or I'll be like,


you know, tidying up my, reorganizing my office or just like

Laying on the ground like

so I'm not necessarily gonna be like in front of my computer that whole time.

[00:32:36] Brandi Healy: And I think that one

thing that, that those of us with an undefined sacral


is that rest does not need to be


[00:32:45] Kyle Wood: Yes.


[00:32:48] Brandi Healy: It can be

watching dog videos.

As I told Kyle, I did for like 30 minutes today.

I was like, um, I

could be doing something else or I can just keep watching these dog videos. And

[00:33:00] you know what, that's fine.

That's fine too.

[00:33:03] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Like, you know, my, my wife and I really like sitting down and watching like an episode or two or something in the evenings and for ages we, we like sort of tried to get rid of this. Like, oh, we should be using that time to like, you know, develop

[00:33:16] Brandi Healy: Read Shakespeare to each other,

[00:33:18] Kyle Wood: do something creative

or, yeah, like, uh, you know, I don't know.

Which I think if you had a sacral center, that makes sense. 'cause you, you want to keep doing those satisfying activities, which could be watching the TV show or it could be, you know, working on a project that you really have been enjoying right before bed.

But when you've got that undefined sacral center, it could be really helpful.

You know, when we watch a show where like horizontal

on the couch, we're both laying down.

We're getting like, our bodies are getting ready for like sleep

and we're getting to watch something that we like,

enjoy together and we don't watch.

We very rarely watch like really

stressful stuff because that has like the opposite effect.

And so we tend to watch

like fun, [00:34:00] lighthearted stuff.

[00:34:03] Brandi Healy: Had to, I used to be one of those

people that like binge watch, like Law

and Order SVU,

and my husband was like.

Why do you watch this? This is like the most depressing show

on television. And I'm like,

what do you mean? Like I love, I love

stabler like

and Like

I stopped watching it

and I was like, a, Chris Maloney

is in other things.

And b and b.

When I stopped watching

things that were so dark, I realized like,

Wow. Like that's really


lightened my mood.

Like, you know, they say like, you are

what you eat,

like also


what you consume.


like we are very sensitive. sensitive.

like Kyle

said, to our energy

of the people

and the spaces

that we're in.

[00:34:50] Kyle Wood: Yeah,


Uh, I think

there'll be shows that are quite popular that lots of people

recommend to us and we watch and we're just like, no, we can't. [00:35:00] Yes, this might be culturally enlightening for us to watch, but it's not what our brains need to be thinking about right before we go to bed. Like we need to go into like a bit of a fantasy land.

A bit of like break from, that's what TV originally was, was a break from reality. Now you've got all these like .

[00:35:16] Brandi Healy: reality TV shows.

[00:35:17] Kyle Wood: reality stuff and then like this, like real, like

gritty, dark stuff. And I, and I feel like it's, it's all these

sacral beings out there, who, who aren't feeling satisfied.

And there's almost a way to use up the energy. 'cause you're getting that like, stimulation right before bed. Um, yeah,

[00:35:35] Brandi Healy: I am too sensitive

for that.

[00:35:37] Kyle Wood: You just, you just opt out.

[00:35:40] Talking about being in your wisdom with an undefined/open sacral center

[00:35:40] Kyle Wood: Um, so let me talk about, uh, the wisdom, which I've kind of touched on. But what I'll do, . I kind of like summarize through this part. Uh, so we're in our wisdom when we honor that ebb and flow in our energy and we take the time


to rest, we take time to be unproductive, [00:36:00] like

schedule it in if you need to.


when before I had kids, I, I was able to do this better. But yeah, I used to schedule in time in my week, and this is before I knew about human design as well. It was recommended by a friend who was like, . Maybe make Wednesdays your day when you just, you just do whatever and so like whatever comes to you.

[00:36:20] Brandi Healy: Whatever


[00:36:21] Kyle Wood: Whatever

Wednesday. So maybe you

[00:36:23] Brandi Healy: uh, I have somebody that has fuck off


[00:36:26] Kyle Wood: Okay. That

[00:36:29] Brandi Healy: That's when they hire the

sitter. Yeah.

That's when they hire the

sitter and they just go



[00:36:34] Kyle Wood: That's awesome.

[00:36:35] Brandi Healy: Yeah.

[00:36:36] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Maybe my wife and I need to do this.

Something we are trying to do more of, which, um, is. So I was talking about having a crazy November coming up to you beforehand, and then the first weekend of December, uh, Zoe's booked herself three nights, just like in an Airbnb, a couple hours from here.

And, uh, there's like a hot springs [00:37:00] nearby and yeah, she's just gonna,

[00:37:02] Brandi Healy: I'm like, can I.

[00:37:03] Kyle Wood: I'm like, go. So we, we, so far, we're trying to do that like once a year, like each, um, and then

the plan is to like be able to do that more frequently.

[00:37:14] Brandi Healy: Yes,

[00:37:14] Kyle Wood: to have that like disconnect,

um, to really be able to move at your own pace.

'cause you, you just, with small children, as much as you'd love to, you just, you can't. So to just even just have a taste of that, of being in your wisdom. Um, so the other thing about being in wisdom is that you feel confident to tap into your unique gifts and you have a good understanding of what those gifts are.

'cause you are. Value isn't in how much you do or how consistently you do stuff, it's about,


for the non sacral people, it is about like

the gifts you bring to

a situation.

So what we can talk more about that,


in the future.

Uh, delegating things

so that you can appear or like I'll [00:38:00] say scheduling things, you know, if you're running your own business so that you can

Just take some, so when you're having those weeks, when you need to rest, you can just rest. Um,

and Yeah.

as I mentioned

[00:38:14] Brandi Healy: I liked one example

that you've given

in the past of when you

would have a launch,

you would always make sure on launch day.

That you would like

do nothing.

[00:38:23] Kyle Wood: yeah,


[00:38:24] Brandi Healy: I loved


[00:38:25] Kyle Wood: I,

[00:38:25] Brandi Healy: You're like, I

would work my out.

[00:38:27] Kyle Wood: with someone or,

or something like, that. Yeah.

You can just end up in this

this like, loop of checking your email and thinking you need to be doing stuff. Especially 'cause leading up to a launch you are like pushing

[00:38:40] Brandi Healy: Go, Go, go, Yeah.

[00:38:42] Kyle Wood: go.

It can be hard.

[00:38:43] How you can use your signposts to stay in your wisdom

[00:38:43] Kyle Wood: We, we talked a lot about that before the call, but yeah. I will mention it that the, it can be hard to change gears like we, if you're a non sacral who has been just like,

talked about that like being, like always being on. [00:39:00] It can feel really uncomfortable to start doing that. So I would recommend as you're moving into your wisdom, just start with like, use your signposts as so what, uh, if you're a manifester, it's going to be anger.

If you are a projector, it's going to be, um, bitterness.

If you are

a reflector, it's going to be


[00:39:30] Brandi Healy: Dis Disappointment.

[00:39:32] Kyle Wood: Disappointment. I'll edit that so

I sound smarter. or I'll leave it in. Um, I was just listening to our friend Uma Gear's podcast, um, being fully me and she talked about like the vulnerability of leaving stuff in.

Yes. Sometimes we get this wrong. Uh, sorry, reflectors. So, so use those, not self signposts. As a way to start picking some things that you can start [00:40:00] where, where to start letting go of things during the day if you're just feeling on, from the time you get up to the time you get to bed and perhaps past the time you should be going to bed.

'cause you, 'cause you're only getting a few hours sleep each night. Yeah. Where are some things that are really like pushing that button that you can just start saying no to? Uh, it, yeah, it will feel really uncomfortable because you've fallen into the shadow of.

Getting your sense of worthiness from how much you do.

But that's not, I just wanna say to you, that's not what you're here, that's not the greatest gift you have to offer us.

Uh, leave that for the generators, the matter, the generators, you are all about your insight. Uh, and the more time you can have as downtime, the more time you have rest time, the more you can show


for those.


where you're really gonna make a big impact to make a big difference.[00:41:00]

[00:41:01] Brandi Healy: So good. Such a good reminder.

[00:41:04] Kyle Wood: Yeah, we all need it.

Yeah, we all need it.

all right. Uh,

so speaking of, um, I think we're gonna have her on the podcast soon.

I've been really

enjoying her podcast. If you are, if you have this center undefined. Hers is a great podcast. She has this

center, undefined

as well. Uh, if you have this center defined, you might like listening to.

We mentioned, uh, Jackie Murphy earlier.

[00:41:28] Brandi Healy: Oh yeah. Yoga Boss.

[00:41:30] Kyle Wood: Yoga Boss. So if

you're in the wellness space, uh, and she's got lots

of, uh, good stuff on there as well.

[00:41:37] Brandi Healy: Not a Yoga teacher. lots of,

great staff for wellness entrepreneurs, uh,

on her podcast.

[00:41:45] Kyle Wood: So I'll link both of those below on the show notes and, uh, yeah, that's

it. Brandy.

Yeah, had fun.

[00:41:51] Brandi Healy: Me too.

[00:41:52] Kyle Wood: Thanks

for spending

41 minutes with me,

[00:41:56] Brandi Healy: plus

[00:41:58] Kyle Wood: Plus [00:42:00]

[00:42:00] Brandi Healy: Until next time,

[00:42:01] Kyle Wood: until next time. Farewell everyone.

[00:42:04] brandi-healy_1_10-25-2023_204249: bye.​[00:43:00]