You have so much value to give the world. But it’s completely up to you how much you give and how you give it: that’s your decision alone. That's what we're diving into in today's Daily Pep!
What is The Daily Pep! | Rebel-Rousing, Encouragement, & Inspiration for Creative & Multi-Passionate Women?
Building a life you love takes a boatload of courage. But you don’t have to do it alone.
The Daily Pep! is the rebel-rousing, daily podcast for couragemakers, creative, multi-passionate and unconventional women.
If you’re surrounded by people who don’t get who you are or what you do, if you want reminders you’re on the right path (no matter how scary it feels), or you’re sick of being your very own worst enemy, this is the podcast for you.
Join your host, writer, coach and professional rebel-rouser Meg Kissack every weekday as helps you build a creative and wholehearted life, one day at a time. Through short and snappy insights, reminders and stories, The Daily Pep! is here to remind you you’re not alone, and that everything changes when you believe you matter.
Each episode is short and snappy, designed to fit in with (or help you start) your habits and routines.
The Daily Pep! is a sister podcast of The Couragemakers Podcast.
New episodes air every Monday - Friday 6AM GMT.
For more information, show-notes and to join a community of like-minded Couragemakers, visit:
Good morning, Daily Peppers, and a very happy Thursday to you. You're listening to the Daily Pep, which is the only daily podcast for creative and multi passionate women who wanna do more of the creative work, and less of the dream shitting that often stands in the way. Now it is fair to say as creative women who are highly empathetic, who are highly sensitive, and really care about leaving our mark in the world and leaving the world a better place, we tend to put our hearts into everything we do. We tend to wear our hearts on our sleeves, and we often give the world known of all of ourselves. And we put so much of ourselves out into the world in the hopes of changing things, of inspiring people, or making something better in any way. And one of the struggles that can come with that is ending up feeling depleted, ending up feeling like you have this huge responsibility of the world on your shoulders, and feeling like you're not doing enough. So for today's pep talk, I just want to tell you that you do have so much value to give the world. No one doubts that.
But it is also completely up to you on how much you give and how you give it, and that is your decision alone. It can be so hard to put boundaries in place, especially when we're people who are just so used to giving, giving, giving. But we've all been in places of burnout or places where our energy levels are depleted or we're completely unmotivated and uninspired because we possibly gave too much of ourselves and didn't look after ourselves along the way. So today, I just want to remind you that it is not selfish to look after you. It does not make you a bitch to put down boundaries. You can be assertive without being a dick and you don't have to give the world all of you. You get to keep your creativity, your gifts. You get to use them for yourself as well.
You get to use them on completely random projects, which are really fun and might even feel really frivolous or unproductive, and you get to keep some of that magic to yourself. You do not need to give your whole self to the world. One of the things that I think can be really challenging when you're a creative person and you're sharing your work is making sure that you keep some of your creative practice to yourself. When you're public with everything, it can put a different lens on your work and you can end up creating for different reasons and sometimes you lose some of that most intimate personal stuff because you don't necessarily want to share everything with the world. So regardless of what anybody else is saying, regardless of the pressure you feel, regardless of how it might even feel selfish to keep some of yourself for yourself, Know that when it comes to the things that you put in the world, it is completely up to you on how much you give and how you give it. You get to have really firm boundaries. You get to protect yourself, and that is not selfish, that is self preservation. So remember that you have more power than you know, you get to make the decisions, and you get to call the shots.
I hope this is what you needed to hear today, and I can't wait to see you back here tomorrow.