The Expert Podcast

  • Overview: Learn how you can earn money by discovering and reporting fraud. The US Department of Justice has launched a new trial program offering millions in rewards for tips on various types of fraud, including Ponzi schemes and bribery.
  • Our Background: We have previously been a vendor and authorized agent for the DOJ, providing expert witness testimony for fraud investigations and document analysis. This experience does not influence our sharing of this information but highlights the existence of such programs.
  • Fraud Reporting Opportunities:
    • Government Fraud: Report fraud against the government and receive a percentage of the recovery.
    • Tax Evasion: Report scams involving unreported income and potentially earn money from the recovery.
    • Evidence Contribution: Assist in gathering evidence for fraud cases and share in the recovery funds.
  • Types of Agencies Involved:
    • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission): Enforces regulations on Ponzi schemes and unregulated securities, including those involving cryptocurrencies.
  • Program Benefits: New programs address gaps in previous awards and offer opportunities to profit from reporting scams.
  • Confidential Consultation:
    • Click the link below for a private, confidential consultation with a licensed investigator.
    • Discuss your situation and get expert advice on reporting and profiting from fraud discovery.
    • Your information will be kept confidential unless there's a threat of breaking the law.
  • Additional Resources:
    • Access live one-on-one consultations in various fields including investigations, insurance, civil court mediation, real estate, and business development.
    • Find experts in areas such as marketing, advertising, and business growth.
  • Engage with Us:
    • For questions or comments, leave them below.
    • If you find this content valuable and wish to explore further, use the link to connect with a live expert.
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What is The Expert Podcast?

The Expert Podcast brings you firsthand narratives from experts across diverse industries, including private investigators, general contractors and builders, insurance agencies, vehicle specialists, lawyers, and many others.

So, do you want to make some money finding fraud? Do you want to generate some income by discovering fraud? Well, the good news is the US Department of Justice has a new program—a trial program offering millions of dollars for tips on fraud or bribery, including Ponzi schemes and other types of scams.

Now, fair disclosure, full disclosure, we have been in the past a vendor and an authorized agent for the US Department of Justice. We've done expert witness testimony for the DOJ for fraud investigations, tax fraud investigations, and document analysis. So, we've been a contractor for them. It doesn't mean that we get anything for telling you about this; it just means that there are programs for discovering and reporting fraud. They come in a couple of different flavors. If you find somebody defrauding the government, you can get a percentage of the recovery. If you find somebody making money on a scam and not paying taxes on it, you can get money from that. If you find somebody doing a scam and help the government get evidence to do the recovery, you may be able to share in some of that recovery money. There are different programs.

There were gaps in the awards program, and this new program has profits for things that the other programs didn't cover before. There's a lot of loopholes and gaps in it now, and there are a lot of ways that you can make money. So, if you've been a victim of a scam or know about a scam and you want to participate in maybe some revenue, these programs may be for you. We have consultation—you can click the link below to consult with a licensed investigator about your scenario. We can advise you and guide you in the right direction. Remember, anything you tell us as a licensed investigator we have to keep confidential unless it's something where you're threatening to break the law. So, it's a completely confidential call, and we can advise you on where to report these kinds of things and maybe what the programs might be for you to benefit from it, to profit from it, or to get revenue from it.

Everybody knows about some scam somewhere, so why not make it where you benefit from protecting victims from future scams? Thank you for watching another video at and describe. TV. Remember, if you have questions or comments about our videos, put them in the link below. Also, remember that you have availability and access to live one-on-one question-and-answer consultation with a licensed expert in a number of fields: investigations, insurance, bonds, civil court mediation, even things like real estate records research, real estate brokers, and mortgage lenders. In addition, you'll find that experts are available in business segments, business development, marketing, advertising, and certified licensed experts. So, if you find this content valuable and you want to delve more deeply into a subject, you can't ask YouTube a question, right? But if you want to talk to somebody live and actual human, use the link below. Thanks for watching.