Floating Away Podcast

 In this episode of the Floating Away Podcast, we introduce Greg Watters, a distinguished health and sports scientist who recently joined the Floating Away Wellness Center. Greg brings a powerful blend of mindset coaching, yoga, and therapeutic practices to the center, enhancing its holistic wellness offerings. Discover how Greg’s unique approach integrates mind, body, and spirit to create customized programs that target your specific health needs. From Ayurvedic nutrition to specialized breathing techniques, learn how to elevate your wellness journey with Greg’s expertise. Tune in to explore how Eastern and Western practices can be harmoniously combined for transformative results. 

What is Floating Away Podcast?

Welcome to the Floating Away Podcast, your tranquil escape into the rejuvenating world of holistic wellness. This podcast series dives into the unique services offered by Floating Away, providing listeners with a deep understanding of each treatment's benefits and transformative potential.

Across three detailed episodes, we'll explore the soothing experience of flotation therapy, the deep heat relaxation of the infrared sauna, and the ancient wisdom behind yoni steaming. Each episode is designed to enlighten both newcomers and seasoned spa-goers, featuring expert insights, FAQs, and tips on how to maximize your wellness journey.

Join us as we float away from the daily grind and step into a state of profound peace and rejuvenation. Whether you're looking to relieve stress, boost your health, or find a new self-care regimen, the Floating Away Podcast is your gateway to wellbeing.

Visit our website at www.floatingaway.com.au to learn more and book your session today.

  Welcome to floating away podcast brought to you by floating away wellness center located on level one of the Oasis Center in Broadbeach on the Gold Coast. This podcast is all about health and wellness exploration where we uncover transformative experiences that calm the mind, heal the body and uplift the spirit through services that we offer.

Wet and dry float therapy, Yoni steaming, infrared saunas and a combination of specialists, including sports science and nutrition on therapy and full body alignment.

Hello and welcome to the floating away podcast. In today's episode, we're thrilled to introduce Greg waters, a renowned health and sports scientist and the newest member of the floating away team.

Greg brings a unique blend of mindset, coaching, yoga, yoga, and therapeutic. Practices to enhance holistic wellness. Today, we'll explore how his services compliment the existing offerings at floating away. So let's dive into this and discover this synergy between mind, body, and spirit. Greg, welcome to the podcast.

Thanks Adam. How are you? I'm absolutely fantastic. Greg, could you share with us, you know, your journey to becoming a mindset coach and health specialist? Cause that's not where you started, is it? kind of is because that's what I studied. So I studied psychology, I studied hard science, biology, physiology, biomechanics, human movement and nutrition.

So they're the three things that I mainly use in my work. Also Eastern practices. I'm a yoga teacher as well. So someone's health is like a puzzle. You got to find the missing pieces and that's what you bring to the table. Right. So anyone can clean up their diet a little bit and do a little bit more exercise.

But I, I tend to do targeted stuff. So as you said, it's the three magic words, the trilogy, mind, body and spirit. So when you've got those three things working together, it's a much better result, a much stronger result, a much greater result. That's where the magic happens when that all aligns, isn't it?

Yeah. So how do your services integrate with the holistic wellness approach at Floating Away? So it's full coverage. So basically we do a consult. So you do an energetic assessment, a psychological assessment and a physical assessment, and then you work out programs. Programs are best, better than just one off.

So you work out a program and say, okay, let's do the infrared saunas. Let's do some floating. Let's get on the table and do some neurogenic yoga, some manipulation, some alignment, some Bowen therapy, uh, some adjustments. And let's talk about nutrition. What are you eating? How are you eating? Do you need to lose weight?

Do you need to gain weight? Do you need to do more exercise, are you having too many days sitting on the couch and not getting out on the beach, that sort of stuff. So it's a holistic approach, looking at everyone's, it's customised to the person. So one size fits all doesn't work. That's, it's fantastic.

I mean you hear a lot in the health space about a holistic approach, but with what you're talking about that there, with All of those pieces, it really is truly holistic. It is absolutely. So I'm a great fan of Ayurvedic medicine. I've also worked with Chinese doctor practitioners. Everything has its place.

Western medicine has its place. Eastern medicine has its place. Yoga, stretching, manipulation, everything has its place. It's just got to be targeted, scheduled, dosage and timing. Fantastic, I've always been interested in combining the Eastern and Western approaches because a lot of people go one or the, or the other.

There must be true benefits to, to using what you need from either or and combining them. Absolutely. A lot of the clients come to me, they come to me for weight management. So one, weight management is one of the specialties that I have and I use Ayurvedic nutrition. So I do, do.

standard nutrition, but I find Ayurvedic nutrition much more powerful because say a bigger body person, like a rugby player, or it's called a Kapha, like an earth body, big body, they don't respond well to starchy carbs and heavy foods like potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, and lots of meat. They should have a more water based diet.

Whereas Pitta, like a fire body, Um, usually quite thin, but they can get a little bit big in the tummy. If they just want to lose some weight off the tummy, they respond to different foods. So that's where it's all customized. So you take the Ayurvedic flavor and the Ayurvedic guidelines, and you follow those guidelines for the type of body.

And there's three main types of body, fire body, air body, and earth body. Right. Really interesting. And what I'm really taken away from this is you are combining everything and coming to you for a customized program to get the results you you're after, but probably even ones that you didn't know you need.

Yeah, possibly. Yeah, absolutely. So it's really interesting you mention that actually because I had a lady from Scotland called Harriet and she, she was recommended by another client that I had in the same village. They live near the Isle of Skye and Harriet was, you know, had been carrying a lot of weight for a lot of years.

And for 16 years, she did mention it, but I didn't really take that much notice of it. She said, I've had, migraines. for almost 20 years. She tried every medication, every tablet, and she used to get, I think, between about 15 and 20, migraines per month. And after about four days on my program, uh, apparently, and I didn't know this at the time, the migraines had disappeared.

And after about 12, she said, Oh yeah, I haven't had a migraine for 12 said, I said, really? I said, Oh, I forgot about those. She said, yeah, it's amazing. I can't believe it. So there are side effects to everything. So if you're pre diabetic, or have fatty liver, have migraines, uh, high cholesterol, all those sorts of things tend to clean up when you, when you go on a weight management program.

Wow. Fantastic. Let's talk your, your specialized breathing programs and, and your yoga sessions. How do they contribute to the overall wellbeing of somebody? Breath is life. So breath is everything. So, uh, Pranayama, is very important. Most people are, carbon dioxide heavy. So they've got too much carbon dioxide in their body.

Their carbon dioxide sensitivity has, uh, decreased so they don't get the urge to breathe. Actually, carbon dioxide, you know, makes you breathe. Mm-Hmm, . It's not oxygen. So when you get high in carbon dioxide, it sends the trigger to the brain too. to, uh, inhale. And unfortunately, most people, because we're sitting in front of computers, we're sitting in the office, sedentary lifestyle, you get that carbon dioxide buildup.

So Pranayama, which is called in yoga, which is just breath, breath work, uh, is highly important. One of the breaths that I have, which is a magical breath, it was given to me by a master in India. And it's called Fire Breath. It's not Bastrika. Bastrika is another breath. Fire Breath is amazing.

So it does about 50 things in the body, but the main things for people are accelerated detox, clears the mind. It's like having two or three cups of coffee. Really, really switches you on, uh, motivates you. Get you going fires up the ATP fires up the energy in the body and it's just phenomenal and warms you up as well So if you suffer from cold and cold hands and cold feet, it's good for that too.

Wow, just so many amazing benefits I just um, i'm literally blown away with everything you're talking about. Someone now is listening to this.

They're new to this. They're thinking, geez, I might want to have a look at this further. What's the process? They first make a, make an appointment at floating away to come and see you to, to do an assessment and get a program, Put together? Absolutely. That's the way it starts. So at Floating Away, I'm there physically.

So you can come and see me face to face and then, uh, you can get a physical treatment. So that's alignment, bone therapy, neurogenic yoga. So a little, a little bit of a stretch out. There was a company in Singapore, I used to work in Singapore, I ran an alternative medicine clinic up there for six years and was called Dr.

Stretch. So I consider myself Dr. Stretch. I went to Dr. Stretch a lot. Love that. And yeah, it was really, and really, really good business. And people going in at lunchtime, and you know, getting their shoulders stretched out, getting their hips stretched out, getting their ankles and their knees, you know, all the muscle groups stretched out, and I'm a really, really big believer in that, and that's where the Neurogenic Yoga comes in, uh, so, you know, creating space in the body, loosening those tight shoulders, loosening the neck, uh, neck, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, all those, vital parts of our body, ankles, uh, which aren't operating you know, full level.

Uh, when you get them stretched out, it's a, it's a fantastic way to get a physical trim, but also do zooms as well. So I do two aspects. So one aspect is the physical treatments, but I do mainly the consultation over zoom. But now that I'm working at floating away, you can come in and see me at floating away and get a face to face assessment, but I also do it over zoom as well.

Fantastic. Look, I'm incredibly excited to hear you have joined the team and it's easy to see just how well you complement everything that they're, uh, already doing in the wonderful, center that they've got there in the Oasis at, uh, at Broadbeach. Thanks, Greg, sharing your insights today.

They're really exciting services that you're bringing to the Floating Away team. So for those listening, if you're looking to enhance your wellness journey, Greg Watters is here to guide you visit the floating away website, www. floatingaway. com. au to learn more and book your session. Now, remember, it's not just about relaxation it's about rejuvination and realignment.

Join us next time for more insightful discussions right here on the floating away podcast until then keep floating towards a healthier you and Greg. Thanks so much for coming in and being on the floating way podcast. Thanks Adam.