Hosted by Holly Lamb, Intuitive Cycle Mentor & Holistic Hormone Coach, this podcast is your space to reconnect with your body, honor your rhythms, and awaken your intuition. We’re ditching the outdated narratives around women’s health and embracing the power of cyclical living—because your menstrual cycle isn’t a burden, it’s your greatest tool for alignment, vitality, and self-trust.
From navigating perimenopause to syncing your lifestyle with your cycle, we’ll cover it all—nutrition, movement, mindset, and the deep wisdom of your body. This is about stepping into your most authentic, unapologetic self and living life on your terms—no f**ks given.
Welcome to the revolution 🔥
Holly Lamb (00:01.198)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, your host Holly Lamb. This week I have a guest. I'm joined by Daniella Alfieri, who is a creator, educator and manifestation coach. I hope I said your surname okay there. Is that right?
Daniela (00:22.971)
Yes, perfect.
Holly Lamb (00:25.967)
Amazing. I was really drawn to Daniela's work because she does these beautiful illustrations and really like profound words and just amazing, uplifting, powerful quotes that you have on your Instagram. So I just kind of want to dive into your work a little bit and see kind of what drew you to that work and why you do what you do.
Daniela (00:51.227)
Okay, oh my gosh, where do I start? Such a long story, a story of my life. Like I can say that I come from a family of artists, both my mom and my dad are artists, they met up in an art school, so yeah, that's pretty cool about that. You know, I'm really, I was always really inspired by art and by creation and my house.
Holly Lamb (00:56.398)
Daniela (01:15.835)
I was always full of like paints and colours and I just was just breathing an art into my life. Even before I really conceptualised it and realised that I was an artist as well and I was a creator too. But even when I decided, I was like, okay, I'm an artist too, I know how to draw, you know, at school everybody was always asking me for drawings and stuff like that. I always thought about this idea of being an artist and also being super poor.
And I was like, I'm not subscribing to that. I'm going to just go and do something that is going to bring me money because my childhood was really poor. Like we were like the classic immigrant story. You know, we were born in, I was born in Argentina and grew up in Italy. And even if my dad was Italian, he was treated as an immigrant because he grew up in Argentina. So.
Holly Lamb (01:49.966)
Daniela (02:07.419)
My life as a child was quite poor and I was like, no, when I grow up, I'm going to just get all the money I need. And I'm going to be an artist because from my parents, I can see that it's not really working and no, no thank you. So eventually I decided to go in the diamond industry because the more you sell, the more you earn. If you work on commission, I was like, okay, this is good. I love selling. Let's do this. It was really hard for me to sell.
Holly Lamb (02:28.11)
Daniela (02:35.099)
I started to work for 10 years in the diamond industry and I think at one point I was like, my son was born. And I don't know, you know, when you have a son, when you have a mom, something happens. I don't know if it's because we connect this like a thinner layer between this portal, like life as we know it and the other.
Holly Lamb (02:49.102)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (03:04.027)
reality that is out there, you know, out of the matrix. You start to question your life, you start to see your life from a much higher level. And I started to think, okay, is this something that I really like to do? Not really. I don't even wear jewelry. It's not my thing. I'm doing it for the money, you know. I love customer service. I love connecting to people. I just always been like so interested to people's stories and I love that.
Holly Lamb (03:08.686)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (03:24.974)
Daniela (03:32.635)
But I'm not doing this because I like jewelry or like I'm not doing this for the right reasons, right? I was just doing this for, you know, for getting something out of it and not because my soul was calling me to do it. And I started to question myself of like, what I want Noah, my son, to see in me when he grows up, because, you know, parents are so important for us. They are our guidance, especially in the first years of our lives. And...
Holly Lamb (03:39.278)
Daniela (04:02.683)
I saw so many things in my parents that I didn't want to do in my life, but I wanted to give the chance to my son to see things that he wants to do in his life. I was like, I want him first of all to realize that dreams can come true and that if you have a dream, you can realize it and there is no other dream that is too silly or too out there.
Holly Lamb (04:21.198)
Daniela (04:30.043)
for you to be able to realize it, right? And to manifest it. And I was like, okay, this is not really what I'm showing up. Like I'm showing up not for that reason, to teach him that. So maybe I should just shift some things over in my life. So I can be the example because I cannot just say these pretty words to him and then be something else. So I was like, okay, let's kind of calibrate again what I want to do in my life. Okay, I want to, I love creating. So let's.
Holly Lamb (04:32.718)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (04:50.958)
Daniela (04:59.835)
try this thing out. Let's see. Like, I always thought I couldn't make money, but maybe I could. Let's try. I signed up to graphic design because, you know, you can be an artist and be a graphic designer and get good money. So I was like, okay, I'm going to still go to the artist route, but I'm going to go to this safe place of like graphic design. So I was slowly trying to get out of my...
Holly Lamb (05:21.582)
Daniela (05:26.715)
limiting belief that being creative and having money, that's two different things. And I eventually finished graphic design. I signed up to work at the Sunday Times in London, and I created Nooranda that was born after Noah, that's why the name Nooranda. So I can say that thanks to Noah, I was like, I created the, you know, it's almost like I wake up.
call of like what I wanted to become and at the end of it I can tell that dreams can kind of literally come true and there is no other dream that is too big because if you look at me I already have my dream life you know and what it really took for me is just to make the jump and be brave enough to go after my dreams. So this is a little bit.
Holly Lamb (06:13.934)
Mm. Mm. Wow. That's amazing. Because I think it's so true, we are led to believe that we have to be in a nine to five job or we have to climb the corporate ladder in order to make good money. And you can't do something that you love and make money, make good money from it that you can support your family with. But you're clearly the exception because you have that complete unwavering belief.
Daniela (06:34.331)
Holly Lamb (06:41.934)
in yourself and that you're going to achieve this and that obviously shows in your work as well and on your Instagram. They're just such beautiful things and I think people just resonate with that so much. So how did you get to that unwavering belief in yourself and how can someone who's just really struggling, who isn't there, get to that point as well?
Daniela (07:06.843)
I feel like for me what always keeps me up is this vision of seeing myself already having that. So whenever I feel like in doubt, I always feel like...
What I will feel after I had done that, like for example, graphic design was quite tough to be studying graphic design. I was like 31 years old and I was studying with 18 years old. So I was like the one of the oldest in the class. We were like only two of us actually, it was quite unique, but normally it's like all 18. And what kept me going is like my big division was too big for me to give up. Like I could never go back to working in a jewelry shop nine to five because.
Holly Lamb (07:29.582)
Holly Lamb (07:36.558)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (07:48.027)
Come on, if I put it in like going back to nine to five or like achieving my dream and maybe even falling down and doing mistakes while I'm doing it, it's so much worth it to try, you know? And yes, also this vision of me talking to my son, maybe when he was like maybe my age, 30 years old, 20 years, and I would be like, see, you know, you can really realize your dreams, look at my life, you know, you can do.
So also maybe also what helps me still now when I'm trying to overcome something to think about the bigger vision and what that is not just for me, like ego, my ego, but for the big, like, cause I'm, I want to show my son or I want to show my Instagram audience. I want to show other people that is possible because look, I'm doing it, you know? So that makes me have the courage sometimes to go because I'm still now I have like,
Holly Lamb (08:26.126)
Holly Lamb (08:36.846)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (08:42.011)
I'm still going, you know, all of us will keep going and going with this, always new challenges in life of the things that we want to become versus what we were before. So when I feel like a little bit like scared or doubtful, I always think about why I'm doing this. My why. Yeah, my why basically, yes. And it's not just for me, my ego, Daniela, but it's for being a service.
Holly Lamb (09:00.846)
Holly Lamb (09:06.126)
Daniela (09:09.531)
It could be being a service to my son, being a service to my audience, and to a stranger that comes to my world by accident. That's like, it makes me, I feel the fire inside. That gives me even more energy even when I cannot anymore because I'm too tired. Being a mum of two, you know? Even as a creator sometimes I have always the fire of energy to create things.
Holly Lamb (09:09.838)
Holly Lamb (09:23.534)
Holly Lamb (09:27.918)
Yeah, yeah, hard, yeah, of course.
Daniela (09:39.771)
But even when you don't have that energy, you have that fire inside. It's like, no, I have to, I have this, this vision is too big for me to just stop and give up. You know?
Holly Lamb (09:47.982)
Mm. Yeah. Yeah. I completely resonate with that. I think it's definitely about being of service. Like you're kind of like the vessel for the message and you're just putting it out there to help other people. And I think it's so true when you drop the ego and look at your why, that's when things start to come in. And for me with like manifestation and things like that, it's always been, been grateful for what you currently have, but then been so delusional.
Daniela (09:59.035)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (10:06.587)
Hmm. Hmm.
Daniela (10:15.707)
Yep. Oh, yes. Yeah.
Holly Lamb (10:17.518)
with the vision that you have to be, otherwise it just doesn't happen. And it's taken me such a long time to get there, but hiring like a coach, like someone like you, was just gonna help you get there so much faster, especially if you have a lot of limiting beliefs that you're trying to work with. So.
Daniela (10:24.699)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Daniela (10:37.883)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (10:44.718)
Obviously we've kind of touched on the manifestation a little bit, but what are kind of some of like misconceptions people have around manifestation? And I know a lot of people just think it's complete nonsense, but for me, I completely and utterly believe that we can change our reality. So I'd love to hear like some of like the misconceptions that you've heard around manifestation.
Daniela (11:07.675)
I feel like manifestation is completely nonsense. That's true. Like it's totally delusional. It doesn't make any sense. It's just crazy. Woohoo. And it also works. So what do you prefer? Like if you could choose two paths, do you want to be in the path of like, ah, everything is linear. I know it's going to be ending. It's going to be A to B. And it makes total sense, but it's also kind of boring. Or you want to go on the nonsensical and magical and really wonky kind of thing.
Holly Lamb (11:11.566)
Holly Lamb (11:16.11)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (11:37.147)
when amazing things can happen to you and miracles can happen. And I am like, I'm here to testify. I'm sure you have so many stories as well, Holly, of like a miracle that happened to you just by believing in yourself so much that even when nobody else believed in you, even almost yourself, a little part of yourself are like, can I really do this? But you just went for it and then things happen. So I will choose all my life to go on the delusional part of it that doesn't make any sense because I know that it works.
Holly Lamb (11:58.222)
Daniela (12:07.259)
And I love that. I love that crazy kind of nonsensical kind of living life versus the boring, just adhere to the society and what you strive to do and blah, blah, blah, you know. And also I feel like there is so much magic in the nonsensical, there is so much of the living feminine versus the masculine, which is we still need structure sometimes. We need masculine, but we are women. And I feel like we will lean on that kind of, oh,
Holly Lamb (12:17.23)
Holly Lamb (12:25.006)
Holly Lamb (12:31.886)
Yeah. Yeah.
Daniela (12:36.603)
I don't know what, but I can feel this energy and like the magic all there. You can really birth amazing things in your life and life is not as boring, you know, as well. So.
Holly Lamb (12:39.438)
Holly Lamb (12:48.782)
Yeah, exactly. And as women, obviously we're feminine beings and we are supposed to be in our divine feminine more than what we are. But unfortunately, because of the world we live in, it's very masculine dominated. It's very much, you are rewarded for hard work. But actually, and I've just come off a call with the Red School around feminine leadership and around menstruality and the power that we have.
Daniela (12:57.083)
Daniela (13:03.963)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (13:14.926)
within our own body, like our inbuilt spiritual practice is our menstrual cycle. And learning to harness the power of your cycle has helped me step more into my feminine and has helped me to manifest things quicker and easier because I am in my feminine flow. And I just wanna kind of get that message out to women that it's okay to feel safe in your feminine and be more in your feminine. Has...
Daniela (13:31.227)
Yeah, I love that.
Holly Lamb (13:43.694)
That helped you like connecting more to your feminine in order to, to manifest.
Daniela (13:49.595)
that my life is like, you know how the more you live the more you realize that everything was really meant to be because they were all lessons for you to learn. Like for example, my dad being an immigrant, he used to work so, so, so hard for us. We were a family of six and he was like, he was never home because he was working a lot or he was traveling home and he was a baker. So what he taught me...
without even realizing it. Like after I went to therapy and I went on a journey with my coach as well, I realized that I was kind of mirroring the same pattern. I was like thinking that you have to work really, really hard in order to really achieve something in your life, in order to be worthy of something. And my dad, he died working. Like he died in a car accident. He fell asleep when he was coming home.
Holly Lamb (14:35.63)
Daniela (14:43.611)
So that could have been the lesson for me to learn, but I took so long to learn that message, like maybe two or three years ago. But I don't necessarily have to work so hard to achieve and to be worthy of my dreams. Even if it works, like the first few years of Noaranda, I worked so hard to achieve my dreams. But now I realize I don't really have to work as hard, and I can still achieve so much.
Holly Lamb (14:49.358)
Holly Lamb (15:03.758)
Holly Lamb (15:10.83)
Daniela (15:11.131)
And it's funny because it's like the results are the same or even much better because I have much more creativity, more energy. I feel like energetically also my clients feel it that I'm in a much better space. And yeah, life gets to be easier. Life is not that hard as we make it sometimes. So that was the biggest lesson for me that I just learned.
Holly Lamb (15:21.934)
Daniela (15:40.379)
much later than I should have learned. But yeah, sometimes we don't realize because we like, we come to this world with our parents, with our stories, and we make our stories our own life. You know, we kind of program ourselves into things until we wake up one day and like, okay, I don't really have to work that hard to be worthy of my dreams, you know.
Holly Lamb (15:52.174)
Holly Lamb (16:02.99)
Yeah, I completely agree with that. It's the culture that we live in that the harder you work, then that's when you're rewarded. When actually being a woman, I've noticed that stepping back and not doing as much like last week, I just needed a week of like integration. I didn't post on Instagram and the world didn't fall apart. And I still, you know, I still have clients. I still, things are still happening because I stepped away, but we're so scared of kind of...
Daniela (16:10.235)
Daniela (16:14.619)
Daniela (16:22.875)
Oh my gosh.
Holly Lamb (16:31.918)
releasing control because we think it's going to fall apart. Whereas actually as women, we need to surrender. And this is what we've been learning around the power of menstruation, actually surrendering into it, taking that time. And then that's when all the magical, amazing things happen. Yeah.
Daniela (16:46.843)
I am.
Daniela (16:52.923)
Absolutely. Yeah. And the amount of things of money that earned that just came to me when I was in spas or massages, it's just crazy. It is true. There are some people that are like, you see these things on Instagram of like somebody's criticizing these manifestation coaches that they're thinking, yeah, that's just saying about, you know, I just need to go to the spa and I make cells. But it's true. That happened to me. So it is.
As crazy as this sounds, it is true. When you lean into pleasure, when you lean into your feminine, when you just respect the cycles of your life as well, but sometimes you have to work, but sometimes you also take it easy and relax. I like to do this off my Instagram as well, a few days ago, and I came back and everything is okay, you know, like, and I feel so much energy and I feel like so excited to be here, I can't wait.
Holly Lamb (17:37.166)
Holly Lamb (17:42.638)
Yeah, the world didn't fall apart.
Daniela (17:49.115)
to start to do my things in my to -do list. I feel like when we start to respect the season, life gets to be so much easier. Definitely.
Holly Lamb (17:52.366)
Holly Lamb (17:59.662)
Yeah, that's completely true. And obviously as women, we're cyclical beings anyway. We have our 28 day cycle. Obviously we have the moon cycle that we can live in harmony with and we have cycles in our life, whether that's, you know, mothering years, when we're going into perimenopause, they're all different seasons. And the more we honor and lean into those seasons, the easier life becomes, because we're not fighting against it. We're moving.
Daniela (18:06.971)
Mm -hmm.
Daniela (18:24.699)
Holly Lamb (18:29.038)
we're moving with it, which I think a lot of women do struggle with because they get in their own head and they'll have those like inner critic and those blocks. So is that kind of how you, how do you help your clients sort of come over, overcome those limiting beliefs that they're like, I can't do this.
Daniela (18:36.411)
Hmm. Oh, yeah. And yeah.
Daniela (18:48.635)
Yeah. Yeah. And also like, but sometimes we put limits on ourselves, or we put meaning into things like, for example, there's nothing wrong in the season of winter, we need this winter as well, right? So it is true also for ourselves. And also like the cycle, like the moon phases and everything, like everything is a reason to be. And even like,
Holly Lamb (18:54.51)
Daniela (19:17.403)
You were asking me about the preconception of a manifestation, like you have to be happy all the time. If you have the thoughts, you're going to manifest them. That's not true. It's impossible because if that was true, we would be living in pure chaos, which is a bit chaotic in the world, but we'll be really chaotic.
Holly Lamb (19:23.182)
Holly Lamb (19:39.598)
Mm. Mm.
Daniela (19:41.115)
And I feel like sometimes I learn with myself as well because for the longest time I was pushing out actually the bad thoughts because I thought, okay, I don't want, you know, that's not nice. I want to just have nice thoughts in my life and everything else I will just push it away. And it is not just that it doesn't work. It's that the bad thoughts become bigger and bigger and bigger until one day you really have to deal with them. It's not a pleasant thing to do.
Holly Lamb (20:07.662)
Hmm. Yep.
Daniela (20:10.107)
So something that I learned and I also teach my students and my clients is that to honor also those part of us that are in the shadow because there is a reason why they're there, they're messengers for us and there is so much, there is so much magic into challenges. There is always a gift behind the challenge.
Holly Lamb (20:18.99)
Holly Lamb (20:34.638)
Mm. Yeah.
Daniela (20:37.563)
There is always a gift also behind the trigger because we feel like we're human beings, sometimes we get triggered by other people or other situations. There is always a reason for you to, like something for you to learn and something for you to alchemize into something that will then will help you in your life. So yeah, there is no like, there's nothing bad in low season, in better, better feelings as well.
Holly Lamb (20:40.974)
Daniela (21:05.563)
I feel like everything is meant to be that way. And yeah, even our shadow, there's nothing bad about our shadow. The ego, sometimes also that can be a preconception. The ego is demonized, but I feel like the ego is our friend. It's just sometimes you have to guide him, that's all. But the ego is just trying to help us and to save us. The ego is just trying to help us.
Holly Lamb (21:11.246)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (21:20.654)
Holly Lamb (21:28.462)
Daniela (21:34.331)
but he's not our enemy. Life is happening for us, that's all. If I can just include it in a sentence, I know it sounds cliche, but it's so true. Life is happening for us.
Holly Lamb (21:36.43)
Yeah. Yeah, completely.
Holly Lamb (21:45.23)
Mm, yeah, yeah, that is so true. I was speaking to someone the other day and it was like, life is happening for us, not, no, yeah, life is happening for us, not to us. And it's so true in what you said about facing your ego, because there's a point in the cycle, just like your pre -menstruum phase, where your inner critic will come up and that's the one that's in your head all the time. And that's the time when you have to face it and you have to...
Daniela (21:57.051)
Holly Lamb (22:13.422)
listen to what it says, some of it's nonsense, some of it's there to protect you, but usually there is a message in there and it's down to you to kind of decode that message and see what the wisdom is that it's trying to tell you because we can practice this every month when we have our cycle, we can practice this and it comes up again and again. So if you are really struggling with like manifestation and things like that, then
Daniela (22:28.187)
Holly Lamb (22:39.086)
honing into your ego, your inner critic would be a really good place to start. And that's gonna help to shift those programmed, like in -depth programs that we've gone through life with. It's hard to break them. So no wonder people are like, manifestation's nonsense because they can't get past those blocks and those limiting beliefs, but because they're so ingrained and programmed into your subconscious.
Daniela (22:51.835)
Holly Lamb (23:06.51)
that your brain has to be rewired and that takes time. And that's why things don't just happen overnight. But then that's why with some people, like you said, I was at the spa and I got this because you've done the work and you've got the practices in place. It's still going to come through because.
Daniela (23:09.947)
Daniela (23:18.747)
Yeah, yeah, of course I... Yeah, yeah, you go to the spa. Okay, I'm gonna go to the spa so I'm gonna make money. No, it's not... It's not like I'm gonna be great, you know, I'm gonna help this person so I can get something out of this person. There is not, there should not be the energy of lack and scarcity, but an energy of like trust. And, you know, my body is asking me to rest. My body is asking me to go to the spa today. I just feel it, that is...
Holly Lamb (23:27.278)
Holly Lamb (23:35.886)
Daniela (23:48.219)
You know, also being connected with your intuition is so, so big. When I started to do that in my life, wow, that feels so much easier. Like, I just have to follow my intuition. My intuition knows the way, you know, versus just always listen to the ego. Because the ego is there to protect us, but it's not our, it's not the law. The intuition is what really knows, you know.
Holly Lamb (23:59.662)
Holly Lamb (24:07.95)
Mmm, yeah, exactly.
Holly Lamb (24:12.942)
Yeah, your guts never wrong. If you listen to your intuition more, it will always guide you on the right path. For me, it's everything always seems to work out. No matter how everything seems to crumble, it always eventually works out in the end. If I listen to my gut and I don't listen to the inner critic or the ego in my head telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing. So yeah, I completely resonate with that 100%.
Daniela (24:16.987)
Daniela (24:32.635)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (24:40.078)
Well, thank you so much. This has been amazing. I love talking all things manifestation, but if people wanted to check you out, people wanted to work with you, how would they go about?
Daniela (24:50.203)
I'm actually opening two spots for the one -to -ones. And I'm so excited about this. I feel like I was meant to do this all along. And lately, I started to think about the idea of guiding also people in one -to -one, not just on a group container. But also, I'm launching also a group container that's going to be called the Manifestation Playdate, because life is all about fun.
Holly Lamb (25:09.998)
Holly Lamb (25:18.446)
Daniela (25:18.555)
And it's going to be all about shadow play and really connecting to your inner child and how magic life gets to be when you're really connecting to play and fun. So I'm so excited about this. It's starting on the 6th of May. And yes, I cannot wait. It's going to be amazing. The moment is on an early bird prize, which is 55 .55. And it's going to be then soon going to 3 -3 -3.
Holly Lamb (25:22.318)
Holly Lamb (25:30.446)
Holly Lamb (25:42.222)
Mm -hmm.
Holly Lamb (25:47.438)
Amazing. That sounds perfect. It's so weird that you talk about inner child because the call I had just before we recorded this podcast, we did an exercise about the five chambers of menstruation and the last chamber was around inner child and having fun and play and that's what came up for me. So that's so weird that you said that. So I'm like, okay, right. I think I need to join. It sounds amazing.
Daniela (26:03.643)
I love that! It's so connected. It's so connected. It's so connected. Oh my gosh. When I started to tap into that aspect of me, it's just so fun. It gets to be fun, you know, to live and to explore. And like, if you just tap into the energy of like, there is so much to learn from kids and how they go around the world, you know, like when they do mistakes, they just end up again, they keep going. They have curiosity when they approach new things, they're not scared.
Holly Lamb (26:18.51)
Holly Lamb (26:29.614)
Daniela (26:33.915)
And they don't let things mean the meaning of who they are or how worthy they are. They're just things. They're just challenges. They're fun. Life gets to be really fun and related. So I cannot wait for these amazing women in this container. I am so excited. I never did anything like this. And I just can see it's going to be a 14 -day container. There will be a program, a chat.
Holly Lamb (26:41.87)
Yeah. Yeah.
Daniela (27:02.171)
you can keep each other accountable because myself when I do a course, if it's a self -spaced course, sometimes I get really inspired because I'm like, it's just me and me. And this is, it's going to be like a group of women and we're going to keep each other accountable. There will be like also, I'm an illustrator, so there will be also Oracle deck cards that will be given for free. There will be coloring pages. It's going to be like a play date basically.
Holly Lamb (27:11.054)
Holly Lamb (27:29.294)
Yeah, it sounds amazing. It sounds beautiful. So yeah, amazing. I'll pop all the details in the show notes and how you can connect it to Daniela, but that's been amazing. Thank you so much for joining me. I've really loved this conversation. Thank you. Thanks everybody. I will see you next week for episode nine.
Daniela (27:32.155)
Yeah, I'm really excited.
Daniela (27:42.683)
No, it's amazing. Yeah. So fun. Thank you, Holly.
Daniela (27:50.875)