Clydesdale Media Podcast

Scott, Jamie & Carolyne catch up with all the CrossFit Games News, We talk about who should be the first 3 athletes in the CrossFit Games Hall of Fame, Do we need more rivalries? Going to do a BTS for Master's CrossFit Games and so much more.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

So I just hit go live,

and I got a message back

from Twitter that said,

unless you have a premium

subscription now,

you cannot go live on this

platform any longer.


So just found that out as we went live,

because I just went live on Friday,

and it was fine.


With Bethany, and now today it's not fine.

So I got to look into that.

So if you were here on

Twitter to check us out,

you're not going to see us tonight.

And you won't even hear that message.

So there you go.

Kipping It Real is just here

for the gators and snakes.

All right, so how was your guys' weekend?

Mine was good.

You were there.

I was.

Put some miles on the car.


Before we go into that recap,

how about you, Carolyn?

Today I went axe throwing

for the first time with Lex.

So we went to this local bar

place that just opened up in her city.

It was really fun.

She beat me on most of the games,

and I don't know if I

should be impressed or

worried about that.

It was really fun.

And then we've just been a

lot of walks around the

neighborhoods and stuff like that.

There's like this really

nice park that we do.

It's like an 800 meter loop

with some good shade,

which is important in

California because it's

been like 110 degrees on a

lot of the days.

But yeah, getting a lot of steps in.

We go for like at least a

four mile walk often like every morning.

And I just think it's crazy how

how much you have to walk to

get your 10,000 steps.

Like that four mile is

basically exactly almost 10,000 steps.

And it takes us like, I don't know,

an hour and a half to an

hour 45 often with the

doodles just to walk around.

So yeah, I mean, I've been getting,

my average step count has

been like almost like

15,000 since being in California.


we have a loop around our

neighborhood that's exactly 800 meters.

And that's my walk the dog during work.

I just go and do it once.

It takes a long time to get to 10,000.

And we, uh,

we put this challenge for

ourselves for the month of

July where we're running a mile a day.

So we're also trying to get our,

our mile wet,

whether it's in a wad and

it's just accumulating,

or we might do intervals or

just go for like a mile jog.

I don't know if I'll like

really test my mile.

I've been doing more like

jogging around this,

the neighborhood for the most part,

but I think by the end I'll

try to actually test it.

That's cool.

Well, no, I briefly, we talked last night,

Jamie, you're watching the bear.



We started that.

And what are your impressions of the bear?

I like it.

It's good.

You're right.

They're like short, quick,

really interesting episodes.

It draws you in right away.

I'm curious to see where the

story goes for sure.

We just made it to the second season.


Second season was amazing.

Third season is very

artistic and less story movement.

And we're not done.

We have one episode to go

from season three.

But it's it's one of my

favorite shows from the

last five years for sure.

Maybe my favorite show from

the last five years.

But it's it's so good.

And I love it.

So I'm glad you jumped into that.

Good suggestion.


I put a ton of miles on my car and

went to the beautiful state

of Michigan who they need

so much road work done.

The minute you cross the

Ohio border into Michigan,

your car just starts bouncing around.

You better have good shocks

and good tires.

That's all I got to say.

Yep, so many potholes.

That's why we get all the

memes that are like, my roads.

Like, they're bad.

And I don't know.

They put tons of funding to it.

It doesn't matter.

We literally have

construction on every single highway.

You can't get out of Lansing

without touching construction.


it's, I don't know.

It doesn't even help.

They're just,

maybe the construction is

what caused the problems.

Then like a whole new set of

roads gets just used and

destroyed and then come

back to that and that gets destroyed.

I don't know.


So we went to Lansing and

kept on going all the way

out to Lake Michigan.

We have Lake Erie here in Ohio.

Thought we were cool with that.

Man, Lake Michigan smokes Lake Erie.

Smokes it.

It is so beautiful.

It was so gorgeous.

We get to Muskegon,

and it was miles and miles

and miles of beach.


And it was gorgeous.

Just driving through there was a treat.


So we went there to the

Fresh Coast Fit Fest to

hang out with Jamie and her

crew as they were competing

at the Fit Fest,

as well as get some footage of the event,

all of that stuff.

So I scrambled today.

I lost internet for a period of time.

But I scrambled today to put

together like a minute 30

quick highlight reel of event one.

This is by no means a finished product.

It was just something to

share with the crowd here

tonight to show where we've

been and how cool it is out

there on Lake Michigan.

So without further ado, I'm going to play.

It's a minute 47,

and then we'll be right back after that.

How'd that one go?

I thought it was good.

Yeah, it died.

A long time in the water.

But overall, really good workout fun.

Everybody's out there just

trying to get it done.


now you get a little cool off before

you go to vent too, huh?

That's right.

There's Fit Fest or Fresh Coast Fit Fest.


Just so everyone's clear watching that,

everything synchro was at

the top because I'm sure if

people watch some of that stuff,

they'll be like, oh, that was terrible.

It was terrible burpees.

That was terrible squats.

Yeah, it didn't matter.

You could squat fast.

You could burpee fast as

long as you stood tall

together on the raft and if

you held the dumbbell up.

at the top was, um, synchro a little bit,

a bit different, but.

So let me ask you doing

these movements in sand.

I watched so many people on

thrusters topple over onto

their back because they lost,

they lost their balance or

whatever in the sand.

Did you ever feel that way?

No, no.

Cause you're an athlete.

I mean, I feel like for one,

I feel like having to like

basically hold overhead,

like show control overhead

to make sure you're all synchro.

I guess if you were trying

to go really fast and yank it down,

you could get wobbly.

I was constantly like holding there.

So I feel like I was moving

slow enough that I didn't feel.

And it's actually nice to

like dig your feet in like down.

So you almost like have like lifters on.

Just dig your toes in and

then your heels are up.

So I feel like once I was

where I wanted to be, I was fine.

And that workout was however

many dumbbell thrusters,

single-arm dumbbell thrusters,

burpees to start.

Then they did the raft thing.

Then again with burpees and

dumbbell thrusters.

Backwards, yep.



But it was beautiful.

And it was long.

It was a long swim.

They actually moved the last buoy in.


before the first group got to it.

Cause it was taking so long to go around.


What was the distance?

It was supposed to be 500 meters.


I'm guessing it was closer to maybe

like 400.


But, yeah,

that doesn't surprise me that

they had to move it in.

When they released it, I was like,

this is going to take a long time.

And it was absolutely perfect conditions.

So I'm curious, like,

who tested it and what conditions?

Because it's usually really choppy.

And, I mean, like,

I sort of feel like that's

why they had to bring in the raft.

Because almost every year we

have issues with somebody, like,

needing to grab onto something,

needing something like it can,

it's usually freezing and the weather is,

it was actually really nice.

The water warmed up a lot.

So like it didn't take your

breath away as much as in

past years and you were

holding onto that.

So you were able to recover, but yeah,

you were in the water for like,

I don't know.

I think the fastest teams

were like nine minutes.

A lot were like 12 to 14 minutes.


And it was a,

it was a long run down the

beach before you enter the,

in that deep sand with the

raft then you entered and

then you went around that

500 meters and again they

brought in the last buoy to

probably make it 450 yeah

yeah somewhere around there

but yeah um but you could

still stand about three

quarters of the way out to the buoys yeah


And that was nice.

Like once you were,

you were just so tired

coming back in that finally

when you could put your

feet down and just pull that thing,

it was way better.


The fastest technique I saw

was two women were on the raft together,

each using one arm on each side.

And there was the third

person was on the back, like a kickboard,

just kicking like crazy.


And they, they,

they finished first in the

women's heat by a good margin.


But yeah, it was awesome to witness.

It was a great event.

Man, that sand is thick.

Like it is a workout alone,

just moving up and down

through the heats of people.

My gosh,

my hips and my calves and my

ankles on fire.


My right calf is like the

only thing that's pretty sore.

So it must have been pushing

extra hard with my right leg.

But yeah,

you walk back and forth on that

sand back to your tent,

back to like tons of times

just to watch a heat go.

You're just constantly in that sand.

Was it a two-day comp or one?

And how many events were there?

So it's a one-day comp.

There's two days of it

because RX is Saturday.

Scaled was today.

And actually, it was stormy today.

It ended up being kind of nice,

but Veronica says in here

she went over there and

they had a red flag out for the water.

So it was probably really choppy.

Thank God we didn't have to

deal with that yesterday.

I wonder if they moved the

buoys in even more for today.

I'm curious if Veronica

actually watched the swim

event or saw any of that, how that went.

Nicole Sherman says,

did your team switch

positions with the raft in the water?

Yes, we did.

Well, yeah, we, so we were,

we wanted to do two people out front,

like almost like

one arm and like pulling it

and one person at the back.


and we did that for at least half the

way I'd say about,

and then realized that you

could see the other teams

like ahead of you that were

just moving faster with two

on or even three on.

And we're like, okay,

we have to switch something up.

So we did switch like three times.

Um, I got up like double our

double armed while Mel was

at the front and Caitlin was at the back.

And then Mel and I switched

those positions.

Caitlin pretty much always

stayed at the back kicking.

But yeah, we tried a few different things.

The funniest conversation I

heard all day was

While switching positions,

you ended up in very

precarious situations as well.

Butt to face, face to butt,

whatever you want to call it.

Front to back, things like that.

But yeah, that was hilarious.

Veronica had me laughing so hard.

Only she would be like

watching us and kind of like, I mean,

she's behind us in the water watching us.

Like I, I don't even know.

Like I'm just moving along.

Like I'm not looking at

where I'm at or even paying

attention that I'm

basically on top of my

partner on the raft.

Like I don't, it doesn't, I'm just moving.

You're there to win.

We all know.

So that was the first event.

The second one was crazy.

We've talked about a lot.

You've been battling a shoulder injury.

You say you can't snatch.

You were the strong snatcher on your team.

And you snatched 135 power

five times fairly easily on

sand on a piece of plywood.

does that give you more

confidence going into the games?


I mean, I don't,

I don't know that that's

like a common weight.

Like they could pull

something like this went to one 55 in it.

And there will be people

that can hit fit one 55 at the game.

So it doesn't matter that I can do one 35.


It totally depends on if

it's a ladder or how it is.

You looked snappier than

I've ever seen you snatch.

That's good.

And it was on a piece of plywood and sand.

And you yourself saw Rich snatch,

and it was not easy for him

in these conditions.


So kudos to you for that.

And then, oh, yeah,

we have to talk about this.

Plus your judge was dancing

while you were doing that.

He was getting after it.

He was having a good time.


And we're not talking like

keeping it in here.

Like he was all over the place dancing.

He was having a good time.

He was keeping me distracted

from the pain I was feeling.

So it was good.

And then you guys ended up, um,

So that, Kenneth,

is Jamie's GoFundMe shirt,

whatever you want to call it.

That is her fundraiser to

help her get to the games.

There's a t-shirt too.

And will Thick Boy be

selling it or are you selling it?


Well, yeah.

I guess technically I'm selling it.


It looks really good.

I love it.


Did you design it?

No, Mark put it together for me.

Looks great.

He did a good job.

So where can they get it?

I'll post it, like a picture of it,

on my Instagram and

Facebook so people can just message me.


Or if you see it here, just message her.

Yeah, post in the comments.

Like, comment, subscribe.

Yeah, do that too.

All that stuff.

And then you guys ended up podiuming.

We did.

But even more impressive,

you finished seventh overall.


So not just Masters,

but overall seventh place.


Masters really showed up.

The first three teams in

Masters were in the top seven overall.


Yeah, it was a pretty competitive field.

I mean, Rich's team was first in Masters,

second overall.

Not surprising, but yeah,

Masters just was competitive this year.

That's awesome.

Ronica says she needs 10,

and I think she can message you tomorrow,

probably at the gym.


So yeah, it does look cool,

and I'm definitely getting

myself one of them.

Speaking of Masters, we'll jump ahead.

It became official this week

that we got our full access

to cover the Masters games

behind the scenes.

Team is put together, I think.

And now we're just ironing

out some final details.

But super stoked to be able to do that.

And now that I'm hearing all

the people that are coming,

I think we're going to be

able to put on a pretty

cool little documentary

behind the scenes.

So I think that's going to be

And there's Holly in the chat.

And I think we're going to

get to meet Holly in person

for the first time.

She's going to come.

We're trying.

We're trying.

We need our stats and info

girl right there on hand to

be able to like,

give us all the info we need.


So she says she hopes so.


We're super stoked for that.

So let's get into the elite

CrossFit games.

Dave Castro was at it some

more this week with all of

his interviews.

He did take a couple-day break, apparently,

to go to Yosemite with his family.

But it was back at it,

and we had no cell service

over the weekend.

That's the last thing about Fresh Coast.



Couldn't even communicate

with Jamie to let her know

we had the table reservation she needed.

All that kind of stuff.

It was so crazy.

So I am behind on these

athlete interviews.

I think I have three or four to do.

I think he's come out with a

couple since I even... Lexi

Neely just came out before

I came downstairs.

So, yeah.

I've got four to go.

BKG, Lexi...

I can't remember her name now,

but I crammed a few in today.

So we know event one.



Event one is run-swim.

And it also came out in some

interviews this week that

those predictions of

distance appear to be right.

Dave said that with his own mouth.

And if you reverse engineer it,

it probably means no fins.


So, thoughts on the run-swim event.

It appears to be a

three-and-a-half-mile run,

500 to 800-meter swim.

I think it's closer to 800

for the half-mile, so 800 meters.

Do you think it's as much of

a run as a swim,

or it's a lot more towards the run?

I think it's more towards the run.

I think...

think you can make up a lot

of ground on the swim if

it's 800 meters that that's

uh for these swimmers

probably a 13 minute open

water swim a 5k is what 17 to 20 minutes

if it's a proper 5k they're

going to be 19 to 22 at

least yeah no no one's

running a 17 minute maybe

like I don't like no that's

not going into a swim I was

I was I guess I was

referencing last year's ish

yeah I think I think most

of the girls would be

low twenties to around 22 and a half ish.

Like Ricky would probably

have the fastest 5k.

He could probably do a 17.

I don't think he will.

I mean,

he might want to go close to it so

that he can get a lead

going into the water, knowing that,

you know,

James Sprague and the cow ski

and others will be a great swimmers.

Cause I don't think Ricky is

known to be like the best swimmer,

but he can definitely get

into the water first and at least

recover probably better than

other people can uh spin is

the king with research so

and he is it kudos to him

and apparently he's dead on

but I didn't I have not

seen anything about this

carolyn have you I didn't

see that no I haven't seen any of that

again there's a handful I

have not got to yet um and

I went to spin right before

we went on here see if

anything broke um but yeah

I'm all caught up on the

interviews except for the

the last one that just got

posted and nothing was said

about two run swim events okay

The research also shows there are snakes.

I know one person actually

went out and did the run

and reported back that they

saw snakes all over the run path.

As an athlete,

does that even come into

your mind when you're

running or swimming?

Swimming, yes, it comes into my mind.

I've done several triathlons

and that kind of stuff.

I'm not overly comfortable in the water.

Like that, that stuff stresses me out.

Like I, I wouldn't just go to a,

like a lake like that by

myself and go swim around in it.

Like I'll sign up for things

like triathlons cause

there's 50 other people in

there with me and hopefully

something gets someone else

other than me.

But like, I don't know.

I wouldn't,

I wouldn't feel comfortable

doing like ocean swims personally.


And like, yeah, I don't know.

Just, you know, leeches, anything in lakes,

like leeches.


Oh my gosh.

All the open water swims I've done.

I've never encountered a leech.


they're all over our lakes in Michigan.

So I'm probably similar to you.

Like on the run,

I probably wouldn't think about it.

Um, if I saw something, just keep going.

You're so focused in the water.

I'm less comfortable.

The fact that you're with a

lot of people just.

hopefully those creatures

stay away from the mass people.

Um, yeah, but I mean,

I think when you're in the race,

you don't think about it

and I don't think it'll

play a factor at all.


I, you know,

I was talking to Bethany on

Friday and she said that

usually the animal is more

afraid of the human than

the human is of the animal.

And with all those people, um,

most of those animals will

be scurrying off to another place.

But if you're out there, like you said,


if you're out there running by yourself,


you're going to encounter a lot of that.


But if it's a mass start of 80 people,

you're probably less likely to see that.


Do you guys have predictions

for male and female in that event?

Probably to you.

I could see James doing

really well in that one.

That was a good pick.

I want to take Gracie.

How is she at running?

I don't know.

There's been a few

interviews where there's

some swimmers out there.

Kato today was I think trying for

like years ago for, uh,

Olympic trials in swimming.

Um, you obviously have Walton.

That's a great swimmer.

Like someone like Haley

Adams can get into the

front with the run and

she's always done well.

Rolf has always done well in

swimming workouts.

Same with, um, Emma Lawson.

I think like some of like those girls with,

with Walton will be up there for sure.


on the men's side.

I mean, I think Brent always does well,

James with that combination, but yeah,

it'll be interesting how

much each weighs onto the, yeah,

onto the event.

Well, Pat finished up 20.

I think so.

I don't think he's that bad of a swimmer.

I think like the one year he

cramped up and he's had some bad luck.

Like the one year was the, uh,

the kayak and he just

couldn't figure that out.

Like he works on his swimming,

but I don't think he's like a,

like the top end of the field,

but he could still, I think do well.

He's not a bad runner.

He's a good runner.

He's a pretty good runner.

And I think he'll, he'll be fine.

I think so too.

I think he'll be top 20.


I think,

I think Sprague has shown that he's,

he's the new Brent,

like Brent won these events.

And now James is just a

younger version of that

with maybe even better swimming ability.


um so I like the james pick

for that one I would say I

want I want to pick gracie

but I don't I don't think

her tia's run is probably

better than gracie's by

further by a greater

variant than vice versa I

agree yeah like I expect

like the runners in the

front to be like tia hayley adams rolf

will be towards the front.

I don't think Gracie will be

matching their speed going into the water,

but she can make up a lot of ground,

I'm assuming, in the water,

but where will she be entering?

That'll be the factor.

Yeah, and for that,

it's swimming under fatigue,

and Tia's going to be fine with that.

And Tia actually has, like,

of all the swimmers,

when you look at her stroke,

it is picture-perfect.

So I don't think Gracie will

be able to make up that much difference.

Uh, so, uh,

Larry Young says doing anything

close to Olympic level

makes me think you might be

a sneaky pick for the ladies.

Yeah, that's what I'd like to,

but that's really damn good at swimming.

yeah like kato who was a

good swimmer like I don't

see her being close to them

on the run but she may be

like I think she'll be

she'll have a top half

finish in this workout but

I don't think she'll

threaten for a top three in

that workout how are um

laura and gabby in the water

think they're fine I think

they're probably upper

upper quarter if I remember

like laura does does well

in those events yeah um

yeah I think they'll be

fine I don't think they're

gonna win and I don't

really know gabby I don't

remember her finishes but

laura I remember her

finishing well and like the

lake swims and she's a

decent runner oh yeah

They'll be fine.

Laura was eighth in 2021 with the kayak.

I don't know how much she

made up maybe on the kayak,

but there was a mile swim in that one,

so she's got to be a good swimmer.

And Gabby, I don't think, did as well.

Who was Gabby in 2021?

Gabby is 22nd.

But again,

it's hard to know whether there

was the kayak or the swim

part because some people

really struggled on the

kayak and had no idea how to move it.

So that one's hard to tell.

And then I think the 2022

swim event was a lot more

dictated by the skier than the swim.

Like if you could just

survive and make it to the end,

it became just the calories thing.

I don't think we've had a

pure sprint in a while.

That's hard to know for the

rinse and repeat because

there's only five athletes.


the echo bike plays a role in that too.


Swim and stuff was the five people.

Rinse and repeat was... I

don't know what... That's

from our staff and information person.

Laura third beat Tia fourth

in the rinse and repeat one.

was rinse and repeat because

it was swim and ski was the

22 right that's what it was

called yeah yeah and that's

more and that's more with

the skier yeah that's a

2022 one with the skier and

then swimming stuff is the

one at the 2020 games with

five athletes which laura wasn't there


Rinse and repeat was the swim ski.



So that would have been,

she got third because of

the rower or the ski.



I mean, she's probably a good swimmer too.

Like, yeah, but not as elite as.


I think she's upper, upper tier swimmer.

Just not Tia Gracie swimmer.

So there we go.


the other thing we learned this week is

Chad has event seven right

before the cut.


so you're going to be doing step ups

for your life.

That is crazy.

I don't, I mean,

I kind of like it cause

he's making it matter.

Like he's going to make them push it.

Um, but man, Oh,

you're going to be sore the

next day pushing that hard.

And we don't know what the twist is.

Like we don't know.


and Dave did say that the twist is not

the fact that it's the

workout before the cut.

Cause someone asked if that was the twist,

whether it was just the

workout before the cut and he said, no,

that's not the, the, um, the twist,

but didn't say whether

there was an additional movement,

whether the twist is just

having multiple boxes and

moving your way down or step overs.


so we still don't have that information,


I like the fact that it's before the cuts.

I think it puts pressure on the athletes.

And everyone will get to do it.


Is it Kyron Souza?

His first name.

He did it.

Like him and Bruno did it recently.


and they did the whole thing and

apparently they went pretty hard at it.

And he said that it was fine doing it.

It was a couple of days

later that he really hurt.


they only have one day to work out

after it.

And like,

if you're going to be most sore on Monday,

it is what it is.

You just got to get through Sunday.


So what do you guys think

about the outlandish, uh,

comments of people saying

they should cut it in the

middle of like do the cuts

in the middle of the

workout or if you're the

fastest to a certain like

if you're the fastest 10 to

500 you get to stop and no

I don't I think you have to

complete it yeah if you're

going to do this workout

everyone needs to do all

thousand step ups like

everyone has to and I

realize some people are

going to be done but like

you can't I everyone just

needs to do it all

Vi asks,

are we hoping that it's stepovers or no?

I don't think it's going to be stepovers.

I think CrossFit is

old-fashioned Dave saying,

we saw what you did in quarterfinals.

We penalized you for it.

Now we're going to put it in

the games to make sure you

do it as we prescribed.


I just think it's a

completely different workout.

If it was,

if it's step overs a hundred percent,

like that extension at the

top of the box is way

different and uses your legs a lot more.


obviously it's a lot easier to judge the,

um, the step overs,

but I have a hard time

thinking that it would

change to that point of doing a,

the full movement, like different, um,

but even just look at some

people practicing the step ups,

like they have a soft knee,

like they're stepping up

and you watch a lot of the

videos of the athletes and

they're standing up on the one hip,

but their other knee is

still kind of soft every single time.

And they should know right

now that you have to

clearly stand up and you

can't be leaning on one side.

And almost all the videos

that I'm watching of the athletes,

they're still tapping and being soft.

So I don't know what they're

going to do because they're

still not doing a step up

correctly in my opinion.


Sarah Cooper says so many athletes

posting them doing step-ups

now and still not hitting full extension.

But isn't it typical, Dave,

that he would look at a

problem instead of saying, hey,

we're going to fix it by

making it easier.


we're going to run into the problem and

we're going to do it till

we get it right.

Yeah, I could see that mindset.


Larry Young said, personally,

I thought it was boring,

but with cuts after now,

I feel like that's enough,

even without a twist.


who's going to want to leave the

stadium at that point when

you're kind of waiting to

see which athlete is going

to be falling behind and

possibly losing a lot of

points or getting cuts?

You're not going to want to not tune in.

I mean,

you might want to tune in at the end,

but still,

I think it engages more of the

fans to want to stay and watch.

knowing that there's a lot

on the line in that particular workout.

There was a point in one of

the interviews where he

said that they try to make


spectator-friendly at the games

by the way they move things,

but sometimes the test is

more important than being


And he said, so in small instances,

you have to do the test the

way you need to do the test.

And I think that that's what Chad is.

He wants a mental test.

You put it by the cuts.

It eats even a bigger mental test.

Who's willing to die for

points on that last event

before the cuts.

And it's just grunt work.

It's not,

it's not about technique or skill

or who's willing to lay it down.



Wouldn't it be crazy if the twist was,

there is no twist.

I don't,

I think there's going to be something.

I don't think he would do that.

I don't think he would say

that and not have something.


You know, Dave.


So, uh, did you see the,

the one interview where

someone asked him if he was

going to bring back the cornrows?


And he said that he decided that one,

when he turned 40,

he was done with those types of things.

That as a 40-year-old and up,

you have to just be more

serious and move on.

And I thought that was very interesting.


Did you see the comment

about the marathon?

It was on the BKG interview

and I haven't seen the full thing yet,

but I just saw the spin

version of it where BKG

said that the marathon row

was the worst event he ever

did at the games.

And Dave said that, well,

if I'm still in this position,

it is coming back at some point.

That's funny.

You missed that one.

You weren't there yet, right?

Carolyn, or were you?

No, I had missed out.

That year was very close to qualifying.

And when I saw it,

I was at the event watching.

And I was like, oh, man,

I'm so glad I'm not doing it.

You know, I wanted to qualify.

Seeing that first day,

that was a hard first day of the games.




And now everybody's going to

have to train that row

every year because he said

it's coming back at some point.

So gross.

It's like my butt can't sit

on a rower for that long.

I do a 10K rarely,

and it hurts me so much

just to sit down the entire time.

Yeah, the most I've ever done was a 10K.

I can't imagine quadrupling

that plus some.

I've done the half before in

2013 when that was programmed.

One girl from my previous

gym in my hometown was

doing the half marathon row.

She ended up quitting

halfway and I just kept going.

So I have done the half one

and that was brutal.

The first time I did a 5k,

like I had blisters all over my fingers.




I can't even imagine 40,000,

whatever it is.


I liked Emma McQuaid's question about,

do you think that we're overtraining?

And his response is,

I absolutely think you're overtraining.

That when you're training

five to six hours a day,

there's no day at the games

that is five to six hours.

And I saw him say in other interviews,

like the most total workout

time you're getting,

unless there's like a

marathon row or chat, is like an hour.

And it's broken up into like three events.

There's always like a 45-minute workout,

almost always, whether it's the bike,

a run, a longer run.

I feel like there's always

one workout that's 45 minutes.

But I just feel like people

exaggerate how much that

they're actually training.

Like be like, Oh,

I'm training six to eight hours,

but it's like,

they're at the gym for like that long.

They're warming up.

Some of them are chilling on a foam roller,

having a chat.

Like they're not actually

working out for like eight

hours and they say it like that.

So people have this

perception that they're

training for six to eight hours.

But I think in reality,

most athletes are like pure,

like whether they're lifting,

cardio or like gymnastics

skills or med cons,

like let's call it two to three hours.

So, um, I, you know, and,

and people that have other

jobs condense it into like,

let's call it two to four hours maybe.


while people that don't have jobs and

can be at the gym all day,

just stretch it out so much

and get work done and physio work,

et cetera, and cold tubs.

And they all just say that

it's their training day, which it is,

but I don't think they're

actually training for eight hours.

That's my opinion, unless I'm wrong.

I just don't think that they are.

I can't remember how Emma McQuaid put it,

but it was like she doesn't

just train to train anymore.

She doesn't want to do trash training.

I can't remember the term she used.

Trash volume.

Junk volume, yeah.

Everything is intentional.

Everything is for a purpose.

And each workout has a purpose.

And she knows what that purpose is.

Do you feel that's how you train?

I mean, I feel like sometimes there's just,

I feel like some of the

stuff is just volume to get in volume,

but I,

but I also need volume and I need to like,

I need to feel like I did

three hard workouts and I'm,

I know I'm going to be sore

tomorrow and I need to feel

what that's going to feel like.

So I don't know.

I think the purpose sometimes is,

is for the volume.

But if it's to build capacity,

then it still has a purpose.



The example she uses,

I don't do sandbag cleans

just to do sandbag cleans.

There has to be a purpose to it.

I do a monostructural

conditioning every day.

I have a four-week

weightlifting cycle that's

a progressive overload

that's the same weightlifting cycle

stuff for let's let's say a

week and then I just

progressed for the four

weeks like I start light on

week one which is almost

like a deload and I

normally have a couple

metcons you call it um and

some accessory and I would

say that like there's no

junk volume everything's

intentional I try to hit

essentially every movement once a week

indifferent uh stimulus so

it's like if I don't if I

don't feel like um I'm

gonna hit this piece with

intention I just don't do

it um and I'll be like okay

well which movement did I

skip this week I'll make

sure that I don't skip on

that movement you know two

weeks in a row or I'll put

that piece into another

part of the week um just so

I don't get burnt out or

just doing things just to

do things and go through

the motion so I would say

that I am intentional in

in my training and I don't

train as much as, um, my competitors.

I take two full rest days a

week for the last few years.

Um, and I listened to my body very well.


she said on our interview with her

and in this interview with

Dave that with the injury

she sustained last year,

she had to start from scratch.

And it was a full rebuild in

the offseason.

And she learned so much from

that that her training has

changed now that she's gone

through that with much more intention.

And she says her body feels

so much better this year

than it has in years past.

So I think she's being very

critical of her own program.

And not necessarily saying

that out to the world,

but that she needed to be

more intentional with what she was doing.

And Dave talked about it.

I don't know with who,

but referencing Brent and talking about,

again, volume and how, you know,

a lot of people talk about

when they're at the games, you know,

they're injured and they're

broken and stuff like that.

And that's not the case for

like all the athletes.

And there are athletes that are, you know,

doing it the right way or

not that it's the right way,

but like really listening

to their bodies and, uh,

not pushing through pain or

anything like that.


so I think this idea that everyone has

so much volume and is all

broken puts this person

like this perception that, you know,

all the games athletes are

just dealing with stuff,

which I don't know.

I never went to the game

necessarily like injured or,

have any like nagging things.

Cause I feel like I listened

to my body very well and

I'm sure plenty of other

athletes are like that as well too.


so I think I talked about this with the

teenagers that I was on a call with, um,

in my little group of mentor mentorship,

um, and just about, you know,

listening to your body and

not feeling like you have

to do the full volume of, um,

things that are,

that they're getting

programmed from their

programmers that they're following.

Cause it can be a lot.


I think that's really

important to just be in

tune with little stuff so

that it doesn't become a chronic injury.

I was wondering if anybody

else caught this.

Vi says it was a little wild

to hear Dave call out

proven specifically for overtraining,

given that was the

accusation from the

athletes who left them last year.


I don't think it was an

intentional call out.

I think it was just Dave was like,

I was at proven last year

and couldn't believe the

amount of training they were doing,

but it does line up with

things that were coming out

from other athletes about

the programming at proven and why,

why they left.

The last thing I wanted to

touch on with the

interviews is Victoria Campos.

And her question to Dave was,

every year when the semifinals,

you get a free L1 or a free L2.

And she has her L3 and has

completed every online

course that's available.

And she asked Dave, could she get her L4?

And Dave said, absolutely.

Let's do it.

And he asked her,

would you be interested in

trying out for the seminar staff?

And she said, sure.

And he said, then we're going to do both.

And I thought, wow,

that was a really cool

interaction that happened

on an interview.

Because there was a lot of

stuff out there that a lot

of the athletes that are in

the games don't have their

L1s or anything like that.

And in my interview with Saxon this week,

he talked about that if

you're competing in a sport

and there's a class to

learn about the movements

and the movement standards,

wouldn't you want to know

that information to make

you better at the thing you do?

So I wanted to get your thoughts on that.

And then Mike Halpin put out,

I think today,

on his known and knowable

Instagram account,

why don't we give badges to

put on the jerseys of

athletes who have their L1, L2,

L3 badges?

Or they're a country

champion or they're whatever.

And instead of just having a

leader's jersey or the

medals for champions, why not have L1, L2,

L3 as an option to put on

the jerseys and celebrate

those athletes that

actually have those things?

That's an awesome idea.

Yeah, I like that as well.

Yeah, he has a couple of recommendations.

So I actually could pull it up.

I think I have it close.

Like I get that they expire, um, over time,

but I still think that

while you're at the games that year,

you still held, you know, that credential,


which I think would be a cool thing to


I mean,

it would probably make some people

who maybe would consider

letting it lapse would go

renew it to make sure they

get that again on their Jersey.

I'm having a hard time finding it.

Of course.


We'll do that another time.

That's a good idea, though.

I love it.

but yeah, it was, it was super cool.

And he had,

he had like pictures and

mock-ups and things like that as well.

They kind of, uh, showed all that.

So, uh,

Holly said sex interview was so good.

And Larry Young said badge idea rocks.

Uh, so yeah.

So there's that.

So now we're going to get

into the fun part of the show, hopefully.

I was watching a podcast,

a swimming podcast this week,

not CrossFit.

And they were talking about,

if you don't know,

there's a rivalry between

the United States and

Australia when it comes to

swimming at the international level.

They're the two best

swimming countries in the

world and have been for many, many years.

A few years back,

one overzealous fan brought

a cowbell to a swimming

meet that was pro-US and

would ring it all the time.

There was an interview done

with an Australian swimmer

who talked about how much

she hated the cowbell and

wants to make the U.S.

basically eat it and take

them out at either World

Championships or the Olympics.

I'm paraphrasing big time.

so some of the U S swimmers

were talking about it

because NBC is taking that

rivalry and promoting the

hell out of it as the

Olympics are going to only a month away.

And it's the big rivalry, right?

And swimming will be

probably the main event for

the first week of the games.


So I on this podcast,

it was two former swimmers

talking about how, yes,

there is a rivalry between

them and Australia,

but it's a friendly rivalry.

They're actually friends

away from the pool and they

hang out together a lot

because they're in the same

circles and they do the same things.

And it's not as heated.

And the person actually made

the comment didn't even

make the Olympics from Australia.

So she's not even there to like represent.


So my question is,

is it better when your

sport has these rivalries and is it,

is it okay for media to

pump them up to try to get viewership?

Oh, sure.

I mean, that's the exciting,

that's the exciting stuff.

People, people love that.

They, um, whether it's, whether it's like,

I don't know.

I mean,

you got to have either a hero villain.


Some type of rivalry.

That's, that's the exciting stuff.

You want to cheer some,

you want to cheer for the

underdog to take somebody down.

And yeah,

the media companies should

absolutely pump that up.


I mean, it's in every sport.

There's rivalries like in hockey right now,

let's say Angel Reese

versus Caitlin Clark for

the rookie of the year.

And people are building up

like they hate each other.

Whether the media,

you know,

pumps up the Australians or USA

for the swimming.

You know,

I think it's good for viewership

in the end,

the more that they can talk about it,

the better it is.

So no, I like it.

Do you think that,

do you think CrossFit's

fallen short on the Laura

Tia robbery for this year?


They could do more.

I mean,

they tried doing something with

Roman and Jeff and that was a fail.

But they could definitely pump up.


I don't think they have to go about it

like they hate each other.

I don't think it's about

hating each other.

I think they have a lot of

respect for each other.

I think everyone in our

sport has a lot of respect

for each other and the work

that everyone does and puts in.

But I think they could play on some of the

Some of the rivalries.

I mean,

we're seeing some of the fun like

male side developing right now.

It would be nice to have

something like that on the

female side just to root for.

But on the male side,

they're doing it themselves.


Well, Laura's not doing it.

Laura's like putting that stuff out there.

Her posts have been.

So I think she's trying.

Somebody's got to pick it up.

Coming to win.


And she has stated that you

could clip that stuff together.

You could clip a thing of Tia working out,

getting better,

hurt the names of her videos,

like making the comeback,

coming to take it over.


Laura saying,

I'm coming to win regardless

of who's there.

CrossFit should be taking

the Dallin Pepper Roman

comments from semifinals,

clipping them up, and using them to say,

the CrossFit Games are coming August 7th.

Watch Dallin and Roman go head-to-head.

They don't do any of that.

And you just mentioned it, Carolyn,

every other sport.

The Angel Reese-Caitlin one

is huge right now.

I mean,

people take it to a level sometimes

I feel like they shouldn't

take it for some of the rivalries.

But in general, it's great for the sport.

Like here we have that it's not necessary.

I don't think it's always necessary,

but you could still play it

like they each have their

skills and just showcase

how good these two are.

And these are the, you know,

the top two in our sports

going to be going head to head in August,

you know, August 8th to 11th.

And you promote, you know,

our top athletes like that

for the head to head.

But I still want to see, you know,

the other athletes get developed.

And yeah, any rivalries,

I think it's good.

back and forth at rogue you

could use that footage to

make tia won this event

laura won this event back

and forth they went you

know there's so many little

things they could have put

together to promote this

crossfit games there's

still time not much

So now my contention is that

people outside of CrossFit

that are running events are

doing a better job of that.

We've talked about how

Europe is so intense at

semifinals because you get

to root for your country.

So it has been announced that this year,


Guadalupalooza is doing a North

America versus the world.

Fit Fest just announced this

week they are doing Europe

versus the world.

Those entities see the value

in having rivalries and country pride,


Continent pride,

whatever you want to call it.

What do you think about

those events doing that thing,

doing that?

Oh, it'll draw more eyes for sure.


I mean, we all,

we only see them in like

compete individually throughout the year.

So it's a chance for

different athletes to team

up and whether you're

rooting for team North

America or team world or team Europe,

it just allows, you know,

something that they have in

common and they become a team.

And it's just something that

you don't see.

We have the CrossFit Games teams,

but obviously we know that

these type of showcases would like have

great athletes individual

athletes going team and

it's just a higher level in

general yeah like sarah

says I hopefully they

broadcast fit fest this

time yeah and I i and when

I was talking to ariel she

said at fit fest there was

no like it was not supposed

to be competition but every

time they go three two one

everybody wanted to win

there was strategy on every workout

They were all trying their

hardest because they're competitors.

And I hope it's a broadcast.

I hope SoCal Waterpalooza

does a great job.

The cool thing about it only

being two teams is it

should be very easy to view

the competition.

And the different format for each event,

two-on-two, one-on-one, eight-on-eight,

it's going to be a fun thing to watch,

I hope.

And hopefully spurs some new

types of competition.

But I also think this is why

teams don't necessarily need to separate

from the CrossFit Games to

allow these type of

competitions to do these

exhibitions or these

showcases of these athletes

on super teams.

Like I don't necessarily

think that CrossFit needs

to run another competition.

Unless they would bring the

teams back with the masters

and the teenagers and

that's a whole package and

you have a lot of people in

the stands now going to see

their families.

you could do something like

that but if all of them are

going to get separated I

don't think that's the

right move agree agree

speaking of which we did

have a comment this week in

the youtube comments that

when are we going to start

interviewing masters

athletes one we have one on

this show every week two we

I did an interview with

rudy and lynette burger a week ago

We have one scheduled for

this week with a

mother-daughter who both

qualified for the CrossFit Games.

It'll be this Thursday and they're,

they're not able to attend

each other's event because

they're on the same weekend.

And so we're going to talk

about what that means to them.

And that'll be this Thursday.

So please check that out.

So we'll have a teen athlete

and a master's athlete.

And the plan was this will

be this coming week is the

last week I'm doing elite

interviews for the games as

we're getting too close to

to interrupt training

schedules going into the games.

So it'll switch over to

coaches and Masters athletes after that,

leading up to the Masters CrossFit Games.

So just to explain that to

everybody of the plan coming up.

So one of the other

interviews that Dave Castro did,

he was schooling somebody

on James Fitzgerald.

and uh the guy who did the

first butterfly pull-up and

was in uh every every

second counts shoot he

trains out of cross at

calgary or something like

that yeah I forgot the name

yeah I think it was in the

hattie canyo interview

actually uh because she

lives in the area where

fitzgerald and this guy

came from and uh and he

said if there was a crossfit hall of fame

those two would be in it

because of their

contribution to the sport

okay so I put into our

notes a question to you two

is if there was a crossfit

hall of fame and you had to

start it with three men and

three women now all other

sports hall of fames you

have to be retired

to be eligible to go into

the Hall of Fame.

And my caveat to that is

Masters competition does not count.

So you just have to be

retired from elite

individual competition to be eligible.

Who are your three men and

your three women?

Well, I think we all have Matt and Rich,



Carolyn doesn't.

I do have Matt and Rich.


I forgot about Matt, but he retired.

I will add him to mine.

One time championship she forgot.


Matt and Rich.


My third guy is Scott Panczyk.

Over Ben Smith.


I don't feel like Ben's

actually retired yet.


I actually thought of Ben Smith and

then said I had to

disqualify him because he

competed in individual semis this year.


I have Mikko Salo.

I think he changed the game

a lot for the Europeans to

enter the sport and train.

And Jason Kalipa.

Because you forgot Matt.

Which one wouldn't make it

if you had to put Matt in?

Probably Kalipa.

I think Mikko has an

influence with the

Europeans to really grow the sport there.


I agree that Mikko's influence on

Europe was massive.

And I really like Jason Kalipa a lot,

so it's a tough one between those two.

I'll give the edge for the

Just for the Europeans, I think,

just to grow it there.

We'll give it to Miko.

I got lazy and went James Fitzgerald.

He was the first ever champion.

And just like in the NFL,

the Hall of Fame always

does like an old-timers vote in.

And just so that people can

learn about how the sport started.

And James Fitzgerald has

been around the sport ever

since with OPEX and all of that stuff.

And so I go Matt Rich, James Fitzgerald.

Andrew Sten says, Rich Matt, Jason Kalipa.

And you'd probably have some sort of,

you know,

people from the first era would

probably get inducted first

before even like Matt would

get because he's one of the

more recent retirees.

So you would probably get, you know,

the Ben Smiths and people before that,

even though Ben's still competing.

So with the women,

they're all still competing pretty much.


I'm trying to make a point here.

So you can't go Katrin.

You can't go Annie.

You can't go because they

are still competing.




You can't go Tia because

she's still competing.


So the Mount Rushmore of women...

ish is kind of off limits

because they're still competing.

So it makes it a whole lot harder.

That's true.

So who do you got for women?

I have Kristen Clever, Katie Henninger,

Sam Briggs.


I had all those on my narrow down list.

I have a question mark for

Kristen Clever for me.

But I have Carrie Pierce.

Sam Briggs, and Annie Sakamoto.

I have Sam Briggs, Kristen Clever,

and Becca Voigt.

Becca's a very good one.

I had Wagner as well on my list.

I did too.

And I thought about Annie as well.

I understand that's Kristen Holta,

Tanya Wagner, and Katie Henniger.

Holta's great too.

Holta is one of my favorite athletes.

Holta Sakamoto.

Nobody with Carrie Pierce.

Y'all are crazy.

Sarah Cooper says Kara.

She's competing on a team.

I had it up in the air

whether that counted or not.

And to be honest, to me,

the other people I picked

either won it or Becca was

the first woman to go

double-digit appearances at the games.


Her long job.

She was a podium winner as well.

So with all of those credentials,

that's why I...

Katie was there too for me

because of what she's done

for the sport overall.

Champion and then moves into

a different realm,

but still has supported the

sport forever.

But I went on the court or

floor more than off.

See, like in my mind,

when I picked my athlete's mail and


which is why I probably didn't

think about Matt.

Cause I was thinking more of

like the influence outside as well,

or just on the sport.

I mean,

Matt would have an incredible influence,


I just,

he was so like near retirement to

me that I didn't,

I was trying to look further back.

Um, but yeah.

Do you realize Matt's been

retired for four years?

It's crazy.

That is crazy.

It's gone by fast.

Most underrated valve overall.

Who is making her comeback

at the Masters CrossFit

Games versus our very own Jamie Latimer.

Isn't Vale in the 45?

I thought she was 40 to 44,

but I might be wrong.

I thought she was 45.

Andrew Sten said,

I think women is harder to pick than men.



Because you have two of

Mount Rushmore that are

retired for the men.

Like that you just instantly

say they're up on Mount Rushmore.

And all like the three

greatest female

CrossFitters of all time

are all still competing.


So yeah, it made it tough.

Anything else on that?

No, I just can't believe I forgot Matt.

I feel dumb.

I get what you're saying.

He's not the one that comes

to mind for me first with

influence in the sport.

Of course he has a huge influence,

but he's just not rich.

He didn't bolster up CrossFit.

I mean, he had opportunities.

He had interviews that he could have.

I don't know.

I just...

But he's still in that freezer.

I know.

It's fine.

It's fine.

He came to my mind instantly.



Like, bam.

Draw your dagger.

Interesting question.

I have an interesting question after this.

Influential would give some

nods to Valenzuela, Tovar,

Camille LeBlanc, Bazinet.

They were it people.

Is it people influential or

just it people?



So influential to me,

like what Rich has done for

the overall sport and for

CrossFit in general methodology,

everything is super influential.

I don't think anybody else

in CrossFit has done what he has done.

So now like you're parsing things out.

Like I don't even think

Camille is embracing CrossFit anymore.



And, you know,

some would say that her one

win was kind of a fluky

programming thing.

Stacey Tovar is an affiliate owner.

She does contribute to the space,

but it's a much smaller

level than like a Rich.

Or even like a Becca Voigt.

Becca Voigt's been an

affiliate owner forever.

Yeah, I forgot about her.

She's a great pick.

And, uh, and then Lindsay Valenzuela,

I know she has a lot of fans,

a lot of fans, but I just don't think.

And for me, like Stacey Tovar is my girl.

Like that is,

that is before I ever got

into this media space.

That's who I rooted for.

And I wouldn't even put her

in at this point.

Maybe someday.

But no podiums.

One top 10 finish, I think.

So Valenzuela and Camille

had better finishes than she did.

um historic fitness says

it's because matt has

broken six athletes as a

coach uh not sure about

that uh if you looked at

what people wore in gyms in

the mid to late 2010s they

had a ton of influence

sad to say I wore the the

necklace that rich wore I

had the bandana um I wore

the shades uh yeah rich was

rich was my guy yeah uh

kenneth what about rogue

lady kitty henniger she

made a list yeah she was

sad uh none of the newer

people even know who tovar or clb are

You're probably right.

Other than that,

Stacey announced the games last year.

And that's probably all they know of her.

I'm saying that I think

those folks had a lot of

influence on the culture of CrossFit.

They did.

Most definitely.

I've got some.

I'll have to break one out.

I just know I did 14.5 in the full getup.

The rogue shorts.

That's the thruster and burpee one.

Oh, yeah.

Had the headband, had the necklace,

the whole bit.

I did it inside, so no shades, but

Rock tape on both knees.



Yeah, I think that was it.

So, yeah,

I'll break one out for next week.

We should all submit a

picture of us in like high

socks or whatever the goofy trend was,

goofiest trend you wore in the gym.

And if you guys in the

audience have goofy trend picks,

DM me with them.

And we will share them next

week on the show.

Sarah, it was not a Halloween costume.

Not at all.

It was what I wore to the gym every day.

All right.

Some quick hits as we head out tonight.

Number one,

I get to announce that, yes,

we got media credentials

for the CrossFit Games.

We got our approval on

Friday late afternoon as I

was driving to Michigan and

my phone was blowing up and

I was driving so I couldn't

pay attention to it.

But yeah, we got the access.

It's going to be interesting.

It was written out way

differently than it has

been in years past.

So it'll be interesting to

see what all that means.

We already talked about full

access to the behind the

scenes of the Masters CrossFit Games.

Super stoked about that.

And then it was announced

this week that ESPN will be

broadcasting the CrossFit

Games and they are doing an

international version on

the CrossFit Games website

and YouTube for the

international customers.

But in the States,

ESPN will be the primary

broadcaster and they are...

airing exclusive two-hour

blocks every day.

So, I think that's all that is.

That's the news.

Draw your dagger is as

cheesy as we all looked.

Think about how strong the

culture of CrossFit was then.

It's been downhill ever since.

The neon, the board shorts,

the tall socks.

I think it's, I think,

I think the culture is still

strong in some of the affiliates.

I think when we're in this media world,

we sometimes get sucked

into the negative narrative.

But when I go to the gym, it is,

everybody's great.

The community is awesome.

Everybody's cheering each other on.

And we're not even wearing neon anymore.

I wear...

Go ahead.

I would say I wear neon plenty.

But speaking of affiliates,

I'm surprised at how many

of the athletes are

training inside an affiliate.

I thought more of them were

training in their garage,

but almost almost all of

them in their interviews

have mentioned different

affiliated gyms that they're training at.

So I think that's a that's a

positive sign versus all

the athletes just training

away from the community and on their own.

It's nice to see that some

of them are coaching some

classes and still involved

within their communities.

Or one of them built their

own affiliate in their backyard.

Two of them soon with Ariel's too.

And Ariel actually,

the concept of hers came

from Emma McQuaid.

How would you like an

affiliate with freestanding

rig with a freestanding rig?

Have you seen it?

What's a freestanding?

What do you mean?

So it doesn't have any legs,

the pull up bars,

the rings from the ceiling.


That's how they have.

They have that.

They have rig too, but they,

they have the freestanding pull up.


it's been a long time since

I've been there but yeah I

do remember over the where

the lifting boards were

they have yeah I don't

think I'd like it

personally I don't know she

said it gave her all the

floor space she needed

while still having the rig

to do the like a long lunge

or a long whatever

And it's immaculate.

She said she's so picky and

everything's in the right

spot and it's super clean.

Well, she's proud of it.

It's her baby, right?

She built that.

She worked hard.

She won that Waterpalooza

money and I think put it

towards building that gym.

I mean, why wouldn't you keep it clean,


You worked hard for it.


It looks awesome.

Dave was impressed.

I could see Dave wanting to

go there and check it out.

That's cool.


I'm telling you,

these Dave interviews really shocked me.

They are so good.

He is opening up so much to these people.

It's been awesome.

It's been awesome to get to

know Dave as more of a

human than just the guy

programming the games.


it's going to be interesting

to hear from the athletes,

how much different the

interaction is with him

this year at the games,

as opposed to years past.


He might hate it.

He doesn't want to talk.

I feel like at the games and

now he's like opened up

this friendly vibe with

them and people are going

to want to talk to him.

I don't know.

It'll be curious to see.

But isn't that how you're

going to grow the sport?

They are your voice.

They are your bullhorn to

talk about what CrossFit is.

And so many of them are in affiliates.

So many of them are coaching.

Some have level threes, level fours.

You want those people talking about it.

So I think from a business sense,

he needs that.

He needs to open up that

door so that they can...


you remember back when Rich and Annie

won it and they went on

tour with CrossFit?


that relationship was severed at one


and they need to reopen that so

that athletes are willing

to go do those things again.

But anyway, I digress.


I'm going to give it one more try.

If you have a riff and you

want to share it with us,

please send it in two minutes or less,

and we'll air it on the show.

If you have a question of

the week you want us to hit, talk about,

riff about, whatever,

shoot that into the YouTube

comments once this is posted,

which is right after the show,

and we will get that and

talk about whatever it is

you want us to talk about.

finally like subscribe hit

that bell and if you want

to support us on our trips

to different events uh hit

that join button it's as

cheap as 2.99 a month

there's three different

levels you can join at and

uh with that and that shirt

that jb is wearing let's

support her as well on her

journey to the masters crossfit game so

If, Jamie,

you could put your link either

in the chat after or in the

bio or Instagram.


Message her on Instagram.

She's selling those shirts

there to help her get to

the CrossFit Games.

We support her in everything we do.

Good luck to everyone this

week in whatever you're doing,

and we'll see everyone next

week on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.