Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

Join Leaha and Rhonda in this engaging podcast episode as they discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for entrepreneurs, sharing personal experiences and tips. The hosts delve into the aftermath of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), providing insights into the event and the impact on businesses. Later in the episode, the focus shifts to the significance of professional image for entrepreneurs, featuring Rhonda's executive photo shoot services. The hosts also highlight the role of technology tools like ChatGPT in bio-writing and share anecdotes from the recent Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations. Tune in for valuable advice on health, business, and staying engaged in the community.

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear did not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz anymore, the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for

Unknown Speaker 0:41
all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning. Las Vegas. Leah. How are you doing this morning?

Unknown Speaker 0:50
I am absolutely amazing. I just took a bite of this banana, right?

Unknown Speaker 0:54
Oh boy, I

Unknown Speaker 0:55
just took a bite of this. But eating healthy. That's good. Change your eating habits and 2024. So if you'd like me, you'd like to snack one. Lay's potato chips. Get a banana.

Unknown Speaker 1:05
I am like you I bought the potato chips, the popcorn and all that fun stuff. A lot of butter. Right? But I have I've changed my ways I am now eating carrots and celery and broccoli. When you see a difference. I see a difference.

Unknown Speaker 1:20
You see a difference? And you see a difference? Well, we missed you last week. We really did. And I know you were see Yes. How was it? See

Unknown Speaker 1:26
s was fantastic. The events that I produced went extremely well. My clients were happy. But they have a lot of new products out there that come into the marketplace to make people's lives easier. So So CES was great. They had about 150,000 visitors. As always, as always. Yeah. And they had about 4500 booths. Companies showcasing their products. So all in all, it went pretty well. The win for me.

Unknown Speaker 1:52
What are you want to know what Congratulation? Thank 2020 for starting off? Well. CES was the success. Yes, yes. Yes. I love it. Because I know we could always tell when they're in town because you can't get a reservation at any restaurant. Right, right. I mean, it's like really, Thursday through Sunday. Okay, I'm just not going to eat here on these days. The problem the grocery and because the grocery store was empty. That's where I was. I told you I'm cooking now, right? Yeah, so I turned over a new leaf. I cooked three, four times this week, but you know, just all types of good food. That's wonderful. I'm realizing that even though life is busy eating a good meal, you sleep better, you you feel better. I mean, you just feel better. And it's kind of it's less expensive. Really it is. It is a little bit less expensive.

Unknown Speaker 2:37
I love to eat out. But

Unknown Speaker 2:39
I do we do. We do we do an ad and maybe you know, and we'll still continue but you know, eating some meals at home and sitting down and talking to you know, your family. Just having good conversation over meal, I won't

Unknown Speaker 2:54
be able to really go back to cooking till after Super Bowl because when I'm in production mode, you gotta eat, I gotta eat. And so I need food. It's already done. You need

Unknown Speaker 3:02
to get you some carrots and some celery. So he's not grabbing the potato chips. I want to say exactly that. Any candy, you want to say, oh, that

Unknown Speaker 3:08
too. And the candy chocolate, the Turtles, the Godiva candy bars, all that fun stuff.

Unknown Speaker 3:13
Alright, so guys, this week, I wanted to focus on like mine around his businesses, because we are entrepreneurs. And the reason why we have the show is you know, just to promote other business owners, but we are entrepreneurs. And we offer several different types of services that we I think we talked about it maybe years ago. And Rhonda used to tease me, because I like taking pictures in photo shoots, right. And she's like, you want to take a photo shoot every year? And I'm like, Yeah, okay, remember growing up class pictures. Every year, you took a class pictures, and then some schools, they took one in the fall and in the spring, Oh, wow. And you can really see the difference, the difference, I mean, just a transition. And as we get you know, you change your hairstyle, you do different things, you know, you want to keep up data photo. So Rhonda has a product and she's gonna talk to you all about it.

Unknown Speaker 4:05
Yes, it's the executive photo shoot. And if you are an owner of a business, we always say you should have a great photo of yourself and your bio already ready, in case anyone wants to interview you, in case you decide to do a sponsorship for a local nonprofit and they need information about their sponsors. So in this executive photo shoot, we help you look your best. And we do and we work with you to make sure you find outfits that complement your body type and style. And then we make sure your hair and makeup are together for this particular photo shoot, because everybody needs an executive photo shoot and

Unknown Speaker 4:43
we do several different shots of you so you can have a professional shot you can have a fun shot. I think the most we've ever seen somebody do was about eight changes.

Unknown Speaker 4:55
Yes, we had a client who did eight changes and what she was doing at that time. Is she was getting multiple photos because she was releasing a new book. So she needed a book cover. So in addition to having her executive photo she needed she needed to find shots for her book. And

Unknown Speaker 5:08
actually, she's been using those photos for about five, about three years. Now. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 5:12
been about, yeah, it's about something like three years.

Unknown Speaker 5:15
Well, let's talk about the process. Because when we talk about you looking your best, everybody's like, Well, I'm not in shape I haven't been working out, we come in, and we help you to either go through your closet, and we have a stylist come in with us to pull some things hopefully out of your closet that complements you. With different no different looks. So you know, we'll help you to make sure that the the clothes look good look on camera. And if you want to, we'll even go shopping, you know, we'll go shopping, and we'll go shopping with you and just try on a whole bunch of different stuff. Because your body might change, you might not fit, you know, things change. And it's a process it normally takes about takes us about two days to do this. But we sit down and we have a real conversation with you. And sometimes we know going through people's classes, they're like, Oh, I didn't realize I had this. I didn't realize I had that. So it's a good purging process as well. And then when we get to the studio, that's what I do that part. And then Rhonda takes over. Yes. Then Rhonda takes over, we

Unknown Speaker 6:19
get to the studio, we make sure your hair and makeup are done. We have a photographer on site, and then we start shooting. And we have different types of backgrounds and different types of displays and things of that nature. But if you are interested in an executive photo, you can, you know, contact us at 702-908-9577. Again, again, that's 702-908-9577.

Unknown Speaker 6:53
Okay, so let me tell you what else happened to me. Because when you talk about the bios, so I was given a presentation. For Atlanta, shout out to lambda i and it was an amazing presentation. And there was a gentleman there that basically recorded the recorded me and the presentation, put it in chat GPT. And when I tell you what chat GPT gave, I was like, Oh, you sound amazing. You sound fabulous. Right? So in helping you write your bio, use the tools that are out there, check GPT is changing the game because you thought you weren't a good writer. You put some stuff in there and it'll give you some stuff back. You didn't like oh, oh, okay. Is that how I should have said that? Amazing, but when you have the bio, a nice bio, with a good picture, it changes the game for you,

Unknown Speaker 7:48
it should then you should have two bios, you should have a short paragraph bio and then you should have a full bio of all of your accomplishments. So you need to have both of those. Alright, and we help with all that. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 7:58
so again, the number is seven zero to 9089577. Again 702-908-9577 And you might not think well I'm not ready for that yet. If you stay ready, go have to get ready. That's right, if you stay ready. This is something that as an entrepreneur I took for granted and when it came time to give a photo I had I mean I'm using the selfie. Right? And so it's that's not It's not professional.

Unknown Speaker 8:31
Yeah, when a person asks you for a photo that they're gonna print on a website or on a flyer or anything like that. You should not it should not be a picture of you at the restaurant or in the club. We should not see cocktail bottles and and dogs and cats and your kids in the background. It should be a you know white blue or black background should be professional. It

Unknown Speaker 8:52
should be professional and we and we and we had a conversations and we talk you through it because you can do a professional shot you can do a shot and jeans and the white no jeans and a shirt. Different dress I mean for men different suits, different looks. So I like different looks. Do one this you know suit to do one in a jeans and a sweater do one in jeans and a shirt. We'll do full body we'll do just a headshot it's a variety of pictures so you have a bunch of stuff to choose from and you'll be shocked and then we'll do some fun candy shots just you just doing different stuff you know being silly and things like that. And we try to make it fun for you. Because it's an experience experience. And then once you see the photos even with the makeup on because I know for me people don't know me I'm not wearing lashes because I think they're heavy. And me and makeup artists we go through it for about when we had the same conversation every time you know you got to put on the last I don't want to put on the last but you know you need to put on I don't want to wear the lashes then I get the lashes on so we had a conversation but I want to tell you just the little details. And for men you know putting one not a lot of makeup but just brushing your face so that is a clean look. It makes a difference. It makes it if it really does. So again 702-908-9577 Again 702-908-9577 We look forward to working with you. We have this we have we everything is already set up we know how to make you look the best that you can know no matter what shape you're in. That's right no matter what shape you're in, because that will be right Yeah, cuz I know some of those photos we took I was like yeah, they were cute though. But I was like yeah, we've

Unknown Speaker 10:41
had a couple of photo shoots and some some of the photo shoots we like how we look

Unknown Speaker 10:46
down but we use all of them we do though we use all of them and we but but always the face is a b Yeah, I mean the base hair all that all that is always is always done. What else gonna run?

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Well, first of all, I just want to shout out the Martin Luther King Jr. Committee who did a wonderful job last weekend on the banquet and the parade. It was fantastic. Mr. Window Williams You did a wonderful job. Mr. Shawn Dale Newsome, you and your team did a wonderful job Craig nice came together. Craig night you guys did a fantastic job on the parade. It was fun to be in it and it was fun to watch.

Unknown Speaker 11:24
It was it was it was njsi we you know we were in a parade. I drove a truck. I drove a truck I'm sorry drove a DJ so you know shots out to my sore wars Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Y'all showed up showed out I really appreciate you all the D nine was out there. Yeah, everybody showed up all the different organizations the casinos Resorts World had did you seek Resorts World?

Unknown Speaker 11:47
Yeah, they had a Rolls Royce but also want to shout out Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. We were in the parade and then I want to shout out the 100 black men in Las Vegas. We were in the parade with the snazzy new electric Cadillacs. Oh, oh, they were fed the new electric electric Cadillac. Oh man. Mrs. Allen

Unknown Speaker 12:05
was in the parade with the barbershop the barbers he sure was

Unknown Speaker 12:10
he was in the parade writers were in the parade.

Unknown Speaker 12:12
Oh my god. So Sondra had on the coldest jacket. The

Unknown Speaker 12:17
rage. I was like, oh, to write a jacket. She

Unknown Speaker 12:19
was yeah, she she looked real good. But I can tell it's an amazing time. I mean, the Zetas the sigma, they twigs you did that. I mean it was it was amazing. Just to see every everybody out there having a good time. I fell Jack and Jill this year Jack and Jill Yep. Jack and Jill was there on top to top ladies that distinguish them you know so every I mean every the whole D nine was there because the alphas were there to campus with there. We even had a part of it where because all of them have youth groups this year and before the parade. They all got together and we had the DJ playing in the back and they all got the dancing and jumping around and stuff like that. It was good to see the children having a good time in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King so it was an amazing time again, thank you to the MLK Day committee as I think this was their 42nd they love your parade this year. Sure. Well, so for 42 years they've been doing this in Las Vegas, a city and someone will do handle culture. Now we do a lot of stuff here. In Vegas, you just have to get connected. It was a beautiful time beautiful and it was a beautiful day.

Unknown Speaker 13:30
It was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful art off a little chilly, but then it got warmer and so it was fantastic. So I

Unknown Speaker 13:36
got a funny true story. So I had to drive a truck with a DJ and I had a trailer on the back. I couldn't back up I could only drive forward so muscle or the Shawn and I you know because we went and picked it up you know thank you so sore Senator Patricia Spearman, she let us use her truck. And Sean's like you know we can't because we tried to back up and it was all just all bad. She says So however we do this we have to just drive forward so you should just so you know we got to be at the parade site at about 637 o'clock before everybody get there right so we can make sure we somewhere where we can just position and drive forward but just the the memories the laughter It was an amazing amazing parade. I had a good time and then seeing children you know children on my thing. Seeing the children have a good, good time was was everything. But for me it's tax season. It is tax season guys. And I want to tell you if if you are looking for prepare, you are new in town, we are accepting clients at Crawford Management Group. We are looking forward to this tax season and everything that is going to bring you know at our at Crawford management group, everybody's a VIP client. I talk about it all the time. We really really enjoy what we do. And when you love What you do you do it with such a passion? And that's why people like, Well, why is it you know? Why is it two hours because we take time, at least on the initial interview, we want to sit down, talk about 2023 talk about the things you did make sure we're capturing everything on a return, so that we can give you a good return, you're paying for a good product, but just to know that your information is safe and secure, because we do follow the Western guidelines does that the IRS said that we had to follow your information is secure. But more importantly, we care about you. We care about you. This is not something that we do have has at least been doing taxes now accounting, it's been 30 plus years. Wow, this is my Yeah, I looked at it. I was like, wow, so 92 Oh, my God, I was like we 3030 3233 years in. And I guess I asked her after a certain time you stopped counting, right? It's like you wanna know what we just tax season again. 33 years, got the experience, enjoy. I love what I do. And we have the credentials to do what we do, you know, enrolled agent on staff, CPA on staff, you know, other everybody else is, you know, we were taking the time to understand the learning of know, to learn the information so that the position that we take on your tax return is a valid position that can be backed up, and we're not going anywhere, our offices open all year, all year, and we were just joking on a CPA call. We were like, you know, what, when does tax season end? And we're like December, because the reality of it is, you know, there's always something that you're doing in regards to tax all year long, right. And we have different types of clients. So we just don't do 1014 I do the whole gamut from the businesses to states, to personal taxes so we can have healthy conversations about you know, what you're doing. And sometimes it's a hard healthy conversation, right? Because you you made some money, you didn't pay the taxes, and now you got to pay an IRS. You know, luckily, we're in the state of Nevada, where we don't have a state tax, right. But if you're running payroll, and all that other stuff, there's some other things that you need to be mindful of. We're not just limited to Nevada, though, we can do any state across the country. I can No, I'm DC, Maryland, and Virginia, and Pennsylvania and my specialties. I've learned to love California. Learn to love California, but just want to research in different states when clients come in and you know, just want to research to see okay, is there a tax liability? In Kansas? Is there a tax liability in Illinois, you know, just a different states around the nation, New York, New York is a big one, because New York and California, you know, different? Yeah. And you have to understand their state tax code, when you are preparing returns for people that have done business in those areas. So our office is capable to handle all those things, you know, so you can contact us the number 702-382-5737. Again, 702-382-5737. Because for us, this is not, you know, we do a lot of stuff like we give clients birthday cards, we send out Christmas cards, we know just the personal touch is it's all about and we've been doing that for years. For years, you know, I think this year we sent out and total about 600 Christmas easy. And it used to take the whole month of December to do it. We got it. We got it down to about maybe three four days now. But we do that because we just a personal touch. We want to know tell you, we're thinking about you, we care about you. And if you have any questions, please contact us because we don't want to wait until tax season or until it's a problem to address it. That's what I love about our office we're communicating you know, we communicate with our clients, we're easy to contact you know, during our business hours because we're open from 830 to four, Monday through Friday and by appointment any other times. We do everything on a portal now to so you don't necessarily have to come into the office we can do Google meets soon. We just have multiple ways so that if you're if you're busy, we can find a way to make it work to get the information that we need in order to give you the return and more importantly making sure you understand the return because I don't know how many times like people will I paid such and such I look at the return the return says So prepare. Big no big big red flag for us. Okay, well you said you paid somebody they said that you prepare this return in that in that down Oh wow. Yeah. So just going through because like I said my tax returns are like my artwork. That's my art. So that's my Picasso so I'm signing them up okay, so and we you know, we send everything off electronically. Have different payment options and everything else so well rounded. I've been in business here for 17 plus years doing this So got it down to a science got good systems in place and amazing staff, Brenda, Jen, Larry Nina, no, all of us are there, making sure that we provide you with not perfect service. But excellent service. We are excellent in what we do. And if you have an issue we'd like to know, tell us, because we want to improve, we want to improve because our clients are our priority. This is how we know this is how we make our living. So we pride ourselves in what we do. But you can contact us at 702-382-5737. Again, 702-382-5737. What you got going on?

Unknown Speaker 20:44
Oh, well, we're just gonna remind all of our lovely entrepreneurs out there about smart time agency. Okay, so the smart time agency does several different things. The first arm of business that we have is business development. So if you are a business, or if you're thinking about starting a business, we are there to write business plans, marketing plans, financials and all those fun things you need to start a business we're there to contact you about to share with you about how to get your licensing and all those different things, then we also have a production company. That's the fun part where we produce events for corporate America and for nonprofits. And so that that's a fun business that we do. So if you are organization, looking to take your event to the next level, then the smart time agency is for you. We also have a diversity and inclusion department. And we work with different corporations who need those services. In addition to that we have a political strategy arm and we have we brought on a new teammate to run that division. So we're working with different candidates here who are in office this year, running for office this year, in Nevada. So we cover several different areas, but we are the smart time agency. And if you need any of those services, you can contact us at 702-908-9577. Again, that's 702-908-9577 you can visit us on the web at www. Smart time. agency.com. That's www. s m marttymeagncy.com. Do it again. That is www. smarttymeagncy.com. Also,

Unknown Speaker 22:43
we want the let listeners know if you didn't know there's voting coming up. So there is the presidentials. So entrepreneurs, we talk about this all the time, you need to be aware, the presidential the presidential primary is coming up before we will caucus but now we are actually voting. So you want to be mindful and watch your mail because the ballots have I got I got a ballot the other day you did. I did my daughter, which I need to scrub because she's not here anymore. But I saw it and early voting is coming up and we can talk about it next week. Certainly because while we'll get the correct dates, because and the rules are in the book. If you're a Democrat, Republican, of course you get to vote for your candidate. You want to vote as entrepreneurs, you need to vote you need to especially this is a presidential year. I know our primary, our Nevada primary. Well, I'm sorry, Clark County primary is not until June. But the first election is in it starts in and into January. You want to be aware and you want the vote to count because Nevada is one of the first states to run Iowa just had their election. We're one of the first states to do to presidential so you want know we're important here because this election season will be very interesting. We'd also well we're not we also are no just want to be involved in the political process. You know, you got city council races that are coming up city, Las Vegas, Henderson North Las Vegas. You have your congress races that that are coming up, know who your congress people are in area, know who you are, and they're out and about right now. They are they've been having lots of meat. They've been having a lot to meet and greets, you know if you have a concern, but then also understand who can handle your concern, right? Because if it's a school board issue, you really I mean, you can go to the congressman about the school board issue, but you will do better going to a school board meeting to talk about the issues that you have with the school board. If it's something with the colleges, you know, and she they As you know, so the region's you want to know, with issue who handles that issue and you want to know who your representatives are. And it's very easy if you type in your address, and you can find out who all the representatives are for you in that area, you know, get out vote. I know there are a lot of new people in town register. Because there are a lot of people out there right now registering people to vote, registering people to vote, you want to get registered, you want to be able to take part in what's going on here in Clark County, because decisions are being made regularly, that affect you. You want to have a say so Your vote matters.

Unknown Speaker 25:39
Yes, if you've moved here from California, or Detroit or DC, or Arizona or Texas, it is time to transfer your voting from those areas over to here. It's time to register here. So you will be ready for the primary. And then the final vote in November

Unknown Speaker 25:54
and final vote in November as entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs, very important, especially for our state legislatures like and we'll have Marcus Allen Come on, because Marcus Allen will tell you when it comes to barbering, he knows the code, he watches the legislation to make sure anything dealing with that code. He is on it because he wants to know that's his profession. That's his profession. He even pushed me, you need to know what's governing accountants, you need an eye we do doc prep. So with Doc prep, we're helping people get veteran certified, get their Sam's number, all the other stuff so that they can do business with the government. But for us it was knowing the code for for accountants. How was it what was going on? What are the requirements for me to keep my license, all of that isn't in the vise. Net. I'm sorry, Nevada, revised statute in our SS. So when y'all see those signs, those do not trespass. And it has NRS that NRS governs the state. And you want to know what those in what does the NRSA right. Okay. And that's your state assembly. And your State Senate. You know, your lieutenant governor, your governor, all these people. And they're out and about right now. They are they are out and about right now. And if you have a question for him, good time to ask them because everybody's campaigning right now.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
They sure are. They were in the parade last week. So all of them, all of them,

Unknown Speaker 27:17
all of them. So if you had something you wanted to talk to him about it? Hey, you got a question for him. And what I love about this state is there accessible. There are very access everybody. They're very accessible, you can contact their offices, and they respond, and they respond. Again, you listen to the last talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I'm Lea Crawford. I'm

Unknown Speaker 27:39
Rhonda Nolan and we have had a fantastic time with you all today.

Unknown Speaker 27:44
On this brisk Saturday January. Morning.

Unknown Speaker 27:48
I forgot to ask, Did you exercise this morning? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
I am walking I am eating well, I am I have turned over a new leaf you know, it's okay to cold it works in my favorite because now when I'm sweating when I'm walking to school, I just take off a layer. So it works. I don't know how it was gonna be when I hit 100 Though we don't have to come we'll have different

Unknown Speaker 28:07
conversation get up very early. We'll do

Unknown Speaker 28:09
a very, very late or something. Yeah, two o'clock in the morning, something like that. Because it's hot. When it gets hot here it's hot.

Unknown Speaker 28:16
So when I when we when June comes I started working at about five walking at about five in the morning. It's cooler, or five. So then by seven, you know six or seven, I'm done. Okay, then I go on with the rest of my day. But right now, you know, you layer up when you go out to walk. And you do your walk however long you want to do it. 15 minutes 2030 hour, it depends on what your time, but it's great to just get out there and start your day. Now I know it seems a little daunting because it's a little chilly. But you can wear a hat, ear muffs and gloves while you're out there walking,

Unknown Speaker 28:46
and then fine, right and then as it gets as you warm your body if you just take each one, put them in your pocket and then take them off. Take them off, put them in your one away.

Unknown Speaker 28:55
Thank you for listening to Let's Talk with Lee and Rhonda.

Unknown Speaker 28:57
I'm Lea Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 28:58
I'm Rhonda Nolan and we'll see you next Saturday.

Unknown Speaker 29:00
All right bye

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