Family First

Welcome to a first-of-its-kind podcast dedicated to conversations with marketers with a focus on exploring the best ways to reach parents.

Show Notes

Welcome to Family First: The Wild World of Marketing to Parents. My name is Mark Giovino, CEO and founder at the Allionce Group. We'll be learning from some impressive marketers who will share their challenges, successes and advice for how they've approached marketing to parents. 

What is Family First?

The Wild World of Marketing to Parents

Welcome to Family First: The wild world of marketing to parents and kids. My name is Mark Giovino, CEO and founder at the Allionce Group. We'll be learning from some impressive marketers who will share their challenges, successes and advice for how they've approached marketing to parents and kids.

Many of our guests are parents themselves. So we'll learn more about how being a parent has influenced their perspective as a marketer. Families may be one of the most elusive audiences to reach given the chaos that often comes with parenting.

Speaking of parenting, attention has become so diluted for both parents and kids, it has become one of our scarcest resources. There are three primary reasons to blame. The first is the fragmentation of the media landscape. And this is well-documented. The second is more intuitive, albeit equally as profound. Too much screen time at work, at home, wherever we go. Always on, never off. There's no barriers. The third factor is the so-called marketing passion points. Think sports, music, among others, that too often has the unintended consequence of stealing attention away from the family unit. If the pandemic taught us anything, it reinforced our innate desire to value family time, both personally and professionally.

This is such an interesting paradox. Initially, no one wanted to work from home and now no one wants to go back to work. We'll cover these and many other insights, including how best to market to parents and kids, learn what motivates them, and hear some interesting stories and examples for how some of the biggest brands have found new and often unexpected ways to engage with families

This is going to be fun. And insightful. And a new way to learn from others who likely have the same or similar challenges you might be navigating. I invite you to join us on this wild journey of marketing to parents and kids.