Welcome back to the inspired
living with auto-immunity podcast.
I'm your host, Julie Michaelson.
And today I'm joined by Dr.
Tim Jackson.
Tim is a doctor of physical therapy
and orthopedic rehabilitation and
a functional medicine provider.
He holds a BS degree in health science
and chemistry from wake forest university.
And he serves his clients in over 15
countries through his telehealth practice
and heal your body.org, where he's helped
thousands over the past eight years.
Our conversation today is about the
two reasons you may still feel unwell.
We're talking about the all-important
oxygen and mycotoxin toxicity,
join us to learn how they may be
playing a role in your symptoms
and what you can do about it.
Tim, welcome to the podcast.
Thanks so much for having me, Julie.
I really appreciate it.
So you have an interesting
story that got you into this
world of functional medicine.
Interesting in that to
me, from where I see.
You're brilliant.
Because so many people come on the podcast
and for most of us, it was, you know,
our healing journey, but a lot of the
docs that, you know, they, they started
down the allopathic road and then figured
out that that wasn't serving them or
their patients the way they wanted to.
So share a little bit
of your story with us.
How did you get to functional medicine?
How did this become an interesting.
So I went to undergrad with the
intentions of becoming a traditional
allopathic medical doctor.
And while an undergrad, I started
exercising, got interested in
nutrition, started eating healthier,
and I did a lot of preceptorships
and volunteer work at the wake
forest university school of medicine.
And you know, one of the residents
pulled me aside one day and he
said, you know, clearly you're
smart enough to go to an MD program.
You're probably better off just
getting a ticket to play the game.
He said, just get a doctorate
in something in healthcare.
And so that was my first motivation.
And my second motivation was I had.
Very horrific jaw surgery, my senior
year and undergrad, and that caused
a lot of things that my body had
been able to control and suppress.
They started to surface.
And so I had, you know, severe candida
overgrowth, heavy metal toxicity.
I've had Lyme, I've had the Basie
and Bartonella mold toxicity.
And so, you know, it each
sort of added a layer.
To my healing journey.
I'm familiar with the multilayer
healing journey for sure.
And so, wow.
So you just early on,
then you realized that.
Allopathic medical training.
Wasn't going to kind of feed you
with the knowledge in those areas.
And I mean, you know, I could turn my head
and, you know, just pretend not to listen
for four years, but then if you have
to do a residency after that, you know,
you can't practice the way you want to.
And if you do, you get slapped on
the risk or risks and you know,
it's just not a pretty picture.
Well, kudos to you.
I, I, oh, you know, you're an early
adopter in that who didn't see the need
to take the wrong path to begin with.
And I know that you've made such
a contribution in this space.
And so, you know, lucky for
everybody that, that you
just knew which direction to
go in.
Thank you so much.
I want to talk about this, you know,
two reasons you still don't feel well.
Let's get into what are these
two areas of health that are
blocking healing for people?
So one, you know, most people
think of our gludethyon as the
body's most important molecule.
And it's extremely important as an
antioxidant, but the most critical
substance for our entire bodies is oxygen.
And so if we don't breathe correctly,
You know, then we're not every cell
in our body is going to be starved
and all the functions that are
supposed to take place, biochemically,
physiologically, they won't occur.
And so over the past several generations
and even centuries, you know, we've become
more vertical growers, meaning our skulls
grow vertically and you need some of that,
but you also need to grow horizontally.
And so your maximum.
It should be wider than your mandible.
And when it's not, that's concept
is called centric relations where
they'd take the lower jaw, the
mandible, and they bring it up in.
But when you do that, it reduces
the real estate for your tongue.
And so then you start to have
difficulty breathing during
the day, but also at night.
And sometimes, I mean, you can get
a true sleep study where you have to
go into the hospital done, but the
best sleep study you can get a ring
that you wear on your thumb and your.
And so this is a little bit
different than the aura ring.
This is specifically for sleep studies,
but it gives you all the data that
you need without being woken up.
And that will tell you right there,
if you're even borderline hypoxic.
And so a lot of people think that, you
know, you have to be obese or overweight
to have issues with breathing, but I
mean, that can certainly exacerbate it,
but you can be extremely thin and lean.
And have airway issues.
And so the three hallmark signs
are number one, snoring, number
two, lack of feeling rested upon
awakening and three acid reflux.
And one of the, I mean, so everyone
knows oxygen is important for the body,
but the other thing to remember is
that the nerve that feeds the face, the
trigeminal nerve has three branches.
It sends information to the same nucleus
in the spinal column as the Vegas.
And the Vegas nerve, when we activate it,
it increases our parasympathetic tone.
Parasympathetic portion of the autonomic
nervous system is rest and digest or feed.
And so all healing takes place
in a parasympathetic state.
And when you have a trigeminal nerve,
that's impinged upon because of jaw
TMJ issues, jaw misalignment, then
your autonomic nervous system can
never function optimally or even.
Which is so amazing.
I saw, I didn't really know where you
were going to go with our interview
today and I'm so excited because so far
you've already given such amazing gold.
I've had people say, well, I went in for a
sleep study and they didn't find anything.
And I'm like, well, did you sleep?
Okay, well, let's do a home sleep
study then, and I can tell you
those three things, the snoring,
and oftentimes, especially if
somebody lives alone, I'll hear.
No, I don't snore fine.
If you don't think you snore or your
partner, doesn't complain that you snore.
That's fine.
Almost everybody I asked, you know, do you
feel rested when you wake up the answers?
Of course it's not right.
You're not getting enough oxygen.
And the acid reflux.
So common, I can tell you that everybody
I've sent that we've sent in for a sleep
study or ordered a sleep study for has
had some form of apnea to some degree.
And I love that, you know, what
is more important than oxygen?
Nothing, absolutely nothing.
And so everything from cognition
to anxiety or increased anxiety
trouble with blood pressure
and hypertension arrhythmias.
You know cerebral ischemia or lack of
blood flow to the brain, all of that
is impacted by your jaw alignment.
And so you know, early, you want to
intervene as early as possible, but
at the same time, it's never too late.
And so you know, the first
appliance I have people get
brings the mandible down in full.
And then the second one usually happens
about 18 months later that helps
expand the maxilla, the upper jaw.
And so, you know, the, one of the
dentists I collaborate with who
helped develop the device when he's
lecturing to other dentists, the first
thing he tells them, especially the
orthodontist is forget about the teeth.
Teeth are always going to
be secondary to an airway.
And I remember as a kid, you, you can
see me for those listening on audio.
Maybe you've not ever seen me.
But I have a narrow face.
It's not a mystery.
If you look at me, probably can
guess I can probably use that.
Not that I have apnea at this
time, but it doesn't matter.
But I remember as a kid, yeah.
I'm older than you.
So this, you know, the devices back
then were not as kind or, you know,
technologically advanced as they are now.
But I remember being so
grateful that I didn't quote,
unquote, need a pallet expander.
I had some friends with
the pallet expanse.
Now, here I am in my fifties thinking,
wow, it would have been so good if they
had given me a pallet expander back
then, because I, I have no idea or no.
I have no question.
If I were to head to an orthodontist
right now, they would be like,
wow, we need to open your job.
So my colleague who sold his dental
practice at the age of 47, went
back into the entire residency and
airway health you know, orthodontist
when they put people in braces.
It's kind of the analogy he
gives is it's like a dermatology.
Who goes to inject filler
until your nasal labial folds.
And they see a melanoma that they inject
anyways, that would be malpractice.
And that's what orthodontists are doing
when they bring the jaw up and back.
That is reducing the real estate
for your tongue and that's bad.
Yeah, it's definitely not good.
So when with the, the patients
you're treating and the people that
you're seeing, I mean, can there
be apnea with a proper structured.
So it's theoretically possible,
but it's extremely unlikely.
And so, you know, we have to
remember that optimal is very
different than quote unquote normal.
And so like the person you mentioned
who said the sleep study didn't
show anything, you know, they never.
You know, unless it's just your O two SATs
go down to like 60, but everything below
that, you know, you're actually at more
risk because you're not getting treatment
and you're going to have hypertension.
You never get deep sleep, so you never
can detoxify because if you think
about it, if you get chased by a tiger,
that's stressful to your nervous system.
What if you choke on 25, 35 times a night?
And if you look at the people who
are the best athletes in the world
and the people we consider the most
attractive, they have wide maximum.
And we have not evolved away from that.
that's fascinating.
I love that.
So that's number one.
Mycotoxins yeah, mold
colleague firsthand and may Dr.
Shoemaker's book, mold
warriors back in 2009.
And, you know, I've evolved the
way I address mold and mycotoxins,
you know, over that time, but
mycotoxins literally disrupt every
function in your body because your
mitochondria that produce energy.
And we have to remember that
we need energy for digestion to
think, not just to run or jump.
And so the mitochondria, they can
either be in a state where they
produce energy or in a defensive mode.
And that defensive mode is referred
to as the cell danger response and
mold is probably the most common
activator of the cell danger response.
And so when the mitochondria aren't
producing enough energy, the brain
and the heart will be impacted the
most because they consume the most.
Which people don't think of, like
you said, it's like this, not about
running it's about running your systems.
And you know, a lot of the mitochondrial
supplements, you know, you might think
would be stimulating and keep you up.
But you know, sleep is a very
energy dependent process.
So if your mitochondria are
working better, you should sleep.
I actually do a lot to try to support
my mitochondria and I was just
making my little supplement packs
for the next week or so yesterday.
And, and thinking about that
because people don't, you
know, there'll be like, what?
Isn't that for energy?
And I'm like, well, it's
for cellular energy.
And I, I need that as somebody with.
Less than optimal detox pathways.
I joke, I call myself a collector.
You know, I want to make sure
that the systems are running the
best they can while I'm sleeping.
For sure.
And that's why a lot of people who start
taking supplements or doing therapies
and treatments to improve their sailor
energy production, they feel like they're
reacting negatively to the therapy.
But in reality, when you start to increase
mitochondrial energy output, you're going
to start to detoxify your immune system.
It's going to go after path.
Well, cause it can, it has the
resources, all of a sudden to do it.
Let's dig in a little bit.
Let let's talk about mycotoxins one or,
you know, how are we getting exposed?
Why is this such a gem?
You already touched on why it's
such a problem for our bodies.
Why are the numbers of, you know,
mycotoxin illness or so many people
are actually walking around ill
and have no idea that that's one of
the drivers what what's going on?
Why are we so exposed?
Yeah, so mycotoxins themselves,
technically, aren't the problem.
So if you went to the Amazon forest,
you're going to be exposed to dozens
of types of mold and mycotoxins,
but it won't bother you most likely.
And that's because you know, here,
especially in the United States,
buildings now are built to be more
energy efficient, so you don't get a
good exchange of indoor and outdoor air.
And when you get one or two
mycotoxins inside, And there's
not a good air exchange.
Those mycotoxins start to proliferate and
it's just like the bacteria in your gut.
You can have too much of one
genus or species, and that will
push out the other good species.
And so, you know, we have
to be mindful of that.
The other thing is non-native EMF
electromagnetic fields that makes the
mold feel like it's being attacked.
And when they feel like they're being
attacked, they produced more mycotoxins
ah, that I did not now.
And that makes me sometimes I think
people, even people in functional medicine
kind of look at me like I'm over the top.
And so I'm thrilled for all the little
things that I try to do to mitigate.
Obviously we're on computers right
now, you know, but any little
place, you know, I shut my wifi
and my routers off at night.
I try to limit my exposure.
Again, I live on this planet in this time.
I'm not avoiding exposure
but I had no idea about that.
And that makes perfect sense.
Yeah, Dr.
Klinghardt was the one who
showed that many years ago.
Got combo, right.
I live in a newer home and that's that?
I'm so glad you touched on that.
But as people say that to me all the time,
oh, I can't have Micah and mold exposure.
I live in a new home and I'm like,
oh, you live in a new air, tight.
But that makes, I mean, so think
of we're in our homes and then
we've already created a problem.
Hey, if it's a newer home, an
older homes have their own problems
because they're flooded with
mycotoxins for different reasons.
And then we're throwing those
EMS in there constantly.
And if you think about it, when they
put a new home op or a new apartment or
condo bill, You know, they've put the
framework up and they may not come back
to that job site for two or three weeks.
In the meantime, you know, it's going to
rain multiple times, so you're already
starting off with a foundation and a
framework that's conducive to mold.
I drove my GC crazy on this job.
And again, I don't care.
I'm like, that's fine.
It's my home.
You all can think.
You know, I remember even with the, not
that this is direct real, but it is it's
about being controlling where you can the
electrician basically literally called
me crazy because I said I just wanted
incandescent lights in the house and
well, we don't, we don't do that anymore.
I'm like, well, that's you do here though?
Cause this is what I want.
So it, it is, it is such a widespread
problem I want to touch on.
So people think of mold in the home and,
and I think a lot of people still to
this day think visible black mold, right.
Mold that they know they have.
And they've been ignoring.
Tell us a little more about.
You know, you just touched on, right.
It can be in the, it, it
could even be in the framing.
But how common is it that, that people
have mold that they're not even aware of?
I don't think there's
been more than one person.
I've tested in the past seven or
eight years who didn't have an
extreme amount of micro-toxins and
sometimes so when you do these tests,
you have to provoke the microtoxins.
So something like an
infrared sauna session.
Some liposomal, glutathione, or even go
to a clinic and get a glutathione push.
But these micro-toxins you know,
they're extremely dangerous because,
you know, with homes, like you said,
we think of black mold and people
say, oh, I don't have black mold.
You know, there's no visible
mold, but most species of mold,
you can't see what the human.
the mold isn't, what's making you
sick anyway, that's the kicker.
And so the mold you know, Can produce
mycotoxin is it can and does produce
mycotoxins and you know, the different
types of mold one that I'll mention
this very common aspergillus and all
one common thread that all mycotoxins
have is they negatively impact the
immune system and they do other things.
They blocked mitochondrial health,
they blocked the NRF two pathway.
So detoxification is blocked.
They slow down, you know, the
mitochondria, so that's going
to affect the heart, the brain.
And so I've had patients and clients
who own multi-million dollar homes
and, you know, they think that it can't
have mold because the house costs a
lot, but the mold didn't get that memo.
The mold doesn't know anything about that.
And so.
You know, I'm personally more
focused on the health of a home,
you know, and putting the right
structures in the right place.
Because right now the court
systems and most states don't
recognize mold as a problem.
And so in total,
contractors are held liable.
We won't be able to get better structured.
That is so, so true.
So how, how can most of my listeners
have been diagnosed with auto-immunity
or they, they think they have it,
or they have a loved one who has.
And they may not have ever even
explored the micro toxin pathway and
where other toxins which is a shame.
And that goes back to allopathic medicine,
not taking the same approach that we do.
But how do we know, like, how do
we know if we have these issues?
So I would say the more
systems and bizarre.
So the more systems involved in
the more bizarre symptoms you have,
and you need a test for mold, but
mold, it can be a direct contributor
or an indirect contributor.
But it's certainly worth testing,
especially if you've lived in the
Southeastern United States, but even in
the Northeast and Midwest, because you
have increased precipitation without a.
And so that can seep into the foundation.
And so I think it's worth
doing a urine mycotoxin tests.
There's several labs that offer them.
You just want to make sure you
provoke the microtoxins and
then you address them slowly.
So if you've been taking.
You know, a high quality probiotic
and you haven't noticed a difference.
It could be because Michael talks.
So when I see mycotoxins, that changes
the order in which I do everything.
Because if you don't address those
first taking a probiotic and things
like that, it won't hurt you,
but you won't really receive the.
That is such amazing advice.
And the one thing I want to highlight
that you said the more symptoms and the
more bizarre, the more systems involved
and the more bizarre the symptoms is I
try not to be one of those people that
sees mycotoxins everywhere, but like you
said, I've never had, that's not true.
I have one client whose panel was
beautiful and it wasn't just, mycotoxins
all of her toxins and it was promoting.
And I said, I was like, I was
jumping, like, how did you know how?
And she lives in Texas.
I was like, how, how can this be?
And she laughed.
She goes, I've been working
on this for 20 years.
It's, you know, it should be clean.
She was, she was proud, but other,
so literally that's one person,
everybody else that I've tested.
Definitely, you know, has above
acceptable levels of micro-toxins and
they're definitely playing a role.
But even here in Colorado, which is,
you know, supposed to be so dry when
I moved here 20 years ago, I remember
we were, we had a house we put under
contract and we wanted a mold inspection
and they were like, and of course
we were coming from south Florida.
But literally, they said like,
you know, this is Colorado.
We don't have mold here.
And no, not true.
We do.
And you and I are, we're talking about
our homes, but it can be your workplace,
your, the school, you know, so many
of our schools are older and moldy.
So it doesn't have to be in your
home with some of us, people like me.
It could be, it could be a past exposure
that you're just, you're not clear.
So when I get someone's urine,
mycotoxins results back.
You know, if they're elevated, I tell
them, I can't say how you know that
70% of this is due to your current
home, 20% due to your former office.
So we need to make sure that those things
are clear because otherwise we're just
treading water and wasting resources.
We only want to start to
detoxify when we make.
The re-exposure is not
constantly happening.
And the second thing that can happen
with mycotoxins is they colonize
different areas of the body.
So you may not be getting exposed anymore,
but if they colonized, like in the
paranasal sinuses, which is extremely
common, they're basically using the
pituitary gland as a punching bag, you
know, so that affects hormonal production
and affects many, many areas of the body.
Which, you know, then, then the
hormones run, everything else.
Much Don, I want to highlight
you use probiotic as the example.
If we're taking supplements and
they're not doing any good, is that
one of the indicators of like, Hmm,
that and sympathetic dominance.
So you know, we talked about the job.
And how that influences parasympathetic
versus sympathetic dominance.
But if you're in a fight or flight
state, it's very hard to detoxify, to
heal, you know, to have any restorative
sort of functions take place.
Well, okay.
So that's a lot.
And, and I don't, I, you know, this
is the inspired living podcast, right?
We don't, I don't want people to feel
overwhelmed, hopeless, and depressed.
What can we do?
What are, what are some steps we can take?
I know you said test,
you know, Beyond this.
So, you know, if you already have a
house that's built on number one you
want at the very minimum, you want to
have the air ducts cleaned twice a year.
So that's something that regardless
of whether you have mold or you
don't because the mold could
have colonized in the air ducks.
And so when you have a home testing
company come out, you want to
make sure that they use multiple
testing methods, air sampling, like
the little dishes, Petri dishes
you get at Lowe's and home Depot.
They're accurate for massive,
massive quantities of mold, but
you can still have a positive
home or building or office or car.
And you know, it not
show up on an air sample.
And so having a camera that can
look behind the walls for increased
condensation and down into the
duct work is extremely important.
And so that's one thing.
Number two something that's pretty
inexpensive and that works very well.
Is a product called home bias.
And it's a probiotic for the air.
I have no affiliation with the company.
But I like to inform people
about great products.
And at the very least, you know, it's
not a huge investment, so you're not
going to be wasting a bunch of money.
But behind me, and I also
have no affiliation with this
company, but the air dock.
You know, I've used multiple types of
high-end air filters and the air doctor is
now a cost-effective for almost everyone.
And it filters down to, I think
it's 0.0, zero nine microns.
And so it has the ultra
HEPA plus carbon filter.
So that's one thing people can do
in addition to having a duct works
clean and number two, make sure the
humidity indoors never exceeds 50%.
That's and the people living in Florida
are going, what a question for you
about getting your air ducts cleaned?
Do you need to hire somebody specific
or can, is that safe for, you know, I
think of things going airborne, right?
So are most companies, are they
doing it the right way or do we
need to, does it need to be some
kind of specialized remediation
So I would think you would
want to seal off the vents.
You know, I'm admittedly not an
expert on a duct work, but year sorry.
No, no, that's okay.
I would think you would definitely
want to seal off the vents, you
know, while they're being claimed.
And then you know, depending on the
size of your home in general, the air
doctor covers about 900 square feet.
So two story homes
gonna need at least two.
And some of the other, if you want
a different brand, it's always
better to get multiple small air
filters than one huge air filter.
This is amazing advice.
So important, really so important.
My, my daughter, literally
yesterday, she had been on a trip.
She has her own apartment and
has been traveling a lot she's
between graduation and grad school.
She noticed it's the third trip
in a row where she gets home
and she tanks she's inflamed.
She doesn't feel well.
And I said, I bet it's the apartment.
And she said, you know, my
air filter has been running.
She has a, a high-end air filters.
It's also very good.
I would say no, can hold
its own with air doctor.
And she said it literally.
It's just, you know, she knows there's
something in her apartment and she's
about to move out of that apartment.
Although she's moving to Scotland
where she'll be living in
something hundreds of years old.
she can get an air doctor over there.
But she was able to even just, you know,
a feel it and then be, be like, yeah.
And my air filter agrees.
It is just trying to get
this stuff out of the air.
And you know, one thing I would tell
people is that, you know, if you
have a family wa one or two people
in the family may have no central.
The other family members they both
may have, or all three may have severe
symptoms, but they may all be different.
So for one person it can be brain fog
and cognition, one person insomnia
and mood swings, another person
just overall fatigue and malaise.
So don't rule out mold based on that.
You name it.
Somebody said to me, you know,
well, what are the symptoms?
And I was like, Are you free all day?
You know, I mean, literally I
can't think of one thing that
couldn't possibly be connected to.
So do you.
What's your approach.
Do you have every in my programs,
everybody that comes to me,
because again, they're already
dealing with chronic health issues.
We test, we always test.
But, but what about you, what's
your kind of criteria or how,
how do you handle that with
So I usually start with the organic
acids test from great Plains laboratory.
Cause there's a few markers about
four or five markers on there that
can indicate several types of mold.
And if that's positive, I'll usually do
the urine mycotoxins tests and people
say, well, why do you do that test?
It's not going to change things, but
actually it does because the molecular
weight of each mycotoxin is slightly.
Therefore the binders
have to be customized.
And so I would love to have a blanket
recommendation, but you know, we want
to rule out that you're not still being
exposed on a daily basis, then we want
to make sure your bowels are moving
and then start binding up the mold.
I love that you send that.
You guys, you're not going to heal
if you're continually being exposed.
I just, I've never seen anybody be
able to clear and I love that you
brought up, you know, bowel motility.
People tend to look at me like I'm crazy.
I'm like, it's a detox pathway.
People like it's, you know, and.
That's another area where what
you may think, what normal for
you is isn't necessarily optimal.
I mean, I have had grown adults
come to me and tell me, oh
no, their GI system is great.
Their bowel movements are normal.
And then I find out they're
having like two a week.
Like, no, that's not.
And you know, one thing I'll say is
that it, you know, if you go to an
environmental medicine doctor or clinic
to get treated for mold, one of the first
things they do is an oxygen concentrator.
And so that gets back to my
first point about the jaw.
I mean, that's supplemental
oxygen can be very good.
You know, they have the
oxygen bars and everything.
You can get home units, but you
want to make sure that you're
able to breathe properly first.
I love that because again, we need
oxygen and we're, if we're trying to
correct systems that are off oxygen
depleted to begin with, it's an
uphill battle, a battle that we are
going to lose.
Yes, absolutely.
And one point I wanted to make is that a
lot of times people hear mold toxicity and
they sort of think that's the same thing
as a mold allergy, you can have both.
But mold toxicity is a separate issue.
It's the bioaccumulation of
mycotoxins over a period of time
on allergy would be an allergic IgE
mediated response to mycotoxins.
I'm so glad that you brought that up.
It's it's definitely, and again, from
what I've seen, that mycotoxin toxicity
is almost always, and if not, mycotoxins.
Some, whether it's environmental or metals
it's almost always one of the players.
And as you said, it can exacerbate
symptoms or trigger symptoms from
something else mycotoxins and
lime, you know, those are dirty
players together and very common.
I'll give your listeners and you a
tip I'll save you about 10 to $20,000.
You won't get the metals out, even with
culation until you get the mycotoxins.
Ah, there you have nothing to
do with the molecular weight.
Got to go
after those mycotoxins first.
So the, for those, and
I see it all the time.
Oh, well my doctor ran
a heavy metal status.
I did a, you know, they did a challenged
and I'm like just heavy metals.
Why just
so heavy metals could be under biofilms.
Th this is been probably a lot
for listeners to digest you on.
No, it's fantastic.
It's, it's so key.
And again, these are things I literally,
I see day in and day out in my practice.
And I had no idea what the answer
to the two things was going to be.
And so I am so excited that
it, it is both of those.
Between the apnea and the mycotoxins
it's literally almost every time we
test that's, that's definitely an issue.
So that is amazing.
What is one step who's?
We just gave like a ton, but
what's one step listeners,
whether they know they don't know.
What's one thing everybody listening
can do today to start to move their
health in the right direction.
Start breathing only through your nose,
even if it is just an hour, a day, or
even I start with 20 to 30 minutes a day.
Both inhale and exhale through your nose.
Now, the caveat is you have to have
nasal patency, which means that,
you know, on nostrils are dilated
at essentially or wide enough.
And so if you don't have that or
you have microtoxins that have
colonized the paranasal sinuses,
you won't be able to do that.
So you'll have to go and address that
first, but I think it's certainly.
Starting a program where you try to
breathe consciously 20 to 30 minutes
a day and build on that, that will
calm the autonomic nervous system.
And for listeners underneath
your diaphragm, you have a
lot of parasympathetic fibers.
So that's why deep diaphragmatic
breathing helps to balance the nervous.
Well, and I know I'm supposed to wrap
it there, but I have to follow it.
One more question, mouth taping.
Are you a fan?
If somebody has handled all the
other things so you're talking
about breathing through your nose.
Are you, is that something
you think is a good idea?
So most people, even without a sleep
study, you know, after my colleague
taught me this stuff you start looking
at people differently and you can say,
yeah, that person has an airway issue.
And so you have to, you know, establish
the nasal patency first because if
you go and just start taping the mouth
and you know, you can't, it's like
breathing through a coffee store.
Versus a garden hose.
So yeah, I mean, I think that's a
mouth taping can be good, but if you
have to bring it through your mouth
structure in place and absolutely
Tim, where's the best place for listeners
to find you, we're going to include
all your links in the show notes, but
for those that are listening on the go,
where can they find out more about you?
So my website is healyourbody.org, and
it'll be in the show notes as well.
And I'd like to offer your listeners
10% discount on an initial consultation,
which is amazing.
And the link to that discount
will also be in show notes.
You can use code Julie24 for that,
and I encourage you to check out Dr.
Book a consult.
See what he can do for you,
Tim, thank you so much.
You have shared so many
amazing tips with us today.
Thank you so much.
And thank you for the
work that you're doing
for everyone listening.
Remember you can get the
show notes and transcripts by
visiting inspired living.show.
I hope you had a great time and
enjoyed this episode as much as I did.
I'll see you next week.