Primordial Path

Meditation is something that most people have heard about, few have any true conception about and even fewer have actually experienced.

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Meditation is something that most people have heard about, few have any true conception about and even fewer have actually experienced.
The whole point of meditation is to transcend the rational mind. We can do this when we divide the mind into three main parts, Lower, Middle and Higher.
What happens when we meditate and which part of our mind is activated?

If you've ever wondered what the point of meditation is or how to do it, we have some answers here.

What is Primordial Path?

Traditional, energetic practises, for anyone, anywhere.

Introduction To Meditation

The whole point of meditation is to transcend worlds and the rational mind.
Meditation is something that most people have heard about, few have any true conception about and even fewer have actually experienced.
Divide the subconscious/unconscious mind into three parts
Lower - activation, coordination of the body such as respiration, circulation, organs etc
Middle - used when we are awake to analyse, compare, draw conclusions. This is the mind that gives us answers. Rational or intelligent thinking.
Higher - superconsciousness. Intuition, inspiration, bliss and transcendental experiences. Geniuses have creative flashes here. This is the source of deeper knowledge.
Consciousness is being aware of only a fraction of what is happening and usually occurs in the middle mind. This is what is allowing you to read/hear these words and be aware of their meaning.
So what happens when we meditate?
We are able to take our consciousness to different parts of the mind.
We move away from rational and intelligent thinking.
Most people when they first start will see grotesque apparitions or become aware of deep seated fears or complexes that they may not have known existed.
This is the consciousness operating in the lower mind
Previously we may have only been aware of the manifestations of these fears in the form of anger, hatred, depression etc.
Once confronted they can be removed and greater happiness can be attained.
Higher states of meditation are difficult to attain if we don’t remove the compulsive fear we have in the lower mind.
In higher states of meditation the consciousness moves to the higher mind - the super-consciousness. This rises above rational thought and we enter dimensions of illumination and inspiration. Here we can start to explore deeper truths and aspects of existence.
The culmination of meditation is self-realisation. When this is achieved the mind has transcended, the consciousness leaves the exploration of the mind and identifies with the core of ones existence, the SELF.
Here, pure consciousness have been achieved.
We can now identify our existence, our life with the viewpoint of the self and not from the viewpoint of the go.
The body and mind are seperate. They are manifestations of the self. The aim is to explore the different regions of the mind and eventually transcend it completely.