You're Wrong

An idyllic town, a school chock full of supernatural secrets and a group of teenagers with lots of hormones and too much self-esteem: the perfect ingredients for a gigantic fiasco!

Show Notes

It's time for another game of Fiasco, dear listeners!

This time, the nerds invited their buddy Andrew to join in, and the scenario revolves around a shady high school attended by teens with very questionable morals, integrity and (quite frankly) sanity. 

Join Beckee (Chris), Jenna (Matt), Steve a.k.a. Jace (Luciano), Brodie (Spencer) and Theo (Andrew) as they try to navigate absurdly disfunctional relationships, see incredibly ill-conceived plans to fruition and survive their (un)surprisingly lethal consequences.

Creators & Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire

What is You're Wrong?

You're Wrong is on permanent hiatus, but Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer aren't! They have a new podcast, dedicated (almost) exclusively to movies, called Popcorn & Plot Holes. Come listen to their ramblings at or anywhere you get your podcasts from!

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: hello and welcome back

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to your wrong

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: this week we have an extra special

[spinner]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: we are

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: going to attempt to play

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: fiasco once again it is

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: our annual

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: holiday tradition i was gonna say christmas

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: but that seemed rude after the last

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: recorded

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: follow

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: hm with us we have our extra

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: special guests first time long

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: time i don't think he ever listened
to the show if he's honest but who

[magistrate]: knows

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: andrew

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: welcome to

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: podcast

[melon]: happy to be here

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[melon]: first time

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: caller

[magistrate]: m m

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: s party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what are

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you wearing

[cobra]: my

[melon]: it's not in your

[cobra]: just

[melon]: business right now

[spinner]: we always we always open with that

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: it's a

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: test

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: in now passed i think i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: know

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: also we have first time long time

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: spencer

[spinner]: hey guys such such a big

[melon]: i

[spinner]: fan so so excited to

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: be a part of the show

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i am wearing a

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: silk

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: pajamas

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: nice

[spinner]: infused with leather and

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: the nipples are showy

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: are you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everything

[magistrate]: freeballing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i didn't need to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: free

[spinner]: and my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: barley

[spinner]: free balling

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: i'm actually wearing

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: five pairs of underwear i'm the opposite
of freeballing

[magistrate]: just that is safe that's good i
like that for you um

[spinner]: i need a lot of need a
lot of

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: support

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[spinner]: is a lot happening

[magistrate]: okay moving on chris welcome

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i i'm wearing assess chaps

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[melon]: oh my god

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: chaps

[cobra]: i knew it i knew

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i knew andrew was going to complain
about that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: trigger

[spinner]: somebody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: say chaps

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: all

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: chaps

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: are ask less

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: exactly

[melon]: otherwise

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: otherwise

[melon]: they would just

[cobra]: they're

[melon]: be

[cobra]: called

[melon]: called

[cobra]: pens

[melon]: pants

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: man as

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: let's ask

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: less chaps as less pantaloons

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah it's good to be here let's
let's let's let's deck the halls with bowls

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of inter

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: hey chris can move your microphone

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: closer you sound like you're in a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: really

[magistrate]: giant

[melon]: my

[magistrate]: room

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: really

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: he's in the bat

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: cave

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i thought i flipped the echo

[magistrate]: i think it's because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cattle

[magistrate]: it's not

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: usually

[magistrate]: front of your mouth it's on the
side you're not talking directly into it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this better you

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: last

[magistrate]: little

[spinner]: really

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time what

[cobra]: you have your mike like

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: on the other side like instead of
it being

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: the front

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: usually

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: usually it's over

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here but i thought i would try
to get it closer because of last time

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: last

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: no i mean is it is it
turned the

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: right way

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: it backwards

[cobra]: there's a right way and

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: a wrong way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: is it backwards or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can adjust it

[magistrate]: it's a label facing you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[cobra]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: see

[cobra]: label

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a label

[cobra]: has to be facing you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't see a label

[spinner]: i made that mistake for a whole
podcast once i think

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: actually

[magistrate]: i could

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the label it's totally facing me actually
so i can just

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: make it more facing me

[magistrate]: because you just sound like it's far

[spinner]: yeah it's really riverby

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is this better

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how about this is this

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: better

[magistrate]: think so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[spinner]: it's not that much

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: not that much the last in like

[cobra]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i was

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: saying i switched on echocadsolation before

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: um

[cobra]: that's not a problem

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay i'll

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: put volume

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: seems to be i see it fluctuating

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: the microphone

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: should i

[magistrate]: s not super

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: awesome and catching

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: people

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: on the side so

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: even though it's in front of your
face it's actually on the side of your

[magistrate]: face from the camera right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes but if you're saying it's catching
people do you think it's picking up my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: headphones

[magistrate]: i don't know

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: why would no now i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: said

[magistrate]: saying

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's catching people

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: the microphone doesn't catch

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: people won't catch your voice

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: unless

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: you're

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: directly in front of it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: you sure you're using your microphone and
not a different microphone

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's a good

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: question

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: i was going

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: computer

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: or your head set or something

[cobra]: i don't think you can change your
going to have to drop

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: and come back if it's not right

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: you just mated yourself

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i know why yeah

[spinner]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's using a different microphone usually it's

[cobra]: there you go

[spinner]: knew it

[cobra]: should

[magistrate]: got

[cobra]: drop

[magistrate]: him

[cobra]: and come back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[magistrate]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but you could hear me properly before

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: nope

[spinner]: i think you were always like this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's fun

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay so then i'll just i think
i should hard to reset

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think or i could just refresh

[magistrate]: you don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[magistrate]: need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: try

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: just reload and it'll let you picked
up right microphone

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: let's

[spinner]: i just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: try

[spinner]: picked mike

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay let's go

[magistrate]: glad we started

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: at eight so we could get started
at eight thirty

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[cobra]: ah well i mean

[spinner]: andrew usual lot smoother than this

[melon]: i don't believe that whatsoever

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: it actually is no it actually is
it actually

[spinner]: i mean

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: usually start

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: like a sucking map of like pre

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: set things

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we need it's just like what do
you think of

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: the new charlie brown movie

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: you're saying i'm the problem

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah that

[melon]: what

[magistrate]: ironically

[spinner]: you read

[magistrate]: enough

[spinner]: between

[magistrate]: chris

[spinner]: the lines

[magistrate]: i don't hear ship

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh my god what is your first

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: hard heart reset yourself then because i
don't know

[spinner]: is your mike plugged in

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: a oh

[magistrate]: video looks fine now we got that

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: for you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one step at a time

[magistrate]: we don't hear you

[spinner]: we can't hear you at all

[magistrate]: see in hell

[spinner]: jesus christ

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: is amateur hour

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: in

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: here

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: you know what it is this is
murphy's law just because it

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: is a longer thing of course we're
going to

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: run into problems

[spinner]: yeah listen you guys don't pay me

[melon]: okay

[spinner]: a hundred cat

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: episode for this kind of nonsense

[cobra]: we really

[magistrate]: right we

[cobra]: don't

[magistrate]: don't

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: exactly

[magistrate]: yeah hey spencer did

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you guys

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: see her back from the baby

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: stare

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: um you'll have to ask my wife
about that

[magistrate]: well she'll

[spinner]: she

[magistrate]: least

[spinner]: she

[magistrate]: she'll least respond to me so

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: she most likely will shots fired but
they're fair

[magistrate]: fair shots there

[spinner]: fair shots well deserved

[magistrate]: i message spencer today

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: about the movie and actually message

[spinner]: e

[magistrate]: me like an hour later being like
hey you kno what the movie is i'm

[magistrate]: likwelialrady

[spinner]: she

[magistrate]: told

[spinner]: didn't

[magistrate]: your husband

[spinner]: ask me

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: mother foker

[spinner]: she just cut out the middle

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: man and went right

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: to asking

[magistrate]: honestly

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: easier yeah yeah

[spinner]: go

[magistrate]: just watch

[spinner]: i think she said something about the
baby sitter like has to leave

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it six

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: it makes it

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: tricky

[magistrate]: might

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: be

[spinner]: i'm not

[magistrate]: tight

[spinner]: sure if that's accurate

[magistrate]: lex

[spinner]: jesus leave early

[magistrate]: just like don't see the end in
it's fine well it's two hours

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so probably

[spinner]: two hours this

[magistrate]: probably

[spinner]: is a movie that should be

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: an hour and a half no

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so it's probyn last time we went
to see black panther was twenty minutes of

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ship

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: at

[spinner]: least

[magistrate]: the beginning

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: so

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: we'll probably be out of

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: the theater

[magistrate]: it'll be

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: six

[magistrate]: have twenty minutes to get home

[spinner]: i don't

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: even think e'll

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: ave that much time

[magistrate]: it'll be three

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: twenties to start

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so two hours

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: five twenty twenty

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: minutes of extras six

[spinner]: m yeah

[magistrate]: five forty but

[cobra]: i forty

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: to watch all the credits

[magistrate]: credits no just leave

[spinner]: no i respect the artists

[magistrate]: okay well then it still the one
time includes credits so

[spinner]: s it really

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: ever

[cobra]: which

[magistrate]: notice

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: when you watch like

[cobra]: often

[magistrate]: oban

[cobra]: like

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: seven minutes of

[magistrate]: yeah you atch

[cobra]: king credit

[magistrate]: on and it's like it's like this
episode is forty two minutes and then a

[magistrate]: of a sudden the episode is done
like at thirty two

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: five

[spinner]: true

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah that that sucks

[cobra]: and disney like unlike netflix disney

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: won't won't

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: do the whole watch next episode in

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: four three two one

[spinner]: lo

[cobra]: until

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it's like all the way to the

[spinner]: no that's just bad

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: bad design

[melon]: okay

[cobra]: the whole disney plus player is absolutely
horse ship

[magistrate]: i hate it

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i hate i

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: hate it so much

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: hello

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think it's working

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: better

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now

[cobra]: there

[magistrate]: there

[spinner]: yea

[magistrate]: it is

[cobra]: we go

[magistrate]: silky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: smooth

[spinner]: i can hear the base in your
voice now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank god

[spinner]: hear the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and the camera was

[spinner]: their

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: working so i was

[spinner]: biscuits

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like sorry about

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that that was weird okay

[magistrate]: no worries okay let's get back into
it we're gonna pick up from chris induced

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: himself so we just have to knock
out luciana real quick so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: just give it a couple of seconds
and we'll do that okay this just i'll

[magistrate]: throw it to you

[magistrate]: great chris

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: thanks

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: for talking i guess luciano

[cobra]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: you're also here

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[cobra]: allegedly yes

[magistrate]: grat

[cobra]: i am a person that

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: is here recording yes

[spinner]: are

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: are you are you in court right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: allegedly i

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: am

[cobra]: plead

[spinner]: here

[cobra]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are

[cobra]: faith

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh lord

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: do we have that in canada don't
think that

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: works

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: no we

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: not we absolutely do not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: now

[magistrate]: perfect

[spinner]: here here it's the eighth

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i hate

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hate it

[magistrate]: we're gonna move right into our show

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: because this is

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: might be a long one we don't

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: know so we are playing fiasco if
you do not remember fiasco is a game

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: that lets us have a real strong
creative license on telling a story where we're

[magistrate]: basically all destined to fail at life

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: is a coin brothers am i getting
that right

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and brother's

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: movie i was confused with the farther
brothers which makes no sense

[spinner]: definitely not the farley brothers

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: farley brothers tragedy

[magistrate]: it's been going for yes

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: actually it's supposed to be co and
we're aiming for farley

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's a mix it's i who knows
what's gonna appen so we're gonna go around

[magistrate]: the table quickly introduce our characters give
you sort of the high

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: level relationships you had er stand what's
happening and then we're gonna dive into game

[magistrate]: uh so let's randomize

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: it can i get the randomizer up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay fall

[cobra]: my

[magistrate]: all right well

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: looks like we have becky

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: with three eaves and no

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: other vowels

[cobra]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so my jam

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like hi

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't worry we'll be talking like this

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the whole time there's like

[cobra]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a frog in my throat and i
actually have an adam's apple but

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky's

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky's got two relationships that mattered to
her one with jenna

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and one with theo gene's matt and

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: theo is andrew so um my relationship
with theo is that we are we are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: both

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: freaks and then um m my my
need my

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: core ned with jenna is that we
want to get even with this

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whole damn school

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: let's burn it down

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: let's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all right

[spinner]: bring

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: snaps

[spinner]: bitch to the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ryland

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: two snaps you know

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: all right let's go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: around the table in reverse order andrew
once you give us a little bit about

[magistrate]: theo

[melon]: hey guys i'm theo um

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: huh

[melon]: me and

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: mine and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: brodie things have never

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: been really right between us so

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: there's something wrong with that guy and
i got to figure out what it is

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[melon]: and yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: a

[melon]: don't tell anyone but

[spinner]: ah

[melon]: becky and i have this creative cheap
liquor that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: we're just going to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[melon]: get absolutely destroyed with

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: turn up

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: turn up

[cobra]: turn

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: up indeed

[magistrate]: spencer

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: don't you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: let us into the mind of brodie

[spinner]: you bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: brody back of

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: house you may remember me from other
things bros

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucked him

[spinner]: becky bad babe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i have

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a voice okay

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now let's not

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right now

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tell the people who you are like
i know you

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking spake

[spinner]: so i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: brody and i'm

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: like you even know that theo

[melon]: ye

[spinner]: dude as fucking weird do not i'm
suspicious of that fucking guy guys

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: loser

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: but no i don't like him and
i kind of want to funk with him

[spinner]: a little bit i want to get
even with that guy

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: now the other hand i got my
bro my

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: b f f

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: as

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: chasing the

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: shot to shot

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: to shot

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: so me my boy jays you know
he is just you know my b f

[spinner]: f used bros one of the main
men and we go to school together and

[spinner]: i want him to help

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: me get away with murder

[cobra]: yeah bro

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: spoiler

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[spinner]: just that's

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: know it's

[spinner]: i need that

[cobra]: bro bro

[spinner]: i need it

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: luciana can you tell us a bit
about steve

[melon]: m

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: jase i suppose

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it's my

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: budgets

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: h you brodie what's

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: what's up case who's steve

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah i don't know

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: man

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: only my mom calls me steve the
funk so m j played across

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: sometimes

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: water polo sometimes water pool on horses
you never know

[spinner]: yes love that

[cobra]: my bffisbrodi my man my man brodie

[spinner]: jerceinthe house

[cobra]: yo yo yo and yeah i also
have a somewhat strange relationship with that haughty

[melon]: m

[cobra]: gena

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: so hot

[cobra]: oh yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: she is

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: she's so

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: hot

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: she's almost on dead that's what

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: man

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: grows

[cobra]: how hard

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: she is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tack your ship

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: liquor

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: colia

[cobra]: also have you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: know i'll help my bro brody bro
brodii'll help him

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: get away with

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: m

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: murder yeah

[spinner]: let's murder

[cobra]: i got

[spinner]: some

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: guys

[cobra]: got you bro got

[melon]: no

[cobra]: you bro

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: got you

[spinner]: guilty

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: bucks

[cobra]: also have me and gennadu

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: some some

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: nice some nice drugs

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: that we don't know

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: where they came from they look

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: cool that's that's good and uh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah we you tend to meet in
the library the school

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: now why she always calls me there

[magistrate]: a wink

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: um lesly i will be playing jenna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: is so totally awesome you guys

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: she has a little bit of a
problem with becky because they are both homecoming

[magistrate]: queen rivals i'm gonna totally beat that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m oh

[spinner]: both so

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: hot

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: n um

[cobra]: cat fucked

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: trash

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can hot

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: jena also

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: has

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: a relationship with steve

[cobra]: you mean

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: jas

[magistrate]: sorry

[cobra]: as my name is jas

[magistrate]: steve she called him steve only

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: brodie

[cobra]: god

[magistrate]: calls him jays for some

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: reason no one knows why

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: who steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: don't know bro

[magistrate]: steve always listens to jena for for
reasons that no one quite understands maybe because

[magistrate]: of some

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: elicit reasons that you can find out
about in the school library with their special

[magistrate]: books cult

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: tomes

[spinner]: you know what that

[magistrate]: if you

[spinner]: means

[magistrate]: will

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: books

[cobra]: books is

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: cold bro it's cold bro

[magistrate]: all right

[spinner]: books

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: so we are playing the place that
held most high

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: hopefully i have it up here

[spinner]: hell

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: mouth hogs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: and the

[spinner]: let's go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: name

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: this place that

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: was created

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: by

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: winkwinkwink

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: brian van der vine um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: so thanks brian wherever you are

[spinner]: brian bnterv

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: there's

[magistrate]: he's

[cobra]: another

[magistrate]: the principle

[cobra]: brow

[magistrate]: of of hell mouth high i think

[spinner]: the vine

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: and the house

[cobra]: i like it i like it i
like it

[magistrate]: um so you got to stay away
from principal

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: van der vine

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay that works

[magistrate]: and pine

[spinner]: the van

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: got

[spinner]: den

[magistrate]: him yeah so

[cobra]: it's too

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: perfect

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we are

[melon]: to

[magistrate]: going to dive in here and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: get into

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: the first act of

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: fiasco so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: just for people who are listening

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: along and don't know the rules essentially
we each get go twice i believe and

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we do two different scenes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we could involve

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: anybody in the group

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: we can involve people that don't exist

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: principal van der vine might chop um
i'm really just setting the stage for act

[magistrate]: two um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so really it comes down to each
person picking what they want to do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: man

[magistrate]: they will be awarded with a black
or white diet depending on the outcome of

[magistrate]: the scene and the act one they
need to give that to one of the

[magistrate]: players on the table so if i
did a scene and i was

[cobra]: good

[magistrate]: rewarded with a black dye then i
would have to give

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: it to one of the players around
the table um and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: only other thing that is important to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that when is the person's turn so
it was in my turn

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: had

[magistrate]: i can decide if i want to
start a scene or end a scene and

[magistrate]: then i describe the start or end
of the scene and the rest of the

[magistrate]: table fills in difference so if i
at the table will end the scene for

[magistrate]: me so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that's really the format

[melon]: that's

[magistrate]: and we're

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: gonna kick it off here everybody ready

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: who who thinks they

[melon]: sure

[magistrate]: want to start who has got themselves
a good idea to get this kicked off

[magistrate]: with

[melon]: a

[cobra]: it was supposed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to be the person who

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: grew up in the smallest town

[magistrate]: yeah but i don't want to start

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cut

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: two it's the break of dawn the
sun slowly creeps up and

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there's a rooster just has been devoured

[magistrate]: tunk

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: as just been

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: devoured by

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: wait

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: by

[cobra]: i was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: something

[cobra]: going to say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's actually broken

[spinner]: i love

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: cockadootle dudes

[cobra]: our cock

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky becky awaken

[spinner]: jas

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: shut up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky

[spinner]: i don't love

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: go

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky's to get

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out of bed she gets out of
bed she puts she says i good bye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to her family and she heads out
to to her part

[spinner]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: job because it's like it's like seven

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: so of course i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[magistrate]: go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she's

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: always

[magistrate]: are you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: late

[magistrate]: setting up a scene here because i
really feels like that's what you're doing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sorry yes

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: okay just

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: checking

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: continue

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah yeah she has a short window

[magistrate]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[melon]: as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there's

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a field trip today

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and she she's managed to go in

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: help

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i help like shift change over at

[cobra]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a part time job because she's like
really good at it

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she works it

[magistrate]: chaffer drug mart

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank you and it's

[cobra]: there's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[cobra]: a chopersinokay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she's quite she's quite proud of it
he met high and shoppers drug mart are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the two

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: gems in this this god forsaken

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hamlet

[spinner]: becky always gets my drugs for me
from shavers drug bar my reacting

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just going

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to write that down

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shapers shack married and yeah she along
the way along the way her phone her

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: phone buzzes and it's her girl gena

[spinner]: m

[spinner]: matt

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: that's you

[cobra]: and you're muted matt

[magistrate]: i was i was talking but i
was mad that's fine we'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: just raise that

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: chris in this scenario i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: have to ask you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what is what do you setting up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: do you want to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i would say start

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the conversation

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: you want to lead the conversation somewhere
and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sure

[magistrate]: the group pulled aside where the conversation
go so you called on what are you

[magistrate]: looking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to talk to jena about

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got it so she her problem

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how she's been treated this entire school
year and just before christmas

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: break she wants to settle

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she wants to set the record

[spinner]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: straight and she

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wants to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: put every one in their place and
she's trying to formulate a plan

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: okay great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so okay

[magistrate]: um m start start off start off
with gen like just call or like

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: your let's say do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: phone ring and we'll go from

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: there

[spinner]: bring

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did we

[cobra]: oh no it's

[spinner]: ring

[cobra]: the theme it's the theme to mean
girls of

[magistrate]: y

[cobra]: course

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't even

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: remember what that dam is but

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we've

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: already

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: had we've

[cobra]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got

[cobra]: i don't either

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: that's why i didn't sing it

[magistrate]: we'll fix it and post it's fine

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: will

[spinner]: ring

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[spinner]: ring ring ring ring

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: ring ring ring ring ring

[magistrate]: hello

[spinner]: that's a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: pick

[spinner]: phone sound

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: pick up

[magistrate]: hello

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes gent

[magistrate]: o hey becky what's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this end bitch you know you know
you're my writer die but like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've had

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it okay people just keep looking at

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and they don't say anything and i
don't know what i've done so i've decided

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to take matters into my own hands

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everyone in their sucking place

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm looking to not drop blood but
if blood is spilt then we

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can do

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a ritual or

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: something maybe we could spin it to
getting better grades

[magistrate]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but like i'sucking had

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it okay

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: further or have you

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: used the crystals that i've sent

[magistrate]: girl

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[magistrate]: you know i have plus also

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i know

[spinner]: m

[melon]: o

[magistrate]: where there's this cool collection of books
so we could do like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: even like a like there's scary

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: creepy

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: books we can do like a summoning

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: could sound

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: like a demon

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: then a demon could teach all

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: those people have been sucking up

[spinner]: eh

[magistrate]: our school year like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay that's

[magistrate]: a lesson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good

[magistrate]: what would have like

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: a sound like a lich

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but like what the fuck is that

[magistrate]: it's like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is that like

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is that a bubble t

[magistrate]: it's no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: like

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: frosty the snow man

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: frosty will

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[magistrate]: go around

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm not okay so why am i
drinking frosty this snow

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: man that sounds like

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a sexual act you know i'm still
like i'm still together

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with brodie like

[magistrate]: no you're

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: not

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's fine he's just gonna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with the five

[magistrate]: he's just goin to like

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: haunt and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: torture some people

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this works

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: works i love this for me

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and like you probably have ship you
want to take care of two i think

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i guess

[magistrate]: so let's let's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: hold it there how do you guys
think this scene is going to end for

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: well

[magistrate]: becky

[cobra]: what was what was your intent

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: is to kind of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the intent

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: was

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: for you to kind of start putting
people in your in your play in their

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: place right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: formulate

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a plan a grand

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: master plan

[cobra]: so the thing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for the

[cobra]: is jena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: against the

[cobra]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: entire school

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: gena the vampire just convinced you to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: to the school

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: library that has occult terms

[magistrate]: so i didn't

[cobra]: i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: going to say it's going to end
bad for you

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: so i would say the

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: like the overall thing might end bad

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: how like is the scene do you
think becky

[spinner]: it's going

[magistrate]: will

[melon]: right

[spinner]: well for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[spinner]: becky

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: she's

[magistrate]: think

[spinner]: getting

[magistrate]: becky

[spinner]: what she wanted

[magistrate]: no no but how does it end
does becky i wously want the scene

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: does the plan get formulated right

[spinner]: yes they

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: formulated

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: the plan they're going to the library

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: to summon some ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: perfect so

[spinner]: plan well is formulated

[magistrate]: let's just finish

[spinner]: effect

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that off and and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: we'll hang up the phone and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[magistrate]: you'll need to give a white

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: dye to somebody at the table because
success is a white so let's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: just finish so

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: we'll pick

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: that back up like so becky why
don't we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: meet at school today during

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: our three period and we'll go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: down to those tomes and we'll figure
out what we

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: to do yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: holmes you mean the tomes isn't the
books or the tombs is there a tomb

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or is it a tomb

[magistrate]: pitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: i don't

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: know

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like you and i like like listen
be specific we have just

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because we have silver age comics that

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: liespecificity

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is everything but

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i love you

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay great

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: homes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h i can't even

[magistrate]: in the tombs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: girl

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank you

[magistrate]: friend

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: clarity specific like this is why

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like fucking love you but i'll cut
you okay okay

[magistrate]: okay by big

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank you fuck you

[cobra]: so

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: went

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: well for chris right so

[magistrate]: yeah so

[cobra]: an

[magistrate]: chris

[cobra]: you got to die have to give
it away

[magistrate]: who do you ant to give

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: that did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'll give it to i'll give it
to the

[melon]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: give

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it to andrew

[magistrate]: cursed theo that was a curse

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i thought that was

[melon]: thanks

[magistrate]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a white

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: positive

[magistrate]: no it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: diet

[magistrate]: a positive hat just fucking with you

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh no

[spinner]: if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good

[spinner]: like curses

[melon]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: all right so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: it'll move to jenna

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: next just to go clockwise

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: so i think after jena has that
phone call with becky shin

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: it's to talk to steve yes

[cobra]: who

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: who's steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: m

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: because i think in her mind steve

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: is making sure no one else can
get into

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: the library the secret

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: books right so steve has access

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: to those books

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so she's going

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to try to convince steve to let

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: her in or to like to she
can get in but it's just like to

[magistrate]: make sure no one else gets in

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to keep er well

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like be the look

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: out

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: gena and beckiwellde do their thing there

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: already know i'm going to play

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: this okay

[magistrate]: um so let's say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: so becky

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: called down on the way to her

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: her work let's say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: now

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yes

[cobra]: you want to

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: and to meet at the library

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: then

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[cobra]: with

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: going to pick jenna up

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: because i

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: think i've

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: i've

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: hope i established that in relationship gena
is the vampire stizathrall

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: that's why

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: i said she was

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: n't dead at that

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: point

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: steve has to

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: good lad we're on the same

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: page so steve will pick her up
from home from her home because that's

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: he's got a car and

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: that's his job

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: all right

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: uh bed come on

[spinner]: a

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: steve for the last time i told
you not to call me babe

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: well you want me to call you
then hatty

[magistrate]: master

[melon]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: it's just so lame master

[magistrate]: think of a better name than babatyou
on't have to call me master

[cobra]: hardy i just said baby

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: do you know you're listening to me

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: what the hell

[magistrate]: shut up

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: listen i have something

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: we need

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to do something at lunch

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: today i need to go down

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to that collection

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: of

[cobra]: we do yeah we

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: do

[magistrate]: h if

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: you can pull us off you can

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: can

[magistrate]: correctly

[cobra]: pull

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it off

[magistrate]: i know you pull it off all
the time by yourself that's the problem listen

[magistrate]: to me i need you to

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: take a look out in the library

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: because becky and i need

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to look though those occult rare books
you know what a book is right steve

[cobra]: yeah those things you used to cuecocroces
with right

[magistrate]: perfect that's good enough for me

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: so i need you just play look
out while becky and i look at those

[magistrate]: books because we have something to do
and you can keep

[cobra]: you want me you want me to

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: at while you back and do stuff
you i'll be

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: there

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: okay so

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: how do you think this one is
going to end for for gena

[spinner]: not well

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm gonna i'm going to fuck up
whatever you

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: ask me to do

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: not because

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: i

[melon]: kay

[cobra]: want to because i'm dumb

[magistrate]: let's stay

[melon]: on

[magistrate]: focused here all i'm asking for is

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to do the thing

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: when he sucks it up later

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: that will probably

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: be a different scene

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: so we're just trying to figure out
how this scene

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: well you

[magistrate]: ends

[cobra]: got me to

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: go there with you so

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: we'd

[cobra]: think

[magistrate]: say that

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: then

[magistrate]: a

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: success

[cobra]: positive

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: you'll

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[cobra]: think

[magistrate]: definitely

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sounds

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: successful

[magistrate]: fuck it up later for

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: sure a hundred per cent and we

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: can give me the black

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: dye that that that's okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: all right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: so let's finish it then

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: all right are you going to shut
up so i can drive you know i

[cobra]: can do both at the same time

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: yes steve i'll let you because i

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: want to die today

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: h

[cobra]: who's steve

[magistrate]: you are

[cobra]: call me chase babe

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: i mean

[magistrate]: one calls

[cobra]: haughty

[magistrate]: you jas

[cobra]: i mean

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: master

[magistrate]: brodie better

[cobra]: yeah the one that matters except

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: for you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: listen

[cobra]: master

[magistrate]: listen

[cobra]: i'm going

[magistrate]: i know you secretly love rode and
that's okay it's adjustment

[cobra]: not that

[magistrate]: free

[cobra]: secret i mean

[magistrate]: zone

[cobra]: no i

[magistrate]: from

[cobra]: don't

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: want

[magistrate]: gene and

[cobra]: fuck

[magistrate]: see

[cobra]: shut up

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: babe goddamn it just drive away

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: complaining

[magistrate]: all right i'm going to take my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[magistrate]: white

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: works

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: i'm gonna give it to becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: what's happening

[cobra]: so i think

[spinner]: oh h

[cobra]: i think i want to establish

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: with brodie what's this

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: murder all about

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: so i think i think gen had
a previous

[melon]: some

[cobra]: thrall

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: i found out and we murdered

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: him together

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: nobody knows except for gena but she
doesn't she doesn't care

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: so do a flash back with brodie
a few maybe a few days

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: before or something like that and well

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: we'd be so here's what i'm going
to do i want this to go badly

[cobra]: for me so i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: gonna i'm going to let you guys
set up the scene and then i'll finish

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: okay um so let's say so the

[cobra]: you guys

[magistrate]: need

[cobra]: can't you

[magistrate]: of

[cobra]: guys can ignore what i just said
by the way

[magistrate]: no yeah that was fine

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so the murder

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: has already happened

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: we want to

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: get away

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[cobra]: with it

[magistrate]: so i would say then you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: found out that gen a

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: vampire and you wanted to kill the
thrall so you can take

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: its place

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: right and so you have to convince
brodie to help you

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: and so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: either it's a scene of you convincing
brodie to help you

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: or or

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: body's already

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: agreed with it and it's actually the
scene of you guys

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: committing the murder

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: i just i wanted to end badly

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: so we have it has to be
something that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't go well for me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what if there's i

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was gonna say what if there's

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a witness

[magistrate]: well a going to say what if
brodie's to witness steve's trying to get

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: murder and then brod s coming to
his house and

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: walks in and sees him murdering

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[melon]: at

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good work

[cobra]: okay okay

[melon]: yeah ye

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are friends so the

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they're in the same

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they're in that like they're already

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: no but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: orbiting

[cobra]: the thing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: each

[cobra]: is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: other

[cobra]: brody probably doesn't like his friend just
killed someone he thinks it's cool i probably

[cobra]: can't shet up about it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so that's if that's the case then
that's why that's why

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the two of them being observed while
they murder the previous thrall might make some

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tension like they're both like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh god oh god may be

[magistrate]: we need we need i like the
witness because that's failing right that's the failure

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: point is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: someone else sees it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so maybe it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[magistrate]: maybe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: it's brodianand steve are doing it so
they both need to get away with murder

[magistrate]: and now we need a witness

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: it can

[cobra]: can be

[magistrate]: be

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: can be the principle

[magistrate]: it could

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: be i think it's got to be
another student because

[spinner]: theo

[magistrate]: the principle

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: was just it could be theo yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: but it needs to be another

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: student because the principle would

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[magistrate]: probably

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[magistrate]: you know actually

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: turn

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: them in

[magistrate]: turn you in what would like is
i think that somehow

[spinner]: think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the witness

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: looks like theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: and so brodie thinks it theo but
it's not the and that drives the suspicion

[magistrate]: relationship

[cobra]: okay that works for me if it
works for

[spinner]: yea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have a i

[cobra]: spencer

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have a question

[magistrate]: yep

[cobra]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so i can't see on the board
if if the student

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if the other student okay here's why
i'm suggesting that

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the student the witness student

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: should be courtney

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[magistrate]: perfect

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: beck

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wants to get even with

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney maybe courtney is holding this

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she's confronted

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: jase and

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie and she's holding

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: over them black mailing

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: getting

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: them to do ship

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and that might be the link becky
to try to

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get even and and

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: stop

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all that ship i don't

[spinner]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah i would

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: maybe she doesn't know

[magistrate]: i wonder if that's one too

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: many connections

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: in the same story

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: it might it might be too much

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what we establish with is that

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the end of the scene is going
to be

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: somebody

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: walking in on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: brody

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and jase murdering the previous

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: throw all

[cobra]: or

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: or drop

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: dump in the body or something

[magistrate]: sure somebody witnesses

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: that you know somebody witnesses you and
you guys can feel

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: on details if you

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: want or you can leave that

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the witness as blank as you want
does that make

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: sense

[cobra]: yeah okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we also have chad michael murray in
this somewhere

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whatever the chad

[magistrate]: is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: guy

[magistrate]: dawson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[magistrate]: also there

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we have a chat it's trying

[magistrate]: we

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: raced

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: we raced that one

[cobra]: chad russell yeah

[spinner]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: gone

[magistrate]: ted russell chested

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh wow

[spinner]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kill

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: them

[cobra]: who

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: already

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cool

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: he's

[cobra]: who he

[magistrate]: about

[cobra]: killed

[magistrate]: to be

[cobra]: there

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: we killed a

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: jed

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: who

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: killed

[magistrate]: guys

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: do your scene

[cobra]: okay so um m it will be
like steve is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: doing it and brodie walks in and
helps basically so like you walk in like

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: brody walks in and i'm like whacking

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: that chad with like a hammer or
something it has to be

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: it could be our cool object to
what would be a cool object that we

[cobra]: could have

[magistrate]: for murder

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: shake weight

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i said cool

[spinner]: coolest item there is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that you don't get better than that

[spinner]: of

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: p s five

[magistrate]: what if

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: it was

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: like what like stephen stephen and brody
play a sport together what if it's like

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: like a

[cobra]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: cross that

[magistrate]: piece of equipment that is signed by
like someone really important so that's just the

[magistrate]: cool object that was like signed by

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: whatever famous

[cobra]: the acrostic

[magistrate]: athlete

[spinner]: top top

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: across player

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: tommy

[cobra]: waingretski

[spinner]: to person

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: wait

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: tommy tofferson

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: all

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: tommy

[magistrate]: go

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: for

[cobra]: person

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: most

[magistrate]: alright

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: play this out

[cobra]: so like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: come

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: walk in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: and them like

[melon]: ye oh

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: how long have you been

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: there bro

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yo

[cobra]: yet

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: dude what man

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh what is that chick under

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at

[spinner]: period what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: the hell

[cobra]: that's a that's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: a dude man

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: was a dude think is i kick

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: over i think he's dead man

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: got carried away

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i promised i didn't mean to hit
him so hard

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: seven times on the head while he
was already down i promise promise

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: no i wanted to

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: kill him

[spinner]: dude dude shut up i don't care

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: what does this have to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: do with me

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: that's

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: you might

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: i care

[cobra]: bro you might brow come on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: so what what am i what do

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: you want

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: me to do

[cobra]: you i want you to help me
what do you do with corpses throw them

[cobra]: on the river i don't know is
there even a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: river in this town

[spinner]: dude i don't care

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: i toold you that

[cobra]: you

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: what do you

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: mean i'm asking you to do something
for me like

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: my brow

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: is that tommy tomperson's lacrosstick

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[cobra]: you know it

[spinner]: you killed a dude with tommy tomperson's

[cobra]: it's the best

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: stick man

[spinner]: okay i'm in now now i'm in

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's the coolest fucking thing i've ever
seen in my life

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: all right let's let's drag him like
to a place where like nobody is going

[cobra]: to see him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: and people would think he fell yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: let's let's put him like beside the
school and people would think he fell off

[cobra]: the ceiling

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: i mean the

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: roof

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: one of those

[melon]: a

[spinner]: people are going to think he was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: killed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: by tommy

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: topperson he signed the stick

[cobra]: that's oh

[spinner]: you're a

[cobra]: genius

[spinner]: genius

[cobra]: you want me to live that's why
i love you bro you're

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so smart

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: you're so smart dude

[cobra]: i know i know

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeh

[cobra]: but you are so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: smart too

[spinner]: can we like

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: get high and play

[magistrate]: he

[spinner]: some chell before we like move

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: this body or is it like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: like a now thing

[cobra]: yeah no let's go leave it there
for now who's going to come here and

[cobra]: see it

[spinner]: okay i

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: got

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: i'm the penguins

[magistrate]: can i ask you a question

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: again

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: can can i ask you a question
are you in your basement right now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: kind of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: like outside the guy's house probably

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: okay yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: daylight

[cobra]: it's a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: murder

[cobra]: it's a public place that anybody can
you know come around and see

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: i merely

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: went like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: to

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: the side

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: so like like his

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: back yard he went to his backyard

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: basically

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay okay good

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: and then just working

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: like because you guys need to know
you were seen right because that drives the

[magistrate]: so like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: as you leave to go play chill
at like your house then you see somebody

[magistrate]: that would happen oh

[cobra]: yeah so we passed

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i leave

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: my master planner our master plan of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: making people think it was top top
person who

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: who killed them i'm just going to

[magistrate]: hm

[cobra]: leave the fucking murder weapon on top
of the guy

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: then it's going to be signed like
oh the

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: murder the murderer signed it it must
be him

[magistrate]: genius obviously

[cobra]: yeah and then as we're walking away

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: we see whoever it is that is

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the witness just looking at it horrified

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: and then you know we're going always
like broth

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i think you saw it bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: isn't that that

[spinner]: god

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: friend of yours the or whatever

[spinner]: water

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: dude i think i don't know if
i'm high right

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: now but

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: i think that guy who looked at
it was theo

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: but i'm

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: not sure

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: like who you think

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: it was

[cobra]: the man i know theo is like
you know

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: has dark hair and he's tall and
that guy is blond and short but i

[cobra]: think it's

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: tall and brown hair you're describing theo

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: was theo

[cobra]: right yeah funk i think he saw
it bro he's not going to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: believe he doesn't even know top

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: top person is that idiot

[spinner]: well then he definitely did it if
he doesn't know who tommy toppers it was

[spinner]: you think he killed

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: him

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: let's go with that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: genius bro

[spinner]: theo

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: killed tommy thomberson that son of

[melon]: do

[spinner]: a bitch oh

[cobra]: i always knew he hated good players

[magistrate]: i hadn't seen yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that that went really well for everybody

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: so lucian you

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: have your black and you have to
give it to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[magistrate]: somebody

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i'm giving this black

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: dye to becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tommy

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: topers

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know it's

[cobra]: yes i'll give it to

[magistrate]: tell

[cobra]: tommy

[magistrate]: me to

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: person

[cobra]: person

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the goat

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: for the record as much as possible
you want to collect either all black or

[magistrate]: all white dye

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: your

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ending result needs to be a high
one by the way

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: if you collect getting

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: near zero as there any result then

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: very

[cobra]: you're fucked

[magistrate]: very very bad things

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: happen to you but you got lots

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: time before that happens

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: chris don't even worry about it

[cobra]: yeah ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: all right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: we

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: now moved to brody

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: what's going on in your neck of
the woods

[spinner]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[spinner]: he just abetted in a murder although

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: doesn't

[magistrate]: that was

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: a flash back

[spinner]: he's

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: not sure about that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah that

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: a flash

[spinner]: that was

[cobra]: back

[spinner]: back in so now he's just at

[magistrate]: a

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: okay

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he's hanging out at school and he
sees theo in the hallway

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: and he wants to have a word
with him

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: and he wants to tell him

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh subtlely

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that he knows what he did

[magistrate]: last summer

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: okay so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: so what

[spinner]: theo

[magistrate]: is your

[spinner]: theo thinks that he murdered the guy
that he helped

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: murder

[magistrate]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[cobra]: brodie

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: brodie does yeah

[magistrate]: h sorry brodie

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: thinks that about theo

[spinner]: brodie thinks theo is the murderer

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: that of the guy he

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: murdered

[magistrate]: so what do you

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: are you

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: going to a kevsym of murder essentially

[spinner]: no i'm going to be subtle about

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: but so what's your goal

[cobra]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: like are you trying

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: buddy

[magistrate]: set up this scene basicalyu're gonna

[spinner]: mike

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: my goal is to intimidate him

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and know and make him know

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: that i'm coming

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: for him i'm going to get even
with him

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it sounds subtle but okay

[spinner]: that's

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: wot im gonna i'm gonna et him
know that

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: subtly

[magistrate]: so you set this scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do

[magistrate]: up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you do it

[magistrate]: and then we

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: need

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: to resolve it you

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: want to roll play part of it

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: then we'll resolve from there

[spinner]: sure

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you're like what time of day
is it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: it's a it's lunch time

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: and brodie's working

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: out in the hallway

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: of the school

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just pressed against stewing or try set

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he's got his weight with him

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: when he

[melon]: it

[spinner]: when he sees theo walking by

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: and he said they'll have a word
with him

[magistrate]: fire it up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: ninety nine

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: hundred hundred seven

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: yo theo want to talk

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: to you dude

[melon]: hey

[cobra]: m

[melon]: brody what's up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: he brot me like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: you know me

[melon]: were

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yo'vebeen

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: in the same class for like this
entire semester

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: i go to class i don't go
to class you go to class that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: your problem

[melon]: and you're there

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: how that's how we know each other

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh you think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: you know so much about me dude
you think you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: know everything

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: you always think you're a smart guess
what deal now something about you

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: what is it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: you'd like me to just tell you
but i know one of your dirty little

[spinner]: secrets

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and it's dirty

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: it's real dirty

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: okay man

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: maybe let's not talk about this like

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: the middle of the hallway

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: no no the whole

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: is where i

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: live

[cobra]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to yeah

[spinner]: i breathe hole way okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this is

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: this my house you're just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: walking thou

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: so i got i'm gonna tel you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: which i'm going to tell you something
i'm going to even with you theo for

[spinner]: what you did

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i conna get away with it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: what the hell brody like

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: if you got a problem with me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: don't know like we

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: can talk about

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: like after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: school

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i gotta go chops and trees down
in the woods i mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: ye

[melon]: like guy to guy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: i don't

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: know what the hell is

[spinner]: i

[melon]: that you and like fucking jase do

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i could i could do that too

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: you leave jason's babe out of your
cut mouth

[magistrate]: okay let's let's stop it here

[cobra]: i think

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: it's going to fail

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: to intimidate

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: i think in a weird way it
works because he gets his point across with

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: that he wants to get even a
theo just because he has no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: idea what

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: it is

[cobra]: eh

[magistrate]: doesn't specifically mean

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: he's

[magistrate]: that

[cobra]: he's more anxious

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: than intimidated but

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: he intimidated nevertheless

[magistrate]: he still knows

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: body

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: wants to mess with him so i
think i think he's successful in a twisted

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: sort

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: of way

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that works for me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: christie i think that works

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah yeah i think

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think that that that that takes
the box

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: so i'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: give you advice

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now

[magistrate]: you guys ant just want o finish
that off

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: um tied up into a

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: pretty bow so you have some strings

[spinner]: sure

[magistrate]: to pull on later

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yes okay the you go into the
woods and you chop your wood if that's

[spinner]: what the kids

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: are calling it these days

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: maybe i'll see you

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: there

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: dude

[melon]: i mean because i'm gonna be honestly
but i got no fucking

[spinner]: you

[melon]: idea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: what's going on right now

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: looks like the smart

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: at classes been a little stupid

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: welcome

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to my level

[magistrate]: yea

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and scene

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: ah yes

[spinner]: h yeah

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: who

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: do you want to who do you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[cobra]: to give

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: the die to

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll give that to

[cobra]: spencer

[spinner]: my boy jas

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: b

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: f

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: thanks pro

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: my bro gets my dis put

[melon]: ye

[spinner]: my die on your chest

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: give him the d

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: roll

[spinner]: dang

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: him

[spinner]: em with

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: around

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and chuck him

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: dang with dice on your forehead

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: all right andrew

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: you want to fire off

[melon]: all right

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[melon]: i think it's sort of a

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: afternoon ride after school

[spinner]: i

[melon]: i'm just i'm gonna be calling freak

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: we're just gonna we're just gonna we're
just gonna goss

[spinner]: es yeah

[melon]: cause

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: because

[spinner]: gonna

[melon]: it's

[spinner]: shoot

[melon]: been a

[spinner]: some

[magistrate]: my

[melon]: weird

[spinner]: gust

[melon]: day i think probably for both of

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: us

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m m

[melon]: and my goal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: here is

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: we're going to start scheming against courtney

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: nice

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: and

[spinner]: ich

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: eh

[spinner]: so at though

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: right right

[melon]: i'm also going to try and like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: see if she knows what the hell
is going on with brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: okay so do you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: want to do you want to you
really haven't you set up a goal but

[magistrate]: you really haven't set up this scene
so if you want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to do you want to

[spinner]: where

[magistrate]: end

[spinner]: are

[magistrate]: it

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: or do you want to it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah so i'll i'll start

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: it and

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: so i guess so what will be
happening is i'm going to be walking towards

[melon]: the woods after

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: school and just be on the phone
with with becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: in

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: ring

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hello

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: theo i don't have color i d
but i just felt your energy

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: hey backs um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: does

[cobra]: so

[melon]: it going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it could be better but like it's
nice like it's nice to hear your voice

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like really i just can't i'm having
a really

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking fucked up time but like enough

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: about me let's make it more about
how are you

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: so speaking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: about fucked up times do you know
what the hell is going on with brodie

[melon]: because he just like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: came up to me in the hallway

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: today

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: and he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: makes

[melon]: says

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sense

[melon]: he

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: knows something about me do you think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[melon]: knows

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: surprise

[melon]: we've got all this booze

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i hope not because he gets like
surprisingly when he drinks he gets smart so

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we should keep that away

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: from him next thing you know he'll
be like writing exam

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: prep tests

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and like i don't need that i
need him where

[magistrate]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's at and where

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at

[magistrate]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[cobra]: fucking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like that's

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just

[cobra]: love

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: not

[cobra]: that idea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i really need to turn

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up because

[cobra]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've had a lot going

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on and so i don't think thank
you but

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't see that that's impossible

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's impossible

[melon]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it is impossible

[melon]: cool but

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah so he says he knows something
about me then and so like i said

[melon]: i was going to be in the
woods later on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay sexually

[melon]: and i mean no but i mean
if he's you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[melon]: know if he wants

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: to i don't

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: maybe that's it man

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's pretty fluid when like

[cobra]: yea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: likes a lot of butt stuff but
like that's not my vibe right now

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but i have to get pretty drunk
in order

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get there but like you

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know i keep sucking with him because

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you know like he's my man an
stuff but like fucking courtney sorry

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i just have to let this out
like she

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: keeps

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hating on him in the hall where
you know how brodie won't leave the hallway

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: until

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's threatened by principal vander pen but

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's like fucking courtney

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a like yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah tell me about

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: it yesterday i was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just

[melon]: just walking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: go

[melon]: by

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: go

[melon]: and she just kept talking shop about
being like like she thinks she can't like

[melon]: i can't hear her i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wow

[melon]: understand like what our deal is but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i know what her deal is her

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: voice is her outside

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: voice she has no inside voice

[melon]: you think that there's any way we
could like fucking

[magistrate]: y

[melon]: get rody there's deal with courtney somehow

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: oh right so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: let's pause here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: how do we want to end this

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you guys end it for us right

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[cobra]: mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that the

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: idea

[cobra]: think i think he got he will
get his way

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to get back here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: to talk to brody about it

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: sure hone percent so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: so then

[spinner]: at

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: is it is becky going to talk
to brody about the check out the boose

[magistrate]: or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: fuck with

[spinner]: no about dealing

[magistrate]: courtney

[spinner]: with courtney fucking

[melon]: to deal

[spinner]: with

[melon]: with

[spinner]: corney

[melon]: courtney because

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: i think neither of us want brody
to know about the boots that we have

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: because then

[magistrate]: excuse

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: me

[melon]: they'll start doing but stuff and getting

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: we can't have that okay so

[cobra]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't think

[cobra]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'd

[cobra]: a dangerous

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: go with this

[cobra]: combination

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: go find square root of a butt

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: three point one four

[magistrate]: wow okay so let's so let's say
it's a success

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: and that theo was gonna successfully convince
becky to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: get brody on the case of courtney

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and maybe

[melon]: some

[cobra]: probe to

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: see what brodie knows right because that
was the other

[magistrate]: let's

[cobra]: objective

[magistrate]: just keep the

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: one thing it seems like

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: they're good on the alcohol um so

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: i mean

[magistrate]: at

[cobra]: because

[melon]: like

[cobra]: brodie oh i see what you mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: because he thinks

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: well it wasn't established a d they
think it's the alcohol but they don't know

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: right

[melon]: yeah because how do we have no
way of knowing

[magistrate]: i would

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: think you you would only you know

[cobra]: just don't

[magistrate]: one

[cobra]: talk about it and hope it goes
away because it's brody

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: basically

[magistrate]: i think i

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: think i think picking one thing here
makes sense instead of making multiple

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: things the threads will get unravelled too
quickly so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the focus here is getting

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: even with courtney that's their need right

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: at work

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: and if theo thinks that that it's
about the booze all

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: all that becky has to do is
just not talk about it so that's fine

[magistrate]: yeah the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: bois just an object and so the
need is courtney the and so i think

[magistrate]: serving the need

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: makes sense at this point

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: then

[cobra]: my

[magistrate]: if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: if and when body gets into

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the liquor we'll deal with that

[melon]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah so theo

[spinner]: a little

[cobra]: gets

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: gets

[spinner]: little

[magistrate]: spoiler

[cobra]: a white

[spinner]: check

[cobra]: die

[spinner]: off

[magistrate]: alert

[spinner]: check

[magistrate]: he

[spinner]: off

[magistrate]: will

[spinner]: gun

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: check off food

[cobra]: check

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: up

[melon]: so

[cobra]: booze yeah

[magistrate]: andrew who do you wan to give

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: die

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to

[melon]: if we're sicking

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: if we're sicking brodie and courtney atherton

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: then the least i can do is
give him a die

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: that works for me

[cobra]: or to

[magistrate]: brodie

[cobra]: brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: rody

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: i don't believe we're

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: restricted to giving out certain i think
we have to give out a certain number

[magistrate]: of color of die each session right
in act one

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: in act

[cobra]: just

[magistrate]: two

[cobra]: a number of diet

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: it's just gonna

[cobra]: doesn't

[magistrate]: be

[cobra]: really

[magistrate]: ten

[cobra]: matter

[magistrate]: d

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: no i

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: guess

[cobra]: just has to be it just has
to be ten it doesn't

[magistrate]: sure

[cobra]: matter which callers

[magistrate]: i'll check

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: go

[magistrate]: because it is

[cobra]: the problem

[magistrate]: you do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: you do roll them and you add
up the numbers for the tilt table right

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ones that are left yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and then it's the two people that
have the most black

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and the most white dye they pick
the two things

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: but that's that's let's finish

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: the first round first and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: then we'll figure out what the tea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: table

[magistrate]: i just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: has

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: just want to make sure we're giving
up that we're not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: because we get

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: four

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: doesn't matter

[magistrate]: four whites

[cobra]: to callers

[magistrate]: in one block and i just want
to make sure okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: back to

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: becky

[cobra]: second scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so okay so could just do it

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a little a little linearly right

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so she gets off the phone

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so i guess like it's early evening
she's got off the phone with the and

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she's

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going to go and check on brodie
and see what's going on

[cobra]: go back to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[cobra]: the hall way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah we don't know where we don't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know where brodie lives

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: um and it's like

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's strangely like it's like five p
m and brodie's still in the hall way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: working

[cobra]: doing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out

[cobra]: curls

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and so she who knows

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he could be doing air squats and
like the teachers of god the teachers are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just teachers of go home mostly so
she just rolls up to him should i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just kick it off kind of thing

[cobra]: so you want to set it up
and then we serve it result

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes so she just like so like
like door slant light closes behind her and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she's like

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going through the hall and she finds
she checks

[spinner]: ythrtyfour

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: different halls finds brodie approaches broad

[spinner]: five

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: keep working

[spinner]: thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on

[spinner]: four

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your counting there you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: go

[spinner]: three

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: o

[spinner]: four

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's what we're doing

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: thirty five

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: pyramids your delt okay glistening you have
a shirt with

[spinner]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it was sir

[spinner]: zero

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was sir i didn't

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know that was the thing

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: shirt shirt

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay so we need to talk so
um what what's what's what's what's the deal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with you and courtney like i'm

[spinner]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't i'm hearing things that i
need to know what's going on in that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: skull of yours

[spinner]: oh hey bay when do you get

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the fuck

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've been talking

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you piece of okay

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: you know how i am with words

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: breath

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so why is why

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did courtney approach you

[melon]: yeh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't like this

[melon]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i need to clutch my

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: crystal and breathe

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: courtney

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what's happening

[spinner]: approach me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: lord okay in heaven

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what do i need to do

[cobra]: i'm right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: here brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: what the flock

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay wow so you just show up
out of nowhere you just decided to crawl

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the locker knowing a bitch was talking
to her man's thought

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you corny

[cobra]: all

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: god

[cobra]: bitch

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[cobra]: don't know what your problem is with
me okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: listen

[cobra]: you're a bitch

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he was he

[cobra]: you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was alone

[cobra]: a back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: when i

[cobra]: you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: approached

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: bitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: him listen

[cobra]: i'm just gonna go

[spinner]: ladies

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: ladies

[cobra]: brody

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: ladies

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: take a walk before you get caught

[cobra]: brownie

[spinner]: ladies

[cobra]: i will talk to you later okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i will cut you with my protractor

[melon]: yea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie concentrate

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i contact

[cobra]: she she walks away card this

[spinner]: wait

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: courtney

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i can beg

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wait

[spinner]: both

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney

[spinner]: of you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what the

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: slashes brodie's got

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with her protractor

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: uh h babe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: that took me

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: nine months to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: grow

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: focus

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bitch

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did she want

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what did she want

[spinner]: or you know what cordywanwas bang the
fucking poster what does every

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: woman want every man

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's no

[spinner]: every

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but you

[spinner]: every lab frog they want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: listen

[spinner]: the same thing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how many told you how many times
have i told you that courtney is a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: siren and will fucking get you to
do whatever she

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wants when will

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you get that through your your brain

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: why do why don't you listen so

[spinner]: that the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: make

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you do things you don't

[spinner]: tough you're giving

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: me advice for why i should pursue

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no no

[spinner]: h h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: dead

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no sweet no this

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is not if

[spinner]: re

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[spinner]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: were

[spinner]: going to do but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if you

[spinner]: stuff

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: were look

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: okay so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like yo

[magistrate]: let's let's

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: pause here

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: um remind us

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: again

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: purpose

[cobra]: i think

[magistrate]: of the

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: did not

[spinner]: i for i

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: know what

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: his goal

[cobra]: did not

[spinner]: is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that was that that did not work

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: your

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[spinner]: goal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: went

[cobra]: he did

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[cobra]: get

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: goal

[cobra]: his goal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[magistrate]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: goal was to find

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what brodie and courtney we're up to

[spinner]: were

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was

[spinner]: discussing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going on between

[spinner]: something

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: them one person was

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: trying to

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i didn't know i didn't know me
and corny talked

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like the plot needs you to get

[spinner]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: liquor

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah that that did not

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: work

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out at all

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: so yeah

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: think

[magistrate]: think

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: good

[cobra]: a black dye

[magistrate]: so we'll give you a block

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: ye for that so the

[spinner]: anyone

[magistrate]: way

[spinner]: who tries to get anything done with

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: is a black

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: the way it's

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[magistrate]: to end i think

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: it ends badly for for becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: but not in the like she gets
what she wants she gets information out of

[magistrate]: brodie in order to convince him she
has to

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: offer he has to be like offer
him alcohol

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: m

[cobra]: to to be able

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: to have the conversation in the end

[magistrate]: no just well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: just like you

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: know brody obviously loves alcohol and banging

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: so it's just like it's like body
can't get alcohol

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: and it's hard to get right he's
a high school student so it's like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: she'll

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: be like if you if you tell
me what's gon between you and courtney for

[magistrate]: real then i'll get you something like
i don't know he probably loves like fucking

[magistrate]: apple side or something right

[spinner]: i love apple cider bro

[magistrate]: so like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: she

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: why

[cobra]: some sort

[magistrate]: she loses

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: you have

[magistrate]: by

[cobra]: more

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: mike's hard

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: lemonade

[cobra]: some

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: some sort

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: a some sort

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: of a cooler like a wine cooler

[magistrate]: yeah like a white wine spritzer

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you've got

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah there you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: you've got white cloth dude

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: legend

[magistrate]: so so i think that

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: chris loses because now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: now he is on

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to the cash

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: he had to give something up in
order to get his information so we get

[magistrate]: the information

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: but he loses the scene because he's
giving up something he doesn't want brady to

[magistrate]: have

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: which is smart juice

[spinner]: should we

[magistrate]: as it turns out

[spinner]: we're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: going to act out that offer

[cobra]: yeah yeah go ahead

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay look like can do this like
look at me in my eyes and not

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at my nipples for once for

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: once

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for once look up

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: look up

[spinner]: your eyes oh your eyes you met

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: your thighs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what if

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: god damn it what

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if okay listen you like you like
to drink you like booze you want

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a party

[spinner]: do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right okay

[spinner]: i like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: to drink

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what if i gave you what if
i got you like just hooked up and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we have a little party of our
own leader on

[spinner]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[spinner]: got booth

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: then we just talk about yes

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can get it don't worry

[spinner]: what do you have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my look shut the fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up you know i've got white claw

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: i love to get my claw

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: off you know i love

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: to get my claw off

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so like

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: listen like

[cobra]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there's still like

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just because the halways empty

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: doesn't mean people aren't listening courtney just
came out the sucking

[spinner]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: woodwork licking where was

[spinner]: curtis

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she i

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: hot

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get

[cobra]: not

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it yeah

[cobra]: here

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: becky

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh my god bitch i'll still cut
you with my

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: protractor and compass this time

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we'll just set this up you come
over to my house at like nine thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: one will be home or like we'll
just i'll bring you into the basement like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back door and then we'll just like
have our own conversation maybe it'll be a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: seance i

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't say which what

[spinner]: what do you mean

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: when you say nine thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[spinner]: those numbers

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what's

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on your

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: look at

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your wrist you have a watch just
because it's as micky mouth on it that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: doesn't

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mean the numbers don't work

[spinner]: like the clock

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's still

[spinner]: numbers

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes the clock when when the little
hand in the and go here in here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: make sure you're at my place thank

[spinner]: when i get the clock handy then
we're good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[cobra]: yeh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[spinner]: little

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[spinner]: hands

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's i don't know how

[cobra]: yeh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you made

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that sexual

[spinner]: okay i'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[spinner]: be

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i'll be there

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[spinner]: you

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: just you just have the wet claw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: and

[melon]: well

[spinner]: we'll

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: we'll do but stuff whatever you want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well that's your thing but okay this
is this okay good

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: deal right

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: see

[magistrate]: scene

[spinner]: at six thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: from down

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the hall she's like fuck

[magistrate]: yeah all right good

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: should go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: well for nobody as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: who do you want to give that
black dye to chris

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: yeah he deserves

[spinner]: duke

[cobra]: deserves it he

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: fucking deserves it

[magistrate]: just punishment

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: i can feel

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i can feel

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: crisis

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: real anger coming through

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: goddamn it yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i have to use it i have
to channel it it's great

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the perfect

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: couple

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: um okay i think so right now
the party is just becky and brodie and

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: so i think what i want to
have happened here is oh i want

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: like

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: the whole school to show up to

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to becky's

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: for this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: party

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: at nine thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: at nine thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: later

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: i just want i wanted to be
like the whole school

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: at the the party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: makes sense

[magistrate]: so so i guess the end result
is i want the end result

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: of school showing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: up to becky's and

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: you want a white die then

[magistrate]: well no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: i don't think jenna intentionally tries to
do it

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: i just want the end result of
the scene is that

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: everybody's coming to becky's cause think it'd
be good for the story but that could

[magistrate]: be a failure

[cobra]: right right

[magistrate]: for gena in the

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: sense that and that's like that's maybe

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: picked

[magistrate]: set up

[cobra]: them

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: of what

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: ending is

[cobra]: if you're resolving

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you have to

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: pick

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: so i think

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: jena

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: confronts courtney atherton because jenna sticking up
for her girl becky and courtney was probably

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: listening in on

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: the whole conversation between beck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: and rode

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: she

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was

[cobra]: for sure

[magistrate]: for sure right

[spinner]: probably

[magistrate]: and so i think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: think courtney courtney and gen i get
into like a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: screen screaming match and like the middle

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: of a quad or something and so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: basically yells out there's a party of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: and everybody is invited and so like
enough people in the quad here that they

[magistrate]: end up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: filtering the information out through the rest
of the day so she's like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and so

[magistrate]: gives

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on

[magistrate]: it up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: in front of a bunch of people

[cobra]: so then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: i goes bad for her

[melon]: my

[magistrate]: i think it goes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: bad for geneva

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: okay so when a black dye you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: want to act it

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: out

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: with with courtney

[magistrate]: are

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: you are you courtney

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: sure

[magistrate]: you're my courtney

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: sure

[magistrate]: so i'm just going to catch up
to court

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: and like

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: let's say

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: i don't know maybe the quad is
not a good example but just like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: outside the school there's like a place
where verybody goes to smoke right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: so like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: jane walks out there like courtney what
the fuck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh it's you jenny

[magistrate]: can't you just fucking leave becky alone

[cobra]: i didn't give a hit of a
becky bitch can about his brodie you seen

[cobra]: the size of his arm

[magistrate]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you mean are you dumber than met

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: yah

[melon]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: no i mean no bitch

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: what are you saying

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: to me

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: right now at this moment

[magistrate]: stay

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: have

[magistrate]: funk

[cobra]: no big words

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: shot

[magistrate]: say

[cobra]: fuck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: great job stay the funk away from

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: girl's man

[cobra]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: i win

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: okay i need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: to take a totally

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: different

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: tract at you

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: courtney

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i was talking

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: and

[melon]: a

[magistrate]: i was talking to jase steve in
all him jase goddamn it i was talking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to steve and steve told

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: that

[cobra]: huh

[magistrate]: brodie

[spinner]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: doesn't want to have

[melon]: a

[magistrate]: sex with you because

[cobra]: too late what

[spinner]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: because the

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: last time you had sex he had
sex with you

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: you didn't want to do but stuff

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it grows how do you know oh
my god it's true

[magistrate]: everybody knows

[cobra]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: all brody wants

[cobra]: brody

[magistrate]: his butt stuff

[cobra]: where is that bitch does becky does
becky too but stuff with brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i no focus

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: courtney you stupid pitch

[cobra]: oh my god becky's

[magistrate]: focus

[cobra]: a butt bitch oh

[magistrate]: what

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: what's

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: my

[magistrate]: that got to

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: do with

[cobra]: my

[magistrate]: anything

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[cobra]: oh my heavens

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it's a put pitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: i need you to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: drive

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: this to

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: the party

[magistrate]: the party

[cobra]: h so i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: think i think you just you know

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: you can say

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: whatever you do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: don't show up at

[spinner]: just

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: the party

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: they're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: having

[spinner]: yeah just be like you just got
uninvited to my party and then you

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: can

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: don't know

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i don't know the parties happening courtney

[spinner]: it's that

[magistrate]: of courtney has to give it

[cobra]: carney

[magistrate]: up

[cobra]: does

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: because it's

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: a becky's

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: house right

[spinner]: all right

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: at

[cobra]: i'll

[spinner]: becky's

[cobra]: do it

[magistrate]: i think so what happens here is
like after i got it so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: after you say

[cobra]: ay

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: becky is a butt pitch

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: jetta

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: jetta just fucking

[spinner]: oscar

[magistrate]: open hand

[spinner]: winning

[magistrate]: slaps

[spinner]: scene

[magistrate]: courtney

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: across the face

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: and she's ike don't you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m yeah

[magistrate]: ever sorry let me get my voice
on here

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: don't you ever say that about my
girl becky again or i will end you

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you big handed horror what

[melon]: uh

[cobra]: do you do what the fuck is

[magistrate]: yes

[cobra]: wrong with you know why

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you know what

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: pitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[melon]: h

[cobra]: you know why tennis

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: for tennis record

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: hint

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: you're uninvited

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: from backs party this night okay

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: becky's

[cobra]: not

[magistrate]: having

[cobra]: coming

[magistrate]: a party and she didn't even fight

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: she's not fuck no she's not fucking

[magistrate]: where's the party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: courtney

[cobra]: fucking

[magistrate]: tell me

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: or i'll

[cobra]: i'm

[magistrate]: slap

[cobra]: not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: going

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: again

[cobra]: not going to tell you tamborine hands

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: fuck you

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: jesus

[magistrate]: totally run

[cobra]: those

[magistrate]: potash

[cobra]: things and those things are like or
is what the fuck it's a broad

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[cobra]: house her i'm sorry i don't know

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: you ran my brain

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: you hear that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[spinner]: the party things party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[spinner]: party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my god

[spinner]: party

[magistrate]: parabacgys

[spinner]: says

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[magistrate]: house

[spinner]: party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[spinner]: pass

[cobra]: see

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: you did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: see you

[spinner]: party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[cobra]: see

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: what you

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: party

[cobra]: did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party party

[spinner]: party

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[spinner]: party

[cobra]: fucking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: get out

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: of here

[cobra]: funks

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: fucking him who gave you those hands

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: a year what the

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: fuck

[magistrate]: and sine

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: goodness that was that was good that
was good

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[cobra]: all right

[spinner]: as i like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[spinner]: you you're

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: starting like a musical

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[spinner]: party

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: parartparty

[spinner]: party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party party back

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: already have a black dye took i
took to number two

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: because i don't think i need

[cobra]: did

[magistrate]: that one yeah i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: because that would be

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: let's put them both

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: back

[melon]: no

[magistrate]: that's six right

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: there yeah so just the one

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: you had okay

[magistrate]: i'm gonna

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: give this black die to becky because
she s to get her host the worst

[magistrate]: party in the history of

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: taman space

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: sorry sorry

[cobra]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: makes

[magistrate]: bex

[cobra]: sense

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's fine it's

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fine we're

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going to work

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with this

[cobra]: so so for

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: me i

[melon]: i

[cobra]: think we need

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: to resolve

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: the funk happened

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: in the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: school library

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: before

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: m

[spinner]: good idea

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: ah um

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm going

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: to set it up and then you
guys figure out what like if it goes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: well or not for me i have
a feeling

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: it's not going to

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: go out for me but let's go
so it's this is like in the morning

[magistrate]: y

[cobra]: right you are going this cool and
you're going to do library stuff with back

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: in the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: morning so i would say it's

[magistrate]: at

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: lunch time

[cobra]: so it's right before

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: lunch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: time

[magistrate]: yep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: or where it's like like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: right at lunch time

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: i'm arriving at the library

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: as

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: my babe i mean my master anna
told me to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so i'm arriving there and so are

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and jenna and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you got like so is jena actually
going to do what she said she was

[cobra]: going to do like

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: summon a demon or try to or

[magistrate]: so i'd say like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to keep stephen involved i think steve
is going to keep look out

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: but he's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so dumb that he's just goin to
basically be down there with them and then

[magistrate]: verso

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah so that

[magistrate]: casually look

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: what i was going to say like
you guys are going to go there and

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and steve the idiot that he is

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: ah oh

[cobra]: reading

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: old books

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[cobra]: means having sex

[magistrate]: right and

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: i think

[cobra]: wants to watch

[magistrate]: yeah so i think

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: and maybe jump in

[magistrate]: if so the set up is you're
going to watch and you're going to find

[magistrate]: out what what what is the goal
that steve would want out of this scenario

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: steve would like

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: to watch gena and becky having sex

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: which automatically makes it a bad one
but that's fine

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: because there's no unless it's going to
happen i don't know

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's up to you guys but but

[spinner]: never

[cobra]: so that's

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: the goal the goal

[magistrate]: can

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: we

[cobra]: he wants to because he wants

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: to make brody jealous of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: of that as well

[magistrate]: right right can we can we say
that steve has never had sex and is

[magistrate]: so naive

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: that he doesn't know

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: what sex is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: sure why

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: why not he

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: thinks he has

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: had sex but he has never

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: actually has

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: right

[melon]: he just

[cobra]: the most

[melon]: held

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: he's

[melon]: hands

[cobra]: done is like

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: second base second base at most

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: yeah okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so that's good and then so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: so he's going in hoping

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to get some sort of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: farther on the basis with both

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: and and jenna

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: his overall coal

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we want to we want to so
we're going to start out but i think

[magistrate]: i hate i think the goal just
because we have

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: becky and jenna involved her and it
will help the scene

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i think becky

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: and jenna are just trying to come

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the plan what their plan is

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: two to quote quote get even with
the school by going

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: through the called books right

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i got a

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and so so they're

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: trying to come up

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: with a solution for that and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: we can decide if that gets solved
or not as we go through the scene

[cobra]: right okay

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: like so

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: steve is going to be the worst
look out of in history

[magistrate]: right and so

[cobra]: immediately

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: you guys go

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: in and he goes in after

[magistrate]: yeah perfect and just

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: so we we understand timing um all
this stuff

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: that happened with the party and the

[cobra]: is after

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that happened

[cobra]: that's all

[magistrate]: like

[cobra]: after

[magistrate]: at the end of the school day

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[melon]: yep

[cobra]: exactly

[magistrate]: so when

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: when jena and becky are talking at
that point there's no party plan

[cobra]: yeah there's no party plan

[magistrate]: yeah okay

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: okay so cut to cut to the

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: cult library

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: under under the school library

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[cobra]: so gen i will say the start
of the scene is jenna and becky

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: are walking in and then

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: jenna telling steve what to do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: and we go from there

[magistrate]: yeah becky it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: going to be so good we're going
to find exactly what we need to get

[magistrate]: even with all

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: these bitches especially that bitch corny atherton

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: because bucker were gonna find a perfect

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: solution for all your problem i swear
to god

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i hope

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so because it's like

[cobra]: o

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sometimes

[cobra]: o o

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: babes what's up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: steve keep your voice down

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we like you

[cobra]: this is my inside voice

[magistrate]: i need your

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: scared of the dark voice

[cobra]: i'm not scaring

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: the dark baby not in front

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: of becky baby it was one time

[magistrate]: okay just

[cobra]: one time baby

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: keep it keep it quiet and then

[melon]: eh

[magistrate]: you won't have any problems okay steve

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: all right

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: baby it's fine yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: you go do your secret

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: cheat i'll keep a look

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: out yeah

[magistrate]: okay but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: shut

[cobra]: are you lacking back what the fuck
does brodie know you leak what the fuck

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no it's called cushing

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shust

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[magistrate]: just stay here

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: and be quiet and if you hear
anybody coming

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i want you to

[cobra]: coming yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: want to hear somebody

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: coming

[magistrate]: right here steve and you to look
me in the eyes

[cobra]: yeah babe

[magistrate]: what color

[cobra]: i mean

[magistrate]: are my

[cobra]: hardy

[magistrate]: eyes steve steve what color of my

[cobra]: i don't know some weird red

[magistrate]: i don't sink your looking at my
eyes stephen

[cobra]: oh those are your pant sorry

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what oh

[magistrate]: stephen

[cobra]: blue

[magistrate]: good good good job stephen

[cobra]: who's stebabemy name is j

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: babe babe

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: steve when someone

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: comes i need you to hoot like
an owl

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: can can

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: hoot like an owl

[cobra]: what's a hoot and

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: what's an owl

[magistrate]: oh my god just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: going good bye becky let's go

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i hope i don't yes

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: let's let's let's

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do

[magistrate]: swear

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[magistrate]: to god

[cobra]: yeah let's go

[magistrate]: he's

[cobra]: let's

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: go

[magistrate]: only person dumber

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you're supposed

[magistrate]: than

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to stay

[magistrate]: brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there how do we get into because
there they've got they've got big foot tongs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i forgot but i like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to remember

[magistrate]: that's fair okay so becky

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what do you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: what do you want to do how
do you want to curse these people you

[magistrate]: wan to gemcursdyou

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: want to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: like all the boys

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you got

[magistrate]: penuses shrink up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's also tempting mars

[cobra]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bar size

[cobra]: be

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: no that's the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: why

[cobra]: only

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are you

[cobra]: good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: still

[cobra]: thing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here

[cobra]: i

[melon]: a

[cobra]: have

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm looking out at

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you isn't that what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you're

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: supposed

[cobra]: wanted

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to say that door

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: down the

[cobra]: hi

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hole

[cobra]: am

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i supposed

[cobra]: him

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to stay there

[cobra]: how am i

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: going to look

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: at you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[cobra]: in your you're you're as dumb as

[melon]: uh

[cobra]: and that's saying something

[melon]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: i yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is not doing anything for my

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: chalcas

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: today gena

[cobra]: how can

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: please

[cobra]: i look at you too if i'm
out there

[magistrate]: stephen

[cobra]: though

[magistrate]: stephen

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: gen a handle

[cobra]: who

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[magistrate]: stephen

[cobra]: who who's here

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: oh i'm stephen

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: turn around i need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to look behind you to see if
it comes in

[cobra]: how can i be my eyes are
in front of me how am i going

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: to look behind me

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: ye

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: stephen what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can you like

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: what do you think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: gena can't you like charm him or
something like you're

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: supposed like like tap

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: into like you're

[melon]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the vamp like can't you just like
control him

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: so let's that's good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[magistrate]: let's let's pause the scene there

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: you know

[magistrate]: how is this

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: going to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: end for for chase

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: i think obviously he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: doesn't

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: get to see them have sect because
it's not going to happen

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: but i think it ends

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: badly because

[melon]: up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: he gets he gets so much on
both of their

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: my

[cobra]: nerves

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: that like gena has to do something
about it like like beck

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: suggested

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: maybe

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: like charm him or raise his memory
or something like that

[melon]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[cobra]: maybe even i raise his memory so
much that he forgets the murder something like

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: question

[cobra]: it doesn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: clip

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: clarifying question the relationship between a vampire
and a thrall like doesn't

[cobra]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: does the does the vampire does the
vampire have the ability to like command like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: actually

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: could and

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[cobra]: would

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thrall

[cobra]: i would think so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't know i felt i thought

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: would

[magistrate]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: be

[magistrate]: could

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the case

[magistrate]: do it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[magistrate]: every

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i was just on

[magistrate]: one but like i think up to

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: point jena is reluctant to actually used
steve as a thrall for for reasons maybe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: but but we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[magistrate]: can have gent do something i'm not
going to raise the murder because that would

[magistrate]: be too convenient for steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: actually it wouldn't be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: it wouldn't

[magistrate]: think

[cobra]: be convenient because he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: would have to get away with it
without knowing

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: about

[magistrate]: fair

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: but i think i

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: think jenna

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: jetta will

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: imprint a memory in his head that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: he saw someone having

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: sex or he saw himself having sex
was all fake

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: or like maybe something like maybe it's
not sex but it's maybe it's like

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: i don't know i want something along
like that so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: like he's convinced something that happened didn't
happen and maybe it's not sex right

[cobra]: yeah so

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: i think what jennie can do is
convinced steve that she raised that he saw

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: eh

[cobra]: and she raised it as a punishment

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: even though nothing happened

[magistrate]: so raised

[melon]: that

[magistrate]: what

[melon]: seems needlessly complicated

[magistrate]: raised what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: true you raised

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: the memory but yeah it is it
is needlessly complicated

[magistrate]: spencer we need we need your assistance
we need your creative

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: which

[magistrate]: juices

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: which memory though

[spinner]: just have him think that he that
he saw them having sex

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: he thought he's

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: a and becky

[spinner]: yeah you put that that's the thought
he wanted to have yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: or make him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[melon]: think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: memory he had

[melon]: or you can do something with your

[spinner]: i

[melon]: object

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: you haven't

[cobra]: oh that's

[melon]: really talked

[cobra]: true

[melon]: about

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: that

[magistrate]: oh that's good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: that's perfect

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a good idea

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: the the

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: the object will

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: work

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it in and i know exactly how
we're goin to work it

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: in um

[cobra]: the performance

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: enhancing

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: drugs

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: no no no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's it's yeah yeah yeah okay

[cobra]: because that that works

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: they don't even have to use like
they could just give him drugs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah okay so perfect so

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: might have the same similar affliction to
brody instead

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: of him becoming smart he becomes competent
so he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: actually becomes a lookout something like that

[magistrate]: i'm just going to give you drugs
and you can figure it out from there

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: okay so so jenna is like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at

[magistrate]: okay steve listen do you think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we were i do stuff down here

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay well so fair point um what
you need to do first though is you

[magistrate]: need to take these pills little blue
pills you know little blue pills due steve

[cobra]: i don't need babe i don't need

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: babes

[magistrate]: you don't need them but it makes
that so much better

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: for you specifically it's all for the
guy in the scenario

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: even

[cobra]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: makes sense

[magistrate]: becky backed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: me up even even brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: takes

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: these

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah brodie like he he downs like
half a bottle

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and then we go all

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: night

[cobra]: oh man when

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: brodie drinks i can't understand a thing
he says it's so bad

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm talking about the

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: pills the pills are for other fun
times and they're fun

[magistrate]: yep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wink wink

[cobra]: yeah if brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: has him i'll have him

[melon]: but

[magistrate]: okay so you take

[cobra]: he's

[magistrate]: these

[cobra]: my brow

[magistrate]: yea so you've got to take these

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: then once they take effect

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: then we can definitely

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: know talk about maybe potentially doing some

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: stuff

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it'll be

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fine

[cobra]: give me four then instead of two

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay and drink some water

[magistrate]: perfect

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wash it down

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: properly

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: i don't

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: open

[cobra]: water

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your

[cobra]: bitch

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: i just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: eat

[magistrate]: great

[cobra]: them

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: so the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[magistrate]: pills are not viagara

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: what do we want the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: pills to be

[cobra]: its performance enhancing drugs so

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: make it like it's like the limitless

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: drug that

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: makes you a genius

[magistrate]: now

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i think

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: what

[spinner]: no

[melon]: actually make it like riddling and he
just has

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: on diagnosed a d d

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's good

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yes yea

[cobra]: so it's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a aderolit's

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: ederalbusicaly

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: you just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: s

[magistrate]: said

[melon]: after

[magistrate]: a

[melon]: all

[cobra]: all

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: he

[cobra]: trenches

[magistrate]: pops the

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: aderall

[cobra]: pills and yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: fine and

[spinner]: then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: we'll

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: leave unresolved

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: like we leave we leave that scene

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: now

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: becky

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: and jenna have picked what they're going
to do but we have no

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: idea what it is based on the

[cobra]: and i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: got a black dye right

[magistrate]: yeah you got to give it up

[cobra]: well since jenna didn't do the stuff
that jase wanted her to do you get

[cobra]: the black dye

[magistrate]: a harsh but fair

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: brody what do you got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: um m okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so brodie is

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: it's going to the woods this is
before the party

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: obviously and and after

[spinner]: brodie talked to to theo he followed
him into the woods because he thought he

[spinner]: was up to something suspicious

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: maybe

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: killing someone else

[magistrate]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: immediately like as soon as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the left

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: like like look right after

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: he wants to

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: beat up theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so is that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: he's trying to get even with them
right now

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: beating up up to scare ment and
never talking about the murder or admitting i

[magistrate]: guess in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: your brain

[spinner]: to conto

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: confessing

[magistrate]: confession

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: u

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a crime you didn't commit

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't care

[magistrate]: okay so

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: so we need you to

[spinner]: he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: um m we just basically need you
to kick that off and then we'll see

[magistrate]: how it goes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: and we'll decide if you

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: re a passer of fail

[spinner]: hey

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: long time no

[cobra]: yah ah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: no no no

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: no

[cobra]: no

[melon]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: hey hey brodie

[magistrate]: yah

[melon]: what's up oh yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: so we're in the woods now i'm

[spinner]: i

[melon]: whatever you and like chase to like
figure out what the hell you guys are

[melon]: like talking about like maybe we should
just do that

[spinner]: that

[melon]: because i still have no god am
idea what you mean by sir

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: is that a change in your pocket
or you just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: happen to see it bro

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: no no this is serious

[melon]: i'm not

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: happy to see you but it is
a train saw

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: okay fine

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: i know what you did

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: last

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: summer

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: man so you've got it all

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i don't you don't know what you're
talking about

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: but

[spinner]: listen

[melon]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: everybody says i dont know

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: what i'm talking about i think they
don't know what i'm talking but i think

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[spinner]: they don't know

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: what i know that they don't

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: know

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: come here and see

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm gonna

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: grab you by the fray little

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: throat

[melon]: so bad

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: you gotta tell me

[magistrate]: so here's what i think already from

[cobra]: it's gonna be bad

[magistrate]: it's going to be bad brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: is going to tell

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: theo exactly what happened

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: so now that makes to get away
with murder

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: that much harder

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: because

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: brod

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: s trying

[cobra]: probably

[magistrate]: to get him

[cobra]: also

[magistrate]: admitted

[cobra]: gonna get cut on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: on the chain saw

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: possibly

[cobra]: cause he throttled a person with a
chain n their hands

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i mean yeah

[melon]: it's not

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: running right now but like maybe i'll
like nick

[spinner]: you grab

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: turn it on a nix brodie

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so maybe yu don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: give away all the information about the
murder but you give away that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: committed a murder right so like theo
doesn't know everything but now it's just like

[magistrate]: or you did something

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you did

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: something really bad and so

[spinner]: i'll

[magistrate]: like theo's

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: just like wait

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: he admits to to the thing that
jase did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: no no

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: not admits to it but he's going
to like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: you gonta give him theo

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: all the

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: pieces

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: to figure out what happened basically

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: and i think and then so maybe
because because theo also has

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: the need to get even maybe

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the person

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that was killed was actually like

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: someone theo knew

[spinner]: m

[melon]: yea because this has been like a
few days

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: after right because

[magistrate]: what

[melon]: this happened the murder happened in a
flash back

[magistrate]: i would say

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: the murder

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: happened

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: in the summer and now we're at
christmas so it's been like

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: four months

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: jesus okay

[spinner]: sounds good

[cobra]: and and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: was maybe maybe theo is theo russell
and we killed chad russell his cousin

[magistrate]: you killed

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: tommy toferston

[spinner]: no no tom an ger

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no tommy

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: topers

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: lost in

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: you got lost in

[cobra]: that's

[melon]: that's

[spinner]: brodie's

[cobra]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[cobra]: we

[melon]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get

[spinner]: web

[melon]: who

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sucked

[melon]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in

[melon]: think

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get

[cobra]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sucked

[cobra]: think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to their stupor

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't get sucked

[cobra]: tommy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in

[cobra]: tommy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sucked in

[cobra]: topers

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[cobra]: on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[cobra]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's hilarious

[cobra]: best black cross player in history

[magistrate]: i'm too far

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hilarious

[magistrate]: in

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you can't be just you can't be
playing a dude

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: disguised

[spinner]: to recap

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: as another dude who thought he killed
another dude

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[spinner]: a jas killed

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: chad russell

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: but brodie

[cobra]: and now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: thinks

[cobra]: brodie

[spinner]: but

[melon]: that

[spinner]: brodie thinks

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: killed

[spinner]: theo

[melon]: toby tofferson

[spinner]: killed

[cobra]: tommy

[spinner]: tommy

[cobra]: toper

[spinner]: tofferson

[cobra]: son

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: correct

[cobra]: exactly

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh ship that's okay

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: and and

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: by confronting you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: brodie

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: is going

[spinner]: worry

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: to admit to having killed

[magistrate]: eh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m ye

[cobra]: both

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: chad

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: russell

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: and

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: metoperson to the

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: don't think

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: it goes that far i just think

[cobra]: uh h

[magistrate]: brody admits to

[spinner]: i got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: it don't worry

[magistrate]: to something

[cobra]: knowing

[magistrate]: yea

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: yea

[cobra]: okay if you're

[magistrate]: let him

[cobra]: gone

[magistrate]: feel

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: like

[cobra]: got it that's

[magistrate]: brody

[cobra]: fine

[magistrate]: admits something that gets theo

[cobra]: and it's going

[magistrate]: in

[cobra]: to be be bad for body right

[magistrate]: the get even yeah

[spinner]: all right

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: chuck up dude i know what you
did four months ago

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: don't know what you're talking about and
stop hitting me fuck

[spinner]: shut up keep talking no

[melon]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: shut up when you're talking to me

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: no dude due i was there dude
i saw you

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: kill legendary the cross

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: player

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: tommy doberson he

[melon]: well

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: the funny last yo last

[spinner]: last

[melon]: summer

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: summer

[melon]: who killed ho

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: don't play dumb with me that's my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i saw you kill

[melon]: ye

[spinner]: tommy thomperson

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: who for some rea and was wearing

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: glasses and had freckles which he doesn't
normally have

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: but there he was my brain is
like playing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: puzzles

[magistrate]: he was under he was under cover

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: special

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: across assignment

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he was he was he was
in the deep

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: state

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: for the cross team

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: my brain feels

[cobra]: ah uh

[spinner]: like pop corn

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: you say

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: freckles

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: oh my god

[spinner]: i

[melon]: freckles and glasses

[spinner]: glass

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: you had dude tommy thomperson

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: freckles no

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: tommy jomprson's black no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: tommy thomperson was on your cover his
white freckled

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[spinner]: kid

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and you

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: killed

[melon]: my god

[spinner]: i was there you killed him i
remember it clear as they

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: night

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: my god

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: chad

[spinner]: at

[melon]: oh my

[spinner]: like

[melon]: god chad they killed

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: you

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: jed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: get the

[spinner]: h

[melon]: fuck away from fucking murderer

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: then yeah and then brodie runs away
after getting nicked or something

[spinner]: hand

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: menstrating

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: scene

[spinner]: uh yeah

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: that was great

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: seen

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: goodness

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my goodness

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: perfect

[melon]: my god

[magistrate]: all right

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so we'll deliver you a block dive
rot where you gonna pass that

[spinner]: oh over to jenna

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: song rough time

[magistrate]: 'rehurtful all right this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: is the last scene of act one
before we hit the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: tilt theo what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: what are you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[magistrate]: up to

[melon]: all right

[spinner]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: so i'm like a wreck after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: hearing that bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: is somehow involved with

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: the death of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: my cousin chad and

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: michael

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: murray

[melon]: i'm running from the woods and

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: i feel

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: like

[spinner]: like

[melon]: i'm going to bump into

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: china somehow

[magistrate]: yeah yah

[cobra]: yeh

[melon]: and

[magistrate]: i think that works

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i think because jenna was just in

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: screaming

[cobra]: hear her

[magistrate]: match

[cobra]: yay

[magistrate]: with

[cobra]: hands running

[magistrate]: courtney atherton

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so i think you like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: you hear her and you kind of
run to her yeah

[melon]: and i

[spinner]: and

[melon]: actually

[spinner]: i

[melon]: want this to be the end of
the scene um m and what i wanted

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i want

[melon]: to do is i got to figure

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: out how to like now i'm trying

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: get even

[cobra]: so

[melon]: with

[cobra]: you want

[melon]: brodie

[cobra]: to be able

[melon]: and

[cobra]: to

[melon]: figure

[cobra]: find

[melon]: out

[magistrate]: eh

[melon]: what

[cobra]: out

[melon]: happened to chat

[cobra]: what happened

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: ah

[melon]: yeah and so i'm like so it
will be like me wrapping

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: up like the conversation that we've had

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: and being like i know he's a
fucking idiot

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: but i

[spinner]: you

[melon]: got

[spinner]: need

[melon]: a somehow manipulate him into telling me
even more about like what he knows about

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: what happened the child

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: and jetta

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: and

[spinner]: knows

[melon]: like

[spinner]: what happens

[melon]: gen i

[spinner]: to

[melon]: need

[spinner]: chat

[melon]: your help

[spinner]: member that

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: hard percent

[spinner]: anna knows what because it was her
old thrall

[magistrate]: you know

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: i would

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: actually say jenna doesn't

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: know because gene

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: didn't want to replace

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: him

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: he just ended up being killed

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: by somebody and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: jan had to replace him

[melon]: he

[magistrate]: and show she reluctantly shows steve i
think jane doesn't know and jane

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: would like to know

[spinner]: if gen she'd like to know and
then if you

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: want you couldn't have jenna bring theo
in on the plan

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: get back at the school which would
include brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: trying to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so if you want to know if
you're so enter your goal is to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: two because because technical there's no relation

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: ship with jenna so what you want
to drive is your need to get even

[magistrate]: with rode right

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i wonder

[melon]: i know i know

[cobra]: yea

[melon]: that jenna

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: is good friends with becky and we're
kind of tight

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: so maybe

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it's like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: you know

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: becky goes to genera to fix things

[spinner]: hey

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: okay yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: because because since gen like a vampire
you wouldn't nearly know that but enna

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: just

[melon]: i don't

[spinner]: i

[melon]: think

[magistrate]: solves

[melon]: i know that

[magistrate]: jenna solves problems for becky even every
becky has problems and since so your friends

[magistrate]: with becky and ou know you're decent

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: friends with jenny you go to jenna

[spinner]: or

[magistrate]: you need

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: could also just

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: have

[magistrate]: problem

[spinner]: him run

[magistrate]: solves

[spinner]: in run into jena and be like
a mess and just sort of come explain

[spinner]: what happened

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and then jenalieseize it as an opportuniy

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: i think i can help kind of

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i don't know i don't know how
the beginning of the scene will play out

[melon]: but i'm

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: gonna

[magistrate]: so

[melon]: start

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: somewhere in media res in the middle

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: even

[magistrate]: want

[cobra]: with brodie

[magistrate]: the end result is that your gena
is going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: agree to

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: help you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: get the information out of out of

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay um and i think even further
because you're defining the end like

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: what do you want that to

[cobra]: on a white

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: die

[magistrate]: do you want that

[cobra]: or

[magistrate]: to be like

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: do you

[cobra]: black

[magistrate]: want

[cobra]: dye basically

[magistrate]: jenna to like because we can we
can you know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: generic

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: want

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: up black dye because i feel like
jena is going to misunderstand exactly what i

[melon]: want to have happened

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: unto

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm trying to think here

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: because i wouldn't go so far as

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: would agree to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: kill brodie but we need that level
of misunderstanding

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[melon]: right

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: um

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i just

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: do know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: theo

[magistrate]: if

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: jena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wants information

[magistrate]: i just don't like you want information

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: but you want jena to take that
so what is jena going to get wrong

[magistrate]: on that scenario

[spinner]: could

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: you could say that

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: theo wants to talk to brodie

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: brodie's too dumb

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: to talk to so she

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: helps him by saying by like

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: trying to get brodie drunk

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: no but

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: andrew

[melon]: that's

[magistrate]: is

[melon]: going

[magistrate]: saying

[melon]: to happen

[spinner]: no

[melon]: at the

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: party

[spinner]: yeah that's going to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: pen

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: to the party that's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: true

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but also

[magistrate]: andrew is saying that he wants jennet
to misinterpret what he wants

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: get

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: the failure

[melon]: what

[magistrate]: right

[melon]: if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah so what if somehow

[cobra]: nice

[melon]: this leads to

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: gene

[cobra]: nice

[melon]: thinking that i want her to

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: raise chad russell from the dead

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[magistrate]: okay now we're talking now

[spinner]: perfect

[magistrate]: we're talking that's

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: good yeah okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: so you want you

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: need to

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: get information

[cobra]: i think i got this so because

[magistrate]: from

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: somebody

[cobra]: distraught

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: and you don't

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: want to

[cobra]: you're

[magistrate]: tell

[cobra]: running

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: brody

[cobra]: away right

[magistrate]: because

[cobra]: now

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: know that

[cobra]: from

[magistrate]: genta

[cobra]: from

[spinner]: they're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: brodie

[spinner]: close

[magistrate]: is right m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: so you you get to like you
run into

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: gena

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[melon]: and

[cobra]: you

[melon]: i

[cobra]: don't

[melon]: just

[cobra]: really

[melon]: got like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: have

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: punch

[cobra]: time to

[melon]: several

[cobra]: kind

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[melon]: times

[cobra]: call him down and formulate what you
want so you're just sort of like babbling

[cobra]: and jena just understands the first thing
and runs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: with it that's

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: why you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: ought you talk about you know oh
my god chinas

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: dead

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: can you help me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: and instead of her understanding

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh i want to

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: know what happened she's like okay i'll
raise him back for you you're you're a

[cobra]: good kid you know what i mean

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah okay that's perfect so so that's
then we got what andrew wants

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: and what's going to happen

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: that's great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: so then the beginning i think happens

[cobra]: now

[magistrate]: is gens outside

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: she laps the ship at a

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: court atherton and she's super

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: frustrated and she goes to blow off
steam in the woods and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: as she's walking

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: down to the woods

[melon]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: she

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: runs

[cobra]: works

[magistrate]: into

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: the running away from

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: whatever

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: just happened between him and brody

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[melon]: like brodie runs one direction

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: and i run the other direction

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: she

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: goes

[magistrate]: perfect

[spinner]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: she

[cobra]: goes

[spinner]: shakes

[cobra]: to the

[spinner]: him

[cobra]: woods

[spinner]: she

[cobra]: to cut

[spinner]: shakes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: trees

[spinner]: her

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: bear

[cobra]: with her

[spinner]: claws

[cobra]: yadyhends

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: shakes home

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mah

[spinner]: sense into him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: so yeah so okay so pick up
the scene and na she's like fucking courtney

[magistrate]: oh my

[cobra]: sure

[magistrate]: god i can't believe and looks at
her hands

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and they're like they're like normally

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: pulsating

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: they would be paul sitting red

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: but she's a

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: vampire so that's just like still no
color that's so fucking weird and

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: i could never get used to this

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: weird

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: okay well fuck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: man i'm glad

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i got

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: ampartran like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: to bitchelt next time i see her

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah m

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh my god

[melon]: no

[magistrate]: theo what happened are you okay

[melon]: fucking chat chat cousin chat and oh

[spinner]: what

[melon]: happened

[spinner]: happens

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what appened

[melon]: i need to oh my

[spinner]: my

[melon]: god

[magistrate]: ted russell

[melon]: someone's

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: got a oh

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: my

[spinner]: my

[melon]: god

[spinner]: god

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: chat

[spinner]: shut up

[melon]: jnagenagenajenna

[magistrate]: what

[melon]: becky goes to

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: you when

[spinner]: a

[melon]: oh my god when

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[melon]: you need when she needs to get
stuff fixed

[magistrate]: m yeah

[melon]: i got to do something about chad
you remember chat m

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: oh kay

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: my cousin and he just disappeared last

[spinner]: part

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[melon]: and what happened to like what happened
to m i missed him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: so

[spinner]: what

[melon]: i missed him so much he knows

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: and

[spinner]: and

[melon]: i got to find

[magistrate]: right

[melon]: out what

[magistrate]: you

[melon]: he

[magistrate]: know

[melon]: knows

[magistrate]: you know what are you pointing

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: back to where you

[melon]: couldn't

[magistrate]: ran from that's weird

[melon]: because he's there oh my god what
if he's there

[magistrate]: chad russell's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: in the fourth i don't think that's
where well i could be there honestly

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: because can

[magistrate]: they

[melon]: you

[magistrate]: didn't

[melon]: help

[magistrate]: they

[melon]: because

[magistrate]: didn't

[melon]: becky

[cobra]: thank you

[magistrate]: find

[melon]: becky

[magistrate]: his

[melon]: trust

[magistrate]: body

[melon]: you so much

[magistrate]: i

[melon]: and

[magistrate]: mean

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: sorry

[melon]: know

[magistrate]: what yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: you know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i could take this one for you
i'm kind of curious

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: about that

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: oh my god

[magistrate]: i got this the information because honestly
i'm like super curious what happened to

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: it so were

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: that when someone doesn't come back to
cool and they definitely aren't involved in anything

[magistrate]: else cult or creepy they just disappear
on their own through

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: no fault of their own so it's
a very good point we should find out

[magistrate]: what happened to them i could i
could help you with that one

[melon]: oh my god

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the r are you going to the
party tonight

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: but

[melon]: what

[cobra]: polly

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: party

[magistrate]: the party

[spinner]: party party

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: party

[magistrate]: party of becky's house at nine thirty
you come to the party

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: and we'll get the information from

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that guy don't you wear a

[melon]: my god

[spinner]: i

[melon]: thanks

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: so so much

[spinner]: i

[melon]: i go clean up

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: because fucking fucking brody

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh my god

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: okay i'll see you

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: becky's house

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: becky's house nine thirty

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: and maybe steer clear of body he

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: is aggressive i guess when he likes

[melon]: oh my

[cobra]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: fucking

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: god is that oh y

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: don't know what

[magistrate]: i'll see you later theo i gotta
i gotta go back to the library to

[magistrate]: get one more thing

[cobra]: seeing who do you want to who
do you want

[melon]: fuck

[cobra]: to give

[magistrate]: bye

[cobra]: that

[melon]: my legs

[cobra]: black die to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: andrew

[magistrate]: and scene

[spinner]: any bravo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: nice nice

[cobra]: harsh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: but fair

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: i'm going to give that to brody

[spinner]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: for the harsh beating he dished out
all right

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[magistrate]: that is the end of act one

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: all the pieces

[cobra]: it's the

[spinner]: are coming

[cobra]: climax

[spinner]: together

[cobra]: of

[magistrate]: this

[cobra]: this

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: story

[magistrate]: coming

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: together perfectly the party at

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: becky's house s going to be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: off the hook

[cobra]: climax

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: p

[cobra]: i'm going to come to

[melon]: a

[cobra]: the party

[magistrate]: easy

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: steve

[spinner]: many

[magistrate]: keep it in your pants

[spinner]: so many check ups things

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: happening

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: this is

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: this is great

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: unfortunately

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: you listeners are going

[cobra]: mystery

[magistrate]: to have to wait until next week

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: week after it's

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's a what do they call it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: losing her

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: brain

[spinner]: cliff

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: hanger

[magistrate]: cliff hanger thank you mystery

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cliff hanger

[magistrate]: is not the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: word he was looking for you lose

[cobra]: in

[magistrate]: round so please join us

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: for the next

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the act to the climax

[spinner]: back

[magistrate]: as steve has put it

[cobra]: um

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: sorry

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: hell

[cobra]: sane

[magistrate]: both high

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: for now i'm at

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: spencer

[melon]: ah andrew

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: the other

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: come back to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hell mouth

[spinner]: yeah tuning next

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: week will the accult be raised

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: will brodie

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: get dumber

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a big degree

[spinner]: will

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: theo find out who killed his cousin

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ilium

[spinner]: will jenna do

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: something with the acultlie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: and will steve finally good to have
that three way he's been waiting for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: find out on next week's hello

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: right you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[cobra]: gonna stop the recording and start another

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: all right

[melon]: my

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i'll just keep this recording going

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: and chopin and it won't be too
hard to chop but i don't think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: let me just time stamps

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: this bad boy one

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is it

[cobra]: yeah of course

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: safe is it safer to end it
and start it or

[magistrate]: it might be easier

[spinner]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are we

[magistrate]: it'll

[spinner]: are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tempting

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: be

[spinner]: doing

[magistrate]: easier

[spinner]: the part two now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh god

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back to

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back

[spinner]: actually

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: thought we were recording some other time
for some

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[spinner]: reason

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: let's

[magistrate]: we don't

[spinner]: fucking

[magistrate]: we don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[spinner]: go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back

[magistrate]: have enough

[spinner]: i'm

[magistrate]: time

[spinner]: excited to

[magistrate]: in

[spinner]: see

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: where

[magistrate]: month

[spinner]: this story goes

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: let's

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: let's go ahead and pause it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and we'll

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: kick off the tilt and then then
we can take a

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: like tempo break people can go to
the washing an ship i have to take

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the dogs outside it's laura let's do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[magistrate]: tilt

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: paranoia

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm cool

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with that my paranoia is like we
should we should bank

[cobra]: plod

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we should like end it

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: end

[magistrate]: i can

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[magistrate]: stop

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to like becket

[magistrate]: let me stop it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if we try and kick up yeah

[magistrate]: that

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: the share that wasn't the stop

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: but now