Magic Meets Adventure

We're dropping two episodes today! In this portion, Tim recaps his most recent trip to Walt Disney World. Join us as he discusses how his first impressions of Jollywood Nights, how the event can get better, what it's like taking a solo trip, and how he talked himself into becoming an Annual Passholder. 

What is Magic Meets Adventure ?

Magic Meets Adventure is where Disney meets Universal! This is your one stop shop for all things Disney and Universal Theme Parks. As park enthusiasts, Tim and Ayren share their ideas, rankings, travel tips, history, and more to help create an everyday escape into the incredible worlds of magic and adventure!

Episode 4 - Tim Trip Recap

[00:00:00] So we're in the tower, we are ready for takeoff. Do I consider you a lot more than having got a cup of coffee? Please stand clear of the door. Looks like you've lost power. This is the wildest ride in the wilderness! For all who come to this happy place, welcome. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the podcast.

I'm Tim and I bring the magic. And my name is Aaron and I bring the adventure. This is episode four. Super excited for what we got going on here today. Oh yeah. It's going to be a great one. Yeah, it's really cool. This episode is definitely long overdue. I think we'll realize a little bit. It may be slightly outdated, but I think there's still plenty of content and things in here that could be super helpful for you.

Speaking of things that are super helpful, we want you to interact with us. We would love to get some of your feedback and all that sort of stuff. So a couple of things you can do that would be helpful for the pod and hopefully helpful for you as well. , one, you can be sure to follow and subscribe to this, [00:01:00] wherever it is that you listen to podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify, all that good stuff.

There's probably other platforms out there, but. I feel like everybody really just uses those two. , the second thing you can do for us is to leave a review. We have had a couple of episodes out now and, we would love to get some feedback from you. Leaving those five star reviews really do go a long way to helping this reach a wider audience.

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And so we want to talk about what you want to talk about. So. Leave comments, reply to some of the prompts and things like that, that we post in our stories and stuff like that, because really your feedback and, and, , your insight in maybe some of your hot takes will be the things that help to shape, the podcast moving forward.

Yep. It's going to make a difference. It'll make a big difference. So, for today, speaking of what shapes our podcast, we are going to be talking about just kind of our experiences. , this is part one of kind of a two [00:02:00] part release,

they'll both be on at the time of listening this. You can listen to part one and part two. This is us recapping our most recent trips. Tim recently went to a Walt Disney world. I recently went to Disneyland Paris. And so we decided to split these up for the reason that if you have a trip to one of these destinations coming up soon, , or if you just want to revisit them in your imagination, , it'll be good to, , be able to kind of pick and choose your own adventure.

Plus you're getting double the content this week. Who doesn't like that? Yep. And on top of that, this won't be the last time we do this. I mean, we literally have one coming up in a couple of weeks. Yeah, sit back, relax. And, this is going to kind of be a chance for you to see, Walt Disney World through Tim's eyes.

That's what we're going to start off here on part one. Yep. It's entirely the people mover. Sorry. I rode the people mover for eight hours straight and it was awesome. You don't? No, not even a little bit. Eight minutes straight and I'm over it. Oof. That's up for you. Yeah, you know, it's opinions. Okay, let's go ahead and hop into this.

This was your most recent trip. And, uh, I mentioned earlier that this is [00:03:00] slightly dated. , but that's just because, you know, , just kind of the way that things shook out with recording and stuff. When was the last time that you took this trip? Yeah, so it was end of November, early December of 2023. So There are some things that happened since then, such as, you know, the center of Epcot world celebration being, fully opened.

There's also Country Bear Jamboree that's gone down for it's like refurbishment and stuff. So that has changed plus on top of that holiday season, all that stuff, which we'll probably touch on later this year. We're not going to talk about it now because, well, it's. You know, it's a few more few more months I like how you looked at your wrist that doesn't have a watch on it to figure out what month we're in that Yeah, process was just hilarious.

Oh, it was great. I love doing that. This is why we should do video

But I think that's a fair thing to talk about and even address it feels like no matter what time you go into the park There's always change. There's always new things happening and so like I know for me, you know, my wife [00:04:00] and I we talked about the next time we go to Disney we have to set like Okay, there are certain trips you go on and you're like man, I can't wait to get back And there's certain trips you go on where you're like, I could wait a few months or I could wait a year Or I could wait, you know, however long for us what we decided was we weren't gonna go back until , i'm trying to think of the last time we went.

But 2022. Yeah, that's it because we were on that trip together You're right 2022. So tron wasn't open yet. We said the next time We would go would be when Tron and Tiana's Bayou adventure were open. Those were kind of our two things. , but here's the thing. When we go, once those two things are open, I guarantee you, there's going to be something else that.

We're waiting for or that, , is in the works. And so, , especially with the state of the parks right now. So always something new, I would say here, helpful tip for the listener. Like, don't, don't wait for everything to be done because it never will be. Yeah. Walt said about Disneyland is like Disneyland will never be completed, you know, and the same thing goes for just really all Disney's parks in general, like there's going to be [00:05:00] things changing.

, and so don't let that stop you from. Taking that vacation, whether this is your first time or your 110th time going to a theme park, you know, you're still going to have a great time regardless. And like, even for me with this trip, right, I still had a fun time. This was my first solo trip down to Disney world.

Okay. Cause you did Disneyland by yourself, but this is the first solo trip to Disney world. How was that? I feel, okay. I feel like this is really important because. I've done some solo trips to theme parks before in trying to find content on it. Like there was none, like people just don't, I don't know if they don't write about it a lot or whatever, but I would love to know from you, what was that experience like?

Yeah, no, it was definitely interesting. I mean, the plus side for me is like, I know the parks very well. Like I know. I don't need a park map. I'll just walk around and have fun. And I get to do what I want to do, which I think is a plus, right? You know, if you're with a family or friends or something like, obviously if you've gone tons of times, like [00:06:00] you kind of sit back and let someone who's gone less times than you, like kind of take the reins of what they want to do.

But for me, it was like. Oh, I wanna, you know, go write Expedition Everest back to back, I can do that. Or, hey, I've not done the new revamped version of Finding Nemo the Musical, I can go do that. Or, , I can just walk around World Showcase and take as slow of time as I want to. And no one's there to judge you drink as much as you want nobody's gonna tell you to stop

Are you are you an introvert or an extrovert? Oh, I'm Highly more introverted. Okay, so I have moments where like I'll strike up a conversation That's the one thing I found challenging though is like sure. I enjoyed Especially from a content side because not only am I like doing this, but also with YouTube subscribe to the Disney pastor if you're interested like, Doing both of those things, right?

It's great for content, it's great to be able to go by myself shoot what I want to shoot And talk how I want to talk or [00:07:00] approach it how I want to without like worrying about okay I got to worry about my family who's behind me because I know they don't want to get in the shot So let me step out of the way or whatever But then you're also by yourself and so like there's certain things that either can happen or that You know standing in line in a queue is very Sucky when it's just you I mean sure you can strike up a conversation with the people behind or in front of you But it's hard to play heads up by yourself.

That's what you're saying. It is very hard to play heads up by yourself I learned that the hard way Like that's like on my bucket list now I want to go to theme park and try to play a full game of heads up by myself And when somebody's like do you want me to play with you like nah, I got it Yeah, I accidentally hit a kid i'm just kidding But, that being said, there's pros and cons to it.

I mean, if you're someone who is set driven on what you want to do, how you want to do things in the parks, like, it's great. But if you're like, I enjoy the idea of like spending time with people in a place [00:08:00] I enjoy spending time at, I mean, being surrounded by people is Awesome, so there's pros and cons to it that shared memory sort of thing.

Yeah. Yeah One of my favorite things about going To theme parks with other people is to experience things from their perspective Especially things that i'm really used to like if they're doing it for the first time. Yeah, that's that's always a lot of fun Yeah, so what was the the layout and kind of the format for your trip?

Like what was , I don't know how you want to do this. Do you want to take us through? Just kind of the experience or maybe just like your highlights, but maybe for somebody who's planning their trip. Mm hmm What's kind of your?

Process what's the I don't know if process is the right word? Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, what is not like start to finish like first go to WWW dot Walt Disney dot like it's not that Yeah, no, I mean like what is your you're going on a trip by yourself. You don't have to worry about anybody else You're planning it like What's how do you choose your your park order?

I don't know maybe where you're staying what you plan to hit like all that sort of stuff kind of bring us through [00:09:00] That process. Yeah, so it depends on what i'm doing. So because this was the holiday season I planned out all my stuff around the after hours events. So there was Jollywood nights at the time and Very Merry at the time.

I won't hit on those too much this episode because there are some people out there that don't want to talk about the holiday season right now., understandable, but I planned it around those. I also knew that I hadn't been since Happily Ever After came back. I knew I wanted to see that. So, it looked a little different for me.

Normally, like, in a perfect world scenario, I'd start and end my trip with Magic Kingdom. You know, go to Magic Kingdom. Two Magic Kingdom days for you. Potentially, yeah. Okay. Just as like, it feels like a good Like bookend what a great start a trip. It's a great sandwich. , what a magical sandwich exactly exactly so that was one thing I had to kind of figure out which i'm fine with there's been ways where like i've started out with animal kingdom in this case That's where I started

yeah, so I started with Animal Kingdom, and I had [00:10:00] Jollywood that night But I technically, yeah, I technically started though with Very Merry Christmas on the Saturday, the Sunday I got in. Okay That's technically where I started, but if we're talking like full park hour days, I started with Animal Kingdom So it was dependent on that for me.

So was this really just like the motivation of this trip was to experience things you hadn't experienced before? Was that the primary? Okay. Got you. That. And just to be back in my favorite place in the entire world. Um, , I need no excuse. It was a lot of things like I've not done.

Obviously Jollywood Nights was brand new this past year. So getting the chance to, to do and experience that and kind of get my own thoughts. Cause you know, people are all over the place and when something brand new is started, right, you know, all 50, 000 influencers are going to be at this one thing. And so that definitely sways the opinion.

And so, Wanted to kind of add my voice into it. Not like I think my voice is better or anything, but just to add another [00:11:00] Perspective into it. , I think that's a really good rule of thumb as well If you're planning out a Disney trip or a trip to any of the theme parks It's important to remember just because other people doesn't don't like it Doesn't mean that you won't like it or vice versa, , just because other people do enjoy something It doesn't mean you're going to but I think that's the beauty of enjoying everything And I don't think you have to go with the crowd on Whatever they say like if you thoroughly enjoy something man, go for it Have at it like that part of the park is there for you.

Enjoy it. Don't feel the need to Bend to anybody else's will on that thing. So I think that's pretty cool. With that being said, I feel like we can't, I mean, I know it's kind of in the rear view mirror, but maybe somebody is listening to this with the holiday season coming up. , what was your impressions?

Again, this is the first year they've done it. I'm sure there's going to be changes and all that sort of stuff, but what was your overall impression? , to start with Jollywood night, since that was the new one, I thought it was pretty good. , there are things I'm like, this could definitely be improved on.

, but I think they have the bare bones of what can make it great. The holidays and Hollywood show. Fantastic. It was so [00:12:00] good. It's weird seeing like Kermit, Miss Piggy, Mickey and Minnie all together. That is funny. , but there was something really cool about that. You know, what was cool was like you had the actual puppeteers of the Muppets.

Oh, that's cool. So yeah, the actual voice of Kermit and Miss Piggy, like they're there, live in person. And so that was cool. I mean, overall, it was solid. I enjoyed the What's This? Nightmare Before Christmas sing along. , there are things I definitely think it could improve on. Food wise,

I think they went a little too outlandish with some of the food offerings. That's just my opinion That and then just like maybe a little something for everybody, you know What I love about Mickey's very Merry Christmas party or even not so scary is like they have something you can have right? Well, there's a bag of candy or it's you know cookies that you can go around and eat 50, 000 times or however many you choose to but Just to have a little something there.

It was pretty [00:13:00] good. It definitely can get better. I would love to see it get better I'd love to see it stay because there's again good foundational pieces to make it better and very Merry Christmas party wasn't you know What it is today? During that point. Yeah, I think it's a little too expensive though.

I was good. My next question was gonna be value Yeah, I don't think I got my entire value for it. I do think like if they continue to plus it add some things it can be worth it. Absolutely but as of right now i'd i'd lean more No Unless this is something like you absolutely feel like you should do And who knows what the changes are going to be as of this recording to this event.

They could scrap it entirely and Rebuild it from the ground up who knows but it was pretty good I enjoyed my time same thing with very merry christmas party, but that's a staple that you know, we've had Several, several years of witnessing and seeing, and that was fun, and I enjoyed my time, .

Both were solid. But ultimately it's your decision on what [00:14:00] you, what you want to do listening to this. It's like, yeah, I would 100 percent recommend doing Very Merry Christmas Party, at least over jollywood, but I enjoyed my time at both. So what are your opinions on happily ever after being back?

Oh boy, where to start? Hey Um I have a lot of emotional ties to this fireworks show, which is weird because I grew up in Orlando when wishes was a thing. And so, and I love wishes, but I remember getting to watch it the first year it was introduced and it blew my mind. It's insane, dude.

It is so impressive. In my opinion, in my opinion, the second best nighttime spectacular anywhere. And I'd agree with that. Yeah. I think it's number one though. Yeah. Granted. 'cause Disneyland has not returned their Fantas yet, so it's a one in one A for sure for me. Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. I think Fantas is almost perfect.

Yeah. In terms of firework show is definitely number one. Oh for sure. Yeah. Even when it went away, right? Uh, when I had moments where.[00:15:00] I wasn't feeling great or things were just you know, I needed a quick pick me up. It's a 20 minute show. Just put it on And it was just something to relax to and enjoy and maybe shed a tear when it was gone.

I watched it All the time. But, and I went from like my initial, like I would go into it wanting to be happy, like, Oh, this will cheer me up. And then I'd watch it. And then, , the tears would start at some point. And then I just got to the like angry phase of why did they take this away from us? So, yeah, I'm so glad that it's back, man.

Me too. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's such a good show and it's not to say like enchantment is bad at all but to follow You may disagree

It was pretty good but for it to follow up happily ever after that's what makes it tough if it would have come after Wishes we'd been like, oh, yeah, this is cool Yeah, but yeah for it to follow happily ever after if it's it's a job that was gonna be terrible for it 100 percent I'm glad it's in the after hours events though.

Yeah I thought that was [00:16:00] such a great idea that they had there.

Are there any other kind of glaring highlights from this trip or just from where you are right now? Okay. So we're recording this in January, end of January. I think it will release kind of around mid to late February.

Uh, you went in November, but still that's like, I mean that it feels like a big window, but the reality is, is there's kind of like a state of the parks right now. , how do you feel about where the parks are, where they're going? Um, Any, any opinions on, and I know we only really talked about Magic Kingdom.

I'm, I'm asking you to kind of step back a little bit and overview all four. , just overall thoughts. , it feels a little stagnant in a weird way. Okay. Where I feel like in a weird way it's recovering from where it was like JPEG era still, but it's going to a much better direction. I had a conversation with a co worker.

And I just kind of asked him, like, cause he went down with his kids and like, Dude, how was your, how was your trip? And he's like, I cannot wait to go back. Like, Disney felt like Disney. That was great for me to hear. Yeah. That's encouraging. , there [00:17:00] were moments where I felt like, yeah, Disney felt like Disney.

I am optimistic of where it's going to go. I felt like that was like the biggest kind of a headlining statement. That came out of the JPEC era was like so many people were like man It feels like the parks are losing their magic. Mm hmm. And that's sad. Yeah, that's a horrible thing. Like nobody wants to hear that.

That to hear that it's super super encouraging. Yeah, and so I think I think it'll it'll reach a point I mean, obviously we don't have like concrete information of like here's what's up and coming and I mean d23 as of right now As in a few more months and so I expect this to be a huge d23 It better be I feel like it's gonna be a big one I mean, they've already you got a swing for the fences this year.

Otherwise you're falling behind. Yeah in my opinion, but yeah Yeah, I mean just with this initiative of how much money they want to put into the parks and stuff like I feel like they have to give some they don't have to give everything don't tell me how you're gonna spend all 60 billion But you have to at least give me enough that people feel that sense of hope again Yeah, maybe we should [00:18:00] probably do an episode on what we hope they announce at d23 this year.

I thought it'd be a lot of fun

For sure, well, I'm probably gonna end up going so we'll see got your tickets still haven't got on sale yet So we'll see if I get a chance to hear that Just snag one. But I mean, it'll, it'll be exciting, you know, what, what is to come. And, , I think we're, we're heading in a good direction for the most part.

And so I'm excited.

Let's wrap up, , Magic Kingdom. You rode Tron for the first time. Heck yes. What'd you think? I thought it was solid. It's definitely weird because you're, like, leaning forward, and that's not, like, a feeling that I'm used to. Yeah, that, yeah. So it's not similar like you've been on Hagrid's. It's not similar to that.

I feel like in Hagrid's you can sit up No, Hagrid's, Hagrid's you can definitely sit up. I mean you're leaning slightly, but this is like you you lean and lean Yeah, not to the point of like you're laying flat, but you're like flight of passage similar [00:19:00] Not as restricting? Uh, I'd say a little bit more restricting than Flight of Passage.

Okay. Similar setup though, where you kind of go in and there's like a, you know, a back brace, so to speak, that comes behind you. Yeah, it was a ton of fun. The launch was cool. I mean, I love both Tron movies. Yes, there is two and a third on the way. I'm excited. , I enjoy that area. I think it fits really well into Tomorrowland.

It is a little too short. That's kind of a little too short consensus that I've heard. I mean, like, are we talking like a seven dwarfs mind train short? Yeah, I'd say along the lines of it's still fun like seven doors wine train is still fun and they did a great job with that and the same thing with this is it's fun.

I enjoyed my time. Was it a boarding pass system when you went? Yeah, it was still virtual queue. Okay. So I got a chance to do it both at night and during the day. Oh nice. Which was dope. The reason I was asking, have they switched to a standby yet? They have yet to. They still haven't. They have yet to announce it though.

Okay, cause [00:20:00] I'm Like my biggest issue with Seven Dwarfs Mind Train is the wait versus the ride time. That's it. So I'm interested to see once it switches over to a standby queue. If it'll be that same kind of disproportionate ratio. Yeah, it was a blast. Let's talk about epcot briefly. So there wasn't a ton of things in epcot I'm assuming that changed but meeting figment was one of them. Yeah meeting figment was one that was announced at d23 three And got a chance to meet him. There was like barely a line, which was awesome. That's interesting yeah, because like a couple months before I went it was like three hour line and i'm like, oh gosh, please just let me have a chance to meet him But yeah, I guess I met him towards like the end of His time out, , it was really cool like Yeah, kind of childhood dream, you know accomplished so to speak.

Yeah, but yeah, I mean Epcot is Epcot I love Epcot. I love spending time there seeing the festival the holidays was cool Watching the candlelight processional was awesome. Did you do the [00:21:00] Food pass thing or like a dining package or did you just no, I just got in Got a seat. Were you able to get a decent spot?

Yeah, okay for the most part I mean recording wise was kind of not great, but to view was fine. Yeah We should probably at some point maybe as we get closer to the holidays talk about candlelight processional. I think it's great Awesome show, but it does take I don't know. I've only ever done the dining package route So I'd love to kind of compare and contrast doing that versus Just trying to walk up Yeah, and get in everything.

What was also cool was the weather it was like Cold. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so it was like I mean 50s You know doesn't sound terrible until you're wearing shorts and a t shirt exactly the entire time Out and there and so I had to buy a spirit jersey Darn. , Oh no. Oh no. Which one did you get? , there was an Epcot one.

Oh, nice. I don't think I need that. , yeah, it's a fun one. I've yet to wear it outside of that day. So I'll probably wear it. [00:22:00] Is it one of the ones that like, if you wear it outside of Disney, it's a little much? I feel that way about a lot of spirit jerseys. Depends on who you ask. Cause that's, like, when I buy a spirit jersey, my question is, can I wear this outside of the parks and still get away with it?

I don't think no one knows what it is. Oh, okay. I mean, obviously, if you're at Disney, like, you know Epcot, or you're a Disney fan, you know Epcot. But if you're outside of that sort of realm, or theme park realm, you probably don't know. Yeah. That's why I never bought the Buzz Lightyear one. Like, I love Toy Story, but, like, you can't get away with that, like, any other place other than in the parks.

Yeah, I probably could, but that's just because Hey, do you. Do you. You said you started your trip with Animal Kingdom. Yeah. Anything of note? There or just kind of a highlight of your day that you had not really animal kingdom is is fine is what it is I mean, it's I'm curious to see what they're gonna do with dino I was gonna ask is it still like open and operating right now open and operating right now They haven't announced a closing date [00:23:00] for it yet.

Okay When they do your boy will be there. Yeah, they haven't said anything So as a just in case I said my goodbyes, , and they did you studios on this trip? Partially. Okay. Which I'll get to in a second here. I didn't have an actual ticket to studios because I knew I was doing Jollywood Nights.

So I did Rise and Slinky. Slinky was a five minute wait during Jollywood Nights. That's great. I walked right on. It was incredible. That is by far the highlight in my opinion of the special ticketed events is low wait times. Yeah, 3D was closed. That made me very sad. Womp womp. . So the biggest thing though from this entire trip is I I pulled the punch I've been going to Disney multiple times a year at this point And because I live out of state like I haven't considered an annual pass and I pulled the punch this time So I am a oh snap.

I am officially a Walt Disney World annual pass holder I was wild driving the other day and I ended up behind you and I saw that sticker And I was like, Tim's so stupid. And my wife was like, you're just jealous. I was like, that's [00:24:00] exactly what it is. I don't remember that. But yeah. So what were you, well, yeah, I never told you about it because it was embarrassing.

Yeah. It's breaking news here on the pod. . So talk to me a little bit about just kind of that. And I guess we can probably probably get ready to wrap up here, but, , talk to me a little bit about that process of, you figuring out like how to, cause I remember when you were thinking through, like, is this the right decision for me?

How do I. like actually pull the trigger on this or not. , talk about that a little bit for anybody who's on the fence, especially as someone who lives who is not a Florida resident. Yeah. So the biggest thing is like there's only one tier option and it's the incredit pass, which is pretty expensive. I'm not going to lie.

What's it going for? If you had to guess, it's just around 12 for the base, 1, 200. And so it's, it's pretty expensive. I added photo pass. So for me it was around 1, 300 in total, how many park days did you have? I had four park days. And then did you stay on [00:25:00] property?

I did stay on property. I stayed at All Star Sports this time. It was actually pretty good. Do you know what you would have spent on just that one trip? I spent around the same total for an annual pass that I did this time.

That you would have spent just to go by yourself, stay on property, hit four parks. Like, would it have come around that 12 to 1, 300 range? It came around there. , this trip, maybe just slightly under, that was also including like extra, extra stuff. So that makes that mean that that helps make the decision for you.

The biggest thing that helped made the decision for me is I looked at, I know I'm going in October. I know, like, we have stuff coming up in March, and then, you know, those were kind of the big things. And then I was potentially looking at spending a, you know, a day with a friend of mine. He didn't get a chance to go with me, which sucks.

I'm gonna still be bitter about it, but that's not the point. So I took that, added it all up, and I looked at, because what's cool is, when you have, like, multiple day tickets, You can go in and exchange your tickets for an annual pass, so you can upgrade your tickets. Oh, that's cool. I [00:26:00] didn't know that. So I upgraded my multi day pass to an annual pass.

And so that, for me, costed less. Yeah. So I added the remaining days of, here's how many days I would be at each of these, based off the price point for each of those days, because prices do fluctuate, don't use the average. Do not do that. Yeah. , it's not going to help you in the long run. And it just made sense.

I mean, it was maybe a hundred dollars cheaper for me to do an annual pass and I can go kind of whenever I want to now. So here's the other things that people are going to have to factor in, right? Not saying that this is, but if you're in Tim's position, you live out of state, you're trying to factor things in.

You've got to consider things like travel costs, , and then your, obviously your hotel is not included in that. Correct. You get a discount. You do right. What's your discount on? Do you know? It depends. It kind of fluctuates. So right now I believe there's a 35 percent discount Okay, which is pretty solid.

Yeah, so so here's the thing on the one hand you are going to get the discount for all of those things, however i'll use this example [00:27:00] so we live in north carolina bush gardens williamsburg. I got a a season pass last year, right? Seemed like a great deal, which don't get me wrong.

It was, it was like, Hey, you can buy a single day ticket or for like, I don't even, it might've been even like less money, like 10 or less. You can get a fun pass which lets you go however many times you want during the season. , but then what I had to consider was I have to spend the gas to go there. I have to consider what I'm gonna pay for parking every time that I go and have to consider what I'm gonna spend on food, right?

So in the grand scheme of things, do you save money on park admission? Yes, 100 percent but because you have that annual pass now You're gonna consider going to Disney probably more frequently than you did before. So yeah It, it, it, you had trips planned already, so it made a clear benefit for you. If you are like, Oh, I only have one trip planned and then I'll figure out when I go, that could, could potentially end up costing you more in the long run because you're choosing to add on trips that you wouldn't have had before.

But I do think if you're in the situation that Tim was in, it just makes [00:28:00] sense, man. Like it. It feels, yeah, it just made logical sense. And I mean, it's, and what other perks do you get? Like you get discounts on, I get discounts on merchandise, on resorts, on, , some shops in Disney Springs. I'm able to have free parking, which is solid, which is awesome.

That's really good. And you don't need like, for example, like if you go to a resort, you don't need a dining reservation to get that free parking, you can just, I want a resort hotspot, I'm going to hop. So I'm going to go park depending on, depending on what it is. Yeah. There's a few other things. I mean, my Magic band, you know, it shines. It has little sparkles to it now. Oh, look at you. Oh, it's pretty it's pretty fancy big money Plus there's magnets and a bunch of other stuff that goes on Did I see the like augmented reality like magnets am I making that up or did somebody troll me online?

But I saw one that I thought it looked like a, I think it was like a steamboat willie or something. But it was a magnet and then like the guy like held his phone up to it and then like the character started moving or something. I could totally be like, I could [00:29:00] have gotten trolled on the internet, but that'd be super dope.

It's, it's, if it's something you're thinking about doing, like value the cost of it and you know, it's not an easy decision. , but if it makes sense for you, whether financially or just You know, you're a big Disney guy or a girl and it's like, Hey, this is what I want to do. Go ahead. Like, totally your decision on, on that part.

But no, that sounds great. Unless you have anything else. To add here. I don't think so. I'm one time I'm gonna go ahead and get ready to end it But I do think man if anybody is listening and you're kind of like hey Tim, what was your process for this? What were some of the questions that you asked? How did you consider things?

Feel free to shoot us a message. You can find us on Instagram , at magic meets adventure, we're on tick tock as well. Currently we're at magic meets adventure pod. We might keep that. We might change it. Tick tock doesn't let you change your name whenever you want to. You got to wait at least a week to do it, but go ahead and follow us on there.

Feel free to send us , a DM and , we'd love to help you , just consider a couple of things. If you have any questions from, , Tim's most recent trip of, Hey, what's this like at the [00:30:00] parks right now? Or, , I'm considering going in that November, December timeframe around the holidays, which. I mean pro tip week after Thanksgiving.

It's it's solid. It's For a while. It was the only time that me and my wife would go because the crowd level was I mean, it's great You lose the Thanksgiving crowd and you beat the people who are waiting for Christmas So if you're considering all that sort of stuff, go ahead and reach out to us we'd love to help you out love to talk about it and Maybe we'll also post to the account just some pictures that you have from that trip.

Yeah, definitely. Well, I got that picture with figment Oh, of course. Sweet. Yeah. So you'll see Tim's 50th. I'm kidding. No, but I, I got some pictures for y'all. Don't you worry, sick. So we'll go ahead and wrap it up right there. That is, , the end of part one of this, , part two is available now.

You can go ahead and listen to it right now. , we'll kind of flip the table a little bit. , and I will share about my experience, going to Disneyland Paris. Oh, yeah.

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of magic meets adventure. I'm Tim and I bring the magic. And I'm Aaron. I bring the adventure. We'll catch you next time. See you. [00:31:00] I'm so our judge. Guess that wraps things up. You guys did. All right. Carefully raise your left part and exit the vehicle.

Oh. And don't forget to retrieve your stone minds. We hope that you've enjoyed your visit with us and that you'll come back. See you real soon. Hi everybody. So be careful getting home.