TanyaToday: Daily Doses of Divine Tanya Wisdom

Daily Tanya with Rabbi Solomon Sage: Unveiling Timeless Wisdom for Modern Living

What is TanyaToday: Daily Doses of Divine Tanya Wisdom?

Welcome to TanyaToday, where we offer daily doses of divine wisdom straight from the heart of Chassidic philosophy. Our episodes delve into the timeless teachings of the Tanya, shedding light on how these ancient insights are astonishingly relevant to modern living. Whether you're wrestling with life's big questions or simply seeking a moment of spiritual serenity, TanyaToday aims to enrich your day with meaningful, bite-sized lessons. Subscribe now to embark on a journey that bridges the heavenly and the everyday.

Welcome to Daily Tanya, where we unlock the timeless wisdom of the Tanya to illuminate our everyday lives.
In today's episode, we explore a profound idea from Likutei Amarim, Chapter 41. The Tanya teaches us about the concept of "love of delights" or "Ahavat Taanugim." This is the love that the soul feels towards the Infinite, a love that is not dependent on understanding or rationale, but rather it is a love that is innate, a part of the very fabric of the soul itself.
What does this mean for us in our day-to-day lives? Think about those moments when you feel an inexplicable pull towards doing something good, something beyond yourself – that's your soul expressing its inherent love for the Divine. It's a reminder that at our core, we have a reservoir of spiritual sensitivity, ready to connect with something greater than ourselves.
Remember, this love isn't loud or demanding. It's a subtle, yet powerful force that can guide us through our choices and challenges. It's the quiet voice within that encourages us to reach out with kindness, to learn more about our heritage, and to engage in the practices that bring us closer to our innermost essence.
Embrace this love of delights, cherish it, and let it uplift your daily walk through the world. It's a testament to the indelible bond between the soul and its divine source, a bond that can bring light and joy into every aspect of our lives.
This podcast was produced and sponsored by Daniel Aharonoff.