Love & Learn

It happened again. You told yourself you would be "good", stick to your diet, and avoid those "bad" foods. But then, hunger takes over and you indulge. Cue the food guilt. How do you break this pattern of guilt around food?

Show Notes

It happened again. You told yourself you would be "good", stick to your diet, and avoid those "bad" foods. But then, hunger takes over and you indulge. Cue the food guilt. How do you break this pattern of guilt around food?

It comes up so often when living with an eating disorder and during the recovery process. You might feel guilt over what you ate, how much you ate, when you ate, or who saw you eat. You may also feel guilty for not eating. Food guilt can come up in so many unexpected ways, and it makes you feel like you did something seriously wrong. This guilt can turn into shame and become debilitating.

Recovery teaches us that ultimately, all foods are neutral and there’s no morality involved in your food choices and eating habits. But how do you even begin to truly believe and practice this when you’re struggling with intense food guilt? In this episode, we share ways you can move past guilt around food.


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Hello, beautiful healing heart! Love & Learn is dedicated to helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and attachments that keep you from truly feeling lovable, loving, and loved.

With 13 years of experience empowering millions through her innovative work at Recovery Warriors, Jessica brings her passion for healing to Love & Learn. Each episode dives into powerful ideas that inspire new ways of thinking, being, and believing in what’s possible when you release old patterns, shift your mindset, and step into your power.

Together we can heal core wounds of unworthiness, powerlessness, and shame, and discovering new depths of self-acceptance and inner freedom.

Each week on Love & Learn, we dive into popular books by leading experts in psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality, integrating key insights and tools to support deep and lasting healing from trauma.

Choose to set yourself free—it’s never too late to liberate your brightest, most authentic self into the world.