R.O.F.L. (Reach Out For Love)

Wes went to a punk show (what else is new?), Basma's competitive side comes out hard when playing video games, and the pair discuss post-graduation life, their journeys and advice to current college students.

What is R.O.F.L. (Reach Out For Love)?

with Basma Awada

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
What's up everybody? Welcome to our show about motivation and being yourself. That's right. What does R O L? Reach out for loads show about motivation and love being yourself being yourself. How do you be yourself? Let's find out. Hello,

Unknown Speaker 0:43
what's up? How are you guys can hear us? Yeah, you just can't hear us because the intro was really loud.

Unknown Speaker 0:49
So did you guys go to the do go to rebel fest? No, no, I was working. It was fun. Was it? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 0:56
no, I didn't get a chance to go. But it seems like everyone has a fantastic time. So thank you everyone for showing up and showing out and supporting the radio station by way of having a fantastic time and enjoying some community. Thanks to the friends and folks of 91.5

Unknown Speaker 1:15
Yeah, awesome. Speaking of events, how was that concert you went to oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:19
I went and saw me and my best friend Matt. We went and saw the bridge city centers at the usual place. It's like literally the name of the place. It's like somewhere else on a Maryland Parkway. We saw it was they were the headliners. But city centers. One of the openers was Doom scroll. They're pretty cool. And then there was a band in the middle and I sorry, I cannot think of who it was. But the whole night of music was fantastic. British city centers are fantastic. So if you like if, if anything, like folk, but punk but satanic, but Gothic, but like, like Swamp Witch she kind of thing I don't know. Like there's a whole lot of different vibes up in there. But it's like a five piece band and it's singer, guitar, bass, upright bass actually fiddle and banjo, and they just rip the whole venue to shreds. It was fantastic. That

Unknown Speaker 2:26
sounds awesome. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:27
there's so much fun.

Unknown Speaker 2:28
So is it like after parties at all over there when you guys go to those type of concerts? No,

Unknown Speaker 2:33
those are just like straight up the concerts so like, you know, doors are at whatever time music starts anywhere from a half hour to an hour later. And then you can just kind of gauge how long it's going to be either by being like, Oh, I know how long this is gonna go based on how like long people's songs are like the artists themselves. Or then it's also by like, okay maximum if anyone's gonna play live for like an hour. You know those types of things. You just kind of get a feel for it the more you go to concert Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 3:03
cuz I the reason why I was asking is because I went to my first after party. Enemy Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 3:08
All the after parties at cons are different. I've never been to though. Oh, really? No. Okay. Oh, they

Unknown Speaker 3:13
had an after party for your concert, too. No, no, no, no, no

Unknown Speaker 3:15
cons. Like, con is short for convention. Not concert.

Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, your concert. Yeah, no, no, because you went to a concert?

Unknown Speaker 3:24
I did. Yeah, there's

Unknown Speaker 3:25
no after parties for that for no no after price for concerts. No. in general. No, I thought I heard of something like that.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
There could be I mean, I that's not when when you're buying a ticket for a show. Like your the concert. Is that party like if you go anywhere else. There's an after party, but that's not usually related to the concert you just went to that's Oh, that's just like something else. You're dying. Yeah, quest. Yeah, that's your side questing after the main. Show's over? Yeah, yeah. But

Unknown Speaker 3:52
the enemy Las Vegas. I had an after party. I've never been to an after party. That was my first one. Okay. And my friend and I paid for it. And then we win. And apparently it was like, not a good after party. I liked it. Because there was nothing going on. Like,

Unknown Speaker 4:08
I was too scared. It was happening. I understand that because

Unknown Speaker 4:13
well, something was happening, but it just wasn't like crazy, you know? And okay, because that was my first one. So I was kind of glad that there wasn't too good.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
Like a good introduction. I was like, Okay, I've been in this space before now. Right? Yeah, they

Unknown Speaker 4:26
had like a little I think I mentioned that. They had like a mosh pit in the middle. And then they were like listening to music. Something funny that happened was that we went in and the person who was on stage introducing everybody and and talking about his band, okay, apparently if you stay there the whole time, which we didn't, but if you stay there the whole time, they had games and like guessing trivia, or some type of like giveaway a giveaway? Sure. So my friend and I were asking we were like, okay, so if you guys are doing a giveaway, when is the giveaway what is what do we have to do? Is it like a scavenger hunt? And they said, Oh, you have to just stay and then you'll find out what the giveaway is. Oh, so we decided to stay a little bit longer. And the the main speech person on stage he said, All right guys, we're about to sing a next song. Let us know if you guys know what this song is cold. So my friend was like, oh, let's get the song. That might be the giveaway. So we wait for the whole song. All right, okay. And the end he's like, Okay, did anybody know what that song is? And everybody in the crowd was like, Oh, this Oh, that. And then he's like, actually, it's just an original songs. Check us out on Instagram. He like plugged himself. Wow, it was so funny. Because of the irony of he knows that people are there for the giveaway because there's nothing going on. Yeah. I thought that was hilarious. Wow. Yeah, but of the whole anime convention. It was really fun in general. I liked it, but I just feel like there wasn't enough games. The games at a convention I feel like are very important. If you're gonna if you're gonna host a convention well I'm not saying it wasn't good. They had a wrestling actually section

Unknown Speaker 6:10
they do yeah, there's a big intersection between weaves and anime or weaves and wrestling fans and I love that so I'm all about it

Unknown Speaker 6:18
was I actually hated it because my favorite characters lost in the wrestling match. Oh, good. You

Unknown Speaker 6:25
always puck pick the losers.

Unknown Speaker 6:27
What do you mean? No. Look, wow, if you guys know anime out there listening? Did they had any Asha and Rocklea losing to some deal?

Unknown Speaker 6:36
In the wrestling matches? They were cosplaying as Yeah. Oh, I was so bad. Last who?

Unknown Speaker 6:43
Who made you my favorite character? Get out of here.

Unknown Speaker 6:45
I'm so sorry. So repeat that. Okay, you know, I'm familiar with the characters. But now I'm realizing that the wrestlers were playing like cosplaying actively in the wrestling. Yeah, now we understand. Oh, turns

Unknown Speaker 6:56
out they were kind of drunk. And that's why they were doing very bad sounds made me so mad. That's

Unknown Speaker 7:01
like also like, that's incredibly dangerous. Don't wrestle. And that's a really bad idea. I mean, you're not Rob Van Dam. So don't even Russell if you're stoned. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 7:12
I don't even know the guy who like apparently I wasn't even there to watch the whole thing. I just came in and I just saw Rock Lee might one of my other favorite characters who never gives up.

Unknown Speaker 7:21
But that's because that's what he's gonna lose. Well, I'll see that's, that's the that's the classic thing in wrestling where you actually you gain tons and tons and tons of sympathy for a wrestler, typically who was more inexperienced, because they're getting the reps in to be a bigger star and be a better wrestler overall. But they're going to take these losses because they don't have that skill yet. But you build that like anticipation and that like fire in that heart of like that guy. What I love this guy, he's putting in that work, he's putting in that fire. He's showing that heart and that passion. And one of these days, he's gonna knock someone off and he's gonna find his groove and he's gonna beat the legacy that

Unknown Speaker 8:01
would make sense if it was like a regular thing. Yeah, it was a one time show I'm

Unknown Speaker 8:05
saying this is someone who if you told me Rock Lee was in the on in a tag match. I'm telling you that he who was

Unknown Speaker 8:10
his partner, he I don't know. I didn't get to watch online though. Because

Unknown Speaker 8:14
I would assume then that either Rock Lee is going to be the face in parallel before either eating the pin, or failing at the last moment to break up the pin from his partner who actually eats the pin, but they're definitely losing. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:29
and that was that was a cool feature. To see

Unknown Speaker 8:31
this as a wrestling match.

Unknown Speaker 8:35
I got so upset I was like What Why am I favorite

Unknown Speaker 8:38
characters on the ground love wrestling boss. Well, that's I'm telling you I know you don't like my stuff. But because

Unknown Speaker 8:43
of this one time when I was younger, I was watching like on TV and there was a something very gory that I saw and I was like, what happening? Yeah. And I was like, oh, yeah, this happened. I was like, that has to be illegal. Like, how is that legal?

Unknown Speaker 8:56
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. The law doesn't apply in wrestling. There is no law other than we're gonna meet in the ring about it. Actually,

Unknown Speaker 9:03
the whole thing is, How good can you take a hit?

Unknown Speaker 9:07
This is actually also true. Yeah, no, don't

Unknown Speaker 9:09
like that. Like literally, I would I like that.

Unknown Speaker 9:12
I don't know. It's kind of cool. I mean, they're not it's consensual. It's not

Unknown Speaker 9:16
like I know, but I don't I don't like seeing people get hurt. Even if they like getting

Unknown Speaker 9:19
rid of they enjoy the hurt. What are you doing? Get out of there. You would not like a wrestler named Darby Allen. But anyways,

Unknown Speaker 9:27
I really wanted more games there. The wrestling thing was cool. They had this cool Attack on Titan like floaty thing that you could take pictures with. I thought that was cool, too. Okay, but I feel like they need more games. Like the whole reason I go to a convention is to destroy my opponents. TwitchCon was

Unknown Speaker 9:43
cool. It has just got any professional gamer. That's what you do. That's what it's all about. Okay. All right, everybody. Now we understand how Boz was channeling her competitive. We were talking about competitiveness last time too. We were but now this is healthier because you're not like staking people's like life or death. Python it for real for real. You're just playing games. Good, bro.

Unknown Speaker 10:02
Okay, we're gonna come back to this topic. Why? Why is it that you when you're playing a game, you're just like, oh, I don't really care about the competitiveness. I just want to play the game. Is that always? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 10:13
no, no, no, no, it's like, I'm putting the I'm putting the competitive nature that you have, like, it's good that it's in a sandbox. I enjoy this sandbox of competition show. Okay, like, now, it's different because if I'm playing against people who play a game professionally, I don't want to play against them. I do know I don't because I Well, the thing is,

Unknown Speaker 10:33
is you're gonna beat me if I want to.

Unknown Speaker 10:35
I don't exactly I don't care about them beating me I accept defeat by like, loading up the game with them. Right, right. But typically, in the kind of game that I would play like a fighting game, you know, right. You're destroyed before you can get the handle on anything. You know what I mean? Well, I would I would not want to play against a like a high level professional player. I would be like, if I'm gonna play with someone and they're like, good at the game. That's because my homie plays the game. And we're doing some couch. Some couch multiplayer. You know what I mean? Like, well, I

Unknown Speaker 11:07
just look at them. It's fun. It's like a sensei.

Unknown Speaker 11:10
I will play 50 rounds of Tekken three no questions asked for right now. And I mean, like that's that's what I

Unknown Speaker 11:16
understand what you're talking about. Like, where you're coming from but I but in the spirit of the game? Yes. Where if you did have to battle someone who's extremely Oh,

Unknown Speaker 11:25
if I had to fight someone who's like really, really good than like a cool dog, you'll beat me in 10 seconds. That good for you? I hope you had fun.

Unknown Speaker 11:32
It's a privilege. In that situation, I

Unknown Speaker 11:35
will I will offer myself up willingly because it's not that big a deal to me. i

Unknown Speaker 11:41
I'm okay with it. I love I actually love I look at them like senseis basically, when Okay, when I'm playing what's you're

Unknown Speaker 11:46
trying to actually like? No, not what you get on there. Yeah, of course, I'm

Unknown Speaker 11:50
trying to win, I'm going to try no matter what.

Unknown Speaker 11:53
I never got into trading card games, even though like I've grown up on Pokemon. Like since gen one. I never got it. I had the cards obviously, for a little while. I think all of us like our age, we had like a phase for whatever reason that regardless of how much fandom we had, for a certain thing we had like the cards, because I had Pokemon cards for a little while. I had you guild cards very briefly.

Unknown Speaker 12:19
And that was really hard to figure out how to play those. Because I felt like when I was younger,

Unknown Speaker 12:23
I knew how to play them. Like, because it's not too dissimilar from seeing the show or playing the video games. But it never interested me enough to play them that way. I far preferred either watching awesome, like animais action, or playing the Gameboy games because I I really love those I was I was enjoying the battles that way, doing like coin flips and player mats and collecting and customizing a deck. And there's a big meta that goes into building a good deck and it I don't know why but doing it in that form. didn't interest me as much as like, the game is already a thing just right. Learn the game. No. I would rather just learn the video game then play cards you can

Unknown Speaker 13:12
the thing that I really love about like, like you said, when people customize their decks, yeah, there's other people like, obviously, there's gonna be people who can get better decks than than you. Yeah, because they'll have either more money or they have friends that have better cards that they better luck with and they get the packs. But what I really love is like when someone just has like an average deck, and they're able to destroy whoever their opponent

Unknown Speaker 13:36
i i saw that reminds me I saw something it's gonna take me forever to find it now. But I follow like, this funny, like Pokemon memes thing on Facebook. And someone shared a screenshot of someone winning like a regional championship in competitive battle, right with an Articuno that literally only had four offensive ice moves. And that was it, which is like, literally what everyone when they're trained and plays Pokeyman does. And it's just because you can brute force the game. It typically does not work in competitive play. You just don't do that. Right. You have like tight matchups and move diversity. And you think about like all the different stats. Now someone came in with just high powered ice type moves. It just killed everybody. And I think everyone just got a kick out of like, did someone actually did the 10 year old brute force strategy and competitive play and we're

Unknown Speaker 14:34
able to win. Yeah, exactly. It's always interesting to see that kind of stuff. Like it's so funny. I didn't exactly like there's a humor in it. Oh, yeah. It's like you lost but like, there was this one time my friend told me they went to go to one of those card game tournaments. Yeah. And they said that they got they both basically won, which means that they lost right? Technically, yeah. So they were like, okay, flip a coin, and then let's see who wins and then the guy was like, you'd rather take a double loss than then Let me when he's like, yes. was so funny. It's like, it's not even a forehand, but yes, I'd rather take a double. I

Unknown Speaker 15:07
love that when it's like the most like niche contextual stuff. And then it's like, you're really gonna do that. And you're like, yes. Why would you bother? Because it's just funny because it's so hyper specific, like, we're talking gibberish to like other people that don't do this. Oh, yeah, that's what's so funny. I'm

Unknown Speaker 15:26
actually new to all of this. Yeah, I'm not like, I haven't done it my whole life. When I was younger, I didn't play card games. I really wanted to know how it worked. But when I got older, um, a lot of my friends I realized that I like, I'm like, I'm a dweeb myself, I guess because I love this stuff. I'll look into it. And then anything games, like I like simple games, though. I the only time I play card games is when someone has the patience to just explain it to me. And then I'll I'll know it forever after that. Which I like,

Unknown Speaker 15:54
shuts off when you're like, we're gonna play a card game and I'm like, my brain just goes. That's like,

Unknown Speaker 16:00
I'm not gonna lie. That's me too. I'm not gonna lie. But I have very patient friends that really enjoy and are passionate about the game. I just play

Unknown Speaker 16:08
war or blackjack.

Unknown Speaker 16:11
I can't I don't see myself doing d&d though. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 16:14
I'm actually going to be playing d&d. For the first time in a few weeks. It's gonna be a mess. Because I'm brand new. It's gonna be let me think me. And then it's like for it's like five or six of us total doing this like starter campaign that my friend is going to DM. And I've never played, he hasn't played in a long time. Another one of my friends has been trying to get a game going and be part of a group but the last one she was part of kind of just like, fell apart. And then I have we have another friend who similar to me, not played interested to see what it's like. So I heard

Unknown Speaker 16:58
that like, someone makes all the rules for that game. And then they start they play you have to like learn the rules. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 17:04
read my again, I'm only giving you like what my understanding is without having like spent time right we don't have to talk too much about Yeah, is basically like, you can get like a Dungeons and Dragons like a book that will give you like, a fantastical scenario, right? And then you have the Dungeon Master who basically runs the game he because he's your he's your narrator. He he tells everybody okay, here's your setting. Here's your options. What do you want to do? What do you want to roll for? so on so forth? He's like, Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 17:35
games are gonna be fun when you know the rules. Yes. And then if you don't know the rules for me, I don't like it. I don't like the game. If the rules aren't clear, and I don't know how to win, and I'm playing like the Disney game, I literally just play the game. I

Unknown Speaker 17:47
don't know what I'm doing. It's not fun. Like, it was

Unknown Speaker 17:51
funny because I was so used to Star Wars unlimited. And my friend brings a Disney game and I'm like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna build my whole entire setup. I'm going to destroy you. Right. And by the time I finally finished putting up my characters, he had already won. I was just like, What? What? What happened? Okay, and suddenly, how did you already get 20 points? He's like, Well, while you were over there, plotting on how you're going to attack me. This is not an attack based game. This is a points based game.

Unknown Speaker 18:19
See, you're you're you're expecting like RTS. I was expecting Exactly. The RTS and you had like, real time. I see. Okay, because you had tripped me up to another No, because I'm much more of a turn based guy myself. Like, I want to, I want to be able to, like really think through, like my setup. before anything happens. Well,

Unknown Speaker 18:39
yeah, exactly. Like I wasn't gonna attack him until, until I had like enough. Like, like,

Unknown Speaker 18:44
I'm gonna have my I'm gonna have a plan. It was a long term plan. I was making a long term plan. Yeah, you were playing? He was playing checkers. You're trying to play chess? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:50
basically, I see. But it wasn't as complicated. There was that new Disney card game, which I forgot the name of it, but I just started playing it. No idea. Anyways, regardless of that, I'm sorry. I am so addicted to games. I do not explain it. Before we before we end, I was just wanting to know, What's your thoughts on actually, I do want to say something if you guys are studying for a degree plan. This is so random. Because you're setting for a degree plan. And you're like, going towards your bachelor's. Don't just get the bachelors make sure to plan what you want to do for your masters. If you're trying to get like a job afterwards, then know what job you're gonna get. This is just very important information that I feel like not everybody's told. If you want to graduate assistantship talk to anybody that you know, that can help you get that graduate assistantship and just apply and do your research ahead of time before you graduate know what your plan is. And that being said, anyways, Wesley, all right.

Unknown Speaker 19:44
No, I'm like just watching. You guys can't can't see obviously, but I'm just staring at Bazemore. She's staring back at me very intently. Like no seriously guys like yeah, I'm looking out for you. And she has she means it. So I'm glad that we can.

Unknown Speaker 19:58
I wish it was more readily available I feel like during throughout my whole degree program, no one told me about scholarships enough or opportunities that are after the degree. I just got lucky. I found a job immediately after school that was it. And that was all based on luck because everyone is getting a bachelor's guys, go make your research because you got to make sure that you know what you're planning and exact to find exact to fire your your plan. actualize your

Unknown Speaker 20:24
plan. Yeah, and that's a good idea. If I graduated in spring, then by the middle of fall, I was beginning middle of fall, I was at a new at this new job at the cat at the time at the cafe and moving in with my best friend. So it worked out. But like that's because I I knew someone to get into the cafe job. And I knew I had my best friend who I was lucky to have to be able to. That's how I feel. I feel like it was like, lost, like, I'm not going to try and I'm not denying my privilege whatsoever. So if

Unknown Speaker 20:59
you hear that if you hear anything, or do anything or research anything, research what you're going to do now Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:03
set yourself up for success because you we won't be like mere Bosma who either knew people or got lucky. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:09
like literally that's the whole literally that was on my way through like

Unknown Speaker 21:14
stations of guilt in my head. Even saying this to people right now. I'm just like, Man, I sound like I'm so I'm such like a such a spoiled person. But

Unknown Speaker 21:22
well, no, it's really, I mean, we were just doing what we were told because yeah, no, seriously. Yeah. Because if I didn't like what I heard, oh, do this degree. Okay. I will do what I'm supposed to do. Yeah. To survive literally how

Unknown Speaker 21:34
I got through school. They're just like, well get good. We trusted our adult. Yeah, we trusted our adults. And then the adults set us up for a future that doesn't exist that

Unknown Speaker 21:41
adults didn't even question it. We should have questioned them not questioning. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:45
no, because the issue is is like they set us up for if the world was anything like the one that they grew up in, right, but they pulled up the ladder behind them. So the future that they prepared us

Unknown Speaker 21:57
for they were right, though, like the degrees do matter. degrees,

Unknown Speaker 22:01
degrees do matter and an edge a good education shouldn't even be a matter of privilege. It should be a standard, but But yeah, still set yourself up for success. And like, find your plan, focus on your plan. And don't be afraid to plan because I was and need to for some reason. Yeah, I was really afraid to plan because I didn't have a safety net. If I failed. I

Unknown Speaker 22:25
wouldn't make plans. But they weren't the right ones. That's what upsets me. It's like, wow, yeah, I should have like, they obviously get a scholarship. Like people were saying that back then. But I didn't really like plan getting a scholarship out.

Unknown Speaker 22:39
No, I did. That was the one thing I did do was like, in, in Nevada, I don't know if it's still true. But in Nevada, you have a Millennium Scholarship. So when if you're a high school student in in Southern Nevada, or all of that, I think and you maintain, you graduate with a certain GPA, then you immediately get the million qualify and get this millennium, which you can use towards in state tuition. Right. So I was like, okay, sick, and then I knew I could get federal Pell Grants. Because, you know, that's all based on parental income. Right. And this is what I was saying before like a long time ago about like, the, the tragic fortune of living as like a section eight kid and like forced, like basically forced poverty conditions like my mom being on social security disability and medical Medicare disability my whole life because of because of her surviving. Some very bleak medical medical situations basically meant I couldn't be poor on paper, according to the government meeting, I got full Pell Grant. So full Pell Grant for a four year degree plus the malaria and it worked out plus the Millennium meant that I didn't pay out of pocket for school until my last semester. And the only reason I had to do that was because I wasn't I was just cleaning up credits, then I was taking nine credits out last semester, instead of the requisite 12 to get the coverage. Right. And I had known all that money was coming, I hadn't managed and budgeted all that money while I was a student, I lived with that and a part time job, and was able to pay out of those combined years of saving, to not pay at a deficit for any of my schooling and basically gamed the system to get away with a bachelor's degree against every single odd. So right, I was focused, I was focused on that I was not focused on what you're saying to do, which I wish I would have done at the time all that to say,

Unknown Speaker 24:41
I just feel like when I cuz you guys know, I went back to school for my music degree. And that's music program. They're so supportive, like, it's amazing. It's just like, wow, my teachers, my director, everyone's like, Hey, guys, here's a scholarship opportunity. Hey, guys, here's a way that you guys can make money after school Hey, guys want money during School. While I look at this other word like the Super Bowl, that was literally just an opportunity that was presented to me by my professors. Yeah. And they did that for me in my master's program to where they were like, Oh, you guys get to work one on one with the public administration, with the nonprofits. I mean, and I thought that was amazing. I loved that firsthand experience with working with directly with the nonprofits. But I think after, you know, because nonprofits are nonprofit, not for profits, yeah, it was hard for me to, you know, like, decide, decide what I wanted to do. I feel like when you're doing your program, if you know exactly the job you want, you're doing a good job. If you know exactly what you're gonna do right after, right after you graduate, and you stick to it, and you're not second guessing it. Yeah, you're doing a great job and keep going. And I believe in you guys. And those are you guys are gonna be those people who are like, super passionate, yeah, like, focused up the ones that we were talking about in the last podcast, I was

Unknown Speaker 25:54
gonna say, like, it even kind of sounds like the way that I'm seeing my own. Like, I guess, I never, I never enjoyed the idea that like, Oh, you're gonna have a career. And I'm like, oh, like, I don't want to, I don't want to glorify the job. I just want to enjoy the work that I do. Right? Right. And so like, I sorry, you're fine. It's like, I, I got the degree. And in my last semester, because I was doing my internship in the degree at the radio station, I work and now I got to see like, well, this is an option. This is cool. This jives with me. I want to there's a job where you can be the person that puts the music on the radio. That's, I love that. Right, right. And then I told that to my, the GM at the time, and he was just like, Dude, that's like a top of the line job. And I was like, Okay, that's cool. So you're telling me that's like a long term? And he's like, that's a long term. And I was like, okay, cool. So let's do, let's do ground floor.

Unknown Speaker 26:51
And it's okay. If you like, have a plan here. So exactly. And you made it. Yeah, where you want it to go? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:57
Well, I'm making it. I'm like, in the process of making it is the way Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:02
but you're still passionate about Yes, absolutely. That's what like, for me, it was like, I lost my passion. I like I had a goal. I had a plan. And then I just lost the passion. Like the analytics. I don't believe I could be making over 100,000 Right now if I stuck to it, but I decided to go back to school and just start fresh. I was Lena. Yeah, I don't see myself doing this in 10 years. All right, I'm gonna go back. Oh, good.

Unknown Speaker 27:21
Do it Bosma had sent me and another student in here before we started recording, and I was giving the student the advice of like, no, take care of yourself. Prioritize like self care, and like self love, and do whatever you need to do to like, work smarter, not harder. Like, you're not being selfish or silly, or any kind of a bad thing or a problem or a negative of any kind.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
I agree with that. If,

Unknown Speaker 27:50
when when, when your whole goal is being aware, wow, I'm doing a lot. It's too much. I need to slow down, move some things around, take things off my plate, you know, reprioritize, take a pause. And I told I was telling the student a piece of advice I had gotten from a professor here in this college right? This is gonna sound funny, but he had told me go for the low hanging fruit. Basically, meaning don't don't overexert yourself, when that's not necessary. Like in school, read the instructions, engage with the material, be creative when called for. But just answer the questions, read the directions, answer the questions, more work for you is more work for a professor is more work for whoever you work around in a team environment. So it's not a bad thing to work smarter, not harder, because you're not trying to make mountains out of molehills to either be impressive, or to try to like, oh, I have to be a certain thing or ascribe to some weird value system. That's just like, essentially perfectionism without using that language. Don't worry about that stuff. Take care of yourself. See, I

Unknown Speaker 29:06
agree with half of that I

Unknown Speaker 29:07
say get the low hanging fruit and then and then work your time and when you're able to when you are able to survive like as soon as you get that late. Yeah, low hanging fruit, go back to school or do something. I'll go back to that high hanging fruit. Yeah, take your time. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 29:20
that's and that's what I'm saying to like, if you're gonna go for the high hanging fruit, realize that that's a long that's a long term goal. Like that's a process that's like, you're you're climbing if you're climbing a tree. This is hopping up off the ground compared to learning how to literally climb a branch. You know what I mean? Right. I love this podcast. It's fun. Bye, everybody.

Unknown Speaker 29:42
Bye guys. Have a great day. And we will see you guys next time. Bye. Bye.

Unknown Speaker 29:47
Thanks for watching rnfl reaching out for love with baz Murray. If you want to check us out, please go to Bosma tea at Instagram. See you guys later.

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