The Jonathan Kogan Show

Welcome to ⁠"Awakening Minds: Escaping the Woke Matrix,"⁠ a thought-provoking podcast that dares to challenge the prevailing narratives of our time. In this captivating episode, we embark on a transformative journey, diving deep into the realms of critical thinking, freedom of speech, and breaking free from the constraints of the "woke" ideology.

Join us as we explore the intricacies of the Woke Matrix and unveil the truth hidden beneath its surface. Through engaging discussions and expert insights, we empower listeners to question prevailing dogmas and rediscover their own independent perspectives.

Discover how to navigate the complex landscape of social justice, political correctness, and cancel culture, while maintaining intellectual integrity and fostering open dialogue. We delve into the historical context, philosophical foundations, and societal impacts of the Woke Matrix, unraveling its complexities along the way.

Prepare to challenge your assumptions, expand your horizons, and embrace a more nuanced understanding of contemporary issues. Through this podcast, we strive to foster a community of critical thinkers, united in their pursuit of intellectual freedom and independent thought.

Tune in to ⁠"Awakening Minds: Escaping the Woke Matrix"⁠ and join the conversation that is reshaping the way we perceive and engage with the world. Subscribe now and unlock the power of independent thinking for a brighter and more inclusive future.
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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
We're live. What's up, everybody? Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. Happy Independence Day in America. In the United States of America, happy July 4th. As you know, this is a day of remembrance of July 4th, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was signed. Well, I thought it was maybe you signed the third. I'm not sure. But yeah, anyways, Independence Day. I learned a lot today about who signed that Declaration of Independence and how much shenanigans these people went through. These people, a lot of them who signed it were wealthy, were already had, you know, enormous wealth and property and stuff like that and big families and they gave it all up for liberty, for liberty. And now in 2023, we are just tossing it away like it's nothing. We're just giving it away. People are asking for liberty and freedom. justice for all, pursuit of happiness, to be taken away. They're like, take it, take it, take it. We don't want it anymore. We've had enough of this whole freedom thing. Please bring us tyranny. That's what's happening. But there are enough truth seekers, enough people out there that value freedom like this podcast, like you, the listener, like us, our community. And we wanna hold on to freedom, okay? We want freedom for our children and their children, their children's children and children, children of all children of children. That's what we want because freedom is the way to go. That is how you become prosperous. We don't want a neo feudal class with the elites and the peasants. We don't want that anymore. We want the peasants on top of the elites. Maybe that is still the same system, but it's upside down. If you know what I mean, it's much better. We want the ruling class to be the peasants. That is the purpose of this podcast. And that is what we're getting into today. So. Please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, subscribe to the Rumble channel, follow on Twitter at KOGZ for incredible video clips, incredible just truth bombs. Okay? Like, like World War III style truth bombs at KOGZ. So today we are going to be playing a long speech that we're going to dissect. One of the most important speeches I've seen in some time. Seriously, I promise you. If this podcast is worth it, unsubscribe, get rid of it. Never listen to the John The Coke Show again. If you enjoy this episode, share with somebody, share with one person for independence, for freedom, for love, for humanity. That's all I ask. That's the advertisement today. All right. So this speech is called the guide to escaping the woke matrix. And it's by Michael Schellenberg and it was about five days ago. Very recent. Okay. And you probably haven't heard it because it's nowhere to be found. But what do we do on this podcast? We find you everything you need to know. So I think this is a mind blowing podcast or video speech. This is very, very good. Very important. In fact, it's the most important time ever to listen to something like this. So I highly encourage you to listen to this. I highly encourage you to think through it. We'll break it down in different sections of it, but let's get this started again. Michael Schellenberger's guide to escaping the woke matrix. This is unbelievable. Here we go.

Jonathan Kogan:
Sorry about that. We had a disconnect, but I just want to make sure we're at the right spot. So he's just getting into how lab leaks have happened for over 50 years. It's nothing new. It happens all the time. Okay. And so we'll continue the speech from there. I, before we go on, I just want to say real quick, these were five disinformation campaigns coming from the highest levels of the United States government, simply from 2020 to 2023, these are five massive operations that have occurred from the 2020 to 2023, just the past three years, these five massive operations. So just think about what. perhaps has occurred since before then. So in the past three years, five massive operations. I just, the scale of that's unbelievable. All right, let's continue. I second that. So I just want to add one more thing about her. So if you haven't listened to it, Michael Schellenberger, not that long ago, a couple of months, was on Joe Rogan and exposing all this must listen to episode on Joe Rogan. And he said on that podcast that shoot that this woman was a snob. Okay. And since Joe Rogan's audience is massive, okay. Way bigger than all mainstream media combined times 10 probably. she contacted Spotify with these censorship agencies or disinformation agencies to take down that podcast episode. And so Schellenberger and Joe Rogan had to show evidence that what they said about her was true with all of this stuff. And since it was true, they were unable to take the episode off of Spotify. She was unable to get the episode taken down because what they said about her was in fact true. Okay. So just, that just gives you an idea of what is going on. A lot of the stuff being censored. I mean, a big one is a particularly around Bobby Kennedy Jr. On, on YouTube, they're taking down Theo Vaughn's episode, Mike Tyson's episode. A lot of the things they take down is because what they're saying is actually truthful. So if something is taking down because of censorship, you should always go listen to it for yourself, no matter what you think of that person. No matter how you perceive them, no matter what you're told about them, you should always listen to it and then compare that from firsthand knowledge from the source. And then go read the mainstream media reports about that particular person or that particular episode. And then you use your own critical thinking skills, which by the way, critical thinking is a threat to democracy experts say, no, I'm just kidding, but that's probably going to be a headline soon. Uh, you need to go to the source, listen to it, then go. cross-check that against mainstream media, and then you need to find out the truth for yourself. No one's gonna do it for you. They're gonna try to get you to go the wrong direction on purpose. So you always need to listen to the source, especially if it's censored. That's my biggest piece of advice for you to find the source of truth. Let's continue. I'm sorry, I have to make a comment on that. That is a crime against humanity. For mothers not to be able to see the truth of other women, other mothers, showing that their kids were harmed so that they wouldn't make the same mistake. Them consciously taking that off, knowing it's true, censoring it, knowing it's true, so that other mothers would potentially hurt their own children. That is a crime against humanity. This is absolutely the lowest of low. This is not a normal government. This is not normal what's happening. This is a massive operation against the people. I don't know what else can expose it more than that. They knew it was true. They still did it because they still wanted the children to get a medical procedure that was experimental. That is sick, that is twisted, that is wrong. And we all should agree on that because we all must protect the children. That's what we're supposed to do as adults, is protect children. The irony. Mm-hmm. Excellent, excellent speech. And it's so ironic that the people in the richest countries, like the United States of America and Great Brain in Canada, are fighting for things that are actually giving the opposite outcome as they intended to people all over the world. They don't understand that people are starving, that don't have enough food, that perhaps even the war with Russia, Ukraine is going to cross famines in Africa and just tons of death of young men. hundreds of thousands, excuse me. And people are, are social justice warriors for the very things to, for the very thing to help people. And what they're doing is actually hurting people further, or even more so than before. Like to not allow, uh, growing economies in poorer countries, do you have the same energy, cheap energy that we have in the U S. is a crime. It's terrible. People have not traveled outside the US. What they do is they shit on the country and they shit on everything that how everything is built here. And yet they have no perception at all about how everybody else in the world lives, how billions of people are below poverty and just how poor other people live. And people are yelling, walking around weighing 450 pounds with 1800 medications. They take a day from Pfizer. And they're like, Oh, you know what? Life's not fair. Eating, eating roundup and snorting gluten and a whole bunch of catastrophes to your system. We're the richest country with the most unhealthy population. It makes no sense. Nothing makes sense. It's an, we have, we have finally reached the upside down world where left is right up is down, everything's opposite. And we need to get everything back on track. So we're going to fight for it. That's what we do with this podcast. That's why we share incredible speeches and information like this. That's why we support peasants doing the right thing and we support our brothers and sisters no matter where they came from, no matter what they look like. We base it on their actions. We bathe, we judge you on the content of your character. Okay. We don't care about the pigment of your skin. Okay. We care about your attitude. We care about how much you're helping society. We care if you're on the side of the peasants. That's what matters when it's all said and done, but we need to fight for it. So this is it. You're in the arena. What are you going to do about it? You can share the information. You're going to go cry in a hole. You're going to yell at the mirror and be like, Oh my God, I'm so unfair. Or are you going to try and do things to better yourself? You're going to write three things. You're grateful for it. Night. You're going to wake up early. You're going to go to the gym. You're going to exercise. You're going to eat well. What are you going to do? The choice is yours because if we all look inwards and make ourselves healthy, mentally, physically, spiritually, and everybody does that, then all this shit works out, but you need to get started. You can't be quiet while everything just happens. You are living in a special era where there's a revolution on humanity. This is a revolution. We are in the midst of a revolution and people don't even know it. This is a beautiful thing or it can be an awful thing. And what I mean by that is Mo Gadot, who was the Chief Business Officer of Google X, go listen to a lot of his speeches. I was just listening to him talk about how he's an expert with AI and how 2029. could be the singularity where man and machine are the same, but he's saying that by 2035, 2037, okay? Basically in 15 years that the people living that era will look back and they won't even recognize how our society lived. Everything will be so different and life will be so different when they look back at how people lived in 2023, it won't even be recognizable. It will seem like it's cavemen or before that. That's how quickly things are about to change. And you have the elites who are trying to gain power forever. Cause if you get the power in this last stage with AI and all these totalitarian controls, they could put in place, it's over. You're never going to, you can never push back. You can never have a revolution. You can never get your freedom back. If it's taken, it's never coming back. It's over. They have all of the technology to be put in place where you ain't getting nothing back. So this is it. This is our time. This is your time. What you do with it is up to you, but I'll tell you this, whether you have kids or not, you don't want to be able. to have the next generation of people say, oh, if only they fought for us. If only they did the right thing and stood up for us. If only they didn't throw away our freedom like it was nothing. So again, the choice is yours. And I wasn't going to play this, but I will play since, you know, I played this whole speech. He gave another talk recently and it's seven minutes, 36 seconds. And since we played it, let's just play it now. They asked him about the censorship industrial complex. The topic of the discussion was how people who seem to care the most, like people in San Francisco have outcomes that provide the worst city where there's a zombie town. People are dying on the streets. It's disgusting. It's all trashy. And they care. And these people say they care more so than any other people. They're the ones that care. They're the ones that are doing everything for the people. And yet their policies are resulting in the worst city in the United States of America. Why is that? It's a question worth asking and an answer worth exploring. So they ask them, though, in this topic of this discussion, about the censorship industrial complexes since that is what's going on right now. We're gonna play this clip for you because you should listen to it. And it's right on topic. So let's play this real quick. Here we go. Again, this is Michael Schellenberger, different discussion. Take a listen. So there, I'll end on this. I'll end on this, because you've been here for a while and I appreciate it. And please subscribe and share The Jonathan Kogan Show. There's never been a time where we have been alive that is more important than now. Where our decisions will shape decades, if not centuries of the future. What we choose to do today and then the next couple years, the next five years, the next 10 years, is going to shape civilization for the next 100 years, if perhaps 200 years. This is it. You're, you happen to be alive at a really weird, interesting inflection point in human civilization and how it goes in the future is up to us. It's up to the peasants, every single one of us. And you do play a role in this by sharing the information, by exploring and searching for the truth, by not having biases and reacting on your emotions that they're trying to pull and poke from the mainstream media and propaganda outlets, whether it's video, whether it's written word, whether it's Twitter, whatever it is. You got a lot of forces. All the money is against you. All the forces, all the political class, the elites are all against you. Everything's against you. So you need to swerve in and out of traffic like Frogger to find out what's true and not true and be willing to look at places you would have never looked before. Cause you were told it's a lie or you were told someone is a danger to democracy. Go listen to that person. Just go to the source yourself. Dissect it. Learn about it. If you think something's sketchy, research it. Deep, I mean, second page of Google Deep, not first page, because they do quiet censorship, soft censorship. You need to really look. You've got to take advantage of Twitter right now. You have to take advantage of Substack, and you really need to take advantage of podcasts, because podcasts could shape the future of the political class. And we are a small little drop in the pond of this movement of freedom, pro-human, pro-earth, pro-peasant, and pro whatever's best for human civilization forever. So that's it. That's all I got for you today. I really, really hope you enjoyed those speeches. I hope you enjoyed the content. I, if you've been here a while, I hope you appreciate the pod. I hope you've shared it. I really do. I really appreciate you. I love you. Happy July 4th. If you're somewhere else in the world, happy random 4th of July, which doesn't mean anything to you, but I'll tell you what July 4th, 1776 was the beginning of an era where the United States of America, whatever you think of it is definitely a shining light. in this dark, dark time that we are currently living in and we're approaching a much brighter and lighter time, but just know that we can overcome. We have the ability to do it now together. We have the freedom. We have the tools with the internet. We can get around this. We can defeat the censorship industrial complex. We can bring the peasants to the top of the, of the food chain. It comes down to you. What are you going to do about it? I'll tell you what I'm going to do about it. I'm going to keep making podcasts for you. lit podcasts, rumbles, YouTube's, whatever you want to call it. Twitter videos at KOGZ. Please subscribe to the channel. Thank you for coming out today. Happy 4th of July. You're amazing. And I hope you join this fight with us. We need you. We really, really need you. I love you. God bless. I'll see you later. Bye.