Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice

 Welcome to "Hypnotherapy Reflections," a podcast that shines a light on the transformative journeys of those dedicated to the art of healing minds. Today, we're honoured to have Christine Courtney with us, a practitioner whose journey in solution-focused hypnotherapy is both inspiring and deeply instructive. Nearly two years ago, Christine shifted her professional path to focus on this empowering therapeutic approach, bringing with her a rich background in mental health support. Our discussion will delve into Christine's values and the pivotal experiences that led her to where she is today—highlighting her commitment to enhancing mental wellness without dwelling on past traumas. Join us as we explore how Christine's passion for fostering positive change guides her practice and how it could potentially influence the field of hypnotherapy. Tune in for a heartfelt exploration of a therapist’s journey through innovation, empathy, and relentless commitment to improvement. 

What is Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice?

Welcome to "Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice!" Join us as we dive into inspiring stories of individuals who chose to train with CPHT as solution-focused hypnotherapists and transformed their lives. Discover how their specialised training empowered them to become successful practitioners, profoundly impacting their clients and communities. Each episode features candid interviews, valuable insights, and practical tips from seasoned hypnotherapists who share their journey, challenges, and triumphs. Whether considering this rewarding career or seeking motivation to elevate your practice, "Hypnotherapy Reflections" offers the inspiration and knowledge you need. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of transformation and success in the world of solution-focused hypnotherapy!

Gary Johannes:

So welcome to our latest edition of hypnotherapy reflections from training to practice. And today, we have the lovely Christine Courtney with us. Christine qualified as a solution focused hypnotherapy just under 2 years ago, almost to the day, I think. And has been supporting people for a lot longer than that. So we're gonna explore her journey, the unique insights, both the ones she's got personally over the years, and particularly over the last 2 years, that she might have gained since she's been doing the powerful version of the solution focused hypnotherapy.

Gary Johannes:

But also what she might have done before, what got her to where she is. And we're really gonna just have a nice chat. So get ready for an inspiring conversation, highlighting the transformative power of hypnotherapy. So let's introduce Christine. Christine, hello.

Christine Courtney:

Hi, Gary. Nice to see you again.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Cool. So do you wanna introduce who you are, where you're from, what you know, where your practice is, what it's called?

Christine Courtney:

So I'm Christine from, Light in the Dark Hypnotherapy, and I'm based here in Carlisle. I do a lot of online, sessions. So, basically, I'm from all over the place, but my office is based in Carlisle right now.

Gary Johannes:

Cool. Do you see people face to face as well?

Christine Courtney:

I do. About 80% of my people are, online, but I just got myself a little office sorted out because more and more clients wanted to see me face to face. Yeah. And we're doing it for my house. I thought, you know, I'm I get a little office going, so I'm just about

Gary Johannes:

to start with

Christine Courtney:

that now.

Gary Johannes:

So we we I think we see that quite often where people want a more blended service. So some people definitely online, and I think I've spoken to quite a few people recently who are doing a bit of both. Mhmm. So that's really nice. So I've sent you a list of questions I might ask you.

Gary Johannes:

I might change my mind as always. You know me well enough.

Christine Courtney:

I do.

Gary Johannes:

But what I'd really like to know to start with is what motivated you to pursue training as a solution focused hypnotherapist?

Christine Courtney:

Well, as you said before, I was doing, I was involved in hypnotherapy. I was at work first of all, I was working in a physiotherapy clinic, and I was basically seeing lots of depressed people. People who were injured, couldn't go to work, couldn't do go to school, couldn't carry on with the sports. So I've seen a lot of, you know, very stressed out people. So I did meet up with a lady that was doing hypnotherapy, and I did a little bit of training, in that not solution focused.

Christine Courtney:

And, I was I started off with hypnotherapy, and I was working there for about a year. So I was basically doing the physiotherapy office, working a little bit in a hospital, and also doing hypnotherapy.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, lovely. So what motivated you to to learn them?

Christine Courtney:

We are motivated. That was the question, wasn't it? I was motivated because I wanted to help people. I could see people getting better physically, but it didn't necessarily mean they were getting better mentally. You know, I I all around me just seemed to be a lot of stress.

Christine Courtney:

You know. So I I really wanted to help that part of people too. You know, I want them to go back to school, back to work, feeling happy with the cells and not, you know

Gary Johannes:

So so you're already working in the field of mental health, and you was already doing hypnotherapy. So you didn't really need to retrain in solution focused hypnotherapy. What brought that about?

Christine Courtney:

Well, I started to read about when I moved back to I was in Canada at the time.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, okay. So

Christine Courtney:

you were

Gary Johannes:

sitting in a lovely, beautiful country of of, Canada.

Christine Courtney:

Beautiful. Beautiful even more in the summer, not so beautiful in the winter, unless you you're an avid, winter sports person, which I am not.

Gary Johannes:

No. I don't do any sport anymore. But one of my colleagues, he's always every opportunity he gets, he's on the ski slope, so he would've loved it.

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. I wish I could've done that. I did try and try and try again. But Yeah. No.

Christine Courtney:

So yes, when I moved back to the UK, I did want to keep on doing hypnotherapy because I really liked it. But there was something missing in the hypnotherapy I was doing, which I found in solution focus. And as that people were still unhappy. They were still sitting there talking to me and being depressed and sad because we weren't doing the solution focused. We weren't moving forward.

Christine Courtney:

We were just talking about their traumas and making them relive their traumas. So when I discovered solution focused hypnotherapy and read and read more about that, I thought, this is what I want to do. I want people to be leaving happy, not sad.

Gary Johannes:

So there's something in you where you really wanted to help people, and it sounds like whether that was doing physio or whether working in a hospital or even the hypnotherapy you was already doing. You was really invested in helping people.

Christine Courtney:

Oh, definitely. Definitely.

Gary Johannes:

But you wanted people to leave feeling better than when they turned up?

Christine Courtney:

Definitely. I went through so many boxes of Kleenex, so many boxes of tissues. When I saw people and it was a joint, it was a bit of a joint venture with a friend of mine. So she would see a couple. I would see a couple.

Christine Courtney:

It wasn't massive, but it was and it was only part time. It was in working as well. But I used to say to her, you know, people like just coming in and they're they come in smiling and good morning and what's been going on, and then they leave by crying and their faces are all red and, you know.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, wow. So very

Christine Courtney:

different. It just wasn't what I was looking for.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Very different. I mean, you definitely help people still, but

Christine Courtney:

different No. I'm not knocking it. I think that any therapy you get is is good therapy.

Gary Johannes:

So I guess the inspiration behind, first of all, training in the field of therapy, hypnotherapy, was you saw people who were physically getting better, but it wasn't mentally getting better. So you wouldn't have left that strain.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

And then you was helping people get mentally better, but it was really tough for them. They found it hard work, and they were getting upset.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

So the solution focused side, when you then come back to the UK, you was able to train in a methodology which fixed order boxes and ticked order boxes and made people happy and better. And you was able bet better able to handle it.

Christine Courtney:

Because who likes to really who wants to talk about something that was bad in the past? You know, who wants to relive that? And part of me knew that because I'd had I'd had counseling done many years. I'd had therapy done. So I knew in the back of my mind, you know, that, you know, what it was like, but I still thought, oh, yes.

Christine Courtney:

I'm still helping people. But that niggly little voice in my mind was saying this isn't this isn't really good for me.

Gary Johannes:

So so coming from Canada back to UK, going into top of the top of England in Cumbria, which is fairly sparse in in many you know, from a population point of view. So how did you discover CPhD, and and then how did you make that choice about the solution focused program we offer?

Christine Courtney:

Well, I was looking around at all the different hypnotherapy trainings to see what I could find all the courses, solution focused hypnotherapy came up. I read a lot about that. And then I basically I just started googling all over the place, universities, colleges, what would fit in with my lifestyle, you know, could I do it part time? Do I have to go full time? You know, a university thing wasn't for me having to go full time.

Christine Courtney:

Plus, you know, I probably would have been the oldest person there. But that anyway. So I came across, CPhT. I read a lot about it. And I thought, you know what?

Christine Courtney:

This this may work. And then, I had a an interview or a discovery call, whatever you want to call it, with yourself. And you answered all the right questions, and you do remember I asked a lot of questions.

Gary Johannes:

We we love lots of questions because I think one of the things I wanted to make sure, and I still wanna make sure of anybody's interest in the course, it's the right course for them. I'd rather people not join the course if they're not sure because I want to make sure they're investing in themselves in the right space. So we're we love lots of questions because, hopefully, we'll be can answer them all so you can make a proper informed decision. Did you feel like that?

Christine Courtney:

Oh, totally. You answered all of my questions. And I think we had 2 calls. If I'm probably did have 2 calls, I wouldn't have been happy with just one. And I was writing more questions down and more questions, and you answered everything, everything that I needed.

Christine Courtney:

And you even gave me time to stand back and time to think about it. You know, I know

Gary Johannes:

Oh, yeah.

Christine Courtney:

We about it.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Again, I think most people in our industry are very much wait until tomorrow. We we we we we don't like to make knee jerk reactions. It's where the I think that makes us good therapists, I guess. We we we like to ponder things, and I think that's quite important.

Gary Johannes:

There's no hardness to our process.

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. So I just liked I liked our conversations. I liked what I was reading, and I did like the fact that we did not go back into people's past. You know, and I like that. I thought, you know what?

Christine Courtney:

Let me try that. And it worked in with my schedule, with my work schedule and everything. I could do that. I knew there was gonna be a lot of homework, a lot of learning. I liked I just I just really I just was drawn to it.

Gary Johannes:

So how has the training you've done with CPhD shaped the approach you now have with clients? Because you've worked problem focused, as I might call it. You've worked within hospitals and things you've also worked in a completely different culture, you know, in Canada. How is that now shaping up for you? Has it changed the way you work?

Christine Courtney:

Definitely. It's changed my way of thinking a lot. Personally, I'm a lot less stressed, a lot less stressed than what I used to be. I can stand up and talk in front of people. I love talking about solution focused hypnotherapy.

Christine Courtney:

I just did a talk, a lunch and learn with the, the Chamber of Commerce here.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

Talked about it then. I've got a monthly gig where I go to a hotel and I talk to their employees there.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, absolutely.

Christine Courtney:

The guy was my client, the manager, and he asked

Gary Johannes:

me to

Christine Courtney:

come in. And so I talk about that. I do mention where I got my training. I just talk about positive Do

Gary Johannes:

do you work with clients on an individual basis when you actually work on them differently now you've understood more about how the solution Oh, yes. Works. Do you think you work differently with people now?

Christine Courtney:

I work definite definitely with with people. People always like to bring up the negative side and bring up things that happened. So we basically talk that through a little bit, but then I explained to them that, you know, we we we don't go that way. We're all about moving forward, taking steps to move forward, and finding our best selves. And, yes, I like that.

Christine Courtney:

I like that people are really happy that I'm moving them on. I've never had one client yet that says, well, I want to talk about what happened to me. They all they look quite happy and ready to go. Yeah. Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

I have more patience with the with 2. I actually shut up and let them talk. Wow. I know. I I only took the

Gary Johannes:

years of training to get you there. I knew

Christine Courtney:

you would love that one. But, yes, I I I'm a lot I'm a lot more patient with people. And, yes, it totally has. It it changed it changed me a lot, the training.

Gary Johannes:

That's so good to hear. So one of the things about CPhD, it's very neuroscience based. There's lots of information, lots of knowledge about how we tick as human beings and that. But that's a a shift in surface because it's very much based on neuroscience. So there's lots of developments or new stuff

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

Within the field of what we do in hypnotherapy. How do you stay current with that?

Christine Courtney:

Well, I'm always reading all the time. I'll read anything that's solution focused. I'm listening to podcasts, podcasts, the associations

Gary Johannes:

Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

That you move this to, the AF SFH, with that too. And the supervision the supervision that we get from from you, and your colleagues is is wonderful and brings us all up today

Gary Johannes:

and with

Christine Courtney:

everything. Yeah. I I really like that.

Gary Johannes:

So there's that thing. So in the middle of that, there's you. Mhmm. And one of the things we hear a lot is about work life balance. So how does modern a hypnotherapy practice finding time for you, being a parent, everything in there?

Gary Johannes:

How does that all unfold for you? How do you No. Manage that?

Christine Courtney:

I'm really good at setting boundaries now. I wasn't at first. I really wasn't at first. Now I am very good at setting boundaries. These are my times.

Christine Courtney:

This is what I do. And this is one of the reasons why I took an office to to separate it a little bit more from my house. I was thinking, oh, it'd be great working from my my front living room. But when my granddaughters want to come in and watch the TV, grandma say, no. No.

Christine Courtney:

No. I've got a client. So I've decided to yes. I'm gonna have a little office, and I can do my online there too. Basically separate it all.

Christine Courtney:

So that's helped. You know? Yeah. And basically just making sure I do self care with myself, and I have time for myself.

Gary Johannes:

I was gonna say, what self care things do you put in there to keep you to keep you grounded is a is a a way we often talk about it. But just what self care do you put in place? Are you effective when you're with your clients? How do you look after you?

Christine Courtney:

Oh, I look after me by going out and walking in nature. I love the countryside, walking around in anything with a waterfall or stream or

Gary Johannes:

trees. Well, a lot of it in Cumbria, isn't it?

Christine Courtney:

It is. And I love it. There was quite a bit in Canada too where I was, but I found I found lots here now. I like doing that. I love reading, like I say.

Christine Courtney:

And music, I love just turning up the rock channel Yeah. And just dancing around the house like a crazy person. My hoovering or anything, it just just gets all my.

Gary Johannes:

I can't imagine ever anybody thinking you're a crazy person.

Christine Courtney:

Well, for want of a better word. But yes. Just

Gary Johannes:

No. No. I I agree with the statement. But you know? Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

Right. So, yeah, doing that. I I just to get out as much as I can. I love walking. I'll walk into town if I'm heading anywhere rather than jump on the bus.

Christine Courtney:

I like walking. So that grounds me. Could you please

Gary Johannes:

So in your practice Mhmm. Is there any sort of success stories you can share or, you know, something which you work with and it's like, wow. That I didn't expect that person to get that amazing outcome or something like that.

Christine Courtney:

Well, I've had quite a few success stories. I know we all have. I think a success story was when I had a lady, who wouldn't leave the house, and she thought that she was too overweight. Yeah. She wouldn't go outside.

Christine Courtney:

She wouldn't go into town because she could see a reflection of herself in the windows. She would take a dog out for a walk in the in the morning, early morning, so when there was nobody around or in the nighttime. She was basically almost housebound. She didn't want to go anywhere. And by the time we finished our sessions, I I could see a big difference in about 6 sessions.

Christine Courtney:

But by the time we got to, let's say, 12, maybe she had a little bit more after that, she was going on holiday. She joined the gym. She didn't care. She was going in town. She was buying the the smallest, loveliest little dresses.

Christine Courtney:

That's such a success story. And for something that was surprising, I had a lady that had been a teacher for many, many years, loved teaching, loved children, but then decided that she was stuck in a rut. And what she really wanted to do was be a singer. So she left that, and and she started a a a career in music. And she's even been on, Britain's Got Talent.

Christine Courtney:

She Wow. She auditioned for that and went on that. So, yeah, that was more surprising. From a teacher to now a singer.

Gary Johannes:

How how does that make you feel?

Christine Courtney:

Oh, it makes me feel great because when they first come in and they're they're all down and they don't know where to go and what what they want to do. And by the end of those sessions, it's great. And I love it when they say, oh, you changed my life. You told told us in the class lots of times people would say that, and they do. It's Yeah.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

So so we know, and you've got evidence there of how profound those sessions can be and how much change can happen, literally change someone's life. We run into people who are skeptics.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

We get skepticism or misconceptions about what hypnosis is and what we do. How to handle those?

Christine Courtney:

Well, first of all, I do laugh like a lot of people because before I knew anything about hypnosis, when I used to watch stage hypnosis, I didn't know any better. So so I explained to them that it's all scientifically based. I explained to them, you know, what really goes on in the brain. If they want to listen that long, first of all, I just tell them that it's absolute rubbish. You know?

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. And, yeah, I give them an explanation of what what really goes on, on. And I assure them that it's not mind control. You don't have a watch in front of your face, and you're not made to do what, you know, what you don't want to do. Now that you're completely in control, you can get up and walk away if you like.

Christine Courtney:

You know?

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. So Do do you find because a lot of the course includes understanding a little what what we might call newer education. We put a lot in that. Does that help you to explain it to people so they they they change their perspective? They get more confident when they've got better understanding of what you can offer.

Christine Courtney:

Yes. Well, just an explanation of the brain, basically. Just telling them that and how things work and, you know, your primitive mind and everything, they they just they're just blown away. You know? I I I have a lot of nurses, not a lot.

Christine Courtney:

I have a few nurses come to me, and they don't even know anything about

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. That

Christine Courtney:

they haven't been taught at the course. They're fantastic at their jobs, but they don't know how the mind works. And

Gary Johannes:

Absolutely. And I don't know about on your course, but we do get lots of nurses and medical professionals on the courses to to get we we get a number of psychologists on the course and doctors of the psychologists because I think there's enough definite shift in how we work with people and that level of understanding. So that's good to know. So Yeah. On that note, what's it done for you?

Gary Johannes:

What personal transformation have you think that you've experienced as a result of learning solution focused hypnotherapy? What's it done for you?

Christine Courtney:

Well, it's done for me. I I think, like I said, I I've got a lot more patience with people now. I feel more I I understand myself more. Now I'm more in the moment with things now. You know, my thoughts and my feelings are a lot calmer.

Christine Courtney:

I think everything is just calmer.

Gary Johannes:

And how how does that affect the world around you and the people around you?

Christine Courtney:

Oh, I don't know. I think my partner definitely has seen a transformation in me. Yeah. Over the years, we've been together 35 years. And, I I think sometimes I just see him looking at me, and he's picking up my books and handing me my book when I'm definitely a transformation in me.

Christine Courtney:

I'm a I'm a lot nicer person, I think.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

Yeah. Because actually when I'm giving when I'm in the sessions, when I'm doing sessions with people, I'm getting the therapy myself.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

That's you know? So that's great. I see 3, 4 clients a day. I'm getting that therapy.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

I'm sleeping well. You know? It it's great. You know? It's good.

Christine Courtney:

And I also sorry.

Gary Johannes:

Well, I you you said it may makes you a nicer person, and I think I don't think anybody's come on to to train in in therapy not already thinking they're a nice person. Mhmm. But I think we start you know, we it doesn't mean he was a bad person at the start, but

Christine Courtney:

I've never been a bad person.

Gary Johannes:

It's amazing how we got well, we're even better than we were.

Christine Courtney:

Yes. Yeah. My best self. I think being my best self. Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

Even when I come across people who are not so nice to me for whatever reasons, you know, you sometimes you get that with people coming in, you don't know. They're very defensive. You know? Because I don't take anything personally. It's No.

Christine Courtney:

All that they're they they need to talk things out. They lift their problems and yeah.

Gary Johannes:

I mean, it's hard to not take things personally sometimes. We all have those moments. We're not all perfect. No. I remember hearing, and I try and live with it, and and it's something which I think when we're solution focused in our approach, in our way to life, is that, you know, criticism becomes feedback.

Gary Johannes:

Mhmm. So they're not criticizing me. They're giving me feedback.

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. Yeah. That's a good that's a great way of thinking about it. Yes.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. No. And I and I and I like that. So while you was training, how did you find it from getting support? You know, was that accessible?

Gary Johannes:

Was the instructors as accessible, the mentors, and even, you know, the support from your own cohort. Was it a supportive experience? Did you always find that there was he was able to get support when you needed it?

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. Very. With yourself, who was training him, you were always available. We could email you or call you if was needed. And not yeah.

Christine Courtney:

We would call you, but we could email you and ask questions. The the the trainers that were with you, the 2 ladies that were with you, they were always available. And even just the the peer system, the the people, the our colleagues, you know, who were learning, we all help each other. You know, we had a little Facebook group, WhatsApp group chat, and we would talk about, you know, what what we'd done that day, what kind of people we had to help each other. You know?

Christine Courtney:

So, yeah, there was a lot of support, I felt. Yeah. We know we know on the limb.

Gary Johannes:

Nice to hear.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

And and is that, you know, been ongoing since you graduated, since you become a full time practitioner or, in your case, part time?

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

Has that support continued? Sorry?

Christine Courtney:

Almost full time. I'm working.

Gary Johannes:

Absolutely. But you're in control of that. I mean, that's so lovely that you choose you're the boss of who you are and what you do.

Christine Courtney:

That's right.

Gary Johannes:

But how's that been supported ongoing since because we I I've met a lots of people who've trained in therapy. They've got their certificate, and that's it. No. The organization doesn't go past that house.

Christine Courtney:

Oh, no. So we've got we were I'm I'm part of them professional bodies that you introduce us to. You know? So the FSFH and the, NCH, you know, we so we get a lot of information from them, a lot of support. Again, your your supervision that you do yourself, you know, weekly, monthly, whatever supervision is quite a lot actually.

Christine Courtney:

You do offer quite a lot of supervision sessions, which is great, especially if you're working. You know, you got lots of different times set up with people. So that's great. If the Facebook supervision, that you ask lots of questions there. And, again, the the my colleagues that we we were training with, we still in touch with each other.

Christine Courtney:

We have a meet up once a month, and, we we talk and support and help each other. Like, I will do a a quick call to someone and say, how do you think about this? And they would say this. Yeah. And then I'd go back the supervision page that you have on the Facebook.

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. And you've I didn't quite get my answer. Go to the knowledgeable people there, and it would help me sort of

Gary Johannes:

launch quite holistic. It's all round there.

Christine Courtney:

It's all round. It's great. It's a great yeah. I never feel that I can't I've lost, and I can't ask anybody, you know, what to how to help me with a situation that I might not be too comfortable.

Gary Johannes:

That's really important. I mean, you live in and work as a as a therapist. It's quite an isolating

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

World for some people. And I always felt and you've mentioned me a couple of times, and that was very kind of you. But the reason I do what I do is we know that it can be quite isolated, because you can't talk to anybody about your clients

Christine Courtney:

No. That's true. Apart

Gary Johannes:

from your peers.

Christine Courtney:

That's true.

Gary Johannes:

I always wanted to create something that was you could be part of that was bigger than yourself.

Christine Courtney:

That's right.

Gary Johannes:

And I think that's important. And that's what I do with what I do. And that's what c p h offer CPHT offers is that once you've qualified, you can be part of something bigger than yourself.

Christine Courtney:

That's right.

Gary Johannes:

And still be in charge and in control of everything you do.

Christine Courtney:

That's right. Yeah. It is very important and very appreciative of that having that support group too. It's great.

Gary Johannes:

When you was training, is there anything what picks out for you? What you know, a real highlight during those training months, or is something key for you when, wow. That that that's made it worth it.

Christine Courtney:

I forgot what the machine's called. Sorry. Got a little bit of frog in my throat. Is it EEG machine?

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. The EEG brain scanner.

Christine Courtney:

Yes. That's it. When you brought that in and showed us, put it onto a a friend's head and showed us, and we actually saw what happened in the brain. You know, the clot shutting down of the primitive bit. It just blew my mind, basically.

Christine Courtney:

Pardon the pun. But it did. It was I I really liked that, the explanation, everything. It was like actually seeing it happen rather than just hearing what happened. We

Gary Johannes:

and I we're the only people who have that as far as I know.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

In my knowledge. And I think it's vital that we can show you some physical evidence

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

Live. But you're saying We we you know, I'm I'm fortunate to have a portable EZ brain scanner. Yes. And you can actually see what happens in someone's brain while we're talking to them.

Christine Courtney:

Yes. That and that was really good. That was great.

Gary Johannes:

And I amazing.

Christine Courtney:

That was amazing. I tell people a lot a lot that I saw that, and that is why I really thought, wow. I love that. I can see it happening. It really works.

Christine Courtney:

Also, when you talked about, the teenage brain and how the teenage brain works and how the differences, you know, like cognitive differences and how Yeah. You know, all the different things, how their brain works.

Gary Johannes:

Because I think

Christine Courtney:

we like working with teenagers, you know. Yes. And, and, that was a really good understanding for me. Well, having, you know, our children ourselves and them growing up that, well, I wish I'd have gone Yeah. Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

Out a handle that then when they were teenagers.

Gary Johannes:

Many people say I've never got past that point of having a teenage life, but that's a different story.

Christine Courtney:

Yeah. Well but yes. So that too. And, yeah, they were the key yeah. They I think they were the key So

Gary Johannes:

what do you now find most rewarding about your work as a solution focused hypnotherapist?

Christine Courtney:

Well, I like I have more rewarding is when people are happy when they leave, definitely, because I never saw that before when I worked as a therapist before in the counseling before. I didn't. Well, they might give you a a nod and a smile, but genuinely happy. And they go out there with a lot of hope that things are going and, you know, confidence that they can do it. You know, I've had people sit here and and and just be, you know, oh, you know, they they wanted to get better.

Christine Courtney:

They tried different therapies. And when I've explained about the brain, explained what we do, they'd look at me and say, you know what? This is going to work. I know it's going to work. So right from the start, they already have the interest.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

You know? So when people leave happy, then that makes me feel really, really good.

Gary Johannes:

Thanks. So, I mean, you're one of the few people I've trained who have had multiple roles within caring for people, and you actually learned 2 types of hypnotherapy.

Christine Courtney:


Gary Johannes:

So if what advice would you give to someone who's considering a queer as a hypnotherapist? What would you say to them if they were going, oh, I'm thinking about it. It sounds good.

Christine Courtney:

No. I would tell definitely tell them to go towards a solution focused hypnotherapy. I think it'd be they'll be more rewarded, seeing people getting better quicker, seeing people happier, I think that the the I would definitely point them in the in your direction.

Gary Johannes:

Well, that's fine.

Christine Courtney:

Training because of how how thorough it all was. Yeah. Interesting and thorough. And I would tell them that just go for it because there is a lot people out there, so many, many people that need help with their mental problems and not enough therapists. They may say, oh, there's thousands of counselors.

Christine Courtney:

There's thousands of hypnotherapies. But there there isn't. There's millions of people that that need the help. So I would tell them to go for it and to definitely take a look at the CPHT, yeah, course.

Gary Johannes:

That's excellent. So I sent you lots of what we might be talking about today, but what I didn't tell you is that there's a hidden question.

Christine Courtney:

Okay. Yes, darling.

Gary Johannes:

The last question I've got for you, if you could have or deliver hypnotherapy sessions Mhmm. For any historical figure. Oh. Who would it be and why?

Christine Courtney:

Well, that's great, isn't it? Who would it be and why?

Gary Johannes:

Who would you like to have as a client from any time in history?

Christine Courtney:

I was immediately gonna say some nasty person that I could actually change their way of thinking in a more positive way.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. I don't think we're very good with psychopaths.

Christine Courtney:

No. I don't think so either, but I one immediately jumped into my mind. I don't know. Somebody who somebody in the past who is very quiet, historical, you throw me in this one.

Gary Johannes:

I know.

Christine Courtney:

Oh, what can I what do I think of? Historical. I don't think I can ask.

Gary Johannes:

You've got to. You've got to be sleeping positive about it.

Christine Courtney:

It was a quiet

Gary Johannes:

mess. Anybody. It could be a pop star. It could be a historical figure. It could be a role mem member of our family.

Gary Johannes:

It could be anyone.

Christine Courtney:

Could be anybody. Maybe Janis Joplin.

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

I think Janis Joplin had such a hard time before she came out of her shell. She was such a introverted person. She was bullied.

Gary Johannes:

Was she?

Christine Courtney:

Yes. I've read all about her. She was bullied, that people would say horrible, horrible things to her all the way through school, all the way through college, all the way through university, until then she suddenly came out of her shell and became Janice Stone.

Gary Johannes:

Amazing. Amazing talent.

Christine Courtney:

Amazing talent. But can you imagine if she'd had had what talent could a talent would have come out earlier, and

Gary Johannes:


Christine Courtney:

She wouldn't have had such a hard life.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Christine Courtney:

And maybe she wouldn't have died so early because she would have had more confidence in herself. Maybe she wouldn't have had to turn to coping mechanisms Yeah. Ended up killing her. So, yeah, thank you for asking me that question. Took a while, but I think Janice Joplin.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. Well, on that note, you better tell us all about Christine, how we can find you, if somebody's interested in either using your services or just talking to you more. How will they find you? Both websites, social media, what how will they get you?

Christine Courtney:

Most of my clients are going through the hypnotherapy directory, so I am there under my name, Christine Courtney. And I'm Christine at Light in the Dark Hypnotherapy. On Facebook and on my, web page, my web page is actually being revamped. So I would go to the hypnotherapy directory, but it's there. It's light in the dark hypnotherapy, and that's on Instagram, on Facebook, and also my web page.

Christine Courtney:

But I think the hypnotherapy directory is a really good place to be. I remember I I was a little bit about joining them, and you'd mentioned that, no, you're really good and you got clients from them. And I have just had so many clients come through.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, right. That that that that's very good. I mean, it's good advice for anybody who's working as a hypnotherapist. But anybody who wants to work with you, it's Light in the Dark Hypnotherapy

Christine Courtney:

It's Light in the Dark.

Gary Johannes:

All the social media platforms.

Christine Courtney:

That's right.

Gary Johannes:

And you've got a website. So that's fantastic. Yeah. So thank you for your time today, and you've been a pleasure as always. Thank you.

Gary Johannes:

And good luck with everything. And I'm sure I'll see you sometime in the future on supervision. Yes. So thank you very much. Alright.

Gary Johannes:

Bye bye.

Christine Courtney:

You, Gabby. Yep. Bye bye.