Clydesdale Media Podcast

This week we dive into the letters from Luka Djukic, Dave Castro and the Email from Don Faul.  We wrap up the Northern California Classic and see how our co-host and homie Carolyne Prevost did.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to sunday night

crossfit talk I got my

football voice going it's

first first week of the nfl

yeah the raiders oh sorry

When I was a kid,

I've said it a million times,

I wanted to be a sportscaster.

I watched NFL film stuff all the time.

That's the stuff I wanted to do as a kid.

Here I am as a podcaster in

my fifties making up for lost time.

But we're going to talk

about a lot of stuff tonight.

We are going to talk about

the NorCal Classic.

But before we do that, make sure you like,

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Clydesdale media youtube channel

So we're going to talk about

NorCal Classic.

And my co-host tonight is Jamie.

If you don't know Jamie, badass,

Masters athlete, fourth in the world.

Some would say third,

but fourth in the world for

sure in the forty to forty

four year old division.

So we're going to talk about

NorCal Classic.

However, it just finished.


Our other co-host just made

a slight run at the podium

to finish the competition.

And we're hoping that we get

a late join in from her so

we can hear directly from

Carolyn as she hit the gas

pedal on the last two events,

taking second and second to

jump up onto the podium to

finish the weekend.

And hopefully we'll get to

hear directly from her as

she was there and will be a

better account as to what

happened this weekend than

Jamie and I trying to

follow on Instagram and

recaps on YouTube.

So there we go.

with that so I'm going to

push that ahead and I know

you guys are talking about

excitement for the behind

the scenes we call it all

access on this channel uh

all access a behind the

scenes look at the cross

twenty twenty four masters

crossfit games I have the trailer here

Let's go.

I'm going to play it to start the show.

With that,

here is a quick trailer of

tomorrow's behind the scenes.

Episode one.

Episode one of eleven.

There's eleven episodes coming out.

Episode one.

Here it is.

The trailer.

And which one's your favorite?

The rope climb one's not too bad.

I think the rope climb will be OK.

Burpee one and muscle up one.

Guys, where you coming in from?





























































































Any goals for the weekend?



I'm Simon Hope from Auckland

in New Zealand.

New Zealand, awesome.

Albert Police.

What division are you in?

Fifty-five to fifty-nine.

From Hawaii, the big island.


Yeah, you guys competing this weekend?


What's your name and what age group?

My name is David Santa Cruz, Borgstrand.

I'm in the forty to forty-four.

Where'd you come in from?




Do you just love to compete?

No, I actually don't love to compete.

I love the process.

I love the training and the

process of it all.

I think there's a lot of

people that are not here,

not competing at the

Masters Games that thinks

that all the Masters Games

athletes are like pro athletes,

that this is like all we do.

And I think it's a misconception.

I think a lot of us have full-time jobs,

have families, have kids.

And I think it's something

that people don't realize

that not anybody can do this,

because it obviously takes

a lot of years of hard work and time,

and not everybody does have that.

But it's more accessible

than people think.

So that's the trailer.


Yeah, so excited.

A couple things from Lynn

here real quick is Lynn,

crank her the bike.

Jamie, burpee monster.


ninety percent clean eight times mid



Yeah, that's Jamie.

Those are my personas, apparently.

Yeah, she does all those things.

And leaps tall buildings in

a single bound.

And then good to see Kyle

Ruth from TTT talking about

his passion for Masters athletes.

You'll get a lot of TTT if

you don't know Ellie Hiller.

Shout out to Ellie Hiller

who helped me do the interviews.

She is a TTT athlete.

Kyle Ruth is her coach.

And so they have a close relationship, uh,


so we actually cut that up a little bit.


that piece is a little bit longer in

the actual documentary, um,

as they have a really good relationship.


And so, yeah,

there's actually TTT had like

nineteen athletes at the

Masters CrossFit Games.

I think it was Max Elhaj was

there as well as Brandon

and Brandon and CTP CPTC.

I don't know the order.





Chris, the podcaster.


I got it now.

um and and will morad is

with ttt ish yeah so on the

last few episodes you'll

see will a couple times um

as he's finishing up the

weekend um I think he

really got no groove and as

he was winning he was much

easier much more

approachable at the end of the weekend

Not that he's ever not approachable.

I think he was just feeling

out what Masters was all

about at the beginning of the weekend,

and then he got comfortable.

It got a lot more easy to talk with them.

Did you watch the TTT Masters recap?

I did watch most of it.

I watched it as I was going

to bed last night and fell

asleep before the end

because I was just dog tired.

Aaron and I watched it.

Aaron was really hoping that

they would touch more on

the floor layout and just like

you know, like,

like how your opinion of the move,

the workout moving down the

floor and actually having a

start and a finish.

And I feel like you lose

that when you set up the floors,

the way they set them up to

meet in the middle.


you can't really go the whole floor

length and I wish they

would have touched on that a little bit.



and I think just like I'm trying to be,

they were very forgiving.

This is the first time, first attempt,

and they were very

forgiving on that podcast

as I'm trying to be not so

negative when this was

thrown in their lap.

A tragic event happened four weeks ago.

They still had to pull this thing off,

and here we are.


I mean, I agree.

I just think there's...

constructive criticism that

could be given that I feel

like if you just say yeah

it went great or even if

you say like it went as

good as it could go for a

first year comp you're

almost like leaving

criticism on the table that

like could make it better

in the future just because

you're trying to give them

leeway um I just I don't

know that that floor setup

is the best thing for our

sport it doesn't really

hard to see who's in the lead yeah


you don't have the room to tell the



you have twenty people going at one

time on opposite ends of the floor.

They're not side by side,

so you can't really tell.


a great example is the one that Lynn

talked about where you

cleaned the bar eight times

at ninety percent of your weight.

The person closest to you

was across the floor in the far

Outside lane.




and then your barbells were set up


Your rules were different

because of where your

starting points were.

So it was really hard to

tell who was in first and

who was in second based on

where you guys were on the floor.


I understand who is a part

of the board or whatever

they call that group.

Bob and Joe know there are

improvements and changes

that can be made.

So Andrew saying this,

I think the floor setup

helps with getting the

volume athletes through each heat.

I think it's better than

twenty lanes straight across.

I don't know that I agree.

And I and I also I I think

there is an argument to be

made that there shouldn't

be forty athletes.

I think that should be saved

for legends in December.

And I think you actually need to.

make the fields slightly smaller,

whether it's thirty and you

have lanes of fifteen.

I don't know,

but I don't think that and

that's why I wish more

people would talk about this.

I wish TTT would have,

because if that's like

their thought and Andrew's

thought and that's their thought, like,


we're getting the volume of athletes

in and this is the way the

floor has got to be set up.

I just wish there'd be more

discourse over that.

I think the one thing that

has to happen is the lead

athletes have to be side by side.

Once that first receipt

happens and you know,

pretty much where people are sitting,


the top ten need to be on the same side,

side by side where you can

see and you can compete.


And Andrew says here, agrees with you,

maybe a smaller field is

what is necessary.

But I think at the very minimum,

top ten need to be side by side.


Not across from each other.

Depth perception is not

something you want to rely

on when you're racing somebody.

You want to see side by side

where you sit and if you're

ahead or behind.

Yeah, I think they thought maybe...

occasionally you would be

able to watch that person

right across from you.

Like if you were in the

middle of the left side of

the floor and the person in

second was in the middle of

the other side of the floor,

you'd be able to see each other.

But like that isn't the way

we were set up.

That didn't always work.

Like you couldn't really

just watch the people

across from you very well.

Occasionally you could,

sometimes we were faced that way,

but not always.

Denise Moore says being in

second the whole week.

And she was in second the whole weekend.


She was never beside first place.


And Lana, she knows I love her.


And a finish line for all events.




Praise the Lord.


Yes, please.

A freaking finish line.


So I can tell when people are done.




But we didn't mean to get into all that.

But, yeah, it was a good podcast.

And it was Kyle, Ruth, Brendan,

and Max Elhaj kind of

talking about it all.

And they were all there all weekend.

I mean,

talk about Max giving his time to

his Masters athletes.

He was there the whole

stinking weekend coaching

who he was there to coach.


Kenneth, it's too late.


So there.

But anyway, tomorrow morning, nine a.m.

Eastern time,

the first episode will come out.

It is all it's all check in day.

Um, so it's all about checking in,

just getting to know the athletes.

The episodes after this will

be event specific.

So event or so episode two

will be the run deadlift or deadlift run,

and it will be all around

centered around that.

The episodes will be shorter

when they're event based

than this one was.

This one's like almost fifty

minutes because it's just

checking in with a bunch of

athletes and kind of seeing

where they came from,

what they're here for.

And I will say,

like looking at the video

we have and all the stuff we've gathered,

both Ellie and I get way better.

As the weekend goes on,

like these episodes will

get better as they go

because we find different

ways to get people to react

to our camera.

And I think they got more

comfortable with our camera

as the weekend went on.

So I think it's going to be,

I think you're going to

appreciate some of the

stuff we captured as we got

more comfortable with the

athletes and they knew we

were there for just a fun reason.


So, yeah, it should be really fun.

But, yeah,

and shout out to Caitlin Walters

and Jonathan Ortega, especially Ortega.

He edited all the workout stuff.

So the workout piece you're

going to see in this is

just a preview of the entire event.

And Ortega did all the editing,

and he and Caitlin captured

all the video for that.

So shout out to them.

And then Holly Dugan,

who was right there by my

side the whole weekend.

And she's going to do all

the graphics for this moving forward.

So super excited about that.

Now we got to get into the serious stuff.

So this weekend we had tons

of correspondence that was issued,

sent out, whatever that was.

And the first one being Luca sending,

making a post on Instagram

in a letter format of kind

of what happened in his

mind through the initial part of

the tragedy of Lazar's death.

And so I have that.

I'll pull it up.

I don't want to,

it's like nine slides or something.

It's a lot.

I don't want to read the

whole thing to you,

but I've talked about it

myself yesterday on a show.

And I wanted to give you guys,

you and Carolyn, if Carolyn was here,

but you, if you had any reaction to this,

Um, I mean, it's good to hear from him.

I think everyone needs to

take it with a bit,

like you need to realize he

didn't have a camera or

recorder with him.


and I can't imagine he was in the

perfect state of mind to remember

word for word,

exactly what was said to him.

And also how his emotions

may have played into his

reaction of what he heard.

So, I mean,

it's great to get people's perspectives,

but that's what it is,

someone's perspective.

And Dave's is going to be his perspective.

And there's going to be

something in the middle

that is likely more of the truth.

So one,

this is an uncomfortable situation

for everybody involved.


The perspective of Luca is

he just lost his brother

and he is pissed and he has

a right to be pissed.



nothing that anybody does from this

point forward brings Lazar back.



And that's going to be his perspective.

What I find interesting is in his writing,

and I pointed this out,

just I did a stream of

consciousness episode yesterday,

which is bizarre and we can

talk about later.

But he points out in this

that he didn't want to

point fingers at this time, right?

But the minute this came out,

the internet pointed fingers.


The minute this came out.

Everybody jumped on their Instagram,

made a post,

and pointed fingers where

they wanted them pointed.

And I think they felt like

this gave them permission to do that.


Even though Luca in this says,

I don't want to point

fingers at this time.

right he's just giving his

perception of what

everything that happened

and everybody took that as

boom yeah they all in rare

and demanded a response

from dave right yeah so I

found that I found that to be ironic um

And I have not said my place

on who I support, who I don't support,

or anything like that.

Because I don't know.

There are still facts I want

to know about before I make

any definitive statement

about what I think should happen.

But the other thing that I know,

and it's something that...

I'm going to take a break

from this because Carolyn is in the chat.


She's about to jump on the

podium so she can't hop on,

which congratulations to Carolyn.

You kick ass.

You rock.

Been watching the leaderboard all day.

Saw your two second places

to finish to make it to the podium.

And we could not be happier for you.

So proud of you.

so stoked and uh and so

happy that you're up on the

podium so go get your medal

go get your prize money and

enjoy every bit of tonight

and don't worry about being

on the show yeah we love

you you're the best so

happy that that you did

what you did especially

next comment came back well we both are

came back from the dead after day one.


You had messaged me this,

that she was in the medical

tent getting IVs from like

severe dehydration from the trail run.


And we'll talk,

we'll talk about that when we get to the,

that we'll talk about the event.

So super stoked about that.

But yeah, she was in,

she got at least two IVs in

the medical tent on the first day.

I think that was Friday.


and then she says she still can't swim.

It's all right.

Um, thank you guys.


She was the third place.


Came back in the last two

events to podium.

Came back from the medical

tent and a swim event to podium,

which is freaking awesome for her.

Uh, and we could not be happier.

Um, so back to this, um,

and I don't even know where I was.

The one thing that like, I don't,

it's not popular to say,

but I've talked to a lot of

athletes and they tell me

that the CrossFit games is

where they have felt the

safest in their CrossFit career.



That when CrossFit puts on an event,

it is done so well.

Did they mess up this year?


Did something go wrong?


Does it need corrected?


But you look around at other

events around the world,

and it is crazy what

they're having athletes do

and don't have any kind of

safety protocols in place.


So I don't want to burn down the building.

Because a mistake was made.

But things need to change

because someone did die.

And we do need to make change.

I just don't know.

I need to see every fact before.

Not every fact.

I need to see facts before I

can make a judgment as to

where I think that should go.

So then after this,

it is followed up with a

letter from Dave Castro.

A very short one.

This one will be easy to pull up.

And it is here that he read

Luca's post and that he

says that he should have

never used the word blessed.

And he apologizes to the

family and to the athletes.

I'm going to read this verbatim.


At the time,

the decision was made to

continue the games and

allow our athletes to compete,

and we respected those

athletes who decided to withdraw.

This decision was made by CrossFit,

and I never intended to put

the weight of this decision on Luca,

the Jukic family,

or our CrossFit athletes.

And then he goes on to say,

I'm sorry for the pain I've caused.

I think this is a great step.

He is admitting where he may

have used the wrong word.

He is saying he's sorry for it.

But again,

I want to see more facts to know

what all this means in the big picture.

Your thoughts?

Yeah, I mean, I just...

I feel like people were

searching for... I feel

like some athletes called

out other athletes for

continuing on and just so

much judgment was happening

that people are so hung up

on the verbiage used that... I mean,

if that's the only thing

you care about is that Dave

said blessed and that's

what made you continue on

and now you just feel like...

cheated I don't even know

like you just feel like

wronged I don't it's not

about you for one I I just

wish people would just like

you like for one just back

off um I mean I wasn't

there I didn't experience

it I like I can't really

imagine but there's just so

much calling for dave's

head without concrete

evidence, facts, anything.

And I just think you needed to be like,

just own your decision.

And I guess you can say, man,

I wish it would have gone differently.

I don't know.

To hang, hang up over a word when

unless you were there and

heard it like it is it is

all a perspective thing and

like you need to you need

to take that into like your

own digest that your own

way um I don't I don't know

again it's so hard to make

a judgment call because you

don't have the context text

of how it was said right

right like none of us have

that context unless you were there

Well, you still, I mean,

you still don't like, I, I,

I don't even know that his, I mean,

blessing is a form of approval.

And I think everyone may

interpret that slightly different,

whether it was like a

enthusiastic approval or

just a go for it.

Go ahead if you want.


I wouldn't call that a blessing personally,

but I do.

And Dave admits he shouldn't

have used the word blessing.

He shouldn't have used the word blessing.


I am on the camp, though, that as a sport,

you have to find a way to move on.

And to me,

that meant we needed to finish the games.


I don't know that we should

have come back the next

morning and started all up again,

maybe one day off and

something different.

There are many different

interpretations of that.

But as I've experienced death in sports,

the sport goes on.


And that's what I was raised with.

When Dale Earnhardt died,

they raced the next weekend.


And all the qualification

stuff and all the stuff going up to that,

that next weekend happened.

And then there was,

there were still remembrance for Dale.

There was stuff that had, they, you know,

flew black flags.

They did what they needed to do,

but it moves on.

The minute you cancel something,

it just makes it a, it makes it bigger.

Not that a death should not be big.

It should be big.

But you also have to move on.

I don't know.

And there's still so many

facts to iron out here.


I mean, I think for the community...

whether it needed to look

like a typical CrossFit

Games or more like the

exhibition that some people called for,

I don't know.

But I know there's a lot of

people who think it should

have been canceled altogether.

I think that would have been

really hard on the community.

People did want a place to tune in.

People did want to continue

to like watch this and

grieve together or whatever it may be.

So I don't know that

canceling would have been

the greatest decision.

So I think Lynn,

you and I are probably not

going to agree on this.

I respect your opinion.

I respect that you,

you feel that way based on what you know,

but I feel like the family

was okay with it going on

because they didn't care.


That's what, I mean, that would be my,

I wouldn't, like I said,

I would not have used the word blessing.

They gave their blessing.

I would have said it very differently.

And Dave has apologized for

using the word blessing.

So that's,

that's where I'm not as hung up as you.

I, I mean, I think, I think.

Eighty percent of the

athletes that continued on,

we're going to continue on

no matter how it was worded.

Like they clearly wanted to compete.

There may have been a few

extra handful that really were thinking,

okay, they want this to go on.

I'm going to do this for

them in their honor.

And maybe a different

wording would have been like,

this doesn't feel right and

I'm not going to do it.

But I feel like a lot of the

ones who felt like it

wasn't right didn't do it.

I truly feel that

What should have happened is

CrossFit should have said, hey,

we're starting an investigation,

but we need to finish the games,

and we're moving forward.

We met with Lazar's family.

We met with Luca.

We talked to them,

and they know our plans to move forward.

It shouldn't have been about

their decision.

It should have been, hey, we, CrossFit,

are moving forward,

and this is what we're doing.

And they could have let us

know they had a conversation,

but they didn't need to say what,

that if there was blessing

or they even put the weight

of that decision on a

family that just lost a loved one.

But I do believe they should

have given more time to grieve.

They should have given at

least Friday as either...

move Chad to Friday and let

the community do it

immediately after or

something like more community focused.

Um, so I don't know.

Uh, Judy Reed says, I like Facundo's idea.

Anyone who chose not to compete,

got an automatic buy in the

twenty twenty five.

Not sure I agree with that

because then you're just

messing up future stuff.

I don't think there was an outright lie,

and this is from Lee Frazier.

I don't think there was an

outright lie but a misunderstanding.

A grieving brother and a

grieving director trying to

make a plan for an impossible situation.


I don't think the decision

to move forward with the

CrossFit Games should have

been Dave Castro's.

I agree with that.

I think it should have been

the CEO stepping in to say,

this is what we're doing.

It should have been a dawn-fall decision.



he got hung out on the chopping block


Yeah, I think Dave is the public face,

and he's the one being hung

out to spin in the wind a

little bit on this one.

Because we haven't heard

anything publicly from Dawn

Fall except for an email,

but no public facing other

than the press conference

immediately after.

Denise Moore says,

I think they should have

had a better tribute.

I don't disagree with this.

That is a valid point.

Fluffy Fit,

you took the words right out of my mouth.

This shouldn't have gone through Dave,


Dawn is the CEO,

and he should have been the

one to take command.

Agree, agree, agree.

Larry Young, no matter what was said,

the people using this just

don't feel Dave is what's

best for the sport.

It's not what words were said.

It's clear when you single

out a person when very little is clear.


Jay Birch, Scapegoat Dave, part two.

Peter Otero,

it bothers me that so many

people use this as a reason

to attack again.


mind speak I think I think

he means sleep like

sleepless people misspeak

all the time when in trust

people misspeak all the

time when in stressful

situations yeah absolutely

and uh d reed says pat and

brent like dawn so he's

apparently safe from their

venom what I really hate

the most is that people are

using the death of a very

good man for their own agenda right

And for past discretions.


Not for what happened this

year at this time.


And then what that's doing

is it's conflating the issue.

So people are confused or

don't understand what's happening.

So that's my opinion.

Yeah, I agree.

mike alpin says don spoke

with affiliate owners on

thursday his message was

the same as the email

nicole was slated to be

there and was not there

interesting yeah so that

happened and then we

finished up with what mike

alpin just referenced and

that is that uh don false

sent an email um to the whoops

we go send an email to

affiliate owners basically

telling them that the third

party investigation is

ongoing you can read it all

in the barbell spin they

have a full uh listing of

that email you can read it

in its entirety uh so don't

make sure to go there if

you want to do that I think

morning chalk up has it as

well you can check out there um

But anyway,

it says third-party

investigation is ongoing,

and if anybody feels they

need to talk to the investigator,

there will be more

information coming as to

how to get in contact with

that investigator.

So not only an update of the investigation,

but hey,

if you feel the need that you saw

something or need to say

something to the investigator,

we'll make it clear on how

you can speak with them as well.

And then they talked about

how if you were present at the event,

CrossFit is paying for, I believe,

eight sessions,

either coaching or therapy

sessions with a third-party

mental health expert.

That's good.

So there it is.

There's that.

Any final thoughts on that?



Yeah, we got a lot on that.

So... So the Rogue Q...

Let's finish up the Carolyn

thing and Norikow since we

know she's not jumping on now.

She also talked about her...

having heat exhaustion,

so I wanted to put that up there.

Carolyn said, I got heat exhaustion,

had to go to the hospital

after nothing was staying

down in my system, was going to withdraw,

but thankfully events were

later that night,

got discharged an hour and a half before,

I have to figure out why

this keeps happening to me

with the heat and running.

This wasn't the first time,

but it was the worst it's ever been.

And if you don't remember,

it actually happened to her

at semifinals.

It's right around cramped up as well.



So she went from getting two

bags of IV going to the hospital to

getting discharged to ending

up third place overall on

the podium crazy we let's

look at the leaderboard

really quick on that.


On the elite women's side,

Elizabeth Wishart took first.

Trista Smith took second,

which actually was reversed

going into the last event.

Trista was in the lead.

Elizabeth was in second.

Carolyn took third.

Emily Rethwell fourth.

Those were flipped going

into the last event.

So on the last event, which was NorCal.

NorCal Sue.

Cal Sue.



Carolyn jumped from fourth to third and

Elizabeth jumped from second to first,

which was a crazy workout,

which was actually curious

to hear from Carolyn on this event.

Minutes one through three, three,

three ring muscle ups at

the top of the minute.

Minutes four through six,

two ring muscle ups at the

top of the minute.

Minutes seven through ten,

one ring muscle up at the

top of the minute.

None of the females finished.


Just so you know.


I find it funny that I had done this two,

three weeks ago and then I

see this event pop up and I'm like,

oh my God, that's hilarious.

So yeah, the

the event started with the run.

I do know I did hear there was no water,

no water station on the ten

K and that there were a

handful of athletes that

ended up in the hospital.

Were they allowed to take

like a camelback water bottles with them?

I don't know.

Cause I wasn't there.

Those are questions I wanted to ask.


Uh, Carolyn,

when she was on and we'll get

that from her, uh, next week for sure.

Uh, that workout looked nasty, but fun.


little Hattie can you action in the chat?

Always good to see her.

Good luck in the queue.

Um, so there's that.

Is there any other workout

that you wanted to talk about?


No, I didn't really,

other than the trail run

and I saw like an Instagram

post of the swim and then NorCal Sioux,

I didn't really even know

any of the other event events.

I don't,

I heard about the pale hold on

spawn pad cast, but that's about it.



Interesting events.

And NorCal classic is known

for having weird, wacky, wild events.


Hattie says, thanks.

The Q be crazy.

We're going to talk about

the Q in a second.


So then on the elite male side.

Colton Mertens with the win.

Taylor Self second.

Tudor Magda third.

CJ Gerald fourth.

And Sean Sweeney sixth.

Stuart Jones in fifth as well.

I see EZ was there.

I thought I saw one other

Masters athlete who was at

the Masters games here as well.

But yeah.

good to see tutor competing

yeah um and it is he

joining is he going back to

brute or is he going to

mayhem I don't know were

they talking about his

coach on this podcast I

don't know I've only been

catching little bits here

and there um but on kill

taylor he was with coach dom um

okay so then he'd be going

to mayhem and he was with

dallin and james sprague

they were pumping him up to

kill taylor and he did he

won he won fifteen hundred

bucks so I don't know just

this is where I speculate

yeah like tudor's hanging

out with his boys again if

nobody remembers they were

all brood athletes under matt um

under that way back in the day.



they all kind of split it off a little



but I don't know why coach Dom would be

around the other two.

They would,

he coached on would have been

with Matt Torres back then,

probably helping him out.

But, uh,

they were all people at James wedding.

Yes, that's true.

Helping stop bringing reason

to my speculation.


They were all together for that, yes.

I love Tudor Magda.

I am a huge fan of his and I

want him to succeed.

However he needs to do that.

So it sounds like overall a

pretty good time in NorCal

other than the hospital visit.

But the recovery was fast.

And end of the day,

our co-host podium winner.

Third place finish.

So let's talk about the cue.

All right.

We'll go through the workouts.

I want your impression.

So workout one.

is for time and I guess I

can share my notes for this

because I have it copied

over just so people can see

it so workout one for time

it's fifty forty thirty

twenty ten on the echo bike

ten twenty thirty forty

fifty alternating dumbbell

snatch time cap twenty

minutes dumbbell weight

seventy and fifty gross

And Jamie says gross.

I'm just scarred from the

echo bike for a minute.

I want to do these workouts.

I just, ugh.

They came out and I was like, ugh.

Some of these are gross.

See Hattie's crying face.

That's a lot of echo kales.

Lynn wants to know if

anybody else has done it yet.

I have not done it.


Denise says the echo bike is the devil.

Uh, I agree.

I mean, I don't know.

The assault bike might be worse.

Oh, Katty thinks it's a lot of,

Katty thinks it's a lot of snatch.

Uh, it is.

I mean, it is.


Those fifty at the end with

fifty pounds is going to be nasty.

We talked about how the

master's programming had a

lot of ascending reps as

opposed to descending.

And this is an ascending rep

scheme of dumbbell snatches,

which could be tough.


Workout two is four time,

thirty bar muscle ups,

thirty overhead squats,

thirty burpee over bar,

time cap fifteen minutes.

Over at squats, one fifty-five,

one fifteen.


I mean, it's, it's kind of heavy for me,

but there will be athletes

that crush this and cycle,

like cycle through that.

Um, I like it a lot.


you're gonna be a little bit fatigued in

that lockout position after

all those bar muscle ups

and then doing those burpees.

Good luck pressing yourself up.

Does an athlete like you

love when it finishes on a

burpee over a bar?


Cause you can just, yeah.

I mean, you're not feeling a burpee.


I like burpees to finish a

workout for sure.

D Reed says echo bike is awesome.

You can't hide from it.

And Frazier says Colton said

he's doing them all tomorrow.

I saw that.

Oh, I mean, it's,

If anyone can do it, it's Colton,

but there's definitely

going to be some drop off.

I don't think he'll qualify then.

Sadly, it's a lot.

It is a lot.

I mean, I wouldn't put it past him.

Done in the right order.

I think he still has a shot.

Uh, Chris is asking you a question.

I'm anxious to know if you know the answer,

uh, this is off topic,

but what is the difference

between a C two erg system

and rogues ecosystem with

their new rower?

I don't know.

I mean,

other than it sounds like they've

made a integrative system

that will link up.

I mean, the C two is already linked up.

Like we saw that at the

games when they did the marathon row,

there is a way to link

those and see that.


but it sounds like a more interactive

system, um,

which I think could be great for cops.


I would think it's going to feel, I mean,

if you've ever rode on like

the Assault air rower,

it feels different than the C-II rower.

And so I feel like it's

going to be something like that.

I think like what's weird is

we don't have a similar

object to the C-II bike.

None of the other bikes are

like the C-II bike.

Right, right.



and I've been on an assault rower and an,

and a C two rower and they

are nothing alike.


The way they pull is

completely different and

I've never been on the new rogue one.

So I have not,

no clue what the difference would be.

I am guessing the echo rower

belt will be belt driven.

Not the, not the chain.


I don't know for, for a fact.


I don't know.

Is the queue deadline tomorrow?


I thought so.

Tomorrow night?


Oh, Sprague.

Sprague, Yella, BKG, Yonikoski,

Nick Matthews have been

grinding them out for a five spot.

Mertens has a chance, but all on Monday.

How is Sprague not going to

get an automatic win after

winning the games?

I think Sprague and Yella

both will probably get one.

PKG will probably get one.



What was he?

I mean, he was like low teens.

Yeah, it's possible.

What'd they go to?

Fifteenth, but then back, like,

kind of pulled up all the

way up to twentieth last year.

His last two years of

performance at major

competitions have probably

enough to get him there.




And they're guaranteeing

five spots out of the queue, right?

Based on their system,

Sprague is outside the line.


But they also said they

reserve the right to invite

anybody they wish.


Because it is an invitational.

He won the games.


I can't imagine you not inviting him.

And he's probably one of the

most popular athletes in

the sport right now.

Because he just is who he is.

And he's super cool.


All right, workout three is four-time,

twenty-one deadlifts, fifteen clean,

nine squat snatch,

fifty or forty calorie row,

time cap ten minutes.

It is a three-fifteen,

two-forty-five deadlift, two-twenty-five,

one-seventy-five clean,

and a one-thirty-five, one-oh-five snatch,

squat snatch.

This one's gnarly.

It's heavy for me.

I, again,

there's going to be people that

crush this,

but I know when I did the crash qualifier,

um, deadlift into the wall ball.

And that was like two twenty five.

I was wrecked.

There's a few more reps,

but still like I this

twenty one deadlifts would

take me forever.

I don't I mean.

This is gross.

There's no way I would finish.

I'm curious to see some times on this.

You'll see who's good with a barbell.

Who's good at barbell cycling.

And then we finish up with

an AMRAP of fifteen minutes

of forty five double unders,

nine strict wall facing

handstand push ups,

twelve block step overs with the dumbbell,

fifteen chest to bar pull ups.

Dumbo weights one hundred and seventy.

We would have no men in our

gym who could even do this

because I don't own a

hundred pound dumbbell.

Not that I don't know that

any men could do it in our gym anyway.

This is crazy.

I am very curious how many

rounds people get of this.

I mean, it could be a decent chunk,

like forty five doubles, not long.

Those nine handstand pushups,

even if you do that in two sets.

You're going to get through

those twelve step ups and

one or two sets on chest of our you.

This is the one Hattie stumbled on.

Good thing I reread this

because I thought it was two dumbbells.


the last thing you need to do to to

do with Rogue is reread

everything six times.

Because if you mess up one thing,

you're out.


Well, one will be easier.

Yes, I did stumble a bit.

It was graceful.

Lynn, that's blasphemy.

I'd like workout three to be the new DT.

DT is DT and it should stay DT forever.

This can be DT's ugly stepsister.

Something like that.


But DTT still wrecks me.

My forearms feel like Popeye

at the end trying to grip

that bar for that long.

I wonder if you can have

three barbells set up for

that workout or if changing

weights is part of the skill.

You'd have to have three barbells.

You think?

That's what they're going for?

Most competitions do not

test changing weights for fitness.

But I did hear that the

reason they had to do that

is they didn't get the

equipment they ordered.


Hattie says he could have three.

Not that I would want to go

right from twenty-one

deadlifts into that clean.

Hattie, I thought we were friends.

No bueno.

DT is a good workout.

It does not need to be changed.

I agree.

You want to name this

something so that it's cool?

You can name this one something else.

You can name it Lynn or HK

or whatever you want.

I've done so many variations of DT,

like DT with bar muscle ups in between.

I mean,

we've played around with a double DT,

heavy DT, but DT needs to be DT.


Like Fran should never be changed.

Fran is Fran.


Grace is grace.

Randy's Randy.

Isabel's Isabel.


All right.

So crash has been announcing

athletes that they've invited.

Have you seen any of those?

Oh yeah.

I've seen lots of them.

At least go in.

Ah, I'm trying to pull it up quick.

I didn't have this one ready.

They already announced Carolyn, right?

I think I saw that one come through.



Um, Carolyn has been,

so let's start at the beginning.

All right.

I'm going to share.

So Caroline Stanley.


Kyra Milligan.

Carolyn Prevost.

Our very own.

Olivia Kerstetter.


Fisa Goffey.

Jordan Schiff's.

Excited to see her there.

Elizabeth Wishart.

There you go.

May have just won Crash Crucible.

NorCal Classic.

NorCal Classic, that's it.

Lydia Fish.


Kira Napoli-Miller, friend of the show.

Nina Vragovic.

Janie Chiaveri.



Ellie Hiller.

Caitlin Sanders, Mary Ellen Sanders,

Saunders, Lindsay Lane.

And then I think it's just

all like reels of stuff.


So all that's all they've

named is the women for Crash.

Yeah, it's stacked.

That's crazy.

Yeah, compared to last year,

like the names that JR is getting,

the respect that JR now

gets in this space for his

programming is elite.

And you can tell because the

best athletes want to come

do his program.

So Peter asks,

was there a master's qualifier for Crash?

I think they've only done

master's by invite only.


And they've only done it

last year and this year.

So... Yeah, he... Yeah.

I talked to JR and he said

possibly next year it would

be a qualifier for the Masters as well.

Like you would do the online qualifier.

But it's just personal invite this year.



mean I think he's getting so

many people wanting to

compete now that he and he

said but he always wants to

keep it open for those up

and comers yeah um and to

make sure that he has spots

for them whether he does

that through invite or

through qualifier I don't

know but uh man what a

field and so many friends

of our show right fee and

and carolyn and kyra and caroline stanley

Jordan chefs, Lydia fish.

Like these are all people

that have been Kira Ellie.

These are all people that

have been on our show.

Um, so super stoked to watch this one.

I know Kate.

I talked to her at the games curry.

She, she is going to go for masters.

No masters invite.

I think Larry Young was looking for one.

Larry, you didn't get your invite?

Got lost in the mail?

Peter says,

I came in last in the elite division.

Oh, it was invite?

I just remember seeing Mark

Hutchinson and his stacked back.

Mark Hutchinson is a pretty

big star of this behind the

scenes coming out.

Is he, he,

he ends the ending of the whole

thing is going to be a question he poses.


And hopefully we can,

we can do it pretty cool the way,

but he stayed in my hotel

with his two dogs,

which was great for my allergies.

The online qualifier for

legends starts tomorrow.

Workouts get released

tomorrow at noon Pacific time.


Finished the games a week and a half ago.

And now you got to do the

qualifier for legends.

I'm pretty sure.

In the past, you got a,

if you were like top five at the games,

you got an automatic invite to legends.

I don't know who knows what they're doing.

I tell you,

I'm not doing another online qualifier.


Lady finishes top five in the world.

And she thinks she didn't

have to qualifiers anymore.

I see how it is.

I'm just not.

It's Jamie.

I had, he said, Jamie,

I think I only said congrats to Tristan,

but awesome work at the games.

Proud of you.

Bye friends.

Thank you.

See you, Hattie.

Bye, Hattie.


Uh, heck yeah, Scott.

Now all the ladies will

watch the behind the scenes for Mark.


he doesn't show up until probably midway.

Um, but then he, him work like once I,

what Mark's one of those guys,

when you pull the string,

like then he just starts

pulling it himself.


But he's great.

I've known him for years.

When I was with Chalk Up,

he was one of the first interviews I did.

Great guy.

Mayhem athlete for life, I think.

I made it from the green

podium and I won last year.

It was top five or top ten in the past.

So yeah, getting all the official stuff.


let's finish up with a couple of things.

Uh, another failed drug test.


So maybe this is the

beginning of some more, uh,

day of bitch and telly.

finished third place at the

Fitland Fitness Festival

last month and was set to

receive an invite to

compete in the LATAM Cup at

the twenty twenty five tier Wadapalooza,


However, Vince,

this Vichin Telly failed

the in competition drug

test when her sample tested

positive for GW one five

one six six sulfone GW one

five one six sulfa oxide

and metabolites of GW five

oh one five one six.

So I mean,

it's nice to know that some of these off.

Like Nana.



Are actually doing tests

because I didn't know any

that have like I don't

think Wadapalooza does any.

I don't think.

I mean, Legends never has.

So, yeah, that's good to hear.

Craig says that's a lot of stuff.


Yeah, it is.

It's hard to claim when

something's tainted,

when it's got all of it in it.


Denise playing dumb.

Come on, Denise.

We know you're all jacked up.

I'm just kidding.

Uh, so how does someone take that stuff?

Is it pills or powdered?

Um, I really, honestly, Denise,

I don't know.

Um, I've,

I've talked to people who've

taken pills in a bag.

If anybody remembers my

interview with someone who

popped a couple of years ago, um, I,

you know, back in the day,

it was an injection in the butt.

Um, if you listen to the Barry Bond saga,

it was, uh,

the cream and the clear that

you just rubbed on places.

I've heard stuff you can

stick under your tongue.


I've heard all kinds of stuff.

Aaron Frazier says,

Hiller's going to cycle his

GW shirt back out for another video.

Hell, for another merch run, man.

Denise says, hey, I'm totally scared.

This is the first time I've

ever had to pee in a cup.


as long as you know what you're

putting in your body.



tainted supplements are such a misnomer.

The one thing I would advise, though,

if you ever go to the

Arnold Fitness Festival,

don't just go down the

lanes taking everything they offer you.

Oh, I did that.

Probably a bad decision.

So it's all NSF.

The one thing you have to

check with this stuff, though,

and if you go back and

listen to my interview with

Taylor Detman from Blue City CrossFit.


They checked NSF,

but they didn't check the batch number.

And only some of the batches

are actually NSF tested.


So you have to look at the

batch number of the product

you're taking and make sure

that it is listed on the

batch number of the NSF website.

That's insane.

It is.

But there are so many

cheaters out there at this

point that you have to put

things in place like this

to make sure that you're

not caught in the fishnet.



You're still probably safe, Denise.

I will say that there are

people at the Masters that

should worry a little.

You would think,

but I feel like it's few

and far between that.

I feel like the people that

are going to take it know

exactly what to do.

When I listen to Hiller talk

about all this stuff and

the half-lifes and the... I

didn't get good enough

grades in science for me to

ever dabble in this stuff.

But it just basically tells

me I know so little about

drugs in sports other than

what I know as a sports fan

watching it over the years.

Like I have no idea like

what it takes to beat it,

what it takes to take it, what it,

any of that stuff and how you, like,

I thought I'd know when I'd

looked at someone that what

if they were or weren't.

And man, until you hit,

see Hillard knowing the

exact muscles to look at the exact, like,

that's how you can tell

it's freaking crazy.

but yeah is there enough

money in masters to warrant

drugs I mean or prestige

enough it's all ego man

yeah I feel like I feel

like it's mostly ego I

would say there's probably

I mean I guess it depends

on who you are like if you're

in the younger categories

and winning consistently, I,

I think there's opportunity there.

I mean, you,

Rudy's a tier sponsored athlete.

Grubbs got pretty good

sponsors and pretty big following.

So I think if you think,

if you were pretty sure you

could get enough media coverage out of it,

I don't know.

I have no idea.

I honestly don't even think

it's about the money.

I think it's about the winning.

It's about your whole life

you dreamed of being the

best and when you find out

that you can't get there,

but maybe with this little

extra you could, that feeds an ego.


It's just really hard for me

to hang up that gold medal

knowing that it wasn't me that did it.



I mean,

I feel like half those people think

that everybody is,

so they are putting

themselves on level playing ground.

I'm sure they have a way to justify.

I feel like if that's your character,

you have a way to justify that.

Judy asks, Scott,

were you tested as a college athlete?

I was tested a few times.

I know I was tested the year

I made swimming nationals in high school.

When I got to that meet,

everybody was tested.

But I don't know.

I'm probably probably was.

I'm assuming I was at some point.

I didn't last long enough.

When I say I swam in college,

I did not last my whole first season.

Halfway through the season,

I realized this was no

longer my life's goal.

My life's goal was in a

different place than this.

It became way too serious.

It wasn't fun anymore.

I hung up my swim trunks and

What about life's work from there on?

Peter Benoit says,

I could rock the three guys

in my group chat if I took TRT.


there's people out there that

that's why they would do it.

Yeah, probably.

Just to be a hot shot in their gym, yeah.


and we all know there's people who


Uh, Bruce says, Jamie,

has it ever crossed your mind?

I, I can't really,

I think it would bother me.

Like Scott was saying to know that I could,

that I couldn't do it on my own.

Um, and I don't, I, the,

the net like side effects

scare the shit out of me that I,

I know I want no part of that.

so when when the first gw

one five one six stuff

popped like two years ago

and we interviewed the guy

from the the one it was

shaylin lori's team I don't

remember their team name at

the time uh because she

switches every year yeah he

popped I looked at the of

the benefits of it and I

was like oh my gosh that's

the drug I need

But then it says pretty much

one hundred percent causes cancer.

So then you look at it and you're like, OK,

and you look into it and you hear, well,


the government just did that

because they didn't want

the miracle drug.



So they label it with it's

going to cause cancer.

So nobody will take it.

And it's not.

And they can do all these

other pharmaceutical things.

So you don't even know

what's true about this stuff.



It's all like dark web,

black market stuff.

And do you want to do you

want to mess around in that

life and take those risks?



I mean,

I won't even take the COVID vaccine, so.


Yeah, I don't know.

Denise Moore, the low T guys.



We talked to Tony Kerski who

talked about how there is a

level of T you can reach as

a master's athlete and not pop.

And if you're lower than that,

you can get TRT up to that certain point.

Like these are the things I

would never know as someone

who just watches a sport.

But Tony taught me that

because he's been through it.


That's why I don't

understand why Hiller was

removed from the open.

I feel like you have to test

him and show that he's over

the limit because all these

other guys are getting away with it.

I think it's the peptides

that are illegal.

I feel like it was the TRT that got him.

I think it's the peptides.

Peptides are definitely illegal.

They're on the banned list.


he would have to be tested to see

where he was at.

But he was taking the B.

They said it a bunch of times.

The one has become illegal

in the United States.

You can't even get it anymore.

The one he was using.

Denise went through menopause cold turkey.

More power to you.

My wife struggled hard.

So the last thing, uh,

tear water Palooza announced their.

their schedule.

It will be January twenty

third to the twenty sixth

twenty twenty five.

Can you believe that twenty

twenty five we're talking about now?

No details as to are they

doing the same format as

years past or not?

And but we know we know the dates.

So if you want to go see

Bruce Wayne in Miami,

the dates are January

twenty third through the twenty sixth.

I went two years in a row.

I don't know if I'll go back.

Yeah, I love seeing everybody.

I love like hanging out with Bruce.

I love like like I see more

people that listen to the

show at Waterpalooza than I

see at any other event

throughout the year.

But like,

it is so hard to get any kind of

coverage at all.

I'd have to figure that out.

I'd have to figure out how

it would benefit this

channel to be there.



And unless you got access

back to like the athlete area, it's,

I don't think it's worth it.

It's just a mob of people.

Um, and hard to get, to get through that.

I agree.

Um, BP one five seven.

That's the one.

And I think it,

it has been outlawed in the

United States.


Cause I'd heard that a

friend had showed me like a

website where they sell

peptides like this, just,

just like California hormones,

something very similar to that.

But I think the BP one five

seven was taken off the market.

Aaron Frazier said when two years ago,

the lines were too crazy.

Two years ago was nuts.

Like, if you got in,

then you're stuck there if

you want to watch the event.

You couldn't even go pee.

Because if you went to pee,

you lost your seat.

Because it was really like one person out,

one person in.

Two people out, two people in.

No, thank you.

It was just way too much.

And Bayfront is... There's

not enough seating to get

very many people in there.


but I love what it represents.

I love that that many people

jam into that park.


Go watch fitness.

Like that's,

it shows you that what is

possible with the sport.

If you're, if you do it in the right way.

So I'm not dogging on water Palooza.

I'm dog.

I'm dogging on the fact that

I don't know how it

benefits us as a show to be there live.

And it's rained every year, every year.

Although those are some of

the best times because like

everybody runs for that

hotel across the street and

everybody's in the lobby,

just hanging out and you

can talk to like everyone.

So, well with that, uh,

your lions are on right now.

It is three, three.

And my bears won today.

With absolutely zero offense.

So we finally get a

quarterback and he throws

for ninety yards.

And with one hundred and

forty total yards of offense,

we won twenty four to seventeen.


Special teams touchdown defense touchdown.


It took those things to win the game, but.


So hopefully this rookie

quarterback gets the jitters out,

gets the nerves gone,

and we can do something more than, uh,

ninety yards passing, uh,

in the years to come,

because I believe Justin

Fields did better than that last year.


So, uh,

BP fee BPC one five seven is still

sold on California peptides.


I could be mistaken.

And in other news, a bird, a bird one.

Is that a bird?

Eagles or Falcons?

I have no idea what he's trying to say.

Well, the Falcons didn't win,

so it's got to be.

All right.

That's an Eagle.

We got a lot,

a couple of people catching up.


James W. from the Dave Luca Don Fall Talk.

No one is upset.

Dave said blessed.

Everyone is upset.

The decision to go on, in fact,

had nothing to do with Luca,

his family or the athletes.

CrossFit already decided the

show to go on.

And Vi is catching up as well.

Agree, James.

It isn't about the word blessed.

Specifically, as a fan,

I was made to feel like the

family specifically wanted

the games to go on.

That was deliberate and untrue.

And Jay Birch says,

how about them Cowboys?

How about my Spartans?

Did they win yesterday?

They did win.


Penn State barely won,

so I kind of shut college football off.

They had a tussle with Bowling Green.


But then I see Notre Dame

lose to Northern Illinois, and I'm like,

well, at least they won.

At least they won the tussle.



And the Hurricanes are

looking good this year.

They actually are.

They're the only team in

Florida looking good

because the Gators and the

Seminoles both look like

flaming piles of trash.

All right.

With that, I'm calling it a night.

My allergies are getting the best of me.

With that,

we will see everybody next time

on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.