The Floral Hustle

Welcome to this week's minisode of The Floral Hustle Podcast, where we dive into making social media more manageable and effective for florists. If you've ever struggled with consistency or felt overwhelmed by the demands of social media, this episode is for you. Jeni shares her top strategies for streamlining your Instagram efforts, ensuring you maintain a steady presence without the stress. Discover how to create a social media plan that supports your floral business, engage your audience, and grow your online presence.
Key Topics Covered:
  • Consistency is Crucial: Learn why maintaining a regular posting schedule is essential for increasing visibility and engagement on Instagram.
  • Developing a Strategy: Discover how to create a content plan that aligns with your business goals, using content pillars and themed days to guide your posts.
  • Tools for Success: Explore the benefits of using scheduling tools like Planoly and AI caption writers to simplify your social media management.
  • Content Pillars: Understand the importance of content pillars and how they can help you focus on topics that drive your floral business forward, including full-service weddings, cultural weddings, and urban flower farming.
  • Batching and Scheduling: Learn how to batch-create content to save time and maintain consistency, using tools and tips to streamline the process.
  • Optimizing Your Profile: Ensure your Instagram profile clearly communicates who you are, what you do, and how potential clients can engage with your services.
  • Engagement Strategies: Tips on using B-roll footage and strategic interactions to boost your visibility and connect with your audience.
  • Repurposing Content: How to use apps like Repost to efficiently share your content across multiple platforms, including TikTok and YouTube Shorts.
By implementing these practical strategies, florists can simplify their social media efforts, increase their reach, and better connect with potential clients and industry professionals. Tune in to learn how to make Instagram work for your floral business and enjoy a more manageable social media experience.
Resources Mentioned:
  • Planoly
  • Repost App
  • Canva
  • Linktree
  • Jenna Kutcher's JK5 Method
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What is The Floral Hustle?

Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.


Hello, flower friends! This is Jen, and you are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. On this week's Minisode, we are going to be talking about making the gram easier, or making social media in general easier. one thing that I consistently are, um, kind of drilling in is that you need to do something consistently to have success.

And if you are a post and ghost or a post and then ghost for a extended amount of time on social media, you're not consistently putting in that effort to get seen, to show frequency, to get frequency in front of the people that you need to be in front of. So how do you get that consistency? You make it easier.

My number one way to make it easier is if you have a scheduling tool. That is from an execution standpoint, but before we even get there, we need to have a strategy because if we don't have a strategy, then we have no, really no plan. And without a plan, like, how do you, the hell do you know what you're doing?

So how can we make a plan to make Instagram easier? And there's a few ways. One of my ways is make a theme day. So Monday is meet us Monday. You do not need to put meet us Monday in the, in the thing. Tuesday could be Tuesday wedding tips. What are flower tips? Whatever floats your boat. Wednesday could be wedding Wednesday, throwback Thursday, whatever you want, freaky fun Friday, I don't care.

Like pick a theme day, but have them support. And this is my number two item is have content pillars. Content pillars are foundational things in your business that you talk about that help drive your business forward. So for me, my content pillars are full service weddings, a la carte weddings, about us.

So meet us Monday about me, about how they do business with me, about my service offerings, about, um, any side thing about me, you know, growing flowers, about, uh, how they even find my inquiry form. Like all of those support the, about us. Then. Cultural weddings. I do a lot of cultural weddings. I am, that is my niche.

I am an expert in that. I need to keep consistently positioning myself as an expert in that space. So I need to consistently or on a consistent basis, talk about it. So one day a week, I want to talk about cultural weddings. Then number five to me would be that I grow flowers so that I have an urban flower farm and about that process.

I share grow alongs. I share like little tips and things when I was growing seeds, whatever it is. So that could be a content pillar, or if it's the middle of the winter, it could potentially change like your content pillars. You could have four also, like you don't need to have five. I got five from, it's called the JK five, which is the Jenna Kutcher five.

She is a wedding professional, a photographer. Who bought a 300 camera off of Craigslist and now runs a multi, multi million dollar business from her home, living her dream life because she follows like this is amazing plan on here are my five content pillars that support driving my business forward.

And it also is to support people. Liking, knowing, trusting, respecting, obviously, I just had her whole freaking podcast spiel the 300 Craigslist in brain like on my brain. It's like ingrained on my brain because That's one of our content builders talking about that, like her story. And I know that story.

So how can you create that frequency? Because when you're posting once a week about you, people are like, Oh, they have 2024 availability. Hmm. I wonder if they're available for my October wedding. They're now like booking out 2025. Oh my God. What if they book out? What if I can't book them? I better go look.

Oh, that's how you find their inquiry form. Great. Okay. I'm going to hop on their website. Oh, they have a la carte. Oh my God. I didn't even know that was a thing. Like all of those things can become like, not only for the potential couples that are following you, but also for those wedding planners. You want those wedding planners following you.

You want them seeing you. You want to create frequency. Because only 3 7 percent of people that are following you are going to see your post. So you need to up your frequency and consistently, consistency using a scheduling tool to be able to get in front of those people. Then, now we have a plan. We have, A, hopefully, a scheduling tool.

I use Planoly. Then, you go and batch that work. Batching is a process of you taking and doing a very similar amount of items, or similar items, and you batch them. in a batch. Then you can go and say, okay, like I'm going to go and make my about us and I'm going to schedule them. If you use Planoly and use their multi workspace area, you literally can get, um, what is it?

Uh, like an AI, AI caption writer. So you can say I'm writing this to Florist. I'm writing this to potential couples getting married this year or next year, uh, and I want the tone to be like a bestie. I want the tone to be like a boss. I want the tone, whatever. So you lay out all those, those things so you can like have them write your caption and they're awesome captions and it's in, it's like just built into their software.

So you can do that super easy and something that is just like making your captions more compelling for people to want to connect with you. Then having an Instagram strategy that is going to like also help connect. You want to make sure that on you're not answering all of these messages because you didn't have a profile set up for success.

I so often look at a profile, have no idea who the person running the business is. I have no idea what city they are and I have no idea what they do or what is their secret sauce in their business. And I just can't fucking believe this sometimes, but they don't even have a website to click to or nothing to click to.

And you can now have multiple links. Instagram allows multiple links, but you can also go in and put, um, a link tree. Like link tree is 10 a month, and you can have a link tree with all of your links if you got so many of them, depending on all the different revenue or streams. But. Like make your profile, make your job easier.

So you're not going, people are like, Hey, can I get flowers delivered? And you don't do daily deliveries. Got to make that clear, clear. I do weddings. You get that. When you look at my profile, does somebody just go, Hmm, that's what that is right when they look at your profile, because that is going to make your job easier.

And it's going to make this effort. That you're putting in with having a social media strategy with making Instagram easier, it's going to make that so much easier. Okay. A couple other little tips that, um, girls in my mastermind have thought that were interesting. Um, so I wanted to share, create a time where you can just create content.

So another tip to making Instagram easier is have B roll footage. Get a little tripod, get a little stand and fill, film yourself doing flowery, fun stuff, making a bouquet, making a centerpiece, like literally I will go and prop up my table on a glass or something on a table and just take a video of me plopping that centerpiece down.

And I have this little behind the scenes clips area where all that goes. So you can have that same thing. Like, film some behind the scenes content because then, my little magic thing is, I love taking long baths. I love relaxing in the bathtub. And I love like being able to go in and create social media using like, I'll be on Instagram and I do like this strat, strategic, like 15 minutes where I'm going and I'm interacting with other florists, other wedding professionals, brides that follow me, whoever.

So I'm spending that time. And then I find like, I'm watching, you know, some reels or whatever. Oh, I really like this reel. So I like that it's trending. So I'm going to go and take some b roll, especially if it has a template, and I'm going to put that together really fast and put it in my drafts. Then, I can go into ChatGBT, and I can say, write me a caption for Instagram.

Um, uh, this caption should be about, put the contents, Please write me a compelling caption that would make someone want to do business with me. And I'd like it to be, feel light and fun. Whatever. Like, you can do that and then cut and paste. I do all my Instagram stuff on my phone, mainly. Um, for, for making the reels, you can go and I just text that caption to myself and then I copy and paste it.

I go into Canva and I create a cover graphic. You could have a cover graphic that just has different text and it's got the same photo. You could have the same text that says like behind the scenes and then you change out the photo and I text that to myself and upload it. Then, that would make you have, like, if you did 15 minute of strategic reel making in the bathtub, you could have, like, three reels done.

You could have four reels done. I sometimes will make four and just have them, like, preloaded, ready to go. But then, there is this magical app called Repost. And the Repost app, you copy the URL, you open the Repost app, it will automatically paste it into there, and put it in there, and then you hit post, and it's going to open Instagram again.

Which is really weird that it does this, but, Then it downloads the whole real song and everything into your, uh, your photos folder or your photos on your phone. Then you can go to TikTok. You can go to YouTube Shorts and you can post that and cut and paste that caption in because it's in your copied.

Like I literally can open TikTok And just go into the text box and hit post. Or like hit paste. Cause it's automatically copied when I download it into my photos. I have to do it immediately, otherwise if I copy and paste something else it's going to delete it. But, magical. And I think it's 30 for the year.

So pretty affordable too. That is my few tips and strategies to make Instagram easier. Thank you so much for listening flower friend, and you have an 📍 amazing flower filled day.