National Health Executive News

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Daily News from National Health Executive

And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Thursday the 30th of May 2024.
A new analysis of day-to-day funding for NHS services shows that successive governments have not put their money where their mouths are to meet much-touted ambitions of moving more care away from hospitals, says the Nuffield Trust. The research shows that, when inflation is accounted for, total funding for NHS-run patient care services has increased by 3.1% a year over the past six years, but this increase has not been applied equally to different sectors.
Senior policy analyst at the think tank, Sally Gainsbury, said: “Whoever forms the next government will have a mountain to climb to reverse this trend without detracting from the very real spending pressures in acute care.”

New research has shown that financially supporting healthcare students could lead to a huge influx of NHS staff in the future. Analysis from the Nuffield Trust of data collected from a Censuswide survey commissioned by Universities UK indicates that around three-quarters of people would be more likely to choose a healthcare course at university if they received financial support while studying, or if they were paid for their clinical placements.
In light of this, UUK is calling for maintenance support that keeps up with the increased cost of living to help alleviate the burden on students. The Censuswide survey was of 5,259 people aged between 16 and 26.

Jeremy Miles, Wales’ economy secretary, has today announced that £900,000 will be ringfenced for five projects that are expected to deliver real-life medical benefits through the harnessing of cutting edge life sciences technology. The funding is part of Wales’ ongoing efforts to catalyse future healthcare developments through innovation today.
The initiatives are part of the SMART Flexible Innovation Support programme which was launched last summer to help local Welsh organisation achieve ‘innovation excellence’. The SMART FIS programme is not restricted to just businesses and research institutions – any organisation wishing to engage in research, development and innovation including the third sector, local authorities and health boards is welcome.
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