Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with our dear friend Hattie Kanyo as she is going to the CrossFit Games for her first time ever.  How will she deal with that and how will she ensure she has fun, plus we may break out 20 questions for old time sake.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

the clydesdale media podcast

where we are starting to

interview now crossfit

games athletes so before we

get into all the questions

um wad zombie's already in

the chat hi waddy hottie

and he said it's hattie

time uh we also have

kenneth to lap in the chat

we've got holly in the chat

so good you guys could be with us

You know, I had your coach on last week,

and we kind of made a joke

about nobody knew.

I know.

That was the funniest part

where you kept saying, nobody knew,

nobody knew.

And then you were like, nobody knew.

Just that little whisper, I loved it.

How many times do you think

you have appeared on Clydesdale Media?

Including our Bali chats?


Probably 20 times.

I thought it was more, but it was only 15.


15 times.

That makes sense.

I thought it was probably around 15, 20.

I mean, it seems like more for sure,

but like we just had really

good long chats.

I think the Bali one,

it seems like it was more than it was,

but yeah.

But you've been on this show.

This will be your 15th appearance.

Somebody knew.

Somebody knew.

You knew.

I could not be more pumped

for you making the CrossFit Games.

And I didn't want to disrupt the weekend,

but I was so proud of you.

I was so happy for you.

I was looking up and down,

screaming at the TV.

Well, I appreciate it.

I always appreciate you and your support.

So have you gotten used to the term,

how do you can yo CrossFit games athlete?

No, I mean, not a hundred percent yet.

I was just talking to Jake

last night and I was just

sitting there and I said to him,

can you believe it that I'm

a games athlete?

And he just said, I know it's so insane.

And he just kept saying like,

I'm so proud of you.

And it's,

you're just such a fit chick

and I'm so happy and I

still can't really believe it.

So it's just so cool for him

to live this with me too.

And just how happy and

excited he is for me as well.

And yeah,

it's still feeling like a little

bit of a dream, but again, I'm,

I'm confident and I'm happy and it does.


It's real.

This is real.

I'm going.

Does he walk into grocery

store going like,

I'm dating a CrossFit Games athlete.


He's up north firefighting.

So we actually only got to

hang out in Cali and then I

haven't seen him since

because he's on days off right now.

But I told him he could stay

up there because he took

like 12 days off to come to Cali for me.

So, yeah.

Well, it's cool that, well,

I wish you guys could spend

more time together,

but he also needs to be

able to come to the games, right?


And he has days off for the games,

which is awesome.

So that works out perfect.


And he's got to make that bread.

We got to get some bread so

we can get our acreage one day.

Yeah, we got goals.

Yeah, acreage.

Oh, yeah.


and this isn't even in my

plans because this is what

happens when we talk is you

go down one road and then I

just follow you.

I know like when you go to Bali,

it's not like you're going

and living high on the hog

because like you're living

up all bougie and all that.


You go because you can

sustain yourselves cheaper there than,

And you kind of get away from it all.


Doing that.


And so allow you to save

money for like acreage.

Yeah, I would say so.

I mean, our bougie living is still like,

we still live all right there,

but it's just so cheap.

So yeah,

we're able to just stay there for

four to six months.

And obviously we just love

the people there and we love the,

the culture and yeah, just all kind of,

goes together so yeah well

and one idea of bougie and

another could be different

because like you you live

in a place where it's

pretty much one one room

right and then like a

shared kitchen and a shared

this right but with that

you have a pool right there

and you have a gym right

there and you have so like

yeah it's cool you have all

this stuff but you are kind

of shrinking down when you go

For sure.


because we have lived in our own place.

But the biggest thing was,

we don't cook there.

So we don't really need our own big place.

And we live at the gym

pretty much because they

have everything there.

We work out there, we eat there,

we do our recovery sessions there.

So we're pretty much at the gym.

most of the day so in our

eyes it's just not worth

getting a more expensive

villa to ourselves when we

could just have this other

place that's it's nice it's

all you need and then we

can live it up at the gym

or go on more um excursions

or whatever it is right



It makes sense.

And I'm not,

I'm not downplaying it at all.

I think when you're young

and you don't have kids and you're,

and you're doing that stuff,

that's the time to do it.



And then when you have the

kids and you want the big

property and the acreage,

that's when that comes along.

A hundred percent.

That's the goal.

There it is.

So speaking of goals,

your goal for a couple of

years has been to make the

CrossFit Games.


check now how do you reset

it all for the next goal

because you've now made it

to that next stage now you

don't want to just show up

right so how do you reset

all that and get ready for

the crossfit games I mean

that's a good question I feel like

I feel like I haven't really

set any goals for the games

or expectations because I

kind of want to go in with

the mindset of how I went

in with semifinals.

And that was just to enjoy

myself because I heard a

few people last year,

a couple of the girls,

like they went team this year.

they really didn't enjoy themselves.

And I don't know if that was

where they placed or if

they just didn't go in, you know,

they went in with higher expectations.

I don't know all of that,

but I just know for me,

I don't want to go in and

have these super high

expectations and then not

enjoy myself doing it

because that's all I'm reaching for.

Obviously I want to do really well,

but I don't know.

I feel like I'm just letting

it soak in first and then

maybe I'll kind of sit down and,

write some goals for the CrossFit games.

Tristan and I have already

sat down and kind of talked

about what training is going to look like,

what the games might look

like and all that kind of talk.

But for goals,

I don't really have any specific ones yet,

except to enjoy myself at the games.

And part of that enjoyment

is that you perform to the

best of your ability,

wherever that may land.

You just, you know,

I'm sure that is part of it.

I know you know,

but you'll be disappointed

if you didn't perform to

the best of your ability.

Yeah, for sure.

So this is going to be a weird question,

but I know you'll go with me.

So there's been a lot of

talk about the West being weak and,

In hindsight,

there was such a battle for

those last few spots.

You were never in that battle, right?

And you see some of the

people who didn't make it.

Does that make you feel like, hey,

we're not so weak?

Olivia Kirsten could get

through this gauntlet.

And she was a game-changer last year.

Yeah, I feel...

I feel like it's silly for

people to say that because I mean,

it really just depends on

how people perform that weekend.

It depends on the workouts.

It depends on,

there's so many different factors.

So to say that one is

stronger than the other, I mean,

I get it.

Tia's in the East and she's

the fittest in the world

for six years in a row or whatever,

but I don't know.

I mean,

it would be fun to be able to

compete over in the East and see,

you know,

how I would have done over there.

I know you did some stats on

like where people would

have ended up and I was

actually going to message you and be like,


did you figure out where I would have


Because that would have been

cool to just kind of see.

But cause I know you said

Onika would have been like

what 24th or something with everybody,

which was, is a crazy way to look at it.

But yeah, I don't know.

I think it's,

silly just because there are

so many different factors.

Um, and it was still hard on our side.

I mean, look at, we have, you know,

some of the fittest people

in the world over in the East as well.

So I don't know.


And I mean, it was actually Holly,

my stats and information

person who did that.

Um, and she's incredible.

I have those numbers.

I'll go,

I'll tell you after we're done to

look it up, but

or Holly she's in the chat

maybe she'll tell you but

the one thing it doesn't

take into consideration is

racing like if you're

racing someone for that

finish line if someone did

that in Europe and you you

would have finished 23rd

overall in the world okay

number one or without I

know she did it both ways yeah

I'm assuming your,

your run would help you out for sure.


So I don't know, but well,

you had to run longer than 800 too.

So that, yeah.

And upstairs in both, in both instances,

you're 23rd.

Oh, nice.

So you would have made the

games either way.




She's so fast.

She's so good.

I'm like, Oh wow.

That she's on this team.

Thank you.

Um, so yeah, it's,

it takes away the racing part of it.


And there were three instances,

I think in the West where

you either dove slid

summer's all to put the

finish line to get as low

as score as possible.

I did.

And so if someone in Europe

and you have a similar time,

would they have done that

at the finish line?

Like you would have like,

you don't get to count that in.


Yeah, that's true.

So that skews it a bit plus

just different environments

and all of that.

But it's interesting to look

and see what I wanted to see is like,

are we allocating positions properly?




Yeah, that's the tough one.

What I loved about

semifinals is people were

winning out of heat one.


People were messing up the

leaderboard from heat one.

We never get that at the games.


And I think part of that is

it's misallocated around the world.


We have people there that

really shouldn't be there

just to get representation.

Heat one, not relevant at the games.



I can see that.

That's what I like to see.


So we went through that a little bit.

So then we talked all off

season that you and Tristan

after last year had a sit

down and you needed a

different training than

what you did last year.

And apparently that worked swimmingly.

It has.

I feel great.

I feel fit and healthy.

For those people who didn't know,

tell them about last year

you were very committed to the gym.

You trained with Kelly Baker

pretty much from the

beginning of the year to

semis in Houston.

And this year you changed that up.

yeah I think the biggest

thing the difference was

just competing all the time

that's what I was doing

like I'm not saying I

learned so much from Kelly

and I am so grateful for

that experience but we're

both competitive you know

and even if we would go

into the gym and be like

hey let's chill today three

two one go we're competing

you know what I mean and

And I think that was just

too much for me and my

brain to just be competing, competing,

competing and working that

hard all the time.

And also I was just a hermit.

So I would go to the gym and

then I would go to the

place that I was staying

and I would just be in the house.

Like maybe I took a couple

of walks in that three

months that I was there,

but nothing like I do at home, you know?

And that was on me.

I should have gone out more,

but I just wasn't really,

I didn't really know the area.

I didn't, I don't know.

It was just,

I just wasn't really

comfortable with the area

and I didn't want to go out

and I'm not really used to

big cities like that.

You know, I'm,

my city's pretty small and it's,

I don't know.

I'm comfortable there.

So yeah, it was just too much for my brain,

for my body, I think.

And then just being a little hermit wasn't,

wasn't good for me.


So that's one of the reasons

you went to Bali.

You went back home.

You got up in the mountains.

You did.

So right behind you,

and I know you're at a friend's house,

right behind you is a

picture of exactly the

place you want to be.


It's beautiful.

That's our backyard pretty much.

And so you're happiest when

you get to climb a mountain,

when you get to go see waterfalls,

when you get to go to the

beach and the ocean,

like that's when Hattie's happiest.


A hundred percent.

And so you need to do ensure

this off season that you

got enough of that to keep,

to keep you going through the training.


And then even through the training,

even in the training a bit too,

like next week my brother

and I are going to go do a

big trail run in the

mountains and maybe get on

the kayaks as well if the

weather permits.

But just get out, you know,

get out of the gym and go

and do something different.

And your brother's kind of

like a hero to you, right?

Yeah, he is.

And he's the one that kind

of got you into fitness, right?


I mean, I've always done like athletics,

but into fitness.


He got me into fitness when my, yeah,

when I was going down that

very dark path.

But you're not on that dark path anymore.

Nah, I see the light.

We'd be shining.

How proud is your brother of you?

He's so proud.

I mean, even through semifinals,

he was messaging on the,

group chat from our family.

So I have five siblings and

everyone's in there.

My parents are in there and

he just kept updating

everyone like how he's

kicking it or how he's kicking ass.

And he would just be messaging, messaging,


And then obviously when I got home,

he took me out for lunch

and just gave me a big hug,

told me how proud he was.

And yeah.

And he's a law enforcement officer.

Is that?



Okay, cool.

So he doesn't have the

flexibility to always go see you, right?

No, he does not.

He said he wanted to come to the games,

but he has other things

going on in his family life

that he cannot.

But I just appreciate him.


Him and his love and support either way.


So one last thing before we

get into your weekend of,

of success is last year you

did a week with Hattie in Bali.

And I know this year,

are you going to Canada?

Um, that's a good idea.

I mean,

I should do the mountains or

something for sure.


I think that would be a really good idea.

Maybe I will... I'm going to

think on that.

I like that idea, though.

Bring you guys all to the mountains.

Because for people that have

never been there, it's crazy.

Because when I was firefighting,

some of my friends had

never even seen the mountains.

And that just blew my mind.

Because the mountains are

everything to me.

So I just thought, wow,

you need to come to the mountains.

And once they did, they...

They just, yeah, fell in love.

A couple of them actually

moved to BC just to be in

the mountains because they fell in love.

They're from the East Coast.


It's so crazy.

I knew nothing about

Canadian geography until I did this show.

And so many of our listeners

are from Canada.

And I'm learning so much.

You guys love the Canadians.

We do.

We have a Canadian bias.


I love it.

So we're going to jump into

your weekend and then we're

going to finish up the show with,

for people who didn't know, we do,

you and I love to do 20 questions.

I'm going to finish it up

with like our version of 10 questions.

Only going to be 10 questions.

but we're going to start 20

and a half and then we're

going to go into into that

but so you start the

weekend with the run it

starts when you guys are

told you're going to run

the berm and then through

some different things it

gets changed and shortened

a bit um people complaining so sad um

And so in the heat of the moment,

I was upset as a spectator.

I wanted to see the berm.

Not that any of us

spectating from the stream

got to see it anyway,

but it would have been cool.

Did they show anything over

there in the soccer stadium?



Oh, just when we were coming in?

Not until the next day.

They put out a recut of like

the whole thing.

You guys running down the

stairs the whole bit.

But it took a day to produce that.

And it's out there on

YouTube if you want to go check it out.


I haven't looked really at anything yet.

At the Snatch event because

that one fired me up, but...

so and I do get it that it

was going to make it so

long it was really going to

change the stimulus of the

workout completely yeah um

and wad zombie says they

didn't show anything on the

screen in the stadium

either they just and that

that was the same way in

knoxville yeah the screen

showed nothing just people

left and then you had to

wait for them to come back in yeah

So you do the run.

You take third place to open your weekend.

Drastically different than last year.

Where day one, you were in total like,

how are we going to fix this thing?


Here you started off hot.

Oh, yeah.

I loved that event.

That was probably the one

I'm most proud of.

I mean,

I knew it would be a good one for me,

but I was most proud because...

I felt like an athlete and I

felt like a smart athlete

because I kept thinking of

the next move of the next move.

And, you know,

I was talking to myself

throughout the whole workout.

So yeah, I just felt really good and calm,

cool and collected during that workout.

Did the stairs affect you at all?

Not really.

I walked in a couple of the

rounds because I

saw someone else doing it

and so I was like let me

just see if this is just as

fast and I actually caught

up to the girl in front of

me that was running that

was like trying to jog up

and I was like briskly

walking grabbing the pole

so I just told myself okay

you can walk up these it's

faster right so yeah they

weren't bad I had practiced

some stairs before because Tristan didn't

I thought that we were going

to be doing stairs.

So we have these things called coolies.

Um, and yeah, they're just big Hills.

It's like a big Valley, big Hills.

And there's, um,

two different areas where

there's just stairs that

gradually go up and yeah, he's like, go,

go run those stairs.


So at the end of the day,

you're in third place day one,

it's one event and it's over weird.

It felt good.

It was nice.

I liked it.

Just a long event and then go home, relax,

get ready for it.

Just gradually gets you

ready for the comp kind of.


So you wake up day two and

then we have the,

trying to remember them.

The next one is the total bar.

Double under.


And you finished seventh.

Did you even know what you finished?

I forget.

I didn't know then.


And I knew that I was fighting.

This is one of the ones

where I rolled over the bar

and there was three of us.

And I'm pretty sure I took, you know,

the third, like they,

they beat me by just not

very much time at all.


If I wouldn't have tripped

on my freaking double unders,

then I would have had them.

Event three is, I'm sorry,

got a frog in my throat.

That's okay.

But a bad allergy week here.

So then in the third event,

which is the... Seven rounds.

Echo bike, rope, climb, box jump.

Box jumps.


And you on that one, you took fourth.

You like some rope climbs.

Yeah, I love them.

And that's the one I slid to

and my butt is still sore from it.

You did really well on that one.

And you anticipated doing well, right?



I asked Tristan about when

your athlete is dying for every point,

like you were doing rolling

over the finish line,

sliding over the finish line.

What does that do for you?

Is it, it just gets me fired up.

Yeah, I think so.

I, it just kind of came naturally.

Like you didn't think.

oh, you got to go slide.

It just kind of came where

you're just like, oh, I'm,

and that's why I say I just

felt good this weekend

because I felt like a smart

athlete in the sense of, okay,

you know where people are.

So you, yeah,

you do need to dive over that

line for those points.

And that one, I did take overtake somebody,

you know, by like,

I don't even know how much time,

but it was, it was very, very,

very close.

So, I mean,

there were some races and I

don't know specifically, but, um,

Because the person you

overtook is not near you.

But some of them were like

seven one-hundredths of a second.


Like it was crazy.

So at the end of the day,

you were in first place.

I know you weren't looking

at the leaderboard,

but were you able to avoid

someone telling you?

I had posted it on my Instagram.

Hey, I'm not looking at the leaderboard.

Please don't say anything,

but you can say whatever else you want.

And then as I'm packing up

all my stuff ready to go,

someone's coach had her

phone out and she said, honey,

you're doing really good.

You're at the top of the leaderboard.

And I just thought, holy shit.

Thanks for telling me, but.

I wasn't I didn't tell her I was just like,

Oh, man, crazy.

And that's all I had for

words because I didn't know what to say.

But it was fine.

It was all good.

I was gonna find out the next day anyways.

So it was all good.

When they put you in the middle lane,

you'd know.


Why am I in the middle lane?

Um, nobody knew.


So with that,

and we've talked about this

all off season,

that you had to do a lot of

mental work with a coach to

get the right mindset for competition.

Now you know you're atop the league.

Did it change the way you looked at it?

Not really.

The plan was always just take it one step.

event at a time.

And I knew that those events were good,

but also it's like anything can happen.


So I kind of just put that aside.

I had my happy moment of

saying this is sweet,

but anyone it's anyone's game still.

That doesn't mean that

you're going to get first.

So I just needed to start

the next day with a clean slate.

Let me ask it this way.

Going in,

you weren't trying to win the


You were trying to qualify.

Oh, yeah.

You weren't trying to win.

No, I was not.

No, I was not trying to win.

I just wanted to get eighth.

I just wanted to get a spot for sure.

So when you know you're winning,

does it change the thought process like,

oh my gosh, I could win?

I mean...

a little bit, but again,

I just wanted to make it.

So I just thought to myself,

do not mess up here, you know,

and I'm so oblivious about

points and point spreads and all of that.

So even in Egypt, I was doing fine.

I was good.

And I think it was the last

event or something.

And I didn't,

I had no idea if I was going

to win or not.


I was like, Oh no,

I have to really do good on

this last event.

And a couple of the competitors were like,

what are you talking about?

You're pretty much going to

win this competition.

And I am just, I'm oblivious to it.

So I think in my head, I just didn't know.

I don't know.

I don't know where I was at.

I know I didn't go in to win,

which I probably should

have changed that.

that mindset a little bit,

but also I think by the last event, yes,

I wanted to win and I want,

or I at least just wanted

to be on the podium.

That was the thing when,

once I knew that I had podium in my reach,

I wanted it so bad.


but we'll get to that last event on why

I did not podium.



Because like what's working

for you up until and

putting you in that spot is

not trying to win.

Just sticking to your game plan.

So it's kind of a catch 22.

Do you want to change the

mentality or should you?


Either way, it could bite you in the ass.

Yeah, I think it was like that.

It was just kind of pulling

either way where I was just like, yes,

it would be awesome to win.

But then I had to like

straighten myself out and be like, no,

we're just trying to make it right now.

I mean,

I don't even know what this means

of me being on top like this, you know,

because it's never been

really like that in a hard

competition like this.

With Alex Suzanne, Ariel Lohan,

Emily Rolfe.


Yeah, you're up there in rarefied air.


So you do event four, handstand walk row,

and you finish eight.


I know you went three on your hands,

but that was already a row event.

It was, yeah.

I think if we would have had

more handstands,

Maybe I could have caught a couple people,

but it was because I can

just be on my hands whenever, right?

It was definitely the row.

I have come a long way with rowing,

but I still need to just

keep working at it.

Well, just to let you know,

I told Carolyn Prevost it

was a handstand workout and

she laid into me.

And on me,

I thought you Canadians are

supposed to be nice.

Only sometimes.

In all seriousness, she convinced me, yes,

it's a row workout.


Fast on your hands.

You can make up maybe a little bit of time,

but really it's a row workout.

I, to be honest,

I did think it was a

handstand workout when I first saw it.


But then just thinking about it,

it was like, oh, no,

you got to row pretty hard.

And after watching Laura Horvath do it,

I was like, yeah.

I think it's a row workout.

And it was.

So then you go into the snatch workout.

And I picked you as my

underdog to win that.

thank you because I knew you

were efficient with the

barbell you had a smaller

range of motion but I

completely forgot about the

three freaks that you were

going up against yeah

especially olivia when we

were she was in the heat

above us and when someone

came back and said her time

we all just looked at each

other and we just thought

not none of us are touching

that time not even close

yeah I they interviewed

danny spiegel and she said

she heard the time and was

like nope I'm I'm playing

for second place yeah so

did that even affect your

game plan at all because it

was so absurd nope I knew

what I could do I knew what

you know I knew what

I needed to do.

And I went out there and did

it the best I could.

I got one, no rep on my first one,

but I just shook it off,

got right back on the bar and yeah,

I was able to stay consistent, cool, calm,


And the bars honestly felt so good.

So yeah.

And you finished in fifth, which.

because of the three freaks

ahead of you that are

amazing at this event,

they were all behind you on

the leaderboard.

So you actually went right

back into first place.

And this is the point where

I was talking to Tristan on our show.

You wrote in the comments

something contradictory to

what he thought.

And I said,

did she know she had it clinched?

And you wrote in the comments, no.

I knew because someone told

me and I love that person

but I wish that they never

told me but I did get to

have my cry because what

happened was this person

told me and pretty much

said hey like you could get

last right now and you've

made the games and so I

just started bawling we

hugged whatever and it was

a great moment but

I think that it was

detrimental to my game

because even though I still

wanted to push hard and I

knew that last event was

going to be good for me,

like I should have for sure

got top 10 on that event,

but I think it was subconscious.

I just had no urgency,

even on the ring muscle ups.

I was going and I felt really good.

And that at 11, I was like,

you could come down.

Like what?


Why are we not doing this?

I'm broken.

You can do these.

I'm broken easy.

So why are we coming down?

I don't, I don't even know.

And I had that conversation with me.

I thought as soon as I dropped, I was like,

what are you doing?

You know,

it was like two people fighting

against each other.

And then the other person was like,

I don't know.

We just are dropping for a second.

We're just going to have a quick rest.

Like, oh,

it was just such a weird feeling.

And then I got a costly no

rep on the lunges.

So yeah.


You don't have to say this.

It was a bogus call.

You should not have had to

go back the other square

just to the beginning of that one.

And that would have made all

the difference in the world.

And you, I mean, yeah,

they did tell us in the briefing though,

it was each yellow line.

So it was every 24 was

supposed to be unbroken.

And you cleared that yellow line.

Well, that's the thing.

I did clear it, but yeah,

that's what I'm saying.

You got hosed.

You don't have to say you're

the athlete and you don't

want to make enemies.

And I get that.

I'm saying you got hosed.


And honestly,

this is me learning and growing as a,

as an athlete too,

because I should have appealed it.

But in the moment you're

just sitting there like, Oh, you know,

all I could think of was

looking up at them.

Like, was that good enough to podium?

I mean, all I wanted to do was make it,

but then when I had podium and reach,

that's all I wanted right then and there,

you know,

I was a little bit disappointed

in myself.

I'm going to ask a weird question.

in that moment when you're

ready to set it down is,

do you have enough

wherewithal in your head to

look at your judge and say, am I good?

Were you at a point where

like you had to let him down?


I probably should have either taken one

more step just in case, or yeah, ask him.

I wasn't quite prepared.

needing to drop it.

I just saw the line right

there and I was like,

if I could just do one step,

that's better than two.

And I saw that it was far

enough that I could do a big lunge.

So that's why I did that.

But yeah, maybe I should have been like,

is that good?

You know,

or look behind me before I set

them down or something.

But again, this is like a fast race.

That last one is a fast.

You're not really thinking about that.

I was just trying to get

over that line fast.

So I could,

cause I knew I was going to set it down.

So that's why I was like, okay,

get over that line so we

can pull it back.

Deep breath.

We're going to pick it up.


But I think in hindsight, what people,

especially in the East, oh my gosh,

so many people lost their

tickets to the game on that event.

And it was because like,

you really do have a little

more time than you think

just would have like,

Hey, every time the dumbbells down,

do a quick shake out back up and go.


We would have done well

enough to make it to the games.




And that's why it was a cool event.

I mean, it was a perfect ending.

It was definitely a perfect ending.


Cause it messed some people

up and then that's exactly

what they're going for on that.

And yeah, I thought it was really cool.


And I'm glad I just learned

that now and yeah.


especially like the push

pull with the two Hattie's

one on each shoulder.

Is that something you are

going to talk about with

your mindset coach or with Tristan?

It's like, how do we fix that?

I think it's just more

practice in the gym.


Like I could talk to my

mindset coach and say,

how do I overcome that kind of thing?

And just practice that kind

of talk in the gym for sure.

Um, but yeah,

it just comes with more

experience because just the

fact that I could have that

conversation with myself

during a workout is already

a step in the right direction.

So I think it's just comes

with more and more experience.


I think what's, what's cool about this,

like in a lot of words,

always go better when you,

When you can what, sorry?

When you can slow them down in your mind.

Oh, yeah.


That's why number one went

so good because it was just

slowed down and I was able to be calm.


You were in that flow state, that zone,



The last event was designed

to push people outside of that zone.



And either you succumb to it

or you overcame it.

And that's what the beauty of sports is.

For sure.

Yeah, I agree.

But one of it, you finished fourth,

tied with Ariel Lowen for

third because she had a win.

She finishes ahead of you.

Still ecstatic about the weekend?

Oh, yeah.

I'm excited.

proud and happy and just

ready for the next one.

Does it give you extra

confidence knowing you hung

with some of the best

athletes in the sport?

Oh yeah, it does for sure.

Cause like take nothing away from outfit,


You were an outfit,

but you weren't going up.



And here you were.

yeah gave me all the

confidence gave me yeah

like I said in that

interview like I just

believe that I'm capable

now you know yeah not to do

it again but we knew we knew

So I could, and again,

and I could not be more proud of you.

You've become such a cool friend.


and I'm so happy in your family and

Jake and everybody.

Cause I know they get to see this.


I appreciate it so much.

So now we're going to finish

with the fun stuff.

20 questions.

This goes all over the map.

There's no structure to this.

Oh, no.


And you know me.

I'm all over the map on this one.

You ready?

I'm ready.

Question one.

Perfect date night.

Oh, perfect date night.

Probably mountains.

Go on a hike.

Come down.

Go to the local pub.

Have a beer.

Have a burger.


um finish it off with some

ice cream and walk around

the town awesome simple

question number two what is

the one implement you want

to try at the games that

you have seen them use in

the past oh I would

probably have to say the

pig oh oh we have one of those at my gym


I have to come over because I can't

find one anywhere.

It's just like,

it's just so hardy and I

just want to be able to lift it and,

I mean,

watch it come to the games and I

can't even lift it.

What's funny is it's

actually Margot Alvarez's.


When Christy, because Christy owns my gym,

Christy O'Connell,

when she did games and

there was an announcement for the pig,

Margot shipped it to her to tell her.

wow nobody can afford the

shipping back nice I mean

that's cool um when you get

your game school what's the

one non-negotiable pose you

will do with your kit on oh

no I need to pick a new

pose because I've done I've

been like doing this one

but I want a more fun one

so I feel like maybe I'll do like

Or I'll do this.


It's gotta be like, yeah, that's it.



We got to see.

That's the one.

All right.

And then more exhilarating

putting out a fire or

qualifying for the CrossFit.

They're just different, man.


They're different.

They're both exhilarating in

their own ways.

I would say this year

qualifying wasn't as

exhilarating as I thought

it would be only because of

what happened with that last event.

You know what I mean?

Like I thought I'd be crying

and I thought I'd be, you know,

or jumping with joy,

but I just was thinking about the podium.


They're just,

I think the whole weekend was

just so exhilarating.

So they're exhilarating in their own way.

Fire is crazy.

When you're in the thick of

it and you got a crazy fire

going on beside you, I mean,

that's like close to death.

So, I mean,

that's probably more exhilarating,

to be honest.

And for listeners who didn't know,

you fought wildfires in

Canada for three years?





Three and three.

You were a leader for three.

I was a leader for four and

a non leader for two.


I was getting, I was getting close.

You were close.

You were close.


Favorite part of the semifinal.

I think having all of my community,

all my friends,

all my family there with me,

it was just so,

I don't know.

That just kept me calm all weekend.

And it was so cool walking

up the stairs at the end of the event.

And everyone was just

waiting for me at the top

to give me a big old hug

and say how proud they were of me.

And I know that they would

have done that no matter what,

even if I was in last,

they still would have been

up there to give me a hug

and say that they're proud of me.

So, yeah.

All right.

The CrossFit games are over.

What is the perfect meal to

celebrate the end of your season?

I mean, I'm just a burger fiend.

So a big old burger, some fries,

maybe a milkshake or some ice cream.

Probably a beer too.

Milkshake and ice cream.

Maybe both.


Maybe put the ice cream in the beer.

I don't know.

Who knows that you lost me there.


That'd be disgusting.

I won't do that.

I love ice cream.

Love beer.

They do not.

But not together.



All right.

If you could pick one song

to play over the

loudspeaker as you enter

the Coliseum for the CrossFit Games,

what song would that be?

Can I have two?

It would probably have to

be... This is hard.

Tell them we coming.

No, it's actually called KKAM.

And it says, tell them we're coming,

tell them we're coming,

tell them we're coming.



What is the one destination

for an adventure you want

to accomplish before anything else?

Okay, wait,

say that again because I just

zoned out on the song

because I just thought of

another song that I want.

So say that one more time.

We learned when we did these

on the Bali shows that

everybody always has to have two.

I know.


it's because I like Disney and I like


So I would like a Disney

song for half of it and a

rap song for the other.

Throw it up, Lil Jon and East Side.


Hi, Tristan.

Wad Zombie says, I'm proud of you,

but you should be more proud of yourself.

Thank you.

I am proud of myself.

So here's the question again.


Hopefully we flushed the

other one away now.

It's gone.

What is one destination for

an adventure you want to

accomplish before anything else?

A destination?

We've been to Bali.

We've been to Egypt.

We've been to all these cool places.

What's the next destination

you want to go to with it?

I would probably have to say,

I'm trying to think I've

always wanted to go to Vietnam.


And go to like the,

there's this really cool

bridge and it's got like

this big hand that holds

the bridge and then just, yeah,

it looks really cool there.

The culture.

And I've just heard really

good things about it.

So, yeah.

You're kind of all about the culture,


Like you go to a place you

like to dive in and like,

what's the food?

What's the.

Yeah, for sure.


And then my last one,

because I heard after semis,

you went to universal studios.

What is your favorite theme park?

I haven't really been to a ton of them,

but that would probably be

my favorite because Optimus

Prime was there.

I'm in love with him.

And I told him I was in love with him.

And what did he say back?

Oh, you're going to cry.

He said, well,

I'm in love with the universe.

And then I cried because he

shut me down pretty much.

Ticket to the CrossFit Games,

shot down by Optimus Prime.

It's crazy, man.

What is life?

It's yin and the yang.


Yeah, that's true.

I'm surprised.

I asked this because I knew

you liked Disney music.


And I didn't know if, like,

Disney theme park would

outweigh Optimus Prime, but apparently...


I mean, if Mulan was there and you know,


then maybe I would have loved that.

Cause I did go to Disney

world years ago and it was good,

but I just really liked the

rides and the whole experience.

Like Harry Potter world was

really cool too.

So yeah.

I think I missed a couple of

questions here.

I know I did.

What's the one,

what's the favorite thing

you've streamed in the last year?

What's the what?

The favorite thing you've

streamed in the last year.

Favorite thing I've streamed.

Oh, that's it.

Or binged show you've binged.


I'm trying to think.

I don't watch a lot of TV.


I'm weird.

I watch some weird stuff.

Like I watch crime shows and

I recently watched this thing.

Actually, I probably shouldn't even say it,

but it's like a religious thing.

And it just intrigues me

because I grew up religious

and that was probably the

most interesting one that I watched.


I watched some weird stuff,

so nothing too interesting.

The weirdest thing I've watched this year,

just like... My wife started this thing,

and then we got hooked,

and we ended up pinching the whole thing.

And it was about the pepper people.

What are the pepper people?

So they are people who love hot peppers.


and is it where celebrities are eating



That's a talk show.

This is like...

like jimmy in his basement

growing a new breed of

pepper to try to be the

hottest in the world this

guy in pittsburgh growing

him in his backyard and

this guy in colorado

growing him on a

mountainside okay and

there's people who judge

whether they're the hottest

pepper in the world

And then there's

competitions where like you

have to go round by round,

like the first round you eat one pepper,

second round you eat two peppers,

then three, then four.

Just burn your tongue off.

Like I like spice,

but when you just burn your tongue off,

there's no point.

And so it was just fascinating.

One, these people were bizarre characters.

They were paranoid.

So whenever you take your

pepper to be tasted,

you take the seeds out of

it because they're so

paranoid that someone will

steal a seed and plant it.

And grow it.

And have their pepper.

Oh, that is hilarious.

Just little freaks about their peppers.

It was the craziest thing ever.

And we got totally sucked in.


so actually I did get sucked into the

glass blowing show.

I can't remember what it's called.

Uh, something hot.

I can't remember,

but that was really cool to

see what people could make with glass.

The Christmas edition was really cool.

Oh, and I didn't watch that one.

I still need to.


Yeah, we got into that one too.

My wife watches all the true crime stuff,

all the bizarre stuff.

Yeah, the crime ones are good.

I can't do the true crime.


Jake either.

He's like,

I don't know why you watch that.

Hard enough.

I don't think everybody else

has that experience.

That's fair.

It's also kind of scary where

you see what people are

capable of and then you're

walking down the street like, Oh yeah.


My wife is like,

I couldn't sleep last night.

And I'm like, why?

Cause you watched three, three date lines.

Cause you watched some

murder that comes into

people's homes or something.

It's like, no wonder.

She goes, this guy,

I was watching the show and

there's this guy and this

girl and they met and then

they went to the grand Canyon.

I'm like, and he shoved her off.

Well, yeah.

How'd you know?

Cause every show is that when you,

I think it's a woman thing.

We just love the suspense or something.

I don't know.


Well, as always, these are such a blast.


I loved it.

Fun to hang out.

So glad you're going to the games.

So glad I still got it.

I got to check on plane

tickets this weekend, but yeah,

I hope you're going to be there.

So I have a hotel there.


Get a flight.


Let's do it.

For media credentials.

And you know, CrossFit,

they wait till the last minute.

I'm going to send out all the good vibes.

Guess what?

You might not believe in

this woo woo stuff,

but when I was on the

podcast with Lauren and I

saw your comment,

the number or the time on it was 1111.

So that could be good juju for you.

I'm sending it out to the universe now.

You're going to get it.

I like the 11-11 thing.

I've literally been seeing

11-11 everywhere lately.

Wad Zombie, you're the best.

$4.99, get a flight.

There you go.

That'll help.

Yeah, there we go.

Wad Zombie is one of the best dudes ever.

Yeah, they're great.

So, um, and you got to meet him at,

at semis.

I did get to meet him.

That was awesome.

Hopefully he'll make that

part about you someday.

May have already.

No, I don't know.








You know, that's going to be a handle.

Oh, yeah.

He should change it.

Wadi Hadi.

Wadi Hadi zombie.


Lips are sealed.

All right.

Well, with that.

This is going to be it.

I better see that on IG.

That'll be it for sure.


Because, I mean,

that's what you should be known for.

Yeah, right?

Like when you win an event.

Let's go.


Because everybody's doing tricks now.

Like Jason Hopper did the

putting out a cigarette.

Oh, yeah.


I did see that.


Yeah, I got to think of something.

Maybe that will be it, actually.


That way you stand out.


Especially when you get to flip the pig.

Oh, that's going to be sick.

Well, with that, guys,

thank you so much for being

in the comments.

You make this show so much fun.

Thank you to Hattie and

congratulations on being

officially named a CrossFit

Games athlete.

And we'll see everybody next

time in Fort Worth,

Texas with Hattie Canio.

Bye, guys.

See you next time.