Flip the Script with Vic

In Today's episode we dive into a myriad of topics that have been on my mind. Get ready for a heartfelt exploration that is bound to resonate with our beautiful community.

In this episode, I reflect on the power of vulnerability and connection, inspired by the unexpected viral response to an Instagram reel I posted about parenting struggles. I explore the notion of being mirrors for one another, recognizing our shared energy and the importance of unveiling our true selves. 

We'll unravel the beauty of embracing the duality of life, the ever-changing nature of our experiences, and the significance of finding balance. Discover the joyous energy of celebration and its innate ability to shift perspectives and invite more gratitude into our lives.

So grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let's flip the script, together.

Click here to learn more about Meg Sylvester's Miracle Way Facilitator training.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hi, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. This week we are diving into a couple different topics. I've got some things on my mind that I just want to talk about and share because I feel like it'll really resonate with this beautiful community. So this week I had a Instagram reel go semi viral. It's still racking up like and comments. And I took a second to really think about why is this resonating with so many people? And it was about the yelling that's been occurring in my house lately and how even though I'm this spiritual parent, even though I'm a conscious mom, I have been yelling a lot more at my kids.

Speaker A [00:00:44]:

And I keep trying. And that's all you can really do, right, is keep trying. Even when you don't hold yourself to this maybe standard, I guess, that you have set. And what I came to realize is it's not even about the content itself per se, but it's more about the connection and our feelings and that people really resonate with these vulnerable parts of ourselves. That that's what has connected me to even more people recently is the more that I uncover and that I share about my shame, about what I've been through, about these deep feelings, that I'm very surprised that instead of having an emotional hangover about it, I feel far more connected not only to myself, but to the people around me. And I was really wondering why that is. And I think it's because we're mirrors, right? We're reflectors for one another and seeing in someone else something that you have felt or that you have experienced or that touches a core wound that you carry, really allows you to see that you're not alone in this. World and in this modern society where our family units are in their own singular houses and we are no longer living in tribal communities.

Speaker A [00:02:09]:

I think we're missing that because at our core there is no separation between ourself and another person. We're all the same source energy. We all come from that same place. And we have a human avatar, right? I'm the avatar of Victoria in this incarnation. But the core essence of my energy is still the same as it is in you, as it is in your mother, in your brother, in the person walking down the street. And there is something about that energy that recognizes itself when we lead from the heart, when we open ourselves up, when we bring those walls down, and when we allow ourselves to speak that truth. And as I've become more unfiltered, I guess in my life I'm happier. And I feel like it brings more light, because when you bring awareness to the things that are bothering you, that's when the movement starts, that's when the change starts.

Speaker A [00:03:14]:

And we always talk a lot about in the healing space, all the things that you have to be doing to move through whatever emotions or things that you're going through. But just bringing awareness to something is enough to make a shift. And I learned that from my beautiful mentor, Meg Sylvester. She actually has a whole compass for how to navigate a spiritual journey. And it starts with awareness, and then, of course, it moves into kind of movement and embodiment and nurturing and there are the doing if you will, phases. But the very first phase of the miracle way is awareness. Because when you bring awareness to something, then you can start healing it, then you can start alchemizing and moving through. But unless you're aware that it's something that's bothering you, it's going to stay buried, right? And I think in talking more about the things that I have been through or the things that I am feeling, I give them less power.

Speaker A [00:04:22]:

I get to choose what has power over me. And in just sharing, I'm letting go of some of the stigma, maybe, or the taboo around some of these topics. And that's part of why I started this podcast, is because I wanted to be able to share. But now that I'm what, 16 weeks in, I guess I'm really realizing the healing that's occurring for me, being able to use my throat chakra, use my unique frequency, my voice to talk. And that's probably why talk therapy has been so beneficial for so many people. Because again, you're bringing the awareness, you're talking it out, but you're also connecting. And connecting to a therapist is very different, I think, than connecting to your girlfriends. But you're opening yourself up for that connection.

Speaker A [00:05:24]:

And that's why we're here. Our feelings are why we are here, because Earth is a place of duality, of dual nature. And that is why we can have such high highs and such low lows and feel joy and sadness and anger and frustration and euphoria and all of those emotions in between. We're here for that. We're here to learn from that because those experiences are what move our soul forward. And we are cyclical beings. Life is cyclical in the sense that it's transient. Nothing is going to stay exactly as it is in this moment.

Speaker A [00:06:06]:

And that's kind of the beauty of it. And it allows you to maybe let go and experience fully some of these potentially negative emotions or emotions that you perceive as negative because then you realize that they're not always going to stay that way, that the good is going to come again. When I left an emotionally abusive relationship at 18, I got a Robert Frost poem, nothing Gold Can Stay tattooed on my back. And the essence of it is just that nothing stays forever. Whether it's good or it's bad, it's going to change, it's going to transform. And there is beauty in that, in knowing that it's not always going to be bad, but it's not always going to be good either. And so you need to celebrate and enjoy those good moments, because without them, you wouldn't have the bad and vice versa, right? Like the good moments wouldn't feel as good if you hadn't felt the bad previously. You need both.

Speaker A [00:07:08]:

You need that balance. Nature is all about balance. You see it in the seasons, but you also see it in anything that's happening in the world right now. All of the environmental things that are happening, all the hurricanes, all the fires, that's nature trying to bring things back into balance. As scary and as awful as it is, it's the natural order of things. It's the natural way of things. And when you allow yourself to be in flow with that natural way, things get easier. And it's not that you don't feel those high highs or low lows, but they don't define you and you can move your way through them.

Speaker A [00:07:49]:

And I have been celebrating every single day so far in September. I decided, September 1, that the portal collective theme of the month for my Kundalini and Breathwork membership is celebration. And I got a new car on the first day of the month, and I just decided every single day I was going to celebrate something. And so far, it's been really interesting to see that, yes, there is always something to celebrate. Of course, there is always something to be grateful for. But in looking for those things to celebrate, I now find even more that's just naturally there, that I don't even have to go looking for, because I'm training my mind almost to look for the celebration and the thing to bring joy around. And the energy of celebration, I'm finding is different. It's similar to gratitude, but it's different because it's more active.

Speaker A [00:08:44]:

You are choosing to bring joy and high vibrational energy to something, whereas gratitude feels a little bit more passive and they each have their place, right? But celebration feels like it's giving me the power to choose what I'm giving my energy to, what I'm giving my joy to, what I am raising up. Right? And I also have noticed that, again, it's easier to come back to that positive perspective when I'm in celebration mode again. It doesn't mean that my kids haven't had tantrums, I haven't yelled or lost my shit. It just means that I find myself literally just like smiling out of the blue or going for a walk and coming back and looking at my house and being like, wow, I'm just celebrating that I get to live here, I get to do this. And what a subtle but profound shift to have around anything in your life. And I feel like all of this has come from my vulnerability and from my ability to allow myself to feel these feelings. And I talk about that a lot. I think episode two is about facing your discomfort and feeling your feelings.

Speaker A [00:09:56]:

But I will scream it from the rooftops until the end of time, because it is, I think, the most important thing that you can do as a human. And that's how you keep yourself healthy and vibrant and shining at your brightest, is by feeling the full spectrum of emotions. And you can go so far as to really say, okay, I don't want to label things as good or bad. It's all relative. I'm not going to get super philosophical about it, but it's true. Everything has a purpose. Everything is an opportunity. And letting yourself, letting the walls down around you is so important, and it's a lesson.

Speaker A [00:10:42]:

Actually, I was thinking about when I first went to Burning Man, many, many years ago, I went to the temple. So they build this wooden temple in the middle of the desert that they burn at the end of the week. But it's a place for reflection and for grief and for it's a shrine, almost. People come and put pictures of their loved ones or just write things that they're moving through. And I wrote this poem, one of the days about letting my guard down and that humans can heal as much as they hurt. And I feel like that needs to be shared right now because many of you listening probably have those hurting interactions right from when you were younger, those times when you did fully express yourself or when you did share your feelings and it backfired, or you felt misunderstood. And I'm here to tell you to keep trying, to keep opening, that you will find the people that see you for you and appreciate you, and that those moments of being misunderstood were perhaps moments of redirection, right? That those aren't your people, and that you need to change your environment, potentially, and also change the way that you look at yourself. I've also really, the last couple of weeks, come around to this idea of self affirmation, that when I am self affirming and the things that I want to do, then it attracts more of the people that are meant for me, the things that are meant for me.

Speaker A [00:12:22]:

And it's not about everybody else anymore. And that's really for me. What I think I'm here to help people understand is that you know what's best for you. You have all the answers, and that you are the one that has to give yourself permission for all the things that you want in this life. And that's how you're going to achieve them. Not through anyone else or because of anyone else, but because you allow yourself to have these things, to know and believe that you are worthy of these things. Because for me, as a woman in today's society, I feel a lot of shame. And that's another thing that's kind of been coming up.

Speaker A [00:13:02]:

I feel like this episode is just a hodgepodge of feelings and things that I've been going through recently. But it feels important to talk about because this shame, if you will, it is not something that just resides in me. I know every single woman listening out there has felt shame potentially is still carrying shame in their body. And I'm here to tell you that that shame is not yours. That shame is from other people. And it's time to get rid of that shit. That that shame is stories that other people have placed upon you about how they think that you should be in the world and it's time to reclaim them and rewrite them and choose differently for yourself. Because that's not a story that you ever signed up for or said like, yeah, I want to feel that and so you are the one that can move through it and can I say disassociate from it, maybe that is the right word, but cut yourself off from that energy because it's just an energy, right? And it's not an energy that is yours.

Speaker A [00:14:08]:

You are whole and complete and perfect exactly as you are. No matter where you are in your healing journey. No matter if you yell at your kids or are the perfect angel and never get mad at anyone around you, you already are perfect. And it is just remembering that and remembering this deep seated worth that you already have that is going to allow you to expand and do and be all of the things that you want in this life because you are worthy of them and you deserve better. That's really what it comes down to is you deserve better. Period. End of story. And that doesn't merit any explanation to anyone but yourself.

Speaker A [00:14:57]:

And yeah, I don't know that's that guys, that's what I've got today, a rambling episode. But a lot of truth that I feel like needed to be shared because yeah, things can feel kind of asked backwards out there right now and we got to recenter back into ourselves and into the power that we hold within. So so with that, I will leave you until next week. Thank you so much for being here with me. I love you. Be good to one another. I'll see you later. Bye.