Kube Cuddle

Kube Cuddle Trailer Bonus Episode 12 Season 1

Dave Fogle and Kris Nova

Dave Fogle and Kris NovaDave Fogle and Kris Nova


In this episode Rich speaks with Dave Fogle from Civo and Kris Nova from Twilio. Topics include: How Dave’s tweet “From homeless to Kubecon in 7 years” brought us together, Dave and Kris’s stories about how they became homeless, how they took care of their gear, their love of open source software and how they used it to level up, and how they transitioned from being on the street to tech jobs.

Show Notes

Thanks for all of the support that the podcast is getting on Patreon. If you’d like to help keep the podcast sustainable for only $2 a month, you can get more info here. Listening is a great way to support the podcast, too, so thank you.

Dave’s Twitter
Kris’s Twitter
Rich's Twitter
Kube Cuddle Twitter

Episode transcript


Dave’s tweet that got this all started
Thank you POP for bringing me into the thread
Kurt Kemple
The Privilege Escalation Foundation (Kris’s non-profit)
Open Sourcing Mental Illness

Logo by the amazing Emily Griffin.
Music by Monplaisir.

Thanks for listening.

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What is Kube Cuddle?

A podcast about Kubernetes, and the people who build and use it.