Rail Technology Magazine News

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According to a new report from the Public Accounts Committee, the HS2 Programme will offer poor value for money following the cancellation of the line after the West Midlands. This is due to approximately £11 billion worth of remediation costs that come alongside the project being cancelled

In a further blow to the Government, the report also criticises the management of HS2 and the lack of clarity over the unknown ramifications of cancelling HS2’s northern leg.

This weekend will see Network Rail kick off a £500k plan to upgrade the platform at Addiewell station. The upgrades are part of ongoing investment to improve Scotland’s railway and will last around 12 weeks until mid-May.

Included in the works will be a new drainage system to stop puddles gathering at the station as well as a smoother, more modern platform surface to reduce the risk of passengers slipping. Network Rail says these repairs will be more effective and longer lasting than previous measures.