The Digital Bosses Podcast

When was the last time you refresh your brand?
How did you refuel your content with new formats and ideas?

In today’s episode, Claire is sharing 5 ways you can refresh your brand and content

a brand refresh is like a personal makeover (new haircut or colour) add some new styles or colours to your wardrobe

Show Notes

In today's episode of the Digital Bosses Podcast:

  • Ready for a brand refresh? Join Claire as she reveals the secrets to revamping your brand and content!
  • Get ready for a digital makeover: Claire shares 5 game-changing strategies to ignite your online presence.
  • Say goodbye to dull and hello to fabulous: Discover how to add new styles, colors, and ideas to your digital wardrobe.
  • Unlock the power of a brand makeover: Learn how a fresh perspective can take your content to new heights.
  • Tune in for inspiration and practical tips: The Digital Bosses Podcast is your go-to resource for reenergizing your online identity.

Give your brand the boost it deserves and embark on an exciting journey of transformation with Claire on the Digital Bosses Podcast.

You can join the conversation  over on Instagram @thedigitalbosses
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What is The Digital Bosses Podcast ?

The Digital Bosses podcast is a biweekly snackable action-based training where you will discover the strategies and action steps to building a profitable business. Joseph and Claire explore topics from growing your brand, to building a successful online presence as a leader and beyond. Snack on these bite-sized business tips that can be implemented in your business right away!

0:00 - 0:32
Hello Joseph. Welcome or welcome back. Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you refresh your brand online? How can you refuel your brand and refresh your content with new formats and ideas, avoiding stress? In today's episode, Claire is sharing five ways you can refresh your brand and content, avoiding stress and replacing overwhelm with strategy. Recently I changed my hair cat. I also took a second during seminar, revamped my whole Instagram branding and refreshed the color a little bit.

0:32 - 0:53
Why am I sharing this? Because having a personal makeover is exactly what happened when you have a brand refresh. I think that new style or those new colors, it's like adding a new piece into your wardrobe. And we're gonna take Claire experience in fashion and translate that into your content so we don't have to reduce. Let's get to it. Welcome to the Digital Bosses podcast with Joseph.

0:53 - 1:03
And Claire. Our definition will be your own boss means showing up for yourself so you can show up for everyone and everything personally and professionally. So.

1:03 - 1:13
Congratulations on showing up Boss. We created the Digital Bosses podcast to give you simple, actionable step, step strategies to help you start, grow and build a purposeful online business. If.

1:13 - 1:19
You are a business owner creator looking to build an impactful brand that makes a difference, you are indirect place.

1:19 - 1:20
So let's save in.

1:21 - 1:28
Welcome to the Digital Bosses podcast with your co host Claire. Hello Jo, how are you today?

1:28 - 1:31
Hello. Hi Claire, how are you? I am very well,.

1:31 - 1:36
Thank you. So nice to have you again and I'm actually very excited for the topic we're gonna get.

1:36 - 1:56
Into. I am too. I think this is one of the most important part when it comes to content marketing because you always want to be a step ahead of everything and when it comes to rebrand and refresh your brand, it can be difficult. So I think today going through the points that will help people to gain clarity. So I'm super excited.

1:56 - 2:33
Awesome. So I'm gonna dive into right away. So the first one is visual identity update. I will like to ask you, when was the last time you actually look at your own visual? Like let's talk about colors for example, the image. Do you find it is exciting for yourself before you start to attract the customer? I think this is the first thing, the when customer, uh, buy your products or service. I'm actually gonna use one of the example cuz I'm a person who buys when has come to good design, good color and good package and doesn't matter if I need it, but I just end up buying it .

0:00 - 0:00

2:33 - 2:35
And this is, I relate to be clear.

2:35 - 3:18
. So I always say colors everything because I, I will use some of my example back in the day when I used to work in cosmetics and you know like, uh, fragrances is the perfect example. Okay, think about luxury market sometime that you walk into uh, a luxury department store. And the first thing is as you walk by, you start to smell all these like beautiful fragrances. You may not even need a a perfume because you don't need it, but as you walk by, you see all these like new beautiful packaged gray color, great design, great package, you smell it, you sense it and you get attracted to it and then you start to touch the bottle, you're like, oh my god, this is so good, this is so beautiful.

3:18 - 3:29
And then you end up walking away with a perfume. How can you create a visual that really speak for your brand and it's really about creating a distinction from your competitors.

3:30 - 4:00
So when I talk about you know, branding and design, you need to think about styling point of view. Think about you know, how you market yourself and how do you really get into that disability that you know, customer really want to buy it even though they may not really need it. I think that's the one part, it's so important when you actually create your brand starting with the color, you know, and then start with the the way how you look. I actually gonna throw another idea cuz I think Joe can really align.

4:00 - 4:32
You know, every time we go for life we always coordinate color. Yeah. Because we wanna use color to make a strong impression and literally you only have less than five, six seconds of grabbing the attention. So you need to really start thinking as right now if whatever that's not working such as the color and then your design, then maybe it's time to ask yourself, are you attracting your own brand? If not, then it's time to refresh. What do you think of this Joe?

0:00 - 0:00

4:32 - 5:13
Very true. And you know I'm listening to you and what is coming up for me is experience. You know, when I was working in beauty as well, I remember one of my very first job, I used to work as Sephora and we did a full training about experience with perfume, which I'm sure you have done too. And I remember one of the most remarkable that I ever did was the one Weran and opium. The perfume was all about a trip, a travel to Asia. And I remember this because one of the main pitch that we needed to have at the time and we were trained to say that to the client was where would you like to travel to today?

5:14 - 5:37
And this was an introduction question to any perfume and based on where would they like to go, we will pick a path for you would be opium if you wanted to have the sort of amber bays and have the Asian, you know, experience, if you instead wanting to have something sweeter and something more free invite would be a mye, it would be some sort of south of France walking the countryside if you will.

5:38 - 6:08
So that was really interesting to me because we do love and experience and sometimes we buy something because we want to belong to that experience and that happens. The whole psychology of branding is just that whether we want something because we need it or we buy something because we want to belong to somewhere that's the prerogative of the client and that's what we are marketing to. And you know what is really interesting? It's how our brain gets triggered by things and sometimes we don't even realize it.

6:08 - 6:40
What I love to do on social media and a lot of times there is a big focus on um, the visual side, which I think is super important. But also the coordination of your color when you are on live is really important. And this is what we are doing because we are thinking from a perspective of video, there is less opportunity for you to remember the visual but you will remember the people of what they wear. And I think that's the biggest stop crawling method you can possibly do. So I totally relate to what you just.

6:40 - 7:11
Said. I love it. And it's so true because it's like a makeover, right? When you go and get a haircut, uh, when you buy a new lipstick color you or you invest a piece of wardrobe, how do that make you feel? First you feel excited, you feel like a newborn person and that makes you want to actually show up more because you feel confidence. And that's why everything starts with color and colors everything. Visual is everything and that's how you want to create the consumer disability.

0:00 - 0:00

7:11 - 7:43
Also, I wanted to add point Claire, which is when I used to work in fashion and we were working on a campaign, I remember one of the main points for me was people are so worried to experiment with clothes because they're just worried about what they might look like. And sometimes, you know, I think we all been through um, a phase in our life we were experimenting and people will compare you to, oh you know, you look like this person. Oh why are you wearing? And you know, this is triggering confidence and a lot of people might not like that sort of feeling.

7:43 - 8:11
So what they end up doing, they don't experiment anymore. And it's the same thing with body shape. As people are so focused to cover what they don't like that they also don't show what they like. So when it comes to the perception of ourself, it's really important to where, when it comes to clothing, something that makes you feel in a certain way. So think about how you feel about that color, how the outfit makes you feel rather than what you look like gives you joy. The mission is accomplished.

8:11 - 8:45
Totally agree a hundred percent. And that actually gonna get into the second point I wanna share when it comes to branding, maybe it is time to refresh your logo with new design, especially if you're doing a new product lounge or a new service that you're adding into your current packet. I think the, okay, I'm only gonna share, I actually gonna use this in next experience. Also part of my uh, previous line when I used to work in the coding uh, company, in the production team, you don't actually have to revenge the whole entire thing.

8:45 - 9:27
It's especially you're testing a new collection. And what we have done is, you know, we take out whatever that we created in the past, we looking to, okay, whatever's not working and then we collect the data and we come out with just basically tweak a little bit, add in a little bit detail. We're not creating the whole entire new campaign but re adding some detail to it. So for example, when we coming out with the new collection, we will look into, okay, maybe this style still work, it is still, uh, on trend is still current, but what we do is we add a little bit different color, we change a different patterns and maybe we add a little bit burry for example, and to test it out.

9:27 - 9:29
And this become a completely a new design.

9:32 - 10:03
And when it comes to new like a new packaging, we don't do the whole entire things. We're just kind of like, you know, adding a little bit thing and then maybe, um, it can be just sometime it just, you know, like you add a little detail to the new package that can actually become a new design. And that is another thing to really look into your logo and your current design. If it's not working, then it's time to also, you know, especially if you wanna test it, uh, with new audience, that is actually something very good that you want to ask yourself.

10:03 - 10:14
Okay, if it's not working, you being in the market maybe a little bit outdated is if it's not attracting then refresh your logo with new design. Do you have any opinion on that one, Joe? Absolutely.

10:14 - 10:54
Claire. And I think what I really invite anyone listening to this to do is to experiment with different style of their logo. That doesn't mean you have to change your logo every time, but think about B campaigns, right? For example, uh, what is coming up for me is pride month. Everybody add a little bit of rainbow to anything just to make it align with what's happening around, uh, in terms of, you know, making the brand feel included, creating new campaign. And when I was working in fashion and marketing, what was really interesting for us was we will try and test something that we are thinking of launching as a permanent collection with a limited edition.

10:54 - 11:06
So you are tapping on the fear of missing out of your consumer and you're testing something and you see how it goes for a few months and then if it goes really well, it become a classic and a timeless.

11:06 - 11:37
This happens a lot with the a leopard print for example. So leopard print, one of the first company to do that was still triana back in the nineties and it was a limited edition thing. What happened there was one branded it, then all the people started to do it as well. And nowadays Leo printed became a timeless piece of clothing that if you love fashion and you probably have a jacket or a shirt in that particular part. A Joseph, how's it going? Are you enjoying today's episode? What is your biggest takeaway?

11:37 - 11:56
If you like what you're hearing and you would like to support us, make sure you go over on Apple podcast leaving us a review. Five stars for good camera. We value each and every feedback and yours matters the most. Plus we really want to improve here. So make sure you go over on Apple podcast today and let us know what are your thoughts. Now, back to the.

11:56 - 12:28
Show down to the third point I want to share, especially if you are a business owner and you are a boss that show online constantly, this is something I have noticed. You want to pay attention to this overhauling your entire image. So it doesn't matter what journey you're on at the moment, okay? You can be a small business or maybe you're a startup. I always say that your presentation can say a lot about your brand and your business and people do buy from people and you really wanna pay attention.

12:28 - 12:53
How can you show up in a very professional setting? And I cannot be stressed enough on this one, but I really do think because using my own experience of everything, when I shift online, I always pay attention. I, I invest in my own brand, I invest the people and I make sure that I invest in a professional photography for my brand, for digital bosses and then and for myself too.

12:53 - 13:35
And it's a way of why you want to create that high quality images, right? Cause people like to feel luxury. And when you create that uh, image, that perception and it create a very distinct, uh, style and look, people have a certain way of how they see you and the the way how they feel about your business. So you want to really use this as an example of how do you want to make your accountant to stand out? How do you wanna make use? This is another thing I wanna share. Lighting. I really have to say you Joe, you're the expert when it come to lighting and I've learned so much about just learning different lighting from you and from previously during pandemic, I was on a lot of networking events.

13:35 - 14:07
I mean I still do. And one thing I have noticed that a lots of business owners or or accountant creators, they have forgotten about how important the lightings and often I will go on the networking event and then they're talking about what they do, but I cannot even recognize their face because the lighting's not so good. It looks very blurry and it doesn't really make the stand out. So I wanna say it's so important to invest good quality lighting, especially if you're planning to create video content for your business for long term and get created with colors.

14:07 - 14:12
Use some color to add some brand consistency and show up your personality. Totally.

14:12 - 14:56
Agree. And I think when it comes to lighting, sometimes you just need those two pieces that really will be in your equipment for a while. I recently just bought these lights on Amazon, which are really price friendly, They're really cheap. I think they were about 40, $39 or something and they are really, really good. I share them on a reel on my page if you want to check it out. By the way, this is not sponsored, just FYI , I just wanted to share that because good lighting, it's important and I agree with you, the perception of the way we show up a line really has a lot to say about the brand that we are promoting and the product that we are selling and the service that we're offering.

14:56 - 15:05
So I do relate to that a lot. And I wanna add another point when it comes to the content side of your marketing.

15:05 - 15:43
So think about your content and I want you to stop for a second and ask yourself why is that one thing that I'm extremely passionate about but I do not share online because I don't think it is on brand with what I'm talking about. And this is a very important part to me because what often happens is that we are so focused on what we are selling, what we are offering, the niche that we are in, that we forget to source idea from all the industries and all the niches that could be translated and transferred into our own.

15:43 - 16:03
I did that personally with my passion for commentary. I do love commentary, I do love red carpet, I do love our Netflix era. What I did the beginning of this year, I started to introduce my passion for pop culture and I introduced a new series on reels called Pop Culture Portfolio.

16:04 - 16:40
And it's really the brand strategy and marketing strategy behind the trend in TV show that are happening on Netflix, Amazon Prime, you name it. And this is a way for me to inject some personality into the page but also make it interesting to the person that is watching. And another thing I want to share is actually something that my boss used to tell me when I was working in corporate. I will be the person always focusing on the industry and looking at what's trending, the elasticity that I learned mentally and creativity wise.

16:40 - 16:55
My corporate job was about finding always an angle. And my boss used to say to me when I was working in skincare, he was like, it's never about the news, it's about the angle. People are looking for a perspective cuz if they need only a news, they will not come to you.

16:55 - 17:32
They will go on Google and it will take them 10 seconds to find it. And I wanna share this with you because sometimes we are so much in our own head when it comes to things. And in reality what people are really invested is process, which is leading me to the next point, focus on the process and focus on the progression of your content. So you might be in a situation where you are going through a change and a transformation with your content strategy or with your content that you're sharing on social media to promote a product. Or maybe you have an offer that is changing and evolving so you feel that what you share before isn't really relevant anymore to what you sharing.

17:32 - 17:43
Now, however, here's a choice for you. It's about leaving and giving the opportunity to the person that is following you from today to see the process of how you become who you are today.

17:43 - 18:15
And the reason why I share this is because we tend to archive a lot of content. We tend to always remove what isn't relevant anymore. That picture that is quite right or that content that we share just to experiment relatability. I think that's the part that a lot of creators are missing out on. It's about giving the page that brand look that looks incredible but not relatable. And that's the reason why when I change my niche back in 2018 and I went from travel to marketing, I thought, you know what? I could hide and archive all the content that I shared before.

18:15 - 18:49
But then what happens there is you are not gonna be able to see the progression and the transformation then I am selling on my offer. So in reality, my page is the output of what I'm talking about. So if he's not there, you're not able to see what was my transformation and actually relate to the one I'm trying to offer to you as a server. Think about that particular niche that you are watching on TikTok. If you're a creator on Instagram or visa versa and you are watching something just for fun, think about how you can translate that to something that is relevant to who is following you on your business page.

0:00 - 0:00

18:49 - 19:24
I love this, especially when you talked about the transformation, you know, and I can totally relate on that one because I was, at the time, I rebrand myself and refreshing everything when it come to the look, the color, the image. And I was like, should I actually archive everything? And I'm like, but again, if I al-Qaeda then it doesn't seem like me. It just, it seems like I'm trying to hide something and I'm like, okay, you know what? I'm just gonna leave it there. And I think this is, uh, something we, we see very often when people, you know, they, they've been showing up but they just don't wanna show anymore.

19:24 - 19:57
They, they, it seems like they will just archive everything and and they don't really wanna show everything from the past. Yeah, I will say like especially if you want to run an operate business, transparency is definitely something, you know, the more you actually being honest with who you are and what you show, you actually end up creating more consumers that actually are attracting what you do. And I think that is actually another point I think you want, like when it comes to creating a new personality, nothing wrong when you're creating a new personality, but you don't actually have to remove the oh one.

19:57 - 20:02
You're just bringing out, uh, you're elevating a new personality. No, it's.

20:02 - 20:33
A full transparency. There is one type of post that I, I I have to say Claire, I did okay, a couple of things on my page. And there was a trend on Instagram in 2018. I dunno if you remember this, but I do. And it was about sharing, I think it was called Face square and it was about sharing a picture with seven posts. So basically you will post a picture that was big and then you will have seven posts that will make the picture like a puzzle.

20:33 - 20:49
Uh, if anyone in the audience is relating to this and is remembering this in the episode, please take a screenshot right now and tag us on your Instagram story sharing. What was your take? And if you did it, because I'm very curious if you have, and I remember I did did I did do this in 2018.

20:49 - 21:20
I was in Stockholm, I was in Sweden, it was this very cool church and I took a picture in front of it and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do this giant square trend now. And I remember posting nine post one time, like literally in within 10 minutes it was nine posts to make the full picture. And I remember my friend telling me, You are an idiot. Just stop doing this. This is so irritating. You keep appear . He was like, You keep appearing on my feet. And I say, you know, last time I check at 12, cause your face, now I see your leg.

21:20 - 21:21
What's wrong with you? .

21:23 - 21:57
I remember that. That is actually very good point. To wrap up the conversation. I would say market change business grows and you change, people change, right? So you, the only way is to continue to test it, especially if your audience has changed, is time to really think about, okay, what is not working? What is working? What can you do? And think of the innovation and evolution. And I think that's the thing that if you want to stick around online and building a business for long term, that is something you have to test.

21:57 - 22:28
On. Exactly. And I think the mindset shift that I want you to take away from this episode today, it's about simplicity and process over result and perfectional. All right, there is it for the day. Now that was a jam packed episode full of value just for you. But let me tell you secret, the best conversations actually happen after the show over at the digital Bosses page on Instagram. You're more than welcome to join the tribe there. We have incredible conversations and it's full of action.

22:28 - 22:53
Take care. Business owners just like you. So we cannot wait to see you there. Plus, if you are looking to support us and you would like to let us know what are your thoughts about today's show, take a screenshot of the episode, tag us on your Instagram story and let us know your feedback. We share each and everyone or our listeners and we cannot wait to share yours too. Thank you so much for listening and I will see you with Claire same time, same place next week.