The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.
Well, I yeah. I always think, like, how could I burn brighter so that other people around me are, like, feeling the heat? Absolutely.
Drew Beech:Right? I like that.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. So I'm like, alright. What do what do I need to do where people are like, oh, I need to get on this motherfucker's up. Yep.
Joey Rosen:And I
Kenny Santucci:wanna be around him
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:And, like, push forward with him. Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show.
Joey Rosen:What's going on, Eagles? My name is Joey, and welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. I'm joined today by Drew. I'm always joined by Drew, my cousin and cofounder. But today, we're also joined by a very special guest, a man that needs no introduction.
Joey Rosen:Owner of owner of Strong New York, owner of the Strength Club New York City. Put her on her, maestro, emcee of the the largest fitness expo in New York City. Right? Kenny Santucci and many other many other things. So
Kenny Santucci:I appreciate that. There's a lot of people don't ever do the research. Right? You ever go on a podcast and people are like, oh. Oh, this guy.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Drew Beech:That's how I know.
Kenny Santucci:Shit wrong, and you're like,
Drew Beech:you gotta fuck
Kenny Santucci:that up.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yep.
Drew Beech:We know the good things and the bad things.
Joey Rosen:I figured I'd just keep it short. You know what I mean? We're not gonna gonna get into everything. So we were talking before the show, and I mentioned, like, our community members know who you are. I have a funny story about, about, a friend of mine, but we'll get into that later.
Joey Rosen:Our community knows who you are. They know what you've done. What they're really interested in is how you've done it. Right? So I wanna go all the way back to, young Kenny growing up in an Italian American family.
Joey Rosen:Right? And, I think you and Drew have maybe some similar stories in the beginning around fitness.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Joey Rosen:Right? And I wanna take it all the way from there for to who you are now and the impact that you're having on society. So let's start as a kid growing up where?
Kenny Santucci:Newark, New Jersey, which a lot of people when I tell them I'm I grew up in Newark, they're like, no way. You're white though. I'm like, yeah. That I am. But, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Grew up in Newark, New Jersey. My dad was a cop there, so he was one of these guys who just never wanna leave. You know, I grew I was born in 83. So all through the eighties nineties, I was in Newark, which at the time was the car theft capital
Joey Rosen:of the world.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. It was a shithole. And I remember there was 4 times my father's car was stolen out of the front of our house.
Joey Rosen:Dude, you know what? So we we have a lot in common, but, we're similar ages, similar thing.
Drew Beech:Like Oh, it is.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. And I'm I'm like a even now, like, I'm a neighborhood kid. Like, I'm never gonna leave Philly.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Same type mentality. But, one thing we have in common that I just realized is every time we moved to a different neighborhood in Philly, it was because our car got broken into multiple times in front of the house.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. My mom would always be like, we gotta move. I'm like, listen. We're not going anywhere. I'm like,
Joey Rosen:alright. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:But yeah. No. So it was, you know, we were well protected, but it was still a a pretty rough neighborhood. I mean, the first time I got beat up, I was 7. Then the next time, I was 11.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know, I played sports in Newark, but we went to, I went to a grammar school in Nutley, then went to, All Guys Catholic High School in Jersey, in Jersey. And for me growing up, you know, I like to eat, and my grandmother loved to feed me. So I pumped myself up to a a good 2:30 going into high school. So it was about 5:5:2:30. And people are like, no way.
Kenny Santucci:You were that big. I was like, yeah. I was pretty big. Like, f I remember in 5th grade, we went to the doctor, and my parents were like, my doctor told my parents that, like, you gotta put this kid on a diet. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:And I was, like, 10, 11 years old.
Joey Rosen:You're on the the pasta and bread diet?
Kenny Santucci:Oh my god. Yeah. Everything. No. My grandmother used to give us in the morning if we stayed at her house.
Kenny Santucci:She'd give us, like, a cup of tea, right, and or coffee and then bread and butter. So I need, like, a loaf of bread and butter and one thing twice about it. Yeah. And I fucking loved it. I love it.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Drew Beech:Some butter on some
Joey Rosen:white bread, dude. Yeah. It has. It's a
Kenny Santucci:it's a it's a it's a it's a
Drew Beech:little round of
Kenny Santucci:it. Everybody's fucking eating white bread. Nobody had a problem with that shit.
Joey Rosen:I grew up I grew up on white bread, and, like, I put pasta on the white bread.
Kenny Santucci:Like, the
Drew Beech:way like, whatever. Got her, like, like, spaghetti sandwiches that you have made out of dinner. All the time. I mean, I I have a similar journey, obviously. I was, sophomore year, like, 267 was my highest.
Kenny Santucci:267. Yeah. And I
Drew Beech:think it's just the ignorance of not knowing what the foods we were eating at that time were doing to us.
Kenny Santucci:But here and this is my argument with a lot of people today. Right? At that time, we're about the same age. At that time, there wasn't Internet. There wasn't so much focus on health and wellness.
Kenny Santucci:Like, people were actually every one of us probably had a birthday at, like, McDonald's or Burger King or some shit. Mhmm. It was a treat. It was like, oh, it's your birthday. We'll go to McDonald's.
Kenny Santucci:Nowadays, everyone knows how bad this shit is.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:Right? That's what frustrates me the most. It's like, there's no excuse now.
Kenny Santucci:There's no excuse?
Drew Beech:There's no excuse to be unhealthy.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Because the the information is readily available to us.
Joey Rosen:We were getting it in the morning too with the cereal. Like
Joey Rosen:Oh my goodness.
Kenny Santucci:Cereal is horrible.
Drew Beech:The worst way to start our day. The bowl of sugar. Yes. Like like like The
Kenny Santucci:worst way to start eating.
Drew Beech:And we did we started every day like that. And it was like, I was eating cookies for breakfast. That was their tagline. Cookies for breakfast. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:How ridiculous that sound.
Kenny Santucci:But even I mean, we would congregate. I mean, Italians, Irish, everybody's saying shit. After a meal, it's like, oh, we're gonna have cake and coffee now.
Joey Rosen:Yes.
Kenny Santucci:So now you're like, we would eat pastry 4, 5 times a day. It was horrible for you. Like, I I didn't think of nothing as a kid to crush a box of Pop Tarts.
Joey Rosen:Oh, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Like, I'd eat all for 3 packs or 4 packs. What was that?
Joey Rosen:Like, what's the, the cookies for breakfast? What was that?
Drew Beech:Cookie crust.
Joey Rosen:Cookie crust.
Kenny Santucci:Cookie. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Dude, I would
Kenny Santucci:murder a
Joey Rosen:box of cookie crust. One sitting.
Drew Beech:Oh, yeah. I feel so bad too with my my mom. Like, god bless her. She had me on the Atkins diet at, like in, like, 5th grade. Like, we would go out for pizza with our friend with our fam I I thought that was the story all the time, but we got the pizza with our friend our family friends, and I would have to get a a cheesesteak with no bread and and a bowl like a tinfoil, like
Kenny Santucci:a No shit.
Drew Beech:Bowl. And everybody else is eating pizza.
Joey Rosen:Now that's the thing.
Drew Beech:But it it didn't nothing worked until yeah. Exactly. Now it's cool. Yep. But nothing worked until, like, I flipped that switch in high school.
Kenny Santucci:Well and that I think it got to a point where and I think this holds true for a lot of things in life. You have to hit rock bottom, whether it's work, relationships.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:You know? I was at a point when I was in 8th grade, and I remember looking in the mirror and looking at myself and being like and everybody was talking about, like, who's gonna kiss who at the 8th grade party and shit? No one brought me up, and I'm like, I don't like me. Yeah. I look like shit.
Kenny Santucci:I need to change this. And I said to myself, I remember that day, I go as soon as I get to high school, and I'm gonna start playing sports, and I'm gonna work out because there's a gym at my high school.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:And from that day on, I graduate I I went, I got into high school. I was, like, 2:30. I finished my freshman year. I was, like, maybe 200. And then by the end of my sophomore year, I was 160.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Let's go.
Kenny Santucci:So it was like and but I work at and but the information wasn't on Google. I had to go I was stealing, like, muscle and fitness magazines and muscle muscular development from, you know, grocery
Joey Rosen:stores and
Kenny Santucci:shows. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Convenience store.
Kenny Santucci:And I would take the magazines to the gym and, like, just do, like, different workouts, like, Lee Priest arm workout.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:So that's that's how I learned. And I remember, like, a picture of Ronnie Coleman, and he was, like, crushing 2 bottles of soda. And he's like, you should never drink soda and blah blah. And I'm like, wait. Why shouldn't I drink soda?
Kenny Santucci:Like, I had no idea that it was bad for you. It's like, this is the shit your family's giving to you.
Drew Beech:Yes. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know? So you didn't know any better. Now it's like, now you're educated. Now you have every girl with a great ass and fake tits online being like, don't do this. Don't do that.
Kenny Santucci:It's like, all the information's there. Yeah. There's no reason why people shouldn't be in the best shape of their lives
Joey Rosen:right now. Yeah. Well, I mean, now the the unfortunate thing is you had that moment when you looked in the mirror and you said, enough is enough. Like, I don't even like me. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Now in this day and age, you will be able to find people that tell you it's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Healthy and it's not but it's not.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. You know what I mean? It's it's absolutely not. So It's That's the thing. The information's fair, but then also now there's these
Kenny Santucci:other have this other side
Joey Rosen:where Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Back then, people be like, well, it's not great to be heavy. And nowadays, yeah, it's like we encourage bad behavior. Everything from drug use to being overweight to fucking pretending you're something you're not.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:You know? Yep. It's every aspect of life is just like we just sugarcoat it with shit. It's like it's the worst possible situation. Everybody's like, well, just sprinkle some shit on it, and we'll we'll make it a whole lot better.
Drew Beech:Yep. Yep. We have such similar like, literally exact same journey. I my girlfriend broke up with me. I was like, no other girl is ever gonna wanna hook up with me, but I fucking look like this.
Drew Beech:So the I but my mom and I'm like, mom, how do I how do I lose weight? And she said, eat chicken and run. And that's like what I did and I've
Kenny Santucci:It's actually some pretty good advice.
Drew Beech:Saw it. Yeah. Dude, I literally I got so skinny. I went from 267 to, like, 140.
Kenny Santucci:Holy shit.
Drew Beech:Because I
Kenny Santucci:literally that was in high school? Were you Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Like my sophomore sophomore going into sophomore year. You were
Kenny Santucci:in college sports too?
Drew Beech:No. I I started wrestling after that.
Joey Rosen:Okay. Okay.
Joey Rosen:And I
Drew Beech:just I I kinda started withering away
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Drew Beech:Because I all I was doing was, like, crazy cardio. Like, I couldn't run,
Joey Rosen:so I
Drew Beech:had to ride a bike. And I just, like, oh, I was I wasn't doing any push ups, pull ups, any I was just running.
Kenny Santucci:And that and, like, that's another misconception. Right? Like, even one of my coaches, I was talking to her before, and she's like, I just went for a 2 mile run. I go, do you lift today? And she's like, no.
Kenny Santucci:I go, what do we talk about every fucking day? If you have the choice between lifting and running, go lift.
Joey Rosen:Yep. Right?
Kenny Santucci:I tell everyone that. I don't care if you're 5 or a 105.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:Get out there, like, push some weight around. Yep. You know? And it's so important. Like, even today, I was at this event.
Kenny Santucci:Do you guys know who Ben Bruno is?
Joey Rosen:Yes.
Kenny Santucci:Great dude. Yeah. Real it's the first time I've ever met him. I've been following him forever. He's good friends who are a bunch of buddies of mine.
Kenny Santucci:And he did this event with Owen today in the city. So I went to that this morning, and there was a couple of women just, like, kinda picking his brain. They're like, I don't wanna get too bulky. So what should I do? And I'm like, I can't believe this is still
Drew Beech:Still happening.
Kenny Santucci:Like a thing. You know? But I like, just like we said, people are like, oh, it's okay to be fat because, you know, this person says and that person says it.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:I'm like, alright. Yeah. If Lizzo thinks it's okay to be fat, why should you fuck all these jack guys?
Drew Beech:I, right? Like, you
Kenny Santucci:ever see the guys that Lizzo's with?
Joey Rosen:They all look like logic.
Kenny Santucci:They all look like bodybuilders and shit.
Joey Rosen:Well, like you're saying, like, the information's out there, but so is the misinformation. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Still.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Right.
Kenny Santucci:So information overload.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:And that's probably that's one of the reasons why I did Strong. I go because there's people would ask me same stupid question all the time. I go, listen. You're clearly not listening to me. Let me bring in an expert Sure.
Kenny Santucci:And have them tell you exactly what you should be doing.
Drew Beech:And that it's interesting you said 5 or 55 because I get a lot of Parker, my son, he lifts. Like, we we nothing I I don't I'll go too crazy. That's what
Joey Rosen:we're in
Drew Beech:a recession, but he's squatting. He's lifting kettlebells. Yeah. He's he's he's well, with weight with weight. Yeah.
Drew Beech:And everyone's the stunt your growth thing has come up, but I'm like, if if a kid can sit there
Kenny Santucci:and play video
Drew Beech:games Exactly.
Kenny Santucci:Study behind you.
Drew Beech:But if you're telling me it's better for your kids to sit there and play video games and eat bonbons all day, than it is for my son to pick up something heavy and and move with it Yeah. Then you're crazy.
Joey Rosen:To be honest, just to play video games all day and be centering. Yeah. Like, you can't
Drew Beech:You just I remember. Kids.
Joey Rosen:My family waited till I was 13 to get me my first weight set for the basement because they didn't wanna stop
Drew Beech:my grandma. That was like a thing. Well, that was probably the only thing. I got so skinny because my mom said 16, I couldn't start lifting weights. So
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:And to the the video games thing is the like, some of these kids in school and on the the teams he's on, they have no attention span whatsoever. They're, like, literally, like, just jumping around, look at her, like because they're all day stimulated on the screen.
Joey Rosen:It's a it's a shame. I mean, my daughters are young still, but we don't do people think I'm crazy. We don't do tablets. We don't do phones. Great.
Joey Rosen:They don't use them. Yeah. And, they watch TV 2 days a week.
Drew Beech:But now
Joey Rosen:how many people with tea. Tuesday Thursday.
Kenny Santucci:How many people are like, oh my god. He's a psycho. That he's a I
Drew Beech:think I'm
Joey Rosen:a drill sergeant.
Drew Beech:We get it all the time, dude.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. K.
Joey Rosen:They think I'm a they think I'm a drill sergeant. Yeah. But
Kenny Santucci:It's, like, out of the ordinary to be Yes. Doing them doing the things you should be doing for your kids.
Joey Rosen:Exactly. My girls are are creative. They have solid reasoning.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm. You know
Joey Rosen:what I mean? They problem solve really well because they have an attention span, and they can stay focused on something Yeah.
Drew Beech:For more
Joey Rosen:than 6 seconds.
Kenny Santucci:There was that, there was that study that they did even with, like, I I guess it was, like, rats or mice or something.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:When they gave them good food, they were, like, more they could find their way out of this maze. Mhmm. Yeah. Whereas, like, when they ate gave them shitty food, their their brains didn't function.
Drew Beech:I watched I think I watched something like that on Instagram the other day, but they showed you giving them they showed them giving the mice healthy food, and he climbed up that like, to this outer
Joey Rosen:border. Cookie fries.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:And then they gave him cookie crisp and and white bread. Yeah. And he they were on a it took him, how like, double charged people the time. Bro.
Kenny Santucci:It really does fuck with your yeah. Well, think about it. Right? Like anything, like any other fuel source. Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:If it's a good fuel source, it's gonna help whatever engine you're trying to run run more efficiently.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:So if I were to put dirt in the engine of a Ferrari, it's probably not gonna run as good as if I put like, I have a buddy who's a complete fucking wackadoo.
Joey Rosen:He
Kenny Santucci:lives out in LA, and he puts jet fuel in his, he's got a BMW. Yeah. And he's like, dude, the car runs significantly better, but you have a a more pure form of fuel Absolutely. That you're putting in it.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. It's like Absolutely.
Drew Beech:And that's one thing. It's hard to instill in the in the my my son. Like, he he gets it. I said, like, at baseball last night, I said, they're giving me a free hot dog with the snack shack at the end. I said, oh, you want one?
Drew Beech:And he was like, no. I'm good. And then later when we were in steaks, I said, like, why didn't you want a hotdog? He said, I wanna be healthy. And I was like, hey.
Drew Beech:You have parenting with there, dude.
Kenny Santucci:I think I think our our kids' generation, Right?
Joey Rosen:Oh, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:They're gonna be so light years light years ahead because now it's we've seen what our parents did. Right? And then this generation younger than us where it's like everybody's a fucking snowflake.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:And then now you you're like, alright. I wanna I don't want my kids to be that. Let me improve on this situation and this next generation. Like, I'd say kids under the age of 12 are gonna be the best from, like, 12 to, like, 2.
Drew Beech:Interesting. You see this trend of homeschooling and people eating. Like, eating It's so comfortable. The grid, eating like, just kind of, like, going back away from this this, like, the society we've created.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. They're taking control back. Yeah. They're taking control back what they put in their mouth, what they put in their ears, their eyes, everything, and it's making a much better human.
Drew Beech:Because think of how toxic our parents and parents' parents' lives were, like, going like, what they would eat Mhmm. And then what they wake up and do, and they go to work. They come home and sit and watch the news and and just, like Yes.
Kenny Santucci:Well, think about it. Our grandparents' generation, our parents' generation have come up with more, you know, diseases and problems within the body that they say, oh, well, you can't fix it. Arthritis and osteoporosis and all these things that are like, well, it's just lack of movement. Right? Heart disease, diabetes, all these things are just poor diets.
Kenny Santucci:All those things didn't exist or they weren't as common Yes. A 100 years ago. Yep. We've developed all this shit within the last 100 years.
Joey Rosen:Of our lifestyle habits.
Kenny Santucci:Because of our yeah.
Drew Beech:And one of our one of my big beliefs is that every problem has a solution, and I feel that way about health too. Like, I had, like, some anxiety at one point about health, and I literally just did what I know best and researched, like, okay. What do I do? Like, how do I stay healthy? Or because
Joey Rosen:I wanna
Drew Beech:be here as long as I can for my son. Yeah. And I've realized that even health problems have solutions. Because back in the when like, the day, we'll say, they believe, oh, these things just happened.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:No. Like, they'll just happen.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Call me back in the 95% of it is environment. You know? Mhmm. And, actually, what we're doing, 5% of it is genetics.
Kenny Santucci:So it was, like, oh, my family's fat, so I'm fat. So it's a genetic thing. It's, like, not necessarily. You know, you could be a skinny person in a fat family. I mean, we'll just I always say to people everybody's like, well, it's because of stress or it's because there's somebody's thyroid.
Kenny Santucci:This I go, okay. Go to fucking Ethiopia. See how many people have a thyroid issue
Drew Beech:there Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Or stress is making them heavy. You know? Mhmm. It's like we only look at it from, like, this one angle. Yes.
Kenny Santucci:We never, like, look at it anywhere else.
Joey Rosen:I think that I think people don't look at it from all the other angles because they don't wanna take ownership because the ownership of the situation is difficult. Right? Because you're in complete control, and it's your fault, and you have to solve it. Yeah. You know?
Joey Rosen:I'm curious. Easier to go get a pill.
Drew Beech:For your guys' thoughts on this, though, we say that there's trends and a lot of people are understanding now.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Drew Beech:Or is this just the the environment in which we operate in? Like, think about your day. You go to Strong. You hang around with certain people. You're in the health of like, same with that.
Drew Beech:Like, we're around a few hunt. The few people that care about their health, care about what they're putting in their bodies. Is there actually a societal trend, or is it just a bubble we're
Joey Rosen:in?
Kenny Santucci:I think it's just a bubble we're in. Yeah. I think it's because if you go to, like, Orlando, Florida or some shit, I mean, it it's like you're on another fucking day.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. But we're, I mean, we're the change agents. You know? Us, our kids, like Yeah. We're gonna be the change agents for that next generation that's gonna be stronger.
Joey Rosen:You know what I mean?
Kenny Santucci:But I'll tell you what. Like, I think we're the my my right now, we're the minority. Mhmm. We're the type of people who are, like, going that extra mile where it's, like, when you see most people walk down the street. I do it all the time with my coaches and stuff.
Kenny Santucci:I'll take people outside and be like, alright. Count the amount of people you think have a gym membership or been to the gym in the last 2 months.
Joey Rosen:Yep. Well,
Drew Beech:it's great. I got friends that won't even won't even change things, and, they have me breathing down their nest. I'm like, I'm everything they say
Joey Rosen:It's hard, man. It's it's hard for people to come around. Like, the information we're talking about nutrition, lifestyle, exercise. Like, we're talking about that information being free flowing.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:That's hard to take ownership of, absorb and control. But some of the stuff starts in the mind, and that information's there too to change your mindset. But that's even more difficult to take ownership shot.
Drew Beech:It almost goes back to what Kenny was saying before that. It's you have to hit your own rock bottom before you can.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I think that's what it is. You have to hit that wall.
Drew Beech:K. And
Kenny Santucci:then you'll, like, turn around and be, okay. Now
Joey Rosen:I need
Kenny Santucci:to go forward.
Joey Rosen:The, you
Joey Rosen:know, the pain of rejection, you know, the pain of disease, the pain it's a great teacher.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You know
Joey Rosen:what I mean? If if if you if you let it teach you. And that's why, like, one of our most popular mantras in the community is prefer pain. Not a lot of people get it. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Some people do. We do.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. No. I You know? I I always say, like, there's no the easy road doesn't exist. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know? Because if it's not hard, then it's not worth doing, and you're not gonna get anything out of it.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Absolutely, man.
Drew Beech:This is following a trend. We recorded a few episodes today, but our guests just proved to
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:To us why they should be on on the show and and why they're members of our community because we just talked about how hard it's good. Like Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. We did a whole we did a whole show on it a little bit earlier. And it's just we all speak the same language. We have the we have the same frequency, you know, and that's that's what I'm saying. Like, we're the we're the minority right now, but it's not always gonna be that way.
Joey Rosen:No. Tide's changing. Yeah. You know what I mean? And we're here to make sure that it does that it does switch.
Kenny Santucci:Well, look at look at how many things you guys do on a daily basis that are hard. Right? Go to jujitsu. You're lifting weights. You're getting up early.
Kenny Santucci:You're raising a family. Like, none of that shit's easy. You know? You you've clearly taken the harder path. Right?
Kenny Santucci:You you eat healthier. Like, these are all the things where most people
Joey Rosen:say entrepreneurship.
Kenny Santucci:You know?
Joey Rosen:You know what I mean?
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. And most people are like, ah, fuck it. I'm not gonna try that hard anymore.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:You know? Somebody was asking me the other day. They're like, oh, you put a lot into, you know, the gym, and I go, should I half ass it? Yeah. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You know? I gotta go fucking all in. Yep. When people are like, oh, you ever gonna take a vacation?
Kenny Santucci:I go for what?
Drew Beech:Yeah. I go That's one thing I always say is when you create the life you love, you don't need you don't need the vacation.
Kenny Santucci:I don't care. Gonna go? Sit on a beach and fucking cobble and drink margaritas? Yeah. I don't drink.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I hate I having I can't sit out there and just fuck. What am I gonna read a book or some shit?
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:I'm gonna say, dude, I just had this conversation. I'm the same way. Like, I go on vacate like, you know, obviously, I have a family. Right? Like, I wanna spend time with them, you know, disconnected and away from all of the hard sometimes.
Joey Rosen:You know what I mean? But even on those moments where, like, I'm sitting on the beach with them, like, the itch is there. Like, you know what I mean? The clawing, like, the eagle's clawing from the inside. Like, I gotta be moving.
Joey Rosen:I got a full stuff to do. Before, we had children, you know, my wife and I would go on vacation, you know, she loves the beach. She can sit there, read a book, you know, relax. But I'm, like, meeting the locals. Like, I'm trying to
Joey Rosen:go on
Joey Rosen:a fishing trip with, like, some random guy that, like, lives on the island. Like,
Kenny Santucci:I'm trying to just the way we're wired. Yeah. I'm the same way. Like, when I'm when I'm away with my family and stuff, I'm always, like, alright. What else could I be doing?
Kenny Santucci:How else could I be building? What else could I do to improve my life? Whereas, like, I admire people who could just sit back, fucking tan. I'm like, I feel the same way.
Joey Rosen:I I I feel the same way. Like, I'd probably be nice high strung.
Drew Beech:Amanda Amanda and I have this, like, like, we have a I got a vacation schedule, and we go to the shore or whatever. We literally work till, like, noon, and then we go to the beach. So, like, that's, like, our our that's, like, literally our schedule. Same. Yeah.
Drew Beech:It's, like,
Joey Rosen:just the same.
Kenny Santucci:Dude, I I go to there's a where do you guys go?
Drew Beech:Ocean City. Okay.
Joey Rosen:So I
Joey Rosen:go to, LBI.
Kenny Santucci:Alright. So I we go down to, like, Wildwood, Cape May area.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:Uh-huh. Oh,
Kenny Santucci:really? Yeah. All every year.
Joey Rosen:You will
Drew Beech:be a Wyewood guy. Italian.
Kenny Santucci:I mean, I'm white trash. Yeah. So I gotta go to Wyewood. They were
Drew Beech:Wyewood Crest or why Wyewood Crest.
Kenny Santucci:So we'll say Crest, but, like, I dude, I love Cape May. It is, like, my favorite part of the world. Like, I wanna fucking die in Cape May. Yeah. And We'll make sure
Joey Rosen:we spread you around now.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Make sure we spread
Joey Rosen:the acid
Kenny Santucci:here. So I always go to that Attila's gym. Yeah. Yeah. There's a bunch of I think there's 1 Notion City.
Kenny Santucci:Right?
Drew Beech:Yeah. Now there is. I I used to have a short house, like, in college with Ocean Magnolia. Right? Like, at, like, is the A and W repair?
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:So there is.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. But that old fucking Guido who owns that place, the dude with the bald head. Yeah. Dude, I'm in there. He's a gurry every morning banging.
Kenny Santucci:I'm like, yeah. I fucking like, he's like an old school, like, you know, never moved out of the eighties. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Yeah. The pill's legit, dude. Yeah. That's what I got. Gym.
Kenny Santucci:I do. That's the best part of my vacation. Like, if I'm down there for 3, 4 days,
Joey Rosen:it's like,
Kenny Santucci:I'll get up in the morning. I'll go to the gym. I'll lift for, like, an hour or 2 because now I'm like, oh, fuck. I don't have to be bothered. Like, even in my gym, it's like, Ken, could you help me with this?
Kenny Santucci:Ken, could you do this? But I'm like, I'm cleaning up after people and shit. So now I'm in somebody else's gym
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:And I can work out for a couple hours, and then I go home and I'll work.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Like, do some shit on my phone and stuff. But, like Yeah. Even on vacation, I'm like, why am I gonna stop? Yeah. You know?
Joey Rosen:Yeah. I feel like, you know, body emotion needs to stay in motion.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:You can't like, I I don't wanna stop the train, dude. I'm careening down the tracks, full head of steam. Like, we're we're gonna keep going. Yeah. Let me ask you a question.
Joey Rosen:When you we were talking about this earlier too. When you do, you obviously you're a hard worker. Right? You're one of us. You're putting in work every single day, but do you still have a feeling that you need to do more?
Joey Rosen:Oh, my god.
Kenny Santucci:Do you
Joey Rosen:still have that feeling like I haven't worked hard enough?
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Every day, I'm like man. I I even look at my gym. I'm like, how do I fill the holes where, like, there's not other people here? Like, what can I do to fill this hole?
Kenny Santucci:And I'm it's the same thing with me. I'm like, if I'm not at the gym by, like, 6 AM, I'm like, fuck. I fucked up. Yep. Like, I'm missing that hour.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:So, yeah, I think high standards. Yeah. You know
Joey Rosen:what I mean?
Kenny Santucci:I think
Joey Rosen:about it.
Joey Rosen:Standards, continuous improvement. You know?
Kenny Santucci:And I never I'm never always like, oh, what what could everybody else be doing? I'm like, what can I what how do I improve this?
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:How do I move the needle forward? How could I inspire more people? Yeah.
Drew Beech:The needle there. Another another thing recurring.
Joey Rosen:Another reference. Yeah.
Drew Beech:That's an attribute of leaders, though. Right? It's not Yep. Like, you you mentioned you're not doing what everyone else can be doing, but if you're there setting a strong example
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Drew Beech:And leading from the front, you don't have that because in my previous life and experiencing other work environments, like, not having good leaders, they're looking at their peers or employees thinking, like, micro micromanaging, microanalyzing.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. I
Drew Beech:mean, it was weird. Just focus on how can I improve that? How can I improve the lives of those around me and Mhmm? And turn and naturally building a better experience.
Kenny Santucci:Well, I, yeah, I always think, like, how could I burn brighter so that other people around me are, like, feeling the heat? Absolutely.
Drew Beech:Right? I like that.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. So I'm like, alright. What do what do I need to do where people are like, oh, I need to get on this motherfucker's off. Yeah. And I wanna be around him
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:And, like, push forward with him. You know?
Joey Rosen:I I I love that analogy. Like, the lighthouse analogies out there a lot. You know what I mean? You wanna you wanna draw people to you and be like, but I love that. Like, how can I burn hotter?
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You know what
Joey Rosen:I mean? Not only to attract people towards me, but light a fire under there has to be better too.
Kenny Santucci:For sure.
Joey Rosen:You know what I mean? Yeah. I owe some money to the bucket. I curse in the
Drew Beech:election too. In debt with the phone.
Joey Rosen:No. We Kenny's been,
Drew Beech:he's been absolved. Okay.
Joey Rosen:This is this this year's
Kenny Santucci:This is a curse bucket?
Joey Rosen:Yeah. My former, chalk bucket from my power lifting days is now called the f it bucket.
Joey Rosen:Okay.
Kenny Santucci:And it
Joey Rosen:rhymes if you're gonna say it. You know what I mean? The the the curse word. And, every time we curse, we put money in the bucket and it goes to Consequence of Habit, which is our nonprofit partner.
Drew Beech:So The reason for doing so is we had a a community member write in saying how, like, she listens to the podcast with her kids in the car. And when Joey got that email, it was like that.
Joey Rosen:It was like a really it was a really heartfelt email about how the show is helping her navigate some difficult situations in her life. And just in passing, she was like, oh, I listened to it when I dropped my kids off at school in the morning. And I'm like, here I am, like, you know, like, running off at the bath. You You can do whatever
Kenny Santucci:you want, but for me,
Drew Beech:I just gotta get out
Kenny Santucci:of the bath. This episode. Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Skip this one.
Kenny Santucci:Skip it. But even I mean, I'm I have kids in my gym all the time. Like, I obviously, like, when you live in New York or somewhere, you know, a big city, there's you don't always have childcare available. So I'm always like, yeah. Bring the kid to the gym.
Kenny Santucci:We have dogs there, everything. Right? I love it. I but I'm dropping f bombs all the time, and everybody's like, there's kids in the room. I'm like, alright.
Kenny Santucci:This won't be the first or last time that
Drew Beech:I would
Kenny Santucci:that's how I
Joey Rosen:Like, my girls, like, my daughters Yeah. Like, they they know every swear in the book because they hear me say it.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:And I I'm like, I don't care.
Kenny Santucci:Like Yeah.
Joey Rosen:They know not to say it.
Kenny Santucci:Of shit that they're getting fed.
Drew Beech:Exactly. That's
Kenny Santucci:the least.
Drew Beech:Listen. Are we going to the school system
Joey Rosen:next? I know this sounds crazy, but I would rather them hear it from me Yeah. And understand the context. And when you can't use it, then some, like, random kid that they go to school would say, and then all of a sudden they'd be like, oh, that kid's cool or whatever.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:You know? Yep. Like, yeah.
Drew Beech:I agree. Same thing. I I just like her I say everything, but I tell him, our role is only with the boys. So, like Okay. That's I like that.
Drew Beech:We know it's like, I gotta go to school and, like Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Don't be doing it.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I like that. So we we and this is great.
Joey Rosen:We're having a great conversation. Let's bring it back a little bit. So you graduated high school, right, very differently than you went in. Mhmm. And then what happens what happens next after after after
Kenny Santucci:after after? College and you know what? I when I look back, I'm like, I just wish I had a little bit better guidance to be like, hey. You could go do whatever you want. Right?
Kenny Santucci:Like, if I have kids, I'm gonna be like, you within reason, you know, and guiding them to help them, like, do this thing because my family and no, nothing against them. I mean, those were the times. That's what life was like at that point.
Joey Rosen:Exactly.
Kenny Santucci:They were like, go become a fireman or a cop or a school teacher or get a good job where you have a pension. So I went to school with that mentality. And I was just saying to somebody the other day, you're you're seeing these high school, college kids who are making 1,000,000 of dollars now Yep. On, like, social media and, you know, OnlyFans and all this bullshit. In my twenties, I didn't know I still don't know that many people who have 1,000,000 of dollars.
Kenny Santucci:Right? Like, nobody when we were growing up had money to burn.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:Right? Like, you see all these girls jumping on Lamborghinis and shipping, like, oh, this is my car. I didn't know anybody wore a Lamborghini. I had one buddy who had a Ferrari. The guy was, like, 40 years old or something.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. But and he worked in insurance. He was, like, selling insurance or something. Mhmm. But he was the only guy, and he was on a wait list for for, like, 3 years.
Kenny Santucci:Now you see all these young kids with Lamborghinis and Ferraris and stuff, like $400,000 cars. It's crazy. So I went into I went into college. I wrestled in college.
Joey Rosen:Oh.
Kenny Santucci:I went to, Montclair State.
Drew Beech:Did you wrestle all 4 years in high school?
Kenny Santucci:All 4 years in high school. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Okay. Yeah. So you were, like, you got the high school I
Kenny Santucci:was a high school stud college dud for sure. Really? I got my fucking ass in.
Drew Beech:Yeah. So even as a 200 30, £240 kid, you were an athletically built one.
Kenny Santucci:No. I wasn't really that I've dude, I've never because
Drew Beech:there's some big gods that can do it with some athletics.
Kenny Santucci:So Yeah. No.
Joey Rosen:Oh, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:I've never been I've never been gifted at anything. Like, I had to work my ass off. So when I got to, when I got to college, it was just, like, a grind. It was like having I had a full time job at the time I was working at Port Newark. I was wrestling.
Kenny Santucci:I was going to college. I was, you know, couldn't do enough. I was working at a bar, you know, 2, 3 nights a week. So I was doing everything and anything I could. I was like, if I wanna make a better life for myself, it's never my family had nothing.
Kenny Santucci:You know? My my dad declared bankruptcy twice
Drew Beech:Oh, really?
Joey Rosen:When we
Kenny Santucci:were kids. Yeah. So we you know, I didn't we didn't have much. So I was like, I gotta just start working. I got I start I got my first job when I was, like, 12, 13 years old.
Joey Rosen:Same, man. Same. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:So then in college, I went to school for art and design. You know? I didn't even know what the fuck I was gonna do. I was maybe gonna go and, you know, be a teacher or something. Then all through college, I was like, alright.
Kenny Santucci:I'll just keep this job that I have at the port.
Joey Rosen:What were you doing at the port?
Kenny Santucci:I was I was a checker at the port. So it was a it was a good job. Okay. You know, at all the all the bullshit that my parents wanted me to have, I hated it. It was miserable.
Kenny Santucci:I used to sit at my desk with, like, a pen being, like, I rather jab this in my fucking head than sit here an hour longer. But I was dating this girl at the time. She was like, hey. Let's go try out for this MTV show. Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:One thing leads to another and, you know, I graduated in May of 2 2005.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:And then I was on my first show in September 2005. So 3, 4 months after I graduated, I was on television. And I honestly thought I was like, oh, do go do this one show, you know, as a college athlete at the time. And I'm like, unless some other college athlete shows up, I I should be able to win this thing because they were like, hey. You could win this money on it.
Kenny Santucci:It was, like, one of the challenges and shit. So I'm like, alright. Nobody's gonna ever gonna offer me $250,000 ever again to do anything, so I might as well take this. So I left. I I started doing that shit, and I got wrapped up in the TV shift for 10 years.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know? And I was doing that for a while, but, I there were points in my life and when I was in college, I'm like, well, maybe I should go and be a trainer because I love being in the gym every day, or maybe I should go and join the military because I've just always admired that. My dad was in the marines. My grandfather was in, in the air force. So I'm, like, I should just go and do this.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. And then all the TV shit kinda just took over my life. And thank god I graduated when I did because I would've never went back
Joey Rosen:Yeah. If I
Kenny Santucci:woulda got on TV and then go sit in a a classroom for a few hours a day. Sure.
Drew Beech:You know?
Joey Rosen:So for for everybody that's watching, listening to TV stuff, what exactly is the TV stuff?
Kenny Santucci:So I got on shows? What So I got on MTV, the challenge in 2005. Mhmm. And then from there, I started it just snowballed, and I just kept doing shows.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:And
Kenny Santucci:then I got lucky enough. I would do, like, some commercial work with them, and I was doing, I did some hosting. I hosted a a show on with the Jersey Shore. I hosted a show. And this is, like, before podcasting was
Joey Rosen:a thing.
Kenny Santucci:I mean, this was, like, 2,007, 2,008. So I started doing a lot of that. I had a show on it, on MTV Geek, which is, like, the, it was, like, the alternative stuff. It was all the Comic Con and all that shit.
Joey Rosen:Okay. Gotcha.
Joey Rosen:So I
Kenny Santucci:was doing that stuff. So I really I enjoyed some of that stuff. Like but it was like the heavy up and waking. The beauty of, like, podcasting, why so many people do it now, it's like you set up some cameras and you do what you need to
Joey Rosen:do.
Kenny Santucci:Whereas, like, at that point, it's like you're waiting for lighting and all this stuff. It was, like, the hurry up and wait game. So it's,
Joey Rosen:like,
Kenny Santucci:all day long shoots.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. You know?
Drew Beech:And then you gotta wait for them to come out. Right? What? You have you have to wait for them to come out.
Kenny Santucci:Out. Yeah. Yeah. And it was a a a huge production. There would be 12 people there.
Drew Beech:Sure.
Kenny Santucci:You know? Sure. Sure. You know, but during that time, I was just like, I love being in the gym. I always said if I wasn't sitting here doing this, where would I be?
Kenny Santucci:I was like, I'd be in the gym. So that's when I got you know, it was probably around 2,009, 2010, then I got my first job in the gym. Mhmm. You know, just training people. And I had a buddy of mine I went to college with who we wrestled, in the semifinals of the regions against each other.
Kenny Santucci:He ended up taking 3rd in the state. Savage of an athlete.
Joey Rosen:K.
Kenny Santucci:Great wrestler. His dad was a wrestler, though. His dad owned a wrestling school. So this guy was, like, bread for the shit. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know? My parents were home eating fucking Bill Melanese and shit.
Joey Rosen:This guy's
Kenny Santucci:funny. This guy's up all night doing fucking, you
Drew Beech:know Double penetration test.
Kenny Santucci:Leg. Yeah. Two pounds and shit. So we, you know, at that point, he was like, he had gained a bunch of weight. He went to law school.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:And he's like, hey. He's like, could you get me in shape? Because I was working at this point in college and, you know, when I got on the show and stuff, I was working out all the time. I was looking for trainers everywhere. I'm like, I need to get in the best shape.
Kenny Santucci:I'm going on another show. I'm gonna be on national television. Yeah. I gotta get fucking checked. So I was doing power lifting.
Kenny Santucci:That's when I found CrossFit that, you know, all this shit. It was, like, 2008, 2009, 2010. I was looking for anything. I got into endurance training. I was doing, you know, 15, 20 mile runs on the weekend.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You know? I was doing all this shit. So that's why, like, when I was doing the competitions on the on TV and stuff, everything, dude, you're really good at, like, long distance running. But it was yes.
Kenny Santucci:I was working at it, but it just came natural to me.
Joey Rosen:Sure.
Kenny Santucci:I was never that strong of a guy. I've never been that strong, but it's like, if you were, like, yeah, run from here back to Jersey, I'd be like, alright. Yeah. I can do that. Because it's just it's more of a mindset.
Kenny Santucci:It's will. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:I was kinda the same way. Like, I was never the strongest
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:But, like, my will was there. Yeah. So you could, like, ask me to ride. I actually rode from the Ben Franklin Bridge to Cape May
Kenny Santucci:Holy shit.
Joey Rosen:Miles, 85 miles or something on dude, on a mountain bike. I'll never forget. It was it was a a ride. You know? Yeah.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Or whatever.
Joey Rosen:It was, I think it was for ACS, American Cancer Society, whatever. And my dad had this because my dad's an absolute savage. He had a, a mountain bike that he bought to ride from our house to work. One day, he was just like, I'm not driving anymore. We're, like, ride a bike from Fox Chase to, like, Port Richmond.
Joey Rosen:Oh, okay. But he bought he bought a mountain bike. The tires on the thing were like this, like, knobby. Like, it's not a road bike. Right?
Joey Rosen:So when I did this this first ride, I was like, buy my dad's mountain bike. And I rode it on a mountain bike, but the wheel was there.
Joey Rosen:You know
Joey Rosen:what I mean? That's a
Kenny Santucci:Dude, that the mindset to go and do something like that, I was at the, so I'm working with the guys from TRX right now on a couple of different projects, and they, the guy who now owns it is, like, the biggest donor and, like, runs a Navy Seal Foundation.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:So I'm sitting at the Navy Seal Foundation dinner in New York with this dude who, every morning, he rides his bike from Westchester down to the financial district every day, 30 miles down, 30 miles back. And I'm like, dude, I go, what do you do when it rains it? He I still ride the bike.
Joey Rosen:I ride the bike.
Kenny Santucci:I'm like, this fucking guy. You're on a different level, dude.
Drew Beech:Again, this is another interesting thing that's, coming full circle, but we were just talking earlier that people like us or the few that are just cut from a different cloth, like, are willing to die. Like, we're just starting fuel hunt and I prolonged fasting is something I do every once in a while. But my first 5 day fast, I never fasted before in my life. I told him, man, that was well, you're gonna take me to the hospital before I break this fast. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Like, I'll literally I'm willing to die before I Yeah. Quit on myself. Right?
Kenny Santucci:You guys are probably around a lot of people like this. I mean, do you do you tend to see that most of the people who are willing to do this shit, like, the way we are Yep. Come from basically nothing. Like, you have to have the will to win. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Right? Because if you're given an an easy life and a good life and have everything you've ever wanted, I don't think you're as willing to work as hard.
Joey Rosen:No. I think that there's a proportion. It it's directly proportionate. Right? Like, comfort and, like, your your craziness.
Joey Rosen:Basically, like, your will to do Yeah. You know, wild stuff. Yeah. It's definitely
Drew Beech:It's almost like a level of of adversity had to have been Yeah. Achieved at some point in your life to get you to this point. Like, we had the weight loss journey
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:And things like that. But that's one thing I struggle with with my son as he comes home from his school in suburban PA to a family that loves each other. Like, we have it's all love in our house. Mhmm. And he isn't he's never gonna worry about where his next meal is coming from.
Drew Beech:And it's like I have to manufacture I'm like, I told him, man, I was like, I gotta manufacture adversity in this kid's life. Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:So I
Drew Beech:could do some hard workouts, maybe get the ice baths, things like that. But, like, that's my biggest fear is I raise this entitled prick. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:That's it is the truth even with and with when you have daughters, it's like a whole another And
Kenny Santucci:that's even harder because you're you're like, well, I I have to take care of that. With a little boy, you're like, I wanna make him tough. Yeah. You know, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him just to, you know, give him a hard life.
Joey Rosen:Well, you have to manufacture the the the chaos in the heart because, otherwise, they're gonna grow up coddled. Yeah. And they're gonna expect to let everything should be comfortable.
Kenny Santucci:And now for a bunch of guys who didn't have anything Yep. And now it's like, alright. I have this. But, like, how do I distribute it just a little bit at a time so they get it? Because we were always like, alright.
Kenny Santucci:We we gotta build so that we could take care of everybody, but it's like you don't wanna take care of everybody too much to the point
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:That they're, like, spoiled a little after.
Drew Beech:It's like employees and stuff too. Right? Like, you gotta make them still Oh, yeah. Want to work hard.
Joey Rosen:We have, like, my my daughters and I have, like, a little mantra that we say. And, like, one of the parts of the mantra we say before bedtime, like, you know, I'm strong, I'm smart, like, all these things, like, just to build our confidence and get their mind right. And one of them is, like, the goal is to be independence, to be self reliant. You know what I mean? To be resourceful.
Joey Rosen:And when you see a challenge, take on the challenge.
Joey Rosen:You know,
Joey Rosen:like, these are, like, the mindset things that I'm trying to instill in them in addition to manufacturing some adversity. You know?
Drew Beech:I listen to a podcast, Ben Greenfield, one of the guy the health guys I like. Yeah. This woman on who she just would just drop I don't know if you guys heard of this. She would just drop her kid off or, like, 6, 7, 8 year old in New York and be like, find your way home. And it it was like, oh, you found your way.
Drew Beech:So That's like and she now she's like teaching other people how to do this. Like, that's her job now.
Kenny Santucci:That's crazy. That's fucking crazy because then you're like, I don't want some fucking wacko such as
Joey Rosen:a kid. I do that on a smaller scale, though. Really? Yeah. I do.
Joey Rosen:Like, when we if we walk home from school or if, you know, I take them out and we walk home, like, I live in Center City, Philly, so it's we're walking all over the place. Right? I have them lead me back and I have them lead me different ways back. Or I'll take them some way and I'll stop and I'll say, okay.
Kenny Santucci:How would
Joey Rosen:you get back home and I let them lead?
Joey Rosen:But you're
Joey Rosen:Or, like, I send them in the store. Yeah. But I'm there. Now I'm a I'm a half a block be I'm I'm a half block behind, but I'm there. You know what I mean?
Joey Rosen:Or I like, if we we're going to the coffee shop, I send them in. I stay outside across the across the street on the other corner. I give them the money and I say, okay. You're gonna go in. Now my daughter's 6.
Joey Rosen:Like, actually, she was 5 when I started this. So imagine a 5 year old with a 20 Yeah. Walking in a coffee shop, ordering an espresso and a chocolate milk. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Joey Rosen:Like, I'm like, I I try to put that in there, that type of adversity.
Drew Beech:No. You definitely like
Joey Rosen:it in the past.
Drew Beech:For sure. You just remind me of a story. My dad my dad apparently was doing a great thing. We went to he his old neighborhood was Bertrand Pratt, like, listen to me.
Joey Rosen:Alright? That's yay.
Drew Beech:Yeah. And, he we were planning to play around there. I I had, like, severe anxiety as a kid
Joey Rosen:probably from my parents' brutal
Drew Beech:divorce, but besides the fact and I was like, dad, I want, like, a Gatorade. And he's like, there's 711, like, 5 blocks away. Like, go get 1.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:And I was like, me? Like, go get one? He's like, yeah. So little I know he was following me in his car, like, but, like Yeah. But I was walking through Britain Pratt, like, a hood around here.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. It's just tough. Hey.
Drew Beech:And I'm, like, scared shitless. Yo. That 711, it got blown up the next day. Like, literally got shit out of a bottle top cocktail.
Kenny Santucci:Him in? Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Okay.
Joey Rosen:I was just gonna say,
Drew Beech:because we were
Kenny Santucci:The crime that happens in Philly, like, doesn't get reported.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Like, I
Kenny Santucci:was just driving around here. I'm like, holy fuck. This town is hard.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. You're in a you're in a gritty like, you're in a Yeah. An area to city is very authentic to what Fuhrman is. Like, very gritty, very scrappy.
Kenny Santucci:This is just close to, like, 3rd world poverty. That's what everyone comes in. They're like,
Drew Beech:oh my god. Your building is amazing. I'm like, yeah. It's, like, great. You just gotta risk your life to get in the front door.
Joey Rosen:Forget. We had I had, community members in. It was, like, probably the 1st year we were here. I had them come in. It was, like, on a Sunday.
Joey Rosen:They were down visiting or whatever, and there's literally a guy dead on the corner up up here.
Kenny Santucci:Holy shit. Like,
Joey Rosen:dude, dead and, like, dead, like, somebody had just found him and, like, the cops weren't even here yet. He was dead as doornail, and they drove by and they're, like, oh my god. Like, I think there was a guy dead on the corner. I was like, no. No.
Joey Rosen:No. No. He was going by. I worked in a funeral home for years. I went by.
Joey Rosen:I was like, dude, I I bet.
Kenny Santucci:Uh-huh. Where do you guys find most of your community members are from? All over?
Drew Beech:All over, dude. Yeah. Our first one of our first orders ever was in South Africa.
Joey Rosen:That's wild.
Joey Rosen:Oh, shit.
Drew Beech:So, like, one of the first one of the first orders to ever come through our Yeah. Our Shopify.
Joey Rosen:Global for sure. I think, like, in the US, it's Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, New York, and California.
Kenny Santucci:Really? Yeah. That's fun. That's
Drew Beech:You bring up that about Philly, but, I mean, I I've been in New York a handful of times. I just it's also a different level of crazy there.
Kenny Santucci:Oh my god. Yeah. Dude, it's
Drew Beech:Like, but not even like a crime thing. It was, like, it's, like, a it's, like, crazy.
Kenny Santucci:Homeless, drug addict.
Drew Beech:And it's, like, so fast paced and everything.
Kenny Santucci:It's almost like we we have we have rich homeless people. Right? The other day, I swear as Christ hangs on the cross, there was a guy sitting with, like, look what looked like a brand new blanket with his computer set up. His phone was here sitting on the street with all the shit plugged into, like, one of those Wow. Machines.
Joey Rosen:Oh.
Kenny Santucci:And he's, like, on his computer, like, actually doing work. And I'm like damn
Joey Rosen:Tell me your story, man.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I don't get what's going on. You got a a new computer. You can't be homeless.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Who's paying this fucking bill? Dude, I'm I'm Like, where are you pulling Internet from?
Drew Beech:It's probably,
Joey Rosen:Well, he's got the charging station. Getting a plug in. He's got a hot shit.
Joey Rosen:Gonna say.
Kenny Santucci:He's got a hot spot.
Drew Beech:There's the videos that people, like, getting out of, like, their fancy cars to go be home, like, dressing up. Yeah. Most people do that.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. People are fucked up.
Joey Rosen:Yeah, dude. Yeah, man. So, we, let's before I do this, you have any other questions? You have anything you wanna cover? I wanna tell a funny story.
Drew Beech:Yeah.
Joey Rosen:So I don't watch much TV, man. Yeah. So, like, the first time that we met or at least we were in the same we were in the same general vicinity. I think it may have been for flawless thing, maybe.
Drew Beech:Well, alright. So You
Joey Rosen:guys met it.
Drew Beech:I met Kenny at the CrossFit Games. CrossFit Games. We were Fit Aid. Yeah. And Kenny was just like, dude, he was so fucking fun to be around that that that weekend.
Drew Beech:Like, I was we were just having a blast today. And and Fiddlers, like, a party.
Kenny Santucci:They were the best.
Drew Beech:They they have fun when they go to this thing. Yeah. But we connected there and just, like, kinda, like, stayed in touch.
Kenny Santucci:What happened was because we yeah. We stayed in touch. We were bullshitting, and then you guys were open in the gym here.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:But I had liked a bunch of your guys' stuff, and then I ordered something.
Joey Rosen:Uh-huh.
Kenny Santucci:And then you were like, oh, thanks for the support. And I go, oh, what do you work for these guys or something? He said, no. I own it. I go, get the fuck out of here.
Kenny Santucci:I was like, you own it?
Joey Rosen:Yeah. I'm gonna work.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I was like
Drew Beech:Dude, that's Dude, congrats. I fucking love the brand, man.
Kenny Santucci:Because I kept, like, reposting shit. Yeah. And I bought stuff, and I was like, I didn't know that you guys were behind.
Drew Beech:I remember I remember him now that I he mentions. I remember him being like, having that conversation with him. Yeah. But that's how a lot of our
Joey Rosen:Yeah. It's like It's organic.
Drew Beech:People even, like, of influence. Right? Like yourself, like, start like, their customers, and then they were like, oh, thanks for ordering. And it like, even beta is our starter.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. From your friend
Drew Beech:Dude, dude,
Kenny Santucci:I I see so many of my buddy, like, Jay Faruja and Luca and those guys. Like, they're all guys I've I've been friends with but admired for a long time and I'm like, when I see them wearing your stuff, I'm like, oh my, god. Like, there's something to this brand that it's, like, pulling in these type of people. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. I mean, it's it's a lifestyle. It's a mindset. The rules are the few. I met Jay at BK live.
Kenny Santucci:Okay.
Joey Rosen:And we went out to like, we hit it off immediately. Like, he's a hip hop guy. I'm a hip hop guy.
Kenny Santucci:I literally talk to him
Joey Rosen:I talk to him every day, dude. Yeah. So I mentioned I forget, I forget what I said. I was like, oh, yeah. You know, I'm on my way to I was on your my way to your expo.
Joey Rosen:I mentioned you. I was like, oh, yeah. I'm on my way to sex. Kenny puts you on blah blah blah. And he was like, oh, yeah.
Joey Rosen:Like, we're boys. Like, I love Kenny. Yeah. I was like, this all makes sense. You know?
Joey Rosen:It's like you said, it's pulling everybody
Kenny Santucci:everybody. You're pulling in a lot of good people. Yeah. I I was watching a a video the other day, and somebody was wearing one of the shirts, and
Joey Rosen:I'm like,
Kenny Santucci:it's it's like everywhere now. It's sick. They love it.
Joey Rosen:Wow. The plan is to continue Yeah. Yeah. Continue domination.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah. No. I I think because, Right? And somebody was asking me the other day.
Kenny Santucci:They're like, oh, how do you build a brand? I'm like, well, you have to live it. You have to believe it. Right? You guys aren't just writing cool shit on T shirts and hoping people buy them.
Kenny Santucci:This is something you really believe. Mhmm. You know? This is how you live your lives.
Joey Rosen:This is
Kenny Santucci:how you raise your families.
Joey Rosen:And and everything on those shirts is also how we've built this and
Kenny Santucci:how we've gotten here. You know
Joey Rosen:what I mean? So it's like
Kenny Santucci:It's a press. Life, man.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. You know?
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You can't like, people are always like, oh, would you, would you ever move out of New York? I go, how do I fucking move out of New York owning a brand that's that's called Strong
Joey Rosen:New York? Uh-huh.
Kenny Santucci:Right? I go, this is where I'm at.
Joey Rosen:This
Kenny Santucci:I'm kind of fucking glued here
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know, till I figure something else out. Yeah. For sure.
Drew Beech:Well, thankfully for me,
Joey Rosen:we don't
Drew Beech:we're not a few on Philly. So
Joey Rosen:Yeah. I know. But you know
Kenny Santucci:my city, man. I'm surprised you don't I don't think I've ever seen you guys put Philly on anything.
Drew Beech:No. Just the one the one, the hard work House of Hard Work shirt.
Kenny Santucci:And, like,
Joey Rosen:our fightees for
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. You know, our guy. Because, like, having that, like, Philadelphia kind of We got some
Joey Rosen:We We got some cooking.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:We got some cooking.
Joey Rosen:A lot
Drew Beech:of, like, old school brands, like like, the like the 100 or even, like, usually use, like, LA, like, the originators of the space. But
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Drew Beech:They use, like, these Los Angeles on things a lot, like, stuff. So, I mean, that we're definitely interested in doing something.
Joey Rosen:We got something cooking. That's a great thing. Like, we have the community is so large now. We have really great relationships with community members
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Joey Rosen:Like yourself. Right? And, like, other really gritty cities. So we're we're putting together a little
Kenny Santucci:something, man.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Putting together a little something. Yeah. So let's, let's bring this in for a landing, man. It's a great conversation.
Joey Rosen:2 things. What do you got, upcoming that you're working on that you wanna tell the community about? And then, obviously, where can they find you?
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. So Strong New York will be on October 5th this year. Hopefully, you could get your boys there.
Drew Beech:I would then
Joey Rosen:I'll be there.
Kenny Santucci:And, you know, we wanna kinda push the jiu jitsu thing a little bit bigger this year. We're gonna do a full, like, kinda lifting competition. So we'll have, like, amateurs. Like, basically, anybody could come and lift. I got this gym in, the city called Tonet House.
Kenny Santucci:Mhmm. So they're running, like, a lifting seminar, and then we're gonna try to do, like, a high level, you know, more like pro athlete Mhmm. Lifting session
Joey Rosen:Nice.
Kenny Santucci:There as well. I got some retired Navy SEALs coming in. We're gonna do some workouts with, like, TRX and stuff. We're gonna bring back the World's Strongest Man. We're bringing back, Owen Roddy, who's Conor McGregor's coach.
Kenny Santucci:So we're I wanna build He was
Joey Rosen:there to at last Saturday.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. So I wanna build, up this, like, experience side, like, where you could go and you could work with the best of the best
Joey Rosen:I love that.
Kenny Santucci:At this one day event. Obviously, the cold plumbing is soft, getting great speakers in there.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:So we're gonna try to blow it up, get, like, 5,000 people this year. We got some really fucking great brands that have reached out who are helping us, like, build it out. We're working with, we had just talked to, like, Gymshark and a couple big brands, so we're excited about a lot of the people who are coming on board. And then find organically, like, last minute, like, Jim Kwik had hit us up who spoke last year. So I'm looking for those people who are just gonna come out of woodwork and be like, oh, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:We wanna get involved in this. And we have a couple, that we've spoken to, so I'm excited about that. And then, we'll we'll do, like, 2 or 3 smaller events leading up to that.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:So this year at the See Here Now Festival
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:Springsteen's the, the headliner.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Joey Rosen:So I'm
Kenny Santucci:like, alright. Springsteen in Asbury Park. The guy is 73 years old to 74 years old. That's crazy. Doesn't have much fucking time left.
Kenny Santucci:I wanna do so a buddy of mine has a gym, right around there.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:So we're gonna do this, like, gym takeover
Joey Rosen:Nice.
Kenny Santucci:And, you know, do this whole, like, kind of Jersey Shore fitness workout thing with a couple brands. So and that'll be, like, right before the event. So we got a couple, like, smaller events that we're leading up to. And then I've just been dumping a lot into the, the branding and stuff. Just
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:The event is the culmination of, like, all this stuff, but, like, I've like I said, I went to school for art and design. I love it, you know, and I love collaborating with, like, different artists. I a lot of stuff I am like, oh, I really like this. Let me find an artist who does it this way.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:But even, like, the stuff that you guys have given us, like, the other day, somebody had the shirt on that you guys did for us last year.
Joey Rosen:Yep.
Kenny Santucci:And I love seeing that. It's like, alright. This is so cool.
Drew Beech:That's what I was saying. Like, the strong New York, like, gear is just so is, like, fucking dope.
Kenny Santucci:It is dope.
Joey Rosen:It's It's dope.
Drew Beech:It's real streetwear. Like, it's like, it's not something you're gonna get from your gym and just, like, wear because it's
Kenny Santucci:your gym. And that's what I didn't want
Drew Beech:it to be. Shit.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I'm like, no. I I admire what you guys have done, and people are always like, oh, you I wear the same shit. Like, I wear your guys' stuff. I wear my shit, and there's, like, 2 or 3 other brands that I support, but I'm always in T shirts
Drew Beech:and, you
Kenny Santucci:know, jeans or shorts or something like that.
Drew Beech:One thing I wanna mention for those listen listening and that aren't familiar with the Strong Festival, Strong Expo
Kenny Santucci:Yeah.
Drew Beech:It is electric there. They haven't been there. It's like, if you are into health and or fitness Yeah. Like, it's an amazing day.
Kenny Santucci:That's how I always felt about it. Like, I go to everything. FIBO, the LA Fit Expo, the Arnold Classic, everything. And I'm just like, oh, this is so cool that you have all this fitness shit under one roof. And I go, there's nothing in the northeast.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:It's so easy. So if you live in, like, Philly, Boston, New York, New Jersey, Long Island, it's so easy to get there. Like, I took a train down here. If I didn't miss my stop, I could
Drew Beech:get there
Kenny Santucci:an hour and 20 minutes. You know? But it's like, you could drive into New York.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:You know, spend the day, eat healthy food, work out with some great people, meet really cool brands. Like, there's it's the only time you'll get
Drew Beech:all these people. Sneakers too.
Joey Rosen:Great speakers. It was absolutely like
Drew Beech:Think of anything. I'll do there's a hand in the house. So, like, all the best foods and drinks, like, they're just like, oh, take it. Take it.
Kenny Santucci:Take it. Yeah. That's what I wanted. Like, I wanted something that, like, I would I'd be like, oh, for a $100, I'll go and, like, hang out at this all day. Because think about it this way.
Kenny Santucci:You go to Comic Con will get 300,000 people.
Drew Beech:Yeah. That is insane.
Joey Rosen:Wild, dude.
Joey Rosen:Let me
Kenny Santucci:tell you something. At the Javits Center, there is nothing to fucking eat. You have this massive space, and all they're serving is, like, buttered popcorn, pretzels, all the shit. I go imagine coming to an event where it's like you're learning how to live a better life. Mhmm.
Kenny Santucci:You're learning how to, you know, make yourself a little bit better than you were.
Joey Rosen:People that are doing the same thing. Right? You're Yeah. Being supplied with the food and the products Everything. To help do the same thing.
Kenny Santucci:And we cut out all the noise and all the bullshit because it's like now we have all the top experts teaching you how to eat, how to live, how to work, how to work harder.
Drew Beech:It was high vibrations there too. Like, it's it's pop it's popping there.
Kenny Santucci:Oh, yeah.
Joey Rosen:On 5th October, you said is, the next one. Is it gonna be at the Glass House? Yeah. Okay.
Kenny Santucci:So we'll be back at the Glass House, and we're taking that over. And then, you know, we'll have, like, free workouts for anybody who's like, oh, I can't afford to come. It's like, alright. Well, great. We'll have 2 free workouts.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:We'll have some free shit to give away outside. But, like, when you come inside, it's gonna be just an all day
Joey Rosen:like, an event bigger, focus on jujitsu. Yeah. Just go around here.
Kenny Santucci:Like, I I just I've just fallen in love with the sport, and I think, like, if I ever had kids, it's, like, the first thing I would throw them into.
Drew Beech:Yeah. For sure.
Kenny Santucci:Because it teaches them how to lose. It teaches them how to win. It teaches them to be humble. Check the ego. Be humble.
Drew Beech:To be able to defend themselves too.
Kenny Santucci:To yeah. I mean, they're they're to me, the the only downside like, even the other day, I'm like, fuck. Fuck. I don't wanna go. Like, I'm just gonna get my ass kicked.
Kenny Santucci:And then I'm, like, an hour and a half in, and I'm like, fuck. I could use another half hour.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah. So
Drew Beech:Exactly. And I'm my son's pretty deep into it now, like, training about a year, and he's learned so much. And he's already even done, like, competitions and and and won and lost.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. You know
Drew Beech:what I mean? So, like and the losing competition under the lights, like, that crushes you, especially for a kid that's wet behind the ears and still learning. Like, the winning was great, but the like, he will learn more from the the loss, obviously.
Kenny Santucci:100%. Whatever he
Drew Beech:lose from there.
Kenny Santucci:No. I I mean, I I just did another competition a couple of weeks ago.
Joey Rosen:Gold, bro.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I was not expecting that.
Kenny Santucci:Uh-huh. Because there was, like, 3 guys. I'm like, this fucking guy's gonna tear my head off.
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:And I end up winning. I was like, alright. That was pretty good.
Drew Beech:Do you do wrestling at all?
Kenny Santucci:Or Yeah. I mean, I I tend to like, I don't I don't like being on my back a lot. Yeah. And I've been working on that a lot. I was actually just with a a guy yesterday who's, like, a world champion who's, you know, showing me all the shit on my back.
Kenny Santucci:I'm like, shit. I never thought of it like that. So for me, yeah, it's like I try to take down and get side control as fast as possible.
Joey Rosen:I've been under that side control.
Drew Beech:You know what
Joey Rosen:I know what
Joey Rosen:it feels like. I've been under I've been under getting side control.
Kenny Santucci:But but for me, it's, like, that's that's where I go. Yeah. And it's funny because I there's so many guys that I admire within the jiu jitsu space who were, like, okay wrestler, but phenomenal jiu jitsu guys.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Like, I mean, think of the best guys that were, like, Nikki and all these guys. None of them were phenomenal wrestlers, but they're great jujitsu guys.
Drew Beech:Danny, who was you just saw was in here. He's actually, my new coach in at Movement Art. He I saw him yesterday with the this kid that wrestled from 4 years old to, like, state champion.
Joey Rosen:Mhmm.
Drew Beech:And Danny just kinda shut him down. Like, he he didn't he just kinda had his way with the with the role.
Kenny Santucci:No shit. Yeah.
Drew Beech:Like and he's a jutsu guy. Yeah. Yeah. He's actually under Mikey Musameshi.
Kenny Santucci:Dude, that kid's incredible.
Drew Beech:Yeah. He said Mike his exact word there, Mikey makes him feel like a white belt. Really? And this that's he's the best one of the best he's ever seen.
Kenny Santucci:Well, my coach that I train with, you know, 2, 3 times a week. If I'm not in his class, I'm working privately with him. He's awesome. You know, he's a 4th degree black belt. He's been doing it since he was 12 years old.
Kenny Santucci:He's been right off the fucking boat from Brazil. And his coach, is Gregor. Okay. Gracie. And, dude, Gregor beats him up.
Kenny Santucci:Like, he's never done jiu jitsu.
Drew Beech:Like, it's insane. That's great. The
Kenny Santucci:levels of skill
Joey Rosen:I know. They're insane.
Joey Rosen:And he
Drew Beech:and your coach probably makes you feel like
Kenny Santucci:Oh my god. But I don't touch him. Yeah. I it's I feel like I've never done anything.
Joey Rosen:I know.
Kenny Santucci:You know? I'm like, why is this guy who's
Joey Rosen:Completely uncorrelated.
Kenny Santucci:£35 less than me beating the shit out of
Joey Rosen:me.
Drew Beech:The hell is Gregor Gracie now? Like
Kenny Santucci:I mean, he's, what, 39, 40?
Drew Beech:Oh, yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. He's not that you know? But but he's a monster of a fucking guy. Yeah. But there are little guys.
Kenny Santucci:I mean, there's so many times, like, there was a little kid, maybe a month ago. I was rolling with this dude. I'm like, fuck. I feel bad, like, just throwing this fucking guy around because I, like, picked him up and fucking tossed him. Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:Soon as we got to the ground, it I'm I was like, dude, please don't break my fucking ankle.
Drew Beech:That's how it is, dude. I I had the same experience with a guy in my old school. He's a just a smaller person. And I was like I was like, I'm like, for the longest time, I didn't even roll with him because I was like, I don't wanna
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Yeah.
Drew Beech:I wanna crush this guy. I finally did. He literally just had his way with me.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. There was a there's a chick who comes to the gym. She's a fucking savage. She's a purple belt. And they were like, oh, go with her.
Kenny Santucci:I'm like, oh, fuck. Alright. Dude, I'm, like, kinda just going with the flow, and she took my fucking gi and pulled it across my bed. I'm like, I better tap out because Hey. Hey.
Kenny Santucci:You're gonna
Joey Rosen:sleep there.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. I'm gonna fucking post
Drew Beech:it later.
Kenny Santucci:But I love that. I I think it's so important.
Drew Beech:It takes average assuming average looking individuals and just literally makes them ruthless killers.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, like, I one of the best things I ever heard, Dan Hurst had said it. He goes, if you were a good person, jujitsu's gonna make you a good person
Joey Rosen:Yeah.
Kenny Santucci:A better person. He goes, if you're an asshole, it's gonna make you
Joey Rosen:a bigger asshole. Yeah. Absolutely.
Drew Beech:Yeah. Absolutely. That's the truth. Yeah.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Man.
Joey Rosen:We're gonna bring this in. Any other questions? Talk about what you got
Drew Beech:coming up.
Kenny Santucci:Chad Strong New York and Kenny Santucci.
Joey Rosen:Yeah. Both on Instagram. Yeah. That's strong
Joey Rosen:New York
Kenny Santucci:and Kenny Santucci. Crossed. They just actually went again today. We're hopefully open up a bigger gym in New York.
Joey Rosen:That's what I'm talking about.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. So I'm looking at a bigger space. I mean, nothing like this, I would fucking kill that.
Drew Beech:Yeah. An additional space or just a a moving into a bigger space?
Kenny Santucci:Just a bigger space for the existing gym. So, like, right now, I have so I my gym is packed out. I just got 2 new pieces of equipment in there. I have, you know, 7 or 8 coaches that I rent space from. I have 5 of my own coaches.
Kenny Santucci:I have I'm running both businesses, Strong New York and the strength club out of the gym. Yeah. So I'm like, I just need a bigger space, and I found a great space, like, right around the block.
Joey Rosen:Nice.
Kenny Santucci:So fingers crossed they accept the offer, and then I could hopefully move this summer and get settled in before I do the fucking event.
Drew Beech:Yeah. So
Joey Rosen:Sending all the energy your way for that, man.
Kenny Santucci:Yeah. Appreciate it.
Joey Rosen:Thank you for coming in.
Kenny Santucci:Boys, thank you so much.
Joey Rosen:All the support, believing in what we're doing, our mission, our community. Thank you, brother.
Joey Rosen:Means a
Joey Rosen:lot of care.
Joey Rosen:Means a lot of care.
Joey Rosen:Golf club.
Kenny Santucci:No. You guys are I I admire the shit out of you guys. So keep up with
Joey Rosen:this, dude.
Joey Rosen:Likewise. Likewise. I'm gonna leave a few of them in mind, and I'm gonna sign off. Yeah. Always choose hard work over handouts.
Joey Rosen:Always choose effort over entitlement. Remember, no one owns you. No one owes you. You're one of the few. Let's hunt.
Joey Rosen:I
Joey Rosen:love that.
Drew Beech:My bad,
Joey Rosen:dude. Yeah. My bad.